with a verdict of,, Not Gîiîyt" whieti Wreeived wtlth strongnimrks of ai' probaion.Tue court %V'aiiimro*ded f o Mcînayf ov.18. -Ontlî oi.e piiig' of tlie ("uîîrfi IL. J J3ouIîou, Esq. ai'iilied fa bave lTalIX)t,~ - n Sattluî.-. retained iii ctiitti'uly <i il, uin iîidîctîîPeutfreperj-ury rcultd le pru'. ferred agalunSt' hlm n't'uroe 414(lraî' jury, as hý inceiersXsI itl.titiw'-s f intention ut' 111e-crowîîoi'-iui e Talh -'bot. The siefs'(iiîris-It -a order fur Talict's relvats luisid n-i dy becn ivt-il. befîre hi' wns aîr iliat Mr. 1BoIlton hnti'ndeci lii ndiî'a hirm, anîd fuait lie 1liaid Ibei di.-Oir2.vîi The court refurned «toe oainferinfindl the order, and nftn'med AMr. Boulon Itha f lie mist bring bi4 charge 1 in te'ordin- î intv Course plirsîw'd a"inst lpeisois for' mfuirry. .A1bout 10. A. %.,.Trhot %waus liertîd hyorder ut' .luî'Goverriment. ud anuicr al'rcr au 1î'rrint w-ss lucc itn the Juancis of hIe iligli iuitif to 9j). preheuid lini on a rhar e of perjiury, hit lie baud eîployed luis lirne wil - hatItle Police wcre unlabiC tffind uaiuy f racrý(o <i hl. [?ceiprisuners reccived -sentence John Ifalowt-Rnpe- Tlîe priç'îuuer addreaed- tue mutin veny fluIsqtenilv. evidcntly luaiîvung gt î-r1P a %itee'u for the occagiofî,luerfin zfrd ftlit-'f-I 'ui'u wîtnesstl-at lue w'asin înocenif t, f lt". erime iîmpuufed ftuttiii. iIe« -i m: teuiccul Ici Vi-qe tlxs'îd <un ilie 30f h l'er neýxt, hît tis rulialle fluat lcpii nient ivii le curninfteel. -George Lzy w-istfle lausî tîruullîtu11 1ui-wset leice. Onui hu'îir tsktîla iclts anyfling 7,tasi s'uy w-lv lu sth(',' thie Cuitut slioili fiot lie us'dtpu îIii, lue r&iliil'. eNt u. m DLiri.I, h avie i'ioiautdclflue laiii',, 0for iv s'otury i luauî'c lecu tiedfi"iu mj'nitinî j'rv and i cnVirfîcd, ýanîd I hutihiN Iirt tjrely itupan heueipinev -ind iesre tir theCo~îurt. Therc iarelsw'uru -lavats w-hiictiI-sh idaI 1 a "si nt hte stock d(lre ait'ck a rivotnr; frire. thfluans Itbaive no tnrt-ansîof my -u nn tlionOtu ià portion su thte niotn-v tauken froiu- nie beIo-4nsred ta mvseIt', thte Coiliur wioruilsec Riny c"tnst'i îir-uu'n f-à t"l. 'Sii s 'ce lunsttaubi y. f ou-i ýLu uusth c l'ly 'difl'nîld-File. - Tue-*iueoiid iq flint -wiloeu1 am sent to fthe Ps'nitentanv. l1icr- wouildiuîiiteneede anil have' me lautilit some trarce or profc-ssiom. iin or- de(r- tluaî shiilud fI ever l)e rett-.se-d fnîsu -i t 1 niaVe bl)e- taearîu anilflu iest 1 iv- ot' - XI. 1af tri tuto uMy present cuurse oflife -slelr ýo the ciresum -aince. fluit I wae neveyr rni4lit tup toa aty trade. Shiid 1 nu t > tatiglut -no occtullatiun wiîe inthe ponite-ntiarv, wheirn counue -out 1 siuall be. ficndie&q. Ilînelu'ss.peti iyless anud rugged; auJi f mîust iueces-ý manily n.'sme my oucl turuhtils. auJ lue- coulic wvluat T w-as btsra uthe:î Teprisaner spuuke %v'-armly and feei- ingly. and Iilteur oHeJt1esai dres.,i-t th1m with marked aittertion. On the finixt indietment Vie was sen- tenced ta 'l'en veau" cuîuînement in' -- the Provincial Penitisnîisurv, anud on -the so.%onsl. Ten 'emi's-more. coin- inencingenttIihetermi;nat1un orth ue first term. Tue -Soliitar Generai did ni move fà r indigment on thé- indictmeilîs. taOtVhieu Lay 1,leaded guilty. W e regret ta leurn tlunt Mnr. -bA"" of thé 'fiu'm o ut'Toael l Gl~i, r her et' thit4 Citfv nrfu'~"">s jýired liere on Tuiedru. 'MNr. Gujlasf-a- w-as thue proijeetor. andi t"ur n" Iv tmwrlvc yenrs the csiuduurrcflu1v' ,Literarg Garland.- Globe, Fostca oy-_IIAEI.-The ulsuatl tes- of resort- for Dublin dîielmis olell the fîfteea 4cres. An Attorney- or that Cif y- in pennini"' a <ehalenqe. in.- Vif ei- bis antacon ist ta meet him t thfe ARRIT L OP TE AIR The Atlaýi1ic Royal Mail Stleemalîi ("umbria areivedat Ilaliflix pli Fri-iai Ias. site left Liv eritioui uthe 2titîd îlst. - Corn-Flnr nsd 'hent, mfa prcéeep ~JPchange. ProvisÎu p wcreeily (1uil. Br' ('~inti" ~ (m'd iti "si y(flie daii - e l'îl tî uer* ai Il at . TH11E RE PORT E»R. WC wtitli etrnestiy calt Uic aten. cuîtnty,l-tlte seriouis aftd cuntiouuuuiv itie'reuisalig btlhs'n injlx,.wd ui ail) uer- sons su reeii0te fronu lite city u orftî fis w hic, place 1f14-y '11ui-tt!iiie -4r' % n .leagrî'd sonNe s'eteil r t-<:!l. t Lf s -uvcry >'ent. vtf l me ais tniiîr - n --r'- t'S. te a-fid -JIlli e <tiýs slis'lid 1Il.în'fn r llis large andutucl ilitiois c'iif t'y. 'l'lîe -"i 1 rs'aîlv telii'initt l inierab ls'. aîtd t" 4iç<c-r'h-trttst Ifluait tle lj-iit.' w- u, nes':îly Ias vst f u~y es dtearly fin t lue puîi t"e I* g4iig l "in'tti uid tl te otuns, liat it t îî,- <usa: r~'i-iiustli- laec icss, %n uli iiîtit-stuuiil à iO:ê'flus-n is nlimi 'fi lic i . gsuajitia- ta'ss tttit kinig a i tuiî tu<l c-s'#41tcd f -4 - .i1ulu tilisafi, t Iits t'xe-si'e csîlst- Iv~~~~~~~~- 1 leas»'tu'itit e I iuîii w-liat.i linsINl. svdetil. Ide- ail I fliit publiiie lusses 'ail 11v'v'r tio elt aj'k orirfili- uhî ouis-, -l-îe tt' c(sîrrt» s ld piublic, tfic(m'à aue lcl-hca a su-,rala djisflt f lrus-itttf i.r luoties uuusl îui<st tismît aulîiêe's tluey imisu atnd îu'uil n'uati t lisuz;' wlîusc îitterestâ are cf£ e-ted by sucît a siate ut'f 1Iitigs lke thé - kutLr ini lia ic %vitu a ,qlirîtit s d ceteruuuhtuatikoîî uti, desi ii Iflte dtts;rt'd cuîit lie -se- J u tliîlsliIu'<. For ls1iinj u's, itre cf Carl>' the letîîtr tue nauors e5'e 1tu4' ctiîaied ilîsuritutue peuople inti lis duust'auu lpart ai'the etmuuîy, w-c îîéVd oîuly rcft'r tu <fieetuuaiut'ruuus catelqinr theî< îu~City ot' 0, &routi, ho atieunu w'iichi, ais jinurrs, wuiîu'sseu, anud Stitorat, hunge iuutbers are oiliged ho h'ave Ilîci- huméS anud buSiuiemmil'or tlurt'c sr 4 ytecsait a liie- ah a, seriouiscost andI hucoivertlnie, Uad tiîs îurh'aîs 3 or 4 tauiles every yeari. wile I-he iaforîpuiate itidividial w'huotualauc lu coulerm fsecond best itn ait .exenrbive laîî-stilt fluîdt ile cusI s swuled Lu aiu arinouttit l rl oiliitv aga iist lim , inu li' dle ti A t i 'l aisi ih 'daizes la-l-î t-Ite city sl l.-ai.ît e wrc ucr dfin t riai .îî tut 200) civil casses>,liesidi'»suotie35 uor 40 enuaaiisîal a caes ; the court cutld utnu% itf2 %we -SI and lte ceum .qtetce tusliat it oîsl uitsep iitluaffsd .f - a alî sus-ss tif taci 21", - 11-'as w.1 wr.'f i . t leilua el.r:J ak'--1a- 1, 1ir-'l >mai mer' Hauliýya cal ~,- -~ hni tist 'a. l *- h j- ied uarîg tueid a S'aive t i-Il a .ï.%,% Iu'r aussazS'lie- ilf lu-- a's-- 11id a'îusLscond iii i,'td~ , a cthe 'J aa1ib ii luaX tu-,arutratime cist mîiuîd bc ag'ain boumie smnîpt' biecuse uof flu1e large ard unwait'idly âmoulttout but- 51c uletau.tdst(a ott for or Roadit, t4 nlte diss'uiuge bis duuy 'as ltaîîs.cl:ei llv cr.$p suirb Eurvuy,and afso for hit able colnsel gien jsnnla t ta me hu le case, w-bat i nter-' Ir, the isaisi -Mtiniefpofiy.--Csrr cd îianimtuutly. et ,dc#t-s the borroc uîal a ? (Signed1) DAVID MITCHELL i le shoniid biîrruw, a sîtare -thué first sale Oculin ~ 180. &I»ICz<*. day gît- Ih'îrtyjier cent.-bonus, tlert'byi % ------reecivin~ £35' in ca*h, the accolitt£ t) JIR~PftNlIE NCE. -wuiuld sfand thus:- - fbru-ed on r-mmnonî iorfgauge art T"1 i, lu# <if-ta qthet- Ii Reporte., si"x uer cent. iiccdfor ciglut y aO.flie S~r ;- <ahi de'ctivs'r tîh sizirtiuirc t'j4, ylintwoulk.lbe eigb: year's intker- Serigeto . t-lüt er ii yuutr lhast sim td on,£35 . ...; . 16 16- 0 res'ucful tuse~nbîsuneptoil i tîI.- Pfincital sins,. . . . 3,5,0' made,-hy the Direcétors iià tIeir prulc-- gu crsiîsamns tais. . - ,-is irmnl, 24 (0()0 durilur fll.%d'n,'.fîitul il wtbthe Eiglî t faon utareborrowedi 2 4 OO îrinciple, dne sFalcyucsafy ud te , ...........a -'0l mit* ic :daiagsta flue liindur, bot in fsirfitl i flhe i.rrower, and, ua h fe srne timel djesamvol atteuîpi Iota jsntnt iî ç ingle t'rrtur ii the ealcîutaitiuuieshom- ina' flit, lINrrna'er*s riiun,wic jurove leit, ui nit . ruin fornc.tw style. Wecopsjder if à uingtilar piece bnrgan. 'Now some uone bat) b pay or o'f injustice Ito,- Mr, Ferryt s e osa ~se that th-fry lier- cent.> which, of tut> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~e redr fti ieIhtteci ore s friend E., wiio solcl me the- fuîr aîloiv uuis prinîters tu cistoî' tuicd is, nofe; therycti;rethespuireb sel,-trlie figure Utcnanritîscrilet if. a resjsccla- irati? !Thon "euao,"wi urery bIc cor'dîduigijSIIc'lgr (118 -s'iola- cîîi!fideuue. o1if1 lie cret cof the a I- -0,1 of 011utaI thse mIes if Murray, n I icainuple b aierieb îd iiug Soiciefies, aund corp nse tCC lflie nu duîh grîifytugt~ ic'Ohuh taiuîr'îusicîî. is the licuder rt ives toi)u (ituigt' in. a tillie ttîlî,euxtw;rds a stuc-ie.w'aîd:iutof hirty luer cent., Ilile borrow.- c'est'uî polt Icîl bt ~er, or someboody cise," iist. ;ay Ille poi 'pa ýpuIeIbiît is mll, coauh'uî1-tilel, anud cow-ardly, tu w; 1 ul11y 1 wil] etiidcavctir, for Scrutator's s dtlsfuLsetfile. %wrilîiig of au- gcnficnmian bUcfit. tu tlii'tw &t littif' lighit on I-the wilotiî curull îyaiJ BellGeiorge lBrw-n, iuivsfcry (.if oiv paiyifig six per cent., ) E~<. iii " Wste and Fitotur," or "000 d fi k»luiîy upoe .buv fIr, »hars's of IleNflc Wjîhy Biîîti So mil ýoiiti -t ilJaiiiayý,lieimnucdaateiy cin- fawa w'it g ip luflis.rsud'aiieservi- m<'uses, iui additfioun lulis mt iii' itiin s wun~'kn~~~- ani u ~îre'aih'<îlu tu r fili:jcuî t.s, la.payi uercst (in thte t'our iiitrcliaus('ffloti!i uncrmst, trihS ju'it' ut'cuîtur f 1w Gltt" WSothuer fuudsouthue Socctv iii Februiary, ever dretinit uf-un tftis quarter of it'i soldtul uB.. m-lic. in like-îuauuer, ait Aonîc ep-îîs u laiy iicrs, 'is'i til A gren auJ tn-uîutaîi elrs'uu s A 's nifercs, 11111 tfle itliist ilf>i iîo prî'a ili l E nlrs' owiiig , lu atrèliti 4()Illinti Mareli ti C., îu'ho, aussi, flue remeit aotfoifni'ut tuireli iii-îuDow puusits ,w-liili is added tioB. tintnris l'y flue Ptoi of Ro 'e #Ill( A* i utu'rest, andi rash omilinn kiis~d >n l~tmeirp-~ tir l e .i gli al 1 iii siAd lin A pritfo iJ).; tt, itr re ail~~~~~~ fletihpl ue o le Juîr ie otituer futusîs, soil iri i ay lu FE.. auJf ut'~ ~~Il adrssn l itren. and l litli lusiitis'nu-sî. auddlwit>fIlle rc'st, is> il) îaci fPirlkuî'nilt1(sîîstrop fle f"n Jiiom', *111 iosedtif fi)F., 'î'lo ivitii nit I 'i uiur-sw-u"î.Iihfler w-if u 's ainof. ln.n uluvprurfeluv iii Iuait pr' ls.('s.Is, auaîd A's iticrcst aindsi r- J fut 9 wuiu fille d'.plins eautli, is tuaaiî suid jiii July IL> G., - a iiltailits fîrieauriun' to paIy ii- 6IWAt' IrITT:MT-N OSfiHTAWA !"1 ' t 'i-s i ýiî ti sols], aîiîd %joon lu 'i'îc çl?,uia iRrf?,rm Pr dtw's nutlaip ! lt'niu <l ,<' 'ot uîr't' - Fns1 ie:ti fli:lV il'e. iwlJilie o,~îc vi"'aur Iis. Wot'k. iiuiî'qîece a sliait iart frtflic niu'frlu lait 11,receuvecs. «..Iil ut' flicd-le au-uin- pfl-/a i e ofi 5 ui n filucJ iislc'upailt y A.. 11,,19 î l IIi I txt--iuuiv~'esiul sien.jMîîhîîît -u u'u-laC. lisîtagluf. na Il i s 1 wo-fi ii -r ps- i i '<tî iil'er irs' ffro aîîI liy B. auuudA.. atlii at wrnltî. tol atw'ntvfli tutt's' i 'f wlî'ît D, alrît' it ii--,sita-rs pur. tw roiifr Il tnl <r f ti< 'li 'i"il i"as i tc C.( XB. au ud A.. O tut! esihuinis v. TaIilie 14-A il)Ilà f- ila nk fdir oun-lit i -l 'mw te. a luorr in ~uii i xi-eçgk is ,wutintiuu; bout pay iPLYfoîr iut L %s i 1hît'n-t rly dotuaimetu 1. Tip. Dtîî.v P'nor-lis<se-lWiliit( p itrehiasowmfîtl au islill l"iul ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e, tali ii ietfvlt-'îa"tv<~ rcaer jIotri,îîi til i asreittuIl ri, F. 1) î. . 13 . uîtid A. %t>Wm rÎ)rs'pîiz'o lune( Iiratc ITit - t- he largest tili tl1- -irariîrcItss. iwi'i-'sujpu ;îer tuilJ iluif iemA nusna'terutt'u li tti, .44sxluiniîc'.1oîIu i'u iq rea'llv tn creiflu fc Ilice î' tif F ,,ono. liarfc-S. auuîd (u111alu lslizircîeiii theli Nldv itqfu'ner tii- Ii--s.shIinzlî. p er uronth, 'IdVifs hiail'îwluevr h" u liii h î'utlti nalke pIidlv tlîuss'bon- IMPORTA ST IF' -1-I ttoif-anieîr i itr-falîi'iilssx 0'ifpltis s':!ufv-i sr isîias. '~li iiatrilesflv -i d"t-nflt av a.çq rfett i -.1q n fairt. IlIait.i llai1 thîtids ttir i.- aulu'.îtut. wtii m ei'c Rowai is lu he start1ed fri-ni Ti-roaifti Jfur tue s'aie sliaune lue pliuclinsec l) iittuv. surie lime le len flic pricseiit and Ill e PJ îi'tliialie guetîrvfier cent. b"111t54 citi thue nex? centulry. 'er li itdi f un ill itiiîtrsuit<' fli îc- tlîth - fi itur sain's"1l înitIlly, i umuu lu sto0p is tif rpnescît a ptz.isr lu liv Ilite niut,11 Qale Iiuid tsbfu ohrwt'r the Cî Iv fait lî's ; lotit frîînu filue well cîi* une staire m'oiuid lie whooi/y corsîmisc ktuoîvn ieufcrpriis' tfilue fsrvouýitcîvc i oLterest jî:id b lîv î" ire'uitiq bcxir '- - J ri, os w-hiieh shîxre bir îd.iitert-st rinnis it isprcsinic'cl il ii'iIl s o l - oîld cutînmeu;e antiuii',tuda u'Iiere. - - - -au2ainlic soud tihe fIclluer fonds uof' the Soeic'it% ; tlucreb)' mouiîtl ildspiniiý Wfe 'leanti fruni ftic> Ga!t P ll-reit l- ~t tiîacct;uuulatc<luterest wlielu wuttd that Mllr. BalcIwii dvclciiîîcs coitendiuz'aîgalu iru xnuduce iitert'sî tiiili tefinal cltos-,o filue Foîurth Ridisigywith %Iackcnzîe, and iigc>of the Societ. "Snîatr"wI " ree-nw'î'penceuve-flic secret cf filic Icuuclr is alsuuoit to ofrIiimsctf and h l p ece-i,-»uiiî î Ifthe fiffihyenv, .&18 The aum grailily abavncing in fayou oftbi, Sieîy as it draws k> a ternuisi Like the Directors intheit -prospect 1î. 1 havemacle 1)0 ailowaî;ee foîr the loi of intle rest by (tlie burrowe r conimne ncîin i.nedià tely té pay thle debt bysmal and re.guuar pa ymctîts, which, liowe ve is conidcered by i»an y a privilège toil tilîs allowed to van'cl a larg«e amourn liv qma,11 insfainients, 1i'nstead oflJeaviî,j the whie SUM tu lie Fpai< at <'ne ti me. But how nmany difficîîities thiere a>g in tihe way ut' rocir iiig evei 1'a Smrna loan, -for a very slho(rt time, fromn a pri vateinrdividluai. Capilalisls eau tdobet fer wiî h i teir moîîey, tlînn leîîdsîv a legal ilitérert -; colîserîîeîîly, ruany ri lnîif1*ý,and refusai.'. are! givei aand receiV ed before the lotn seesccd fupdisare4 stld ti istaird îerid, li ~~~~-l - bnîdr aliaving an ('qual i-gli lu bid nnti pulrctlase -ly givilng saîistijc fî'ry (siltirily. tlic lots iicing nwar.ded t( fsîre, jplince -wase sIni a positiun fi take nlaîar or allîv cuj rra fh>nt milv offl'r, k wit- e aîn rcadi1 lm-errt,.' the ti nt uîîof lus 8fî,ek-ie>. thle IiouîtL¶ (rivenf-wjtlt;eiiapî foi~ foreign rsif î .Frîînu lit iîvill tz ce-.nflîînt'd 'i1lJ if s t>perati<in ;a a S>îVîuges Bauîk-J nmilfrv o taiciî 1 coiIMier t)îcn wivl; uit Io 4 lu ' prcîî e tliciil tiiw auuii Tow,îisliii geîîeral lv . " eiut;îSr' sy ly t hi ii Coiitr;,rv fow i îhîr Sir'- My ve rallvi g it asus'h giariiîg lîied'ver flie sig-u;atiire of',"Or- 1011," liu vonr paper 4tif tte 8f h iuîst.,1 mn, 1 sussu ?Iru' on I lie word <of a siinîc Aif ilaf l1 ixidtîf. ht liad thlxi i lteî-ic<,o vade i lirsîi ;lus wý%hide cpis- tif rw bvgnlnngîruîuuu2Iluend. ntIflle' ('on1 eîi<»of wicit 1 wiîs fired lîuw-vè in fIllesaiiiu<' (ap. 61 Greatcry andilitti# wriri!." Mr. (0. :sîmwecîs lois rigîna- roir l>y iiiif)iîr fis ofns if lulte " tran- t/eriag.elh ai uiN' piarts <iof iltis iîcaîlîtifiil fiiuut n pýil su-r :,îd /iusi. ne»s ;" ais tii li 1fhe tir tile first w-el aire h-fî eîitirtly' fii flic clark. excelit îj! lie Isis graphlie ,wkuellcs of' kaife siand îork opcrafn,l l,,but nltSu wiîth11lit ter. for Ii 11»Qss s rsiofsi k>'ut is, 1tet'iili;iï knry'in",u fauh'îif. for inukîing frve and nieddliiig -ifh u1 ler nietîs Ib'tsi- nerçs." tuof: Whlis'l le tvidt-iiilv kîw ismnill uxit ltfllr effrx-lianiseil. If aienucrs Io n 1eieuJl t iutb t will su "Ippeîar luotéli(r, -lus> hogive the inatIlef' i hias any "1îsîîs tho% i wufi) Il- ted fi). el lier -itl hitînî'(,r uli'ruad- i. e. 'ity -of Toronto-hie llaid utterii inii ttittre, anid %vait liiil he iSas5ked befire îîuc Show- ?Lftaffi Tln 1,1 a- y in searcli of n&:e or ca-ses, Of- lm 1(y Mollect-a fcw o> 4cw, -tas .,( frain attending rather lov> t t 19 "eoples 1 business' wa clipped-fro r. en»telltion -of the great IlQi )e> ARTILLFI'CaMPA aN Y-The Go it mnent having dctirniiine1 on flue i g9 ization ofI' nckpendent Aulillery piantes in varions ;vparts-ofh.e -Prei 'C (oboaung tuas beeru slected asunei Splacés coi importance w1uere-the4 >lisllnienlL ai sucli a corps is deemû i- ivlu coninunand, il wil l e seen h last Gazstte, huas been given fa Eî'atus, Vq. aiteC apfain ndei hNorthîumnberlanîd. Jn tliti, thEa llent luead of theitliiiuaiit CGeneral l' pmrdînent, in TJoronuto, lias shoc)i-n Sjticlgtnit, as Capî.. Ev'ans luns not malltersîLut vwliat is of mortei qIu ne', -lie la cxccedifngly Po aîmiînafthe. youtî-g men of the Toi% %v I'isni, t 1)is cornpi i'-fvyw u i e romjP SCaupît. Evalirîs 5il wiltl Ife Seetu liy1 tir ficelatfilflier tîlace, ila lusiIuîguîD e' Star.- STtrprnt.NcE R ivT. --We ha ve fil î ts i îuire 1fliceiroctc'd 1Iligs saa ricatons il- St. Iiv:îierfiîlu e. laust Monday n 'l11e -V.-M .Clin iqjily luid tee-tu$P in utLr sE efiri a 1 '1.1 1)liait 1Iae.au aiua-~tdfluiciile ja'icyor bis exluorfruî-ius rdcdcic d i.srfris kincl. T1he udp suii ain iuifch.flit fa ncd> oleete Mtouduî!y eVren1;ug, pj.roccecle tu -a 1 îîîg ahuutt» ie ucrýciied iusaalire, aînd distilierv. ar-di ti <ij1)v Mr.1 ips, ut' l,,ui. jîrn i ,ncd l 1rti1 y d I.ÇiMaU if.siîaishap-eî'erv fii-tuaig Il , c * lîcin liaudson. Siill;jrotillnages% coniîiled as rglut ig-tut- uud. fitirther iiii-ctu-Écf'w-as threaie 'l'ie 1lcal ufiruftu niet ili onik tieif.,4fr fhcaupt'ieti sd1 - iý4u-u-m-ut j<thé-,lie îter.,, uit théyv wau'r ie 1, tUt If' Iiiy proeeedecl t - tîvu hsineswi-uuý.lnext Uw vi:Sltt - diy gniev'cd aIttis uîntuward eV No One îîIutlleu4 hiati tl4f' ntentitq il>." u'liig -Illi eupe lit lié J~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~h tviiraeabtii-îos f u-îi ers% tu C luxtvie. le wi-l n4sîWexert qlitiluîy. aa tuu>A.'i 1 fiz Iblitaint'y Hiecwu I e iviilence in miuiafair ren a gsmod ca p et the part of bitt1er ei>enwa.-- PjI.i. --- flu its- yo-ew~Vrk. s vçflint out tte enu tk u-usrl readM of the tir (J!)anmd anuiunh tled-with feelinp c-ratitiuude, lue lhîaý appucîntcd the1 tempit f itt)o mortal culuin ls o('i yuiir City N,"eu!japers %vith imp>udent »zfdcrdastl(ghanid dictatioin,ah)out the loca- tion otf Markets. Stock lit Railruads,&e.ý &ce.0 it ratlier occurs lu nie, il -stncb a w-aseotisidered mwur th, ni nd- ing, at a.[ be wotld stand, n sniart ehatice of being treated k> a coutt of irins. Fie, fié, fie, it is fagrly sieken'. ng to ifhiink utfnrguing theue lint. IMIM) YOUB. OWN BUSINESSI. The aixive letter was caled forth by a long cumnnunicatio 'n signed Il Orion" in the .Mortk 4me4can svme two weelts sinee,--%triIten ôstensibly by atre- or jorîrneying -throughthe Cotitty-t;n 'busi n'u' a hd"I pleastire", but frotu1ise uwinhsr mand var4efir noftLbieetfttrestedl