GABII&fE AM» LhIgT W1GU Waggorr.r,Bz gi 4##1C rot tees, X5, - %VËýiisle Ccn 8 1 f ent)îea--for Çnshl ~han nny other stblisjtiîtiý4 'st â'y or surrouncingo&t' ô sp purchasers. Cr . nAEII1U v Iî ioà Iok biièrr teatly exeouted on short notice., *4tiÀ"1L nRAY. Whitby, Apnuil 19, 1850. mI1ITBY TO POR8T, PR TRA#IT ___w. inty Village eery -"'tnig .ISandapae pled»a 'l<,cllo R-zLBEýRT, and RETURN1NG:-wWill leavePort.Perry at 'lires o'lock P. ..3linC et tise a,e-namcd .nla r coning ff lie' teambot -buHmio cati go îiorth by tUse!sta;e next morning. foe r nî e't.order "ose. T. N. SCtI1PTURE&Co Wlisby, lth Augiet; l1W. 18 DIli IflS, lr»roprietor. WRTTGRANN&R SCOOOL. SESO fthe Whithy Grain- S SI oI on Monday, the ?Wtby, Jmw 33;, l85êL, 1 WSI4L~ndto Leaiso. FIR alsb.rlaa A YEW THOUSAND .LACRES0o Wild L.and 10 lemne in tise foliow- i-*T«wà ist,qem*i UfJzbdge, iNoctif' <elia- sry, Broc, 2iornh, Mra, Oriftia, YnyTy (J~~<oJ~IlrtpîsEdtin,Fe- loi au O 'tiie>roWofthefge lande are of the ~-se.4Ulitî ~sd'wil haleaieef for a teri l rom r,eto seven ysarsdapetding nipon tise situatbon, in tu of irom 20 to 190 fîqeseçh.,to a yiase Who viillcisop, clear ai* fdRt*, W. m iood'asid woek- reanlike manner, wnthi6 tis ia n 1 lime, a quantity r4j4a4~iiisg saformyttion con- ce nyo'lf1atclitVIo ain eittsic nf tie albv.towlp, wlLI, answered wtleout delay. Whitbf loiJ. T. B11S41. WisIt y ny, 15.16 THE WIL&cmmence lier regular tripe (îînfil fur- tker ntitce) on0 Smurday next, mafning two fips a week baliveau Toronto antd Oewego, and connectiog with tise Mosning9 and Eveningr traine -of laitrosef cars betiveen Onwego, Syracuse, and Albany. IWJ>L:JEAVZ TORONTO FOR OSWEGO -veiy Monday and Friday ioniiga; and reuro- ing, iili leave Omwego on tnesay and Saturdmy -eYilam', tpiang eaeh Vway at te folowing ports, Whthy, Oawan, Darlington, Bond Hfead, Port .Giany, Port Hoe, Cobour, Graftoit, Oslsorne. Pg ý iandWelfimgton. wtb Jane lm1, 1850. 10 "WH ITIY S&DQLIIMIAý, OLLA1R, AND TRUNI, T RE Sahacriber huie cnptn on band thse abova articles, iviich ie. *haNê1eel cheap for c"s or erpit. ROBERT GARTSHOIE. Whit45, *l185.8 - E.E MOV AL. le bas un band a galieral assutoteii of Tiglit Air,VParlour, anid Côuklug Stdvan, Pulses Kettles, Gril Ironsi pog Icnsî Door Serapara, Patent Cis- Tise nesi' pte;tal tove i-Q made on tise OLD PRINCIPLE 0 LKN~THE PLATESj VERY--I THCK, and tisa fireeplates, ra au con- stniactel isaI tise'lre cuenot inýjure thîcîn. 'Tis atove is tdonoa itiîch isft uitle montiso, or as aona as his e.ecute!s geneianly kosvn, Thseadiantaga il posserara nifraking ila along stick f i ond udiaviog alarge and espacions ovan, holding lwo tiare of breauf pana, and hein;ý nog*l for an excellent hakin; ni-an, are far sape- .ior to any neuve ha bas aoid tejetofure, 4lFriend! Don'lt bu> eleewle raaitisoat clliag [aU'eximiniag, as tisa sai slaves ara nnly to tee fondatBryait'a Stova Root, on tisat flourisiig villag'eof Wisitby, is-iere gouol af Il saris ara put dowa taohoutêt pnices,ad te ssu is e limai-. TEam;.-AiI sorts of-rulduce, fatruila, faxa- bar, cnrlwood, lac, &c, takea io excisagei - Tisa Subscrihar his also saine lime since Upned i l ove Shop in Prince Alber, N ent donc lu AMr Hus'd'eStor, WVisre heailio keepe on batnd n ganeral assonimant of Boots, fer 'anici s ieand chier produe wilI ha takea lu payotent., .. B. DÙon't patroûnise Pediars, for, thay makr ou pay profitlnid lbas. B. BRYAN. Wiitisy and Prisca Albert, -Octohar Ces, 1850. 26 WHI1TB Y VILLA GE. Sprlng and Summfer Fashions for 1850. Whilby, April 19, 1850. WVHJTJ Y VILLA/GE. Ail orclers lis is lino procltitly exectste(l. T/te aaît Fas/tions e.lways oni harid. Wh itby, April 1l9, 1850. Bariuter iad Attorney at Law. BROCK.STREET, WHITBY. RIC11ARD WOON, C. W Sopersor accommodation aifocdad iD Travellers. Capacions Salhlg 3Mi Sheilatmtachal to tisa premiers. Oshbava, April, 183-0. L. H. S-,CIIOIeýLL & Co., LIMPORTERS 0F BRITISH NANMUFACT£URES, ANDT E-Y R I WiiOLESALE AUO RETAIL. Wiithy Village. Jane, 18.8 TEE TII! TEE TH!1! TEETH !! SBJRGEON DENTIST, OSu.qw.q, u. W. HENRIY WEBBEIR, FAIIHIONABLE TAILOII, Opposite.irr. Bette.s', Kineg-Street, OSHAWVA, C. W., Wherc ha is prepared te, exacute orders in lus line on thse siierteet notice, and at mocerate charges ThIe aeFaioîareptial eccired. J. C. STERLING, Lizenscd Auctioneory Ordars teceiv-cd ant tis Office. MR. B. -FREY BALL, BAS EREOVE15 TO Brok Sircel, nit doar le, Bryma' Tia Shop, WHI TB Y, C. W. t2- porters in atfra4umec t ties tesînisots B"may ta8. plns, âs -lyfe A. uS ik D IER KING STREET EMS, 1TONOZTO. .5b MAS beed l1tély apposnted Azetby4tise nfg~ep:for tise disp9ffli 0flot svçmil azô,en aobthe ia rize aut he latte Peter Peniy, Eaq. C A IRl, tET0 N LY N DE, W1I0LESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN T.~ TOBICro3, RICE, PIPER ALSO MANUFACTURER OF' SOLE, UPPER, AND HARNESS LEATHER, &c. Cas/h paid for Hic/es anrd Skias, W/tiant, Oats, Pots czrî.d Pearl ./ishe.. Wiitisy Villag~e. 7iis June, 1850. 8 - By John Baker, West SZde of Miarket Square, TORONTO. NORTH- AMERICAN HOTEL ]PORLT DOPE, 0. W.- GENERAL STAGE OFFICE. t3= Trnsty Porters alsî'ays in atteidance attisa bots. Pasueigersanîîd tiseir luggqaga cutiscyed to and ro m*tih ontsfe ee ofcharge. Port Hope, July, 1850. 12-1> WESTERN HO1TEI WVelington. Street, Toroneto, la tiseimmediaf e îactnity of thé- Baks, Pouf- Office,aisd ail t ise bteamibnat landings. 3.. MUr)PHY, Pruprielor. Torono, Aprit, 1850. WILLIAM JEFFREY, AGENT POU TH1E 3nsurancc Qtomiana, "i~ 10-1> SCAR 130110. ALEXAIJ«ýER Tli9MiPSON, Praprielor. Excellent accommodations for travellers. Go<I Stabling for llornes. Il * GEO. B..WYLLIE, IMPORTER 0F BRITISEI AND FU RBIGN DRY COUDS, Wholesalo and IRotai). 18, Kinrg St. East, .1dlaide Buildings, .Next door lu Scohia & Balfour. Toronto, Msy, tR5fl. 7 K. 1%. SUTIIIERLAND & Co., binsz, pirita. Qrca, Qrocctcics, $jc. KING SIREET, TORONTO. 24-y North Si of Kintg Street,. lVcat cf Bay Street, ____ 1~Ls_ 24Y .1. FOSTEIt, LAIFtS AND GENTLEMEN'S NO. 4, City Buidintgs, Kiag Street, TOBOINTO. 24-y C-1A R LES B A R1, Mcbdant ifailor, .Yo. 37, Kinsg Street Wet, Toroneto. t17' Ail kînéds of Ship Flaga on hiatd, or made Io order. 24-Y No. 50, YONGE STREET, TORONTO. IIIR A 1 PIPER, - 1 Tin,- Sheet -Irai, and Copper Smith,. graus Founder and fPar PUMP Baler. Japnnred Coa, Deed, anmetl hcr Boe&e 111p, sHOWEIL AND OTHER BA&THS- Toronto, Nlayi 1850. 7 ÉIriftsk Canadian la the Village of' Newcatlo, CLARKE. I. E-TENNEAIY. PROPEJE»TOR AnuSt 12,1850. 18 ]Royal Exchange Saloon.4 Xo. 3, Lidde;l's BsildisaS0, C/aurcA St.,- ý'May, 1881 5-3 Gencral Booanod Periadiir dguriiNrI WtirOLESALE & "TIIAL- Toronto, Octaber, *1850. 26 l STRINGEPL & TOWNSEND w I'lLL issue, on thsa Saturilay baera tise Ist ol VVJtsty. tieret isnlsbel'of am new panodlemcl, combiiant[thtie cisaractetistirs ofniltie Litarary Ga- zette, tise Reviais, tise Journal of Scientifie Dia- cavery, unitl-th isaiaofetRomantiseFiction, asîdar thse tile nitise INTERNATIONAL IVEEKLY BISCELLANY. Of tlse révolutions of tise a_-e, osaeortheiaMostt iniaeatinet and important is îluat.svisicb bas lakan 'lce Î"i"tisartaofniLiereureanamtisa modes of iiiý piî'.aisiin. Sirice temesallisment ai tisa Edinbrgh Reieîc lise finestinitélligences ni tise ivarluf. baelacra lisptaed in faperinîicale. Br esfoui, aS.y, Siliney Smts, tackintois, .Macaulay, liae wel oeai lytail Iliair liait lame ta cumpapsitioles iviich lisve appeorail first lis traas, magaziaesansd reviars; the iritera of taies taI dEssaya hava anitoracmIecomae belote tise public by tise semae menus, wviicis bava racautly Iean male sehliclas also fac thse oriinml exhibition ni thse nînsielsisoateaaIlr-illiant fictioîn, suliaat ira are nais'recaeiitilg ibroagis lieot, sy alaniost avec> sisip tram Europe, intultienta atfivurks b> 'D)iakens, James, Lever, Reynolds, ScM ai'l SIre Ellin, ald ined eatiosly ail tiesémt eairient cnntempornry' nas'lista. Se comrpiate is ise. ciange liat ail minai, axcapt tise dulleetst leasi papular, la likely 10 fini%- iereafier ii_-tht ie Bail>,' Weckly, iMoatisly, or Quarteel> Shliscallu- aies, irbici campala seith uiiitasities, parlia- mreat, cisar5'iss, ad lihraica, for ascenanrairc a tisa guversa ent of munkiol. lIrathis raniry si-a mast keap puce isilîtthe otaemente aIrai,1l. Il siil ît aînwer ilit ii- issuea iierury productiotn as nouasmnpaisible aller liseir comîleaisa. Tise iliatiant csIders ,Icrmî,d ciseprere frt' -haptars, ns tise> aie spîta fr001 tie bruita andth ie lcart rtf tise autisnu; tacts, tapon île intaint ai their discotery ; as ailetaslitiis, as tis fal.shs trani*ctactcofni imagiriation snd ce- fiecciori. TIse Inetraionail Wekiy Miceility wîî 1iehaa restaît nifelirits ta tiri> sa lain uacesty aI thse lianes, Il %iijîlcombuine tise axcellcnces ci ail catamrporary îe1 reicilb îsith leatuiras tisatIrvill ha pacutlar ta ltself. 1. A leadiLg ajttssll hae ta prenant the puis-. lia, isitis tise iiost rapidil>, ad st tise cisespeat isildelatne, tisa bratof tiisaa-volîks lu Popular Liteair'e e îh are apperringgaasea! i cchat or ini nepurala cispters. Witb ihis vi-jais.,tathe initial portionls cii ha pî,biiiserl lie initial par. liosnsof Isaebrilliant nauaical pîallication nuow un course ni publicatian ha Blarkecond'e Magazine, larderc lise tille onIl"Tise Green 11usd." by tise 1aîior uf tise mailcelebratal fictionanif is clasaý in Eniicli literauire, -- Tom Ciugla's Log ,;" and aileer isorks wiihi haselectel and cat riailonoaisita- iaaeoîtsly, as flic> ebaîl cume la us isiti tise siaînp afiiofficiant mcii. Il. Tise foi iara periodictilo are contimatlly titi, an noveleatesasfaflirans tsso or ibrea ta a dozen e-bnp. tls, % i lsiris-haha auaînt for sapanate vounmes -ice rart'ly re-pratincel ut ail in ibis conitry. 0f tîsese tisa clitanas ilj gis-a the chicest acîce- 1tions.' fil. 0f the Quarleri> Revietss tise mait uilmi- rsiispapers sîlI ha presanied in fll; ard tlbaia stocks vialin aIl casas ha e ceinîly easmint'l fib s,îch 'aliable andf trikiug passages asailil he litaI> ru ialareat tise Amacican rcaular, tau'sont- tisa etitice article i hiihistise> ppear viîl ha uatira,'tsse. IV. Tisa Liter>, Religionus, Politieal and Scieurifia ras-spapers andf magazines trilI ha cuti. sultedafosi- siaeieaciilI iiistr'iel or cuaiertin n ibrir sas eaI lepartotean. Tisa iaadiug articltes an lie gct't jaucoals, lapon Affairs amail Pilosopisy ad Art. %Nisicis are nais-vieat>fraqtîatly caprnie-t il, A metica, %iitiappear i h atia nasional Mis- relany in sicb faînessanmd cambiatioa s lo dis- play ties prirs sud processas ni tise %ial'a c- lien artal coniiona. V. Buît uhe sock -i-hlnont be attogetiser Frizai. nac a mare caompilation. la its raprithîcatiogis ilisera taIihea çs arialul foit tu dispiay vrissai is Mont iliteeîtitg andf importantle10th isa neencaa; ad in ils origiaal poctieoni îsilI ha -sppotal hy aonme of tis abaist andf mcci accompliisal irritera in ail tisafilIs of kaowledtra andl opinion. VI. As a Literary Gazelle and Examiner, il ha beleved tisat temil iiquat or aurpss any ssock nnw or avec priatadin latise United Sates. It aviIi contin tis a arliant aanaouncemanis i whiaes'ee masamnelo hantise ierur> averlufare aifrisiel in- tercst lx) geacral readeuse; i>$ riwm ot boot-s aili le isOsast und intelligent; anti its ecilucis, vijn Iltey rcia lie gitan in adanuce ufthtie publi- cation ni tishe rit tismnavea, mIlha tise chai- cest andia t aits'lstse possible. Wihboal rani gr bypocrusy, or lise influence nI un> clique ci tee- dan muitiions eepiralIts fa leIteri, the, IlitetaitMiseltitîy ailI it. ibhis respect, lise plibisaeci tuat, wiumnd preserve tise repectald confidence of al isa look to pubLiealcîhîheal j'odeenis us guidas for tisa reading or purcismse of books. IVitis aviaw te tise More anccesial axartation ni dia desipt ae tke Inteaieseisflelcy of lise irst clans ha Original Periodicul Lilearîc, as irail an iltSelactioas mol Abstracts of 'abat us al remdy sefrnre tise wortd ibaroal, contefistîtore have beau engage! ta reprelant tis a rions dearlteota of Science, auf ta (ninis skeicisesni asanneîs &c, icnm otisar coanitriean d tise diffecent sections ut Our own ; dia proceedinga cf learneat aciaties wili b4- notIe; Ilitory, Biograpisy, and Arccio egy Writ recive attentoan; muid in ioreign moln Amarican Oitury, sucS a record wii ha kept as mifi ha of dthe oSt permanent sol aifridiv value. tv The lNTEsseATtOrrAL WEEKLY MI55ZELLAieT ivilib haPrinted foc every Satuiulmy. fin nmbarsaof TRIieTY-Two imptEtAL OCTAVO PAGES aseci,l * ' ' ~ J' ne*r Importations of Spriug Gooda for &. - .11 No. 6, LIlY Beildmsg0,Sîga of M/e Golene Fierce, ring sit. Eaet, PuoadZo, seaur iteMnrket T HF Soisecciser trol inform bis ilotere, farmera, muid tise public ganerally, tisaISe ha now recels-ad a large andi weIl-selected stock cf Fascy aMsiStaple Dry Gondelon Bonnets, Paraol, Ribbons. Muains, DreiiGu.ods, Rosiery, &C., &C. Carpets, Coltons, Là nens, &c, &c., anti yul open ont tiro uew .ufepirtasenfe about tlIs1t of Jane, wtbi au entirely oaw Stock. Thse attention ef fermnera is partacalauly calale liste Saple Depart- 7krana-CusaI soadprace. J. R. MOEUTJOT. -Toronto, May 15,1850. S-ly J. F. HALSTED, Washlag!to catuy lluatm BurOOXLIN C. ir., smeki, Oct. 10, Iwo>. 3e LIE489 UkjfL(fEIsA cjÉ?, ppoSLTe THE GRA1I'MÂB SCIIO 2I~,~ o isC#YERY 0FA SOLO MINE! 1jApITAL t0 000 SterUÙg. THEMER R HAr1WER BR0TilF.I, llèira Exuaierr1t V~~LAK, i. >, f New York, hea . djwvered a ric ie' famislisBliolt, nd al rqneit inornt 'Place t/inu 01111inSCalsforriai. là plcaton o i ew.NIontisly Magazine isaving ree cied dia - JOHiN HAbhfPERRY, extraurdinaiy circulation of Pbrlk-lrl lihîsstan I ' .eiltf>r WITBY7'lAi Cpias, Sud atilt tiigdanaüd continues. viicis cao --------------oiily ha accoutt4d for is> dia fact of ilsapreseutiag, L ~W FI"I c E ilu andeoma ,sty.lýau amcisesper rnis tissu uy otiser, 'periaodical publiised iu tisa world, tisa I~AM~lft o iAIIIAI < chisat portion nl',tisat vat intellectul. wiesîti Ut'î.55b5*~I~~IWMUU fl~LbU iris obleplîs curteile> throu"' hesaperiodicml Attormaed and Coumlortit'i5, pr t e s nd 8OLU-IUB~1NCThCe ,prearît înmber cnails upvarde ocf tirty 80LCITRS-1\'-CHNCE-Y, articles(rom tise lieut cortrihntoia ni use saNo- tices of' New Wol C-S, aà Inontisly Record nf Car- rent Eveute, Poetry, Fashoua for Autîtron, 'till C, C.CAMERONIl*. J. MACDONELL, Elngevings, &c.. Clip qf Torutno. Whilby VillOge. For saleaut tise BOSTON BOOK STORE, NADSA W E 5 . Price laId. Back numisrssupptlied inan> qam- TIuE STE-A-MtER Princess. R&Y1at -CAPTA11 HENRY TWORY ' w 1LL lave Toroto for Kingstoan. calling mt prHp! dCoboýrg, tweather pet - ting, every W'EDNESDAY nd SATURDAY ut -1 Will leava Kioýgmton for Torooto, surd intertua- iale ]ports, eraey ONDÂT and T'UtSDAY Altemnoon, t ITistet oeineké. Wi llnve-Toronto fer Hamilton, every TUES- SDAY and FRIDÂY momnin-, nt Eigist o'lo ck. Mil1 leavelhameilton fà ri foronto, aven> TUE- DAYmand FRIDA-YAfternoon , at ,Tisreoclnck. Tise Steamer Friceor Rrnyrd hiin be uru- nisbtd with oew Bolites, ia now anaet ftisa fasteel bsouts on Lakte Ontario, and isavin.- ber Upper Calsin axteuded trna>tisa 'aboIe laugtflisetbr deck, ise*a m muationa for passers mare greatly increased. Sise bas Stata-Boons for .spwvndso! Sifty Cabot Possengis;an sd eeral of tisan aie fitteil np wjth doubla FrenrqJedstead9a. -- She bans long been kotr as ona cf tise hast sea- bouta apoi tise lake;.aud is ui' une o! tisa fasteal sud mail commodionis. Royal Mai Steain Packet Office, 'Torooto, à Ma> 20, 1850. & TIff STEAMER - S 0 TER EJ0.i' CAPTAIN WILKINSON, WI ILL leava Toronto for Niagara, Lewia out, an sd Qaaansinlou VERY AFTERNOON, Suindays exceptie, at One o'clock. Wililelave Leimston and u Qnsatou for Toronto .about hial-past aigis inuthea mcrriand 'ahI ar- rive fin timat nest tisaeMail 'Steaears for Kingi ton et Tnwelv'e, Nooti. Cabin Pa-stga '.Neals etre], ona dollar. Deck Passag-e, thre qurters ni a dollar. ,Roval Mail Siesos Packet Office, -troîîto, Ma> 22nd, 1850. 6 .fltmo iîSotk of B otsaid SMots. BROWN k CHILDS AVE recehsail tieir Sînring Stock of Boots l sund Shoes (rom tisair maufactory eaI on treal, asnd îtill ral et thair usnal low inie. B. & C. emptoy as istîndred opetatives. and 'pradaice froom 500 to 1000 paire dailv. Tiseir 1Ihiesent, stock has been ise intis pecisl refereaice tto tise iela n aadu West, andI sitllconipensate .itidividîtals or filiiîilics iorseidiier'u at dizasce. . l> s-neinu the relhîired lcîîgth, a 'lil .iilli e giur- atteed. 1 Mercha'ei t o hava not paîronisel tise chute establishmoent à alncaluflse aie rime, as tisey eau ha uinrsihel foc nase.bhi tiese 'ait nuiry prolar- thon. Av .deerrtasotble ftiltre reptnired îchlotîl rcharge. 1N. B. ri3rowx & CHIjir, 5M, Kin« Street, . nearI> opposite the Engi hai Csrnis. Ur 'C3851 PdD FOR LL1 TrER. .r Tlomunto, May 1, re,80. 5-1 y P L 0v VPL GUIl for Goid T Sou tilh oU Lýot No. 34,glll ('tîet . iî ~ ltitby', 18 opsen for %biddeeu, fur a terni of i nt le%,3 th-,n fii'e rycnrs. Tiieroe Faft'1Jy Acres el,%-4 eel, Said lte who1le Farm en l îIeniitiliy .' Wrrtereei. (-c îsid sec it. . Posqessictîs cîiven att gond fiiefor iFALL PlýOt'UUIN'-G. Appi y (paiti il' lsy post)' b' B. FilEY BALL, 1 VAiedby. Aicril 1951h, 185.-. ý Farmors' Protection'. OGDJ'NB'R GM, I.Y MINE IMILLIOXKiNg-MUltANCE. CAPITAL $100,M0. 1 14000 MEMBEIRS. . 1 Rçferetice. 1Tise lioniIl. Vancuasisler, idVbagk . y. -i 1'. 'sa,îkcîugis , Cuiaall, C. l,. Sidney Stuitis,E.i-:,, <7ebasrg. (Irneeti jost, Es. s., Bti-eille. A. Farewelil, Esq., Ilarnny. 1'. l'erY,. ll'hiiby. Brlre. M'euirish & Ca., 7',ocnttl#,. lir. Allie-un. Il. R. Canipisell, Brocli,. il. Daielà , tins a lletl, - lIc. Fote, - Jishin Sudler, Picecèig. Elisisa Doolitîla, ('aluba. Johnhgsausd, Osktw. i Lewis Honck, Markhain. Wiîll-amtKissock, 4 Cisarles Lister, Esq, Roesael Prospar A. fitorî, Reéa& Samuel Davidson, Maruapae. N . B. Tise membhera nfiIbis Compeny recoin- .mend partie-s wisi-in offect insaîranca le make applications, in ail casea, te tisa local agentesniflise C omnpany, wisena atchist ansd not tb travelling Aug. 24, 1850, Drusggist, WAiiby illge. 19 T 11El Subscriber, lsaving, taken the- K Tavern furmerly kept by RoiBnr6it H-uNTrEI, on te Ptaik Road, firsat Con- -, cession of Reaeh; hopes, fiont strictý attention te btiîisess, tc. meit ea sharw of Publie patronage. *~C. C. COVEY. Beache, Mny 5, !s50. TIIE STEAMNER ADIMItAL CAPTAIN ROBERT KERR, W ILI, for the Peeminder of the3aasn, leave Toronto lor Ilochester, every Tuesday, Thîîrsday and Satursa M'rningaif 10 oclock, precisely, and twill ran trt ope and Cobourg and intermediate Ports [weaf ber permittinc.J Returnim-%viii [entre Rochester for Tronto, callot aIt Cohnorir aîîd intermediate Ports, every Monday, Wetlnesslîy and Friday Momning, athaif- past 8 orlock. Royal Mail Office. Toronto, Sepf. 18, 19550. CASH, FOR WHEAT.' TI ,IE SBSCRBERSwil pay the Prod tice (le]ivered st their Stores, eiliier at Port WVhitby, or Crandel's Cerner, Reacli. Tlie Suhîscrîbers aise beg Jeave te remnid their Frieeids and Custonsers that tiiey Iî-avc cous ened buitseiess nt Crandeil's Corner, REcit; and, by steady inIition, liope for a nithare of public patronage. JOHN MARTIN & CO. Port W%-iiîiy, 26th Dec., 1849. A. V. BB1OWK & Co. WFIOLE 5/IL E GROCERS TORONTO. SoreEys Turne wio are affijcted wiîis Sore Eyes. ton, fiod a CHEAI> ant[ IlFECTUAL ramedy la- the Welllngton Eye Water, Ma-,zttnfactlired andI kept on bandf, furc sait y the proprletor, as followe: Oneanolnce via!,. . . ...7 -W. Two do. do. .. 3&. CHARLES CLARK. N. B.-Scorps of livint tvitnesses tan be pro. dired lo tes-tity of tise elflcrtcýy of the Bye Water, severai of whorns itnw eide aithis Village. Saud Basam h in lzogond foc eruises, $prmimnlna- tion. Crampe, Agite ini the Breastst Scaluf >Ieaâ Saddle-galls, &c. &ac. Clark', Brcee-, Whitby Village, 7th January, 1850, ~2if WHIT-BY REPORTERI, A2 Chap Weekly Xettanper, w/tieA teIr be foursrl un excellent* mediuu.fI Advertisosg Mlercantile; Comâeareu,. Fesrming andiocal buseiess adtrss- actions of eaes- decrIptios TRIIS OF SUBSCIIPTN: 1D8. pier Aum, payablela tism noaba 12s. 6d. ai tlisend et the. jar. TU 'REPORTER"Il ispublibedl VTillage of WhitbYo-3. S. Ès»tow"z. RATES 0F ADVERTISING. Esaci aubsequent insertion, (k. 714 Front six tte tn ines. iret insertion, as. 4d. Eacis r-bsequeutînmaiâed, e19 For ami-b fine above tee,OsU Every subseqwaat insertion, -ou.,id. A liberai discounttwill be &alo.v4f» Mercba.tss urdothers Advwiakug 15 thse year.1 Any individIMal m the utyW cnung repomsb:s fer atSixmb ,"al recewo tise, ,Rp*Ç, gow i one jeaj:,' Nojpr dionotinsu.duI til &U « rra m pare - up. Wlitbprlil 20, 1850. 'XJo. 9,Knag Street, Torùmto, si GN OF-THE- WOOD EN >MAN. T REtteatte'tÀb ofthe REJID Y44417 LOTHIP coat4 t i ftmtJIEgýi¾& ashîtb kisaUrf'aneup pader Mk ie ap Toronto~,May 2?èý 1T85OL 7 FOR SALE OR TO L'Jt for a terni of Ibre. or live yeaxs, W ïfftnd wifl koowm ns thse HALF-WA-y BOIISE, aituate' on two acres 'of Land on thea South W49, corner of, Lot No. 22, lth Con., lVhitby. - The ' arae excellent ehede s.,d a lare haro aitaed'to- the stand, and two never failiog spriflgaof gooff water uise on the premises. Fo! further parirsilara apply f0 tthe Sobecriber,,. en theé premisec. Swhitby, Sep. 6, 1850. 2sn Ced.Lwver 011il afs sppl o.,PUR ICOD LIVER OIL, whlr Isi eit reasoniaotrte.