jIs.e)à m ti*tu-Cole la iwka . s»ýbfmeGreol hngu as M0 1?lLMONIC WAFE-RSI F'OR the ecure or OOLDSI, OOUGES4 . STHM4I BRONCITIS, PULMON- .IRY £'ON8VMPTJON, andi aIl affr'ctionâ of the B'eath ad Luns >. fsnufctured by E..Taylor, Rochester, If. Y., the only true and -genumme pro- prietor andi Manufacturer -on the Continent of Am-eriara, by asminment of ight from JAMES Tis celebrato remedy is fer sale by W. StT- Tron Drugiit, -Oshawuý; rti,,. SvUTTON, andi DAVIVjsox & Co-., Bowrnrill,; R.I)LN- ton, Brookij; LumoDJN,- DuJJiis'sCrek; andi wholesale and i lt gent, iMftlN STILF.F.Tt %WHITIY. Wbiîby, Sdi îNov., 185à . - 30 PROSP E CTUS. Oirtlc icu I uamuy qýlm r incorpontied unblethe e At of the 9111 vie,, chap. 90., SEAUU-50 "Cm.~ Entrance Fe-------- 101 per sbire. Monthly Subsription. 5 0. s Monily Maniagement Fee 0 4 Transier FÉ.------2 6 viRECTORU Z'OR Tm ZKODNSU G XAE:t PETER PERRY, Esq., President. JA'MES ROWE, Esq., Vice-P-residnt. M Z. BRNA I. 1 JAMES WALLACE, Mi.H.DNEL.S'. MR. R. GARTSHORE. Secretary andi Treaurr-M.% i. OIIN HAM PERRY. Solicitor-B. FREY BALL, Isçi. Bank- ils it dot mmreadrautageous or * j..jg.,7 on *iîM oms 8par cent, thas to borow amey fram a Building 8oçit>yý A leoi> sim- pie statemnts ivili serve t. cxplaln tit, Let-us b4er theo-, by uppSing ibuiling .oCiety wiII rua out in severa ya rom011 j9 Meonfc.ment, and Uiat a person bas borrowed on e shar. of M50on the fkit " ysol 0pe cent bonus, thus reeiving £35 ia cash-.T 3pr lier. Ibis botrmwed on common mortgage aI t lpet fornt.- Intereot for s"y- ea yearj, the. paynientu would ibe- Seven years' interest at 6 pet cent. £14 14 0Y .--PrincipaI tobe paid at the clo., ' - 35 0 49 14 0 /Were this borrowed from the BuilçlingSociety, .the payments would b.- Seven yeari' iîstalments aIt ire shillings'per month, £21 0 0. jnterest the same,-------- ----- -----21 O 0 Entrar.ce andi Management Y..., about 'Il 5-0 £43 5S:0 414 0 Thus showin; a gain by borrowing (rom thme Society of £6 9 0' Very few persons have however an opportunity of borrowing money (rom the Society at its commiencement-say that thme Share was borrowed one~ year after, the Society cinsing in seven years, thme.loan will then b. ont,' for six years. If bortowed on ordinary morigage-- Six years' irterest, - - - - £1212 0- Principal smm, - - - - - 35 O O £47, 12 0 If borrowed from the Society Ween years' instalments Six years' interest, Fees,&W., say * £210 0 - - - 18 0 0 - - - 15( CAULiON * Building Societies havitig ieen for so long a lime establieed. anti]i sue- £0 cemfui operation in variolmm parts of Ibis courtryý mand their advantages boîh Showilig a gain by borrowing (rom the 1ociety of £7 7 TDO hebreby.cation Ithe ptllbl ;c nanîa fodrgimaso rltheivsmîtaia rntin lciltis fr heShld we suppose thal lthe Society would take eighî years o ram oce, Sutait ,i purinuis rlide called I )f-lýocock's aqsiif iRa ~maebmgnWm eianemodadakmweiewbîrh is art extrenre assurription, «imiluar resulîs wuî ho obtainet, but in Ptimonie Wafers, manuifactiaret by E. D. Green, ilisaeemnei quite utiaecessary, ona layiig liefore the Publicelime ProsPectuïî 01 dÃŽmini»hed rate-é; thuis : IlamJIttp. Canada We.t, as ail the informatïon he a Buildin- Soiety ini this secîjon oci Ile Coisnly <of York, tu enter at anv r èvrrcýiveti formam(cuin hs vls was leraalh loto thep rarýcple& or opetations of auch Asmntriatiom. If lorrowed.in the aisîsal way, by eln la Jaes lryrm' 1)u~Sore Roherer It is moi a corisiterable utie ince the proicc-t of etaabliamling a Build 8=S ersiterest on £35 - - - £' for lwo Ãnni Jaha mes Bryaai al-n je a rouier-Society ini Wbitby -waîê ira' scriolisly entertaanel; but the piaimccii)o.o' 1surn Pip al um, - - 0- 0> triter oflooclQes Waters, wbich h.e cls.Bryan'ls associationd were at Ibal time #0 imperfertly understood hy the ageerality. QI Pulm cmk .Wutfers. Peell0hee,that. whi mli ry other plaves i Ill anrrotindunîig country amaaam- - £51 16 0 1 #in prepiretito give tist uatitfactory evidmrnce iIftsed a-spirit and zeal fur beyond wVat coulti ortriht have been expected, If taken froin thv Soiely, l'y momt es4péetable P¶wsiciaiis and Airentes. ap -thew People of Whaitv, suojuirttv notet flor tieir mwealth and iriteU igesace, aiet gtyas'îmtlet, 2 poitei r1ae at n te aboe aimmtervaa.niilt l 1w îmgintlnmg b ioniove minltme mata-r with antapparent . 8aiçfn-s ,;ttd! Eiglt years' insuiteti, W £24 0 o0 thpeeriiioiietouss byhae ai mpffthmetrm hsi w Ibknoneaeryhavea'tepîabaildeti ep<uet ill -, t1 - - 1e whn amIve had ttis mlotane lInmuse lima-m. aa w fniatil itl s0rve b Provc that lhav lia.iemv -o lucnaa latale tardy in~ Plealierefer to tiiripage i<f miy parrpht'lfor their ian'n'siiWl' o ree athe i4er ~I observe - e wl' ig o s '> iar oci-1,£ 49 5_0 ceaificates aivenIl'y 1llenry 1l'ainier litiem brlem aeea-5am. li tm'JW ut lhey midamm4mmaaai aiad ujajmiaae tireaur, they ara-m Thuà isioAint a gain by borrowimg fi-cm the of the l3tti Xegifmetî ofI l-r Maja-y's îil-îdeeija4aln on!hbh-beia1 la'intm.iamsanu iyn t£2ueva l ilî 0>' - £ 1 Imlnty, (Port liover. ..W)Noime gritne 1wrî,al anad uimquestaùioable ativarlamies o' 'sui 4, aea-atilmlati)ta>afford taaiainofbeSctyieityerwcasesai uaaeïâs'ige byE. Tamiylr, Iloceeaer, N. Y. boitomnlesader muid bot~r'>wer anin ulag atdi îîeîa, paet lake *jlpîlyaa atmu aiaauly log paîo-ajldsnm equria omeihas e syars. JAMES (JFINTON, Rcheafr, ~ limelýitf e iltips weae irsi ',l1utalid a i ltoire lIomii haire, ilw allowimce is mamie -era- fer the lu» of iimerest in comsequence of 31 -6an ar, loaias aarao elull i h, oum inal~i'.t-ha- miaaijlv ofinuma..y. antidaidedallithe miabt Iheing Paitt hy continauous and Ireqmerat payaments, instesi of ai ihe w tic ~~~~~~~êfe-&Andimi Xpa'ma4fsw t'tl;iag tra iatt a.ambaenwal i a-i, %were, mamal thei cl im Thmm. ,'hm, ever, is ofIiali moment, wherm compareti wîh HRITET BUILDING SOCIETY. t'1rm-ti~a ~sii>amla a V aia aaaanf timual ian prmoamt (anfomg wiaommln aurineadvantai'.s ci îay>aag alremmnlyaaiat ealrpy - m~~~~ilt 1 rel.id ,.namr mslimas Jliai t -a. aomuamailamt eaiy midvamimm'a it mia mîa-lma naaier afintn lie sesilly (fieiraisteticf lllnrg il rIIiE Direclors aof flima' W/rib iid aal >>mm im- îii am.val a i,'m (i, ni er frascia l tail ;m. tu.aI o 'iaoaa tiltithe -xpirmauiormoftahe terra, wlmen the sai u I 4pirai i aiis ig lretaj hereby , [fo& i.î ia irtn-s.lmiImmaeîrtus thie- ot'-aiona f-1amm-' tiaaamlt!im 'woakiaagf î A,)m'eia be ery large. - aaail-ibmalneti favf, -,>hïlir,;aper aimare fl as tri eoaai'1 jas f ile{mTortand o mml iîr plulacs, aiiit%,hievl'a-ca imd aiiW 'Igalur tanuaatlay areetirae of Ille Shoreholda'ts will be helti whem the decimar-im daaa- andi payal-le. oc] or biolou tgja. arc itammia aim(ltai %llea)itra amsiilisaS'Ccyrm il adwl elati vcriltfoada the- 2mad of )a-aemberq ut tha-e S-araaa'mIffce.' thalit t i , a lutlki'as fief- tarllnna Iaamaa m'i l i lami<',iîlle al tà ima- iraI, tao-ifigt ebii;'mm,umm.' Duac'dm wl 1l1- otier offlicems l'oi theyear, will l'e telt on lime hat fn eî.uamamamy mni i ti 4pi'r t ! .ad a I r iuf ainde jj rme. iî aa ma1~i;î; I ' a1lî S md, ;îî g -,tfr fîi t vvely 1- 04r, < ofa-a-i' i e-ular inotice wili h givera. Bccrdary 4- scuser. 1 of t-:t tily nhiis tru mmnt:mi:îL mmd o maetly usr:-aius 'a- 'tuataa-m.t N~bîb îh,îîe ~îap~. îantamam aYp a ,nmm;î1oi -um!~. i ima fil'yod t irs, By-rdofDicïr, Râai elltoso à Scey t'om erell ButdI%, Eock trrd Wh lt .~1d 1lwle! irusivr t po;i ailt, aâ ;ti;'u1l Secreiry &oTrasurer of liana theNnvan185na14 s.V'l'a an -h peu mis i he m~aas%#-Ilîaumm iu;; ma>li y ja-a mit JAMES WAte CE îICLe.in Iller-fil__________ - o. ili4 o o- atle. oie-o h i;i fDrce thhmemakertt-IYa0%.(-l fkri-e-y ofioreber; in Iale lac- ha. ia tliantakI. si~mltt im'a Il ~ avel i<<ML I uETEH.Wle C UF F, ms'.%Urtml sltbock tfm,f entlmm ta,- ti Scm-maasFitd- --i> '1 U t.4114 -I~ T~ ~ ene , mmm~m, wbu htme'am i aa.i mat'amimimto pice...1 ~ 4~ lA t I- JU~ IF J A.A.EN, 'JL - IIUWEIESANDQUOR, ANDROVIÃŽUN3 So, same.$s;m~îami] lmaa 4e. ,140029 St1. Lawreè c 1 , ldnpT ro l . PRODUCE 'BOUGHT AND SOLDe l'pa-lo imar. (',w l 4da'. Kap and ('ait Betuecit Stroud's and Fait', Tavern, LttS ide Frenrh aiai l>iai ipdemia'ia C <al Skiats. a-N1 <fl#-i' irst Jraîe f 61 u Do"Ihmî'NicIîr im: t1$h>lwy iin îlae(iempeet cof the mMarkaet, i-ur"î siiull ¶ia'r . 'Mid;. i.amduil;mia uuîveismliy' frmit-alm1y mi " &Il Isi(t liti and >r 'imthe Frlie fr<de cf _P2(D) à & () 991L'W V , 26-y, 'olur-alMaorximummiIia of, ai l alkalataî-rr-miltda).y. b> iaraaotam il ioemoiupmaumaa jv'abIohe pubalic Le- greile aff imott o _____ Goal ;triaI 1.aIrnb 4kmi4ajiijiPrui.-m the.tu-nm.in-I na-lri omamuîiiti -s i..mn-but n ire1w selioa tif ail4,-IOUSEHOLD Shi-n T-Uï, irl , 1.>1Wttedlaunr. AR t.,h'i a aa e <rmua bt"QVAIITY i l i' tmbitretet o iaI îEAPîNF.&K îaîg E CL A AT S OR Waal TreaL -ammas, Vel'aîîm, llanfumiilt. &r-. Ipurm-haaa-d pîiaam'apmly for CASO.lroa.lm- l aaant ii-a iaPi"AINrama itime. UNirF'D'SPTATEs, _ý el.iî[ r [%'d! _# 1,- 1 ier'a C. 'ACaI n aV anlu rsa,,an.he l,.i kli.ffice-. Iai aihî,vn'trilhome alw'im-ahe> as -COa nmuntlmieti MeoT1'ANI) $1l'lICN iaaillu aIs i>aaaamsci mhiehlie 'l a tict~~mi-laiy ave pîaniA i lcarry out to, Ihr sajta-im>01ni al I<îMm-v (mor huirrima ihieir mler,. Viaavirmg ihe jrinipailI >art . (41 hi-s e-nnrae 01, 4le iai thé v i miaa Imoueit y Cfin pmn- inie, eîaalîir l igaa ati j a l tarit a 1mant 1l , a ti iily Oh! y. Goda-!! and LUtile Fishes!! AnalGR(WTtY.ini ile siacmp fmrmiily orelipaeil1 by Mr. GoeWallaca-, wha-re h lt- ie >,able 10 :ipply lis fijeils amma l ia.public' gm-nmraly, '.ii kinisTianre Siie 'rîesCofrecinaaary, Breadi, Te mpenancre Drinks, &v, &c, &c, at rea- sonablete I 1ms W. K. FORSYTH. M'bîîby Village., Nov. 41h, 1550. 30 N{ATTER: AND FURRIELI, VIÇTORIA ROWt TORONTO.. - J NFOP M1S l c La4ips and Gentlemen cf Whlt- by antivicinhtym liaI he h mow recei'inig bis EVROPE.4y iAMNUF.4CTURED FURS, 'whIl-,t<melber wiîi Cînadian Furs; ut bis bwa Manuftacture .wil foin a comnplete anti splendid awwotmnenl, coataining every (aiinda he artice, andi ais.soume deciiemi. roveliies, for tie ccsmnq Winter. Youang Ladies endi Children's Fur sets,,in grat variety. J. S. respecltlly soli cits their patrOffle.ý September 24thb, 1850. 28 Buf3falo Robes!_BulPTulo Robes!z T HE Stbscriher o&arw ftg sale OO Mci. catch andi or Primae quaaity.-. 1 ..1 Genlmen forwirding their orders vitidiut dola>'wil ensure a gooti anti bOnduosue article. 81.1gb Robes of ever>' other kinti,. or tatie to IOrtier. 301K SLTv Fw7r,*r, c., Tormo,o - Sptemnbr 241, l1850 . 29 R%,OBEL'R-I" SA R(.V1fAI T: CO.9, Offer ta, the Pmbla i n oonto, amdîthe' nuroundtiuaaitllimy .ama E XTIEfNSI VL AND %VE LL-ASSORTEI->STOCK 0F Ait ut w iicia ualîjt; fuiajjaauilIV em;a 1alin qualiv-<tulime faalLondonan iaINa-w 'iomkEi lz lslauna atid au a COniaiiit-rabtyloi wa l a('p ihanmy ilouee in thia haatimjy. - 'ue na--mmais.eiini < 'i>mlinagnla~ t ima" i. h-m reualai d art.I. KS.Co. (ina keepina- 1 the' (,)Idage, ' ieimtv e ue sa-nI 'iicv') lhave i.-v' oaiida-nce ima givinm; uaaeus -ia mmisfact-iomm ID T11s whomvfavour ttimll hi atofae heneby tii ulctt hi am biltls or roo ima he- beit iîteri'sts (the- Pock<rIm) 1 ePeule. 1iî1eil Stock cpies ais - EXTENSIVE AND CAREFULLtY SLCEIOFOIIMNT(1 li ir v i 1-% 'L' à x p v 'n P v i T YlsJ1, l REA Or0fthe Newest 5Styles anad Manufactures, Ladlies' loakBonnets, . fBous, c,-c 1) -3 A 1)E 1-jLOT H ii emJry va rie y of Cuats, Trcmue~rs, und Vests,or, stiaerior euit anmd mà ke. HIATSI, CAPS, c. rogeier a'ibis a lange lot of Ladies' anti Gei-itlemeis -Boots and Shocs of cvcry -dcscriLption. T-H>EIJI STOCK 0F GROCERIES Tisay van wu ii confiencre recômmnemt, as beîig nlnewr.ly free from any darati or inferior Articla's, andl are of tic parest Qualies an:d'best Brantis. Alan a lut-,e.Atîâaanbneni of Inljcuding a large lot of John Wilson's "l3uTcEnamaKriivas9," of a supenior-qualiy, and very low;I andi R., S.! & Ci., héia tietermiaiedttecul excedinigIyfane, naly upon rnakîng great utauglsuer amontg kigir prices îira these dgl#ims. R. S. a Co's <s Spiriditi Establiishrment'" is'bow 0pen, anti reatiy for inspection ; and. tiey would particularly invrite-thâr Counry Frienaiu not to parehase elqeewhere, before giving 15cmt a fui chance of provin- tie Iruli ofcfitherprelenîions. No Second Price f Garpmenls imnde to measmrre, ina egant gtile,am lime aimr est notice. 93- lRernemnbeï! the FREE TRADE flOUSE is No. 2, ST. LÂA~Nz BUILD>INGi, two domrs wresI of Nelson Street, in th. New Stone Block on tise Olti Market Qite, adjo Ining -the, Arcad&. cm piu min it afterthi -Toronto, 27th Sliptember, 1850, Land. 41ent, ý.0oemLft0it, Con-. -vegancer and Draughtsman, Surveyor of Roads for the Townships o f Whitby and Beach. OFFICE4.LOT 21,1?!t CON, WHITBT. Wbitbv. OetobaI. 1850 ROBEUT SAUGANT & Co. BLA W 0rTf 'FI WHITBýy: MUNICIPAL COUINCIL. [Ne To repeal part #J D3e it enacted by the townsbio1 of iJ HESubscé~ber, haylig ad lpng experience T IEtebu£4ness, respectfutly anýnomnces tô the. p~ublic 1ihai ho fias à peneti the a hove premises wilh ail ekZellccit asorttnentof H.AIS" ai Oka, £tr fape, i3uiffa!& Eïtobt'a, LaicW~ Furs of cvery decriptIon elways on hand. 7-1 The hisghest price paidiincash lor H.0ttlng ansd Shipping Furs, J.ACOB BASTEDO, Haiter and .Fumrier. Toronto, Oc., 1850.- 26 WORKMAN BROTHFERS. & Co i x ( . ivo 360, Ktng Street, Toronto, gAFFER FOR. SALE AT LOW PRCESr - »30Tono Scotch Bar hmosa, 6"-Sedt4s ,do, 10 "- iols anti Band bIon 6 " -Cast and ti ihar Steel$ 6 PloaSh Shares 6 " Wascgon Boxe 5 <sPatent Shot 3 as rIghî iron Wime - I1" h Annealeti Wire 6 miPull, 2 "Shee Leati 1 <sLead ipe 2 <s I{ofw-Ware 1-2 " 8beeI ZÃŽne 1-2 uRissia Sbeet Itont 100 j Cnt Nails FÂL AN»D - AT lav AND1 A IV K ,City Buildinýg&, King Street East,i Dry Good* Store, 8ig cR(3.n THE Subcribem have now et) and, a nd are daily ireceivi g. a vey e n-' sive atock' k,,Oèeap--5and 1faà hionabIe READY-1ýAIYE CLOTIIING AIl well cut- with superior t«rmmings, and made up in the-best style, st their establishinent'in'.Montreal, by firçI-rate workmen.- We boy in the besf and ckecqre&t wvhole9ale markets, and sell, for CA SH O 0N'L yS Cheaper thon any cther. establiihment. One trial wili convince the Most incre> dulousâ that E. & fl's stock of Cluthing is miuch bottetai e,é»d tricmmeà , and cc'nsquently cheaper thon an7y other trading bouse in- Toronto. REMEMIIER AT -EVýANS &ý HAM1LTO0N'Sq CW ,(ITY BUILDINGS, KING STAJFI EA fST, TORONTO. 27-10 FaUIla "d onier 1mportatiens KING STREET 'EAST, OPPOSITE 171E ST. LAWIUENCE HALL, JUS3T RECtIVED,'via MONTR.EAI.,A1ND QUEBEC, 20 Caseis of- Superior London, Roady-iMade TJ' HE B egt and Cheapest everiprted inta British, North Amenica~, ail of wbich wiIt hi. 8.14 ver>' iItteoer t he STERING oir, n order Io malte room fora very large ronsi :~ t pfLONDON( CLOIHING, (now on its way out) -the Sub'seriber havinç been appoinied Sole4 9iltw pf ;hbe Most extensive bouses in Lôiîdon in the-$ ExroatrTRAxDr." lie vherefore wilib. alIe tosupply the. Gentry and lnh'ehîtants.o4 Tsouôil with SUPEJAIO R GOQUS, for littie myve ibm one-bair the. price charged ini other bouies in tis City. -THE, ABOVE PACKAGES GONÇTAIN- 800 FE-ll andi Winîer Coats. (rom $3 1-2 to $7 éach. 5w0 Supenrior.Frock andi Dtesa Couts, frotr $5-1-2 to $9. 10W p airs of soipeiir auvored boeskin and Cmsimrere Trowsers, (rom $2 1-2 to $4 3-4 «ch. 1.RUFail Pand Winteri Veil$, (romn $116o $1 3-4 eaih, 25 eyRicb French SiIk Cut V'elvet Vesto, (rom $2 1-2-to $3 3-4 eauh. ouIm Cas«esSuperânfino UzonvClothsand <auoe, »es.u. . KrT VERX' LOW PRICES, Beiag selectecL particulai ly- (or the Subscriber, by, a competeail personi opportuniîy of purchasin;j Goudis when thea markets are low." ii. Saubr perfect coaafdence, amy, liat the presemal stock on Imamd atinnot lie undersli establishmenmt tiiia ide oflime Atlantic.. A eali is soliciieti, antila sinatie triail'will «anvince of ltme reality of th, ai Publie umder tise'RE.IDY MONEY PRIN'CIPLE! Toronto, Sýpt. 28, l150. JOHN P. O'N E1 27-10 MES-SRS. BlURG'ESS &LEI B EG to annotînct the inlnabitants uf Canada Wees&that tl thicir N1EW GOlODS, consisting of - Clot/as, Cassimeres, Vesgtings. and agnrlîzsrmn of Dry in Mte' beeRt llritishjk.1arktesfor Cash, which enable, tkei -ocf (heinaït prices- muck lower (hain ever before la the Canadian Publie. 'Iheïr ManilfdetUred in this City, ftrn Gomads imported direct frim -1 sel'ves, and1 Canadian Cloîhs, from thme be.h.cîeoies.in Canâ7da, for d4urability, sà tyle, and cheapnesst Men's Etaff Over CGoats, (rom'-- Do Beaver aa a' s.--j -Do Shooing" ai aa s -,i. Dn' Bnoadloti a j h Redi fantiet shirts, ' (;,enarBont, a- - Men!Ns Woetne hit,' Men's Veâts, - 30 15 do Etoiff- -~-do Cranadia Pla O6 Boys> Vý 39 do T 4 5 do C 142'IN JL2TS, Bi - »RYGO ConsisLifg of every article necemsary tq corni -of thuse Gooda lýequïred b, 5W0 Saxony Wocl Sean Slawlâ, (roui 30,000 ýyan(ls dBnetRbin 3,000i yards ýa la Plaids ' Plin ta, fast eliours, ' ILadis>Cicaka, (aewest styles>) 1Velrct Bonnets, 1d 39I Shot, Ckecked, Striped and Plain, Ali Cashmeres,. and other Fashi( Glo«Ve,14osie:y, FringesArtifical]F NO'SE C Advanem JOKER, BUS NOTI CE.-j AL IN li r .11 IN %.j 1 Ji il 1. u v v m --Il f): ý hirtË. Lin't i 1 leý A- m