Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Reporter, 19 Oct 1850, p. 1

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t sllowed top- t rtieRepor .- SPB.OWLE, WHOLESALE, AND RETAIL 'BER INtTRAS, TOBACCOS, 9ICE, PAPE1jý fAIINS, c, c ACThRER 0F SOLF,UPPER, ANI HARNESS LEATE-ER, &c. ApaidZfor Ht7fès and SkInsr, Whteat,, Oats, Poe antl Pearl .flshes. 'Wiitby Village, 7th June, 1850. By Johni Baker, West Vide of Moket Square, !P R ONT O. ORTH 1AMVEIRICAN HOTEI FORT HOPB, C. W. ENER-AL STAGE OFFICE]' D3, Trusty Porters always in attendîutice atth' t. Passengers ansd their lu-gsge coîîveyed tý from tise ioals free ef charge. Port Hope, July, 1850. 12-Iy WeIIiqogtors ,treet, Toronto, nu the itsmediate ýviciîîlty of thé. Banks, Post-, OLïce, and ail thse Steanshuat landirîga.i * l(RPHlY, Pruprielur.i Toronto, April, 185. W 1LLI AM JEFFREY, AGENT IrOlt TIE aobusuran cs (outpax SCARBOILO'. ALEXANDER TI~NProprieler. kecellent accousmodal ions for travellers. G;ootl 8trablin-g loi i-brses. 11 C'E0. 1B. WVY L 1E, IMPORTER 0F BRITISII ANI) FOREIGN DR~Y (flOUS, SW'Ioleaale and ERetail. 18, King St. East, Adelaidc iildin,-s,^ Ncxt donc to Scobie & Bof*aur. Toronto, May, 1850. 7 K. IM. SUTHIERLAND & Co., ut minis.ueM1Qroeic, KING SýIREET, TORONTO. 21-y m n. %W0O0D., Nosrth Side of Kýingq Sret, 11,st o Bay Street, J.IlF0S T ER, LADIES ANDOGENTLEIWEN'S No. 4, Cïty Bttîldingsî, Kiîîg St -ct, TORONTO. 24-y C I A EL ES B AK Er, XAP. 37, King Street West, Toronto. Alkinds of Siip Flags on 'had, or made No. 50, YONGE STREET, TORONTO. IIIIRÂM PIPER, Tia, Shoot Ibon, and (Coppet Smth, dàii Pa der and Ber Pomp altr. aae4CsDeed, and vGÎYes. 1WV- SHOWER. AND> OTHIER BATHS. Toronto, May, 1850. 7 the «Village of' Newcaatlee -CLARKCE.1 rm Zam xa anand tinIknotalnghummn nie BYD-AÀWADA WETý->-S ATU[RD-AYi OCTORS-4.R Itw,fdaad calm-nnot a breatîs of' air -theisa ailpl1peîl idiy against tise mast; tise lie]n ait lest ils poiernduth Ie siîip tîarned bler hoiv ani ivîete sha liketi. Tse lient wvas intenrse, se rnieci so, that tise eief mata lied told the boatswairu ta keep thea watch out of lhissun,, but tise watch below t'rsînd it loo ivurni to sleep, and xvere torruenteel xvith thisrt, wiil tisey caîuld isat gretifv tli tise wiatan vas served otnt. Thay budt dirssuk althe previouttsday'sallowvanca; andi naw that thair scttie huat t 'estiry, tisera was nothing left luierncmbttt ens- dlurnce. Same -t' tha seamea liadt congreguted.,an the top galant foreas- tht, whano they gazed pn tise clear blitte watar with longing eyezs. tg 1How cool and -e4ear it looks." aaid a tlu, poyenful young seanieut, «II donit t>rtnk tisera are many sisarks abont; what do you %ay for a bath, lads 1" "That for tis aek," hurst al most -simitaneously froan the pancheti lips ai ilina group we'li have a joily gooti batht wben the second asiate goes in to dittîer." la about hait' an Isotr the dinnar bell rang. The botswain taak charge of tise teck -,sanie twenty sail- ors were aaw strippeti, aIl except a paw f- light dîtck trausàens; ann-tIese was a taîl, pawasrfnl, coast of .&tcIIa negro,- LIt the nakme of Leigh; ti r ttsed tes joke bim, andi call irawsàoso. - -- itine sim to-ay, y4 pl e, addrassing mea. "F eht Shark nebber bîW OR's meet ahark in wW,,-l puîm aftert jmn-him rua liko ,4»" I was emptei, amd lik O s wua mom dy.- laquik~ p eupi ths pritsail 'Yaud, Ï4 blatek beSdinga Vshsd s.ircé-17 b.a tan ater fiveal wheaâme oied o a hoea POETRY. STJMMER'S AREWELL. Farewell-1 go to the- Sontisernr skies, To tihe fields where verdure neyer dies, Where thse autiima leu i s neyer aear, And i walk m in oitstiruugh thse langhig year. Where the groves are-arrayed in living agreeri, And isoary winter is neyer seen. .ly roses-bave passed frons your gaules bow- ern, Faded Pud gone are my thousand flowers, My l hes, tisaI shone on the ilvery wvsne Are shrivel'd atsd suak into, a wtery grave. Thse birls have rear'd their'youno, aod h ave fow n, And tise music that rang is tise grove is -unte. Te bave bouusd ths aeaven cftie yellotw corn, And thse waving grass from tise read is abors The bernies that redden'd the mtintaitis saide, Or hiush'd in the hedge in snnîmer'a pride, Are, tors front their atemt, or s,înk in their lowers, By the spoiier'a hand, or tise -diving ahowera. Ye have bear-c from the cioutts my ttsuader roll ; '~INI ight'sings have filsh',! lrnm polo 10 polo, But my lervid sua andlong brigist ds, My ahowers and muy zigzag ligtuiîngs, blaze, Are passisg uow to tiseeldîmes tisaI issu Beneath tise bine Cordillera Skies. Tise verdure which g-lowed in yoiar green' ar- cades, And wav'd lu your walka Iirougi tise rurlingi ahaîles . , whis wasosmilinsg ln beauy, on ill sud date, lu forest tilic and tise caltured v4le, Is psst its prime and must soos decay, Asnd tsespoil ha borne by tise wisd away. Beast nur, O0sman, in thy beanty andc pri-e! For thou muast ee tise cold isand of time- Thoagi tise rose ou tisy rieek l is nasiing sotv, And tise myrtie sereatis ou thy laughing- brcsw,1 Thy roses andi liliepa hKe tinv-nsnsîfaide, Àud îisy rste reat in btheclust ha laid. Ye children of Vrtue. ye ueed flot"fear, FPor tisa sallow ctseek and tise'Êoýau-y>.har; Tisolugh tise frogt of tinte ha spared vour bisnom; For we knout' of a lauil teyond tise lomis, WVhec-e ye iné ternat spring shah uilweil, Wisere ilitrht asnddecav ram nknow-Fare- ,weit ! A Ci-UP FRRM A SAILORIS LOG. Il Ie sees yota uow,' %-as siioîted, « -4 is giflernp., O1Itlite ngouly ~otlt mnitsut ; I thtiîgit ut' evernytIiig a, tisa çssise instant, ut icoat sa il seeîssed ta me tises. Scenas long t'orgot'teuî nosbed Ibraugisîctannbrin witli the ns- îidity of ligiîtushg, yat innthelisnsdst of titis I1ivas triking out madiy fut tise -sip. -Each manmant 1 feucieti 1 totild féee the pilot fisîs iplîisg nie, t ai- Most scneamed with agony. lVe 't re uesw fot tan yards froin the siit 'ifty tapes wene thrown ta is; but-, at if isy muttual instinct, wve sivem fôî* the, sanme. ' Hurrah ! they ara savctd ! -tey are elangaide!' wut aisutad by thea eager cre. , W1V b 'grapeti the tape t, the saMe tîf4fl; a iight struggie an- sue4 ý i ,W thLie highest hoid -Re- gabmo everything but mny awn ap(i pi paceti my feat on the bleck's "io~der, aeranibled up the aida, -anti (ait exheusttd on tise deck. Tise me- SSo faiiowed roaring with jsin, for the aIsark lsad takea away part of his-heai.ý Siace Iheqi, I ne ver hsave bathed at set;, nor, I believe, bas Samba beau ever heard agaha te assert that ho, woîid amen after a abark if ho met one ie Lh. wateti-,,Càesmae.'Jounmal. TiN.-WO ex& puitted tpg ive the ftulowîng extr&tirom a lette; of out laiMe feilow towammn, Edar BL-ungu- ,pito b», vmbi, pb"% Mr, a, 1.19, xg ltwill b. rem~ -jurney toqa dtad near c IÉ50.-r A - eWB hayvý .'q seen thotisatîdi" thse plainset U lest Satturday, I îisg ala, hia tihe n*atteet'ft itI an tn I--abat im *iti A we ed in de cried att,'o4«a shark !- o.shark V In an1 iustat every. ones of the swimmersJ cam'e t smbliùg up thse ship'is ides, huit'1 mai with ;frighO4-tlie gallant .blacki araug th Yet. I we a &ae larm,. WafÀlt aiîgry ilht ourseivtslbr beiog t'nightened, angry wvith tîxose Who lied frightned us, andi ftrious wigh thosé. who a(. 1 -d auughe eat ils. la enotiter1 ioruon~t we xwere ail agiuin ia the1 Nrater, tite black and nîyself siium ing Surlie cistapce from the shi For tvo stocceéstxevoyages thera haël heen e sort eýf rivel ry between us; eieh fan-- gedýtbaht ha wasihe best s-tinrtsser, and I iwer nso Ow testin O ur gpe.' tise sàilors from the forecastie. " Goit, Saiulso'!' cried sorne others. W e w'iIe ,btl-striniug -atîr untost, exchted by îhe ctueers of otîr respeC~ive. jsattizens. Suddenly the 'voice 'af the boatÉwain "'ns ieard shoattirrm, "A sherir I a s htrk! Coune bück for Gud's, sakeli" "Iýay-- aiX atnd io'er the cutter down»l thencamcen faintiy un ont enîr. The race'instnntly ceased. As yet we onuIy slf beiieve( l ivht -%,heard, aur iecersfight beissg stiljl fretta iotun nieussries. 'Swim fur Gad'ssake,' cnicdth ie cap- tain.,, %vho ivas uow on deck; liéeblins flot yet ieen yoî. -Tise boat, if' pôÉsi'-t bie will -get batween yau aand int.--- Strikç onut, lads, for Gud's s ike!' My lseurt tood stili. T fêteit ekCr teuan chilti as I gazed wiitts Iscrrur et tise dor-i sal tintialrgMe shark-on, the larboard quarter. 'Tîsougli i the wêl-r i , perspi ratiotn d respjsd fromrsi e like raifi; the blatck wats stnikrng out like taud fur: the slsip. 6 did switus, andth iat desperateiy: tise water foanied pMt nie. 1I 8000 breustedth ie black, brt-couid flot head itn. We both strajued. every nerve ta bu first, fur we eech fincied tIsalast ma would be tekeui. Yat wo scarcely seeroed to niove, the sisip eppenred. usr faî as ever from, us. We were bath1 1aoewrful swimmets, andi both, of u il swnm in tîhe Frenrch way callcd 'lat brasse,' or handi over band, in En'glith.a TIsere a ws onmethiîîg the matterq witlî the boat's- tlls, andi they coaad nat lowar lier. front death thai arc aftesca prîîua by nastkissd in Isia p's atidtiowns cf Whan my father, said he, omigrateti ta Jetfanson couin t'y, in tise days of ils t final settieent, lue lotatOtiwilà is sis m. iiy in ane ortho soutueril tpwns. &mong otiet inprvenî~laon hig. premisea, tisera Iiad be ersatée neof the fixaI esselitiui ot a new sttteostwýo Mili. IL v as one of icese pld-tluhho1edI cancattis, conmon in. tIose days, kig- gdwhth aeh lige tuser-sotwater-wtîea long heavy pilai-anb .tad ctîmbross a,w t'rame.-Those ipnWieldly wheols an, uaw t1uitOfgin ib~Je inuprovementa t'hal thave bees matie, in these apa, bu t an.y tiher'atMill. b4tit.worke ndw ent-hqu* thi Utpal earth ae i. br.d0 While tbus ommepieçlMIh4d neaqê v* ýtlmo.-tî1sel .an,.-Jh pwer W"a giveni toaycries feÉi ai,*Éa tipon 4i~e cra'k; Waheel and thefÙime 4ù4 a ttiat 1 heti broûkght wih mel ei t.~ 'ti e » e i i t h e li ip 'fi nhfgt utwitlh ttruôst ýtrength. M'Pi'àst T-he craak bad nrow reac lied gaIjýIy befiIutûl is lation; of te Ioud w'u itéý irý0wî obodi o m aternai' à aIed oufleaven foïhtilp.- Iot '6f ai up iaiià (rom Lise &lisighty to a , oà bridge thitatoros.ed th~e stûêo susl I ecoguited tis soû tg a i'orsta's trt-àd. After ci hi idge tlîe'horse corlmooed anti1 I set tisere mist be7g iin aithosg<thà-btîsiies à siiu preveaîede, a-#om 0 When the sountadcam~eojqid 1 hiailoSdeau a I uppIosod, tle> b eard rorîy tîije tht ttWrad ;bt sowipg tii ekIi vole outld asoti h'è#4'Mi hotte did oôt SW.,SiUilI1 I . "Ved ioandbàs I 1l iii~ me tht zteady barona em thi Ltsne~, 4raek 4' momnen vtse ba.l Kiu le carné owtlrds tue, fbl fýý by ýhe wliole 'bard. Beitsg ip.4ýery brokdmeôountsy, 1 avoide I him hllmever, for sùomeine, and loadeëand eftdi*li»e lhile ril- ning. flci blis' ook "etect, but .8etëned oislfto Ad tdo bis peed àhd ilury. My 1-ife 1ti ee 1edta dèýend au y seea un~ordçr~tàincrease it,lIdropjced 'ixy ri'g. -Btit it was »a go. Ha wat-too tqt or il, antisoon: very neuriy 6i>elï.*uk rai. Fouttu- neOely, 1Iha4 niy -,revu ltr with nieb 1 drew uiÈ a»rdtiturq , dandl ered- t eaud. IntI*ti >4ýto-ply' grtat: surprise antd reliaf, lié feildèàd eh iy'feet,-, thé' bail hvîg î~ tlroîb is skul andi entar-cd the bWan. So near ,w»s ha wiwn I fred 1, t e*l, thýat thel fite from it il t-z4,l*i@ e :OttrOl y- haifon bis lmêë- -..- "Wtd ]ireý 4h re*rlvoWé$, Ilied, very )ittle ai hI4 rs p-oçwèr trsa nie, having ftequîçitly. s8ard that a bulil firedat aI aen a slise.t distance; but ta. try it wos théoanlt chancej h1-leift: to Save ùîyseltirrn j6soaëiitnh. Therç' wara seveftl' aid r mottlaineers anti Btîlhlo b un ters prçaent whea ie wai broîtght ita the cmP; they ail de'eda- red ihet hawas dnep of Vre ILerg6st. Buffel1os they li e rO seen, lind itw-,as agreeti iy ail preseüptbust big foreqisar-. tars alone wotild weig4 bjetweea tenÎ anti twalve hundreê,-pottnds. Ha was quite fat, and I cnasunre ~fur- nishiet us useny anu eelent mea."1 ADVE NTURE4IlîA miIL. A .-Ig(iv1ur!an sltosîQ,o~w York rokîtcd. tjilt huoilviîîg incident, wisila we were ausjoyisgthe ltiîIlîry.o4f p cool sei 1eeze oi a hol. sîîlner'saigii 'These ctject of cussvarsstiou %ivtýïiise urnow rne 8 1.

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