Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Reporter, 12 Oct 1850, p. 1

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- -ar- ---, an- - -k a-t-i- IfIbrwt* 't. ,p~"-Tcren« s j 'I*CESCE TY, ~50-0 0GO0 Sterling. - W. CLAJIK, l5. D- e gn'ké, end"ali reqoiaibe inorma- -o6n aprplicationt to - .4eatf WfflITBY. 14 IRON%, H. J. MACDONELL, S' SAAir 9.itby opposite tire resideuce of MfI TB Y VILLA-GE2. ëmd %ummer Ilablioas for 1850. rApril 19, 1850. EX.. PIINGLE- ,FUITB Y VILLAIGE. >i ha is line prompitly e-eecifted. et Fi. ion$ lwqys on huad ,April 19, 1850. p r an& Attorno at Lau'. 0iCK-STREET, WiqiirnY. KEPT 55 CI{A1D WOON, -OSHAWAV~, C. IV- i*'ee6mmodafiàn affordr ýWfm a Stailing and Shedis attached tte 'April, 1850. lu 4D, .W. SSCHOFI-ELD & Co., IMPORT£ERS 0F SAND DEALR.- 5IN eIIOLESAL1 AND IUITAIL.* Ï! TEEITH!! TEE THý L.W. eNR~Y MEBBER, NIiei>N AULE TAILOil, F4 .r. Bettes', Ring Street, aIO.SIAWA, C. W., lAs pparedlteexeile ordera Ine on lthe sîsortesl noice, t aimoderate charges. ~etFadsfass regulsrlî recesged. Ail 19 IS. C.STERLING, - WHITBY. MN Received at tlUs Office. B. FIEY BALL, BAS eMOVE» To oI eidoor te Bry.a'm TIR Shop. WtIII1BY ,'C. W. M h.hAwrlcan bEDWAM A.ABATE, Prosrltr. Ir, SMIET ZAr, TOUtET. &l W H I T B Y, Ç .ARLETON LYNDýE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER' IN TEàAý, TDD.lUfO.ý RICE, VPER MANUFACTU-11 R OîÀ94F. IPPÊR, AND HARINESS L At-ER, &c. Cashkppidd fr Hides ad' Skias, Wkert, Outs, Pots and Peari .JsAes. Whitby Village, 7îh.June, 185-11. 8 B3y 4ohn-Baker, Wiest Side of MaI'rket Square, TO0R 0ONr 0. NORTIL AMERICAN HÃ"TEL Mo Wo ?011T B0p.E, C. W. GENERAL STAGE OFFICE. tr Trusty Porters aiways in atendaisce aitihe boats. Pssaersgrrs ansd thei i 'ggage conveyed Io and ilom rthe bouts ltee ai charge. Port Hope, July, 1850. 12-1y WESTEILNVHOTELl Wellin-gton Street, Toronto, In the immediale virrsity -f thp Banks, Post- 0111ce, aud ail thre Steamobçat larrdiiiga. J. UP ,Prpeor Torontio. A pril, 1850. W IL L IAM I1E F F E Y, AOGENT FU-s '11E 0lariinsion Qtouîii Miutnal Ji nn an ce (olnptiîua't SCARBORO'. ALEXANDIER TIIO.lfàOiN, Porco Excellent, acomo9dalionsa for p-qwi~r.* -WYLLIE, *IMPOÈTEa 0 F 14.ITiSlI AND FOREIGIN DRY 660D%, Whoiesale arsd Rtai!. 18, King Si. East, .ide1ride Buildings, * Next door to Scobie & Balfs'r. Toronto, May, 1850. 7 K. M.L SUTHER.LAND & Co., Iince., 0piite. Qtcas, rtie,&. KING SIREET TORONTO. 24-y MR. WOOD, NVorth $ide of Kingj Street, Iflet o Bay Street, 24- J. FOSTER, LADIES' ANDI GFNTLEMEl';'S No. 4, City Buîldings, Kinrg Streei, .TlORONTO. 24-y (t -1A R L E SB K E , 91ecijoait tË.0iior, . YNo. 37, Ring Street J$est, Toronto- Kr? Ail kinds of Shp Flags on lband, or rmade Ioroider. 24-Y No. 50,'YONGE STREET, TORONtO. 1 IRAM PIPERt, Ti n, Sheet hron, and Copper Smith,i Brin P ounder and Ber 1'ump Iaker. * tapmn;ed Càs/, Deed, anrd siher Boxes. vie. PIIOWEII. AD OTleIt BATHS. Toronno . 1115 7 Britsh LCaiaadaan Ua the Vim'g.of iNeweultlee, CLA 1RE. JE.TEt4NEdY. PIrP;gIETOR- 1 Augrisi 12, 1850. 1 .&LEXM"DER SMITH, ]Roynl E~Xchange SalooB, .No. 3, Liddel# RaildtW$~, Charch Si., r sm-yj CANADA WEST, ,SAT, PIUESSON-RLIVIULET'S S0NGà' "Josi 'isder an iahea and moààl' I waa borro nf a risêk sprfng, isnd dew. 'l waa aiaded by tieis'.wlhose branches and ieaiVea Ne'er eullrdr ro gaze throogh^. 1r wandered *Z l tes~pio.floh~ w-Where rhe'sIauéebrdwi f, nij Were sîakinq tire mist froru iheir, wake nn yrs. And poring their, breatit oniheaï r. ciTien i crepi grr1y on, and 1 moitened the reet Of a ahi-ai whlch enfoldrd a os- The bii1'd in relure sang bism13 lStof Aîd ahowed me is festiery cerai c' How jisyoss î tl tr rglafternooni WhIen tlir sngtitiugi in tirewest, Camp oüi in rrd gold firm behind the green Ireeb, J * $burnished- my tresrrrloua ireast I-1 "My memsry nov cao returti tb the lime When the breezomormured toW plaintive tones, Whule 1 wasted the day in drancing away, Or playiag with pebblesanad itonte. "h pointa 10 the hour when lthe rain pallered down. Oft resling awhile in, the trees, Then qsick ly desrending it rufled my cea, And w hisperrd tb me of the aras. "Twaa THEN the firaI iSh fud a home in my lreaâ, To u icrase as lime bofrnes sog 'Tîsas therr 1 itS leai ired 5 lisp snfily the isorda Whucb 1 nosv lore so pIoIldly-' PRESS ON!' "1111 make wider miy bed, as on"',ard I treatl, A mighly river 1'Il e- PRESS ON !' ailtihe day -wsti 1ing on'Ioy WaY, Till 1 enter theý1.-peading ara."1 Il ceased. A ynt h ingered beside ils greenu esge He hoperi the swerl arain wouid re-echo arain- h .rd *ut aedt J ro ou 1ESS ui. Wlien my father and brother crnte hote in the evening, falot and tired frtim tise two long walks and tise day's %vurk, ray mother wotldiways try tu have sonthing for theru to cal wilim their poridg-a bit of butter, or a isuwi of thick ns 11k, or mlay bu a few egs. Site always gave tiue penty ab flir ns il ivs ruid go; but 'twvas',itle site lo6k liarsel'. Slite %ould oaieu go et- ti-el y withotit an.-n -a.nd theit sie'd s Np rIo.-VUtb tise anckster's, anid boy a lti le Wh'iite brlor :iury ; and IPm sure it rsed tu do lier more grsod te sec tire rbli eat it, thun if site liad got a ilealt-dinner for lierseif. No motter hn'av hrugry tise pour Uitile tlsing niiglîtt he, she'd always break off a bit to puit irîtt li er ntothers munt , und site wutrid ulot usatstsied outil site saw ber swvaiiow il ; tisen tire chid woid take a drink of coid ùter utit of lier litile lin poirringer, as contented as ifr il wasnew iik.t As thte winler advanced, tise %eatiser% became wet and bitterly cold, and thea pool umen working on the roads began lo u srlr dreadftîlly frona being ail day ini wct elotîses, and, %vlsat w'as worse, isot baving any chatnge teprit on wliert îhey w.ent hronte ut nigl witbout a dry threod about thena. Fever souri got amonct ten, andmy fatiser look il. My usother bruuuhIt the ductçr te, se hins, arsd by seiiing ail otir deceutr eomtes, site got for iim whiatever was- waniug, but uil t-s no usçe: 'twas tise wiliof the Lord te iake bina to hlm-t self, a'ld lie died aftee, a few day's iliness. It would besarcd te tel the SrroW that bis widovw and orpbans (oeliwhep they saw the freshb soda pianted oij his grave. It was net grief aitogether, 11ike tie grand stattiy grief of t hel quality, albhough maybe tise m1arn 0 sharp kuifeîlatsiekng imb the, aj w» .oemi à" abathi fInt Ib DA 00,OlE .2 a<de'Jiffirtlt'lii rici cunîsng toward Isine, tise juy* tisa wuotiui fluais utise sînaïi, patient, fage, wes brigister tien the sunian~ on the river. Andi fainl aud weary :as tise puer woiaus used to ho, beforee¶terlthe Bal duwa, sise5d have.M~ary peatlIpg ili becr bosni. Noe mater bow i:te he migisi bave ecîns ierseif tisat day, ;bhe wGuid aiways britg liorns. sa ittic white brin fur Mary; antd thse chilJ tisaI iad ta6ted aulising stace moraing4' woold cat iltew bapply, asedl tisenafIl qtuietly asltuep linsberpseher'a ra At the end Qf amrootl Iga sickiemmsit, butl out smu-heaj y. eichard did before. 4ny wayho san my-mother tgzded me wel ibrosighaiJ Trhey saolarnoet every hule saur-k ( ftrisittsre tisaI arum1là, le buy ume drink aund aedicîin?, By degrees1I wmipv Il -s £ ~2. 41,Comnti< Whil4i Y - & looked, ilisdtu, éi6a netg ffies tisat coifratrs a« wüi~ !, and the firt éiiUüi' I *ds - à i o sit op, I hÉic, dV a tmgé b*19 &~1 m ln My iùoitièr 3 èyés i od, itl ib' b unt her'thin cheeks-'s'al "had1$- the féeib, -11' 5 ;' P5 aeelrore ] îRýdo-wa n ~io i Sp J wfihat sérvd hèt'for 4 ý o d rSally," she aaid-àù iet, e hm mry ýwd- idie ave the- ibild' akiss tke her; sheise feý 'w1t' '(iù Ahasn us d ho btwith . mýfor,'yëWmr- o#ýîthý: aum àes da :and h~t1 ng i, yj Ill ari wnthandu, rhn.g-jewu,' h e; li4d,,; in1 uff gtLv0whe 1111. scatuMreos ie l~re w rlýd wasge, li n$ i eýmudr wi 1,nicie,n, a:at str8y g o cotd.anethe. . WyaMgh» ïu Ito-other.k,uhe saefodet;h. y face, ÉMsif ah. wn reiding î ikl l Yott woa't bê- long away ftomx - h t féll dowa uùpon lte chiId I14 - Mothe," aahd Il os atoll as 4rcoüld ik for éryimsgj , %su*e yen kw iV111 n y b e a I i o e i s d h e i " , ! 4 5 ' 1 b re aiways.a Iriseand ditti d dùik -. gieifr.ýi rchaud pour. fIaaw O~e mhtress a e iler Miss Elien. r:3idx. Sie xvas lu lier drawing-room 1 #eh the blinids plod downsatling 1int alo< chair, ,wth bier. eibow on the! sjtnafl work-talie,. anti- her clieek rea-, !ilnt herbaud-îîot a peck of anyil 'iîand écbiof, and tihe face Ihal wps ioler tItan the marbie clitnneympiece. ÏÏ- 'Neshaie s&sw me (ibi the' buti-er, seisig btsy, seultume in withh s.e l»n- 'Ctee>n-.ray), shis covntrç lier eye4.-Witb. lýýli hndkerlisief, and begailtu csry, buit quietiy, aa if se d'id ot want il le -ç~tcd..As I1ivas gohng ont, I jilsti lseuir ler say t10ïMis Alice lina achu- daingiasftàrud of her." And as l ciosedtlitedoor, I eard jiar gii'e une:' deep sob. The next tinte 1 sawhler,e ste w05quite contpused; oniv for ise' ,%riite cheek and h ls sack, dress, yo U %wqtsld nul ktsov ltaIlite burring feel' of a 4ilid'a lest, kiss liad ever ttised lier lipe. My falirs wife monrned fur hlm' aftîrr atufiher fashuni. S/se couldid nul aitqiil se must work isard tuleep, thJ> e u ist b wliom lie gavefi; aril a- oniy in tise eveningi'svlien shq met dolvas iefore liai' lire ,wiîh Mary. in tler, ?os, thtisale rsed .tu iiudaud rock lierself lu anid freau 'ý *4low', wailin- keen fur tise father' f thelittie une, wl;use innoceut te ars were aiways ready to fali wlisetî aisaw liser totiser ca-y, Abonît bis time m nsyusther gel an, uffýr frolis' ane of the hatdm!r in tihe ueigisisrisood, wiso koew lierý hunesty, lu go tisree limes a week lu tise uext market-town, ton miles off, wilh.teir littie nosey, aud bring thorm back supplies of bread, gruceries, aoap, and caudles. Thiis aie used tu do, walkhig tise tlenty msies-ton of tem witis a teavy load on her back- for thec sake of ertrn ing enoh. «W ké lis aliie. 'Twas very seldou tisat Richiardcuuid gel a trokg cf work bu do: the boy ivasn't âlrung lai inself, for telisad tte sickness bue; ttough he recuvcred f1rein it, aud aiways did bis best lu carti ais isnest peutuy wliereurer ho coerid. I uficu vasted m rn sotiser toet m e goiluliter sbead ansd briasg baek te load; butlsse isever wvuuld boni- of it, arîd ke1rt me aI hunme lu îiiith be hurme anJdhstle Mary. My pour pet. tamis! 'îwvas lit île minding se wan-t ted. She wutild go efler breakfast aud sut i tshe door. and stop lisere, ail, day. waîeliirg fur lier mutîrer, aud neyer lîeszdin«th ie neiglihors' elilidren tisaI îîsed I tu mowanîitg liser b play. Tsrougls tise live-luug isoors alt owruid nover stir, but just keep ber cyea fixed on ltse loueaome boreen;' ais4 wbau the sshaduw uf lise uititaln- assis kre% long, and se esuigit a glisss<sé uof lier inoîber lever se far %>ff, )W i s m Afl> 1sEtt .7. *kj L. a rA 1 ~ ~~ ne4K iA»jin&ü - *~r s' :I *~dd~essed ýSPROWLE, Forih~rf&h~' 1- Wh.Iat itlhappný* ter to me and te liilas-ttî'agônse, bu,' cf ftons lar.# Saiiy, ltere',s-tàsat uninsmy weey ùe cia s'nof ,s eilueic tisat woa' let ber thrive: wilioat.-tise y muler', s and over iset, and tis e*Z kh 'Of "éb rsoîher'a iseart for bers to lea agahatst. fr1 it -C hlydfu aile jrpslclas1ted the jitl.ie chîid b lie'r cuds4éàf>ik ee1t>î braon, feui ack on ùiy:«ra>j aand lu a ?ri wàr «iîthiten ~hrý -few moments ail wag cver. At firat, 'bt e 't l 4r616 Richard and-I cenid not believe thda'tiik i' rreiy ase was dead; --ad, lb wms veq flonag W h'a c 1ýer e' hefure tiseorpitaitvoulid loose bei hoil 'à "tI fri of tise atiffesing-t.tierà 1 t l b~ lè ~a #rtîiessendest'ec,ý ilgihbora came lb 7-epdre - fr :t ýèé *whois r'onee'as'tJy wuke, we cosstrwi t1i liflaittet1éjiir à" Sui. Afoe tq vir Days ptsased von j!theéelsilà wiirs 'vtïy ' ' 1 r', qutiet; aeeiaed-' ' a ' 1 ti le t 'aI " tise dout, and 6fter -hùuryeý i~ ~4i thee iý1tyý alung tise rr Iva' took oox wi$ hug for hWr tltaI fer cdiné a 'uhCtcJ agoi. Wenî1.~ wvst near sets i t W5 ting, lier gaze ua4 e h sre 'fled - UR> iWI othaerm uai are lrj alid cagere;isot wie tisedarknç"camue . on,'lier U ye* lb thrbop 1ike w~t ansd se wtsglê ' io 'qniuetJy vi vhe y~u~p ~. àm- bl or the um drssber . i!id4tdlia htr ~ erqrl4 letiqI§e bbat "i m (en;(-1a Àtf silie sml e>b1oTea wq atol is 1ubtaceho arrad heupi4o g lsçpt, pts eu f e bw* l ine(tgn4g d4" con; mafid erty tt ag, r b rlint f er ute îpgIy çes4i gt us.,f tIuaao cfw>.,ip jMhO amFtbIi SW$ed mW *44ta t br,

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