Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Reporter, 21 Sep 1850, p. 2

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I f i,'buttcamsoled ihimsell Liverpaol. . Tis ilaone ai tise very, ht th 'sth - woisld soou s istest.sassagas un record, amid huscre- as itnever enter-ed bis ated.gieatýtalk in New York yesleîdny - tI i;saatisci isu tittedl tnrning. -)r a~ lengthencd priod. Coton bas decliused 1-8t]. pern lb. *cicitated lserîtmrf on11thé Sales ionrtathecek30,800 isles. eped tisat tise sd man Tise .harvasts -have a thi licoussecîred, sometirae M4ii ài elà- in gooL'd - -- whetdorfnor --li -Nocsamge imsn cto lszfl - bsensgio reçived fnue racaewmssg.- icaci - - . - mring,-- 4i o. MY, ONHENRYs, -1 have at lutcopme te the sesointian af.i qittin g -yosr hanse, wblch.[1 carinomaIon ger ral Miinl even tise leamt degîcre. Fan wekfor MouLus, ever isce VY a mr- .ied, ever si n e yomr tife touS ipous ihrsef swit -se calis tisemanaugemnat of yonn hanse and puise, I bave fait hadbwnisnder îhe tvighain oppuremve bandage. -I cotiid mot go 'nd luiSe a pouad or a shilling trom aur ',campon stock, as I uscd ta' do - baumre -yau maried, wbcîs yoanmd 1 ived ima -one' mind, and teieni baieveil tlit ise affirit f "yorir deprtid, ypiuigwel ý7,zaotber, dveit-.Im yoi, es ycuimlUnd, nmcd Yià 'bé hsr 'very,fecemiud furmn. No, no, *o badn' èO*mcôrurusohck swlien yaîs usarried;' eiéput me on an allowance -ay, att alloteunca. YOn ived, mimd *saaw me reâcivimig ami allovmuce; yols, whiom I loved witis an idoiatry wliich I 4Godisims now ptssishad ; yan, ta tehson I feety -gave tp my business-mry. uoneyIMtking-bisinesa., I gave il yen I igae it MIl te yo-I wotuld have -#vivn sývery lue mand saoûl ta yau, hic- 'eaààsoI theîugit tisaI witis yotur methe's owa-frc yen lsad ber noble and, genci. -ails nature. Yen ivere kind befone you -,utaÏriei;'but tisai inarriage has pruved- prices btaineel., Iràdimus Corlnboildaclised Ud.pet 41iù ten -. Tise steamer Cambria- mnived at Liverpeol on the 2nd insanmt- Thse Londom oi mey iMnikd cous- timinues easy.-Consais 96-3-S. - Nais- iîsgo aimnpntauce doimsg jusAmîerirnus Stocks--puices nearly ýnomninal. INEWS BY TUE CANAD.A. INGLAND. Tise Qusc a saujoutrini n_ ite 1Ilighi- lands ai Scotlaud.- Tise Lorti-Lieutenasît af Inaiand is 1u111kiuiý, atloîsito asîertain tise n-amui1- tom f agticuliiuie- 'Tie Reical sagitationsi Isu leai ravi- s'ed, bsut imeleçt.nspt jroved ami alias- îlots. MNaisha ilhînmau lias sialet ih a rougli receîutiuuu imi Euîgiuu. lie wv'lt il îisit mise great Biewvery -of Barcay & Paîkimar, leun s anc une smluyed an tise pramàisea discuvencd l-oie wms, and cansmeîsced an attaek on lilas. lla was assaiied withî il sorts et' mis. iles, and liais _lml laibs a liternof hir bnck, ansd iLt wns titis the gîcatcsý cull- cuty#tha Austriami But-chei wasde lus escapse. Tise ciopa have ait. becu harvested and prove a fais' average. Tise utta yaair weakacss and wanL of naturi ti s uussune uai 1 irectioh. Yei you Stood Mt my sîde 'yétérday; You iooked in my face, 1, the ~.father wh6 ioved you beyonid ail bounds «f¶theirI ylo eon tood and seard mè hog fer a, few shillings; yon heard ine. aupylicate earnestly and hnmbly, anWt you' would flot give, becatise yeuî wife Wae sot willing. Heisry I, could 'force- yon to give mie a share of the profits of yonr business; but keepJit-kleep it ail. You would not 'voetintarily give nflsosme shillinýgs, and 1 shah flot demand what îigist and. _979ce~vud gîve me. Keep ail, eve- .ry frthing. " It was for cisarity I msked the 'few 'shillings; jyu know it. Yon kxnow. (fron.wham .1 inmiibed whateve'r 1 'pas- o (the biesaed sprit of- charity.I was .hmad ai tyiîmgeas evesi yorr wifebefore'yur rmoîber taugist nie ta <cel and relievethedàemands ef pover- ty. Yes, and ise taigbt yon-,yon can- not forget it. She taughit you to give *Ibod,,,te the starviug in yonr eariiest deys. Shestrovetoinspressyour infiat minci with tise very soul of charîty ; and yesterday ise Iooked down froin the ieaven of tise holy departed, and saw yon refusing me, yoîmr father, a fcw shilliaigsvto -bestowi on charity. " Henry, I camu live with yoit and your wife noare. I sloidgrow ava- ricotis in my old- age, were 1Io't reasain with yen. 1 sisouid long for money ta -WW#chsI received wakened witbin me feelings cf a dans nattare-covetanis- ne, and envy, and disecoteu't, which nit have ahadowed tise happiness af yeur motlser in iscaven ta bhave iooked dtôwn upon. A mas t go and secS out an iiùdependent living for myçsehf even yet ftoug,,h 1 amt i1fytwo. IsOngis nMy cssetgiea forzitrtsggling with tise wmrid <led,!J thongit, when your inother died, and, ieavng my.active 1business ta you, I setire4 tu ive'ia the connitry, I musai go fort h sgain, as if 1 were yong, te seek for tie nieanna afxistrcscp.for 1 fe 1 W»s Det nme to în t w ereafr-8 orcattsre.- hangmîg as 1(ii1w boussity cof thers ; no, no, the iiiercirtit Gcxd wili gimme stréùgtb yet to pr<rvide for My- ~'*hetigi . idatQt, anti brokesdav îamsmr fn body. Farewel; yro 'tho were once uxy beloved sànm,nay Ged sofena nd afnend yomr heart." - WhesI-Hensry penised tlis latter, ise ,woiiVtlnnwiately bave goce in sessrcb et bhis Itiser, ineider ta nduccc bien tü retiara home; but iMiss vaumswas ai big side, and *aucceedec i la persuading -ù l*to ldigw big fakher to net àashe piqaud, and §tay awny as long as he AMiAL 0F THE --CAN~ADA." - 4i'»i.* kanage oM Recordt - .Thse p" Stetmer Camdal *Mve ti i ,yetrday moimg, IL is reported *bamt tise Chsmncelor ai' ftise Excisequer isas detc-rmimed la, ad- Jvise the abolition ai tise sbamip dmty on ne-%ws1ape Ys, and tise maty on advar- tisemten 1. - FRANCE. Tise deth ah Ibe ex-King af tise Frencs baeng-rear'd mids iattentioni. I is saiLise dirsute is tIefBoîurbon amsiy teihI huehemiei, antd aim effort~ made to pince tise Prnmce de Joinville ttise henni 'af tisa Repnuiblie. Tise Presidnionla nnothen touri. BL'NMARK AND TifS t5OTtt. Nothiuig impoanta h.transpired tiss weak beiweamitise tw armies. THcE 'GBRSAN EXPIRE. A telegrapb daspateis irans Berlini af tis, 3id instant, states tisat the serai- officia irs o a tusuatun ce, tiat in coîssequselsca ai a molutiomu wiicb tiseIl Cotîmiil af Princes" agi ced ta, on tise 26th ultima, nil tise gavera- munts af the-icagite hava iustated tisa exampha ai Prussia, flot lu attend or ossent ta tisa Ansîiami Faderai Diet at Frankfont. Lord Palmerston addresead anotisef note btise Pruasian Cabinet, iîtisa vie ta induoc Preusia u joimiandi as- ai in tise executiomu af tise hrotocal et' -tlIe 4,tis July. W~e find that ibis ne- quasi lias mat with a peea-nptaiy refui- sai on thle part af Prussia. ENGLiSH iMAilETS. Beef duli. Park an a iota 1lgmre; sales unnauaiiy igit ;as large parcel by the Psucmjlc, lias wecakeneni the nmarSaI, hut quottians araeuuatred; sales con- sideambly below, tise averegae extemt; ahoumîdema sait aiuwty at fuît rates, and - meaiiy nusaleaisia. lard-iSO toisasolin uI 6d., sliitiy imi favuni of tIse sellai. Cleese-lyiore inqtiry. T1auIute-A,- tive deicand; 6d. advanca. Asies- Prices casier; sales pots, 34s. a 3s paarld offered ,a 325., but icw sales. Linsuiecifins 33à. 6d., iviti littie ulfeiung. Wool-Gumd demaad, a utilul praces; pulime sales ut Leisiion cansid- ared Id. per lb. advansae an furmier rates. frbneyniaiketI-continuses easy; muthigdoneims Amenisn 8 tale Stocks; îînues quite nomsuinitl; quctaiomss fur ]United - States Stocks umisterenl. .IENNY LIND. Wc bave just rettirned fions Janny Lind's fiast rehiaitr. We weni by tsmeassstrungli prçjudicetl iu ber fivmu.We -have relunnec aiothan man. We arnlved too haLe to heur bbc 41 Casta Dire," or aIleamai the visohe af i, but tise concieding passugus surpri- ssci Mnnot a ittie. Stili "Weu silu dloubta àboet ber, wluen she bsegamm tu aing witls Signor Beleétti tisa Dm' item <OTwrcAîia tdis5-Bef0e l va uver, wve had alast entereti an- other world; we hardIy believed that. humaitvoice couild accoxuplish whvlat' tise Sivedish vocalist madle apiparcnt te our ear. Such perfect-exocuitioni, sncb invariabl y truc, even, aud correct inlto- nattion, stich vwtIi.ral expression in il tihe iniddle aud lower register of hcr voice, we.never heard *befuro. The -pper-ï.wIe e pccted, of cotuvse,, tu fin d'remailzkably brilliant, 'dasbinig, and eflýctive. Strange ns iL nay st-ea, we futind it neitlier brilliant uler dasb-' ing, ini theconimou acceptauce of the ternis, but effective beypnd ait comcep- lion. And haerein consists its great -at- traction. Site does titis witbutut seeomn- ing eibt. To show that we wvere not aiooo in' otir enitlisin, we wouid mention ltat att lime close of tihe first part oif the Trio Cincertunt"5;Ibr thse tu o ftintûs ansd voice, the -orchestra came tu a dend stol). Tbey iad been listening to the vocalist and. hat forgut ilieir- parts. Thiere they stood, wit.h open moutbs, untilà1 ]Ben- cdict told theni that they m114 nuL lis- teu if titcv wanted tu p]ay their parts. Anüd timtut rchestri contained George Loder and Theudure ElsfeIdt, bathi wefl known condueturs, and noL easily car- ried awn-y by entîmusiasmu. Ili the Trio- lier voice nul oiily couid not be distin- gutisbocd-ftotn the fl,,te, but absul titl'y wU inîmpruvenment oni.--. . Trillie. NOTICE. W Ebgtinformn our Friends throigliout ise1 Connutry, and ail 'allier pacsons icho ma), ( wish in Subscribe for or Ad' erise in the Wlithyj Reporter, thât Mit. R. %V. HAMILTON i'c our 2?vlùgdethrough wbom any Oiders. or communications 'xil Trecelve attention. Whitby, Angust 31, 1850. TUE REPORTER. -44I1arn a man, and think nathing humasm indif- ferent to0 me.'>-1krmàre. WHITBY,. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBES 21,1850. THIE PROVINCIAL FAIR. Tise annîmai exhibition of tisa Pro- vîicial Agriculluural Asscciation upetied ami Wedncsday 1a, ut the l(>wn iio Niagara, amid, tee are happiy ta learts thsat t hla fan excccded ail tiseaIliers iin lisedispiay ai A-nicucttilîuurîrdicc uof manufacture, soîvever, liseralisas iseemi a decideel fallimsg af-severai oi oui ast extensive woalenms ssniactîu- ies, haviusg negiected ta shsow. This va stupiuse, wilibha au-ug ollie sual- nasa ai tbe prises ta bc costemîdcd for; if so, iL is mramcis obe regraticd, hbut va sansid tisink, IL tîglt ta ho a quearili teiths Lhoea, ivistiser tise kmow'iedge tise counmtry wanild obtain ai thîir cmi- torpnize amdskill wouuld nuL usore tlsnn coumterbalancc Lise triviatltv uft'hIs prises besto'wed., We geLtimhese t'ew particulars free oi city cantempoary, tisa Glbe, and tee give belov uise ou t wo extisicts fions his excellent descrip- tin- "Tise dispiîsy ai bouses is very large, huit tise specimens are ýnuL af sufie ma character aq Upiper Canada cnasinmnd ogt-taoproduice on sncb sus occasious. Tlisenoisa ago-.div array arvery îsefltil agràeuuiîuirnistnliuns-tise ft'riedanp- parentiy being the XMrquis of Clydes. dale, owned by Mn Sueville, of Buui- fonrd. Tise nstchcd hanses are miu finit- rata non mimunerons. " Tise shoof i t<ýrîsedc tllo i 'e-rv ~ral pens of very fine Leicesters, -but we Lind wns ssow face &a face, for the fiast display as we e ha sd to-nsiglt~, Bar. coimîj-not leain tisa namaes af the own- ime wiî ans Anerican auidience, the iimis nmowhere i But xny friendel, I ors. 'The Mcriuosare fewu îubr aga befare,,wbicl shsehnd ver sning bcg ta tllu yau whcreJenny -Lind i.. butsomef lses acvey gad.Goo mtywiere, nsaking lier clebut isn*the ýIshah all sîîeak of lier niusmcal taI- Sonths])wsD reehiitdim aimn nwworld, xvlie sUds isigli, expecla- ents; yotrknow.wh)at lisey. tre'better, dance. Mr'Spencer ôf Whitby7s peui tions.liad been fornied oftlier. She 'thama I cari tell you; yen -have ahown of luis breed is first-rate;lime inipri cd tremssbled frousnt afotîadiyyuugvral plueb th.tr stock tea years ego, fronstishe Du ka demidly paie, and tbe raps o esir ngct ia o preit iriom of Riciniii's farm. lion rai dowIn lier face like nain. She jirehensible and irideacribable vocal Ilogsa h eg resaniu n ad beema .dejected ailtîthe evening, abilitica; but 1tI must annossace a cms- qîamtiy aué tixt Tn esecinhens lest site sbetîid mot corne ni ta bier own cotiistttne regnrdintg-her, 'which__I .urc nst odnt e ' eible ~nsltrCaÈ s igis standard of, surpastitig excellence; emýnnot. aiiow youti taleave -.witheut llerkâlhires.. Tlso-me af Robert.McNaiributwlis ais ctursli'ycoule before tise knawing--sise. beggecl uenie t ta do il; Vaîimn .Smnih, of Trafalga,.r, and audience lier 'heurt saik withiîî bar, and n ordinary* occasions, I %-ôuld - of ieeeu' Scarbon&, are nlliltisai bar did tise bsîimh i a' lpause witliolsey lier eveiy wish ; ittIfefts -couid lie desired ut fUmir Eevcrâaii'breals. wiicb she Wns greeteel, sufficientiy ne- iL 15 dUe yoti ta state tise' fact 1 alhide Time'slliuv (if foeis is leiier thais mil store lier îramsqîtiliiy ii tinsa to a arittla.. Under the contînot betwcen JeDny any pre violla iir, and tIsere are sanie lier tu simîg tise ,Cist," as sue suîi« ut Lind andti syseif, se isentitieci to one verv fine birds in iL. tise twa relictirstis. Wlseî shse mas de hait' the net jmoceeds of every, concert- "Fronstihe Live Stock wc p jracceci lier appeamane ,osie tg, lisera ne iaitmdrarareet nIi o tise Farm Prodmîca hall, and haere is a nivensal horst of clisceriîsg, wisicls occasion, the expeisses being more for foîud -upieiuf aofLise gro an ~- l1sted seveusras ineites, lthe iuîîîdencea 1iicseirst concert than wil usssa'liy be vamlmîa isu tieraniucii eiibîtuuî.rsig, and 'wýavitig thein hliaIsliham- tbe casa, lber portion. ai tlise profita wili Xo icxver lisais__ t% ety-onse competilors keccicil, and elisting a siiower of ho- ha ini tisa neighbouirhod of~ $10,000. for tise Canatda Coisjssm's priz t5 al, lier feet. cA ter tlise. iinst tii- I receiveel a miessage, frora ber tlis nuit5e O subiedand sîse came ÇrWnrd morming,in. wisich abe ,dcciarcd tIsat ;£ý75 for lime best îwentSt-fiva bisisisioufss tu md1 1h11 teheat; Saeiemylierpsition s simîg, soldnatreeiv ea pnneo al en;anti for tise toier ta ua pvmwci-she ol treiv on pày f for flima best twa bîsseis af fali wlicat C eiîc ths îaltiser Iremnsmdimotis hurst tise procceds oai Ibticoncert, but wil we kniav uL ote% many coisipetitors Of'mtheitsisni. Sue Iooked eei, and devote every lisrtl-iig of iL to-menrow cntered ; lbu t tie range of sac kis %e e W s ve y elastely dr ssed. lu tie fi naL miofn mmg for c lirîtablè - p urpioese. k s io il ci h a v e th o vi it s i f ce-7 ' i h - h a t a ' t s C - rIa D iv a ," s te e h a v e ivli d ispose m i ai' s fo l ao w s an tise jadcies. rFise sîmsivrsnl opinsions lready said sc filtarcd, evidentiy Totlise Fine DcportmisentFtimsd, $3,900 .semas ta bie tht flime dispiay of finîe fromunime exciteientuîtnder wiiieli she Musical Fund Society, -- 2,000 . isent far stirjosses hanst efforts. The lnhoîmed; buît as sce prccceded hane lieuse fan tise Friendless, - .500 foliotimi are tlise nanes of tis e coisi- Self-iossessions retliîned, tiese amndI of Society for Lilic itief of la- peltos ortie aîda Ctba s pize:-bliervoice seciisg toacnt ike magie digait ,es -- '-500 David Christie,Dumnfries ; I.1. A. Gaisg luisai lier. lis flime coneludîng lina ot' Drausutie Fnmd Agsociation,-7 M Ningaira; P. C. Scîvos, Niagara; Jaumes tlie second sanuza the anudiemnce began Iaùsie for Coloned' amd Ageci Tlmpsun,Stmufford; Peler Wlisitmsîare, tu feclI lier.lloler, whiere bar voice died Persans,----------00 N\ia!2niri; Janses 0111, Grnisry; 1-1. mîwny 1im .1ussst aungelic isehislser, ansd Colore(,l amd Onjîhson Asyltmi, 500 -itcisen. Towrrrseisd. Jamses Wiiliaisss, bisou rose iii]ma giorii swell tisat alec- Lymng-mn Asylumm for Des- Niaroa. Mary Flynns, Ninanur. Rob- trifiedtise bouse. Thse enthusinstie itute Fennles, ---- 500 art -NeNnir, Vumîgiai. Isaac Anderson aipilause she receivcd isere, lent-lier Newv York Qiplian Asyluni, - 500 Fiaihsoro. S. AÀ. Boumitoma, Toromto. aisimulmse tehicls bronglit tsar weii Romanm Catîsohie Haif Or- Clarlzsîs Freemnsîî, Flaishoro. Johin tiratigii ta tise close, wbem saie agnin pliaiÀsylum, --- 500 P. Wiiieen Scaîhore. Lewis Mvilis, baceme quiet, anad execcitad a cudamîza Old Ladies' Asyluni, --- 500 Flamsionî. Janier D. *Laflbty. Finus- wthtis îslitisnillimsg afiet, thsat tisearai- -bora. Solomssou Brownu, Niagana. Dansiel diemice cnnied away lsy tutur feelings, Ttu---------l,0 Field, Nînagaîmi. A. C. Hamsilton, St. dtrowused tise mlost etffetive part uf t' l T aeLsyîoe osigt e Catîserines. c . . .Bail, Niagara. is «L alarmasutopf mi.Agmiuîsa shio%-.,sInah seete is ms, aiise tolier JolinsWooiicll, Gmitisistro. an aifitiaquiets feu is ite èstage aidisdal e -iîelIsseuaiy L e ilhci i tise cecr m ndi avung o a lider- siaîfier dupniatedecaiy uwihi rTe stecesfiil conspetitan bsid not hfs acnifngilib aporitd beau niamsed at eveniiig iiets tise citr nse fiseverni mminutes. Ou bout lit Niag, btta msee ie'lie vhoia tise Coîstaz Divavas flot COStMONSCH-OOL DE»MONSTRAtION. prise ill le hetsveem Mr. David equan1 ta lier rlimeurai, and a New vmrk- 1Christie ansd Mi. Isaac Amdensom-botis atuience du not yet knotv wntqhe cats We svauid remiud aur readera ai tise shuacimns beiiig mist beantifiu. Mr. -do in tisatIfleriotis s.efla. deusotstrat:umi or festival as aonmetiases Cimisti's is tisa hemvieat sarnîse amuInLuflise dmett wthi Belletti ahe teesmt ealled, whicis is ta corne off atflrookiin tisa otiser msore piunsp and teiite. AIllihme, amsd tas rîîpturomîa!y emconaml. oun hrdymet h detamn tise tst-c'ty-oua flac sassiples ara ne- The appiatîse tens tîcmendeîioua, ansd Tusa ix.Téavriet umakahuiy fina. anotiser sower ai buiquets deacendad in asatiser part ef oui cokimna gives Thle silo%%,t' otisan grains is naL large t'Pom" lier, wlsicb ivere gatisened up by tise dalails, but tee may peibapa add but tisera are evaral fine sanijiio. Mnr. Loden. ta tîsema une heanty exhortation for ail Tise hotu exhbititd is first-rate sud Bmt liai grant tîlmumplisateare yct ta la attend. Tise character aifLise meet- very ueutly plut îup. tIopa af exelent corne. 'risc lite song ssmazcd 041(1 ing wiii shew tise ahaacter of the peu- quality mare ta lie fumad in Ibis roai- caitotudcd as'enyhudy iio did nuL) o htyi tig etiigt muind coin, turuihsa, canrots, lsumpkins, henu it heione. Tlsay heari somsretimg pcc Wst1yisthgleranigt squmsies. &e., is greàtat %sumdamce and tbey nover haurd before, ansd mmiy uev- intelligence and edumatioà. It wil1libe desecviisg afnil pînise. Tisa buttean is cm exuseet ta heur augain f romatisen lis. seen whsethan we dasenva tulie regard- s-eiy fine mmd tise usaiesigar udmira- The audience teas trauspoited, asnd ime ,lu el ttossaLisîa ino ble-wshsitcr tisaithtie fimsst Muscavado. upp1)la se coliisîîcd tilt iL litonalhy spen t e swl nomd hn gmno lusn srirîuittral inislelmeuts, tisae Uit' witli fatigue. tiot. s al vast dispiay, as iveli fionsihsle Uni- Oîne aiglit ssupseoliat ana suai sosng Addresses uîay lbe expcctéd from tise led States estlshments ns ai daunse- as thus votuld ho stîfficieît ior n s ven- fuiiowiug gentlemenaîs t ieast, and moat tie mrsîsîuiicturcr. Every specica of iîsg. But a mosre daliciotis massai iu nonyirssne bi:- implenict, inevrv conc ic leshape buis ('east of imuie %vas reserved for tise poa) rmsueohr, or style, nsay le foîund in the rssent- cend hike a des-sert mt ditîner. Inuftise REVD J. C. GEmKIE On Me iruporiaCrme ment,anîdnutmenotus ingeniatia cantni- s %-eamýIlss iielaiy, kuotw sns " IlTise of Educatiauu vausces fir saviuîg labour an imsprovimîg Eclio sun," ii wiiel sue siuiga imn ber j,,Ev D. I.I.TfSTNotm ee lihe work. W anuat protamsd tu a git va uwîîative itirînrand %vitls jîsefia- tion 01- Cemmon Sch/lg oista/e spread eveus aniidea of tIhe nmtuats articles hle sweetness iimuatntuaheerdsan a f EducatiOn. eximiitcd.ta a ot aicalliusg lus catie, randîfise ecluovs af bis LIEVI). I. WVADDLE on tMe dsties cf "We tsere ihappy t e o fvoico ii is e îiscilaiss, lier tnîtumpsP<ePreîis nrcrr oEuain caqpital cardage ausd good apocimeus uof xsas couihiete. It wss xtrousseiy diffi-iuegdtadctin Flux minci Ileup. Jamels Feteater of cit ta rualuze tlic fiset limaI thera svere RUva. W. QRMmSTON an t/me duties Orsfintea, sud A. Ferrie & Co., aif'suit two or Ilirec voces, so isanfeet of lTeacliers and C/ildren. Duns vulle ana the ieadiasg campetitons st'ere te wu'uderfnui eciosu. Tlîcaudi- imi thsae articles. oea tvero iow wraaigit upi mtaa fever LORD ELGIN'S TOUJR. TIsera is a large assortissent of of excitenient, whtvlsih was gcuiiy suI- lsEciasybb o-mo-ee leathmer, said ta o bc 'ery gouti, atnci oued do%%' ')iy lier fhumail rwhirinai iw taer-tnued froilis tuour Lu the chi efly ironstlisa estnhirleslr is f as nul sa dazzhiîîg, but as s\vet ns Pdîtaî Mackmiy, Dunnis,. muid Utascusliiy. \Vue uuaui tish e - u Laliter Lak,, ansd lias gaîlo ta New Ilanvev, St. Dnvid's." Auericr," af wiicft Bc-ît'dui-t is tlie York to joui fls t'nrisiy. 'l'isougugl; cocipuostr. It is a fiiee miartial ii, uimnte cwlunlu course ai lits toutihla tas JENNY LIND. ftue stylo of lte Niarsellaise. 'The t'ol- eev-liiteiosgriyi min. -~~ - - lowiugare the isoruls reînu t tn uotguîiyu am concernt, aisLis continen,ao ttiss ace- lîruten Queen af Sang isirans tise .Neai York Hcrald. Tisreera 'eauq- nvurda ai 5000 hersons hmeent, ehsichs tas flise iangestnaudiencee -Mademsoiselle Liiud aven sauig htforo. Ev-ny- tiimng whist îassed ail' titimout confuusýai. ais extraanchmary being tLis u lag am.ie1uismgs imiiis areusdiusg the asscuuiumma ai'tisa Newv it lias cicr becus witumssediii tise Prov- lrSpCsD o inîomdr oa inca, and maoyv gooni judg-es taISk stouti okpesu ie odru oa o. Ct ams ngtiCttseNt «Trt poîvera and lime more thpiss nciueciy lib- ofris.A n cutarius tmgte Nethirkmg- eilily and geumrsity iviichi se viii- M) _ n ces tvhsrevci sIte apisanra, on eius ahist lîreni Durhsans cotes and invo asives, .rrd iusclimed ta tncnt tise existence tof n a buo tie sanise breed, owvied by tIse bciig nvilu suicisLh ncnemtgetî hlomi el adu egsoncaen smcund virties as the' fiiieiftil nreaiout ntice. The sttckoai'lIselaue lusîseuted Mi. Welemisall is nuL exhiii'ied. A fat some.xvihd put, radiai than tIhe ax, bred by Mr X'ander.ip, 1cf Nimgnia, plaeasîugfàct ai reaiity. At 8 o'ciocS Signai Benediat taaS asîactd al ccaimyus ruZ>ias i -%lipohst as leader of tua orchestra, sitis IL la six an saven years aid, and a lpet'- htoisin isandl, sud ivos nvii iceiveni frect monste-3000 iba. tecighit. Ot' by,- the audience.Tise concert tisen cammimon cattie tisera is a vary lange oipeed iitis lie overtuire mumiiunced show, 1ambriicimmg mauy--fiue specirueus. iii the~ programme, tehicli %-as pan- "Tise di.-tilpy of sbeep ma excellentt'aimed vaîy crecltahiy, and elicited runch appiuuise iranstisa audience. puaisabiy beiter ilium aveu balaie sc'c'mBoudu tiscîs suîung Il"Mabomet's Ad- baire. Tisa Leicestmeaspecialy maraecireur laulis Wariiors," an air irotheIs deeving ai notice. Mnr.- Diekauu, aofcupeua oaI" Mahîmmetto Secendo," by Clare, ehibts aver fin je rlie orsin i. Tise approaionu of the atm- Claîe, ehibis a aîy ine eaniugchnce %as manifcstcdla tise most de- ram importaci hy bip fions Dnmfes isea.c emannen at lima clora Uc 'vas sbire. Mr Jobs Wilson, of Oshawas, very wanmily applnuudad. ais styla or bas a pan ai fisi-rate cwes of Cade's singimg and asacutlomi, aehaultîcin. bseed. Mn. William Millar, ai Picker- IL la very isard, indeeni, ta find suais a ing, bas a splendid is-e un tise graune, bariy ýoùe as BaliLi. aund Mr George Mi, tw- very fisse _But f aw tise ient ebject ai attise- fatwethers Thare are, beaicles, sava- tiots madelciler àppea=acc. Jeuny 1 ugn-et .vurh a fullli lues, ,tîe Lastd of the West, Wvuose Bituer et' Strs o'er uhe wortd s % cbý muiolîrd l\Inc cpu r o -iis<twiA tlantuc's widebleast, Ail opens Io thie suiset us gatevay cf goid 1 Thes. lundouttise itouiticu, tise lsnd outhe Icîke, A ive-c ihat vml insuMagtlficent tud- Wuler ccs e us ei the mighty insu stamber awu.~km', Aid hilci)%he csls for wbnse freccleta uley died! Thon Cradie of Emp-ire ! ihoogis wide be uhe foutu Tisai ses-crs tise tand of ny fatisema and shee, 1 hear, fi oni lhy Imocan, tise elconne cf home, For song; hae s home ir. thoeuemrîs ofthmie free Aid long as lise waters shah glenn usn the sua, Ant letu- as diy heures rememiser thei sars, Be lise li-.mims of ihy risidrem ituedl as one, Ait prace shed lier light un the Banner of Stars! lier proustiintiaus af tise Emîgisli nvas very pretb'y, sud tis a my inii vsii ase -xetted tIse emdensmataItise close caled downth iundens ofa aulase- Thlis xath-u Ie terminatiomi ut' tbbcoua- cert, ands she was caliled for huy the-au- diuuce sud veliemieutiy cheered, wee the hast sisoer of bouquetîs feul upomi tise singe, aud shea wvthdrew, bowimag giuacefuliy lu the audience. Iere tisae eNve laud crieî af jwhiere's Banîsun.' Mr. Baîmunîm thsan made his appeau- suce ou tiesetaagea-mud addressed the audience arnidat ioud cheens, as fuloues :-- LADIES AND GEtZTLEME,..4 istae1 -but ueimvor tea sk S ai -and that la, thsut in tise prasence ofi Ihat amgel (poimtiog ho the donnvisene Jaausvhsac just passed outl) I muay ha allowâ ]tu asi tweae I really haiang ---into tîtter insiaificands. hi thene lins aven beaui a marnent whien 1I spiired ta ha-je the quesian ssked, 'ivisere 15 Barnum?,1 tisai ime bits îssaed 1by foiever. h ne- kuewledge -frankiy, tiat after auch a. lie civtiuud abutoîtnmidays mgo, hy xvay ai Petietauuguisheie uand Barrie. 'lie 'lucruerlhav-e 1seeau nihir dinty tricks tugauu, layai/y ousdeuvusuug tui i- stuit lier MujesLy's pairesemtative; tutui gruwlbugs, law'ever, tene but as a droinis a hmmket, and could net ha diîtuuugnislsenl mml the enîisnsiastic 50- eiamisatiusss of tise multtitudes tell cranvded to isonor him. We clilime attentions of aur readei ta, tise letteron AiMr Durand, on* aur futhu ipage. Mn D., ta amy tis eut Of a il, accunsa talhave beau very harahy deait tvitb, mancI tsere mihpears ta utmI be a great deai imore law tisai justice in tise Chiai JîmstLice'rb couduci tovaidb UNITED STATES. Tisa iotudnry betweeuî New Mex- ico and Taxas, whiicis thrcateneci lb. disruptioni af' tise union, bita bees jet- ied, by a compromise, by whieh 25,000 square nsi!es bave beau gaves over- irons NoeMexico ta Texas, vbicis teili scanne tisa recttôn aiftwaslave satas ont ai Taxas. Tise bihlleisicis provides for the ergs-, nizatomi af Utahs as a teritory oi thse Unitedi States bass passcd witisout anl prohibition of Slavery, andi will doKibt~- less, ha tthe meanas ai exendlng LWm cuise uven ture territuny.- -As an afiet,,isewevar, le these IVol tinfeniuraite circncasutsgag, the oy 1 . . 1 1 1 . i

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