tt.0 AT TRE TOWN P0V ZIAGAfR&, t8R 9i,î-ANDl 20T11, 185iO. le payment cf '55 cont;titultes a for one year, - ur £2 108, for enttfl Ilin)l, ilis wife and i. nuder 18 years, to fiée adm~is- ring Che exhibition. )n but ilienbers eau curnpetc mis4ms,.xecpt in ii Lo-Idl'ese It aoid lodirtu drpartnIeîîý. rery, article cxliibi ted ibr compo- nusý be ithe groivth, producc, or etu4te of, pprCanada, c'xcept egIcIns". Livc stock fer breed- wjuncelsus t1lue <onclL1des the ti six arguments in - lavezcf nma: " No mian eau- eit.her' live ploc die ighteously without a. wife." ,glus ýnty- yor Three sitîîdents ut c1egç niet on, aged.countryrnan, and Wishingr to bave a liîtIc sport wvith. hlim thts accostea! hini. -The iirst said, 'oduenîg failier Abraharn,' Ie $ect>nd, 'GICh, rnorning, ià ther Ikatte,' -and.the thirdl 'G;oo morini!g fiititer Jacob.' T he 01(1 gentieiman rc'plied, 11I arn neitlhe- AI)rmuh')n, lsaac. nor .bcoh: but 1 urul Sttl tlie son of klsh. 'o et 10 int, mutst Pi te I)olrOety of' wrnsr- sck bis fffthrs isses, and l1!0I1 have i4itin lappcr Canada. ftI:1dý thrcv Of tlen.' 4. Epch jweic-rbea u enter tbrc4e ar- ticles fur Cum petition > freecf Gcharge;- A precociotuz ;yotungster. beiîîg se ail above that t itumber nuts? -ay,7 1-2d, 1how Mai"Ygedsthr er1i, ____Three. sir-the mascuAile, Ile te ni- 5. 'Entriès wili bctaken un . Monday fljO, tildIl e ntutral." Weil donc, and Ttuesdai luthe Show [)y th ve M Y.q'40110 W dr4iie hiien." ThI1e teretary, nt lus office cii ýthje grund. fil--lSC¶'i n C is mnie i, ai 1,the fe m iîi i i Th~e entry books wdl b, clos ld 0-8 Tue,'$- monieni;uud the neutral is onid lia eke- ernn t8 * i c'k. En tries mude oit <~'. Wdda<Morninir, %wll bhi ehartreti Why vis ail aVaricietis merehatnt ]ilk e 2j 6d., encli; eat-dt-lie JhOokS vil be-Ai-ln"îi 1. Becue lie %vurshtîps the nally closeti ut 9 uo1ck A. Mý . -op tîtat (rft rpit day. Articles not eltereil a ccordînto t tlîis, -pile, will ibcaîdmitied to éompete A CGÃ%taiî hL.cn1lev ai dm-cretionary premimpis ctily. Parti-es a toperls t'use a voleato, t m ieliiecar'- May tmake en tries 1jîrevio1w the Slte owbî%'veu ios(f iecrattir. mreek, by eiuin fi the cl' ti, wrIption, and entry s i ete;ad f a mani ivere te.)set ociuliîîree dremed lite Seqrctary in'lol-uiOrti)1 t îIt iiilewîl t pose paid. tI kîîioc.kvd ldowni efure lie got th) diiecor-' 6. Te Jttdges will mnctat the SS,- lier uf the strect. retay's office on Vdîdîy orig ORsIP-rcpan nlih Ç nfl* e'clFcc precisely, to iake arrantiv- (r (if h Kie iîeSýt address of atgit~iti mesit ~br ntcrug imîeditely fi>ald, is,, I arnn how, (dar madai i, tlwjr duties. A Il offict'rb of thle soci Ill telunb fvotir swrvants he su Delegates uaidges, re etirl'estIv e(- 1'ro<îî Ias to z.illow i tu Lecome 'otir qtteste4 tu ttCrh ~ar'eîTveSadav. l1 ai*mstr - ïordiand master .7Delegates. .Juc.hresi ýB oîî.- vetru eit of ilb. press, arc,.qîstd t-rel.tort1 themselrcs ut thte seervtry's u 4Tlkaxtt iyt--iis u - their arrivai.,. itigXS, wlnt . s more iiîtysheriotls t-hait 01 Ou ednesdli:y nt opwe 'cluek, P1) li.hnckigsof two Iii ,iiil îearts. theZxhE itouwll- il to the 1tiîft stt iiîbraiîo nby the-, îtaglietisin of« lie.AdnMoîl îî--cbr71-dyotltlle' IHevsennP5sM., rîaeu ntdig- . - - dtiveg%, 2s 6(t., jl~e~r tu pay 7 1-1-d STEÂXBOAT ADVERTISEMENTS. In t01c vetintr Profssor ('nOvr Of q the. lniversîty cf '1'irvîliu, w îU de.livvr la lectuire in tîeCotîrt Iliîssé, ilusratedIM ,L by experime ilts "on Itle iltîtare of ftlic coatituients of sils anttd lthi 'Ad mi4>11fee TE sT E AlE i 9. The Exhîibitin wil i )en on Thîîir- Pin eH Ro a day at 7 o'clock anîd c.uiiuîîe tillt .ark. - o a TÙe santnt al ddres-4-,wil l edlvrCAPTAINIHENRY TWOIIY, -on the grountd,t thr. eok P. >I. 'ÇL7ILL I 'ave T'r rntafor King;ton. callîiîg ah afterwards the preuitiriîs wil hi de- W Port Honpe mid Cnt'ourg, we;,iher peitlnut- clared.-A. public diii ucr w11 ùîke idace tî;every WEfNfSDAY andi SATUII>DAY af in-a capaciuus lent ini the eYen î fi 10. Early onî Fridity mîirning ilie k Trmeaarrwîll.coniîîe;ce paytîîg the prcmiulrus. A*Pbuugktinz Match wili- talte inithe, pei<Thbourlîs ut,!couitiieiiino,, at 9o'clock, -A. M. GEOtG E BUCKL.&ND> Toronto6, Àîîgust, Ltlry. -.4.Arrarîgeineît arc being coin- îroîîriclurs of .Sicu n- Ioats fur carryitîg jiaseigers ft antid froiu tlue--exhil)îtiuîî fur lII'df-price- Iletel -kêeters &é-, aitîai-rara ansd itsl vicinity,- wiil ettertà itt visitors arthle ustiaL-ratc-xotchanrge. Tulcxal coiii- i nmittec wil-1 inake smiî c rauîgnwls î - -*<ll afford visitons ecvery là cjhîty for - eoing the Falls anc.other jaces ot' ini- tercatin lt- bneighw.luouriud. The site of the Exhibition is tentr lie stetaaîsîbuaî Ianding;îthe arnn~î are tipon an k extensive scale, anmd ei'ery îrecufiouî will lbc token fibu the sautce eitg ot art.icles. 'Th.eufrli'ui iilist iuuouits to 1'wdettHsmnred 1Pountv! 1His Excelleîsey ic e ,r eea han slgufflel lus intention cI)l"eg pues5- eut; and the. attedence uflq'rgîu un- 1ber of distinguislied augric.ulttrisîs îfrom--Uwer Canada and theUuited S$tates is- xpecied. - E1<CzEITFORT0MAFfU!5O Lrmol<DZ,-- (ot -a bowl of, pure water, >ec& Uaduzen p"My girls kitos it, theu get une uIt1 snaid and4 just Jet lier look at it, and tlem l a ia4 donc, did. N. B.-Il ésl oeos twice aut 1, anoîher dozen oWIImI4 b. gc4t immediâteiy. 'So you wouid liot talc. mee ho be tweoo ,Vsi a yottig lady to, ier pwtue, whle diplg the pplka, a %wýVÇAng go.4*What would you tak m _ft,7hn eIl " For better fur 3 greateet curi- Sbecen recei-v.d It 1, thé gtrn WilI leave Kinegton for Toronto, anti interme- diate Pouls, ever>' MONDlAY andti 'I'lIAY Afieran ut i 'te oclik. Wiii let ve Touaiante for -linni ton. every TUEIS- DAY' ancllF RliAV alronnu, at Ei4int o'cloc k. Wiile amilnitn for ,'I'0ooîo. eVerý 'ftJl-5-4 DAY ai .idF Il DiAY Atterrint. at Thuce OcIorc.. The ,l!raier Frlareçç Roy"Ãl laviti"-keen Ãi'r- nibheti wî.th newv'1ilil Qis ;Ã"w toîente ofi-the iIslCSIýt h)ats,- oni Lake Otario, andti ravirî< b er Uppur Cut~slt î-,~crieh i îtfat'ihe whole length eofbuer decit, ite accomuiotirus for pass'n-'eiîs art Stite lasatuRorrsfor pwarul; et fift:>Cabiri i se,~î;aitti seVes a[tai -theusu anceflleul uji v.iîb defuble French beîttis,. >hit bfas long been kiewni'as one nifthb bst mca- boats upon Uic lake; and iâ usn re ai tihe fiasîcat anti most comuoditus. Royal Mailiteam plarlueî Office,? Tloronto, _Mai 201iM TUE STFIA3ER I CAPT AIN WILKINSON, w 1 ILL eave 'rrono for Nia-para, Lewisto,, andi Queenutots EVE.RY ATRO Suridays excepi-ti. aiOn.e'cloek. Wili leaivé Le-wi-hotanti Qu!enston honTouenlo about harti-psut eighî in te orni ;, anti isilI ar- r ive in tinme ta rituel the Mail Steamnaiers l'or Jiri;s tat a Tweive, Noon. Cabin Pasà a 1etsi extrýal, one dollar. Petk Pi>îuse, ttrc quarttrrs of -adollar. Royal Mail Shem aunîc ket O1ffic,)1 Toronto, 1Msîy 22tid, 1850. ~ TRE STEA'MEPiAMIERIXCA. CAI'IMN ROBEUT KE.RU, W ILL, lte remainder - of Ibo Sen, leave 1cctolr Rceiletter, every Tuesda 1 Tiîitîday anti Saturulay - nuiat 10 oýc" preciseiy, anid will rouch ai Fort flop, andi Cobeîtr am ntîermediate Ports (weatbcr ýérmitting.] ReIaruing, wilt hlaut Rochester for Toronto, cafling at-Cobourtr andti itermediate Ports, ev.ry M4o"dy, Wedatosuly and id-uay Morsrirg, zibait- Paut 8 o'elock. Roal3rilOfic. 3tà n. i850 TORO.MTO 5.3m 4iportaious- o! Spring Good fi r 8, .4t . 6, Crf y JhI)linqs, Sign of the, Gtildent Flecce, King St. E tToronto, neur the 1afret, HSihtîeîr-ibér would inform his rustoners, T fariners, arjtitJbc pîli c ;cncrally, ihat hbua now receivetila ilirge and wet-ielecéteti Stock ni* Fancy ai dStalple-'lry Oood3 int Bonets, Para- Is, flibbons. INu*Iip»sý Preîs Gootis. 1Ilosiery, We., &c. Carpets, Cîos Liis& & c., antiwill opect out hwo fnew depa rtritegitM about 14, îsî ofiîne wviîh ail efiltrclV îtew Sîork. The attenit',n, oti farmets LI î,drtiéulýar ly-citi uw tht pe Pepart - nrienlt. Terîa-C&h.Na secwvlI price. 1()R MUNTJ(>Y. Toronto,-May 15, 1850-. w ILL bsue.on the Sahurd-îy betore file 1ist of tily iefist nainiher of -a newpri>lal r'ombitiig ,thé elîaracte'îiis oi f the' Liteiarv Ga- zette, the Reviev. Ille Jounautl of Sest-atilie lis- coverv, ani IlleLibrat y n ofmrantie Fiction, under the tîie oï Ile INTERNATIONAL WIEKLY MISCELLA1NY 0f Ihle rv,,tosof the age, cro" of the h,~ioq inter.'stinz arid intporanthutlawhich lias akeri pîlace i he fi i nî '<Iiteraitire ani eti t ones ni' it"i pliblîew;î'iî. Silire fileuiaî; ofrr ' tthe MIUiLJhJvicw the inest l iiteltigett ofs Iille w-ori hdave hui-ei dii-1 -it!.1lta pf>) tnicalS. llouha, 1<ti <yfrdc-ySunil h,'Mue.;itutix-lt, Mat'aiay, have ,1<-'l noît IlV al! tliir lice tfaille ho enipsîlins hwChîhave arîî)î.ared firetini âournulà , nîaî±azîtî',s anti1-4- e;Ille writtr!s of 'Tlem artitEs'anyï have îîtttorînly iome hîcbre the ;,ubirîcliv t lie iat;>nui-;dîii, itîcti l ,ieetttly leecri mnade v-%-lafeo (r oiin ,- -lib?-t ot the moi-t lbae-ni1:li utft'.,'oIhal MIe aie rcîW i-îitcf. vitîg î!roîtlî Iithent, b-iaiit (,%,(>l'y 'titjirort J IUtt, itstltnelnp. or w o; L-4l'y Mrg E tis, ant iwind cl ely .a1Illehc nest einai-t coitensporary nv- -l.S " ; ) : i.t.1-flit, c.itatie dth AIl îîitd. 4cNeî:jih î1;v dî; li atiIe-,î "0oîmular. is likeivv)t,, iow!hereii.tlcr lisii ±l te ni(ît- ltt-e, and i bJiieL,, for ascendancy ln !lie cove rîtîr ent fif rna.intid. 111i11b14 Couritry %we îwvt keep price wîtbth le uinvemieiit- ahînat. Il wi!I roI aruswer tat we i-siue liteary poie osas siorn aj-sîliealler Itçir corrteiion. Thei impatient reales dematul c!îîtîters l'y <haptergs as tlîey ne SIutr i rorn the lirait, andthewheuart of ie a ullîn ; J'acte, tîpon the trtslarht of ilbeir dis-OVCrFy ; anti'd eîimr, a Ilbey fiash front Ohe contact of iraaà soîaiire- 'llie International TF'cekly 2ii'ivelleny will 1w a n sult of efforts bto li.fy a plaii n ecce-.ity etlthe- limes, It witl co-nilii;)te ihic excu-lenced of ail Coriteripoa ry ;vîttdit îh fcature» tîtat wili be peculiar 10 itsclf. I.Aleadirig eolý'ject wil lihe ho put-sent 1 ue 1 b- i!, w th t!t w ,int.,t c apidîty, andti he 'cfteaj rst luysii<e rate. the' best of lboie woîks ini l'p'Ilan iiierainire wlr-t.u purrgabrn;;dut svrials (in ian 8c;,atie Chtji!ere. Wiîb Ii - I(w,îlu Ille intial perlions will bh pbisithebbc jîuuziaI î<>n; lieus ritIlite brillianui4lieiziîl flaiuîuow tri Course otf;publicaiontinm likû:'î it4:l 'ittieir te tilleoi f " e ent liauiJ" )ylivlt- aut1tor of îlni-t, ele!raedfictir> n t eIfscIatzî i u-:nglish fireu, IlTaun Crirglc"s ;Le, ;" arud other werkus wýitl bu el-ecteti and i au neon siti- taneonsiy, as httey shadi cour tu u3 wiîhîthe startil) cf stiîliciett tent. Il.'lThe foi eizti peri(xdi"al5 are Coritintliy rit-Il i4 nioveleth#s cf frot buve or Ihuee a do7erti uttaj- tfu.s, whicb-being tee Dbnrt for separarte vlîn- -su a-rret--protineot a aiiîtbiî couutty. Of itu-sathue e4uior6 witi give 1ht! coiceà ;t sele- 111. 0f the quarterhy Reviews ltemoi-h atdmi- rable papers %wîjlI le ;rreenled in full ; andti hoe wouks ilinii ail cuseà be carefuily exatîineti for sutef valualile anti stnikiue paîssa:zeq as will he Iiklyc.ct ntWenl lteArere'tuiruade-r, le whorn the cl-:tire article à i which tlî<y appear will be IV'. The Liherary, Religiouî, Politiea'a nd Scierihifie oewopapers atndi niaraiziieSwilt b. ion- eulteti for w'iaiuî-er iiilI -i4trit-tu't en rtertain in itir scs'eramieprus Thi h. lendtllntarticle in the g-mtîjournais, supot Affauire ond Piîosphy andi Art, *ahuch -are now very lreqiîenîly repriffieti in America, mi l apïesur i thc L-itrnatiorud Mis- ciayil sut-b fîtluîeisuatîti corribiriations as tc dis- play ti.sprinegsa *ti 1roceff te ueworld"ac- lionun a niitlti. VI Boit ibe wot k Witt n4t be aitogether ?oreidgn nor a mýrre compiiation. In l euuctor lucre wil lie a constant- efrot Io sisplay wbat ie wrost intei1esintr andtimirportaînt t t h.e.Aneri,; ant in tls diginal poriofns 1: Witt b. 'upponitd by senti' cf t4 b iteet antd niiez? ccoMplhsbed wrters in ail the flelâs of knowvted-te ud orpiioi.. VI. As -a Literai>'GGazp-ll eud 1Examainer, il is believeul ihat à Witt'equti tir surrmu iany work nîow or ever ptintett in tb. Unitèfl.States. IL will ceritain ltpe eauiest annroutcemnents o1 wbatei'er rnovemnits ini the literauy woiid are cf eblet in- te resbt-o generati rradles; Ms rviews citbooks ivili lie heisest and itelligent ; andi ils eltractâ, wbertîliîcy eau lie giveri ianadvanee cf' the publi-. cation of the wonics theniselvits, wil lbe itie chou- cea anti most.valliablepfflihue, Wiîleut cattor hypoe< , c~tic inilhuence et amy clique of fet- Ilte-minded anti amhitin" aspirantil eticil, thse Jnteriiulionui Misoelhmujwillii , Ibis reipect, the. pubisiiers trust, Win anti presers'. theîespwct anid confidence ofall who lcw* te pubi*bed critical jigrot» as guids fer lte redi or putremu With a view i.. themoe. s*cc.sfni exerionle of the deoi-,n to uake t'h. Internasltial i scedIan ot tie tirât clama lu Original Ferio<ical Lilerature, as Weil as iî,ii ections andAbstracliwofMusatîs j .iredv hID<Àrthewo~~r!d abhi d. ttkniblttors bave r HE REA.S, it lias bE ed to me, one of I léige su*bjéct.s of the. Province o strong -desire prevailts amonj :ù this our Towuship oi Whitby,1 extensive Iletrencbment, 'b. ma expendtte fet the Province., And whcereas, certair Crowin Snobs, &e,,bavebeen îiîey wilt .2%aiiufà ctut>e Boots Re ît tliereforo known, it amy eonccrn, andi to the Iîîhal ti particulai , that fror this tIl the si 14holeIog"," ipractical. 3-%lantîif«acttring BOOTS and MH liest mahetial, at the lulowing 1 Fine Sewed iIonos, Strong Boots - other articJ- iinibte l3oot anti SI lion. 1As fithe seibris have always oit hand, a good LADIES ANI) GESTI andti 10 mplu Onebtteb ho0 seil c 1)e a ;i ;r 1 ha ci) any ofrhers i)i andl i leIower th.îi .zl.inpexb soliciiTs a slIarc ni public patronz Gzrvi..N; udurmy Tlaraland daiy <> Alirîi, inî the yea, lVhit>y, A pi il 19, 1lR. Cabinet Maker, Yo. 4, Adélaide Street, Kaut Rer ý!aýey isToronto, Marchi 8,1849. dor M st - à < Caof Chronlc Rhemil#ti of flfteen years )f Cana1athat a stading cred bu Halfurd'it Cordial and4 aope'8! he Inhabitants of PiliL. adeinthé ubln hic b. rertify, that 1 have beenafitdwh aie ii he tibic hetimatism for fiîteen years; Wr a conuiderable tirno I was confine<ilta bed, andi the greater part of ri, individuaIs, that time I coutlnot'tiove myseif;' some of niy I Proclai Mn tha t joints were coînpletely dislocated, rny knees were at si Inmexafl&iitiff, and myjniîîts were very inucli swelled. For the last tbree years 1 was scarcely able to do three monthsa' work witbout auffering the tncat excruci- to ail whom ating pains. 1I Was doctored'îti Europe by severat bitants Of Wbitby physicians ot thé biglîest sta;dintg in the profes- ay forth, 1 will go sion as'weul as in the lrovirîce,' I was also five ftrerîchment, 6Y rnonths in the TotontoFlospitat, and notwvithatind- OES of thé ver y ifr ail the nîeans 'xfed, 1 coulti not Set rid of my low puices, î"lz cZmplaint, indecti 1 wa toid b y ai very respecta- s. d. s. d. bic; physician that t 1rever cotuld be curei, su that 23 9 tu 26 3 at that time, rny attention was directetu t your 18 9 to il 3 $ir H-enry llfqrtli sIroperial. Cordialf'or the cure 12 6 tu 13 (j, of Rheumatimm and ibRetinatic tjo'ît, anti Pr. hue line in prop:or lp's I a ltepaîirri) f ever gettîlg cu- reti; wh 11ecallt nyou, 1 was hardly able ho walk, a f1wbat was al(nost maraculousii tbree determntd to wceks from nry cmmerîeirîg t' take your inedi-ý asorimetit of ait chtie, I gaine fonlteen potînd's li weight'; rfy bealth was rnucb improveti, andi in aboutitret'e LfZ~lEN'S weeUk3imore My Biîeurnaism wacortnpletèly gonc andi rny hecalth corrnpletely.restoreti. I now rny recovery 1 have mwallked forty-six miles ini one of Workrnen, anti day -vith liertictfreedom, auî' 1 tassure you, Sir, Cr5011 in tie tradc, that I1hel trtily thankfut. You can mrake any tise ai-ot, he therefite 0fý thii yoîîplease ; ry case is ktiown tt) several age.irîdiviiluals- of' resp*ctability inu this city, théi S-al, tht; Eizhth rimres you know and cari refer to ithçm if neces-~ ar of nirLord ane WY antifift>'. 'oiri. truly andi gratefffliy, THio.mAs vu Parties referreti to Wifl iain Gooderlhani, Wïl-- KC. FORSYTII. Ia >breat Sme hw drL - Iricee, 24.i. t nd în. per botte. The aboVeý mediciîne is for sale boy Manîmotli Stock of Boos anti Shocs. HAVF, receiveiiheir Spuing Stock of Boots ilant'I Slîots frotit titeir rnatlufaclnry art Nlon- treai, aititil v I cl at ltirtivçtai low rute. 110. & C. eftlploy sx bîttc operattives. anti proditre firnt 50(1 lta ")pair;stiaily. Their jirmient stock blits tîeutr tonde with speciai refe-rerîce if, ihie want nofi ariada West, antI wiit corripexisale. s3 nnu1in, the irequir.ed ibU,~li sl e guar- MireI1inir, who have nc't patroniffcdIlle above b~hnhnn iould lorse no IimeI, as tlvy con ic itriùh(ýd for oni huif te rmet of coutntry pzodmut- tiMi. 4'ny laî-reuiswbk f(iture repuired uilh/wu IN. 3. Bitowx, & CifiLVS, -88, Kin- Street, neîrly oppiiite Ute ic £ngii4î (hurvit. k,î- - J.-]rII .PAI 1 R LqTHJie. -el W110 ivili Il L 0J U-9 Il for Go1lt Jsouth blf ofLot N0. 34, 8th1 Coiics.ioiiWhiby, s oeilfori bidders, tb)r a terni of' flot Iess than fivb yeurs. Tliere are F;fty Acres eleared, aind the whole Farni i.4 jdentifuilly Watered. Go alid sec it. Possession giveil in good tinie for FALL PLOU(dIING. Apply (paid if by post) to B. FItEY ]3ALL Whiitbyý. Ajîril I.9th, 1850. Farmers' Protec>ti*ou ~i bt 1. £awrcnce C onntn Mmutal MINE MILLIONf4 !SJAiE CAP'ITAL ON100. 14,000 ME ~BESO 'The flon. H. VanraPejter, (4deasburgh, N- Y. P. Vanko1 hnet, Cornwall, C. W. Sidney Snts. Ormori Jolies, Js, rcvls A. Farewell, ]s. ~ rnry P. Perry .fitg 3ryce, Mcmurrich &.Co.p,.2or. Dr. Alliion, d > L . WCartiphcli, Brookiit. H. Partwiel;, Moses Bardtct, Dr. Foote, John $addler, Pickering. John Hielilt ,Ohaa Lewis Hou-ck, - farkkham, Will-aro.Kissock, 4 ýyduîey Smith, E4, Cobuu riç. Charles Limier, Esq., Bbowmanville. Proiper A, Mord, R16ek. Samuel JJavi4son, iarupvota. N. B. Thé menihers of thiis'Cornpany recom. mrend paries wisbÃng ta efl'ect isuralice Io makE apliatiômii)~ii ait cases, te the local a,,ernts of th- Ç'ompany, whezi sneh exiât, and flot Io travelling agentà . Czu DAEI AMIntat J3roo)Liii, Wffttq, C. W. Jrooklin, eth Jau'y, 1650 Ornerai l~fn,19Yn 5ct ORIENTAL BALS-AN, wo' do.- N, . -Scores of(livî duce ta testif y of the9 se-veral cf whom now i 1talsan is alio gootifer lion, Cramps, Agrue in Sildie-gaIls, &C. &C. Cjark'. Jlrewerij, Whiil 7th January, 1$ Under the i. .4 D R (Late Senior Phy-i-i, pensai Oompoimd à Poýitc but' a Ma"i - cal Faculty,.-hy Ilastineis didcovery 'ï%apliia,! lis. Otleti ietire that his il Corc positive anti speedy irîvoie the wasing by exçc3ive Swcatît eft1i o t a coulint atiîttedti o Wi.M'1t cough Medicinte, a! relieves the huà kin' coiîgh andire 1e Th'fe à ctivity of il!i n iL is laker itilpervan every fibre of lte ýbG lb rouzhout-secure$ Yjpicri hs ormany y(.-Wtbeen mcd -and tgiveï ilvver wih heinâth-appy res'iffs, in$4»vr-al Fei of modesi p)arts of Miurope, inilte pri vate îpracice of eunment ba'ckened usurages, a phydsiciatâ, wIIo have apprr.vinigly adoptî(>l Dr. s,.pe4kirig c f his dise( Inpe's sirigiar formula. *'Tie paîrty who îs 1 now WVere itl net itua the insrumnta ii itroluilite redlîne10 pulic ipo tane the Pl -notice dues flot cIaint super humnat powe'r or VIr-tuet persori eonside-rali for l forurf kn ows lta it i hnahurally iipOssitii recormnend& bhis Na that any inî,a Uttile sptciti':, cati bu inveritei or dis. turc !-t e 'warrants coveredta ho1mre aillte alimecnt.îtatowhiei-tfrai, purit'y 1il-e warraîl burnaîiity îi: hable; but hie tocs know-'l-at itîdomr i.,îi hectic fever, nigbi tabt~in~etia iri iîustry anîl pereeverance, *ený* plaint, pain in lte aliet Dr. Hope b te rn a comnportii, se happiîyý warrants itlah arrest blended in the Pis ani llaanfor the Curei Or the lung ,andta t eil mitigatili of et ny cases of di«se in ii .hich 4à personis mn consumpi was ofbcri eonsideled 'ti nilih powc(r ofmediciic positive Confidence to yield andt aideor rclieve. 'Tlicmnedicinebhas ci- action isfthe lung;S reti nutnil,-rletss cases nt disease anti chronir, star- directions, p)urifyirtig ges :-esperialiy eostivene3s, 60o commumno among in ilst pregreî.s, andi those wh-boe occupation, anti otiten whose dispo" directions, it cannc :iiioîi, learis to-a sedtertary habit. Nausea, I)row- bealthy condition. siiesà , IPain ini the Stnrnîachi, Oppression anti tiatu- Th#, most ample i ley aler mearis, »hsinclilaliîon hoMental. an(! îcstimnony cf thez - oduiy ekertiori-Giiddýinets or low of bloodt b Ibý eileical pructitietiet bead, Psirialut the breastt back, shoti!der or eidte, priehor iii speaking frequetîllt' cauti by iridi;cstiori or a disordereli veiy; and iec as il liver, E luptiens 01 lte skiîî, Car'uncerd lace, positive becîiùse of iBlotches Boit; andtt Pirnples, proceetiing gererall'y wiiich iesach that p from t inn urity of the bWond, or, a disordered state feel andl acknowiet eo' thetuigestive organs, ieartbiiiru, Aciti ciucait,1'11they %Vpte inquet AciuI!ty, lof ilite SoalNrosdbhtjo e h riewtlie rangcmnâ4t of the sypterrî, Nervoud, 1> lodicül, iLs action le so enerL Bisious, aud Sick Hleadache, Depression of spirite, plallîy mauliltes: ià -Noise in theebcead or ears, Agite, Cak e or cailarge- after at is taluet, an( ment-of îhe' spleen, Palpitation of' the heart, arisinle produceti re$aîts wi front indigestionerdtyspeýpsiat, Liver Cormplaiui ad faileaI o efiérct. 3[asketior DuibAgnle, lireglauily o1 thie l The proprietor oi undt othier secre1tins»orgmns, Fits in lti or yo0tngottie, or even a sin occa2ioniet by wonmsi or sïtoppge of thlenbwels, thatiut le beyond al 'Marasmus or wasting ohfle-sh, whîch appeais 'Ina nd efllcacietis rern cwhiioot or eariy yvlh;, Clloresis or Greelisick-- fornt gives powverfv ne", swelled feet ati lJegs, itamainSatiden qualities almosti; m attacks of Mania, Tetanus or Leeketi Jawv, Rheu- liteo the etomarb. m:zatism, Cough, pî-oceeding tfrous disOrder of the lI is aa ngveisaî digestive organe; Jaunîlice, arisinig trom a Jike diaeuse, expeling a ceauft' Diarhoeaanjd cotir, atisiin- fri wormse gress.. la St. VitujDanîce, hen'ait ether rentedies faili Price 5s. a<ot allong continuiance of this Msedicine shall remoe thiedisaa;., A,3 bisis a 'ey 1 Innmost chron'm c diseuses this xneciz'P MaY le net Ieft ateuiti on used,'withcertainty of sttccess by a proper perise- with other medieiti verauce, t heqef e osefluizail For the certain cure anti mitigation cf diseastt erat, tuait its sale t( geealy, il is agsertcît that ne etiierand iherefore, petu ruediirie lefore the public carit'.e ompared with ýNapiha Syrup cuits -Dr. HOp.'s Pu1,is à andi Balýanti. Theyactthrcu4gh-ý ue reacdbytgi Iy but milly, witbout eauzing arîy unipleusarit 'aiuue, stoutd directî sensation, unles the system à luVc.y mttch iouct o T&WO, be oly4 order, ini which case tt£.Iiii ay or iay not for the salefcib is, produce.Apie nauzea. But their judicious 4i5e, for the number of 1 aeccrdfrlto te lie etions which acceinpanythe inmmediaelly- fôw medicilie, shall, ln the disegsriame%, give gie- âfe andi speedy dcl rut if net universat satisfation- Ther piopriettir warrants tbat ne harîn can ensti, sunutty case f rom. - taking either thiePFiIs or lbe Beius. ýe 1e j ,leorientai Bail -js a m uâi; valuale if. w IT U I e Mo a specitzc rem [,epelly tfor ad gestion,~ g9 Nervetus DbitFevrp u Nervous 2e5$- A Ck$Ap - 'e4ki "ract andiSick leatiache,_Les. of aPPetie, Pain b. Of AS:TINGS" ian te the Blesîlzdmi~ ry of LoiLdo%.) ,4n C (ure for al the inîigs. Lion Createti among th the innounéernent Di oftemedica! preP rpourtdSyrup of Napi cure foi ail disease away of the hurm' li,, expectorations, i geliî nature. h is eas'îrably superier Ioia Is it ilalmiostimnstat îs' of the throat, 50 the h~ackin- and lhe nature iis uch that the ules thie frazie-and p ixly-diffuses a gentie s a frc circulation et, nal e,,rej§ u talhe l the systen. hyX. tesay nothiig of t zoveiy acrol-ding te it subject is oune of'fair1 uiblîc ta be irittrfered ionus. le thereihie ath, S rp, utwarI its it as a neyer failia It 2s4veat 'disppufai e ciest and atsihrma- t he formaaon if toîl i tiose already-lerz Iionr xay taire it with ofai cure ; for its grei S, whiel, it penetrato thîn of every thingu wtich, if app~Ied sec et fl'u Io teave in a xrecsupporlt uihiest and moli listi -s loif the agCejustifies thus confilently of b îe-iEaS hesitation la rf lIF spec4 of its cl patientla Who use kiniti eit te ie the dès 1)adglailly accord r.clairns n s sfavouîr. rgelic that litcuralli hernsetves in a few id a incle.deièbasis Iich bottlec of otirI 1 ;5-1 y 1 1 i