Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Reporter, 31 Aug 1850, p. 1

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- j' ieéGiut illovedtotepei-f Agen ts f4r teReprter~- I. r S.S1ROLE ika aaap, - gdp~ uiq~~ CA N ADA W EST1 ELD&Y, &TJGTST raw, - ,R.J. MACDONELL., NAA, WET. y s iU;, E ti ea Smmu à1lîons fer 18i0. pril 19, 1850. -PRINGLE. bis lino promptly executeti. tpas/tiens aiîeys on band. rAhpril 19, 1850. r am~ emyatLiw K..sTRET, WBITBY. CHA.RD WOON, 0H1Wc. W. couoation affordad ta Travaliers. "itmbhnsd Sheds attachai ta the LSCHOFIELD &Ca., IMPORTERS 0F tIIOLubAM1D apub, 100-L BOOKS, &c. mginp ad Wiadow îliuds, 'Oli SALE CHREAP AT, r& Doon STOBLE, WIJJTBY VLLA4GE. 111h, 1850. 'TEETH" TEETH!!I èe »1. Bttes', JCing Street, le te preparedtho axecule orders R txeatë chaIbis Of. as adou ial vo d '. it di, .-a' iihp WHITBY, 0. W. EDWAR"A. BATZ, PrOpHedor. '1150.8-ly U~k., ko., Sasreel emefSocial .Mgit sGUhE Aff, TvOiTO. ov mi ot a beauty M .o1 eyes than mine; NerScrie welot !he;fmim, Rer eye. are nýt divine Sur yet lik repobud parted, Her lipe of lave may b 1 >t thoughmhe's0 flot a beanty, S[er losoiàùgmke anqw; Nt)r wéah l.hike a"dlty' This breaîhinig' vorld 1heiw Yet lhere's a ligbt of bappines àWithin, which aUl may sea; .And though ahe's flot a beauty, She'a dear a neaataome. I -ould flot giva the Iindness, The grace that dwýells in Ar, For ail that Cupid'a blindness lua thers migbt preter; 1 would flot change lier sweetnesa For pealsofa iaoysea; For better fer than beauty 1a one kind heart to me. GHOST STOIRIES. AN INCIDESNT IN iitISLiFE -Or -MÂ.DDtJC CLAIRON. The occurrence relatati in lte latte] vhicb vae are about to'quota, is a meý markablo instance et' those apparenîl3 supemnatural visilations vhich il hai beau founti se diffleisît (if net iupos able) ta axplain anti accoaI for. Il does not aippear ta have beau knovn tb Scott, Blrewvster, on auy other Englisli vriter vho Itas cellecteti ans endeav. ored te expount ithose gheshly phe. nemena., Clairon îvas the greatest tragedian that aven appeareci an the Frencli. stag'e; holding on it a suprem- acy similan le that at' Siddons an our own - She vas ai van of poverfit intellect, anti ha th ie usenit cf affec- ting ' a complote revolulininalu-tite French scîteci et trigie acting.6** - 3he- tied.iisi80' tethe a-gaofe eighty. Sisexvas ncanhy saveuty vhen tise folloving latter vas sritten. It uva% attnessai tel M. Henni Meistor, i ma-n af ,saute eminenca among lte lîterati of ihat perioi. I **- With-titis preface vo give Mademoi- selle Clairon's narrative, 'vnitan biaie aI4 a-go, cf an occurrence wviicis had lakan place hlat a caabury befora. "Ia 1743, my youth, anci uy succesa on thle stage, hînti tiava round nie a gooti maay admirars. M. de S-$ tisa soit ot a mencbaîsb iii Brittaiy, about tlitîry years aId, liantisome, and possasseti et'considérablo talent, %vu ana et' those vise vere mml sl rongly attachedt teme., gin. convorsatian aud manners vare those et' a man cf adn. cation anti goot sociuly, andthie réserve anti tinity vIticb duisiguishat bis attention matie a favorable impression on me. Aftetr a green-noorntacqunin- tance o! sema ltimeI pencitted iraste visit me et my lieuse, but a baller kaowlatge af. lus situation eut char- acter vas utot to bis ativanlaga. Ashamati of being anly n bourgeoise, ha vas squaadering bis fortune et Paris under au assurnet titla. Iris lamper vas se-;era anti gleomy; he knev tankind tee velI, ho sa-i, net ta daspisa anti a-vedtIhora. Ho visitet te sea ne eue but me, anti desinaci frein me, in mtrn, a simîlar sacrifice ot' the vorîi. 1 mvw, frpm tl.s lime, thte nècessihy, for bis eva sakoai vl1ane mine, of tastreyiug his hope. by rotuciug ont uptercouýrqe Iotereusf tes iatmacy. Thiîbreugltupon-hini aviole4t ilunes, darieg viticb I showeti evamy mark et' friently ialerest, but firqily raftimedtte t1,eviate f=omtIse côune Ihait adoptet. My beitavioar brougisa tîpon him a vio- -lent ilîneas, turing wvicis I shwvdin it every mark offiendly interest, but irmîy refatidte devIt. fronat ha course 1Itait adopýed. My steadiness oly deep- ,ea edbis vount; anti unhapply, at Ibis tinte a treeciterous relative, te vhitot be bat inuiastat lte management et' bis aliàirs, teck litvaaeo f bis -belpiesa condition hy-robbng hima, anti leaviug bims seüttitetothiat ho wss obigadtoteaccept tbe lillle moeay11usd, lor bis anlalisence, ani tite attendance whickhbis condition raquret. Yen muaI fÏeel, sy da "dcii'fcthie inpert- Aaee 'of nevpr reveuliug Ibis secret. I- reqpect Mis memcry, anti voniti nciex.. pose biS telte iusulting pity eft tis iverît. Pzeàerve, thoan, thiseligions silence wbîcb, aller mny years, I now break for the flrt'tima. __ tIa A t ie ereerat b is -preper- ty, bat nover bis bealhb; andtiainig I wet delng hlm -a servîte by keeping owIiou. I ~êxftî. hlmat a distance from mei sonstantly Al ai, witheimy one being a mioemu a" ie4îixm Wi 1>s n~thawéve r ïo ýrefused tereoeivéeîether hia lattera or tue r t fo it pr.eeed,, ai ~ ~~éy tôMadeuioýie11.Clir TW, Met s ~tan~ds _ ini the ýôghW luos ber r i otip u;tIo ,"Two yegrs 'B~hi'easde- c h ôie ~*s~~ ut ~ auot ýiad ler ÜadM<fr tweenIbispera d tdtpf hus death. -Nothing vas heard lbr MWie ay4 ç«s 68' iîetehooe imce nire -but hâ*isg boeu rnvited -by Made0 l'. j'a bi&a'é't iiiorneànt, but 1 thoeuht't el o hjp> esnil te 1eij a 1itIleoevenimg 17 oIhé as o necesaary' noi ito tp1py wi$b lh;s wish. pertyi atier boum e aur the IB"fiem :*w4w beteosWtbbu -9f, Hdild, hiviing wit h isaol i i-mli~eIe nah7clk~ lu tdiué *th lady, bi do. l-al,*el '0 iiaw1 Pane- *UObW e .ibri-adrra l im~1re' ife'tbdged i a leuri iooshiBpeai we'pwSsd ip1omg.e seO Wtb ve O pre ç r, thotqghwitlui av m at' tha~tneenthe, eomra t4 n4ear the Boleyds,'wbich.wert su n~nnn u, a ppcêoiila t ~ÎI*ynqistu, or the aïat of Chaussee dAntm 'IÙ id din the Rue to-be studded dwitl bous. Wbile vo wbioh h&b.cirotmntaneesaus bc.-ex- aluippmtioa wbuel de Buaiy, neur theýAbbayeý Stý Germain. wera looking At the hîiIf-fini4hed bauld- plaine4; and we are coniiniled that more pri able,1 as.J; 'bly. motiser lived wjlh me, and that ings my uinid aaidi Il"Was itnot inti this ~lmtohuhiogieêi-înee the more e uight we had a little- party to sppr. noighbouthood that M. deS~.diedr'fcoywevr tclr im the rmi eàl Q ords havîng We wero very gay, and I vas singing ilFrom. what-I have beard, 1 snswerad, onle. S0yewmd etuoseou5neaerl il r a lIvely air, when the clock strtw-k I think it should be there»l-poiitng eqtîally or pçore misrvellopp, ha*e Ibus sasr-itineraut Yenl eleven,,sud the sound was succecded with my inger to-a hause béfore us. been accqj1éted-fbr -- ublicîobtitses4 by a loud and pieroing cryéf uneurthly Front that bouse camai-thae aie gaw.-- Our riieier ramber theliiutory of ?~inasixiry ersop, horror. The c)wpm yloolied aghust; abot that I bâti heard before. It seeux- the Coupgissioners cý h Rudpd et'lotion eft l I fainted, and remnndforan qtlarter of ed te -traversa our carnage, and the I Naliai Üt lbr the equetratie eth. ce 1ors a 4mero eu an heur lotally insensible.'Wa then cc hatan set off at fulspeed, thiiin g I oyal do ia vletWbe9e rtedtow ldbinitey began te reàson sbôtt thé nature of so We vere gttâdked-by>.robbers. Wgrp- 4eatb,an lt&gymrvx-uo4 -- ____ * fightflsl a sounci, and it vas agreed to riv'ed ut Mg"poimelle LDumesnil, 1w athe ia1lae 41WOcdttik, y a a eiesof h e seta watcih in tho fitreet in c.ase it were stateeof the u4mopt terrer a.ibeling Iclabolla ounda, whIckere ing aReSfl4Y IÇMn 0F '- repeated. did net gel rîd of, for a long irne."1 terw"rt d&@v@ied tube the worir of VI-SION 0COU 4iIt vas repeated very citen. Ail [Mademoiselle Clairon gives Mme One eof théir O*ak servants, Jr moskini otr servants, my fniendg, my neigh- f.1h 4 î imlr a faev b arne, 5 lolist in the dispilse of a Clause 1. B ePeali I* bours, even the police, heurd the sa"neacids tbat the noises finally ceamat inu puritan- , The &iùoou8% %i."44Coo6kiape 2.- Provides fr k A urswy t the saine hour, alwaYa auiut two-yearsanda huif. Afterthis, iotwhekpttê*au'6ta gf orsitl rproceeding from, under rty windo, itnig1 hnebrrsdne ietien for meetha, end bafud h t of-e bi Àt -and appearing to conîe frein tbe Erpty o u iho îebuse siie -vq tration cf multitudes c0f, ,tii 6 'rse; l t su mis now [air. 1 could not doulit that il vas leaving ; anti esny poepîp b luoohranti liteWai of the ti4Y, .Nubre o 19 meanaI eitirely lor me. 1 rare1lysupped pretext cf looking et lte apartints va. ayoug girl- ofso9n.'eleve i not; lem*,thas threi sabroad; but the nigbra Idçid mo, pothing x~eb ~tfigther arvi y týweh e-ýyearacf age, viloaêm mysteriet*eýi 1e uge it was heard; and several times wben 1 te see,-iu bier evety day guise, the gre knockiags veiuTo prducéd by such i ats- fuir hlding the parue to came borne, andi wus asking my inothertaeinc oTeteFieesj pie mens that theifr ei4iui»Loý so og 4.3gieml u i~andi servants if they hgd'houday undetected is the rottlrelu part th. umauber, ]imaflp - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l thuitsdeaybrt ot a f "Oua day I vas told that an oeld -lady cof the stcry. Thtis child vs thé agent dieision' aid tter iî >_ the mitist of' us. Ono night, tbe Pro- tiesiredtesnm roosas. H14iing ail-of e conspinaoy f4jùjed',by bler -father, - 5, 6. Registratie it sident de 1B-, at svhose house I had wPsys badaget esetfrtt>P< wIsiîîisente coebrates, ý B ru-. tbe rd- 'Y. Jùâges cf 0Qetî supped, desircd to sec m>e safb home. I went down tereceive ber. Ahin 11- pttihe' ., nlw rb eascfad oe i i , Whila ho vus bidding me good siglît countable emotion seizcd me on Soesg pretentied rvltes*entedead. -8. lIn case - ci lui ir at ny door. the cry brokecq t, seeringîy lier, anti I pcrcaivad ltats1e vus ÀA more recet story i. thït of the aence maý apýoiftt fron soethi g aiven hm un me tiovetiin a similer nianner. I beggod "tcwl hetdiib-fupsti ~r~éyc -Ha, luke ail Paris, wums ware of the br~atdy n avr e is t abjeet'ofia VlumBe*put1ied in"Ifl'1ý oitq"clerk a"di One stoy; ut a us 0 hrriiei tat islent for oine tinue. At Ieagth.,sIte asud i. shrtly Mld -by qu ee - rié servants lifted hini imb b is carrnage soaadafe orepaprtoucMyç À- 0,tIth.J, f ï94,eq4thl11Dolive. I"Anether ~te çthe sh.t0 e-mgt iGOIld aau r W estie c~a çs". of - touycomae teeyl con - "1 as, mademoiselle, the best 1àkdm om aI l oaci- edo .d -,adteol tStookvell, ia Sirrey, ied -ber heuse - Il. Zday adid>niéet pany ise 10 the Rue St Honore to friado M eS , niUa nyasurle4byportpte' vhjols lotâtaly 1 Tmter of C i aafriand whom lie vould smc turing, ttherriie . ; M VM choose some sluf's, and tisai to p >y yean of bic I au r faily, bptapreeti ceivet nrcf visit la Mademnoiselle de St P-, Whoa f. .spo pt'o larma tlipiughI tbe vionity. otirsge four p, et et I lived nean tha Porta St Denis. My incessatlyi 1 urgitug hie te forget noises were l" tdprcoediug frosa Judge% 4a4aty' ni lit ghost stery (as it vas called), vas the yen-lia protesting "ist ha would love epty partse f thse hops, anti hepvy: montre itan £ýO, t sebject of onr wholo conversation. yoîî beyond lte ternI. Yu tp articles cf furnit4re, glas, -an&- eartb- cor, la Ceuncî rThtis intelligent young rman vas stnnck viich ara fitll of lears ellov me te "k envaire, %Veroe Ibrovadowa*, i~ed ke à18Duo o Ce by my ativanture, thonglitha did oui -ba-ye yynmaibi swrtbd in plies befhbre thse eyes cf lb. e 'l- 14.Fes d hava ltera vas auyting sîspennatumal andi how, with snch a mimd anti uc,banti aeighbora. Mts. Golding, driven 15. Clerk ta furnia in it. He pressed ueta t evok lte feelings as yourm, yen coulti refuse bytroai.blýon4elt'f» phaton, pomsin mete ehevaliaconsolation of once morte seeia« anti isy tere rioner oVn 4orng h oo roerd ofmo ,ithi e, pfuge iIn, in on.tispme touringeve speaoie grno 95n Il) if il ansvored rny caîl. Wilh vwenk suln a oV cm And pthea iî a a tbW;in thith'er the- 1 Temr~-t audcit I ompiet, nd nddulyUta "Ae cannoti'IIpr4uswfclowtier,, tws esevaa: ntte i cry was huard tlirea tintes, vitlit ferful oun sentiments. M. dadctIopi addd S - hae fi ilWebeég, Ape Uàbimtv aon , oeies-O5Qt&b8" s louiduesa antImrpidity. Witen va an- mn u sinsbeqaltis u i as alweys pissent vhen l..tha1. kesoe cf dial -rived i t ur fneid's door«-botît of us gony itr aioebann eprteck place, eitbxer ia Mra. Golic gs , w - isýl 1 -were founatsensalesa in tha carniage. made menequu.liy g ofrat e'bis çemlpany e.own hbouse, oit in those of tlb niihors.Funi-- "AflarIbis sane I emnine i ris 4friendsbip, and bis love. To . ake Titis girl, who hed lvét only , abopt a 18'1,0,1 La - metemenths vithout heaning snything. ies api meithiutae eath.1weekt with lier -mie'rees, bedante the ' c' r niii esar -I thoughist ilas ail ever, but I vas itrorevt ciî,u'4ee h ujeot of miatrutat nd, vas disrnlsed, ' iaSeenrily for 4 mistakea. 0~~arcisecf my talents. I vas porand au tr viic theii.distunltanc-eî nîÎrely uî. beistanset aVensisa ateitprend; I desire attd bepe i Iwl, ever ceaset'. ]$ni the malter restet on n>ere 2.ToJtg "Ai tletapublic. performances bat desine, te Qwe nehing ta; eny ue but IVS< .î îî ne"soa~ >. h e pc ry ofed th f r bm rnhl* . H'~onte, "who, live eat ltaittinte'anti -suthoriîy to etld olIe marringe et' the Dauphin. We ad u o use every endeavour tu lent îiitei pt ion thlite pr0sumpÉtien, a eanaý ~ vere te pas tîtrea days tItane, but suffi- hbu to more jusl anti reasenable menti- 1qddmnSva»e ciont I etginga vee nfot previded fer lts15 ei faing in ibis, antid ru&elO vthtortiutn b.voet menis; v~~~~ilchcraft.» At lenglh' Mr. Hu m esno aun MaaeGadvlhdn p4rreilaesfra ilte aiasu cf h1mpassion itan ofîh Re ,e~tirle tI~, Ivadre raona ha n islfbtAined iý qolnufiaOte 'Y3 fcoet g r coea eanti 1 oilered ta ahare vith ber.- tht> frein the violence of bis hobater, Iî.eyfin a .g0atleMaa te ho iemadÀ ,rhotiber lwI Proin wilh tva 'bots, vbich had beau teck lte ina reselutuon te sepauate frein be ss.e acuitt vitit Aun-PRobinaun eteriée, vbçe Ibi wîsignedt la me in te avenue cf Si. hlm eetîrely. I refused losee lbi n-mn epalr ieahsrhapnt necaneis~Un Cloudi. I gave lier ana cf lte bids andi bis lat momentso, becausa the sight '4 t1v epsieliitci> e hte'tasylepue look ltae other. Whîila my nuaitivsvolihaeru m ert nse t-ose o b h en psttppp nndresaihgvee lie doy hesude;mcIaidftes1- h. .1 ehu pouceti tIl theme sa- t tarssn he, ova rlie orl ésde me Inali ère ~d 10 5ppear teebarberons if I te- tu borrotia, by IXin v, iras or tii eupt pt-tm to ie, l e rentth- ordý e4 nhô eminet inflexible, aeut teo e ra i t dier ta th"or t and il is treafIl veather ; ltaecry nsyself wrelched if I yieîet.- !O5' me iw e d1 br UtaÎ...tec»Sr4- ile eofthe =id Col vould lia soenvat puzzled tu gel uct , ir î. o ug as they Vote b@svy or light, aue,&eteaii~ us." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~r laa oeti agttoni b fm ote-i te Mo vties hotin tbreiilnth.Pa;fowm. vith ther niev'ery snobJudes Uish,,dreés frentepte btoîu a lte w -;-Y e-nl)tvnlo " iplwhiob the t- làaa so à rooma, Madame Granlvetroc inlaiemr tin, eone nxre e tpspe maiprevatt tieac honse, i wbichnobedy cloedetun eye 'Il voulti ineÎ4,' raid tIhe Iayo be fei die Thg 1e gitl :gaie thm he.. . r e iipoii d tor lteet et fthe.Biglât. This, bey- anjumtOûOademnyoa. My poor friend tMkmt irvries.love âaikir, '.eI4 gud bpjcoscience ever, vws tho e lote lthe cry wus hinmaîf, su bisreaenoble moments aiô- oaiu4ténfor amusement w4maà oe otfi h ber.ino*ledgeti kl ihat. eoveti yen. Bat ahei.tlw4b. .(pt tbey prodaceti. "Savea or eigbt dayg eftervnit, Itie passinanti bis iimlady oveotIie, IO abea Ises. puses,, vo oa geus or oemMetdit>aý vitile I vms chatiig vitb ruy usue-l dm, and- your reftuW itesee- hlm bgo- have litle dowiA that ltMa «ll etoherwis. tita1, eveuing circle, lte ceuni cf theo caktettet bis Iaut moents& Re vaso t1 lîe' ui m jo iîe fts ~~aap Êtriking alevea vas followat. by the ing the minutep, when i ait Wp euttn noisesâ Iseh tb)rew ber uiuftregand t 4livery of godsg~r. report of a gun firet ah, une of My vin- lsSfeîtcpet 11 ia tu êbrtgieaBda, juta sthli osternl$iati, t6e oing of work. dovu. We nil heard tise neise, we aIl cîdedîy woa ve ot et ie. Aflera0.Ber 0o10 homLe vgaejexp1 the .placereeeivesi, fp og> saw tho lirel, yet thse wiutov v.'s un- momna ssience lho tck rad by tIshi were thie" liiggsppeue; a on eus»ted ,'co aider1 damaiget. W. çostlsdet tiit sonje bant, -vithtàa frigitifol emptesmOi' 0< tl,è -mont rtmWkableoceaiieu. veasfor thelndas sey oe sougit my lfe, aedt hat ià vasne - tesîtaur. BsýRibrm vom0aul é ~D'they hpn elsewbre,it ia eXprS oaVùh, w hip 4 cemmary toteakre precautioni againe t blshe wiU Cain nothing by W, ruté a»entjoneét liait tofthe vu Wprem, a tint .have bemot, another atbempI. Thse Intendanttes -qiel:y. As8IhavO jisllcvea In- lihfe, I e.# AtÀ StP. l;qil -at#_bp__ai II- 1 - e*5 WI HI T B 3Y, - - - - - - - - 3~, i854~. tho ýeoetü ilg lti rtin pa of rts tr uaflil3 amug eh Tree4uré *t' sburn.rnetA p puç [5i pe.rtovýao if eveýr7.' 0%pceao ttcZ ' a lim f 4 04'"~

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