Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Reporter, 27 Jul 1850, p. 4

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tizitwiud, tc tie' 'l'he best field 1ban@ lu pIaîîtif ref- irenco bu iâËeÏýu*rke.tf s t thé malt preImud"k. Thirty bosbeis!tr lile acre wuald b. a goud crop, th.iitgh ni h kir- g jhae beeunîso'd.4 and i rnîîch 'Whoar<Iïe bî%ns are. fittyi'rmnet end tIl#él aner 4 tfrust. lritl mcd tbrowj thei ing beas. n Wlub condlition -tlïifkitwàmey ntectq thbim. Ilf the ïf4id, i oi wsntr'd for Othert ISem. si' 1 filthe atoqt pods 9.%- omté 1k -llow cultitr. Thev airm pti- led %w*tiéëse wheii ite rét« o tature .sgt êftt*regf th#-rooi arJ' liv f at tinte 4 2Th M* la mori 4&ckty aceomr a rnhuukrake, or Wh atMbs- are part aall1y green, itir vy Cai la oiG~1'c~t twilîh a akl".Jtlwt îçiWetatîloct drV, let thein rtemnini for it-gh1le i jial iteaas. ati eirur îlwi ~t~uUtW.iltic"e. with tliv rsîts i,'Ii~~IO ailnd so'etret at Ille top ôîf~cl str ~.When we1lldried ean an1~i d sprend them. tfi the y S free frssm dsajmesa. The. priée of lx-ans ranv-s r romi six te twelvÃ"fsailfimg»w a ilîslel., Nitw~ sh Vi~ ow, the price' ili uluja mar- av i. s"uCy geaerly fL'o a çrerr side. The imwe è tut i gl'fi ws deipIê~'îaaî The. lunc pld4n,»liie lxan, goc11te cinta rie:earlier tisaimtaiW üthes. -andi are very, producîtive.- 40"i~L eBEMSHMKIM ?V~T OR FARM notnt frmr, Lin t mmdircSind 4Ad with*w"r tIes, w it& iei5 ti ts fke off, bust in wh41èaiA antisoine fiower por nsuo ittd d eu. bI iý'éO e, thv reaityctu t ltkor. '0th1ig I o-ild bave the door yaad fihlei wthshrtttbb ry ê -)«fgm ad thë road itl ie Iiiia04, iMý1 b"I - lrt aehat it)nd here ta Ã"IIIOWHCAT CR0,p.- Fârrmers frotn, -whest grui cu=Iities tare. ia rei- gleat tq 1fardIX-.lucned - tgj'.~, 'pç wO yçdsa wecrop h;iý bo»ýI fbltiLa, ~~the Iiarmers were g.tting discourageti.'rh ' y feel qttite sure q* orgfrat- yild.-Cle ve. Plain- ~VhiIi ;~q~ îîb~v~f , CasIl Iýy rguîrrutînig co>uta7. FrSl riur .4*tyle landI Durabli. ,lie tceWi t iisfidelit uài givitig fiti w.ttisfiioti Fil %11191TN k TftJI1!IN do ctu rdr Uepiriig ilu a4~its aim ruIe uxiye.euc q krt i4ice. A rr i A1ý,;i FL n A Y. W ILI, issue, on -tbe SatIrday hefor%? the 1 st r Jury, thio ftl sr nhmer t à new jieriodliral zette, the 1eiew. ihe .tnur;ii or &Itritilicie. rovery, aiti thé Lilhraiî of ZomauicFict:i'nî. ulider th.' titie cfthe 11NFiATIC N'IL IVEKLI MELN' '0f the res'olutions of the sae ,one o( ibse nmasS interpstiuîa ai-> impériant ilta itwhich Las îaIo', pmace in t4r fou mi of Literatùire andi the mrodes ni' At% psrbiieafiurn. So e f tablisrwmeo f thf Idinbursrk Reriew thre inewi itllerr fft wîrrid bav'e bw'a dinjîlay-etimn priacl. 5.ighanfl, 3*$y. Sidney smniih. mrIckrniosh. Maceanlay. have o%*td ueauly aliltheir beut (ain la ecmpost-ionrs wtr4th have appîtnred fir#ti i frates atiEmssa b ave; uàitcîmrrlv tome lrefort- thu' poblit' l.y the siîme mu.ans. biIr aive y;eently leen matie vehicles aiinlfoi theotiîiýgl eýhtifi 'of the mosit 'latrrate and il.ilijrîfwf4folts," ha wc an e înw receivuiii isyh iheni, by almrsri u.er ap Item Erasoie, juwtiairieiîts of Woike b) ilerts. Jasrne. Letccu.i-Reynsîldts, Mt', Maf ah. MrsEllif, and iidtied t îiriy l thé-' mat illetint conteurpota ry noveligs. M S com;îlete iii thel ,chatnce tht al Iiri, extelt th. dilest i *d fraxr it1ilar. ik i-ily in o%oý liifîter 1rigb ii., D.ily, i, ,Çet" rdi rQii'ly t oies. iaté iap:t ' t l'IQJitifer fali the, 4(wertan etit of t-ouuîkiitd. in :it comiîVyk.i.wm t keep pace it t ht macs'cerettt tOi at. It wilf net ançiver liatt i.îSite fi1éràànY pretisielf mu as %orsn 185 iuibie atm.i titeir rompiciicosu.. «'rhimatientlfflreîers tjerouud éelîgers by .hdwtrut, ns they aie DgMin thé trra tuth ie headri nI tte- atitor; fairtslu ile' limeaaî1 i or heir disrtwery ; areitil niots îý .heYa 1fi h imcmlire cotitaclt f iinagiîi>tion anîd re-1 The Internaioul 4Vekly Mw'llaijw ll liea r,'cult of efforsi.»efy a pksirs nacté.amty et'-itý 'irita. hIst il irr ine beexcellen ces of al eoitemporary» wts iicrit wii fkaiures tli aili, lie pectàiar bi-ef 1. A leadjur ij 'î'gwiIi lue ta ppesemt ttrî ,h î i.', with the itiriont rapitly. aie. aI thLt' lleajrest isside raie. the bslACitai0 iiue wo1aksçira POUI'at iieïai'are wti<ch are iappýeritîi;abroaul 111- Seriair. Ur ifs sepanate clapters5. iih ti vi ew, îif he initial Iportionls will he Pubrisii td>he <inîitial poir- 'eionn i t the iiiillant ftalsîtkul lpuhliecâsllotl trwils 'ouirse ai publication i Bltu4cwoo4'aMi" Veefteý 'tirrier ibe iie of "Ti ren eiHrurr,îiy tue ituthor cf thiw t IrelPbrateý ti ioi 4ift<i* clas nii EngiM itiéltfpîr1tnié. " Teri Cvîingil' Lo>Ïltai atlwr ,warks Wili haselecteiaind ratrieti on sirtoni- tarseely~. as ir.-,'uhail coame te ns wihho rsi:amjn IL. Tire i(iei:ti periîdirals are continjauliy richa ini ueeleltéï of (soitwoor îhoié to satiozeils daap- ters, whc-.u& O shrL for 5e'agaete V41Uma' -are ala4*1Y ré-p;&ochrn#d ifi dti ý c4 t1jty. Oif uhee thre ediurs will i ve tiLte ..' cicb ve lit. Of the. Qaiely Rt'triewas thé momrt admnij rablt rfapers *il 6e preuit'ried iii1'ill ; îini1l thsl jworks î illiisall tiîa'g a i arel'uli$exatînit-d 1ibr o urit valuable andi strikhrg pasesp as Wei ire likely te iurlerest thre Amien iran rt.ader, -t4 %,lion& jthre erîlire aîtiele ins wbir they aplear wil lie IV.Tre Literary, R#lléntw,2 . oIfik-ilt ant Sre.'uiflè e nie;rpens aidl mîti;' Ili ire con.- sulted W rw,'s.suever wili iuuîruwièt or entertn iri ifs, ir sîn CFdl tieparbrnrs. -The 14m~ rtek in thé great jousrnrtls. uapoiî Affsirnaiiiif 1hW,1sMP4ý, anti Art. whicir are now ieiv f*rc9uestly rt'{rijieu us AýMericri 1lI s«4a~i>nM1în Mis. .rPilcny in uhfalii aui cooîbination a> Io>dis- play, tl rmpirç ai ce peu 7 r. V, But rireWow il nrit otbe a1to<eber 'or',-sn -A correspondent cf Fi ythnî in sîm ýatflanel I ~ t Ifsi 'i - ~ 'P~swgsRoyal CAPrAIN IH}KRY TUY WX ILL'taen 'ftronto for King;ston - *iiç jat lY Port Hyx ûaiO Cobourg, wéather'penit- lins!# every WJ&DSEbDAY andi bATUR AY at .Noùii. Iliate.,Porip. lever 'MON DAY andi THURSDAY f4fÃ"iatThr Od<k Wili leave Tî>sofîîo for Hamilton, every TVES- lA Y ai(I'Pk-10AY ioUIi!iii~, autkighl WC 10.k. Wiil.ave tiîailion GPW Toronto. .évey TUJES- DAY andi F'I Ù.DY, Aiier;,onii. ntThien o'rluik. Iie ih new I'ileta, is n.>w oote ibi ates . mis' nLake (inhuio n *ndhavinç 4ter Ull:prr Cahin extende d'naut y he whole Ir'r:gîrh of her teck, 'the acmoa osfer passengefî sre Seh;.s ta-lcms ir tle cififfy C'aIin P.,u ats;aiti ,eevuai ni'theM i e fitteul rap ,iih 6nnbe F~,'kîd1rd $hé bs long h1weî,lkÏowî . ne nt'the hest sti- *.0atSupon te take antilow olle ut the fuistot cd most cmmodinus.' lkyal Muil Stecam Parket Office. ? ToronwpMay 20, 1850.~ . TIf FSTFEA N IR r P 4Il -1WA CAPTAIN WILKINSON, W IL1L iî'swe 'rrontn for Nttrr.L'îitn niQueenioiu EVERY AFTIERINOON. Suifs ys êWepied.ai Onei.. orki. W iltaive Iý,etvititoi andi Quet'nston for Tt'rosiîu, îlwinî haIt'-pie;r(igiiina the ,norrinz~, amti %vill an- 'ive u ileife ltu let Ihe AMail Steaumrbsfor KLîsgb aué ai TWeIv-ie , oo#î.I 1 Cabin pirazae iMealt.,extra],'raie dollar. Oeek Passýage. tlîet quattes'nofu a dollar. Royal Màil SI.'ani Paekû t he.? 'forofato', Masy 22iid. 1850,~ 'Lil El ST Et M El'.A mI E'RC . Ç AIP-' AIN IROBERT KiElIl R, hIIL. r for ieî actir rt ie S;sn e Tiolm Ortoin o' esle l.tay IfT'uiy. 'I'fiîir.day tuti srfu#'day Morniott. ai 10 o'rmoCk,ý girat'ist'l, ant f'let)itr a Prlîope au.ti C)lioîir aiA i iîeisetleote >tvatw~l ir nperritti îsg. J Jtrrniiig,. wili 1ivît Itodeslîter or'Toonto.. callirig aut3îîoîarg e i inviriuîliate Ptats. evriay .Mnnd.ty. Wt'tiuicsday.atie> Friay Muoimig, ai irilt. p tit ok. Roydl Mail Office. PRtOCLAMAIION!!!.t ýjV 11TtEAS-îi liawbret etruseînt- W to:, nfelimr!Yof s1'ë tce sbe tac th ir riince (w C.amnta. tria iiung -deire preveills rirmtcng the Lah oitfbsc dis oui Towo»hip ea i.hiîby. bai brrrarartaid eieiilîan! 1e1et* ie, heiu i;c ine.b ubi 4rd whc'rr*ns, certain! iticliviLIllal. f2rowia¶È Snobs. &r., have Ireeft Pr&-laimning tia flsî'y witl Manufacture Boels atiltnt-uxatiun lvitlhe-rt-ftire knioîvn., tili wlîeni it uray eoneern i ad 10 fie f thalîmîauîl cf Wbhitbv' à ' partiuti', haut-- ltrctr is-day foth, I 1will -gof tut fl 4 V4M f10p fi~,lipmetieuîl I<tienchmeuit, by Mlu nijfaeuuiiýgBOOT,.,r,,,dOE cithre very, MIs"'Fine S'î. ots. 239 t 2),3 1 P'0-fi Bools,189 Ot) t 21 3 ýstrurig 14rls - 12 6 t 13 0 cuber articles iai thte BSt andi Sire' ihe ili i Iro t jolr. As fue nbsrihr,.is efMnîined < bave alrraya ant hànti, a zer4 ambtnitent of all À J) asti to eriiphuy. nný1tbut the ireat -of 'crknen, nitiI in sel ' eheal.ý'r tisait ally îhier peusour in the trade. anci a leelle Iweîo d4atr rs bcar$n tie rrefiîe tciicits a siaare tuf public palron'ge. GIV«'ýÏ sier ' rîyflnd an'd 'Sai, tbk is lit day of Apnil, hinîth-yeir -of cît L<ordcie Uahoiasusi e lrhtm*dýtred andftfiy. l )ltuoth gMoek eofI9oits ud ihocâ. un- BROWN & C*IILDS Ns~'j, 1850. 5PSLWG W lWi ik uai verycooepIe, i ' 11h de- parlments, and wblclh ey aree nabied to aller .toi tbhýcoutitry î'r4ide',at low price. for asb Or. SP' proveil cimit, The Stcciccompriseà 29< u ,~r fFîeà aTeas, variouif cargoeA, thi hwo nir'ii PortoRico Stigar, b ttMs refilied . id $uarf tRoasLt'd Coiffetr reeh eevery d ay,> 2f bibis f;eth Cwvr'4,îs, 39 bâgsa Itibe iiltetiPepper, 10 bagâ Ailspit't, 200 jar» aisst iis Mustardi, 5 4.bain Cloves, 200 Ioes'our',vrosh antlad sizes, With a general abtiot.tt of, artictesin the lino., eut Nailg. nssried sime, Bi r. Tcop, and Bunidfe lieu, Spi în-- bhear. ai i ter Steel, Spades,. $Seyrlrea.'Sickleoi Criidi#'s Huy Riskes, shot GUîi- powdter, &r., t',wilh 4 coixuieie assortment eo' $Sheif usiidHcavy Hordvaire. IHAÏES B ROTII ES, No 6*47. St. James'. Ilibtij;, king, 1.4 m Xvi mO ra a ziluI Ojîposite tie Mr/i..t, 'Kej Srecti, 7'w'ntu, extenisve andi well-eceled ubtortmeîi f S!aple and Faney Dry -Goods, &o., Whi'h l'or variely.pfuces. &r., if, Ire bwlieves, ini- cl'îinr in noge i i;A City,, andi o 'whicb he uI;w snlicits a tCalit Ibm hiot fiîd lis sock cof lx rrow n ro" eofttllt't ihan heretofore. embfacing ail th ew Styles in the sneyerai Deparimenf s. li wonid b e nlof#tc erfuiraerte alithe diffièret i oîp.att b" an w a #ire SuisEfiber ixmrct OI)XPei tuthitsynte'm ni Il piff"Lnri" now $o rom- rano,. he wionla ffmerely reqinesî the plit)fc to cail 1". b, Tie BOOT & $11 O?, Stre im lnnw'in1 Vibe rear. fsOriting on Fiantis Siree, Z3- îgn ci' thé, Marirraoth Boot. TICMAS "OiSY 'roî fnt I ay, 1850X1- W.owifIi PL I UG fil for 6014 [JE ccSrnOflila ji r i s U3t-i f1 I>Ctl e i'rith'rî ifitt lesa in:for' yetirs. 'Uere are Fifty Acres ch'arc-d, j anud thec lhîe Vrm la pJltifttuly; Posss z ivepu liigoîxi tinie f r: FALL POGFIG à ppl y (paid if by pust),;to B1.FItEY 1BA LL, Parmrs'Protec tion! OGDENSJ3URII, N.Y. ?JINE rdiêLL IIN iNJWiNCE. 1000 M~B1S Tire Hon.. Vaînsusroiltr, ('gdenargà, N. Y. é4 >.Vaisltkrughd1et, Currrselr, C. W - iiney Sîniir, .~ Cçbua-,rg, U)rriou Jolies, iB., .Tru.ccville. P. Pers y, W~tg Bryce. ylrMurrlclr l's Cq., Du. AlliruOn, .t ii,.WDa)iels, -, -John iitltiler, oPka'ug - Eli am Yoitole, ýJhn llfilbt, F q, c2ol4awa Cles is -ouc... - M<wkhgya Samuel DaIvitisoo5 ilfarapo=a 1ý. 0. 'l% 'h. emhi.r.Moftlis Primoauv eo (4it kr, io. Ais of M f ronic Mie c tnft uredlnj JiL4 1 wjru lime 1 îting pains. I1 was iî)tccîreil irii urope b' iseveraJ I ÉadlIe-gWtis, & 1,phySicians 01et he higlîcat siiidinnt he Y ';' k j4t" igemî uiOru as Weil as -iti the' Proviiiie, 1 w8al' > aien 41 7th .Jrn mfoîîthg ini, theTolrento liospiai.anrd nolwitbulva]d- I img ail t eauas rasê*d, 1 cc)uldtiont get r'd W'myj tnd.r tho ai thai l i ,a ittriii nwî's dueti P>.your 4 Sir lielfny Hilfiîd's Imoiil Coidial for tht'ure ÇRhnaiîm alli UIhetîrnaat' Go'îî, ai Dr. , ilIpe's PlaIWas doipafrin.' of eVer gettml14 eu' walk, antd what was amost mrrioloUis, ià thiee- %weks (rom fMjy corrmorîcing bt ake your medi- z cille. 1 gained fou;een poitnds in weigbt; my lwalt %vas nch imnptoveil, antd in abotut tirret' weeks, more ruiy Itheum,.-tiim M'as complettly J gnie andi my-lhealih, comipieteiy resioied. f now enjoy as'good bealth as aiyyruai in Canada. Siîîce tiny retoery I1 havé- walki.ul forty-mix miles in ne &diy wîrh pertqct freeilom, andi I assure you., Sir, D 1lia i- Ice t'l rly ;hantziul. V onil 'anin ake ury-sweD R c hsy.Ã"u ptuase ; fay vrase is ktmown t) semea'i (Latp Senior p) ilîdiuî'isilursls Of re4pectabuiiy in Ihis -cily', iheir J f iarnes ayou K%îtow andi cat r;îer te the.m if [)«es- P.nierefrreti tri will inm G'uodes'ra m, Wtt- iîarn ()siaorae anti Sumîrjel haw, 1Esqr's. pi iee, 2%'. tWt nut Il ,,perbottL. T'e te bo*e triediciele i»i for sale lîy s. p, R QIItA T, Poiite but a T I reat T rai(Faculij Haistings',disci Napiha, bas si deat.e tiat bis à' -posîitive anti sp .inîvolte tie wrL Liv excmsive 6m a hmctisi '-IIIIp reîirves thre Th're activiîy ORIENTAL BAL SANM. q'îi~Medaii as for mtany yt-ars battlitit -ntid givces I 'teîî'reiyant rceiy ii n'ny critical cases of Ahîiclenerie cdiîeaï,and iitir the-Mnt.Mt happy es.iriseüvmsal1 Ftetin'ri o parut "f'irepe, ili tire Privit eprat'ice ini e Dittftiague çihyiiiuaa, wiro have *!apliruuvinsgyI, adopleti Dr. sp)eukia of 10i_#es si12la'r formulta. :The pai y who km noger i not i iratrruîetit.iir ilnod ithe rmiedicira. Io public impottance notlice îles unît clir[)n u1rrhm pîrower or Virt Ute râtrsiul ti for il;fri k'r-iah it i'atnrally impozilile ce eni litaI ally ilifrallilrlrecP.iiiC caui be iiwenled or nidis- crr- CurVu'etl t0 cure ai h lnseiSte wbich (rail pnrify t-h' [hiîmaniv la hable; bit h l ho foekrîow ihat iudni,. finhietke ,v tableirvitiiuirutuad perseveranee, en- plairt, pain allilD i 'pe b latira a crirapcrand, a0 happi Y tr'aufaànt:il 1 iblenu, liieilla anidBalsalra, for thq cure 0 OlIe hangi, au miigdrmi1 of r i raly r'as-,M dise'ane, in mWiif'ii esrt f wuas olteiî ol iiît'lwnudie power ofurietitineîm'il vrs I ly ild and - aid orrliv.'ieraticieht -aîi 1êL rei iurseres ases cftisas. ntid chroitr- duettios.P ge -seraî roi-ee7,s oruin imn it s pîogrt Itis i"eoccupaison, autid others wiro,-e lu1O di«~st airid. eati lua seiertar halt. asiaaDow- lthiuy con Jsiless. Plaiin WIbe Strirach, Opprestioi.anid Main- Th,,ces iciwt'aller rraeals, Diaiîiclillatioa b. mental araidteioi boduliy eeto-idhiesor flow cf blm o ise imeilîral pra ic, ati 'ira tire brea3t, back. sholilder or aidet. p-ee jfrtqiet:iy t'antsl hîy iîndja'zauioi or a tiisourleredvey;nî livet. EuUpIliooftht akîn, .Carbulicied lace poes1ive bfi Bléthe. Boita alsd Pfifale.S, Proceedurs--geferally w rieh iaon. farn inrpîaity of né Liou, c i dascdeied- siate (tel andi oc Acidi ty, cf tire Storach, Net Voiistiu4îility, orti(e- the. piaise Y rangemernft- orftbesyâtem,. Nearous, Ptifodicai, il,, action is Bilious, auti Sir.k 1-Ieutirire. »epv'sio of epil its, paluMy mat Noise an the hurtd ou car s, Agile. Cakze or eniarge- ahter It l*imà ment oflire sîrletii, Pelpitaliono i l le amtatiirt ntd dt from iuiiiesnîoî o ubspesia Lier orrplan>,t . orakdr Diimb)Agile, Ilrrt!ality oflC ii owel ., h pn and ocirer secre-tint oraiîs, Fils iri ol. or your" blottle, et e £nircincalr J neas, r'wei attarcha cI'

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