Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Reporter, 13 Jul 1850, p. 4

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DEDICATIOS TO "TIR ASIDE AND £ ~ o Or P@TaSY B~L~v..w Au AomWho, walking in the twilight gfoouu, iIwWjd hiivokes a it da.rkemms, Am,, me4 ~Ma the Ibnwton nwhich they corne. PassafrontîmtitIo tint., Mantuis se, ws1khIagin itwiligbt. 0, my fiiends!' £ hs~ ôr~u e oftena4 hy fic distance, AM p, &W utrn *s tos , as «ch senide Ob1.*"d. 0( rlsmlhip confort, andi us&Wt IÃŽ UO3r iuegt of nmine, orsdne gor:old, Hm emrergives delighbt ii ornsoltion, Ysbaw epaid me bsek à bouandfe(ld, JBY .veiy tindly saJgh andi atutaien. Thawks f« tb. asympatbies thut y. have shown! Thasho for useh kisadly word, eac ;h .ileq totken, 1'hat tech.s sme, wefeming mossrtalone, y rlnd marsa us, -tboh onglino 4 srd Zi m u.. , tiat uasfron, lanid te hind; la whleh we fnl tiepressuré oî a ban- O Sucis01, Irefamsi aul .t eit lumysîery! Tise pL'.aat book%, bst-ulentîy amnong, Ouikon"emolIfbessures take fauttîiar placei, "-*m retoits s. if a ivin; longue Spneef[om thte printeti lezves or pictureti (acs! Perlsspe on ewurh 1 . erc shalibeholdi, Wîîh .7e of &-t»., your eutwaril fairn, andi Thue Ue . me vo lies-ar Will grow 01id, Bu i.JOr .ver Young iïa my rcmeuuubrance. Friend jreseaîtâ a noble stali, t*turtiulied. liy the,. readers oft. that periodical. Charles Dickens, Potlglas Jferroid, Charles Mackiiy, and otiier ýpopar writersr, have forwarded -autographs. The Guttta Percha Company wilt fit up theëir speaking' tubes round' the roomn. Lt ivill thus b'e se 1'1t LhaL a Very extée- ive a.nd etîthusiasticetrest lias iteen feit in the Brotherkood mnov ément, and-' ti>ut a di4lay of, the niusL attractive eiâricter la prepared to niît in its in- -prlasit opertions.-Xonmojormist. RIÃŽCHARD COBDEN, l'àSQ., M.P. Richard Coxeth îe son ot'a. Si.sse t'armer, was. bortu in 1801. 1-ls chiid- hood was p)assed iniguardiag fle sifflop rotundtGodwtdhal e bpriticcly residiec ufthLe Dmike u--tlisosud, wh1o. problably ittIe drealit this>Jit he. utmany stetsy lîours flhé yougicîr uwsat ut' ~dlmst oul ne dav causse hlM. At-luis cuti-once into, life lie ha-d receiv- cd no uther edueatioix dhi xthat ou'thé-,m ela.-ssiii w-hich 'he w sorn-that is tu .%-tr. lue rotil-d met readl, lritc, and cousît. IIowevc.r, a.% lie alrc-ady show-v cd of ahactive îissd.(Iand rcsui:te charaeter, lhe %vaitukenil' um.-' i ment in L.ondonî, ua s i,itàiî t - Lire of* cultoîsprfinis, and cm silloved bl iithl inj lu-s cumin mg-louse as cierk. 'At flicI Jfever g,.wolt, or change, uepaend -y I ofl tfive vashi$ iuncle filied, anîd 'Yugnlvoices will ttow 'on 1cr ever, lie again fouutucl iiiîitýf Withosmt a botue, Wbm Ie peu-s har, anditarnishd with lecay, pumessiigliteraiiy noo utisti-caîsial tluar As brosg a esieu laticap fowsa Iver. iliead and l atmd.s ; alid with titi lit Net chasse. of birthÃ"r placobath m.de us (ie»tis, connîeitced. biis cnt-t-c. At Luis tit meatOf times rn' JUferonlt. on gues andi nations,! ail Cotlîpri-lus uft th- bvst kiuud v But tb. endeavour for the selfsime eajds, uîattetrdiitý uirt.uro> Witb thea aame uopaud feait, andi aspirations. i not vus îoe tiltro tti Theretore1 hope te jojo your sua-side walk, 1tIrin h a-e oto f Ssdial. amit malv ail.., ith tia - tv lrîîn .i 0 urz-- P>îîItu UOt iaeernqMei, wilh inthusive talk, The grand, uaiestic isy'mphSlies of ocran. ?hirehr. 1 hope, as po unwel.rme gueu:, At YOW varW fireside, when the lampsa are Tobu', y pIacë. reerv.d amoe ;the tegt, Nor wand es ohe tunsought and ugnissited. LEGYE F -J3IOTIIIIOOD IAZAARe 'This dernonstratimi of tbe fri-ends.,of peace and brotherisoot will1 ta ke place at the Haull Of Cotnnierce, on Tlit;rrxday (to-MOrrowv) and Friday cf (tise Itreeil week. T'he immediate ubjeet of the bizwar je Ici orë~r a cordijal welcun(Me te Eluitu Burv4tWho arrived ini thw itunî,yY f'Wm the United- States yesterdu y; and tb. receeds -of the sale will 1k appros-, pultedtiniiinid eof the fitmud, ufth e pet.trnetitires for estabiishznintr- tioetai peace and Ocemi Pen ay Po.age. l'h. contribuf itn- uf articles lut2k Jbeïn vey lresdvrriecf. Atincric& blas sent m*uy specime'ns of -native priduce and rnfaicues, bocks, engra1tîgs, mis, and- Itdian curiouitiex. ' o France there are some exquisimet lpro- cincions. Abetislil.wrventh uf Mou-. er-s, paîtuted l- Madaile -de Lanirie, - mîrrolindîng some ines written by M. do Lamrtine, and signeti withlt. liowtn hand; from Madame die Girardin,ia offlendid -allbum»; from bMadatne PLo-. -nie, a. very rich cadeau ; besides ;n -u - meustnother valmiabto contribîrtions and a.utOgraphs; 'T,îvi French ladiee ha.ve' corne (romn Paris pit'poseîyv to du the honours of the French u*tall. Frein Soçt)pîd conîtributions have been re- oivod exPeeeding £300~ in value; «Ltme Lord Provost tir Edinbiirgh .atid-'ibe MesureChambers havinggiven a liber. aI'I>esent of books. Orte valuiabie ar- ticle is >a. mg cf the traciaL sledîdid de- apription, designed suad nimmutfuctred *zpiosuly fr the bazaat. . Tiscie are sevorul $guÃŽR sclevevy ydressed in Islh p)roductti*on, Were mnitaeîîîItirr-d st au1 uucîs lover priCe uin hUICei jcuglîoî- Ahoud ut' Matnchester. lutng Cobdesi con ceived lime ideit of'estahiisluitg îji '-self atMnheî4a there îr- c iii-g, 'vit- the ad v-att toge llus experlenlce ii LýoliduÃ"n, cobtun urututs ot'Ilte' irsi quusity. Ilis thiorusiilknowledge ut7 IlIle muails u'oif>muiîturncisloyed în Lonsdonu,bis tifsrsghf. anîd rt-solisteý eliaracter, wtitu dilplroctrecl lini friendI ls hoadvatuced luit>isds 'y *)onie. lt is sait, bce al aIbv. joillinga Maînchtester bouse mlis commerceial rav- chIer; hwecr ttisî3 ? ,na short time lie suc eeîted la cstablhîsblî i m- ".lf as- a cuttun. priiUr, equal li de- iga 'andi coiour Lu thveernanuîfacttiied in Lonon;andi us lborwa heuper in Manchester ina ia London, lic was miot iotîg inireuiin" .rcut leneifith on bis males., Tliese detlmîs are jfijsuotanb in,- tIse biogramliy cf Cobdc-mi, wltom wotild never have liecrne te chief ut' a par- ty cornprising 'the ist o1i lent Capital. i3ts'cf En gland, if îlli ai-t uot pruveti bet'urehiau'd il-at lise Isa a talent for bus- miess, andi UuaL lue hati no iced lu enter imb pîu'l-iic lite ho make luiî :firttîsie.- Cobdenî qrittecis manufacmsres befure lie liad turne te du more than lq the t'ouudatioîu uf a -gocd fortune; le wa4, however, alreudy counntcd among [ic, rich -matnufacturris of AMa uchester- wlien lue entereci on bies politicai areer. Till 1183.5 ie had t*vpered eluisivoly Oet- eupied %vith the mIîulness of lis tnd'o; nevertîselesiho paidi great afleîution bu pulilieul affan, lis leisure wuasen-' tirel y dev-cLed eilîer Le repair by .assid- .nus study tr1ce luconvenienoce uf a de- fective eticatiu, or Lu cumlliete,, by frequnît trtu'elin luFiance, BIiianî, andi Switzerland, the infrmnation ga-_ thtered inl the closet. 7Tite fiset aigmu that Mr CQdn gave tif a cesrin puol- itieal aptitude w'ts a. sinal i-amphlet, wvritten i in ~ uopposition bseMy Urqubart, wbo wu:> urging a way againet Rnoeia, lThe Manchent.r Onan- To NEUTRALISF. T E ACIDITYIr N Fnuir lIES AND) PUDDINGS.-Jî iS well «orliy t' notice thant a large qtamfty outheti s-e acid wlsicli cxist.N in rhulrarb, guose- .1ei-ries, curranlts, aundut ber frits, niuy l, judiciuîmalycorrected by the utse cof a ýnalI qtîamtiÃŽv tof Carbonate ot' Soda, W'illboutt the leuust.afflct ing tîmeir flavouir, su long as too nitwii soda la nul add-ed. Tuan ordittary 8-size'd pie or 1iîudding,- tîs ntch soa uuav lie -acdetias, pllet itp, wvill cover a li!i ù r evemi twiée hit- c1qna it ity, i f the fru i t l e ry sonur. Lfth iis ittie liît is atfeeltodL, rany as sfornuueh-tche tilIbe prcvenbedand a %vast qmanlîf y uf sugar saveil. BEAUTIFUL SATriNOS orT DYNNGMon --Trhe lute Rri temur CaIdwel 1, ofDick- inison' cole, a sh ort titrte Lefure bisi deatb, addrteoed hie wife as follows:- 1Yotî wili lot, l'amn mire, lie down un yoiîr bed and weep ivben I uam gone. Y1uu wiIl net m'uurn fur me when God ha.%been 80gooci lu ome. And when yots visit flhe sput wvlîc1 i e du nut choose a sad anîd îiournftul Lune ; du dlu not>1go in thi hui;Jm of cvening or in thse daik îîight. Tiiese are no Liùmes Lu visit the grave of a Christian ; but go in the Yînorning, in the -bright sunshine, andi wheënthe lbirri a rc eiinging. " TELEGRAPI[ SPEE.--Il 010 Of hie ainirailIe lectures où' Astronàrmy, Pro£. lviitceildeeried heinstrment.b wiich lie was esialbted tb deternîjne the .-4)edoutlite eLtttric luid. le aisuaud that et Id repeateply mnade the exsper- Luen t ascuriain hitw long a ime wa& cceuîied in the passage'of th ie fhîid-(runm Ciîscîrsr.ati toi Pitt4nrgnd back,.a di»- Lance of 6<0 Miles. -.This tv.eithfe Iuigest WJTrC ut Iis command. "Andi iisw long, " said lie," do(10 you 4hink. Thle tw-.etty..oneLhusandth jmrt of -a second -of ime VI H fluai, s J. Si Ianmothkb5uk0f IF îOts and Mîoc B3ROWN &CLJILDS rAV£ reeeived tiir spriku Stock or Bc andi Sheca"-om- heir îaitsafactr-nratiM I., ton- andâ NVo. 3,1 idd&Ws Buildin,#, Churck St., TOhsONTO May, 1850.,.21 8PIIING IEPQRTATIONS, J185O9 Sjsoeclaez, màdo hie debut #anwurater. Rie ias then' tldirty.oiir yearsof age. -Fros Partiamentary Sketche#, pub- Ifshing inthe" 1Workiwrg XaWts Frùnd." WIT AND JUDGMNTVN-.-WVit- id brieh- w#ooct, judgmient is tituber; the first mksthe brightest flarnd, but the lat-, ber givestLite rnost kisting iheat. "iTo trace an error,". says Coke, "1to its futntaiin-lîead, is Lu refute i. W"ORKMEN 'EMPLOYED TIN LoxNe- 16,000 slinemakerç. 6.800 briekla-yers 5,00 P*aiîiîerq, 3,700 eompositers. 2,100 couvers. 2.600 wateiîmakers, 1.400 <iy. frl, 2,300 coacbrnnkers, 14.000tailurs, 4,300 bltîhers, 3,000 bolIters, 1,200 tin- men 6,000 bakerm, 6,000 engincers, 1.00fislimongers, 2.000 grocer@, 13,030 cariienters, 5,4.00 euiiitstrnakers, ..000) whitesnîilis, 1.4.00 iil'kmch, 3,000 hirtisli ake rs, 4.000, tobyacconiist, C),000{ cabmen, *&c. 800 premmenn, &c. l'n U VVIGO?ÃŽcMoy WATZR- Loo - Tlicre tire .520 stirvivors of Wa- tt'r!o unttl]hi, M, oment among the COin- mnissioneti officît>rn oftl the îrmnv.'17They comrprise 2 Fic-ld-3larcehâ,,'6 Gene- rats, 120 LietiLe'ssant4-;eiier,-tîs, 43 Major- i;etuerais4, 61 Colonelm, 79 Lieutenant- Coloinels, 3-1 Ms 61sG CapLoins, 117 Lieau s 1 >s ns s,, 4. Q.îae- le.rmsnçters, 41 INjedicaîl Officers, and C Veteenu ry SreusUnite-d service Trf s Pis gire alut wor]hlly site- cess w icI>is ,'tr,' apt Iot.zeirin' ('yes. Vlisot n 'esvea 'limais rising iu thse 'Nv>rId; thr vïiug ini busineS; c c-S-Sfil i111 his si-',ectslmîicos; if lie be a nils m ont foir wsî he, who docs tBot corne into Cornrsctstioii withius, Boas te Il$-o usjealou$s Of him, we are Lu Blet tu Orn auîti f>ohuslmlly Isipît (5J't)iot if' ilii nierits. M70 arc -aji' lu say witl,î,Ounr- " e, lWlhut a %votide(rÇî iati .ttiî is lntst l>e, tb risc so ra1idly V" fargctfingr iiat dilst., anid Straw, ilird feathers- *sîîîgs Witi neitlier 'veiglut ti -Value fi thn-ri-5p re4nst andtiie'easiest. -Rev. W. flore. N. B. 'réte ieumbrs of this CQmpany rocor uetu partirs wishing fn left ct tssurance te mal appleations, fiail cases, fa the locali agehnts ofi Companyr, whan such exist, and îlot te fias-oui agen tâ. ISPR .4gcnt at Broohliun, Whitby, V,. W, Broneklin, Miuh hn'y, 18M,. -Uink prop ARE new receiviniu their usual sprircsu spplies A oe GROCERIES anud-ILqRDW./RE, which wili b. founti very cetuplete'la bnih de- partmnts, and which tbey are entabled to offer to, the country trade at iew prices f6r cash or ap- proveil credit. The Stock comprises -290 boies or Irsl Teas, vatricus cargpes, this years importatioq 40 bhds very bright Petto Rice Sugar, 5 hh'Js rehied Lousi Sugar, 6 lshds Molast!esf,- 12 baga green. Çusiri a ffc, 14 baps elt Java Coller. (Reasteti Cofft~e fresh essery day,) 20> blàl freeh Currants, 00 bags double sifieti Pepper, 10 lags Alispice 200 Jars nordl titis Mtustard, 5 hales Claves4, -W >boxes laisisin, 200 lbox~es Tobae.-n, varieuî lyrpndâ and sizcu, W ith a gerseral aïsoitrnerit tof aistinlesilu the lisse. Cut Nails, as.,îorteti sizcs, Bar, o, and Buistle lion, Spione. Shear, and BIlister Steel, Siasdesi 8hovels, Cou lChainq, .i.eGrais smndiCoris Sc e.Sick-les<. Csadits, Jay Ritkes. Shot, uiît- po r,t ,&C., wriih a nnIptele sometf Sheif nt Heavy Hardware. - HAYES I3ROTHERS, Na 6 4, 7. st. Jdmpes Ifuibinlgq. km;' ., Toronto, lâ'h Mayl>l<5-10 1YAMMOTH HOUSI, orite le ar. î g SretTrsnu R SE*F[ILY aunotini-P.s tisaitfie huis 111 OPINI.U the aliwe eelsriytwith ai> extensive ansi weli-sclected answrtmnetit of Staple and Fanoy Dry Goods, .&Cor Wbîch for Variety, prie", &r., is, he brlIîeycs, us- ferior in nonse ini thé' eisy, andi -» whirh he usow #lciî. a aiu (rom lhis.'oId friendts. [lia âtnele o Mfats, Caps, Boyuuuetg, Bootç, Sitars, 4c., tfc.. Tg nnw more cnplets- than hppoe nibra<rinq aIl the new stylep uifIlsevesusl »ep-irtreulsý. lt îvnuk ho toiUs to entmsmc-uate ail the stifrérsesit artitie 0on handt; ansuel he . Sithcriber us rmticiî olipn)sed to the 5uyeeu oti" puiig" n4,ow 190 cons- mon, hÃŽlewouuld 'nsrply reqtieht the pâblie t'. caîl andt examine lor ýthcrneelvtes, P. S. The B0oOT & s510E store Le now in the rear> fontifng on Fratncis Sticet, ý' s gmr) THIOMAS THOMPSOýN. 17010111o, lat May. 1850. 1- 1~oWilil 1'L OV i' UIl for Gold ? I-I SLIE ui ilsaf (,)r Lot No. 34e 8111 Concession Whithv, i8 --spcnfor bidders, four a-terni (if.uiot less thati five y-ears. ithere arc!Ft'ty Acrice ccared, an]d the whole -arm i s picustifully Watered. (Go, andi se it. -Possessioîn giveiiit gcod tiie for FALL PLOIJGIING, A ppiy (paid if by pçust) t(>- B3.- FIEY BA LL, April i Dth, 1850.- ~lc~t.£n renct, (Ciointn .ffntual Jnoutînre.. qr0., OGDENSBURGII, ~YY INE 1411L ONN INSURANCE- CAPITAL MO 9O. ,en_ Tir__s X'.1 dtsced cf bis (lit it that i ie Ir) the, ecnsidera tits bis Iý e watrn -Le waiîn fsver, msug rand t& hi il censuirnj conlidelice the lInn- Puri tynfi ,spsb. and~ y couîtuty q-' fils M i as for mauuy y4-ars been usedi-~i 1exte.Saively anud bely iii mai)ycritical ca->es of si-iÃŽ ~ tiie ase . an t i w th t;fre mos thapp y resss ts, in sevenul Fce hs îa tsnifEUrope, in-tthe privale pra nire ni e mnineit hacitesa1 ohyiciausa, who have approviusgly adupted Dr. P;peà kftsg Ilopels sing~ular formsula. ihe paîty Who LeioWweehn in5trurmserut: 1 in iritroduêTuir the. meicine la pubice w r ln notice docs sHot Clutlým superbhan power or virtue- personui4 for it; for lte kno%çs that il isnattwaMly impossible rcmn ihat arsy inifallilecspecifie car e i ieateortid- rcomm- covpredti o-rure iail the alirfueusts ta cwhich fi-ail f y- hoirsusty i îa lile; but be dbei k no4'z that indSni- Pttrt t table itîvestiti ilion# a peese en-rance, placuf ableti Dr. Ilp laZ suaaopoit', 10 . -P rwarrants blentein-i the PihS anti Lîsaînr, for fhe cure or tue lung, miîtgtstion of masv r-tac> o! m,ee, la which, l et - i was ofteo comsidet-ti bu yond thé p ov'r of rredluitie itescu to yie I anti aid or r.lîve, TWe mediciuie bascî-ra-positv ret îunslrl-1 cuses ni duiseealsdci'onic t on gos :-espe-ialiy ostivee.3s, se corntm"aor aong - is - e ttso0ze %th.pse oc utin sd otbers whobe dispo- directions sition, leais lu a 4eetuitaî'y habit. Naisea, Drow' heabihy Co SinesPain uinlte StomacitOppression andi flatît- Th- ei lency aftet- meals, Dttsnclination it enuital and iti mo botiily exertiot-Giddinesiociflow of bloari te th ise muical pi heati, Pia in thé bs-cut, back, shenlder or aide, -Prieter 1i fequently caùseil y indigestion or a' disoruIered very ; and liver, Eiupious ofth toùiu Cr'uce fcpoiitive b Blotches, J3oils andi limpIes, preceedint: geaerally whk»h ijs frommu irnpurity of lte blooti,:or a disnrteîred s'aie tieeî and ' of ite tiigeslive mlgamis, lleartturus, Acîi erucatiouu, te wn Acitity, of lte Stonsu'ct, Nervous debility, or de- tepas rangeaient o te ty»emi Nervouâ, Peiod the, j paise Bilious, -antiSick. ileua-che, Deprey3.ion ofý spirits, plainly mi Noiwe u bt e heati or ears, Ague. CakLe or enlargé- aifer ili ment of ttc 'Oîleus, Pal pitat ion ofl' ilt heait, arisinz rsue from undiirsîioms os-dyspepsia, Liver Complianu, hail faileti Muskeiu- luI.Agse Irrruasil' f-hehowels The pro anti otiter secrefi:s; orgzans, Fils in aId or 3c,0111, ottfr et occasiotietiiywro or stappage of the howelsi, that itl ui r-lra&mus or waàsring i-, fiesit, whieh appears i n.ielv childitooti ar eaui y'yuuth.; Chlorosis or Gîeensick.- or t gise ness, ç%yelléd feet anti legs, infla-mtiou, Stidden ~1 attac.ka-of Mania, Tetanus or Locked Jaw, Rbeu- iito the si( malisrn, Covugit, pros:,eedinz frotu disorder of lte ~iea ni digrestve <rgans; Jaundice, arising hem ria like disease, ex caine; Dîio andt colic, auisia frotu worme. êr- Is t. Vtus Dance, whenalaI otier remedies l'ail, Yre. a ion- cehsîisuance cf this uxedicine shail remxuve PriZC'e thie llseaLO. -A3 tii la mont chrônic dîseases this medirine nus> be net Jeft ar usai, witit certainty of success b>' a proper perse- with other sieranco, thos wha For thte certain cure aund m-it igation of discte 1ea, limit gerieraly ,it is fearltessly ussérled that* nuotheaeer atihet mptlicise before the publie can l'e conipaîidiiu Napiha $y Dr. Hope'z3 Pills anti ]alsam. Theyactthorough- b. reaclias (y but miidly, witbolm[ casuhiag any uapleasawu ance, stiot senàation, utile" the sysitem iis very irueli eut eof '<rogê order, ini which case thse Pilla n>ay or ýmay ne orth~ ~e sai prodace some itaueea. But their judicus use, for Lse smm accorditi; te the directions which accempaniy the immédi&ate medis-use, shahi, ini the diseusses nainat, gis-o gene- %afeand sp rai if not universal, satisfaction. 'fThe proprietor warronte.that no barin cap enssie uin nnseaêar, C!àbfnet M'(akwer, No. 4, Adelafd Street, gast. Toronto, Match 8,1849. A~ Cuse of Cltronic Rhllnratis»iofifeen years SPinig cred lby Hulj'rd'"s Cordi aadHop~es 1 hereby <ertitv, that 1 have been affiicted witb Rhelimatasmn for fifteen years; for z consideralle lime 1 was con fined ta lied, and the greater part of ihat-time I could uiot inove myseif; bome of lT)y J10 ls were completcly. dislocated, niy knees were utrilf,an'l my joits were very mui swvelled; For the last three years 1 was carcely able to do three, months' work without suffaering the moit ex4cf1lci- ating pains. .1 was dectored in Elnope by several physîcians of the biglest standing in - the profes- sion as well a",i the Province, 1 Wad aiso 11YC months in theToronto Hospital.and noitvithsttind-. Ing ail the meanti uscd, 1 could not get rid ofimy' complai,,t, ir,*eed 1 waa told b y a -very respecta- tile phjysician that 1 never coul J he'curied, se that at thbat time, my atieriiion was direcied te your Sir llenty Ilalfrd'8 1Imperial Cordial for the cure or Rhenffatism'and 1Rheurmatic Gotit,.atid Dr, Hrîpe's PuIs, 1 was despairing of -ever getting eu- reil ; when 1 calted on you, i waàs hardly able in w'alk, and what was almost roira.cîâloua;, in îbree wcoks from ny commencin'; tsitalte.your medi-' nufe.' I gained foul fen pouinfs ins weight; mly he<.iat was much improveil, and in- about threp weeks more mjy IRbeumatiism was tomnpletely gorse and my bealth cormpletely restoreti .1i rsw enjoy-as gooi hcalth au aeîy man in Canada,. Sitice niy rerovery 1 havp walked forty-uix moiles in one day w-ith perfert-freedom, and 1 assure ùt ir, that 1 eledtruly thankfijl. You can tinake any tise of this yotu please; my cagse is ktiown t) eea individsials of rtspecabiliry in ibis, city, th *Ir uiames youi l<ruw andti t elle tatheiif îueces- uari, Yosîri, truly and i7atefitlly, Titoit.AaW1i1GirT. Parties referredto bWilliarm Gooderham,, iI- iamn OAcirt.e:7nd S-.nsaijet Shatv, liqr's. l'ri-~, 2-4- iid, ý,rfdl îpier botie. TFhe aboié iciiej' -Y.URQTJIA RT, (Jelleral A/genut, 69 Yonge stfreet. IJnder the I t4 D E.-- <<weei o hl lZsm ouad dec tha bs C 1'artive bamiàpe lovail-e the wastiuj b>' excessive sweaî eexts01a acoulis admitteti ta b. imai coujih medicine, relieves the huskil cougli anis rermioveg Trhe activit>' or its it iz takeiit prrwv everv fibre cf thel 1 tion M . akm 1 IH ORIENTAl BA-LS.AXO 1

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