r es WEIJty  Â. ST, &tÛJ4,IIiD ~15 ~ ai thre y mii.Tbe cllrxtit low :baaoe~ t Amriei~ ndutryis h~ an beeièa~ at~ Idm~rtffII thn ~u ~ 'i~~t' ~j ~ndi otn, ~ eoeto bu:fu redi îdri~g fSae u l~rcag1 fto~ei~ olt T~JJiINFWLterwe ti we n oi ycufyhsj'~c~ teei. rmYci~f>Tawi oe * f~~ oiLb *~êd~<t4eÉiafo,"ou« ivici *eanth~r btan bou OfO ug rumMaon uudflxons lnoou dcld e toîrcqitîas.it*il 1~t ni1 I olit,. Itt15L br o~car riThýneqa-tpNrh ôtogo ftocte e upi~h $~eaiir j~w~d itl t~kt~i0W"t l~oaeat nduary, hord o ad ito iks nthtuuUyoabe- ijsgrlintjtosî todOWe1ht e Upicicisndighuse iÉ I 1er ualty, hanwo gneril. ~ge i~S<>~. Tsrouh ~be reatr prt o btve gven thir cuv~vu s ,d hei NqbatAstêd.it Vntksy tn tti fi"hwndo theReporterh. rinr vyofstxgte m~ ht ein heriigcfsae s orrbi'jn eth naîu fCb.hoee;tat a~ igt~~em ~ 4 JdiiI ÉROdcurinWul4e Ee 7~e use a trad wbeepowor sitl te ý in lutry-wh-Am' a entoy fo-imo. au e Mtyae ur tfx' '*rds' 111 qowthohle e lie, orhreh- xu berofm imît;fo b, ifec hifa etbYtuut erxxii n -thaud We va tn et qudrlvs ted th-e cmnap ta m, I aswdroîi, PutI'd, honc' opni, m nt ton b bya arg dg;o mtaoreeunl ennutou reit. Tie*'r 9atù 6 hduonr tre xu the ineas1rts .y r 6i)e i b ~ rx lLhrxlit ie han, tvlxi i is o n learbai te sla;o YtennaveTexs, aLioq>b P .&y~,~We.t~î .sd u.rnÉkare og trde i-ahs.A iaara--ltriscf eery-îtaten capee 'f-piti #r Y*j4ihae oaart o aoitapmniss4 h otïthe blim oe inhegr analcoon p'à I'uitkn'Ioraoth'eo -jre,futbntraary t i~io f njos: JInd<i*»ie wott i~woniyoJ-a- hol 'bsinss sreuc~ tea sste iO'ith, tionsluthe isrégin o ' slavtu e s ti cr prs gi nat go I ve r a inen t w ltant.1 sn thecpt fiiii>h1 nu~.th~at Iut!i utodQttrigtxerriii anaVrginia. iawsa îatte ih~a xém iuT kcal "tandi an l ù 'hnne mre w. c.,to-aie te ecau, s i usaly egn lae tait n th'ti tëxulatod.Lh& m enw #ati on(li n gIue ei ~Th. hs~ibosgodiygatheis, thubralie- doe ueretue la~br c u'hcix j~ ome t hroslave trado tenrauatrL ohave g frin >the r çtielmxn(l thyfeeintl Içr~sj~t Lahoesaed;. cccanthtrcuuirdfufiaashngtîoi dcaréidon slaesa iig a c~,t îeanelv! ihhiratical States paawever;thiat 1ha lî- glt r fn m W k.a, isca i ter u, t hîgîtu ono haiaer iracrd'm . ariAlbaathn iiLoisan aidw-ti ho ionp eltdtheiuuiipi ofxCibzaçc ti ý.~ 'Z ki uîiug tetheofmber offfw's kejabulaCot-l e «tissisipjs an tïyn lu eas i sgi n ,stiuc"meb ,s-andxuisalU rb '-é1tirtt ýta bFst&Eqtana Wat, ad NoihaUinilia ta n nig tey -epet ulo'sme poce s, preve nd rIe nuou risi n gfslves, -fO: es .... esteha~ flalsn'alaapy otI, nxxîthe abor etruignu eiug osidehusewSiates lu hiciiisiavo-lubor s n-RLSPI IE U~ eef,ôpft se1oi~ ~t~~ ýAByteï4tou e d ockle!tlay crnwe ia rame itks -hL1t-iicol adbeed. rohhte; lyamiiLtuam e ax te thi e . IF. ldthe v4pçriapsy f nti Ça lieu nt and4 1eiabr no r çag. Io heu . te whe ey , -adipotaceau alutecyevr rWes te,atotdiugorthiu a- eb oete ,rrr~ - suhp4f bsani. kep'tîe~nuleatth prpertmpra cndrus th .-oh, e -hâ e tu. yt joh-foyi>flie:t t aLb. ana rhl -1;Prd ne - ý mi, hileblé"atîme, fhrchreper hùea fT-a grent- .qneliera iiu'r iniaanI N ve tori.iulesei e ting, r 1<tu4s_.I'~ ~ aà K~~uWe,6axe~l, , hnet ax f hebitofite lkely ;,rtengaie n, m thnbeetea'saedpetagndvor>lWsurdte e upa uh. ooecpotyauhvtr hè~~ if uagt ls a.te teah,.as lnceth y eptemtinc h brnor Starte- us -protectin Ifthe naa rk fr Nlate e u 'sh wl éit w eaiieeply oic bea diieljuetrt t- 4uoeau, esen ls motcuaudcharuslwi. jtu sae f 'laes, Nlssisi4dami prneory-eteeu aaworhi Dstrct, cntoseé-tese---e--et overa1h. t. Tle-til lêma,7 areÉ. M ra I ed IdidnthvraohW:$' 8.honà e y aid hêw attne By thaslrocea, to rm e a ent c ouriuuwlleeln bp gtat fd.te n rosnt a cujqJin the t'ire snc Cîuiso fa i butter will ho obt(lied by ice tîxanen. 1aswclp 1)4yhse-af ~ il 'eowLte .ews anal nîi>tivscfinuto sstUrsetvi ço IFomaeneanl xenai, a~enl trsfom1c- îiea u lcue.ptin athod yroof siie h î a utîfr lir uetofi e ùukr-is1 oib be. ifd-tiys Uch lI~s WiIVE p Serm u xLY -&, 4 tw&daakae-abrsk ani nwiea d lromfion le4 to-ctraein osla v arste t amn-. Ne-,ofvery te j n i h-ap ren' _asrc hritxjxr tteppui~e'ti bW1tvc mssGda rttgi,. -4 ha h divbsieswol ooa lvewtld'tIdxa alet lyetrul5pels eë-Fevno na ht Ir Mjetb -- - tae5wiay rcmuurat~velas lit thénsips-irrand- A.lwas 'talre tii.imrt c anfatuent aifwiththe adtcoandcouxsosjotue - i~tia-~*n'l, to Stte c New Yorkfor rewiig Anica lu rdnecf -reulca ad l~vs.onpacottt uond.a cdiritrtbryith rlethegeornreut fethPre'lee ef auh slaavolaor fAt. tiifleat ptcesvetou for mdiset-- -y tithall iue.;io-age sthey se hbrase iciTer lsnq Cuba tabors ns a ' ' of S'bc -ttë - litant U~c'a.iinporled luo ýagIxcîuetlcy paa Ntî e i- theiL8* '. m.. , axer0 wà thaios uehe fosi 1t.!- ixai!nd 9w~4~aA ~tluts ghdwfo&C.,i aooprAd se flicrl ain, as dîsev uale igfl slae rfrj e haeat u toAtTs te Nit t-% affectt etlit erà jes ai e ýeee*ing hat n umble de doçxlf u the rc e iaud, they itnd i n re meicnslavoe rt a n- uintee t te boýpc> ntd tdlithe ýstyandb' liti~Wlikitwelvo ana aî ecnt for te pluie-atend> ,j ' a xouso %viil.buiec tii as iat4d t(à tpIlSSil4ç off"the, bL ptia,,lrl" o' S!.lYth*sso en aw i51itywyuna veaôs.p1yi txhCudin estipp 1 quawiI saes .'eLCtba elaait Mgt oxttaeýi"ense 4 ý iessaas tf tt -nalgie lu- kts: A ta oo1ng1sdvixea, * ft ie .PrviOd "'~~emn foriilclosemyremtie hyagrl<p»m<ces. 10 vy ue at al'Aont >iax*ib oTTouwasend rganizeci a aa, veheldi g Ste W-'aa Net1 te otaiu l el rpy sdvý ep iiufi Stts, :_y '. , 1Is~ i' ~ ~.. w, llen le 'thea trQcu turs t . t homlkda n .1 t unv tnxet id tu Vu-lt in Gtgiaet f N , er r eeirt. he fypr t'lt'a'1' WIÃŽSIILéi<, ~~f èt~a~e Ã"i~.ao,'i atibsubaaexfo bntitîe nt oacwcord- vle tîtth slvs a iWseu-qler ic. -' itp"n , i le3 .u this re lu Ve f t W p ii ab à fo a. ý_ié unbr fIow ettin-heMisispp, ndtle i T:5s lassenbeshswoertal'b Coapta ent 4'epeat t on &.a i. ba'rdlyiflsev te the abolniti sgi et'i aia 'is cai snepclly oqe l ar lm tien t r yge r »sj'é W uSmn R-t bdW anh dIwith-gatdite ax Ioulstjôsta e dt rdax. jsyl lJe~f. o *-el e 'Egânr hpy0Fti CUBg h, mrutga. vtiiiavCle Sate n hdiugau slavey-abrsîove- - r.SVOtTB OUEViFand ptmmedof'I*6Il t e ià nIs ug"-f-.buadoIlthyo u r rntriks taA-ýilcé , dse, ead lrlg St . as, a liveyaat l t uthe.1 Frçquentl-the b reirifew:e - O -tt"tceslos f> avenu roauet M i 1sg i of, u - lbie t,6"l reprinted oronu tor Pxe Vprk Zt a -te -sanre -bureig.ad t-li1unaveot At ~ tu.wa s~lrt eftbyLIereen Mxi-milin~ f ol arsL rue tedilÇsîi'e mpTehe fe oiriies, owvethýuo naa yI Oyte s t»uadtweftor dits r --teir ha«di. mpêni g okW e-th e morbjd er à v for. eas. t, i rneýt e d oxser eriyov e nxy -111 %v Mejx eetttuy', of* td aodurry orainduixe-airdet in tiI. eutrprls kOB011 jotix edie. eit tt I 6DUUIopSertdeprr- cntri. thè.,co~imeof evta of ~aiy~ f, ~~* Stro-wilê4 f01 i iJtch Uortion Thé, eriff c O cfaitbilèa éa ituaa u.