si, or ei't- Will blavé Kingston fo1lr Toronto, adterm roe- t fxr-leiiy~s~i gOap Stock a h restabjà hmen M lahsr ietao "OND>ÂY--ad THUiMAy~- treft] dj iiii1ý R-woi tkelg fur CASH eniy, iey can - flr-jx yearu Afiernoon,eî Thr.. e oMbek. -. seli ashade CHEAPERtbotebgesn1ç&4an tilaeaWill leave Tarnite for Itamiltô,ever TUES- EWAD VN;JcsISegif ~vuei wdi vj.. DAYmand FRWÂAYmorning, a t Eeght7Ocloclr. W.0-33. K 1When last- WÎI vilJamiton fr>or g eveiyW.T-B. U&MILT' ciiy of' a aer-. DAY andtIPRDAY Atroen ta4'k Tto, May-24, 1850. Tr rtepeetThé. Steamer Pregucm sRfflaihaviafbeau fr -l. neeti*!th new Bouera, ls 00w, on. otii. fstee lo- ýhu4 -.Uat ab ots- on Lake Ontarini andi bavingberotrU *Cabin exteudd ti n% the wbole Iength 0oI IOthilg a q , Dry~ Oqu 0 lfthe ni idecky lhe accomauti ofor pauise- ar t greatly incresai. rew . O l an S. h . 1a s S tate -4 i. f R R E S & r stn Yboots upon4the labo- andtiq je n eoi tef l. test ans tbet iont, , ant soconmetiioue. Cuba. Thy RoalMailSt rox ou ta ejtiDam Packet Office,> ________________ *with abi- Teoto My 0 by Gneras - L beake THE'STEAMER avrew C4PTAIN WILKINSON, MATS, IbAPS-FU"S CLOAKS, #±NlýD BONNETS. teilgme- UTILL leave Toronto for Niagor, Léfwiton, G.LRKENTS ,JDE TO ORDR, 0FEBVMRTY DES CR1PTION. * VV and Queengton tVERY AITERNOON, Sundaya exceptet,atnocec. -NO SIE COIlD.: PRC . Will learve Lewiaton anti Queenston for Toranteo ___________________________________ WIA. 1abouthbalf-pat eigh in the morning, andti ill ar- t,.loi. 1 e riein time toeet the Mail Seamers for ing@- e oc O < - Cabin Paiseage [Meala extra], on. dollar. iip Bieras arriveti at Halifax et Dockr Passage, thlree quartera of a diollar. eleven o'ctock on Wednesday mornisg. Royal Mafi lStam Packet Oflice, ivérpool ou Saturtiay th-ý 4th-inst. Toronto, Ma 2d 806 et ocstbe European Continent. o y2ni 80 a.thlo Ma y on 2the fact tbat T Il E STEAM EIt AMER A hg_,ava apin been left ID C minanty on CPJUJRBR aR ortiette moment, thse proceeding of Par- AT N'RB TKE , Il J~isno tjo1eorl interest W. XIIL, fot the remainder of-the Seson, leove =lEzwcnIt EssLrc.-Eugene Sue i.V Torogo_ o1r Rerheater, every Tuesday, 1lb. voles ot li one-haîf of the armay ai Thuretiay sud Salurtiay Mornsong, at 10 oet-lock, *à sa beat bis opponýent by8,000 votes. The prerisely, anti will' touch at Port Hope and Cobourg elisuseet off qusetly, tlhe socialiste greaîly anti intereeiate -Porta [weatber permitting.] Retutning, will leste Rockheos-er for Toronto, ies.-The Greek diinlcully le neisher set. callinatorg ani interniediate Ports> .every r apparestly likely te b.e et proeut. Monduoy, Wednealjay anti Friy Morni og, et hallý COMMECIAL.pat 8 o'clock. COMMECIAL.Royal Mail-Offie,_ -tivices by the Hibes-rne show a continued Toronlo, Aprit 18, 1850. &ces,.for coation, wheat andi doter, The ln this virinity will not reap much ad ivan. ors thie favorable tate of hhinga, tbei Dr.. T.G 1B N-N9 Mgrain blang presty rnch exhoustti. (Afembr of the Royal Clle ga, Surgeons q/' Erspitly rieing haro, but thora is scareely .Eisburgle, eod UoeoU£We of -t: ic iialRoard,> ply for tea temai*eti. Thea upper country, Teçe le lofos hie friands andthle public liaI ho Stimulus of hi là pricos, hau ehipree l-le D nlendetremoving from .Whit by Village 10 Ili ois, laes ih1t b COLUMBUS, about tihe lOth et June. Those -,gentleman21Inois -,Stte II irequiring- bis asiian-,mlfind imnsready et li tios emetor st. Louis> flourjieWorth $8, yosicts Scxi e qually great. Thi~ns t~ae hi at MUIiesl rag4ces he gop, ael-wnî ibYljasMa 2qtl. 1850. ".IbeWestern papersa atvisa ~te keep cool, anti holti on te heir produc hammothStc of Baots sud SkEs. as puces have net'yet reacheti their Soc -Cana isu -fermera wil i look around tia- diinotip n!iig for themeselves lIROI &. CXIILDS h.sutbsalhJ. Ji4 Express. ~ V receivedtiheir Spring Stock of Boots 9IFORM IN THE WES T. ÇounciI of the Couuty of Mid- he&?y eelopted tunaniniouisiy the ïk report of- a Comittec ap- frein their number. We give Vit9Cuety ils sisould ap- * outefficers (oxceptrnngis. U-suad the Judgcs of the Coeenty shotild puytheia l'y sîîecified reqniring auiiacces-ust of al ferai ive, and tisat tlîey siîo-aid puy Senut of luce quarteriy te the Trastrer. t Towvn and Township Cetucils select gtand tend petit jurent for rts except lte Division Courts, - -nsii furnishiing a nursIber un onte île population.- Town and,,Township Cotîncils have compéte conltrol of Inn, and su frewary licenses. W-pevide _for thse- binding ont te hanico, Manufactoîrers, Agricul- on~ ancd ethere, als-nprteced or- BWor paurtchildren, ad Well as lice nes of parents. who are note:rioisaly în iies of vkkesud ýproatitutiosii.- ided a requisitic>a je laid before ÇCouncîls, contasençgetic. signa- -of--tif- statseher lone e-a we, btt h le nýe ity for t-z -kzg fsueh childieu. ~tthe sp<tdy,-comllpeté, tend final lion ef th. Court cf-Chtencery, tend1 6 ension cf, the neeutry equitM liston -of the, Jadges ef Qeteen s ai, in ail matters or dispute -wlat-ý raies-il be made. mt Di vis oCurts, ehouid have poers. extended, 11011? Or PLI.AJ>M. Coauciîtee beg furtiser to j rpiety of a change i L twso l0QcUnUtry reiteti ver, du<iu,-gid'qua1iitiù II adAttorneys-at-iaw. msn whoensjovs thse ces-cG lellowa uay bealslowed te ia or bisaaigbbour'u cause i gi"this iis 'Province, au by ùny restrictions whatu tisau thos.euforcet- by for th. presprvmtiom oftegdc m) and aise tint law cas alyredocd, and thse whcit nu theoronft rereacament abut depurtmngi t à .hepro à the* dence iemmd trol, lanti ewil oié"ltet hieirusual tow trate. B. & C. employ six buntireti earaties, anti produce freux 60 te oO000 in deailv. Their present stock ba been matie with: speciaf refere te the want of Canadia West, anti will1 compensate individuals or faenilie for aendia great£hetasce. By sonding the reqiretilenglh, q fit wilt ba.guer. anteati. Marchants wie bave neit patroniseti the aboe. etablihelsnt shoultiJseles. o ins, as tisay cou b. furnisheti-feras.e bob' thse cost ocfcountry protiec. tien. Ahsy seereesosable feUs-are repau-ed s-e'itt N. B. BIapwri & Cies-Les. 88, Rn Street, noo rly opp ipt teEgls rh 9-- CASH PAiID FOR L-d TLoEJt Toronto, May 1, 1850. 5- y w oufce IS hereby given- tliiat' partnership WELL & IIURD is 111is day dissotved by mutual consent. Tho notes and and accounts >will be collected by Mr. Farewell, aend the liabilities discharged by him. Ali persons indebted 10 lihe said firm wii pieuse cltà t thoir late place of business and settle terrs pective acconts. 'The tirue pronxised îitrtie9 for making paymeëut wil be given. A11il caieuagAinst *aid Fjri are re- quested te ,b. prcsted< forhwith. A.rE BWELL, P. A. BURD>.,, The Store and Ashery btsinessw ill Prince .êlberte 1th May, ISSO..3-5 WHOL8.~44~. ROCER's, TORONT". LRAW OWWEOE. A*WM u --MA9NUer»LL M. C. CÂAMEROU( IL J. MACDOZ4LL, 1 U~OIie la.WhTby~o1~este iredideae aif inany MR. B. FB.EY BALL, îtram- lever, WIIITBY, C. W. v and4 Office r "ScziptMsre'ottel.»' a the «City. o ee" Wa' 5è of farkd f" e. TORON1TO. tri- Cr0 eD 93 CD oic 0 t tha ,FI a s * B 'I a I e a B I B a e~ a i e-' o> ~ e- c c ceas-s f Oî OO Q O SJGJt' OP 7THE 'BER-HI VEY" THOMAS BESCOBY, Arcv,- ES>novpropsred tepsy the i ihest <. Price. laCA8ULand TRAM, for any qmantity of TALLOW, LARD, SOAP GREASE, an4 ASHES 111 :- House-Keepers, wiU dovelli t. sm» theirAshez. Taams will regularlymill aned give Tkade for them whea tako Whitby, Msch 26, 1&50.- JUSI'ECEVED by the sauew a spl.ndld uasrtmnt cf Plor b**, - LegSa ~-fHa1n >Whitby, Api 19, 1850. 'SCHO OL B04k&,44. April'1 9th, 1850. - 1h-iii 'P LOuIl-for Gold f TH1ý Squtb hait er t e ±4. S4,8th Concession Whitby, hs open flir bidders, for a terni of notless'tlan iIve ytars, There re Ti4y cis'eerç< tend the whole Panti l pleuntifuUY. Wabared Gdosand seti 1. i ~ eoion given in geod tinte foï A ppiy (peidiflbypost) to B. FeEY BALL, 11110C*»ITBY. HUGH FR WHl2TB Y FI, A 8E R Cm b Wb ,smof paueengerg aPOWdUiiçonsigseof It eeilarsueti1aisti -meas, coxumaudati1 zies. Gmet car. ha, . r cret, but iL " b unicatee ait their plu 4 Jthiu be the cae su sau autheniciu -i man 4t85 iiiîw- mm 0,