J 'k. . I -v Aetsr h. eorè 3.. s, spw LÊ. ---- f. 'f - sg~ ~m W I'T B Y, ÇC-.1NAýD',&' E S'r,, A P JArsenal, i Frais loor to ceiling, ?ogn,, nue the butnied anus; itht!qipe go anthesus peeling -- evilaers.witli'tfflge alarme. rn'ýè,in will s'[,ho id'and drenry, - de hýïff!(étouches thos. swift keys; -lament sud d4aisal Miei.---- * !'withýtheir nwlut symphonies. nnow the inflite tiece. chorus, ,ries of aýony, the tendiesa grean, -W -Ie e ges that have gone btore us, ong raverburations reach.our own. m.sand haruess rings the Saxon hammer, mls Cimbrie forent roars tbe Norsemn'sl song, loud amid th e universat. clansor, or d6tntdoset, sounde the Tartar gong. r the -lorentinei Who frein bis paýlets beels ont hig battle bell with, dreadful diu; ztc'ret* upon theur teocaii > 0 akin tunlt of euhh aclced and hurning village; hé about that overy prayer for mercy droinno; ýïaldiérPs revellu tbhe'sId à cf pillage; - e waïl.of famina tus beleaguertd towns ;- hulstiug aheil, tl gateway wrenrhed asunder, Irleattllne muaketry, the clashing blade; td evafaasd anon, in tonos cf thunder, ['b. iapason of the çannouade. t; O inu, with atIs discordant noses, MVIthWech ccursed Instruments as theso, à « ditcwneot: Nature's aweet and kindly voices, Lad jarreat the cqlestialý harmonies. ril£tlepowerthat fills thewýorld wlîto rror, mbal Ut welihbestewed on camps and courîs, en te redeain the human mind fron errer, .hs.re were no ueed of aysenasn and forts. r tite darkfuitre, thro' long generations, 'h. echoingýundu grow fainter sud then tens; 11oablwith solemn sweet vibrationq, boat once more LIse vote of Chrittsy "Peee" emol md no lonà ger fron its brazon portae helîssi of 'w's à great organ shakes tIse skies,t beauù-itifulas songe of thle immortl,, soý holy meladies of love arise.* 'TIS 1EtT N1OT TO KNOWT. «You say yo? love xi--can I trust ThMt she, by 'sony wo Bymeat&iogthJasJ,ber huart To cnstpcy uubduçd 1 Percaucemore hlove ithere- ince kêwegewuld butibri egrief>. Pebaunethat eye Lbbamed wlth love a.-Ts rIy Jip.bathbeot lusa =Des For qIeth hn%à rp»;, Vx I'ttust its love liko snow- iùk kowlddge woutd buitbring me grie4 'Tis bttermlt to kùow. -Oh!1 wbat a simple fondaeus ne.é- .But let asE tMok cyou lové 's. stli, And i ls ieedi 1 fj 8lhtter that thte oye uu'à erfl Thon that ils tsaa shutud 4w kWb ozs kapwlwouU but bringus grief, 'To botter sot toknow."P A secret is lue silence, you cannQt k lout it and Jeep ît. It Ws like ay-ýwhen. Qfl1.o yon ,krigw there .*ny concealed,itiL s lWf di.ssovered, y dear Mùrphy," sid an, lishman Éi fied Why did yots botray %ho 'à 1tod tçd là "it lWtraisg yqu il 1 Sure, %when I -fonMl 1 w"net jto k*ep ilt myaeif, dida't 1 do wel It to-sorteboely thate ouidi'1 w1mI. - t.f .4>î ; 1A, Il » nnlvl eyship, aga Liiok beltcf bush rose ia-ý- mediatehy 'iu',our l'rott, cua-tise brinis et -a, rrqid dascent. 1 tiseraere gave. 4eNaý,«>r>"ib isheati, uith a oightt taste et tise spur, -te uriittt e gallaistly re. aponded. BoundinguistiertLie usatallia pressurep,_ise closeti in nq second os tie #lYing8 te, Çrtd isrought tIs ghitterisgl,ý peist et uyiog'spaa l euacontact with biabendform. - > 1 -.l Not apjsaren 1ly tel i.1"gsu«w lpoint- cd"I attentions, tIsqKa.r, ghwscngoveri bis left sisoslder, silently but fLir..!> brandis5ed an assgai. M1adse thrwiwnbiraseilff*,sriihuri ed bsis ureapeu- Isls; et 1maI (audifférentl might have been te resit. owever, thme. w.. ot, with eeither part>', muse trne - lor redeçtioq ourithougisl; but to~ The following qp$ractJs from,a Bedo publishied .by Lieut.î Col. -Na~pier, 01 the recent1'.à ffir war lu South Aflrica We'gjyÉýjt to show in- a iitary mawiJ gwn words; th'e brs.taliing \effeuts o 'war, on evèn au edttèated and scienÀifiu mina. CoulId a man 4~ more bardenec and'calloimini hi% feelings than Col eapier hèer represents hiniseif as hav. in g been? Ho à w horrible is a professiou * ,which' nakes a man se, regardless o huahlife ! "collecting :0*s many stragglers a possible, we next galloped towards ti smnoke issu ing.t'rom ,somn_ kraassacouple uf miles off ucross an ojen country,bui .found wtt were too-late,,capturinDg how. everon ur a nfew strçLggling Kaffli horses. Returning frontthi suaccess fui "cst," wo struck on tihe speeiS of' a large flock, whose track wus tinetly mnarked on the dewy grass, aV which. appeared to have been drives towt4rds tise.Chnjnie, Hilis., This spooî we ra.pidly. followed up for several muiles tilI, enl.er-ingisu entang.led, broken, and hil y country.- We were here joined by a couple of offiqers and sone, of the 7th Dragrooai,'who. reported tisat forty or fifty Kafirs wvere in a wooded .valley close by, and had defied tise t to corne into the Bushand fight, which invita- tion thse smnall purty, of, course, politely delined. Whilst ve werê consulting whnt wus sow bpst to. be done, 1 saw a, fine ex close to the edge êOftise covýert- about two hundred yards off, with a Kalllr on horseback driving itslowiy along. - This was. evidently, intended as a decoy. Thse Kaffirs, being closeat hand'in the thicket, meant. no doubt te have given us a taste of their essegais, had we potn- ced directly on the. hait., Determnined, bowever, to out-manoeuvre themn, we extended our line; a little firing- took placeaà t sueis of thse enemy as showed themsel ves on tise outskirtg of 1 he Bush; one Kaffir was shot through thse body; anotîser wvas knocked over by my coin- maindant of irregular liorse, but manag- ed to scramble away isto te jungle. Meanwliile, 1 kept a steady look-e-ut on tgentemanwiththe x.:4e. had Povert-when, screened;by a swell iný th e ground, I gra4ually approached 'n- ",ers;and, seizing-a favouirablp oppoï- unùity, suddenly put mny homse at speedl, tfolffhig retrnat;'andi tijea .."yehik'd" Mif aeross a' fine open piece ,Of grass lad; in fuI sight "of 1u:cls-m(Wty.w.w bth rattte&a-'.lolgat a pace wbiichcoula oôt possiblyr leât, but in, wiicisthe train-ý Ig and isard condition- of my charger. mon toM ;- for after ashort rua'1 in view' ff.e Ksffiur' horse begain toà how SYrnp- »nmso1 distress, wisilst any steeciwa i.l fresh ard -w.»l in -band. There ras, however, no timne'to be Icet in jock- "Tou»," Mid a i1te ber sweptlesart, «I'yen have beeaupsyisg your dWsreu to mehroaigsugb. I-&4is tlnwyrs ee makisg bunw or otning* -ntte keoppme in expeuse an y loger." A entaIt >~y urssti te bDavy yard at Piilad.lpbia, a short tinte aice, Sp ýpickupsehips. Acertaius nplisu pbamngat tisai moezat,brsvely rnea-. ted tise basket fromthe -boy, tkunderiag ce n hie eas..-Tihe.bcoy looked at Isir viskis swe"lig liii. dasia, ex- climl, wkosp itp â-keep it tiW. the owsryppg0o ner 904-t throughthe 'eterà foidof th6ka-ît Srighitoetie the-uhoùîder bladesi-î n ibawybck..Tiesavage,vtrith o utterinka Sonnd, but still -graSPing1 ý asségà i, pitche4r-ferwardoff,!his hori j b6stowiug on me, ah he feI- &vengd lookeo miged hatred and pain, wvhi j [shall notietaIyfrget. At isi oitialM6snebt, '-whilst 0 deavouring to pul,uùp"rfor the -bus! preclùded thtepossiibility, in tru&e «De c astea: style,'> of turuiug Off aftet, livering the speirj ýthe crbis sniappedi, andpmy fiery brteofa hoz .Maddened by, tho. exitement o ét chuae, he still>wildlyt followed-tise ride ofs a steep teed--dushed doiýntthe Ih roa à epthiohly-woodedv declivuit3rj our front, carrying me: tlsrepgh- des pr-tkly--miimosa shruhaé, anénearly ni agsing e halfa-dggen times asit oir tlsorny, branches. Cossideriml Ihrowere at tisetime aumb es ut R firsis th ilsBush, sny. position in t! Mas«eppa-like«course.was plot the Mo enviable in the world ; sot did 1 suoccu in puifling.up,,anti! reacisingLis. bottai of thse bill, *ben I yowed nover agai to trust myseîf dttring a patrole on th back of sais a r unaway beast. By, tisetime 1 hustI retraced my stel totespot where thé lKalir isad flsllex tise bird lsad flow-had vanished'int theBush; end neonoe who han net Ãu tually %,itùessed iL would crdit th quantity of «kclillîng" ,tise. savage take,or thee amoat miraculous menue ia whiché, aater being- even mortal wounded, they contrive to evade tise; pursters and affect their escape. -The stoipal fortitude witb which thie endure pain à s likewise Most remarkabli and, asan instance ins point, may meni tion ttat dturisg Lise course-of thi daý we came upon a wounded Kaflir rolle up in his karmm, aud,, seated underE mimrosa bush. -Ho bsd bee n shotithroug] the body, ovkdently "l" ia mojtaI r and thus silently awaited. his fate> hav. ing firet esndeagoured te stauscis the flowing ble¶sdby cramming a hafstiui of grass jute the woutn4 I CA sa oU R3MTS.Essc Curious seenes. sosatisses - _occur In courts of justice, where alnMMst every phase of human nature ispresented An English paper states, tisat during au argument un cucin a ase heoard s sottisse since before VicChancelor Wigram, with respect t eUrnspiis, hIe -Roser saiti that th~e followisg urss tse strongeà t case h. ever met with. Amarsneridbeloe U)Lrd Xènys onl au niaitmet under tise game u, frrasootigabird. It was'prevedthat the~ mn fired, eud that is@ bird il and- urus picked up by tise prisdnit. ise jury returusetia Verdict orfnotgujl- y.Wlen asked fS thoir reason, they saud they Premuted that -the bird 1usd lied ef fright, tiser. being Do evidence that there urss any shot ina thse < ý4-- 77--- 14-7 ý i .11 Il - c ' >?05L ddren '~ ~Ten-*l0 ci! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n tiesLierqu>wroirs j lýtQj1Étê s.polvvist et acli eetui emtyruisblk ro l~~à '1d ~ li ssseng,-nt sroscer4ty and wetsoç e Ç4,caI~ teMorathrowus 1 nèrt1 lewr ipeote, earesrimeuteofeiecnr,dom *baé& t the wuôpell e di'h4 ee uincaùdisejl tsemasea Ctt l i -ableK7. he th~.~~set is pario, i~phiasisron&rneuotinit& or mothwI1sor4p$n er-ý to ethwnd ouyitiafn r -n nst ur ,oul îs1et&urÃŽe teyt,,, pel ouse rtse iene f ti si rat vc, fuasUs té Sreligi on,, tises. trioed n ilxtniehrro ,inc c-a.' 3~ '~d teils,4wr eauerapcasytengs1Eq , rsoha b- i fr - sý èye agst tathe coatweia-isendtwivet eandrsè&fetLdosteVl -bea oveoekadbtela wim.eal oodpioeoree l4hi'jt~tc~ lier tholeiaatve or oxotiveig ia ssao~ st m~~~~~~~ poer'-Wal4dt'tse0o Èjrea caus geathe1irrù. th po ver s o la woredu thvelinl uence - ola nb a s&~' o crime., tbarcu elsicbis c-Aesss uly t ndageto ditsior- a!es peaiti ~éti ln' Sb evis i saetut aearsp esuly t se *"Bq.,fw tha vetbinSe-ntoatiin didd l r. i - .>o 'v Oî,ý ta'i f th ~ injry. ost Thywesuli nveom.tsia TunLP~M e, a prunto hélludttate tise eutob>jeo tis7 ',' tha tie -gretueo ati eetl&,:ei l brf isone s r*Ã"sa bsiesth: Is1 e )s tse obectwik f l ussurieo it t ie ~u aiti tât e'lbrinoriirnbi à i a of hl l'countq. a ..t ioit. ' - .e w4h>risls i nu WPowellcoenc0e 1qnotil ei-caueof rhecf cu. D alii sae permi 'eatrtblen ee-ot.e tioan sral >iiu i.' fj e it ive Our pe 70sdèrers s In fluette. pùi i toxicati g rinks thegogame tci f Ip M. m y0 ru~se-a isundrd yeasduwçivi nLor uops idas- .. eesvate te pro t ù cising, 'ýà ri tdl n oee nine -ou estit 'sAnillisetts ulloli orstriysise masy csf -tiseatstimanras bà ý un si6u h'thpeoplegns u!icaà h anz*Rnes." -5 'Ue Iaeta ta~~ i ne b 0111 th j 1 iîtr ,vPi: ass4 e-thri pions judge gi ve s n qiel etts aitrdsofaia wih tesîmoà ntie ubft ustiefulor-îsess i o itt ü2eolmssvqi Tl isg urords :-« ise plaé fd icaure.;a d le à A# r'a80 re er el >' u :?isvin la. an -ut p awareûnltyt e rjsffrs eve tA exigof.;aitand, e>firsét t'lse s~a1o qt~~mg '1 norsiti»nà th ti eng oximtéhise OUBpy ESOE spXYptS 98 ,uap tisaS Qýi i f 6 t m rdssnsl the à amsgeut e se itoise b utla ,vMat 1ie$eêt, 1ius the C 1 !e@sý aa, aetiother esofbctarme, tsti,ar1e agç heevPm f noencing # a hapenti.matiuiewefided *kesës bïwone1 i 1ta tha obe 1t, or o r tt s v teos à gi seti ré'1rusaU n l i , f-vip ôusthe ande .tspds cs4ýeda eti feXesul! slov ew' egu*ltfiossld oend 4 eredsJý Mýè îglibo mene y ure un» i *' wtiiçr i or. et atfIal r usi.dt refor tto arovsdetuo'-Ia:ge oortise -.t.xt o! aasoetaiaissg4h ho oho'dsMsoie srusaoenbfrtSf1t¶1itic theoki dvet 10, wafiiosOurhau, gwIt 1g ases, io lbar.hith yi n o ferward, are tram l ii o0 féeizi i.5ore w '11p aid ,:ros bcauseto 'à . iodf lse mouisrtagifrnsea00, OêJIWa.1 -1."; tIse émisintiii ail tbeeemss'is urtatet lIOsiiS i00 tte VéP ay*. - cariny, taM .vti g . gra~IWph oai i o temaue o-i dra er>' mmiy on. thèi hsiiïw ra ù ~' ce' e i ~ ;lý7