Feverlsh activity lu uoteworthy at the openlng of the New Demo-j ln the current campaign leadlng cratie Party connnittee loonmaln te, the September 25 provincial Whi'bv last Monday. From lefi to rlght are Howard Ferguson;1 election. Above is a pleture taken Adriani Goverde, campaign man-1 ager; Tom Edwards, New Demo- crat candidate; Mrs G eo rg e Brooks; James Lee; Deputy- Reeve George Brooks and Larry Deschesne. Oshawa Man Gains $5000 2In GM Suggestion Plan OSHAWA - WNS - A pas1 he aiso subm.stted two other cetatoguung clerk in Genea Mo- a w a r d - winning suggestkins tors oft Canadias parts and acces- "'0o th over $2400, hiringing his sories dlepastment hias become ~îîaad ooe 740 thesevnthwùi-erof he -jai- -1.Sand-eIii'isaward of uhesevnthwmnr o' te mxi-$5,000 is the fourflh nmaxhnun murm award -of $5,000 oDff ered by awssxi made s0 fer this year. GIM's Suggestion Plan. Since January, 1963, Generai Richard' C. Sad-eld o R.R, MotoSs cf Canada hais paid out No. 3, Elizabeth Cresceit, OsLh- $157935.99 for 3.353 aooepted awa, suggested a change in the suggegtions. is antounltje con- preParation cf data for partis and sirierabiy higher tfian tihe total accessories catalogues. arnount paid out for. suggestions M .ýanjrxlh jadnk4plartica- during the whole cf 1962. Siuice pa th ie Suggestion Plan un- January 1, 1963, 30 GM people tii the conspany oondjucted lits h a ve gained memibNershilp in 25th Aniniver-sary Suggestion GM'sNMaster Suggestuers Clubh, Plan casnpaign bast Apniil. In ad- eaéh hasving suggestion winnngs ditoion to the maximum award, Itotadling $1.000 or mco-e. ONT Rio PRO VINCE 0F ONTARIO ELECTION NOTICEC0F u ISIONOF LISTI 0F VOETMS (11 INUm" POLLINO SV3DWI&MNB) NOTICE 0F SIlTNO0F 11HE REVISINO OFFICER in the. ELECTOL&AL DISRICmof ONTARIO Public Notice is hereby given of the revision of' the lists of voters for pollng subdivisions for the TOWN of WHWBY and the TOWNSHIP of PICKERING in the Electorni Dis- trict of ONTARIO. AND FURTIIER TAKE NOTICE tbat sittings will be held by the revising off icers at the times and places siet forth in the ichedule bereinafter set out. Any person qualif(ed to vote at the pending election to the Legisiative Assembly and wboýe naine bas been omitted froon or incorrectly entered in, the enumierstor's list of voters is called upon to attend at the tintes and places bereunder mentioned fur the purpose of' having bis name enroled upon the ist of voters to he used at the said election. Complaints îvbicb bave been properly f iled witb reference to name wrongf'uIly entered upon the enunlerator's Iists will be beard at tbese sittings. Who is always true to you in its fashion? OC! Oshawa Shoppng Centre has just the thing for you, no matter what the season. Its fashion shops offer you a complete selection of wardrobe and accessories. Theres 54 interesting, well-laid-out shops (including a major department store) at OC. You'il find quahity, high-grade merchandise and specially-priced goods too- everything your famnily needs. Enjoy OCs complote one-stop shopping, f ree parking, service trades, covered mail. Make it a habit. lt's a good one. "'the interesting place to shop" o eW HMW To UT TMEL FROM HIGHWAY 401 £AKTOUJHO- 1* g TNCfRMlmmoRoadtut Ori rSOMguMUis «st to Sumse wnRua.tsorti, mon Stw4ummi Assi FUOM ISQfiY 401 WUSIM W Et MPW* RudL surSt mPuA uai% m p-ow Ek m , W ib hUgN Lisits of voters for this Electoral District wiIl be open for public inspection at the office of the Returning Officer bo- cated at BRECHIN between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and N:00 P.M. (D.S.T) each day except '3UNDAY, UNTII, THE ('01 il'0F REXISION 1', CONCLUDED. The Lists may also be inspected at the office of the Clerk of' each Municipality between the bours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M (D.S.T ) each day except SATURDAY and Sunday [INT1L THE COU[RT 0F REVISION IS CONCLUDED. Registration and Revising District No. 1, includes al Poli- ing Sutbdivisions in the TOWN of WHITBY North of HIGH- WAY 401, in the Electoral District of ONTARIO. Registration and Revisinu District No. 2. includes ail Poil- ng Subdivisions in the TOWNSHIP of PICKERING in the Electoral District of ONTARIO. Sittings will be held for Registration and Revising District No. 1 in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MUNICIPAL BUILD- ING. 405 Dt "NDAS STREET WEST, WHITBY. between Ihe bours of 10:00 A.M. and 12:00 NOON (D.S.T.), 2:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M. (D.S.T.), and 7:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. (D.S.T.). on FRIDAY, the l3tb DAY of SEPTEMBER and SATURDAY, the l4th DAY of SEPTEMBER, 1963. Registration and Revising Officer: MR. H. JERMYN. Clerk to Revlsing Officer: MR. JOHN FROST. MUNICIPAL BUILDING, WHTTBY. Sittings wilI be held for Registrationiand Revising District No. 2 in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MUNICIPAL BUILD- ING, BROUGHAM, ONTARIO, between the hours of' 10:00 A.M. and 12:00 NOON (D.S.T.), 2:00 P.M. anid 4:00 P.M. (D.S.T.), and 7:00 P.M. anid 9:00 P.M. (D.S.T.), on FRIDAY, the 13th DAY of SEPTEMBER and SATUiIDAY, the l4th DAY of SEPTEMBER, 1963. Registration and Reviaing Officer: IM&R JOHN HARE. Clark to Reviaumg Office:fM&R.L. T. JOHNSTON. MUNCIPAL BUILING, BROUGHAI& O(NTARIO. 1