MHE CHILDREN'S CORtNjR - Flower Sfick Y.e1low Here'asemething you can make te help those tal flewers ini your garden. This flower stick serves as a cane- for teppling plants. Draw a bird on a squared piece of thin wood. Paint tIse bird, then have your father saw it eut. __________________womn anaidcid&en. i IV la be- KNOW YOU CANADA issved tIorn-e fixvn tise Indian exploisr Jacquesa CAutier mLvtaik- 1. What la Vte trigin ci Canadas enly thougist Ai meant thse whoie nains? coumuty. 4. Sir HenTy PdUMIL' 2 In what year câd AJeock and Cama Leena, bult In Theoeito ho. Browni fly frome NewvfoundIand fore World Wà r Ouse. 2. Mas 11M. to -IrebLnt? 3. WIsat proportion ci poMetwr iumngratS te Cainadfa have bese wxnen and duisiIen? 4. What 984rcom Canadà ohaumen was beuln the hkspe Awould entertain visiting royalty? 5. Of Canadias major nsanufac- turing indîuLtrîes, w(hath oe Is altrnost wholly Ctanadien- owned? AINSWERS: 5. 'Mhe texctile in- dustry. a. Ne-ady two-fhirds oif post-war Ixnnvgrants have been M7j'AITS YOU! FREE MUGIT SCHOOL To Ail Home Study Students STUDY AT HOME BUT COME TO NIGHT SCHOOL TWICE WEEKLY.- FREE PLAN NOW: PLAN YOUR CARE ER NOW. Be-gin by taking this simple step ... perhaps the most important vou will take t(his year. Whether you are jusit finishing schoo or alreaiiy working, you must recognize the value of specialization. Thse Canadian School of Busi- ness training techniques are deýsig-rwd to meet the increasing demands of mod- ern business. Every Cana- dian School of Business course is tailored te a spe- cific job categoiry ... each subject planned to round out an accepted pattern of required knowledge. WHY WAIT - D)0 IT TODAY! THE CANADIAN SCHOOL 0F BUSINESS HOME STUDY DWISION 52 1/z SIMCOE ST. N. 728-7081 ~i'i a~I~ ~ the planets and thse sun ad jWUimTBYWEEKLT EM S y /J~(. U mccn.Ii t much more llkely tiat 1 'huraday, SeptsSnber 12, 1963 UU 5 IU S the days, as well as thse pae F E ë r NNý 83 were nansed by the eas4y people 1d&Y naines. Sunday, of courS, ou,__me__MMOF _________ Ie er godW w'as tihe sun's 'day. Monday ws 'l'Beifore thse telescope waa in- nansed after thes moon. Tueoday ARE THEE ANy DIAMONUS venited, -en coud ses cnly five tuok its naine froin the Norse INf THE 5KV? planets, but thsy belisvsd that goid of Wau-, 71w, who was munIs ffhesusw anid momciswere planets, like thee Ronsan god, Marws. Wsd- D i a mo n d s are sionses or wanderes-s, to, making seven nesday wes naised for ths Sax'on found i rseteorlutes which, be- in aIL Sioe seven was regarded god, Woden, who ccrresponkdad fore thsy carne te i-est upon the es a mnagie number in those dà ys, ta the R c m a n god Msrcuiry. eartis, were certainly i the sky. it may have sesemed especially. Thursday was TIýrs dby - In thsrt sensge, ws otld aay tisai f ïtting te make the days of the Thor was elise Norse Jove or thers are diamonishin the sky. week seven i n umber. 1 Jupiter. Frlday wa naxned for The diansondis Pound hi metuso- TIse naines cf the <laya, as we the Saxon Venus, Freya, tIse rites, howevei-, are not wooth kniw thefns in EngILqhI, caine godd>ess of beauty. Saturday la anything conunmiaily alVIseugh froin the eei-ly Saxon or Nia-se1 Saturn's day. they are cof gi-set intereat to the scientist They are usually very small and of isot very govd quakty. We do net know very mucli about thseinies- in which dia- mondIs found -on etartih are f crm- ed, but we believe that lihey weire once carbon ini th earth's cruM&4 Thtscarixas apparenîtay crystall&zed ite thse form wheb we caH idaxnond. This change pTrebabl1y occurred beSause cf the enornous heat aund pressure mi the earthss cruat. Peehamps it is tUns sanie way dia't the diamnods in meteorites hav foaned, for meteorites, too4 were oce under intenSe heut and preasure. HOW DID THE DAYS GET THE NANMS? It la ofen susd tha t the de"y ci thse week were nuned ater OUR TOWN - By McCleIIand SDONT BOTHE FR~ENCi ! eur IME NOW, DAJD. 'UON T -~ ILM SUDVING KNOS ENUSSC - j FG ENf-I. Y ST NAPOLEON- By McBride MOCO - By Barley LI'L PEDRO - By de la Torre YOUNG PEOPLE - Wbat ys ahead for y.. -- Back to High School? - A Job? - Any Job ? or-A CAREER with a rich, rewarding future! In a surprisingly short time you can prepare yourself for a (AREER IN BUSINESS A NEW TERM Shirts at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE on Tuesday, September 3, 1963. UEght Career-desig-ned courses from whi<h to choose. FRELE L1TERATIJRE - Act Now - Get the Faeta. Placement Service for Graduates. Seventy-five place laat yeair. Registrations now being acoepted. Enrolment is limited. OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE 10 Simcoe Street, North Dial 725-3375 Oshawa, Ont.