Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Weekly News, 8 Aug 1963, p. 6

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8. WHITBY WEEKLY NEWS BS.&m.S flILPWAWIu TIuzaday, Auguit 8, 1M 1 - - -- - - -1 -EXCELLJENT OPPORTUNIITY 1-ACCOUNTANTS Oesg imIaa osli mwrsirTî= lNTrm.rïsRrnF!RT fam-ous Rawleigh Pi dsjcts. ALsoi LEGAL NOTICES TREASUREr'S an Ã" T'~~~ somne spare-tsrn vacancies. Wie SL FLN Chartes-ad Accosintants RLawleïebs, Dept. H-457-SS, 4OR0AXE The Brock Building Richelieu, MonlreaL1 FO TA E Brock snd Duindas Witby PHONE 668-4131 -EMPLOYMENT WANTqiE- Town of Whitby, ______________ -- Ontario. 135 Simcoe St., N. Oshawa MIDDLEAGDWIDO wouldToWt PHONE 728-7527 like housekeepinrg job> for wid- oWt L. J SKWE, .A. awe, orshae Ilhare ~ By virtue of a warrant issuec J.hartered Anani a os i es mal!hon& <ÃŽtby the Mayor of Witby bearing Chree Acutn acte ad.I Ith zOh date of the t3th day of June, 0Frances St. Phone 668-8197 awa. Phone 668-4517.19, a sale of lands in arrears WHrrY 3sfrtxs n-hIôvno hty EtDWARD RYZEK, C.G-A- wilt be held in the Council Cham- Public AccountaM nd uio 24-WOMEN'S COLUMN bar at the hour -of tan o'clock in 912 GrAenwood CrescaTît, Whitbie EUBOPIEAN Caird Reader & Tea the forenioon on Wednesday, thse Telephone 668-2996 Cup Reader. 7 Languages. WilI 9th diay of Octioïber, 1963, uniess REPAIRS lelp you on ail me ters of ie the taxes and costs are sooner ________________- Adivisge you in ail business mat- paid. FOR ALL YOUR appliance on- t-m-s. Do not feul to see her, if Notice ta has-eby given Lsat thse pairs caîl your Moffat-Westig- vou are worried or sick or in lista of lands for sale for arrears house-Inglis Se-vice Centre, Ajax doult. No charge, donations ac- of taxes was puhlished ti the Bas-gain Centre, Has-wood Avi-t'epted4 Ail reading str.ctly con- Ontario Gazette on the 6th day Northb, Ajséx, Phone WH 2-6410. fidential. Phone for appocintrment of July, 1963 and copies of said VACUUM CIZ&Ç1APME REF>AIRS 725-81:f, open 9 a.m. tan 9 p. n.List rnay ha ohtained at my office. Guaranlteed repaùs to al zoakes. tf Treaasurer's Office tis 8t-h day FrSes e nabes. Hees part, 15gs, - of July, 1963. etc. Fleming Vacuums Cleasser :0-ARTICLES WANTED John R. Frost, Service. r-se, Free Pick-Up and Deliveiry PIA.NO - low cost, good qualuty Tesrr Cali Collent -Ajax 94-2.0213 lpright or spnnat piano. Phon.e Town cf Whitby. 568-5657. 21P MARTIN AUTO ELECTRJC Speciaflizig in Motos- Tune-Ups 28-ARTICLES FOR SALE NOTICE MO Expert Carhurelior and Electrical_____________ SALES & SERVICE GIRLS' BICYCLE - good con- R DT S Dieu 668-3652 dftiion, a good buy et $1800ý AND flTUEDC 409 BROCK ST.. S. WHMTY F: ,rie 668-2996 anythnma 14-PERSONAL SERVICE R32 IN THE ESTATE 0F JEWLLRY ndWath eparsFOR THE BEST DEAL on a LNWRENCE JAMES Speia cs- wthantiqean good used refriges.tar or range DA DSN ICEED Isetrksrs. Qinck, seascmabie ser- vice. Chasles F. Meshcsr, Jeweiler and Watchnmker. 1288 Dundas S. West. Phone 668-2872. CUS'IN3M HATOHIUENG, ail kinda of eggs. darcel Straayas-, Neil- S R o s d, RR 1, Agincourt. Phonse AT 2-6440. Also Ducklings for sale. 23s ge m jx "ax5aJi ..-nLiLI Fiarwood Ave. Norths, Ajax. Phone WH 2-6410.. DRAW TICKET 7umbered oily. Alweya aveul- able. Variety of coloura. Car- vIle Prss, 151 Brock St., Nos-th, Wh-tiby. Tt East Lâneway paslt Dundas &t Ail persane hba vt1ng claiims agait theseEsaite of Lawrence James Davidson, late osf the City of Oshaiwa, fis thse Coussty of On- tario, Gentleman, deceased i& ho di.ed on or about -thse 24tb, dlay of June, 1963, ar-e hertiby noti- fied tac senti particulâir, of tihe saine tisah undersignad Sa1Lci- FOtR S1ALE - Slgn 7 teet wlie, tor sor theua jxecutix, on or ba- 26-PETS and LIVESTOCR 16 incisas deep, angied to face fore tise 29t1s, day of August, AMFIRIIAN COCKER Spaniel. up and down streat. 74 Burk 1963, after which date tha Es- Pup. Four mentisa ou, regt- Street, Osawa. 24T taie's essis will he diaributed, ered maie. Househiroken. Phone ha'vîn regard oniy t, claima cof Pickering 942-6428. 2B 47-REAL ESTATE w&hich ha athafl thm ihave notice. DAT!E]D ait Whftiy, tibia 3lst. FEMALE HEIA.1 THINKING 0F SELLING? daY Of July, 1963. WANTED(Contact SALESL.ADR1FS imanedîfately, ex- DOUJG. ANDREWS Donsîd. Raddy, Q-C., c e 1Il e n t oppor'tunit3i for ad- Bsooklin - 655-3195 ollcit Duor dhe kSt W, vancemeni. Car neoessai-5 Fori >da t . informnai on cali 728-0320 3 repreeenting Whîtihy, Ont. J. A.WLLOUGHBY & SONS EXPERIE2NCED office help part ' I * .- ELOS O IET CinmePhne 6 80 o-na Over 60 y,-ars of service with pointnen()Ver 35 agent.',in Southern On CREDITORS CAPABLE LADY wanîecl tii ivc taiîîo--ffî-rinîg greilîr cîverage in. caiie foi i\%( oii drcn ',vîl, rnthiww, 'lar hine-ý aULTEIi FOR SALE Atiai NDOTHERS 66 8 576-4 'te c,- nîîtiî pus-pose portable. tIN TFlLE ESTATE 0F il io,'2 064 'q f 634 Kipling 36-MALE OR FEMALE NX, Wesiuîn.Oriîario Phone WILIAM JAMES JORDAN A PAPER ROUTE nia acai 1 (71 1 AW î-yclu P îi- 11cicre-,1 iici t c h-if C.i) Ne-ccnian -ýiga.ns! ti 'i, e tt- (if Williin, sari nii houm weekly Cali l < o f Fiani,,-1,Phoîne Jain, Ji>rdaii Saccdiin Iî,.cf 668-3830 , oraiplv' yet the îoffice 8,5717 20h Wh.thv. Orisarî-îdeceased,I , of the %Wh.îby Weekiy News, 151 dîed un us- aibouî the 4th day ioi Broitck -ret, nurth .'l wai en to keni Junie 19653. are hereby noiijfic-d tic 35-MiALE HEIA' VANTED WANTED TO FiENT -- a 3 n- 4 send in s-n the undersigned Exevu _________________ _ badis nom bouse in Whitby for tors of t-he said, deceaoed on ci Since 1889 occupas-ey JuIy lst. Refarences hefore tise lis-h day cof Septomybe- RAWLJE1UH S HAVE BEEPI).in request Phonse 6685811 fs-cm 1963. fui] pairiculars cf îheir1 FAMOIS FOR QUALITY 8 a m to 4 30 p.m; 8-4372 aferes- icn. Irnmechately aftr sth-, Rawleigh eD)eai-rs 5 Pmn 23M ""Cld' date the ald Execu tors will Own shais- usinesses, "ouNG B INFSA -e- distrihute thea asets of the seau Se-t thias-workang hc -3hedtrooYOUbouse hr,-de-ased hieaiisgregard oniy t.c No fear of loy-cil,. quir res dus y lasof veAmcithey sîlah tise> Steay %oik_,iý-ad uiome JuIy l'ai Pihone 728-9441. Raes-r- ha-va notice, Build sec-us- tc 1 ifu u esI eus-r _ 11___ dtW by. Onganîo tbi5 Ex p a n d inig pupulauon s-seites 42-ROOM AND BOARD 2dda fuust16 need s- mt i id Pcering Tod , ROOM &BARD for lady going Jua evraSawdon and shîps ofWhty Ford P uc l in md s-,business. Phonse 668-3830. HeltthrMay Ok, riTow fiy u- uitae-20r Executors. hy their soicitor, inatco rit. ~D. J. Cuddy, Q.C. TH-E W. T. RAWLFIGH FOR ItENT 304 Duntdas Street West. CO)MPA.NY LiT> BRIGHT CLEAN ROOà& wIth Witby, Ontario. Dapt. 457-SPA. or without board, for nurse or- 4005 Richelieu. Montreai business Ilady. Wrate box 630 tn FINEST COTTON EKPER14CED womsan w it h cara of the Wlutby Weekly News Cutto- kath cd a finenes, yet t, referqesce would ike office 151 Brock street no>rtis, Whatby. habiIirsuseBI wMa woven in Egypt sleating. Phone 839-3218. 30n anme 6000 yeaars ega jA former candidate hiielf in thse proinicial f ied, BâH Newmmse also houMa thbae our cof having basas the youngest reeve in On- taioWhen ha haild that office for Piclvaring Townchtip a fe.w years ago. Stance thât lima he bas main- airsad a Iarge and varied inter- est in to>wrisbip activitiies and lias ected as aaipatgn mianager for federai maniber 01 parliaueint, Mike Sarir on more e-han one occasionL Ah Walker, ien malcng thse ais-1 nouncemesa-i spoke of t-he unus- ually hîight prý- pe-ts cf reuxin-1 ing tise Osîh-a-wa Provincial Roi irsg to t-ha Conservative gove.rn- ment sideae Queui's Park. "7he record of acomplibnhm,,i rTHIRD INSU< AIB WALIKM of Piesmer John Robasadunng his short terni of office deservas thic suport of eve-y serious vot- er" said Mr. Walker. "We intend to place tuait record bef osa eves-y res- dnt of tihe ar-a. With ühe help of Bill Newmaen a-% cen- paign rnaniager, I hope to main- tain thse ailegiance of tbis part cof Oshawa Provincial Riding to tihe goiad govamnmenit that has been provided by the Cos-ses-va- tive Party. ALMENT 0F TAXES Due, Wednesday,, Aug. 15,, 1963 1963 Taxes are payable in fouir n&bahnents. The firat a-nd second instalments must be païd before IMs insita- ment canbe accepted. Fo r y o u r convenience ail taxes are payable at any Whdîtby Bank.- PAY NOW . .. AVOID PENALTY CHARGES F. N. MeEWEN, Tax Collector Town of Whitby $ for this eueband operated greaseg.n with each caraon of 60 Eso MPGre&canridges NEWEsso PISTOL MAIC A high-quality, one-hand opes-ated grease gun, complete with 12' flexible extension hase. Low sa retail price of $8825. Yours low t a savig of 85.25 when you purchase one carton of 60 Ems MP Grease Cartridges 1 The sure, economical way to keep your equipment in top working condition. Get one aoon froin your Imperwa Baso Agent. NdEW Esso CHAINSAW TWINLUBE The &« t md oely dual purpoae chiainma in Canada that vil!do both JOW in y~m dbmwt B.Ce ROPER WH1TBY MURmaTffWiffl N11 - IMPERALces. 4LIuvee> r : à Conservatives Prepare For Provincial Electiqu Walker Namnes' Newman Pickering Manager P1CKERING - WNS - pro- vincial elactiatia date lias- not yet heen an:nounced but activit inla tIsa local conseesvative camp haveM racbed ieaur-ehuectikas pitih. 'Ibis week it was eafficially an- ............. nounced by AldiarnsanAh Walk- as-r of Otihau, tihat bis conserva- 9tiva candidcy his teaPickerinsg Townsship section cd Oshawa RSh- ing would be managelaby Bill Newman, wail-klasowa aea a'esi- 3- - d ent.

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