Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Weekly News, 8 Aug 1963, p. 5

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LADIES OPEN GOLF CIIAMPUOSIIPS TO SE RIDWAI OSHAWA MXI WEEK bVIRgINIACLIFFORD Thse Ontaisi Ladies' OpMa Golf Càmçâmbig £orl1963 wîllbe hea this yar for tihe first Urne at thse Oshwa Golf Club, from August 12 di 1 . Tis is faan avant cof wmers11g popuarlty lu thse ladia 'golfing x-o'd sand) thea nu- iortycft the top Wlad glfrs su Ontaxlo wiil b. oonpetlng. Fromn 12 -to 15 cf lis low handicap junior golf ors are aboea opected for thse toueoensont, iucluding Pan Minler of Osawa. Thse IirsL Ontiail dies' Open was helV inl 1927 nt thse Burlissg- tion Golf and Counrtry Club, and was woen by Miss Ada Macken- ze h is af interest that Mss MfacKenzie st 111 partidipates lu maany events ln Ontario. The oanlhas beau isd devery year ice 1927, with the eaccep- tion af the war years, 1940-45, at varlous OLGU clubs tlliougisout the province, in 1962 lt wus Laid t the Mississaugua Golf & Coun- try Club. The Oshawa c ou rse yardage for the ladies is 0105 yards, con- sisting of 7 par 5's, 7 par 4%'ansd 4 par 3's. Bunkers are few ex cept around tise greens. H.owever FISHES ofONTARIO PUDIPINSEED Ite pumnpkioed, a membar of thse sustfh faruily, la cona of our sot abumsdant ac famullla mpecaes.Like other nmnsbers of thse fanly, thes qinous aud soit rayed gpaztion of tihe dorsal fin ara Udte& Tisera ar e tn apinen in tise fonner portion nid ton ta 12 "ot Maailutisa latter. lb' body la latersaly compressod and mocre xxunded ma outlloe thso sus ci thea other aunfism hes ie tniuthis la s*Iloblique, scaiece-1 13, reaiting thse frSoth ie large eye; tise body mcales mre large; thse gil covas' se aise scaled- Ils coat d snsY colours al- exeat rivais thbiagafy tlsbedflh cf thse coud rSin l topBIcasema- probably noaother apecles cf Our fraih water f lsh prasesils a gs'eat- or vriety cf clours and mark- ings Thse back in gremmWh'OiVO above, ,ith blush ghudiaig Pal- in'g cns*tSs ides. wlth coaVge eul rust coloured' spiots aJ& 4 botches The clseekis are orange- clured wth wavy, btiUM lbisse treaks, the upper f rnq ama blu- ish and orage-potted and the lower fins are, ,,ange.-cyloured. 'Phare Ls a brigisi scarlet spot On thea earblke poqterior axtenseori .f 41,e gdU cover whioh &diiLgu- lses e sapuanpiaeed, su'isn ad- uit, £romn ah aVir ligly-colour ed muffishes. Sevaral vertical bars are visible on tiese ides cd thse hody. This condw*ion occurs fre- questly on isiuatUPes nI, m ture emale. The belly is a bright orange yeilow- The puxnpkinsee- s native ta) the feaiwaters of Nortlh AXer- ice snd te tIse rmost consxon sd ,,dMy dwsrobutedciOur auxfish- e.it is very nbumanisu n not waterrs of sauthern aend ce-tral Ortroand riartt tihe Suait and TiiTagarr, r-gion' Thse punpkin-seed "s parti'al t ,iear, cool manderately W.armn wulsr fftth sarid or gravel bot,, ta)ns n weedy lakesanmd ponds Mdand msiula p-arts of stroens- Pumpkkinseed ar-e ea.ger bit ers ai nmy bc taken re-ztdriîx wî th wet aind drY fles, seiti ligisi tackle They ,i se readily ta smiall dark fies on isooks No. 10> ta 12. Usmsg a va.riety of flies -prOvideas rassoi sport. They may alsa bç c4ught readihly, stfll-fislsing mvid- \kPas. grasshappers sud small àzve "" it1o 1. oka No.a8to Noa rnasy natural hasardsare pn- cat ý.O oiafkisge tise sidulftie Oshswa hmasgoaci redon te ha proud ao fs oustaudlug Junior playor lu the pmoicf Mbn Pain Mer.Tis i la assPgWo thid yaar of golf. She dasluod hW s - son wtu a 36 handicap and la now slsooting ta an 8 handIcap- Last year et Petewborough Golf sud Coutry Club, se suaithe distriot junior championship sud abat a 76 quaWlyinig rounid Pain ah»o had thbe honour cf baing pre-seated with tisa CLOU wwad for lowering lier handicap tise mot for ail juniors lu Canada for thse year. A few of tise entries already in for tise Ladies' Open tuclude GaîI Hiarvey, Mary Jane McCart- er, Sue Hilton, Kay Helleur, Laou Evans, Shirley Woodley, Niancy Smidth and atPt Austiss iJunior Girls Win 1w. The Whithy Junior Girls' Sot- bail Club ootnued theïr win- nlug ways wMuh two victorses lest week. Wedisday, Juls, 31, Whitby d e f eated Greanwoclbinteryedi- ates, 14-9 in an emîisbitixan garne. Tise Whltly battIers was Barb rWavrreansd Vivtass Treen. For Tise Graenwood battery w: J. SmIls sund J. Clark. In'l a regular mcIi**uId gaine lemt Thumadas, nitbt, lolemng' Juniors ddated tiseir homo tawn juvanfle oppositIo, Counts, Town oni the siékfl« AT THE WBIITBIY tennis lub Wth EDDIE MY The. Whitiby TrisClub vnt- ed Bowmsaaville on July 34. Thse evoning boten sd So wutb. Whitby teain, wvhen thse mat*h wes flnijsed the local club haid ddeweed Bowmiaawiue 3-2 MymIasM idsltyre end Anne Catton of Whb*by, came froa be- hlnd sltar losng "is first set 1-6, to win the second snd thixdl, 6-2 and 6-3 respectlvely, froin Norma Alin and Msrg Dustan. ln a close match, Ed Fry and Rlalpi McKendry repeateid thbe action with a wi over Walter Eibler and Art Bell of Bowman- ville with a 3-6 lose f llowed by tiwo wina aof 6-2 and 6-4. The third men's' teani of Doug and John Hird fought back al strong drive by Dave ThfggL-ns and! Bob Allin of Bowmanvil!le ta win, thse match in twa straiglit sets. 2-6 and 5-7. The firat mens tiem strteasi weil by wireilng the fist set 3-6, but ihey fadled lu second frSoaa 5-3 leasd to lose 7-5,.and again lcaing the thrd set 6-1. Coiis Baptw-fs,,tl and John Tissmof Bowrnianvillie stagad tha st r ong corne back for Bownssrwlile ta accompiish tise win over Lamne Mdlfntyre end Jetff ýBeatty. by 2"-. Barb Warner and Giadys W1lliawns shared -the pillcldng for Flenings, xeth Ann Brosermnn ,ào i n g the ptdisng for County 'Pown. Tihe Bownunville teanni c Jean Livans and Arrnald Lobb won the mixed doishias event b5r doe"t- ing Vicki Rowve aid RupartBEkw' enrd aiWhLtisyb 6-2 anô 6-4. Thse Witly club svns heMted by the Peterisaro Tennis Club ons July 27, aad dropped a 32 dèda' ton Ladies' doubles tearn (f Myrna MeIntyre mnd Annse Catton,4 won easily, over J. Arkeey amat G. Diyben of Petierbmmough 6-3 and 6-0. The mlixed doubles t e a m of Helen andc Bob Cdlins made a stiong effort in the seaond set, but were unable to overtalce thse team aof J. Montgomery and J. Akeroyd of Peteibarough. 'Phe scores were 6-1 -and 7-5. Lamne Mclntyre and Ralph Me- Kmndy harle a determined effort but could not score tihe important points and were defeated 6-1 and 6-0 -by D. McNaught & H. Young. Doug and Jdhun Hird lst 1-13in thse first set, care back 'o.n thse sEcond 3-6, but could ni tha-.g on, loasing thse thiý*rd set, 6-1. STOVE & FUEL "I dopped a lint for a fur coat 1usi #0 see Who# hop. DELIVEIl LyMTR»TUK Phone 668-3341 DX OIL Co. No. 2 Hlghway - Just Emat ef Wltby ',M ABELÇ BLACK LABEIY Try Black Label*. .and you'll k,.àow why it's Canada's best-selling beer WEiTDT WWELy IMme a Thiurslay, August 8, 1963 Thse rneus team cof Ed Try and Biari Durnce, won 6-3 azid 6-4 ovor R. Çsoew anîd J. MirndY. 0£ Peterboe. Thumdcay, July 25, thse Whiflby Teis Club -hea a get*npgther with xnmyny mmbers coniing out to play temni and to enboy mov- ies on tennis, and a sorumptitous bar-b-que feturing hamburgers bot dogs snd watemnielon, etc. nhe iext "d", i August, will centre erourd a cora roast. e

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