Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Weekly News, 8 Aug 1963, p. 3

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r SKYSCRAPER FOR TORONTO Allen T. Lambert, president of The Toronto-Dominioni Bank signing agreement with Charles R. Branfman (loft), president and E. Loo Koiber, vice-president of Camp Investmnents Limited for the construction ai a flfty-flve ta sixty storey skyscraper In the hearti ai Toronto. it witt b. the tallest building ln thé Commonwealth. The huge $60-mlliin sjructure wlll be lacated on a six acre site, at the corner of Kng and Bay Streets, and vl known as The Toronto-)omliln Bank Building. Construction wiil sgrt late ln 1963 wlth the officiai openlng Scheduieod for July 1, 1967- Canadas Centenary.1 GREENWOOD NOTES T'Me Iev. T. Fleetham waa back i tbe pulpit on tiunday af ber a monih's 'holiday. Scrip- ture kneomo was taken f rom the B3ook of Neheniiah and his theme wa eSecurity». Mir. William Brown Jr. sang a solo. Ser-vices .......... MM wil be at usuel trne nexi un dar. The Boy Scouts are camnping tisa week-end on Baisses Lake. Congraîuk Doins to Mxri. Bill OrnierociMrs. K. Elson, mm. G. Hemdning anda Ruthie Pegg who- have birthdays the week of Aug. 51h. roer Bob Hahklrk of Van- Mr. and Mmt. Les Wilson and couver, .C., wui coduct a spe- famuily hol>idayed inus'Algousquile Park tise peet weak. Mr. antd Mss. Miltn Pgg re- antly visitbedi eulsfth riends ait Caeserea. Mu-. and Mra. Doug Mouden' L. iC fam-lý, Mr. antiMus. Ralpis Lee and fansafly, Ken anti Mm-. Brooks arnd fansiiy andi Mr. andi Ms-s. Etigie Pagg and fansily w\e camping for thse week-end ait Ba LsaunLaike. Lttle Kimerley J. Pasce, daughtier of Mr. andi Mrs. G. Pa is, at preseust iu Oshawa 'hosputal for sus-gary on heu- eyea. We ail wis.h y<>u a spa-edy re- covery Kiinberley. Mr. anti Mrs. Rosa Dsniey andi glsare ioliclayseg neir Mindien for thse week. LCial mýeeting wtth out-of-town musical talent and the local Sel- vation band inl the Salvation Au- Sditorium, 122 Kent street, Whitby, on Sunday, Auguat I1, at 7 p.m. iReaerved seat tickets are avail- îable from Mrs. Brooks, phone 8- 5314. Sa ýusday. -MIa Mable Ormerod of To- lionto us spessding tise week-end witis Etih, Howard ansa Bill Orniarot. Miss Herbent of Toronsto ta spending a fiew diays w"th Mu-s. Miu;aker assd fafnily. Mr. and Ms-a.Percy CIlurkae holiclaying for a few dtaya le oastern Ontiia. M.DOug and' Bob Clark are Mr. DbM - attendiedtiihe wed- h'Lae tSlme Pin o ding cif a frkenc.i us Tonton 1Or The Gardeer famîly are camp- ing at Presquie Point W. C. TOWN land Mrs. Brooks omwda e M,. nd rs.D. Pegg and Jef- FUNERAL CHAPEL f ery, Mr. snd Mmr. A. Pegg and Il10 DUNDAS STREET, EAST Ruitiis Mr. andl Mrs. K. Keddel ______________________and Mrs W. Kedidel. Pi .ýN NOW TO ATTEND THE HUGE MIKE MAT STARR - DYMOND PICNIC Sýaturd.y, August 17, 2- p.m. swiss CHALET (tormerly Greenwood Park) (5 miles Weat of Bnocskhn on No. 7 Hîghway) FRERIDES - (AMES - RACES - ENTERTAINMENT Starr Dymoni Picnic Tise annuel sunsmer gat-togetti- or of Ontario County Conserva- tives wiIl be heid ait Swiss Chalet Park ons Saturday, August 17. rwise Chalett is e new namne for thse No. 7 Highway park foc-iýly knowni as Gueanwiood Park. Tise tisree Conservative Assaociations of thse area are again comnbining their efforts to putt on an attraction of outstandirsg in- tareat ho afi who attend. Tha pic- nie bas heen, calleti ont, of thse lest of tise old4tlme politicai get- togeihers. Speeches wif agaun take a back seat to family funi as I"iyear's picniecaeters to the chiIdfran. A f ul pi-ogu-aru<of nices, gansas, car- nival rides, pony rades ant imoe hee baise laid on for tise eer- tamdent of tise youusggteu-s. A nuiner of wegi-kuiown fig- ures in bottisfaderaI anti' ps-oin- cia.l polwtcs wilI bei on hanti in- OBITUARIES HELEN WATSON Mra. Helen Watson, 1621 Brock sitr.-et, south, Whitby, passeti a'way in Princess Margaret Hs- pitli, Toronto, on Saturday, August 4, 1963. after a prolousged j'Ulns. Helen Park was borts in Wisit- hy and raceived her public and higis sdhool educatiisn here. A daugisier of the late Mlex and Louise Park, ahe wael married 1.0 Warrýen Watson, in 1950 at St. Andrerw's Preabytarian Chuî-ch. Whitby. She was an adiserent and attended St. John's Aniglican Church, Pont W,7hitby. Surviving are ber husharsd and one daughbýer, Jayne. Algo sur- viving are four sisters, Mirs. J. McKay (Ruth), Mrs. L. Dafoe (Icone) hoth of Whitby; Mrs. C. Dainiels (Maude) of Ajax, andi Mrs. G. Wilisim <Gliadys) of Port Credit. Tisa funeral service w¶as held at thse W. C. Town Funeril Chapel at 2 p.m., on Wedtieadbay, Augusit 7, 1963, with intermesst in St. Johsn's CemEibary, Port Whàt- by. 1ev. G. Nicholson nfficiateti. The palibearors we'e Wayne Daniiels, Jim MoKay, John Faw- [cati, Eu-ie Valant, Henry Peruy and Ab Saniaski. GEORGE BROWN Wel1 kriown lus town andi throughout tise ditrict, George Brown cied suddenly of a iseaxit atiiack at i resideince at 205 Atiol stree, Whdtby, con Satur- day, August 3, 1963. Hie wus 67 years ci ege. George Lawre-nee Br'own seas born at Seagrave. Onit., a smo<f' tise late Robert anid Elizbeth Brown. Dur ng thse FUrat World War ha se-ve wlth tise ll6tis BacttaLiion as a curporal and was wouisdLed in action. Ha r-enlisteti WHITBY WEEKLY NEWS 3j Thursdsy, Augusti 8, 1963 TODAY'S Méditation from The. World's Most WideIy Usai Devotional Guide 0THEi UPPER ROaSOA NVILLE. TMNNSSII Ren-d Maithew 18:7-14 if a mass have an hundieti g-heep. aini one of therniho gone antray, dîstis h not leave tise oioely anc.u- and gsýeth in-,o the moÇunlains. ai' seeketi tisat wis.ch ta. gone a,-tnay? (Mattlhes 18:12) A sm-ail boy ssrayed fronma vaca:lon camp andt became lfat- Wisen found, ho asked bis niotier, --What wouid have isappaneti if you hed not fouisd me?" Tisera couldi, if course, ha <M positive answer. We kusow thse searci would have cortirieti, thse parents would bave worited and grieveti, sud memiores of thse trage-dy wiouid havie ligered witis ilose wlao lovetihies. Prob- ably someona w<rauid have fIt tise guilt <if naglisgeusce, too. A s!milar qiaestJSo oules 10 minci, concorniflg tise lbt - those uritisost Christ. What wil1 isappen if llhay au-e rot reacuoet? As profasseti Clsnistles, il la our duty #o seardis out thSe wiso are "out of'tise folti" nd« leadi tham kt salvation. It will take timse, prayar, patience, aven par- &onal sacrifice. We are aceount- ale for carrying on tise wou-k of our Lord. Our Chisstian dluty demnanda it- PRAYER: Our iseavessiby Festi- ror trhe beousc Worlti War as a or, houp us to undarstjausd tise S.Q.M.S. For maeaj years ha was great insportance,0E spreading tihe an active mnembeir of tise execu- gospel arusong mn on eaitis. Give tive cominittee of Besincis 112, us wisdor, courage, and strenglis Royal Canadian Logion. Ha mar- to leed ohhes-s on to tise pulls <of riadi the former Chrîstiain C rigiteousaness. las Christ's naine Douglas in 1920. we pray. Amien. Mu- Broswn bas bean a residesit TOGTFRTED oif Wiitby for 60 yoars. He wus T}iOUgigHT Fios O àt!E DY: efnsployed as a lineaman wvth thise Bn usging pecls stade to God is Wlistby Pui:slac IJliesCommis- 'r h-sinssca isy sion for 40yersu Whi rtie Dave J. Tertar (West Via-glieS) ment an rhe endi of thse 1962. Hel1. cludng he gieas 0 honatu H v a nrrbeof utSt. John thse clu ,th gflbd bnou 'on. 1vangList Churcis andi was neuive cdf pas-lieu-ent anti Hon. Malt Dy- nsond, provuinaisilminlst.er of isealiti, BlIRiN NOTICE The Rev. and Mrs. St.aiky Au-uastu' oes f 200 Byron atreat. nos-li, Whîtby, as-e happy to ean- njounce the birilis of a son, Peter Lloyd, 6 Yba. Il ozs., ut Oshsawa Gausaerai Husptaà on Ttienclay, July 30, 1963. A hnotiser for- Paul andi Le.e sustise Holy Narne Society. Hua wîfe and tvio diildsen sur- vive, Mrs. M. Silvor (Betty) anti Alex Bs-owsi, bath of Withy Also aurviven s a sbrother, Wîl- hin of Wiithy, ant i fva grand- dhilds-en. ise fosserai service was iseit at St Jdhn tise Evuageist RoaSm Clathohc Churcs at 10.00 a.m. on Wedneaday, Auguzet 7,1963l. Rav. L J Austin csfficieted. In sme-oit waiim st. JCuliss Romnan CathLsôc Cernetery. YOUNG PEOPLE - What's ahead for you -- Back t. High School? - A Job? - Any Job ? or -A CAREER with a rici, rewarding future! In a surprisingly short time yon cam prepare yourself for a CAREER IN BUSINESS A NEW TERM Starts at the OSHAWA BUISINESS ('OLLEGE on Tuesay, September 3, 1963. Eaighit (?ereer-desig-ned courses froni whicli to choose. FRE I THtRATURE - Act Now - (et the Facts. Placeemenst ervice for Graduates. S;everutv%-five placed la-st yeasr. Registrations now being accepteti. Enrobaient is Iimated. OSHAWA BUISNESS COLLEGE 10 Sirncoe Street, Nos-th Dial 725-3375 Osisawa, Ont.1 ST. ANDREWOS Rev W. J. S McClure B. MINISTEJI 11 a.m. - DIVINE WORSHI (Nursery Infant Cure) BEGINNER'S CLASS EVERYONE WELCOME s ST. MARK'S UNITED REV. J NI SMITHB-., B.D. Mm JBEkaton, A.R.C.T. il a m MORNING WORSHIIP Infant care, mursery aind kmn- dergarten classes each Sunctey Ail other chîldren are rnvîted o0 worship wsth their parents- WHUTBY BAPTISI Coîhorne Street W at cent REV JOHN4 McLEOD Mu-s W B Summersý A r CM. Orgaust Il amn & 7 p.mn- Guesit Speaki - REx ic W Srnallev osf Toronti 9 45 a m - Bible Sehool i.

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