k I #-THE WEEKLY NEWS 8 DECEMBER, 1955 THREE 0F* WHITBY'S BIG GUNS IN A SIPOR TS(ARA VAiN BT WREN BLAIR This Saturday nigbt, wilI be "HOCKEY APPRECIATION NIGHT" bers in Whitby. The game bringa t6gether the leagua leading Wbîtby Dunlops, and the only club in tbe group ta hold a win avec our boys, tbe Brockville Magedomas. The entire gate from this big game wili go ta thse Witby Senior Hockey club, to be applied towards the heavy coats of aperating top hockey clubs these days. The Witby Arena Commnission bas offei'ed ta, forego their normal percentage of the gate, so that much needed revenue cao be poured into the club treasury. The Arena reports that revenue gained this season froro games played by the Senior club, la the largeat financial gain that thse Arana gets, taken from a percentage o! tinie used. The Arena naturally feels that tbsy want ta help keep tbe club in business, because tbey are recipients a! mach needed rooney if the Whitby Dunlopa continue far bno the OHA. playoffs. camne apring. Ail lu ail it is a good mave for bath parties, sud ail that now remaines i for avery hockey fan lu Wbitby, and district, to plan ta ha ou baud at Iis gama. Coach Bus Gagnon, ban is charges : geared to wipe out that defeat bandad btb em, by the "Msggies" the asat lime tbey wera bere. Anotber very important factor, that we would ask the Whitby fans 10 keep lu mind, la that the Wbitby Three of many reasous wby TommyO'Connor, who bas 4 Senior Hockey Club, wifl forward an applidation ta the 0.H.A. tbe Wbîtby Dulopa ara cur- goals sud 15 assista. AIl Ibree sarly iu Jaauary, requestikg Ibat the club ha admltted ta the O.H.A. reuîly on top of tbe Easterun plye.sare in the top tanI Senior "A" league next season. If Ibis proposed maya becomes s Ontario Seuior Jlockey League, the leagua scoring race, aud reslity, il wilI bring a braud of hockey ta, Whitby, neyer bafore are pictured aboya. Left ta will ha lu action bara at the reslizad nor hoped for, but uow appears possible. The club muet rigbt tbay are: Playîng Coacb Whitby Area this Saturdsy prove their worth ou the ica, sud oertaiuly the boys are goiug ail Bus Gagnon who bas 12 goals nigbt wbau it will b. ouItian effort ta do tbis. One of thea biggest factors Iowsrds and 5 assista; Bobby Atter- "HOCKEY APPRECIATION gaiuiug entry ta the Senior "A" league wilha tthe ATTENDANCE sley, wba bas alraady rackad NIGHT" la lova. Tbea taam hera bu Whitby. Crowds at games this year bave been wouderful up au amsziug 20 goals, comn- sud its personnel ara looking bers lu Town, sud wa aucourage fans ta not only keep them np, ined witb 15 assista, sud forward to tbe largest crowd but go ail ouIta try sud get your friands etc. to coma aloug bisa. If everyone would go ail out io get as many people as possible ~ D ~ ae F r rrrfI ta corne sut and ses these gaines, the resuit would probably attain the Dun ops "Pp. WFor MUWUMMWl biggest tbing ever for Wbitby. Senior "A" clubs comnpete for a Dom- weil as bring top notcb hockey clubs, like the Owen Sound Mercury'a, BRvDow igM g d m sA dCrBl Stratfard Indiana, Windsor Buldoga, Chatham Maroona, and Kitchener- B DOUG. MANTZ called around tIse îoop, are the onîy Waterloo Dutchmen, ta Whitby, for league gaines. Thse Town of Wb itby Bymt aebatnorfyn wouid become a hy-word in hockey tbroughouî the province, and also As a prepsratîan for a game tant aebseiarfyn supply saine of thse besi excitemant in Sports avec seen bere. This is hatween t ha Whitby Dunlopsand league-leaders ail season in leaguè wbaî then Whithy Senior Hockey Club, its players and executives are Brockvills Magedomas, t ha îqcal PluY. Back on November 12, thay sbooting for, You the fans cao be thse biggess asset in making il a Dunlopa ootcbed another two wina edged the Dilolopa 5-4 la end reality. Sa don't forget thal Ibis Saturday nîght is "'HOCKEY AP- to rasas their point total ta, 25 in Wbitby's winning streak at seven PRECIATION NIGHT". Its the first big step &long the way. We thse Eastern Ontario Senior "B" games. hope ta ses 1,500 fans on band. Lets go foîks, the Russians think they Hockey League. The victaries When tbey play bere on Satur- are going ta ha topa in sport. Wbat tbey dont know is that Wbbtby avec tbe week-end give tihe Dun- day, naturall>, tbey wiil try for a 'bas other ideas,' and rniyhe once w-e winotbe Aimen Cup we'îî ge a lps a commanding 8-point lead repeat' performance. This tins, chance- ta prove il eh what? aver Kingston. howsver, they will bave the Thse enviable record af tbe local second-place Kingston club ta help The Whitby Ililîcrest Dsiry Juniors stsried the seasos off with sntry now stanuds at 12 victorias, thern, for the schedule calis for a bang, by cbalking up s 5-0 win bers ou Mouday evening againat ans tie, and ons defeat. They bave Whitby bo travel ta Kingston ta- Lindsay. TIsa defensive treugth of tIse locais la very good. Not tbeir last five games and inay morcow night for a gaine againsi osly bave (bey gaI s good defens, but tIse forwards up front are hetter their ciwn winning strsak of the Goodysars, and then hack here skating bard, sud give the opposition very litîs chince ta gel seven gaines quite easiiy. Saturday to, meet Brockville. Witb rnlling. Forecbeckiug is ane af the grestest assets of sny hockey M.AGGIES DID IT ONCE bath clubs gaing al-oit ta heati club thes days, and if these boys learu this very important funda- Thse Brockvilla Magedomas, or thse îoop's beat, it cauld be s tougb mental early in their hockey life, it will take thein a long way "Maggies" as tbey are commanly two nigbts. alung tue hockey trait. Young Art Rennick, looks lik e-s af iné prospect, aud itamgsur gucas that he'll be scouted by a couple of Junior "A" clubs ere.long. The club bas a few more promising Young players, snd if they continue 10 work together as a team, they will win s lot of gumnes this wiutec. Its s fine tart for the uew Junior entry, and s good deuil of credib goes tu Harold Brown, club President, George Mowatt, tesm Msnager, and Walt Brown, Coach of the Club. 0f course the men from the minor hockey leagues that brought these players ta where they are n0w, also deserve special mention. Some of these in thîs ares, are Jacki McKay of Ajax, Cliff Johuston of Brooklin, sud Gord l-lwes, Fred lng, Bobby Ward, Don Wi lsontsud t)on Dulmage, right here in Hece snd there.aublic Skaîing ai the Areria Ton ioi ow night. ...........ff Johostoa's Junior "D" leam out in Biooklin, O winning garnes in tbeîr newly fiîrrned Junior "D" league. ..Orono Orphsns, who play their games at Port Perry are starting to make their move' en the Lakeshore lInterrnediate league. ..Wbitby Dualops wbo won both games last week-ed, ti avel down tb Kingston tomnorrow nîght, for a big gamne wiih the Kingston (oodyears. Joe Levendosky has now joîned the "Goodies" snd they are betting that the Kingston club wl WHITBV AMIENA FRIIDAY, DEC. 9 4:30- 8:30 pin.-Mnîîr Hockei 9:00 - 1 :00 p.mn.-l'ul)liiý Skatifig SiATURDAY, DEC. 10 8:00 a.m.- Pee Wee Hockey. 10:30 ar. - 2:00 prn. -Riiii. Figure Skating 2:30- 4:30 p.m. - Public Skatilig 5:10-7:00 pîîn.-Rentai Tinie Ai ailable'. 8:00 pin.-Brockville vs. Dunlops MONDA Y 4:-00-5:00 pirn-Public School. DE('. 12 5 30- 7:30) pin-Rentai Tinie Ai ailabli, 8:00 pin -Newmarktci s. iilîi-, Dairy. *TUESD A lY 4:00-5:00 pin.-Public Schoini. *DEC. 13 5.30-7:30 pin.-RentaI Time Avaîlable 8:00 p.î.-Public Skating. WEDNESDAY 4.00 -5: 00 p.m.-Public School. DEC. 14 5.30-7:30 pin.-Rentai Turne Availablec. 8:30 pi. .Port Hope %,s. Juveniles. THU'iSDA 1 '%005:00 pirn.-Separate Sehiiol Skating. 1) Et. 15 5:30-7:00 pot.-RentaI Time Available. 7:00-8:00 pin.-Separate Scbool Hockî-% 8:00 pin.-Public Skating. l-IIDAY, DEC. 16 4:30-8:30p.î i Hockey. SATI'RDAY, D EC. 17 -8:00 son.-Pees W,. Hiîckeý. ~8 0 10 i'if)a ni lin 2'-, 00P M, Rotar'y Figure- 2,30 ta 4:30 p.nî.- Puiniîc Skating. 5.00-7:00 p.m. - RentaI Tins Available 8:0pin-K irigston %s. Dunlop. I-OR ICE-RENTALTIMEAPPLY TO ARENA MAN.AGER MIO. 8-2988 chalk up their firsi win of the season against our guys. Hear a lot of local folk are travelling to Kingston to this game'tomorrow night. It should be a honey. . . . We extend congrstulations ta Mayor Harry Jermyn, who was recently returned ta that office, by a big nsajority of Wbitby voters. His Worsbip bas always been a keen worker for sports iri Whitby, and cas usuaily be found in a seat at mont sporting events in Town.. . . 0f course congratulations mnust also be extended ta those men who ran against Mayor Jermyn. Ail his opponents are fine citizens ar.d t was a dlean sportamanlike election .. .. Dont forget that tickets for Saturday nights big hockey game bere with Brock- ville go oa sale ai 7 o'clock tonight. Gct your tickets for "HOCKEY APPRECIATION NIGHT", NOW . .By the way, Sportcaster Bill Smith of CKLB, in Oshawa, has asked us ta pass along the news that scores af the Wbîtby Dunlopos way games, as well as ail other scores je the Eastern League are broadcast nigbtly on bis 11.05 Iste sports show. Bill says that many folks are calling the station at 10.30 and the gaipes are usaally flot finisbed by then. ACTION SATURDAY of lb. season. The visiloru will b. th. Brockville Magedomaa, wbo are the ouly taam Ibis season ta bold a vlctory avar the Couaty Town club. Game tinta wlll ha 8.30 p.m. AIl Wblt. by people ara urged te tome out aud show the teant their appreclatlea for tbe tremend- 008 wlaulug effort beiug dis- SATURDÂY CAME SLast week-end the Dunlops made the best of two gaines on two successive nig'hts, though, and it may be they can do it again. They handed Brockville a 6-2 set-back in Brockvlle Saturday wlth Fred Etcher leading the way, scoring 2 goals. Aif Treen, Hbmebrew Doug. Williams, Tad DeGray, and Tommy O'Connor scored the others. Brockville managed to keep Bobby Attersley from scoring in this game, although he did pick up one point on an assist on O'Con, for's go>al. Attersley will probably be itduing to break their sesl Sat- urday. After aIl, it iu not often the league's top scorer wlth 36 pâlots in 14 games goes 60 min- utes without scoring a goal. Gi-bson and Thompson scored for the Magedomas. Ail seoring came ini the first 2 periods, but 18 of the 24 minutes iii penalties came in the final period. SUNDAY GAME In Cornwall, the Dunlops doubled the score on the Colts, 6-3, as Bcbby AtteV'sley scored a 3-goal bat trick to raise hie season's total to 20. That's an average of almoat one and one-baîf goals per game! At the expense of the cellar- dwelling Cornwall club Sandy Air potted one of the quickest goals of the season, blinking the light after only 40 seconds of play in thse gaine. Tommy O'Connor scored bie second in as many gamnes, and Neil Attersley notched the other Whitby goal. Guy Henri, Payette snd Car- SENIOR f HO 0CKEY" . îfAPPRECIATION N IGHT SATURDAY* 8.30 P.M. - DECEMBER lOth BROCK VILLE MAGEDOMAS VERSUS WHITBY DUN4LOPS ALL PROCEEDS GO DIRE('TLY TO THE WHITBY SENIOR He,(.Y CLUB, TO ENSURE THAT WHITBY STAYS ON TOP. LET'S : THE COUNTRY WHAT "IHOCKEY APPRECIATION NIGHT" 1W' IN WHITBY. PLAN NOW TO BE ON HAND. 8.30 P.M. WHIIBY COMMIJNIIV ARFNh-