Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Weekly News, 8 Dec 1955, p. 5

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DECEMBER 955 THE WEEKLY NEW-5 e SOCIAL ACTIVITIES, 0F WHJITBY ÂNDER1 DISTRICT eW O ut standirig Artists Appear VON Reports On At First Concert 0/ Season, November Work Miss Ferguson, regional super- The fourth soason of the Cana- moniaus Blacksmith," Variations visor of the V.0.N. for Canada, dian Concert Association of Whit- by Handel, and Chorale Prelude by spent two days viiting the by opened las t F'riday evening ln Bach-Mould. The regal saiemnitY branch. Her interest in the local tgo Ontario Ladies' College. Guests of tuis number contrasted with the work and her constructive sug-1 were welcormed by Mrs. Robert lightness and gaiety of "Perpetual gestions were greatly appreciated.1 Langford, president of the associ- Motion" by Weber. Fifty-two hours *ere spent in ation. . Three numbers in German, school nursing. A total of 2461 Concert loyers were fortunate in Gsang Weylas snd Nun Lass Uns pupils were examined. A high l-« the artios chosen for the first a!f reeden Schliessen by Wolf and cidence of chicken-pox accountsf the. 1955-56 series, Warren Mould, the hauntingly beautiful Vision foi nsuch of the abaenteelam.« planist, and James Whicher, barn- Fugitive (Herodiade) kiy Massenet sixty-gix children received inJec- tone, accompanied by Walter Bail. were sung in magnificent manner tions for the prevention of whoop-1 Mr. 'Whcher opened the pragram by James Whicher. ing cough, tetanua, and diphtlseria.1 wlth the Recitative: Thus Saith Warren Mould dzplayed a fine Ms ctabac ebr thé Lord, and Air: But Who May seesitivity of touch i PlaIn ra. y scotetheurng stabfr Abide the Day of Hi. Calling, Nocturne ln D Fiat and Ballade in tîss month by relieving thema of fro in tneles. ih sn in A Fiat by Chopin. 0 sonne of the office work. She apent rich ull tnes.James Whicher returned ta offer over six hours typlng repoisa. Mn. Mould played "The Har- the Vagabond, and 1 Will Give My 0f the 216 home visita xnade 117 Love An Apple by Vaughan-Wil wr fo gera nusgcr. Golden W edding Uams, the humorous Balynure geeTnusis Balld arangd b Hugesanddisease. In fact there are more 14 Rollicum Rortur by Finzi. Encore. ciecssnw u o h n Rece tion Heldof Shortnin' Bread by Jacques ctiecasesinpow u to ndte A reception waa held on Satur- Wolf and_. the Irish Folk Songcransiclaippato ad eear day afternoon, December lird. at Down by the Sally Gardens wene diagnosic aida.theroug ealy the home of Mr. pud Mrs. Charles greatly enjoyed. dieamnoa thea and theree ali er Davldaon, Thorntbn's Corners, In cancluding the pregrama Mr. greatly reduced. The V.0.N. ln The occasion manked their 50th Mould presented thse exciting Whitby la playing a vital role in Wsdding Annlversary. F'rienda and Rakoczy March by Liszt.with an- the fight agalnst thia dread latives were present from Whlt- ceres of Waltz la A Fiat by Chb)pin disease, tuberculosis. Visita are y sud Oshawa te honor the and the Rag Dol and Punch by a made te ail neported suspects, con- couple. Bath Mr. and Mra. David- Brazillian composer, tacts, and patienta for the a- son are seventy-eght years old These young artista show great rangement of free examination and and are enjoying good health. premjoe of a brilliant future. cheat x-ray. This month five fam- concerts Planned For Patients At O. H. The Christmas season is well under way for the patients and staff of the Ontario Hospital. Last $unday the Fraternal Society of Eagles of Toronto presented a choir concert and variety show. J Y O U Thse Occupational Therapy De- ? artment héld a most succesaful aaar and tea on Saturday, De- cember 3n4. Tbe Police Bond wlll give a con- cert for thse patientsansd staff on Tuesday, December 13tis, in the Recreation Hall. GREE1-WOOD W.A. The evening Woman's Associa- tion are presenting their play, "Holiday Blouse", this Friday night, December 9th, ln the United Church at Greenweod. Alil are in- vited te attend. Judge Pritchard To Speak A t H& S A meeting of great interest to ail parents will be held by the Whitby District High Sehool Home and School Association on Wednes- day, December l4th at 8 p.m. in the High School. The Association is indeed for- tunate in being able to secure Judge John E. Pritchard as guest speaker. The subject chosen ia ilies were visited for this purpose: to safeguard their own health and to protect the community as a ,wh6le. Constant effort on the part of health workers and complete co-operation on the part of "Joe Public" are necessary If we are going to contrai tuberculosis, Parents Responsibilities". Ths president, Mrs. A. B. Crawford and the executîve extend an invitation to ail te attend thse meeting. de Bob Pearse of thse Whitby Dis- trict High Sciseel who recentiy r.- ceived a trip te Ottawa will tell ef his experience while there. Hoir Styling BT 13EAUTY SPOT 135 Brock St. N. WHITBY MOhawk 8-3679 cCti#an%Iae flKarÀ/ Scà4oio/fl eanciny D.E.A. Ballet - Tap - Character - Toe - Baton - Pre-School Mosonlic Tempre, Oshawa, Fridoy & Soturday U.A.W.-C.l.O. Hall, Ajax, Thursdoy Information: Oshawa RA. 3-7253 From 10 arn. to 12 noon ond 2:30 to 5 p.m. Ta heIp you witk your food probl.ms ond assist you with the planning of REGUSTER WITH ADELE FOR FREE TV RECIESf DOMINION STORES LIMITED . ........ - i.ý

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