Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Weekly News, 8 Dec 1955, p. 2

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2-THE WEEKLY NEWS 8_________95 ____ 'by Ch rc N ws Evangeist Leads 0 b t ar e I>~~ BR 95W i b h c ~Crusade W eek O b i t a r i e A N G IC A NA t the regular m eeting f the ST. OHNS AGLIAN eum. Sitale cmmet o th WhtbyMinsteialAssociation, it 1- ; ý ýt -CRURCHplc ofsn and msci was unenimously carried to en- FRANK THREADGOLD* The rector, Rev. A. E. Kemp Christian experience was given by gage the Rev. Leighton'Ford cf An esteemed citizen cf Whitby' conducted the morning service in the minister, Rev. John M. Smith. the Billy Graham Evangelistic for the past 42 Years, FranIk St. John's Anglican Church, Port The Annual White Gift Service Team to, conduct a Whltby Cru- Threadgold paased away ini the Whitby, lest Sunday morning. The will ils held next Sunday in the sàde For Christ fromn March lSth Toronto General Hospital on Wed- aubjeet of hise ddress was, "The Whitby United Church when mfein- te March 30 inclueively. nesday, November 23rd, 1955. Re Purpose of The Bible". Soloist was bers of the Sunday School and con- This Misaion la to b. conducted waslalus66h earan ha benMiss Patricia Earle asi n g i n g gregation wil bring their gifts of in place cf the Week of Prayer win o health for andme time "Father In Heavea" eccompanied money and cenned goods for thsemetnsuulyedliJaur Thse son cf Joseph Threadgold by Mr. Thos. Henatock et the Cedarvale School For Girls et in which time this comlsng year and Sarah Janes Osborne h. was orgen. Georgetown. After presenting Evangelist Ford vifl be conducting haro ire Waltham Cross, Hertford- Cadet George Willoughby of the their gifts tise Sunday Scisool and.act-ieeag.itcCuael shire, England. He served inithe sekrsAmmT orhcato, svaitacgegtio wl wrsi.t-Oshawa under the auspices cf the Firat World War (la France spae e ie vnn srie ehr Oshsawa Ministerlal Association. the ll6th Battalion and wi & the bringing s special message te his Another service whieh has ai- Further details cf this ccmmunity 182d Bttlio B n he tws listeners gained through his own ways teen of intereat to the people evangelistic Crusade are te ha e- first organized in Wiitby. experiences. of Whitby le the Annuel C.G.I.T. leased following the January meeet- Following the wer, M. Tisread- WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Vesper Service which will be con- ing of tise Wiitby ministerial as- god adanoustndngDr. Winnifred Bryce, M.A., ducted by leaders and members cf sociation. gol hd a otatndngrecord for Campaign S e r PhD., a returned-msonary from teCGI.T. on Sunday eeig service in the Camadian Legion. A Sneaker tgrmusef the C.G. een ngd member cf Ail Saints Anglican India, was tise guest speaker etstin ruswl .pee t hend ervice cisoosingasheubet Church hae vas for many yeers Rev. Leightoe Ford, brother-jo- thse mission"r service in Witby participate la the worship. Wties asRgh i u hsubect leader cf the Cisurch choir. law of liev. Billy Grahame, l, United Churcis on Sunday morn- GREENWOOD UNITED Ail gifts recelved at this service In municipal a f f ai1 r a, Mr. cosling to Whitby t. conduct the ing. Her message was centred ine CHURCH were sent to the. Fred Victor Mis- Threadgold servad on Town Coure- Crusade For Christ fromt March tise great theme cf Christmas, The White Gift Sunday was held in sion la Toronto. cil and as deputy-reeve. H. was lSth to March 3th. Incarnetion, and ite significance tise Greenwood United Churcis lest Thse Sunday School çoncert vil eppointed building ,inspector i for ail. mankind. The on-going Sunday rnorning. ha iseld et the churcis on December 1953, and this pat year the duties yack cf thse Incarnation, slle said, The Rev. Mr. Moore conducted 22nd. cf plumbing inspecter were added Civil Servants je entrusted to tise Christian____________________________ te the office. Church and cen only ha accom- v1± ~ plished through thse spreading cf Mr. Threadgold le survived by ElJCCt OJi1cCrs the Christian Gospel so that it i.e i ou Are KLcfler In Spirit oae daug htefrm telMrs. Fank The Civil Service Association, available toaail Ged's creaturAneH ur Tompduht teo) c alton, eFrnk Wiitby Branch, elected their cf- Songe cf God's People was the sîster, Emily in England aâid four ficers for the comning year et their theme cf the qeening praise on broters Startcf hity, s t meeting. Sunday when tise choir, under tise , broher, tuat f Wity, s-leadershsip cf Mr* V.Rcwe, cffered A rrena Your (..furcti homne, Charles -and Joaepis ail la The new officeme anncunced are special selections. The MaIe Quar- England. Thora are aIse, two Mr. E. Killens, president by ac- tette, consistiag cf Harmen Siers- grandcisildren, Frank and Leslie. clamation; vice-president, Mr. Reg. ma, Donald Dulmege, Deug Wil-i Funaral services were con- Dyem; secretary, Mr. Bruce Ander- liams and Varn Williams, sang tiseCH .>r', ducted on Saturdey, November son; treasurer, M. John Kirk by Negro Spiritual "«Steal Away" eand FAITH BAPTIST C U C 26th iretise W. C. Town Funeral acclamation. Represontatives eleet- tise hymne "God Will Take Gara cf41 ecStetNr.Wdb Cisepel. Rev. M. J. Cthcart, ed are: Attendants, Wi.HlWn o" Lr ' onn oePotBaro . B. C. Cerbcft, R.Th. i-acter cf Ail Saints Churcis ad Baird and Ed. Villeneuve. Mro. and "Have Tisine Own Way". Miss Rev. David Marshsall, Leglon Mille will represont the nurses and Elleen Mefliide sang tise solo "Lot 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES Ciseplain officiated. Buglere front Mm. Price and Misa I. Chalmers, Us Break Bread Together", and I ..AD7PM the Canadien Logion -sounded tise tise nurses' aides. Representing the Tom Siscrtt sang "The Penitant". OURP Il RPRA.M. N 7 .M EVICE Last Post and Revaille et Mount domestic staff le Miss Mary Mc- The choir sang three enthems cf Wrw el On»tJEPASTORs.NPory aavlaCHING OTchesrVICd eS rod Lawn cemetory. Palîbeamers were Manus; farm, Mr. A. Gilisan; praise, "It le A Good Tising To ceit durteeg cvenleg "svie@. Frledly services; vital and biblicl ai mfags. Harry Donald, Frank Stefflar, power bsouse, M. Paul Balaeki; Giva Thanke", "On. God" and "Te CoUic and brins a isedi James, V. E. Evans, Frank Tisomp- Mr. Bruce Anderson and Mr. E.1-1 son and Frank Grant. KiIlins are branch delegates. Miss CHRISTMAS TREEA Ivy Fernley, Mm. Claude Ives and Spuean ctc ls odb GEORGE FLETCHER M. Tom Harrie were cisosen te pueed cthPn.al yW Iitby Baptmst Churci' We learu witis regret cf tisa repreeu tise local couacil. St. John's Men's Club deatis cf George Fletchser, fatiser O[l ii i ] tRe.3 .Wad "e cf Whitby Police Chief Charies Tismeahundred and fifty mero- B, On d L L Mai' R ey . . M. r, ATMistrgn Flatcher. Mr. Fletcher pase bers were praseat te place tise SIVr GIL -Msc$Wt.S.meaA..CLOrana away et hie home Ire Oilie on people cf their cie inir office. BokS*S 10.00 .. uni School. Wednesday, Novembor 30ti. He 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service. was ire hie fi8th year. Left te moure hie passing are 7.00 p.m.-Evening Service. - hie wife, Bertha, hie son Chsarles in Wiitby, a son Jack in Toronto« and four daugiters, Mrs. B. Scott (Eveline) Huntsville, Mrs. B. Moring, (Donna) cf Pari-y Sound, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churcli Mme. A. Hoproft (Hlilda) cfConrBonadS.Jh tes Matheson and Agnes cf Huntsville. RCorneridBMr onhnalt. ohgniSt: reet .N.epa Funeae services were ccnductedRe.Dvd arhîOgnitMm.PN.pat et Addison's Funeral Home, Hunts- ville, on Setumday, December 3rd. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship. Interment et tise Hutdlseson 7.00 p.m.-Evening Service. Memorial Cemetemy, Huntsville. %tà COMING EVENTS The Canadien Legion Chldren's Christmas Part-y wilil a held Fridoy, December 9th et 7.30 p.m., in the Legion Hall, Whtby. 48 Whitby Pentecostol Church wll hoId their Chrstmas programme et the Town Hall, Monday, Dec. 1 2, 7.45 p.m. Sound motion picture, "The Grectest Gft- wii b shewn, Everybody welcome. No admision, Whitby Dstrict High School Home and Scisool Associoton will hold an important meeting in the sehool on Wednesdoey, December I 4th, et 8 p.m. Judge John E. Prtchard will speok On "Parente Reiponsibilitieîs'. Student Bob Pear. wil give an accourt of his trip ta Ottawa. Music, Conversation and Coffee. 49 W. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL 110 DUNDAS ST. M. WNITIY MO. 8-3410 STAFFORD BROS. Mo.umental Works Memorials 0 Markers Member cf tise CANADL&N ASSOCIATION cf MEMORIAL CRAFTSMEN. 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phone MO. 8-3552 nogs Corde. Send the knd of cords f riends like te cave, for beouty, sentiment or wit .- . your per- sonolized expression of goocI wishes for the seoson. THE MUNNS PRESS 1403 DEECH ST. MO. 8-3431 I9.45 a.m.-Bible Clasa and Sunday Shool. AIL SAINTS ANGLICAN CHURCH R.,. M. J. Cetheart, B.A, L.Th., Rector SUNDAY SERVICES - DECEMBER l11h - ADVENT à 900 e.n.-Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m.--Children's White Guft Service. 7.00 p.m.-Evening Prayer. THE SALVATION ARMY 211 Brock Street South, Whitby Lieutenant and Mr&. Norman Cols-Corps Off cer. HISTORIC WEEKENDI1 Vieit cf Lieut. Colonel and Mme. C. Wiseman (Field Socretary cf Canada). Newly-formed Silver Band ta ha officîally ccmmiseîoned. Satumday, 8.00 pan.; Sunday 11.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. Sunday Scisool 3.00 p.m. (Mme. Lieut. Col. Wiseman, fommely Capt. Janet Kelly, was ln charge cf tise Wlitisy Corps 25 yeers ago.) "MAKE THE ARMY YOUR CHURCH HOME!" WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Rev. John M. Smsith, Mlinipter. Mme. V. Rowe, A.T.C.M., Organist White Gift, Service, Il a.ns. OGIT. Veeper Service, 7 pan. Bing your gfts cf cash and Jota witis us la this beautifOs canned goode for tise Coder- Christmas - centered worahip val. Scisool for Girls, led by our girls and leaders. Witisout Christ Theme Io No Chritmae

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