Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Weekly News, 8 Dec 1955, p. 10

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10-THE WEEKLY NEWS 8 DECEMBER, 1955 "Oh, they're just playing bronco--they've seen too manyv Western niovies! " BOWLING NEWS -Wbitby Juveniles Here Wednesday la OM HA Loop GodnHawes, OMHA co...enI fo ata.o Midget and Juveni( hockey in this district whlch ln- cludes tht territory hetween tIr Lakeshore and Lindsa>,, han au- nounced t b e 1955-56 juvenile schedule for the teaos in hin dir- trict, Teams frorn Wlithy, Port Hope, Bowroan ville, and Cobour-gare entered in tht league. According to tht scîredule, each team plays 12 garons, 6 at home, and 6 away. Tht brcais, coached hy Les Moonre and nranaged hy Lloyd Gibson, play their first league gaine next Monday, December 12 in Port Hope, and their first home garni Wednesday, December 14. Whitby and Bowmanville recently played to a 5-5 tie in an exhibitiont match. Here la the OMHA Lakeahore District Juvenile achedule: Mon. Dec. 12 Whitby Vs. Poîrt Hope, 9.00 pr. Wed. Dec. 14 Port Hope Va. WHITBY, 8.10 pr. Wed. De c. 14 Cobour-g Va. Bow- manville, 8.45 p.m. Thu. Dec. 15 Bowmanvillt Va. Cobourg, 8.30 p.m. Mon. Dec. 19 Cnhaiir-e1Va. Port MHITBY MIXED BOWING Motors,3-8, Ramblers 2-8, Cilberts Hope, 9.00 p. LEAÇ1E I12-7, Orphans 1-7, Whitby Elertric Wed. Dec. 21 Whitby V-s. Bow- Team Standings .ý:77, Independent Sales & Service manville, 8.45 pr. Grand Union 24 12827 2,Tigers 2-6, Fittirîgs Ltd. 1-5, Thu. Dec. 22 Port Hope Vs. Co- Salbr-e Jets '21 135721 Ail Sweets 1-5, Canucks 1-5, Ajax bourg. Doirrinion il1278 0-TO4, oblr -4, Jokers 0-3, Bell Wed. Dec. 28 Cobourg Va. The Saints 18 12222 Tephone 0-3. WHITBY, 8.30 pr. Buzzards 17 1217'High triples: Wiles 798; Olliffe Thu, Dec. 29 Bowmarîville Va. County BiwI 16 12950 782.; Hodgson 767, Onsie Moore Cobourg. Corsnlluskers 16 124091766,; Anderson 758; Jordan 754; Mon. Jan. 2 Bowmanville Vs. Wirndleckers l 12182 ' ot0 738; Hunter 733; E. Moot-e WHITBY, 8.30 pr. Whippjeio 12 12300 724; McQuay 720; Brownq 711; P. Mon. Jan. 2 Cobourg Vs. Port Bieri12 12222 Swee 11, J. Clark 691; Collins Hope, 9.00 p.mn. 11.C'sI 12439 686; Tremble 685; Chatten 678; Wed. Jan. 4 Whitby Vs. Bow- oces1(1 12828 Read 678; Lahaye 669; Houlding manville, 8.45 p.m. Misfits () 12042 667; L. Reed 662; Howar-d 656; ThuJanr. 5 Poil Hoîpe Vs. Co- Trasrsl 119 Childs 656; Watsonr 649; Pognon bourg, stokers 9 11447 648; Allan 643; Collier 642; Oscar Mon. Jan. 9 Bowmanville Vs, ('uho 6 11,51:j3 Moore 8:37; R. Clarke 617; Stark Port Hope, 9.00 pr.. Hmgh Triples î>630. Wed, Jan. Il Port Hope Vs. .li,(n Dionne 834 (407, 261, Fia&DIT CTNES WHITBY, 8.30 pr. Bai-tell 762 (283. 283). Lloyd WHIT4Y & I TRITMN Wed. Jan. Il Cobour-g Vs. Bow- Sahins 756 (271, 264, 221), Marty LAGU oanville, 8.45 p.i .ordanr 755 (288, 267), Millti- Thursday Night Sectlion Tho. Jan. 12 Whithy Vs. Co- Peggs 745 (336, 21-4), Ru.> Dorld High triples: D. Adams 81; bourg. 734 (238, 253, 24:3), Ron Pascot (315, 285), E. Waddell 783 (284, Mon. Jan. 16 Whitby Vs. Port 708 (249, 230, 229), Lit Connut-s 292), B. Bragg 777 (265, 248, 264), Hope, 9.00 p.m. 701 (288, 252), Kelth King 680 D). Wlkr74 261, 291), v. Tue. an 17 oninleVs 28î,, 2:6), Bill Wright 674 (252,I Hatch 741 (326, 23.3), D. Surrdm WHITBY, 8.00) pr.n 21f»), Art Sheridan 6689 (24.5, :.5 7:13 ('264, 244), fi. Hurlev 727 (254i, Wed. Jan. 18 Por-t Hopp eV-. lion Rtl,.-( 17 (229), 22C), ii260)1. A Hromn711 (299>, N Inui on-iîile. 8A., > rn. Cnos61:7 (2:49. 2:80, Hele-ir706( (241, 27() K. Whitrney 698 Thu a ro1 19 Whithy VS. Cil astaa.i h, 641 I(23622.î, Ml.1( fi 4Fr ai î;69,'I 270, 2:45), J, bourg Meurnîr.,- st,-î 640 (2:u2 219), Bradfordl690(1298), IL Minos 1i91 Mî,r J ail.23 (ohai g V Je-anne, Sabins 627 t(24 1 2 13), (251, *25fi1, K, Marl)îîriald 682 W H 11,B),. 8301)fili. Hugh Snis1623 (271 ). tRg Nolil s (2421 51NI oi,682 (29:11, BH Mon1. -lan. 234 Hi rosi II \'s W-21 (25iî, D[(îl At1,îsd,î619 (2:1s. lrdao 678 8 1*_,f) ;>. t: Ha î::îîg ort Hop1e, 9.0(1 p r:. 2121 ), Hill Mit lii6019 (217, 217) E. 6 àI~ 24. , 242), 1-'Ruthe-rford) 6fi1Weîl Jar),25 Port Hq> olie, Sorrifin 09 1'26"», 1H Nuwait, 6îî , (27:lt, XM tlesnoi660> (258). H. nîanrville, 845 p.m. (216, '212) arolîrîs 1,9 (244, 244), .J Rira, - -0_ High Singils 654 (282). R Trniri>l (24f,> FAIR WAC;E tA I'SE Ethel Hîrsai d 214. i)) %Iahaff.%- H. Brown n648 (26#;), 1 lD.ak 648 A il cnsucît ion rontiacto graîrs 1 '217, Marjorie tGordon >>1Fired (3),l. Wnitton 6:39 (291), 1).-4 bs 1 he- Towin ofWhitby, %%o1Il)ini Watts. 246, Agnen Ports .300, Roni Blighîr 8:9, 1) Ronde,> 638 (298), ýthe futaie iclude a "fauit-sage- Ubîili,ý 208, Rets Hansen 208, Hi) J. Suther lafnd 637, F. Wooîtton 6:5 claiuse which wril ensuie lia) niar- Hansen 202, June BrNant 216, (264), and D Tanker (6:0(1(2,56). Whitby men wîll be emipliîyed lii Bill Collins 202, Jo.v Rîch 226, Zens i tîher goiaiscres: .1. Wilde 288, IPI*oPel prolportion a:onui-h projerts Sheril6i 246, Doris Pascal 206, 1, Hetferirig 28î,, NI. Stevenison:lard th" prevarlirig 1laie for the Chuck Ciii 233. Claire Wàlts 224, «275. NIM euteinnister 26A, C. 1type of 01,1k br'irg, is pond tii tire Eve Clarke 205, Helen Dronne 231, Richardsoniri26i6, C, Yackolioslr>[lien, Art Wilson 236, Doris Wilson 211, 263, R. Campbell 258, B. M,),)""- Torwn ouncil han been collecting Hazel Moore 207, Elsie Little 2291, hoose 252, W. Watson 251, B3. informiation froin ather monîcipali- Bill Jor-dan 250, Harold Moorre 227, Green 24:), R. Norrîn 240, 238, .1. lies and the Whitby version will Jessie Hess 203, Bei. Heffea-îag Mare 2.18, IP.Johnsoin 2:16, 2:42, F. foiow the sanie genernl pattern in 221, 1.11 Carrell '210, Albert Enibîr Farriiiar 235, and W. Brwni2:4. rammiiii use, but wîll he adapted 274- --0 - itri suit the needs of Whîtby. Lemoiî League CONTEST WINNEI< Lii Crirreil)84i. Grave tgglesder JOn F. Haughton ha:n beeri W 98, Claire Rick 94, Blanche Mou, are îse n1 slr ope e flouse 87, Florencre Sweets 84 . Fi-an I lto o h nnho oenh 1ere5.;Mr. Haughton was the leaderinii A egio Prize wînners were Sid (orrelli i is set-ion of tht district and hans As 424 arr>) Florence Swn-ts 316. beeri% re aiecadiepie toke wînner-s were John Dione a-edanehadspie 8:34 and Mîlîre Peggs 734. L.ADIES (AND t FAGIE H C E High sinîgles and triples foîr Wedne.ida%, Nov. 30: AND -SingIes.'F. Loti 240, 268, 227; FIGURE t ,AIN 1. Moirlersill 241, 277,' M.legg K TN 2)11. 1208,. N kadîreil 235, R. Pele- OUTFITS .hok 2t30, M. Forbes 222,M, Wa 219 . N MnCarroitl216 JFwle 214. 21., . MPrigsnr21, H M of SKI BOOTS 8hu evc atr 2059, 21). St;ibson -2(g _Sen8h9rsrie lmtr .a--n 20X, . I 207.m I Ik 1,,t Fo Mni %mn îand Juniors otions ond repours ...deon- Ds,.1 .. 0 71 yîq Wne MI %4aî 597, NI P-gý ,90.N. 5r64. NI 5%,I 51 H01 STORE K&M LNR )50. ~119 BRO(CK ST. S.NR M fi T B 1 & 1) 1ST i I %II E ltN Phone MO. 8-2831 BOWLING, LEACI E Opien At) of the -Extra S we nai's T iraa.ns )roi t :1î9, Shop)ping rHoars V r c (Iristatan Oshawo -RA. 5-0181 Grand t ,ii, 3 (. Nrt: I-nd)i-44.t L1ca/Juveniles Basketbai Team rfie Bownanvile Announýces 1956 nile Hockey tenros foughl 10 a 5-5 a in D -te &rdrarr'atWlrithy'n Comrounity The 1955-56 basketball scisedule i-e rra lasI Saturday nigllt. It waa for Whitby and District High n- tht firol gaine of thte é'ason for School bakethall bais was an- te tht local leain, but played purely nounced at a meeting Monday. Il I-as an exhibition nratch 10 give both consista of 6 league gaines and ont e exhibition gaine with the probable - teanra extra competition. Tht arranging of more ex hi bi tio n gaine was an exhibition tilt, ar- gaines. Tht play-offs wiIl begin oranged to give both clubs extra Feb. 10 in this area when the win- re comptrîon. ner of the Lakefield-Haliburton seisplays Port Hope. Whitby ig Tht local lads were playing their han a bye to meet thse winner. Ail Yfirsl gaine of tht season as a uit,î COSSA basketball stries will hie rand showed extreroely well in tht home and home, total-point gaines. ntie, Bos-manville had played 8ev- Gaines in tht Lakeshore District t erl mi-egaiesaine tey ereBasketball League, conaisting of 'ýt raimor gaessine tey erePort Pers-y, Uxbridge, and Whitby rt o-gani zed in September.taia ilberpeeaestr- ýy Bowmanville but up a 4-0 lead ing at 3:00O p.m. Tise boys' Junior, Id during thse early part of tht gaine Senior, and Bantain bagues will 1. on 2 goals by Morley Richards, play in that order. Tht girls' teains and will play in thse or'der of Junior, 'ansingle taillies by Ray Pietlon then Senior. and Bob Fairey. Bryan Gibson Basketbaîî Schedule countered for Whitby to make tht Dec. 15-Exhibition, Pt. Perry at score 4-1 aI tht end of two per- Whitby ioda. Jas. 6-PI. Ptrry at Whitby Whitby pot on a goaî-acoring Jas. 13-Uxbridge at Pt. Perry drive in the final ptriod, roaring Jan. 20-Whitby ai Uxbridge back in 4-goal fashion. Despite a Jas. 27-Whitby at Pt. Perry Bowmanville tally by Bill Colt, Feb. 3-Pt. Perry at Uxbridge tgoals by Neil Wilson, Gerry Luke, Feb. 10-Uxbridge at Wlaitby Elgn uke ad aoter y ei Feb. 10-Pt. Hopt vs. Lakefield or- Wlisn lied a b Nil Haliburton, serol-finala, ends Ftb. 17 Feb, 24-Lakeshore winner vs, W luiby T a. - semi-final winner, ends Mar. 2 SPORTS DINNER li e u Tht Town of Whitby will honor in Idustialchainpionship teamsata a Civic BâSh l Lo Dînner sometime In January il SUW DI Lop was decided Tuteday nigist by tise la Town Council. A budget of $750 Ernie Kay Lurober Kinga topped han been set up te honor tise tht Whitby Merchants by, a score organizations and their members of 71 to 61 in an Industrial I3as- who were instrumental in bring- ketisaîl League gaine Tuesday ing championship honora to Whit- night. TIhe game was fast and by. Members of the council were close and a good indication of tht outapoken in their gratitude for good brand of bsketball that la tht excellent publicity thse Town being played in this leagse. received bn aIllsections of thse pr'o- Whitby scorers were Jin Mua- vince. selîman 21, Dodd 14, Rôbn Bioracnuk Suint sort of gift in commeroora- 12, Rob Henutock 8, Greenlaw 2 lion of thse occasion will bie given and Reed 2. 1thse iembens of tht tearos. His Chcice Would Be.. And Make Sure You Gel Thesu Froin Jerry Gray. DRESS SHIRTS B.% Van Heusen & Tooke, ('OLORFU'L SPORT SHIRTS A wide range of colors, styles ~ and patterns. FLANNELE17'E SHIRTS Colorful checks and designs. S[ N VALLEY T-SHIRTS Limited quanttty, Reg. 4.95..9 BOYS, SHIRTS Colorful Plad Shirts White Dress Shirts From Somne wîth 3 1.95-29 is2.95 To Stretch Your Pay.te Jerry Gray NIEN"S & BOYS' WEAR Open Fniday Evening Until 9 O'clock 1:37 BROCK ST. S. MO. 8-3581 j-,- m

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