Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Weekly News, 12 Apr 1956, p. 1

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T.he Weekly, iving Whitby and South OntariÃ" News_ý on1y PHONE MO. ý8-3830 «@ O r bcPER COPY-$4.75 PER YËAR Reject ,Out'side Co-ordijiator U1Wa do net like the idea, of thé ontrel of, eur fira dapartinent inlg la tise handu of se0meone.viho @tatad Wffgd Dodd, cisairian of, tù ire and streetl ightikg coin- latteel kn recomxnd~ing theo rojac- tien of a propoȈl for a district iiçordeétor whxo would have voralli toiyo thse tlre i, et te stictsnod f lre-co-or4"ftor et tho dstrict connection wlth Civil Defencé elannlng. Tho tire and llgit com'nittee luis tise -entire Civil Defance prograin pder tody at' tispresent tissie. ýnOrm1 e t rom thse Civil De- fne brni 0h* tisa Dapartment of Plaùnnin and- Devalîoprnent in To- rentoastatet that 60% of the rost 'vould ho Pal y tise.fedaèrai:l gev- erinamnt a.42d 25%* by tise provincial govarnoent.: The town 'vould ho reaponsiblo. for the xensaining 25% oftatta oi The Ci) brandhisked for lnter- imation. on tisa tovn'u rivil defenre planning 1and aggested tbat un expert éoulý ho Rssn te Whitby if hi. aervlreu ver. required. Boiard Tor Study Traffie Routeè A stssdy et trattir route. anit urterial, roas viii 4be smait. by tha Tewn Plnsting Board. Thsis la.ik cosntevistisa ferning et a' Mater 'Plan foir the. Tovn of Wisitby,, -.Ssgfe»tu Letter Mr. Ruddy suggasted a letter mont along wis ýthé 'cisek vould bel a botter Way 0>fIsandling the ùs1 omx~to Wmattiùnaio -Mayor Jrenz Pointe& ouI tisai Dr. Charlus -Vigond. chafrmnan hé fait that ail. of thé > rounriliprB of the Oshaifr Board of Edu-. knew, that,,the'îetîon' of tis coup- tatiin ha heçsiiàsnhsted au i A the moatter -coldd net- ho Libéral candidate foi-'On0tario' conitdered ai biàdig en ay .future RIding kn thé e' i Federai councis. élection. W. T.Usgrjui. iar Tise councl dertded to taoov the 0fPéri Perry was defeat. ut racoinpendation 0ftesoiio tise sconventes of 1he Outaylo of te obiciôt C LibralAssociation uad uond a letter and-check to ,th ehldnlut .evenlng Ili' tise Oshawa hspital board. Wiltby, Towns aIL *D~nEups LaA hTh ree As MiUton Srs. Stagpra Whiltby Dunlopa last night Cléents, Evans and Townaiay took a comnsandliig three aach scorad a goal apieee fo 1r'Mii- gaiés to nothing léad With a th 'ga addad Iit t e 10-3 o , in "their' èemi-final jnjury ao 'a srored in the final gaina againat Milton in th min utes of the'gaine when Whitby playoffia for the Ail-Ontarlo 0'5amnsot Senior B OH1A Chamnpionalup The eories ia thé béat, of evenh. To Check Taxes Tailng a 7-0 lead kn tise lirait perlod.thé Dunlopa coaste tisrou 0fIr theruestt'le game. Thse score at0f T a er Ca"m s the ennae uneseronod permei vas 9-2. The, gaina vas very rlaanly playod vils- only u-e penalties belng lsanded eut, three et thons kl thé lant tise minutes et play. Tisa tourts gaine of the modies viii ho. played I Milton on Satur- day night. St v ill ho liroadra ovar CKLO sterling ai 9.05 p.in. Wisitby geai urorars were Can- non snd Wliain with tvo ecri, nui Dogray, Âpre , O'Connor, Nsil AKttersley, h obby, Atterslay and Etriser i4thsuingletons,. Mayor Jermyn Speaker At Openu Ceremonies Of Nurley's Restaurant ButI Hssrty, pepular ceunrilman anit leades ku Wisitby. bomait~l rccles, hait a gala epening er.- inoly vlth ail tisa trmmminge, vison bu eflrlally, .epenei liti. nov restaurant leat Tirday nigist. Mayer Hurcy Jermyn, on beisait et tise tOW04 it«hLUd tise building open anad rot tha rushes. _ Dlii SinSt, CLKS sports an- nouncer -intervieveit Dong wiu"#e boit sbhy, Âttaley, star par-, former. ti tise wbtby »"nlp senior hockey 'teuia along vits their vrives. The rerording vas Iter broadraut over the 0OsUaa station. 1 ami Vary proe. -aW Mayor Uarry Jrmyn, 'on beliaf et the greving tovoi et Wisitby. te bave been aked le mako officiai tise openlng et th1. nov restaurant for etc, gond friad and roileague, Bll Hurlay. Wia listrot» «Fer 7un yar Me. Hanap bau ben la tise foot isocinl Wisit- by, but the iaterests of Mr. Sirley, ame net ail buietos., Besides up- porting enaet ofur service, clubs, ho lias beau an arrve ami en- tisuasati paricipnt kthe local isarithai uaauoims aNd va ara ail prend (i mik ýtebornai aboit t 1) te havesa provincisasmleal tté iseu ka Whutby. MI isu ba.n a mendiar of the miilpal reuncil foc soes ans "Toelt congratuslationu are . la erdo er tisa NEclre foc the faith they areahosiseg ki Wistby' future andt tpr tiseïr anterprise in metlng lop luit very veii appointait restaurant. Perliapa S routit divert for a moentn and alue *ay , Conigratulations te Mma liurley Senir, for tht excrellence et tise foot ds piréparés. "AMd nov, Indies ansd gelatiemen. S declare thi. new restaurant opan for Mbum iuni May Il prespar ait grev vils our. tpvn ot Wiiby.u Plans fer incraukg taxes on lria ai u h the T Ovn of Coucildurngtis tietmeeting kn MaY by' Fia Ciana Everett QuantrilL CoUnchileoru telI the enoUre, malter o! traiter tees ai,tuaxsiould, ho Wnve te&,and tisat the Tevis vu souis the louer i tise présent ar- rangement visera a licas fao 0f five dollar. la chargeit for tisa entité traiter çfali. At présent thora i. only one S.TATIIIN Gasoline Alley ýResidents Mve To' Block Outiet, Residents of the Brocik street aouth area arounit St. John ;streét areÃ" fightixg thé possible construction of anÃ"ther service station on Wixitby' "gasoline alley". With 13, service stations already operating on Brock street, thé citizens are up-mn-anus ,dver, thé efforts cf an oil COmpany.to purèhas1e pnoperty and op 1en .a ,service. station on tise north-east. corner of Brock andt 'St John streetsý '1 have a, lia ef 17 parsons eut business asud vso, von't. But the of 37 wiso livé lxtise oras, and va competition vili elimin#po thsse hava net atteniptoit e tpassa arunit viso are not, un a. condition te carry *a petltion,".ssid Mr. C. A. Freessan on.ý Is tUne vo cap flse service of 011 Brorck atreat souls, viso ap'- stations but sin camnot stop a man peàred befora tovx rouncI with J. froin oparatins' a, business.". M. S=cso 611ý BrocIr gtreet seuths. "Coni anybody conse hro and "Iudctnt a ravamoer ironas tart a petition tg have tiseý goning t5e oit ronspany ia maki.ng tise cagulatiens changad,"' aséet lr. irounds.'avery Tliursdayý à-,yng te Freansan. persuae people tàaugrea, te, put- "1Tisay cartainly can," "eai ring -the sta'tIon>tisera, It stems --Ceàt<lnoad on 1'age 12 thaï hoa i.xteniting tisa acea to ho aolicited me: that ie ean gat enougisJon M e naines. 1 vouit iiko te kniowÃŽ wisatJon etm ,. péttin ma fe hsýii, On Monday Nig'ht Mayor Hgrry Jermiyn stateit that À joint meeting. et .tise tovn the ceunril hait no spécial zuiing« couneil and planning hoari vrill ho on tiso aea ta ho roôverat by pe .tl- isld at, the close 0f roundi imtng tien, but il ié hoon tho 'poiicy of next Monday nlgist the rouiscil te folle* a -racommen- OlSt is e nly a week unt1ill va have -dation 0f tisa Planning Bourd tisat our nazI regular mneeting, and consent muet ba obtatoat frorh tise vii net hoe tn muce business 75%, ef tisa praperty owneru viss at tisaI tima,"p slit councilor assassinant amountad ta 80% Of Queptrili at tisa meeting Monitay. the total apseasmant efth1e aresl. "ýWe coutl meet vils thé boardt at .Tisa area te ho canvause4 in tisa nina o'clock." boarit's rccenniatiosi to couneil, "Tise boarit ia aaking fo guaidance vwas ena block in aIl d"retions. anit nords specitir direction troin Counciore >giree tisat, tise peti- tise csuncil, on whnt attitude to tien area voulst net induite bouse taka in relation. te, tise mnerosi on tise opposite: aide ef the atreain applications that are romlng ho- tisat vere the houndary for tisa fore lb," sald counviior McAvoy, potition, gres, a membei et tise planning 'board. "Wo have 20 ,gas stations in "Tise hoard, ha. te opent many Whlthby ov for a population of. heurs, oin thes subdivisions and It jous over alght thousant. Thoat ka la not rlgst. te vaste thair tisna if awyetetln its the pelicy ceuncil i. net of a mind as te. wisat k siaa isr they allov nus they vant dons." service station par thoumnit popu- "We de net vant 10 net up a lation," nid Unlr Freenian. policy ef no subdivisions, rem- it vas reported tisat the finan- mentait mayor Harry Jermyn. ria condition of a numbor of Wisit- "Semé aras ara net uatisfa terY by service stérions aleng Brock te the tovn for uubdlvidlng at utreet vers net i a gond condition présent," salit councilor Quantrili, becaiss ofe the iseavy cenmpétition. "Tisis meeting vouid rasuit In the "Iu that net'the anaver?" asIc- plannilng bsoard kneving vhat te ait Mayor Jçrmyn. "This reuril do, and it viii save a lot ef tiseir carnot laglelate vise shal go into time. la located on tise nerth aide etf Threar t réen 7 ralesTo Studv loges lorated tisere,. but tis nunior chsangeu freint tre ti tinse, accerd-, ~ a. kng te tisa operator et tisa Subvay As Resuft w. fi'uu, Cabin aîd Traiter Camsp. " Tiser. are ne unisool age chii- The Wisitby town planning board dran k .tisa camp ut tise prosant is.planning toresbudy zonlngait tie ansi tisera ver.eniry tve chu-. peîlfi.Oly appies to h rertion dran vise attondad scieol living of apartnent bouses. Mr. Jack Me- litea Ini the, pasad yaar," nid one ÂveY and Mr. John Spratt have et tise la"ie living ai the Csnsp. boan appelated anit vii proBant "We Mave n Objection te a rasason- their repart May l&. able tax, but It uhouldnft ho a Tise inatterwas brougist te ligisI prohibitive ena. Yeu 1mev tiser. at thé lu neatlng etth sor ara moina people vise ara but vioh I.MgsMDnl of To- Weaou becaue vu are uvlng rente asoMi thé mnera. that it little rnoney. A lot of poople liva va. hie intention te batitd spart- kn theirtraller uni save up the inentu on bits property on itigs inonoy fer devn papinent on Street Thse apartoientu stateit Mr. houses&" Tisay claimait bat vils MeDonald-viii heofe the deluxe tise ordinary siages paiit in tise type anit a crédit tb the to. district it va. difficuit tb uavo Tsey, wiii net be isuit sintil tisa eneugi mnoney te maire the dco- tovo is oQf a population te warrant payasnt. thsut, ara rëeiiedý on thera. iseuse 1i Wisltiy ai tise- présent Politisa Pruaated âne. Tise ram le at preacot a général SRealden et tise camp ridicule renidenco mono and thlbs vas the the Intimation at tevn reuncli rassont thé land fer aisartmnet that thora ver. a n»mber of uriool vwu purcsamad ltecentiy a pétition chuidran living thora vils hie cen- ha. beau preucoteit te council te tribution levant tise scsool rates. change, Ibis zona te single -ceatlUed oM pare 0 residonce. or Apartmnents St Complaimt "la thoire any définite areas deslgnated for apartinent bouses," asked Mr. Martin Chrisein. Mr. Lanford replied that no 0n0 ares could b. made solely for sport, ment. it vas fait hovever that nme entrol should ho exercisad lin order te sateguard general résident zone ovocrs froso havlng a threea tory apartinent placed close te tisera. Parking Prolem Mr. John Spratt waa of the opinion that apartnenta and aid homes vhich have been convarted loto, multiple dwellings should provide adequate parking. "If yeu are gongý to have apartnonta then parking space sould ho made available," stated. mayor Harm jermyn. Tise report on tise situation wiii înelude tise parking facilities évail- able kn existing apartinenta, as wel as possible sites visicis would be sultaisie for nov buildings.

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