If-THE WEEKLY TIMES contgct the Canadian National, and a. fuit programme of adjuat- wayto executive, positions In thse in the handa of .every blind person 12 APRIL, 1956 Inotitute for -the Blind as soon ment. C.N.1.B. Othià re operate. canteens. in this cqmnnmnlty. The need la as8 posaibteý Do ot waste timfe Sultable Job Some operate formas, and a few uirgent. 650 ghtc S woniering wihst to do. Tie mti- When s moni l5 ready for en-. are; la*yers and social service The compaign is being conduet- LOB S tute's service io the béat remnedy ploymcent, the placemnent staff worlcero, iflling' important capaci. ed from April 16 6<> May 5l. Each Year ,CNIB in w rIsdeWcebgnsw takesoévèr adatterrpste locate ticsIaein merce, governent and Truhttie roice is 'What Woold you do if yen ltest sigsties Field'Secretaîy 'colis on Thé fol1lowing are sorne of the AU Wak o I the Rted Feather group. your sight next w,%eek.? .Tise ques- tise neWly blisd for the fýirst*tinie. occupations .'that, employ the Tise blîrd are from every walk tien. la n'ot menlt ta shock anyone, Hi sneapei ro oaeblind:- drill 'pr ea a : pacldng, of lifo, Tisey need a constructive ISIGÉEST MOIJNTAIN 4obut tiheitmre visin.right ere a" de.ixraHm eacisr carpentry, ýradio asembly,, stock service progrmme.*to lgelp theni Highest mountain ia Canada butes s oe tvissa 050h per- om attendant, gouge > block conquer their banidicap. When you est o! Aiberta lu Cirque Mondai la thée province af Ontario. Ilt is a1b blind, sets up a sertes 0f mesnr ements and numnerous in- gîve a donation to 'the cîscrent in Labrador, 6,500 feet. advisable for the newiy blind to visita to teach Braille, han.dlcrafts, dustrial posto. - Somne find their campaiga, you put this programme -Quick Canadian Fgcta *Bathù-ürst's, new Corrugated Containe'r Planta 'Wh itby! LOCATED in a- rapidly expanding industrialarea... and supplementing pýre8- ent f acilities in Toronto and Hamilton *Bathurst's new Whitby plant iu now in production. With the most modem corrugator in Canada and the l.atest of ail other types of equipment, it, will, manufacture . wid range of',Cga»Àts, finest corrugated containers. S.. rThis new Whitby* Plant rePrcsentsý a major -investmnent and 8tili further ex- tends, Bahrssservices to Can dia industry and to shippers, of every- kind of merchandise. Complçemly integrated, from foreet, to finished package, »athuiet today offers y9u a. complete âine of comrgated 'containers and Wirebound boxes. Whatever your slip-, ping needs may bc,Bathurst con mneet theru. Consuit us about your packaging problems PUI AmI AISADMLSA ANITM Ã"TII LNSA> NAMILTON4, ONT. TORONTO, ONt. MTSYi ONT. ST-LAUREN?, QUE. MONTRIEAL, QUE.