Week , Ir ctnr c>'-. ItI sillerca.uttl ier. oaa ire hi- Vu idout (btiI 111( e-il I e kuown An 44 1< 2 'it*ry, a, he yMer cf disste-. ,Tire cloudi a s1ver lning, haweyen. TIha total cf glis oidbeuests in aIl forme < philanthmnapy n less tran six mentira 0f,1907, la tagui tian tWr total fer t*r ttsev'e mentiraof .1906, being $108, K(31589, as ccmpared wrih $10,81,M.& And nover have tirer. ircear Ove montra dtring tie et teenty-ive yesn, u wiclitire total of ombmehnmet aad varlous ferma aI'defication trià ieen us amall as Ilu tis rsti ve montrai-f Ivelanci te trylng to 00ve ler youth tire use ofttieur irands, Deapîte stupen. dueus dtflculos tire vasi majority ,<1 Irishr eoondary soiroolÊ ane Dow ee equlppéd for carr.yla ouitirhe teacir- Ing of expe-meutab scitnce, drawtngç maneali lruetIM4 ,andidameastiaeoaa- ncaiy. NI) part 0f tire wor'k cf tocirni- cal lnstructW~n lia devmeopcd more rap. 1<117' tran tirat of tire teciral cacrols lll"tee-ns. Ouy people whir know Ire- landi a quarter af a century age can reahize: Wbat la signified bly tire eslab-' tShie.nt'cf tuades scireais Ln tiree and talAi centres. There aise s&te scirools -Ot agriculture for [armera' sons. Wbere ltho hmes 01thtie pupils at agricuîturai o~esare saine diatancer- away tho *à tdeta ofln arc givea tirir midday ee al. ,korê thati a thousand mtingsf st frinerawert heid lust year te hear lftwoonnt w!nrtOnr, aid net far, shrt: 01 2,000 --'.--.mtiG. Plotswere kepi ýfc ' VcoeMentS Imd traintngr An tirree counties. Thrnui ati ne seve>Io t- P 44l"aUtrtit lInerantilnstmeutors 'n gardenthggand fruit grawlag bave been carrylag -on tirir propaganda, an.] Abouit aixiy fruit and vegelaibe denn sItaijon plots bave 4en manltalned. As a nesult tire bas ireen a great in-' crosse lanthe demaird for fruit trocs (rom nursery mnen. Mosti-cf tire horticuh'tura Instuuers ana uow fltted ta teaci bec- keepla, and in coesc5ason fliteen hmn- dred aplanies were visid. Teive tironatipôordhave beera spont wtr- 1 2tire last twolve mentir aga premlums on 'brall. Experiment stations are gel. ring fine tacts on peatoes,, fruits, and daW.yting. A zarce- tnelind, tiinfiyand eeý-- c II as Witty4 la belag bara. ~*iNMAUD's NAMUOW ESCAP. DO* eliea Deuilburing MUer VisAi te.- Nrié. Fe opverelgns haro lever vlsttee W'nbv*leftbehînd, tirneusai âik tVnlpiùIn aviae lOngHako ,OeâMeumd etNone-ay, eWho ihav à t mtd ouisi oagroame se- Vl le'YeOVtW Ouen. r, anti -tai awirich weas toloegrapheci w pv tsire hag avny nor- w* ,qa*Cto êlhdeaIr or wrIo Usla- Th o -denrt, ocureti on ret vigalte ÃŽ_ 46ip siremu An uzthe 'Trianon ý>.Oueoa aar4 Mme. Failtece 'tinrOver Il, e-hen tihe wtîestet i ocfng 14-- t rapet, the s aitdn jerk f9boi, hall»y Over lIreA ov<tr tato tir i""Mdrue- un era îrse l udbek dutte &4eencla la ne ' nerya. ILc- sylà ta,,' ql tee ert<1c, ta thitirai wêdêocui'duty byý doeoring itý oI t o e~e t ioIle#eitl in, P'Sfttand bs4uctive-<frë.a t fs adis._ tant ireave& tirat w. 'iave 1ne pewker lfti bu apply ho q thepz'oblemis of a needy ps-e- sent day wnd Tirs nçokeny ut religion to-day la liraI mon nd women are qingte tire chunahes, allrging^,iretnsýÙeeile ecata. tic, COMPlace1Çy and'ai jna ary barnrny wit hlt ioirCd7 e-hewrorgreeti tacrusir- Ing tir erats of (tir e opbou,and theyr are bihndtng tireloves -te lireee-orhd'sr gbom and pain 1th! unird titirey ma,Mà esjo piritual deligirta. ilThs l nnot bir iliht li<'our rela- (ions te tire Fatirel-of spirits until tirey are maie rigirtIlu oui' relations e-ithi IOUfi BXOTHEgrt IN THE FLESH. la Chnlstianity social rlghteousness la basic te spiritual iressing. Tire ideal kingdlorn eails for icical conditions and relations amongat lis subject3. Tire wLy (0tehie Fatirer lies tircougir the Êtrattrer. If yen wtrelci learn ha love Ged -and i iow Indefinite aird idealistic tirai SeenIS ta mest cf us-tire besson la sim- pie, fins a otelove iris cirer cilîdren, seSPeClallyV tire iroîphes needy and wvronged. Deligiis irigir andi spiritual alwaYs e-ilire remoe.untilidules noar Tire revival e-o moat o! ail nord to-day is a revival efthtie soal conscience, tire reognliin cf tire tact tirat e-e cmi effer no 9M iacceptable, In tira temple eofe-or- Ship or tire place cf prayer, until eebave wasieci cur bands [rom tire ilocci et oui' [cilowe, that e-e can pay nothIng te Ccd untih e-e have inrcament sot about pay. in& Our domts to men. AnKicua, periraps, te cla.tm Our rights as cidren cf tire Fatirer ta beatren, we hlavblergottentirat tirai tille la prom . et la0 tie pacemoers. Wirat avlish IL. t IRE S. S. LESSON1 MNERNATIUCKL LUMMO, HmNES. Lesson XlIL Tempes-anc. Leisté 1 . Gol- den Tet:* Rom. IL 21. THE LESSON WORD ST"DIES. Baseci on tira test oethtie Revksed Ver- Sion, Tempernc-The Lessoa Setting. - Tire word mlemperaace~ means lterally ,;ebf-eentroh, scf-restnalnt, or moderatlon, andths ibs Istire semIrs lwhichie ra word la many <lAteront p&ags. Thus thi, traaslatien ofthtie Americs» $tandar iievrioir makes Acis 24. 25' reat: '"M.d "'s Iore mall reasaed cf nlghtearasneas, =d atisef-control {pias James Ver3lon,ý temaperancel, andi tirejudgm.nta,.o come, rFeux e-astennlteti" (ootre also aie t. 1 6). Tire pitlcat q>à deu cf.man- kIctd, irever,' lixi maanstratec tire lutl iaat o licIqutr.Ii ven>' fomr are a muet ttetrctrouas beerag ber influeceon téepiysieaitorp* , esepi e-hen, nmoWy irSotbenu o reate a iq rai. ect,' Wo woulnaM tuai,> .85 îi the wifid , w»e t'c leaven -', " p i b shirtild glye'filaraeltfefr an UTr te niai-' lng erfe tre r? replens lies- happy%' tu t righting somte wrong <a'brling Soute foy, te litres emabtered sud 'oppressed-.»1 ýWb have ireernittlag cri tirechutai, tirq aller, -there ituai, anrd 61 tire formsçf neilgien, asklng hearts lirmgry oaly 'for thiaga Aha " spirits swéj> by tIinds of covetouénes taenter the, plaoe tirat bho longs te tire pure linireart aird tirhe ly in spirit. Wbat shah ll t vai thiçsa. wir cart see rotling cf Ccd 'ina tiror toute- mien made in iris likeness to try te mci FOI1MS AND Cr-EioNIES, tln arcitiectUie or furniture? Tire happiei people la 'Iis wenld tiare-ë not ircen those wiro have sirut, tireur selves cff [rein bis e-onld, tiraltiey nigirt, ir qulelaca, seek out tiresoUme ef tire soui's life andi soutire face 0rffl-d for themseîves. Tbey are' those e-ire seemeci to turn thirirback on oratoryaMi temple, and, burulrge-Ui a passion of. rlove for 'nen, f oudd ireavea as tirey scugirit tobles arbir. Tire pathway ta Ced la a plain co, strikingly hacking ln romance, with ne attendant visible aligeliec vbolr. It là tire delng of wiratever dOiy or kinduesa1 0e-e te birose noar me, tire breakig dowa ef wals of prejudiee-a-plto foes biulit in ignorance and iratred-tire leami- tng ta love and hlop, tire seeklng cf pence, good feeling, and irarmony e-ih ait mon. Tis dees net 'nm that ail must b. corne professera of socioiogy; tire study cf social thirels otten Is a suiratitute for tire pracice of social duties; but tirai we musi soek eut tire good la rin, e-e muai set ourselves rugit witi tirema, we muai discirarge al aur responsilll- tics toward men befon.e-we can realize- QeGd. HENBY F. COPE. Iy dedicated te an idol ainoes l wss cas.. topmar or ftha priests toedis oslée!thet surplus supply ,runelved - 4yire 'as thirirportion et-thre hirottonaarliM b sclling tire.,same ,te iefaot the s. publie markets. M6 'Tire carthir latire onDMandi tire' trathiesa ýtioeof-uiIe',poAsMy a u- n scions - quatation frein Psa. 24. 1te-irh whichtie apostle w"s cortainl>' lamilian. Tire entire verse-AIn Psairms reads 'Tree art i s ehovahs, And tire NU- nes tref Tiree-orid. antýi htad"elithere-. ln." -27. One o et tiratiraielevenet-An- i1dolater. BMdetirFou.tfo a teast-Tire woa-<s "90 à leusr ùs tr tîcl l the Iidlate, do zwt~cesr n.i lte originAl. Among'ý twz aawel as famlly,'ati ootW- ecatti- InO -xomatie occasIons o!fSlf & r tel directionsAnirs e-fil by wirleir's- wuft 'net oly te irbc remat, but, irI~ turg'0tire f:ur-,,Winds 0f theave." Tis mrony was- te ireperfornred withli two m!ount i r is dtiad tioeoeon a certain -day:,tire commit- 'teP travelhed up to.New Yèrk, croased tinlire isiand ôù,r wiich tire 'Statue of Librty Ptands, and atter a few;'à lfôri prayers-tireasirés of tire ecceatric hi-. dividuaî were 1ttii'awirinta apace-some ta ire norttr, some' ho tirs eastý, Sem#l b tire seutir and some a tirte west. Whfen fnone ;ktire ared dusi remalned the urnrwaa broke't fatefrogmentrianad CaStý Inta tire aea. Thon the find tuL'hd'i' tiroir homfes, deepiy impreas- cd by tire- 'SOLEMNMTYOF THE CEREMONYe. Tire was mracir-pulllcuîy gIron te tbis unique metirod, cf dlsposing "aI à truman irody aitire lime, and tire ieauty and picturesquenes eftire eeremony niade se vivid -an impréssen crn tire' mincis cf majny tirai a number -of men andi women afterwards added codicils tu tiroir wills Ieaviflg behmud requesis s1Iîhr te tiret ef hr. Ciranbers-birougir cboostiig, cf course, cirer points tirai lire Statue cof Liberty from whlci tire OSalis were toe Wiirrowii. Uneofet tieseý persans -was Cirnes-A. Johinson, wire ef t behind strict instructions tiraiire Was te ire cremated. and bis ashee "threwa to tire four wlnds"' from itire Tennessee River bridge. Se years' bêtore, hearever, Joirnacu e-as coe.ef a ýpariy of four who were cmmILsIon- cd te-tirrow to tire wînds eofhceven tire-' aSires cfa friand wiro ived iuNSewl Yo*4, and ire eas se tmprossed by tire Çeremony tirat iinmedlatey afterwafda. Il 9 ade bis wlfe promise ,htbi hs ne- mlaais sbould ire sinnilny 'dlsp.oaed if.' Tireretoro, ta caînpllaace, -witr- bis %,vues, bis 'body iras él&mtnd ad et.! lerveerds talonby tire -*deitaker te tire Tennessee RiverW. where lIey ,were ed-to th ie wtnd& . Mn 3hnson's wlte,1 we-,êla not an adyoate . for -ereaUoin7 i ou'd net aummon, upasufftciéet'ourg tue WEIRD -ý5MQR"-' r As a 'natter cfi fc~iieee te asiresof a cremated body: are thuas s- PC sed of md -tire story _bcoûwâpuiir1tc, theneï la a-aanurà ber c-etAmitatlira wy#o- seern t Ire sIÃucli byire alovelty, pIcturesquenes,anorbeauty oft ht>,'ere1- inronYe,_and bave bhtrd eaall 41për *hioh à hé .rad' acenf Oces, Mis On to D fle~1y. -'Iarlng qSir."-î"n a see 1 üa &btirg. isrgooïtthued tire Blslip, "4r 1 Ide- si-te Steal -asvy your gsi.. M L vla wbîknown, Or Spioo#er, the hfad of NeW to.1lege,- O0,erd,.ÈnglaAd, leas gainled distinction -by an invetlerato habit Cf, ilnvetng -hi-, words, raultting wa wl ;thabeeni d à gAatd "Spoon-ý ertsîng." il kest in a tirai11o ccur- en at a récent 'teriperance gatirerlng, whnas hairman lie rose to move for Viscount Peel S report on thre aubject. At, tire critîcal moement, irowever, Ms remarks tookth ie form of a request for tiA U repeal cf Lord Port," Instead sud tie "report cf Lord Peel"lf 'Tihe King of Siam 15 a great admirer 4)f Biitigir institutions, and has irad three Cf bis sons educêaîcd in Engîand. Dur- tng bis visit in 1887 the King went down t' 'lîtrrdW to see one ofitire sons, and h(ock alIfveiy lnterest in the proceedings a', tWre famous achoot, cf91viricir Dr. Weil- don, feW,,tire Dean cf Matnchrester, was then tlie ho dlaster. Tire visit, be place on a Sïtu1fday, and thre term wvas Io end on the Tueeday fotiowing. Speak- ing te Dr.. Welidon, tire King ;said: u"Mr. i'iadmaster, plea.se nay my son broke up to-day 1"' Needflsato say, this- qüà lnt.ly.put rrquesît was readlly .eceed- ed te. -Thre Faihoer cf tire Britishr Navy Ma Admirai Sir Arthrur Farquhrar, who, now nlnety-one years oId, eniered on a w~a -eareer seventy-sevcn ),cars ago. Tire son imself cf an admirai and' kntgirt. -Sir Arthrur iras lhrce sons and tirree grand-sons la the senior service. One f tire sons Is aise an adnilrai-flear- Admirai A. M. Farquirar. la addloh linother son, Major &teubray 'Parquirar, i).S.O., distinguisred. inisehi as a 'nom- beor cf Thernoerofî's Mounted Iiantry during tire Boir'War. Truly a romark- able fightin famliyi Thi laoope was a gfatlrer ofthtie #resent King Alfonso. On tire occasion et-tire 111t1e foilow's firat Communion '4ir0 Pope sent a latter te iris godson, whe decidcd b snswerILh ilîf. Afier miucir work ire put together a short lei ter cf thanks, *hlch lho carried te iris ,nthrar. Sire was delilhted, -but,. find- ing a aitsspelled word, porrectèd Atanrd bold- -Altnse te capy -,the- letter ,agaii. Kitng. -"As my gadfalirer dii undt s ie 4 , ittei wîir tire mistake, ire whl' nt 1<new 1tiretIL ras flot 1 who, correctedi lb ý WevulÃ( Ëad 11.- jnt's à ,' it *r' Sc. tire. lette r, cqrmeted' by tire inOtiier, n ta h1 t'7 t i M . Cirn s ieS t- fitaaliy. '9t wua ia tlbe.season of1801," 'ie *ay, qw:= J ,was" appéung tanIuy las at Caen Grdon IThetre. Harni-, seon and 1 were piaylirg tire lastI scene as it wés arréngedi byFechier. -M tire end of the duel! Rui, Blas siabsl)on -Ih»k-woud,-ȍ'a reel daggei'. brins' CffAP'1sW i am rnabsohiùtei -ly ivn1 hIl Sc pp-s Und,[ i nég4oneek ifithg, rumhng w1th ;ýGeraldîùe* before Fitte PlaYed me the fitëmh trilk that itter-' eliy drove ber mIto e h i arma. Gereldlne wau beauttful-siot on your lcy, eblselled-Mtlaëy -nebut utr -way tf make a rnan'sb1ood tingle ln hLc veln,, tc znake hlm octh his brealli Ils in the down-stroke en a switchback. lier smali ovai face fiashed like a Meteor-irer eyes oould shower sparks. She was as elusive as a wilJi4-tire- wisp. Her figure was lie as a wlliow. 1 was over head and ears la love wlth hier. Se was Bill.' Bill was a horse-deaîék. on a big scaie. His horses, If you weren't particular te a irundred, ran Int four figures. This, of course, spoke te money. 1 arn, on tire other hand, a hack (in- nocent of attempting a pun>w-a literary cone. In tire matter of money, tirere- fore, a great guif yawns bctween us. But thiere are oiller attributes in men suPPosed, tuweigh with women-per- sonal appoearance, for inslance. Wlth ai rnodesty, 1 beileve iret the balance' in tirese resta i.n my favur. About ibis time 1 got promotion on tire, newsptïper staff on whlcir1 %worked. The desper- fêle thought had been posscssing mie tike a mania cf lale that Scupps xiii "nlp ln" before mne with Ocraldi",. Sn, wirle j was dessing on1e mornlng. 1 resolved 1I woûid propose Io Geraidine that very day. l'ire rcsoive wnVnt Io rny iread like cifampagne. Il, made ine pcsitivety giddy. Gyeraldine was se weil off ln lier own right that, i told mysclf, rny compara- tive impecunlousness would ricf stand in my way- as A migir have donc wvitir another girl, Neitircr, for theane rea- son, couid Scupps's equinre regirnent v/eigh down tire other scale. Scupps had a debestable way of mak- ,ing ber preseni.s, and "by Jovel"-4<q- ue iris favorite expletive-they vere presents worttr getting. "On tihe day on which 1 imade Up my mind t propose to Gereldine, tw4o Itings irappcned.- Firat, tire morning poat brougirt me a' lthe plnk-sccnted missive frýom tire lady in qu9stlon ask- ing me te corne tc dinner tirat even- Ing. Sire and MIss Serte, a wîLich-dog sire kepi ot tire premises were to-be atone. Sire wanted to ask my advice abocu, sonieting. Tire blood pulsed in .ny, vreins.,' Clearly, l'ate mcmii t Obe 'h.esecond momentous Incident was -tha't'ln tire afternoen, ast w"as dashing 'dlong -Oxford Street on' my wBa t 'Snitçh ai bite>ý.f lunch, 1 met my di- vÃùfty oling e ut of Peter ltoblmsn'a. 01 -,~ you are coming to-nIglxt,, .31 alï, wuti a lim1e peremptqry air, as If thre invitation hmd beeau a coin- -Irmnd-as ndeed it was.- "Need you aMk" 1 replied, strotig by her side as ah. moved along thre pave- ment. "As if any ôther engagement would have stood against trait' aire laughed llghtiy.'riben broke off. r4MI utochsie cred. ' -Vh at a perfect çfuck- cf a dog, tirai tecny-wvecny tiring, libthemtn'a amna." l ooked ln tie direction ln wich ber -rasol polnted..- A couple ýo! yardsabead of ns. stand,, In th ib. gratter,-rws -a man ec t hat shdy typ ,,r'ffct a c1ese1y.;but--- tcnedi gmesy, blackit anaid a cravat 4*--place' of a cellar. Dy a string i-te ireld a dogotthie Dandie Diant species,, and a in ,is s' e te n1iutest crature f1 bad over e4&n in the~ ~~ alapc a g, sotethingbrl 4igger hua A 'oqq-szed aquirrel. coxrueOst fan ia- nagrner thal-.trÃck me j like a blow. '-Iifrougi h beheSItà .ted' me. Theo- e vance I etgqrly Gr aldinre. dlaenfagéd, ire began. 111 have 'got a box ocrWeidon"s play, yeu know tire one that lair avlngi s1uci a run, ,ibe Ways-ef Wome.,' 'You wanted le meo S'y' IL If 'l'remayno lsa al- HO lookeci fronion. ta tire etier cff Mfy ow wero black. Geraldine re' "Mr. Tremnayne la dinlng witir us. At tire moment ire and I are enga'ged la- a hunt for a lit lie dog lie iras given Me. ' I' like you te see il. Sond away your hansom and stay te dinner." sire ad- ded. «"We'1I sec about tire play Inter." Ho lefitirh roorn, and almoat immedi- ately returned, divcsted of bts outeri iW irre's tire 'new , acquisition?" b - asîked, waiking over te thre bow-wi nd' where Geraichîno stood. 1 irac removed myself, wutir whA. mean t e ie an air f haugity apiVi nes, te the ircartbrrug. "i'd like yen teIo s it," 'sire said t, again.- "You are a Judge f dogs. t'a 1 such a tlny thingi You can't thmnik irw I - neat ut oks ini my arrns-irardly bi~ ger tran a squirrll 1 do hope IL worrtt ever growl" Sire %vas lnterrnîpted suddeaIy by al curlous sound (htiri remed to proceedi f rom tie roof of tie bow window-at g'rallng, crackling sound. Tis wau' followed by a loud' report, and soma.- tilng dropped, apparcntly also from, the, celiing, ai lier féot. Geraidine atarted' nervousiy, and starad doWn et tire sometiring. hit 'iad tire creepy, woirdf appearance cf an unlinod mufi or a rib.' biL skiqç' B'tAVs eyes irad fiasirec upwards, and, werel'aatened on tire rose-coiored wLn.' dow hangimgs everhead. "By Jovet" ire exCl.imed slowly., "Wia's tiai youve got inlh Ie ur1 tains? Why, my dear girl, your Pet,2 iap-dog La uncomnmoniy like a ratt' Garaldine had riveied lier scared eyes19 dat iris faice whilce osWspeak il. if afraid te lifi the'n irigirer. At ie drend monosyilable sire gave wa1 le' scream, and ltoe, k aiued stop tarda hlm, -even clincied his erm. 'siB h,"'ie ériedi,Àsirudà ering. "IM Jerniled af ratifi A'nd Sire. hraik ateM iis arm&.' - 'l'o dMScupps justice, ire to~m incai cf hIs-'epperuniiîes. Fr~ c ment 1 could hardly sec tire gieaznlngi wite of (k'raldine's draperies for lis, enviloping arma. Hoel'ut iris iread1 above hors. My reeling irrain ieae aware tirai ire tas 'nur'urinig soit werds cf assurance, and-yes, et on derneuls "Ho' sised iris skln4he '1111e, brut, i heard hmm say, Indlcatlng the, brew,ô curfe'd-up hep on tire Jlaor 'ivioseil- ursting iadt.produced tUic larmng ra'J foadedi arat, 8l".' vetitng, le tire dog4fmnéIer. 'tTh n tien 0f sewlaq raup a ra t n turIngI off as -a ladys - La-dit" üe3- large1 £1LOres, and1 Ce-busines gla~sand Iwil t breakable Maq omb ever made; Magnxe IKO If you ame lut« forOur VIFTY for Our ~id5 mia.rt TORONTO GA ranis ouf) ln amuifiu ly proven te t e lot noe frein tIruse CI tience tire word., ferneu -Ir"Woue -1à etureur=a" The poIF and brpade4,tlraà a ume cr11.S of- stmntgdriq tkm botir Il*e pbrllos v410 efet selfriunt1 fred 'fetndtitir ech= inftC!,Jflcals, mi IAtd4 A pure, hâ Manitol floarjor bain iug streagli ST ROI I- ca ao in Pb urg, w xreives penoîratora NU UONEY. ýiý