W. don't oWn 11 Q tll boebt'WB D(OUflfdt show en abotter asoogttmeuI then yoûi have any ide#, of. "ae what w. have teo ffer. I wo cannot pieuse yoü n' eey' way and meke a sale, we will appreolate y0ur cail. Binger than Eber.I Our assartaient of wedding gifts and other lies i8 just wliat we claim for it-biggt-r than e ver. beo(ur eut glass wjndaw and if you have a few minute& te Oare sitop inside -and look around. 4% will b. pIe îsed tç> No trouble to show good, and we are net disappointed if you don't buy. -BASSE3TT Jtweler asti Opiciari Brock St. South WIhitbyý Ëp 44 Be Pujre mnd take In ,t4-eouo te Orillla. on Jutly.1 ths pulpit lv it sueuero buoday bt 11ev. j euttAdrot o!Brook.. linwlll onopy, Lb. pulpitlau t3Obn's e hri nEady A new usillugle rôor bas- :beau puMt On Mmr. Mayor'a brick ocotw&_u Dyiron sotreet. %l4antTillL Oruy"'çs $duc% , Qq&lltr abways t*e,0 ae1 There are 97apeb 'zte. iwIt lhbrti WVhte agia isus. ient roll. ,odyîimsa)tt ohrt o-'!lvLob w-ii -aitL î ýjt the Toiojitbr OonservMtory-c gl !Proéfflr arrlsoj, Out4.lo i*.pln xnuluatlou, wAh honors. I D6a'1 f he i.Garde à Perty at 1f.C.J. Spmôîolau 'la,"ee à ..Acçordinag te tbeý Asaiw~'$,roll WIlllbx!s £wPulation lita y*ý&sl tisaI eofliaIyeakr. *0 mai "Tuent.lahabtutube o soetInà *ii-wlth fis keee aud ,It le beped thi'. treaticnut wlll nov 4ttect 'Rmeauber -thte exurios td r llln on WédnâëMaÉy. JUly 17. ion ta.CGeonge'*. élhurcli, trt lar exeutisou to NUkara:Faisg, Wod- nesdaY. luly 17. .T.P-R poeim t Toronto; &.. 'I'rblnLa te Lewloqton>, EY ilotrit ,ca-rs, tlorge i.8 tripq. twioe over. Ail very béat. whitby, 810am..$1G. à Ie ail, .bPtn f1rien4% or sénd tbenl n -aa 110o for &?a breoes 1 Mà uabka, Na-. wa rtha and ail ti4>*er ls.ke poinL'f4 IlWanitoba, MasIc.. Alberta. Eniglandi. Ireland, &eotland. EVngle, roud tripv or prejmaid. ýCholee or ail bct - or oeean f.8. linea and ail Rtyý routes. See Stephen.4ouT. opposite Poft t fie, Whitby before travelling anjý,where. WA.NTED. Dinlng-roonî girl and cIihmbermald -st once. Apply a L Commercial hotel. Trýc 8u'ido3 SchSor fthe BiPtie caurch UurrpcwL holding their sqnnueïl ple'nl ta RSoebank on or abopi u iy TffE UN1IOJt EXCURSIONL Under the auî%pioes 01 t> OS of, u EngIaad. Ancient Order et Uolte4 Worljunoand lie &th nRmgimetaA BÃO& to OrIllia July 17tbl, *11.1 be the beat. ieeve edate. Boa )a;fge popsture >Uter. Foar. fr6mn Wb&- by a-ad return $JL. 0.obhdrea 6l- "e the alec frova the forth maroh. .4idu~ te .111e at on &bd à uti< thar. our~y. TiiWhltby, Waedlafl1*d and the Osbaw.an tAie snhuaJ i ç>lg for anot ber -year -Of 'uibaI lacrsse. Tilb fun bepn let lu,~ tjj aiiatchbeteeo tbe ~rO.~ ~ Wë;Ãtby Oluer. Thiebatei wl beCwrtaîs ad carey, MtbgatIîan B~eugn~d. rilaWill be tanjayIf as netnr cOfthe pitcheri- hbash~ n At 1 p.ni. teKthnb~ltar or Toront, W) 4ywltb' the Whît- by juniors. At 4.80Court<,e vý. .33h1by n lors Batteries, BrUekld.nd and Gay, 8weet and t'.roW. iAt -4, p.w., the Todoeuto M;i1o1imk ,i plBy theWhitby oregta ,Wlji 0oseéup f&Ozu Cedard»ale. &~vra. lneeatl R« tà h re on teprograrnlu addition ta the. bail a.nd lacressegaa. . Foi q.alt. adqnanty a* yOuz' lanlr totbgnpw igluge o~ meooi$- l'a ~D[Etr r Sad 'a reaeb.d ttî,at il T!ié ofufly friend# of l oras eoenor WUée'l. dûsunier of lier.Av. -WIl- tb>tom gon. Pré-aLan, <Late -. f lUaý> w-ie be Vteafwd tu bes. that sie, grad- -*enit tO iisted witb houor9 la 1 nosd.88?m. i teywl"Iungthie mdla~i noolasrshl> ,velaed 'at tweiy4lne -Thoal -dollars.M - Ama College, St. Thoimst. w=,0) wbero e aehus b<cn ttadylz'% iurng z-sxs PA tb put yeaf. . - aei Dr. F. Warren -Ie litreceîpt «- ë~ cc~nau4a~tin fe-nthe DM",aof: thé ne- bldoI auIdAg t0it e rqady fer lecture' by Sept«mber :L The l" tsethetii.U*Prev.1t7, b.i , b.7 .3 ftre wbh.ch -dastroyed -thee 1 calculable.- The n6w baildiig howr- ever., wll lie tlIe Tve:bWout. th.e kind. and MeGlîl willl b. 1rç ti bolti ler own ln medical wr edG beietofere. MhAe munlira ofthei 84th 1>Agd, w-Isb to tt.piiik tboiue -w-ho a.1tenad t Ali concert lai rtaV*pg-for Mere thar êtouaçe 1b.r. w-lt ine by . fý1 li. it 1,-4uoit to lie w-oders,à t Ir, wSobafi thle bau4mbeould fba ibuct ft thaI1 ffl. #w ~ Pw~rouage of thou i. Imé oe*o%**. 1h d&gw. a eg they cani et Tor iao¶h)ug,- b -e 1" Isator a tste Baun& uas~r ~. -rrd*-*wal*Iu thaë strati sumi 10 u~ u te ihall oun t**t evpulug,. soreu. l ailas t Pria èm d. qÉe 'bsfand o! the 84tU le c' ¶rC*ber. Mir. A<Xnq uRei, $ou Wo-0 Wf. J- a &-of r», iusd-41.4 very «sed*usy. orluEnluud lM1858 and tei~ou» tsloms ~~ -ex * run t .tl. r- aise on, -2l - ?Aiiaexe-ar.- tor arilao J1~f At tb ome ort thide4 çrt juinelà 9t* tedMao'Vin.g<,t0 î e.nd -mrs. jas., à . -mu&lltet %çham'. Bell, eeoad -1o or- r- e «o ~ about 100 94"eas. Tùie bqsè w;" ~ beautJiuly dortdw~l T3xë bridai piirtjv eitýored the rv%-ý lug tom, luto he suà lnu or, o»de. .oùsweddincgI *thpi>d by M 4z E. aleY. Mr. Wl)Bei), bro... The yoIxr« bride lOOked 64ratng- leam ing on tDe artm »f ber fathb, uitiil li tired Ila wne sllk. Cosrryîi a t0ower bouq'Uet or. Wh) Ite s~p-u ily « tk' ral1ey. Me ed by ber iwo K4tors. Min , 2t1I ln tuscau tillk, çarryhgene oo and Jrds Alberta, In pink, sdb,4 lu~ Pink rosies. Arter the cr~u~y the guegts adjourn" d t he dinlgc- dinnerr la nwaitlflg. T4ie ioI' git, ta the bride W a a goeM wà to4 alla Chain, t thie bieaj..~g ~~ epta r1 c rete n t, a Wd t atne groo ni& iwagold ez>r' lîn aet li e *&rli Mdr. an~d bMm. Bell took tthwe 111141) î4ý trajl6! Sm* ,Néw- Yorc, Chieago alp& 3,dkgvw&ukee, the bride txra4veflink in, agrey sujt end çpbture bSt. On; Vbeir, retrnrathrYl.1wlI r 12' otawas treet. Ur- C. m.licooib4a uetred '*e sthy feuen d the 'Aemle-X4u Mr. J.-Ua ly,6fToroetd. 1ieut -MISÉ Maxy Mowat il vildlfing w1i friende -iu.Toronto.,, MisaMorrs. t Tor'nto, Io vieltiut tieim for hsh)dy 0niy~ j -~ le M', er n-y4 !Oü4Zl -te-te Blaec, 13Ynta Woff*te obouÀ E'o. FreweUand- Mr. As .fhhrlý B~LL~LIR~-At thie -imou FieA Lo' 8i e 'W o - otn$a mI~dWhite Cheek-SBhirn pres $#.507 té.*10 .00. - Sati eeNvy DIebid -akWoï _Satu~ e. o ELIL or osffl -eltlbbs 51* Waeh o 9thl A ý -7mr.