[winter already t sùit. to the lWt. ;s.5 O.Wannan terinary Sur geon. KIng St., West. OSHAWA., j 5 -110 tel Barber 5 hop ilîiillg the Royal Itotel PAQUMETTEProp. r experience itint h'eading city of C'ainada. WE STAKE OUR AEPUTATION 1011 l)fviug overy pair of glaseos fitte( by lis, oxactly t1U3 thing. IKEI a St. West. REFRAGTINcG OPTICIAN. TORON TO. *Obfl Jl*O I. MA 904 sudu. " u, &m. t iu "mata. e p.& WWIflTv In.J IM Tu189 » -of W1m*ty!sbrigiit -<ig1<mb907cam. <obag osh&08&». .Young. , lit binative >0.Um 44 "&0 ttws. STAGES. la ange tant!, studweiltar Lmva WIub feOs&waai10.a-f. u.1p.5 as dttOd to thse Img1tsb Bar, q OS «foi r ogbaâ aio0 c..j.. sggt, pro. In Uni. chôn MB Libertd "mdldte NAZIS mmva.to repemsmt tht cfl*mt citY of Yer4 'Vro W. sti . ~ . ~. W~ was elets! tr'UrnPbantIy to tihe- VromBweullau , Parllcmentary Seeretary tii thé Un- 46 &MI5 CFe 8.80 pam :m S, =tsry01 utIe for tlP t cÃŽ s» .m. W. m IL e. 5.1...j nies, bas serveit!hl'.@ onatitueo; WeSt13.8 pm. oet .~ va), as ow relisi mcd te bas native land for a brkt holiday, anid waimpc PROFESSIONAL ICARDS. TSà ayevemkg g tviq w* eilne- ~ Ihaimo by bi» native towm-Wthby-Ç *EDIOAL mc as ne one uoflier sonts erer bé.. («~e reednet. 5um (otbýrw1me T. « J Uimar>) Greenwtcod wa'aithe Ynl - ~ f niar. lu whons A ltb6a hapmedt. B. Omhto *.Lj Vrtuilty the f own vas big on Tues&.t, SObollor for i5be w4oeum m%.Wotwgypmbilo, day 0cmenlug. 1Xt vas Tuma sd George .'" t'lOa.ty t t*lA%&sa. u-dPm0&* an i ad J< l u 1111a'd.Prank &n4-slbI Aia the ,e niug son. Reurit aud ri &w£ Bhl,~higb.fown m w~ ere tbr,6om lu î 'n <>~t1toem.S Me_ «mqw.ý 0>om& ~wlnds, and the nazre bly whbitoyq AI .D W K A T A.0 IC IL V A , an s da iris term et!« C hli ciUer ipt p d - -_ ____ kfig-oue-bY uebool dayi were those lame mwe.d~enoInied suoxt <bar on thl. ocaoni. tu EaMteiow. Musey ta tma-m "Tom$s. PFr. 11a155Ur emw*od, Mý..for t hm ID -OMn," l I&t.mîygoîh of ltiqal iotet . WlqCity uf York la tise British sl1<o % f est Crommuns, arrtvet! la 'loronto on FAun. day e'reminmg. Rb eoig bsdl been *1 Joh E.F'ewelkm m~ annoUDOSne daYs 1u advanu&e ud Pr--* BardtOr, CousstY QOwn Attorny, snd arattions bhat!boss made. la Wbitby LI oiuity oliolt. OfiW4>tl rigto givehlm à flttLng reeption cmn ut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l QsiHo..Wtb., ' arrivai tr « t a.Wy eveung, 7'I Mtayoe Lawlo'- and. meubers of jho bf SENTI. * towu'couneil, lt. J. B. fI)Or ud otls..bel - Ors Met Mr. oro#mwS«4 i Ibo*uno. dri Destne VO dU!UISton sitaton -And cëme to the ip-tuw ni tm tmsdeoe-.o.4. lh. T.wWSe.RyeM »., WMtè7. itation '11h lb. vimtor. 'lera e e Ii "~"'~ '~"'~ lu waltinp the Baud ofthRe 34th RPg.1 lsnt. ttit m4tmbera ot the. c.p.. Wl, CIIURCII PIRECTORY. é mand severdl bond - ~~ Cltdte Vpm itht Party,, 4ebsrk.tIt t l pu- ulaithe and ttrwd fft 'opU ~ Tsm.~ iesded liJtii.Ba« #ant! touIo*%ed by LU S tV um*,A.aas ir. Bell. brd dffe blis Wrt-vpll.i *»sUTU-XST. A IL W=»,NI tihe bait I@* dic.ie irtlm * 'laMZvs tst eb d nha banner. U~ TUS ~ Bu+6W v.elBoes" dao ,,d CasOTOIN1 T*rcWo" O 'tb >tr 'te the rdattoasmi f»Uwau. i - *q T&ady RiengGhe WELCME$iioir lER MLESON, a up to GTe~ùls aidCougrs1tulafion [mattereof' that ecger mirie reaupiwpmo e nsd po vir éof mm 1*I cur mW6l! wo, hoaorsand w. eej9 that ln, thuir gitclng dutlncjtkwjfo ror e i ou ba r. brouarlt b1gli no t tejour Doati' .w wn. te 3u,.rue1v4w tO, tIbe coo uWhlob yoc wete tmaOOend muibav% qlren to thie wori a uplotod d dsomtr*tono th i,. qualtY ,<flrnaa*an anmboot!.,* W. reulmé chat la clmmbloig n: tu «tIe proot powltiun Yen iow ocu y OUi umat ha,% e nounteffl an Iriala %nd dittfleuIte, but w. belle". tlut t»1 cttunus ellort. >Ã"u bhaveu had to put forth 'n ovgm1glu) e bave à bovn thati >00 arc saut lai se- 'er oe trla sulea wbl Râme mode possible thse fl Uimceqf tm vhl b w a a i u o r uud o d . - In YOUr 4Clru!er we bave 4%a pltta4d, %Illmnt.et ttte nebie end InaPlrîns »Oitto ofthtie %vh4bil coIlegite fl- Ittte, "Per sapera c îd aila" land! Sdemoostrcttofuttise trt'th of the l»UTh11 Inbslng0Wardm tbeesumntt dife tthuerea lia bbeat nd ecvo v.'4 Il h, aiao gctitylm, wtdkuow hat ,O il 0" en.t~ fiat muwne Uj' mnail ut &bi. u r buitneatuai body ut ria ers Istr i t ei. qe laj i ia i n sawari from t tie *oolm Dut owe <t jou*"armu Icia aoae*> ilb lb. Vnder & r a y o t t mr the eolonIgs. a m lce L i o lit h a" t . c p ~ a t o t a t e~ MsA o ut iii. p ile tf C!an2bda r *thal 'Cana" ae= ta *v1 SwtUIua lu 10 irJa n uty la f twr h t Ii fctii. unitY sud -00 1I Motion et tlw 8,rIt" IR sa .Piott lon~ sfiu @*ttgJe4 t*. kr vok o a ~ I u ep é u S r u Mmtau olu9twitê wag osoI toit nttheii.wOke thtbdls the býy xOm d d ~anievrr> hiy S ~1»~w» an *aI>ïà tîiint0 ia *sstarWd away frOmt Whttbr, , b«y tamamy t 111104li r tn WhO b0d1holo bItter. IXpeiten s St? <gl-am Je aM in Who na o Ut * irren .r. nsci -. lotte <niw tio, o' dpiretifrom iy 'noble ide.i ,r wljhbad been implantd-1» big - wlil. weller boe,. î»W.. gl. Oth tetowm lied mot toriot4nhma- ibut too laesdturï o i ieet. wc~,ld D~etopstrirý,Clain-theu 1iO4mbrl&md lint-il h.bad, attanu,, m epocittô worthy of thowe tIgUM4 owhile a atudent at tii.Pm. br-rt# eu*amui a in et. tPIIê 84i patt onbrmno eêy4 ,~ the Pitacipal oo rGoe u~ tii boy eul ~oetO a bcdien&i «waau or Iw ln of i ee@ afr rgtnsaa iitue Brltfh AV" w#th tii. pelplo f W-*atm big col. enek, bh.-looke haolc Ith pïeasnt ro-' #Mntmmeen e MItb)d&Y. Wlie,1 wos aprlrate lI nOI Vmni w.tter.refetri gte bis adoettanme s .moeabs .ajtl 4,'t de« e s ntraNe th4t an -unkuowli caniafn] tie liom u. t ent amnd coxim f*eIbtinspdraI of ~ t t e uu ýÎ't1oPÃt01WyclffrCoIe.ge-Trn Pà ethe MM ToucSairnith le mm -On thMi. OMeca. On&snda to th thme ge&tlo a n C ptdt ppit ut theoluam cdresobplace Mao ufo ter andIP4fl4.am sud Je sU~Iiaie tOWlue 810hhel te ogret lousco.s Mt whlch must hvenicde< .j.et *aIlm Inipo.* onmaay lirt 0 tep9t to*1fei on their onthle ma -tit, dfeok*oei eth 61%date wbeu h. warp cnt! et the cime aloujin h m 14 ai penm Re.W. -s O, fgbeB.Ae irnE Upo Dula nw Iubndayn *rter. I.e ~Iqw hatthe tdbcis o! a n Witt no late hè furoj) , g - ieuap..ý tlat CMaych be re le n pbkImi ul Tioi ab, theaonc utr, f h j nu Qtbe edOtontbs1fhu s s#.rd c5pëo&le e noi wbo y M ay- e teI. v-usb tti.ne andtDur. PrpoIwo le- n !ili the amcw ' .Pdamtr f "Le » J1su# Cbuictao!WbU miB.0 UnIo Yd A~ het4e > eo uni tb pLiketue the ClmrÈiI L INCOMFORT j iveîgooI, England Hong Kong, Chiai VIA CANADA aifaStoammhips and Ins ONTARIO TRIPI and lonysc tas Ibbm u GLAND FOR XMMB 14 1ama"tis .Jo a I. oAgitormsitlo mi sm ,Boarders-Wanted agi moderato. Appluir là fte. TÂYLOi{, neda 'Rest, Pofet wbltb, aëcksm ith Shop. lgnet are pr*epttre«t- 'le repi~ug.Up 'toi ui<i GdS w.