Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Keystone, 23 Aug 1906, p. 3

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SCL!MRS. funts Justice a80dmls ýs nie Wqnttd t. chut ýfe Wonan 'Widowsti Phoney Lv Aug. 2.-mm. Bina J7. ilton-Montgomery) ehe 01 notoricty, appcared beforé s Mlarshal Wiliain Henkol rning, accompanied by Mn.- a close f riend and, accord- i'-confessed dUPPRO diretres turned up ln the shape Of a uut-Cou.nt Gregory Zulia- th avenue, who haéf a f Ïerce che trained like thiat of Em- . ýnff told the Marshal that ited justie sud his photo- said Mrs. Verrault miglit ,00 out of him, provided she Spricelese portraits et bis d iiiiiediate relatives. The Dld as a lion, and fritb tierce d of the deceptioe p-ractised le said that le aAswered an t and straigbtway f ound ýged to the charmer. Thé tented that ehe wua the po.. iimmense estate in Boston epineci only for bis portrais ificent diamond engagement ,t she did not already bave abundance, but that s disa- by bim would. outweigb ail Count had signed bis a! fida- 'rrrant had been ordered in- Led $etates Commssioer as reported that Mrs. Ver- ven then on ber way te the Iding. Instanty the Count'a id toget her. 1iedemanded îlaed somewhere se the vo. ot seecIhlm, and le was bld. ne behind a big snte. eto tiiiie the Gount wouid A out and whisper, 'Inesh$ Je document teady?" and the Pili wave lii baek and an- ,.et. B3e patient." rd çf hiall an hotir the Oout thie sweltering hole, and fip- irai1t appeared, waiking ret. m.ser Shields remnarked that t lad mnot memained te fsce 1nr aecied hie woîld net lu. Jail ahove the $1,000 sho waa 'r in the Meclellan case. Nel- I-ai n-or l{eisler, whome enthu- it ion for Ms Verrault ceet ImCC()Vriiigto hi, tatement, vi-t saiC ber accusera bad narrv lier f,,r lier supposed 0 t~iie to bce deceived, if wcl. She iso pai-d attenition Vitrdi, ieorgc T. VerTanit, de- t she \va1s sor-my that ehe bad '!Tjp&-d hlmi twic as hard a - in- - . -ited 1 sa p a fortune like mnny, but I rïcltnt t e nabile US to trarel tIl tlr cqforts together, wth i luxîmries. Lovingly, Vour trdoTm Miller, cunsel for MnS. 11ç caili:î1upon in uts office, ~sIng indiViuaul late ycsterday -'\hc, lpon gunrafite that bl* fi i n(ýt he divulged, tated that ý'3mniai1baroni, and tbat je,- Ithe suitors fr th-e band of w'-aith the Esuppositions for.- 4.e1cortain letters whicb be- nî the woman, and admitted Ad Jii w~iuith à New York ,swindle the woman. Ho su ad ûr, bi anid, agreed te UdiI& s fortune between theni if h -ri inarrying hli-:The jewel. f'd hlm with nioney an-d pew. ~h $1000, -wi h be gave ber.- .ifor the retuirn of the jevel- Vé. 1hhself 'from the anger -of rï 'Who threatened te proeet 1-. -Re a180 wihed te recover- ,-eo thot hey mgi lt ethe C came totis ou t-h Of a Iveàlthyvie Faumi1to's Love Mx&ixus 1Vho-' eeeks te get aequaiutggt .en y ineanus 0personais l fnas ary good te wofllen ~vls hoesty iants 'te xarr êeesn't advertisdeo1r s vte s fd for a ceok.- 1 Po-thigi-esc ou earth soea inan Who is trylng'te> >s,ýý r meuey. mn OyU _'Supposea g f2r x Loxd FPc ê oketa O*iy. 40, 0% "-i She could 'net rend; ber uncie's wer'ts bad sent ber thoughts back to that fîiât viid seaeofa et ber real lite, wheu Phe ha4 diunk se, deeply of pleasure'aud of pain. St. John Lisle was witbin & few miles. Slue. right posslbiy uxeet hlm in ber rainbles or ber drives -xith her uncle, and bow sbould she f eel if tbey stood face te. face? lier beart answertid, "lSlig1Itv curlous, but quite unmnoved." yet, t**ber infinite eatisfaction', she S41L a prefound- conviction that Lisle êouM4 néver agaiý stir in ber emotion of auty kin d. She mnight even be amuscd wî'b bis cool, crisp talk, if he deigned te bestow a"y of it on ber; she had eveil forgiven herself ver weak crcdulity, and CôUld stmile at ber youthfiilltnlly lI se ceptiig Lisleý's veiled attent4sonsud ar- dent , tbeugh indefinite expreisions of ad- miration, as meauing anytblng roi It was il 50 complcteiy past-tbongh littie more than tbree years bad elapied sincef they bad met and parted-that se feit as il asecould meet exactly as.though they b.d nover met hefote. 'Thle Man ahe had ieved se shyly and warmly had vsnished, witb the actual et. John i4ste abé wMa barely acquainted. Then thé scenea whleb preçeded lMra. IËeburgh's death arraved themslves dstlnctlybefore ber. 11ow glad she vas that ber poer graudmother b.d Lad thé coinforting conviction that ber beioved Mess. would be previded for by a. happy marrli ge; yet te procure that assirsflce peor aWrnug b.d been lapped lu elyalum for a-1ev short weeksan sd then thrown s&Ode wben ne longer needed. "I almost iia I could bave ioved bim? ahé murmured;-, "he -vas, ind ne doubt ia, à reaUly good fellow. But it vas lm- possible. cévu il ho Wad ad thé sert o! manuér sud beariugta ee eIps lng la Captain Ligie."It oulA neoit bava Iaved »hlm thon. Wluy in It ttaat attract- Ive ,out*xrd seming la$0se s4oxua ig of, - lward sud :aplitusi grace I Thére la ne, use iluas ig sncb questions, sud I an loaing a chance of r.ading." $he applied bersoîtlf lgetly te her book. In truth ase mad but little tizne te herseif. When Uncté Sandy ws It the bouse hé kept ber constant)7 vti bIn, resdlsg aloud or itn4 thé tés lettre o rouîrd toîndtdor, serai et &U,, gobag overlei.amuo., for -#À .theugh ho Î'eouldàa b. fasbéd vi' boos "Mun '16 lue ept is ,fwn 5rgldy t ordea', bis- roudéit 1 ve-mt u - deepost dllt bein g e flet iafl "y tuasout .<4fb. -su> e e it hli 1:0 the fkKv-ors 1@00 p.' b. At AUGro.s yumiei.te asicmetes y. "Adhow vr muet' bored yeuWMU be baforlethe i~a elsoe «I sam rcadly te ! k 1. Mons turned tWeoter Wtlle d.wig 0inuting Olo-"»wese I y"Ves, hâ bve Vcry geed gardené. We>uld you lk te se. thexàt" eCertaiu1y; above ail th lngsY eeened tes eelf-poasessed than Mona <'VerY wcIll Uncle Sandy, .Bb 1 2- 1 coul hae -iagied pssile~opening the door, ý-Captan-1 xxeau Sirý "I suppose," be remumed in bis natur- S.Jh ii ol 1.t e h a. ai toue and manner, "yen are spendiug' deffl: the autumn ii tlu beautiful spot. Réal- "Vaitaweek.Ill b. p roud te 'bo ly, I. Craig, you -bave a euperb view-t them"; aud Uncle Sandyleudoé h the fineet 1 bave yet seen aluoe I came arm -Of bis chIr teik ni$ 1s tck, u lier," and he adraned to the window whist' as usual b.d -tallen on thécrpt hi 4ysganciug quieckly from the Vier- I " wilt étay ta reoeivs» Mis - -àac, b. praised te MeDa's face, wbicbh.11,6Who m«kon .br, sl os scaued itha crlos, uesiouug ently, as she toek p ber 'wor glance. ihacros, qetoigrewned ber sMat by thé 1windo>w-. glane. 1Lisle emât a baekward glante Atý swelingwitbprie l bisposessons; as b. ieft the room-a giace s amdA "aud l'm alad you are ples.sed with it; uretn e sceadà. as 80011 Îut iha wS and ueo, iwhat's yer wull Ia"n ir ad .red jte be ta "Gbm-oh-I brought you a letter fro s0 grave, almossdepesO rp vr Mr. Macfarlane's agent. e il -c hle pekigfa,,wis'bdwoD e whatbhosys about your rigbts Of fiab- brlght and amumued an aspect*, wuiIse big, and bow far they extcnd. It gsem 1emm e t sar P à bi~OtOber M'Greger bas let bia f isbiug te Î.4rd »I., sudmortificaionh' Sb-bad tn Itob=k Pinisgtoun, and I arn now on My way to S4sdfr-hc h ae-ai Strathairlie te sec'wbat -we eau de la thé pgitrnanred dugUS the way cf mutual accommodation. Ha" e iFlé~u~.i. Ja .tbr yen seon Lady Finistoun yet? Yoiwumdmerusai n InStcoa el -qai,~ bsmr to b.eat bum.s, I rexuember,» addrcus- Dowred rouaiflg 'hersel . 'I i at ing, Mu.nw u tik-»QmaS t VUI& bavt~ eT. I d et «I dIA net kuow ah. b.d arrtbiulc1bwupresêncerwut aemvdm 'tThey came Ikat SaturdsYi " #Md llué5 vodi, r~ uniufybut 1 .4 b e fla, itm Lisie, bauding the litter b. b"darice f I do netchoose. oeh 5DOU Ofto tMbr. Craig, wbU put on bDu gi sses g be wth Une Sandy.» and proceedod te read it with great de- 1 U.n the souna Of vhs.!. upeatb u"Deés abe kuow yen are la this part' tn 4io i ktïeî a of the worldV' oentlnued Listé, îttlng RtO8 tiÏ patfl div -&U M I ~ bis eycs rest on Mena withtbepcla îe hUL lingering gaze that used t itur erJiln d.îmei ârrIle-ITIt wus -vnn t otber an effort to Meet rféslgto xeet théeo"' taiSt_ thcm -with as sinling, nnm1,asedhmarthe frak, uso1,Iii5tia Avôïc»0 'f look, bcttahe anccccded os the anawe&ed. ilzple, uaturil iglJd Isuk-a "No; Irarety heId any commuulesio l qarM5,s4 Mte ses e o. IUnle Sandy' with ber; when ve méet, ahe ,lâc Ié MýSi a Mg Qotu na the.aIe-wt sud swoot -as ««e.» gntea , go1 wlli show YUyu i «Ferpuial echmansd aveetues em eue Stiêm looking bwie Ie b. the pecuIlarity of yowr ras>," he ueth-better tban Whén we met h II' returneds rtb 9. caresug amie.8 gow. Myuýabi lo é Mous aligbtly rslsed ber eyd eb , IamntsMr. ad te said 10) é. "a "ud obierved- fr ImeMr rIg'a "Bé?tiée, ý Mt xsctly faselating' foilowe&MmS do" -the I5U5. it 'er1,eof eourse-" ber rtom .7"1 u7 iht) «TBe llr igti ar uaouzIeo "uty .not b.e 0 aSom bî* aoméwhererrupted bii il ook- =n .huetsm 7 ~ lu4 inu>rm thé lettar h bbée en d- Who fuer bimn,- ost. e ig'I Ujut o*1e hélet1 Ih . tW" »0 8004 of yen to wàset UX= »afs. mir hla eM 1 Ibave It &..ésé. l l " sb tick he razlk.4 I 5UY »ny Que uet -be Scotch e in -cot'yas ary oc=Y «Van yoi euruMay 1 anairav â laole Teonas aded ber br a th co- cert anAM Qr Pt' ng; gnd u- pleur *dl and hpply. ~Tbe COtIIUS&)" wIIY G18RLS AEAU TeNWeed M IibRd IoW DIr.Wi-< Wsho bot4a tt4 Position oe>!slady lai wosn, ,whe theu IlveA M bomzewitbhber el, . tg .éram w àkeu a w Io* of .sp e'- tite. lie mbooct "as thluu sM watery sud te grew thlnner day Ily day un- tiiuio1U4 u oaebadow. .Uer ~t'eeks er. éumku race e! celer "loft h.!t«arface, an ler btern"l or' .4s eh. vaas golng luto a deoline. - I 1usd ne - nergy,' ays MiéRobert% «aad .ufered se muclu frexu tiÎ h«u4 ,aebesauAdluûWu s ad, othe yM-ptoeoe, ýOf 5n5n>lS. that 1i lt 1 dia -net cMr- webe -1livedord(U«L <>ne -4y, Iw- éner, v hen readlxug our 4ecsl -,papr -I -~~~~a.d~~~~ a etmna iet~~u girl, or <ae tDr. WiIo~Pik 1PUUI, ianA pttures '"àuiotiier votkaa o-ciart. The tthat, Elien Tèrrýy b.d béouefit the othér day shows bow muoli ah ê'bas sazvcd frois a f a !acent ury of work. Unuike 8fr Eenuzj ahe neyer hsd any slâa eof SWiffian Terris.ý, who wss murdered, £Ive yearsagno,, la-Loudon, wtt 50 satt tus. tirne of IddAsth, and left $100eOO<>. , ie, b.d béculu ttthat period an acter'U-- der, 4aa ary a sd rmade few if anyj ývetr..et fbis own.Dan Le ho b ya ony45- at the' tim'of biCath, p th bggéestsr ever paldA te atty musio bal sne a nixd u ss ltet ho left bebind hlm â $5400.; Witsn Barrett, Who 1sdknewmnxn'u up sddowus lu bis os*'eer fouind-gréai rienlt e"Thé. Biga0the Cross?,ý dn5lnthélatter yéars o! bis Us, bnt 1iu e.pisys that hé ettemnpted'ami té? that 1tlsnp éver mde&*i nôney -b hlmProbhlythé 160,000 tut hié 10! b blia hm cme sitolgethér from -_the royalties that. ereeived frogD tbat puy.e- It th'shén ,acted l k Ma couits try for sxy ansd là t. go on-,tou Aulgustus lUris, wbo h"d Cevnt 0" deus sud 4DriuryLmn, dled. lu thé cari, ansd , wsase meluInvOlV" ai.fu Iaythat la spit* oft&Ilhlrla4 tef r ëtààestate e utS0 Mwiwho ws,4 lè ui 1201flac aMnellu ber profes.onal, caner $1315 "T-lbe rcaumnam ffmm te h -ai tyE 014i sauce ý ý(-y- A

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