Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Keystone, 2 Aug 1906, p. 6

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îOUND, OUI. £Ntew Trk Sas.i motthi e ple Wb* &arivil retram X= the b.other daey vas eue Wb*o - bas Omorne 10 ibis ceunirJusi te enJOt' btlÜt. i= 1 r hvlag i=masse aComseeaoeh fol- uovIthie ebeertul Cahnns oficiai m oecK- oach kIlme W iii. Britishmmetnt.i Prebabhu fou persons are avareChat tlb. saturai habitat of the ceekroach ln a Enthh, »outoffîce. Mcmi cf thé buildings dévot*4 to that puvose are old. aIU of ther are dil.y Mmd ««7emee et thon t lavue yul ¶1m .are profosmlonai rat catcho ndu roachkillors lu ail couatrles, but thse math- et. thoy mtopt are uiually .trste secrets, d mdprbably no ivo mou follov thesemre sremi. The oaly condtion aMon vblch thet' viiivork tiithaby alits!!have-iths building eztirely te tcmalv.s frontam cer- tau our at nigisi unLil a certain heur la lhe morulag. ant that neo .u@ali eai- loe a y upon %hem. Ey the lUme IL làa ntmsaryte resume hall- suastihe profuslonal bas carefully rmmoved ail tracesof bis vork, andi la readtaLede- part. What ha hua doue turins tbm yolcti-f Roai hourie01t lb. aibI or ubat matenils ho bas vorked vitb are neoae's business. ECveniroaeh ln Lise piSle dmad. andi that la ea@ugb. The charge for such a nigb4*i work lu laîla15£5. It muet net be supsiosetI Chat ibm British GoveramninealdAI ovor ibis ameunt wltb regularty sud frequey vithout mahiai #mo effort te Save that item of ewpense. On the onftrSyY, i I tn uevery va! te, find oui tb. romch klleras secret, but for s long Ulme vitbout suce«@a. Tise eniy evideuco iLl ad te go upofi vas iith ead rc.cbes. Wben ibeso wcre swept ouitl wua remarketi Chat Ibm few found mlter thea expert waas goe eere as bard as trou. la tact thoy mgtt bave been intente4 for bric-s-brac. Their welîhI. aise. seemledti t b.eout oet&ili prpertion to their site and one dey sor.Ae eue wyul an uvmstlgat.lfl tuau et mid dissecteil 'oe ofettbese ruadhes &Bd came ote mconcluasionfl it 1wau net a roacb at àll. tre belng uethming under bis kaît e proper te a roach but tbm skin andi legs. The luterler vas! apparefltly a block of Beverai specImlet fbmhegenucucaracha defunctua having hotu subutîttedt techemical analysis h va deteruilued beontiquestion tisaI thea lterlor of the mmcl sc exuCposet etlrely et piuier oetParle and glucose, and andi Il saenied bat tIse glucose uetuaibave orîgînilîf basa lu sugar, whlcb bad been ssîaleed Inlucanjuncllefl wltb Ibm plaster cf Pars, 5ust as huasan belugs sualai' vhlakev lu vater. Armedti vtilIe dlscovery, tIbm rmoicst thm profmsioalfllmemd ne longer neceuaat sud plaster et Parts. usixed wyul sugar, vas plotltully sprnkled about a certain poi- office vhbbhad been sefected s au expert- mental Station or orovlag ground. Bo far tramibmth stuff's kllliug off thea roachesl In tRiai parîlcular postoffielvas observeti lai afler ibm f IreI algbt's toast thora vere 2 prebAbly double the number et cock romebps en hatdnIChtsi vthia a veek evmry rosch lu lovu hmappafrsntly leftItIs naval bannie for quartera et tbe postoffîce. Upea ilekiai for semtifla adrica la us. matter the amthrttlea versealmly lutormîti that the lucrease vas neibini renmrkable and thItai ml romceeaon hnt bat prebabît' been breti tpon ibm premiss iuuaisssted by Inmmlgratilol $Ince LtvasÎ Weil kncvu e naturaliste tbMt a ingle, pair of -bealthy rolmes, I lit onulied sud prffenvfd troju Rnterfmrmuce azdi accdent. vpould lacease te 11,00,M00rouciez vithla s year. Thboeobeing mreaty aboit 1,000.00 roachui ou ibm provlig groiaside Use authorilles cou- elu4d t lIai ibm builit ;vou it et lo be suo. v.Mwihîch out b. duseilthin a mchatllgo thet' scht for tise prof essicuai ant gave ýup another tg. lMe qhut bluif .qu a sebuldIns about 9 o'cloek Chat nilat au Rie doparted vith the div ma tute" vas net a muile living ro&ach-lofti tRie careful chisemlal sanaysis ýf . mornetthe carca sse loved sot a traceéetfay vous- table o Iorapi Oson; MneIAmgbut the marne cit atoue ftoiers. nstfé Wet pisu- tern«partus a aitia t wlva obsenvedCt sai ve Icpemioffles *atbolrititis put tous thie ixture tRismoelvée the ,eoas- videatit' ithaitil.batit »m- 'pompai baliey cout pick ouit overy Dart- ci agesa andleave evev«Magrai tPlastor. Wbe e Rsplaceswumsirve iouinlatRie mom- I#*andthelU. iture uhcRihaît- ioO5SifOA te -bo absoqiultl trietron u gacr ast moul bave borna soit fer salcinet g 0v . n ipareaR~ pre.WRat mugIt bava basathe coditIineofth mItue usot Rib'the pro. - fâsipual. If hi aptéd ssytbla# se eue l**W, lmtisus ho left i setàgmqWhi lm 4tesme eascfrdelay ast rt tape. duilas ib thé, ILIIDS abri kIte&IM-vitI y «astfeesac. a pos'. - 61 Paris O uer*i'n asvou1. sem wwtg -VM virI vble Iscuhre bp *bat Mm e« moniesthe dImetcios is mt. This 1.4 te the diseovery tisai the cool. reotl,. vîlo Il mlghtbtoerylaa am ;respet bom is itilsu a tha ter et dl(tenllate nt thai If tie Migar MM ,t4- slastsofetParis ver. obolutelr a&M lu averythlsg ibuitastte IL vudeUt &tow' hotb. Pszl mat sua e Rtb .the tihicverth"a vbtla knevu - lelng um'mci. sembles piauler of Parlu lb.emise etgrain,4 the veftght andth ie coler. This vas trise&- but the remlt wvmm oaly partr mttactrY,- ouough, hbovevet o show ibai *Icsecret aspartir' solvet. Tbhe problealissmed o bh o t mx iths vou so thoroughly that ihey' shoulti b. absoltelyl Imsparable. Thhs vas dons vitR machines.I whlcb ifie tb tRi o pilvders Auto tRie same'1 recepimele vlth perfect aquaity. haita"d bcf f oscRi. Wiieu tis solectiflcallir pr.uaared mais-r Waz ta&en t th*. rvlug gruntis andi apreat rpo theflor blMPERIA*lveroabe PUMPIU WINMIL slgýbt Ibreab&rrovfum .of absoluteit' atonie <>ujit vhleh wos the CAPQBI 0 deati ceoroe b lng carietion e l.TUB WORLD agaiast 21 Amenlcan. Brttis plac beorebuaues epact.and Cauadian manufactarers. mter a tueo For thîrty reirs they bad been paylug $M5 Ioutha' thoriough triai. Madle Ri anbtfor every putffie Uat bad tôb cleaneti ont. lust because they did flot huai' 000 1.5 SKPLET t HMEÇ.L IT . that' Ilttle secret. j luatteit.Caaas. N!W YORK< MU~SIONS Augut 10 ta the date of West Shore excursion t ewcornk City- good 15 days for returu, gi'iug pivilege of trip on Hudson River -teamers betwecn AI- bany and Noew York. in eltîsen or both directions, ithout extra eharge. Angust New York Central, wili ruai eue alse. Full particulars st 69%, Yenge etreet, Toronto. rTie WMlite LAve. The vili to live lu demoustrated ta au exhibît, An a plumber'm windev aon upper Tbird avenueayis the -Nov York Sun. The ebjeet is ail that romains of a rut tisai heïmouebow been caught i lua a pip just. about large euough te o oite i boy. IL had rn in lansd could noVttu or buot oui, but it had ne intention et dyiag thore. Il guived. a, hole, tirougi the pipe, but, unfortsuately, it started te squeeze throngi befere iL bai made tie isole big enougli. no lb jumt got [t adu *and forepavais trougli snd dieu! lier. al- teIon ai eh plumber says lie eut ontt ho section 01t1h. pipe vliAle ovenhanling the piumbiug iu the Lesox Ltbrry. Re ex- plains Vie go reseratou et the speci- men bysaylg tatm t mnst bave" been f rozea tede&ansd gel pettfi.d." Stm t.Bap ilet~ dm et 0.ssps but lu bou % v Mes ustb I8»4m ihtVay Alieistuinu Nunior Trials Fate Of the Peacam&ker. (Cleveland Plein Dea'.cr.) Au mustern aniiAt a basebali ame us annoyed by a squflbhle that delayed the con-. test. and descending froUa bis seat be otter- ed to arbitrate the d1*puteý HI* first words to the nuroe lu the hompital wbeobe £woke. several Izours Inter -were: *Cyclinle* wasat h?"e Of course Atbe moral te as O14 as %a#o hbil. The aman WhooaftlelousyItr ftresýA a famtly quarrel may exp.ct that «I1 purs4ai arlevances wIll be forgotmn while the en- tire crowd turifi lna nd bande hlm aU the credentials neemsay for a qulek ridé la e bounllng ambulance Where WilI Y-ou Go This Summea'? uf lm dui.re ras&U nooratioe. va t"v ON i Rivr Si LawrenceTrpr y-olders descrptt-ve«et ItTom m sa Rwldi. NMreal. Q»»4e. Krrx Da, a deuaA. the fmi ftmai Baguotaairor, g«&, on »ppUaCotl5 L my eslruatior mt.mmbOa t"cet tout. FrOr tlustfltgul.. .4NAQÂRÂTO TEE SICA." oud -31%Sufets ostg tMaiunUM U. no~ sChoU.. W..terap aowe At liemui fali laite etar<Ilst* h. laumn uadflmble part o*t I or.' WOoblS7. NriezatSrl-bgw mu" hoh.=9 &aie t leaisi poasihie. tMi 116bas a doSel- is, I il lte.value.but Ist hlm drOP 0« Of thLe wbtrl. bmvlagmsuit bretb eugi to lait hlm vRil e h srveys the sumgle, ud hob *Ili fldusa, tat.t"wbseh is vi4pau agRt os UiDa lm a tRie .14 fusllaiw»Y. crsat esuo *te ha jimUaieitteti he la $1OAUMWIU 9CIt, ae y-$>u la pretit'mu* evr S» os. may egbte, Four smahr.eeumisic VÎa Leigh ma. bis moiti nunmdau kano a S landiine P&Uo4. Juin20, Âugust 3.-17, visbl t evryed. ncltig ispao l cii31. Ticket. omilda;u m ol Use jury b= m* lIai ba scma t e Rie s$10. round trip, trou suspeaion Bnîlâg. bavteni'tuwlla .#-«r m < t 0dam clneTicket. aRise stop-e-aPhadpia mxurder uRus fC dtRib etismrubsm iaes urtiien artteuan tes e ,« th*ecrime are knova anti dmtmd. hoeq'ft tises Re ne UMluteke0mbt desLtY '. On write Rmi.8.Lee U, nuianPa Mt u UV se deiMuofetimsantt'. oorleale ger Agent, 10 Ring street sasbj To- otlorvîe im lubtise boutht eauc«debut route, Ont. te sequli it' se uno si«tRiebut the Jury ______ cas TEE NE» DTEE NOOK. çvusbeof 014-ino Dft~rs a a Nov GeulemN-l -Uarta Use MAR»' LnNMNT on iby vese ad a y famlly for yenarsnd for tht ev«ry day Ils audaoeîdeat. of liteI Oselder k bas I woli4 m ot îtart o« a voyge vlbut 1I I coat a dollar a'boutle..1 CAM. F . DÂDI!iM,,1 ThwoMAy befose lb. ful1 ot lie uca Eesty. "* Ue'lb. Yok SOMoret-f lie yOsgwmembmt If tu e" th tiaso USOstIOgl Tir.. cf lie molsisot -esab otanUp ami pmntoe& 'lbsy gve - u Tiiere là no-posslcaniun Augusta now v1h bai te at bisoaih, as kit h" beeu abaudou t o~more thi soventy-ftvel years. The.ocainlaas foUtiez: al- avear b1>Apoflo. Ithéphysielau, sud Aesculaptus san& Ilet àùealhl sud le!a ail1 thé. gode sMd-'godd.sui h5acoondng te My Abiluty sud ju>dçlient: ai wM ikeept Ibis oato t lasstipulation tai reckon hfim who tauglit me tht. art equully dear te, me as my pareats, to short my mbstauce *wlh hm sud rellevel Iii. nemsitits If requlréd, 10 oookupon ie offering la -thei. me ifoog a» =y owu brotber's sud to teaci hem tits art, l fthey vis to leamutt. "Wthout fe. or stipulation tiiher by precept, lecture "d d eqor other mode et inýstruction, I Wiii lmpwrt a knowledge of the. art. te my owu on sud those ot uay teacherssand te disçipies boumd by a stipulation sud oatli. «Aceordlng Va Vhe lav of medietue, but te noue ochers viii 1 follow the systena e! regimen vhich according to myr ability samd judgunent 1 consider. "o sebnft o! my parents and se~ stalu trorn whatemrr i. doteriounud ms. chievousi. 1viingive no doadby niedîie te auy eue if ashtu! net te suggestdany tubh conuu. ,«Wtimpurity sud holunes 1 vlI Pasu mnyhMe ad practice my &rt. 1wll not eut persons Iabortug uuIbr lhe itou, haut vil Icave tht. te b. doue by mou Who ana practitloners et this vont. inte vhatever lieuses 1 enter I vili go itL tlsem for the benefit cf lhe .ick aadî vii abutais from every voluutarily nitacief sud corruption. «'And furtiier from tbe.-séduction of fe- Iaies or malou et freibmnuasd $lave&, vilatever lanconnectton vltb. My protes- aMoral praettce or sot lunenuection vitli I sef or hear ia ite ofumen vliich ouglit net te be spittu cof abroad 1 yl net divulge u. reekofflug that ail suci shoulu! be itept scrt. Whule Icontinue te k. p laisoti uviol.ted may Il bel frnlet'O me teenjo! lite and tbe prao- fc-of the art respeta by ail meu lu aU Urnes. "But Siiould Itespflansd violat. titis cati maYlihe reverse ho my lotY-Âu- uta Chrobgale. <Eruan sWeeIar.> A Jr yemg vbI nosup lal.opot oa 0f isau tli&04imdnWlie ofaul tua tts irtu- t latrustai wutl i.naag- ment et lIe buiO a&à allhieugbglvca tressant atvaooset . begma teéfue tRia Ils-Uarvlom ua milutoly1dipaMble &a set I po eri'proctewtm rum net POint Ofet vin. ie Rdth*o nar boe' »l mPloyer, pléMu 8« «ba mre o vhalat e at ve ubiwl loo oer aue th*Rio in hUw% a. uRus=o= vu etmhtl& b? dlIe * vIb te lqrt tIr. lOkyw oofl lup et lIma 1on Abe otlîiet 'is better "- -her S-oti the Sunligt w&y.Fow rua tRaux 8uilsccou- or an te1 igala VauIg heSoap tde lpa I*a te rk WR - t a uhé*mê d o é Chep RropanDecrations hlute"4of Odeetal UÂrt Durig the. Shah of Perawa visite to France and other parts of-- uropeehi& suite nover tim roe ecptlstlng onthe perglan palae.,Acording to tlýem it.-waS- a dream of Ea.teru spieudor, aud aiy thiug we poor western pecople çudso pae Ato insiguificanoe beîorý> the glit- tering beanties of tii.Shah daulinic d»1.Ili .But =apUsetlY,,this ort0 talk was» O rien1 tal bliu. < C!aude Anet. au observant Ftenchmi, hasaý re- waotly b6en la Fenra, sudwtugh from Teherai, lia gives some oye open- ixig detilé'of ths unuch vawited p&Iac ni the Shah. in s country whiih, 11k. Pert.., bas roduced treasuret af autistio .4e»raion ïtîsrather curioils t. beau that the. Shah admit. -no&damnent ersis art within the walls of bis$ tace. It fi ail cheap European and Emro> n of the oheapest aud cMost vulgar kInLltIi. Mauseumi there are g las.s sieoutaluliig littie pper fans still boaring tieir ýrIes; -3dor band glaises Marl ed Se. d Tino, the. fanious peaeock throD e là thore, but t dia not corne fréom Il, as it olaed, uer %w I t *ver presied by- the forin of the. grand Mogul. Tt lwamad at Ispahan lunltie beginnlng o1 the.ulub. toonth century, aud mauy 0f t1be prëeîûuS itoues wlth fw)dh fl form ir1Y 4ooor- ited. are, said te have been repaoe& wltht - lass. The.gatdens are bovéljy but -the apartin.nts of the palaee ane 1i.4 wut the. Most unlovely objectets, ~te have1 imasreoelmed bybli aîieuY" snt automatcl-U*SOicaC $AiuiSi. Maii¶ 1 leepi on tvo cuuiiIliiiOfl tii. tloo eau the imUabon onWbhlo .I&YS ,bsbead la uémail tables om wbIcha-.re -four Photo- thte cf ang dwud ue . da Globe. - __ ___ Cure for Emtlou*I Iiaiwtyý ,Wh 110"a l4ort a voltuS.la eoxat anda & Ub o r i w f I r e v lvr M h tai b a iti a aàü c - :p la eco .0 Ot s a -is aý « % .on - in the on'w eO iaistaoui? hot ê luth 1cX eunr? tby taI. u mca oiiie Treataseut mtbieo. T iosiuld be pettOi once Ouly irytn-C lay pot. msbea*i OUiMr utlrala preveut ar baotheC&. jr AUGUsT 1M The Parable of the Tv. t Ommentary.,I. LeM 11-3) 1. . emaun i npretnrius beginning beautifui of ail the Pa& la ihere theemage of G M L Tw0 sone-The 1 W.IV ed e be repreSeentati for "we have in theni.q -great phases o! alienat the eider is biauded b: Des, the younger,-"He' ly wicked peron, sch aud funners.» Rie aise thoughiess, careless youn confident and eoud b. GAve me-lt bas been s cùt for sons te demand portion f the inheitana ILe ' ii etim e.--a rke. showed (1) seifiehuese, (3) self ivili, (4) a dete wrong, (-) undutifu-Ine vison."1 It indicated a froni which every kind rise-the desire te be Gàd and Vo cnjoy a. liber another name for iiceî thînks ho eau-be happie, unrestrained lusts and vided ;.bis living-The request strikdngiy Bts f sien of f reewlll ta ma fact ef God's bestowing ou even the unthaukfui * Man'e -wifl le supreme i -,Uny. 13. Net xnany day- Uponhi& course and hasi * "Thi sadiis forth thi national and )id' *è -Farrar. Ga'th4e ail sners who go astray fr their ail." Took his joi weary of hie fathers- desired grpater -liberty. bridile of restraining gr we are soon gene.- -el the iprodigal took repre la ba's departuse-f rom ( -to a "far- cotiutry," fax -virtue. Wastetl bis subsi waste the gifts God 1 The -worldly life je al, 1f.. It wastes body ai health, tiane, talents precieus and valuabie. their Bibles, their Sabl lous tib-ininig, their heu aud get nothing iu retu livÎng-lu verse 30 we fell. ie body, miunl a] r bamed. Il. Inu- deep distreis S3pent- ail-Il did net i * - dollar -was gol"%, is --This represents -thies thrown away the merc fGdaud lbas wi1ïuil: vation of Christ. it 1m'ci * ail very soon; Vie eul -brie!." A mighty fanai ing at a; distance frOi out froni - intercourse veiy sooni feel its owsl A inighty famine wilI- ]Real waut laseul wa' aow blit tbe,effects- course. The stepe ev taoy Profligaeyt Pena) xl.~.The bulh --e.nd the pleasures, ricb

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