Cêth ,or Cure tâe icm f« LYoum sm M» oi a Cura of Il à t wawt'à a me cure i-* W tWs am 6e ma&. Il mouhavea %Z.Id Cos1, res lim . loshu, Lmsc h Pusmw 11ev tthi Kaiser Travel&s. bbmpted-Io encouge th.emp@vrr h kransi as -et len as -possibleb - fou- esal urnay ho takes isu a considerable siu the, pook t e'lIteiloid. liii iilm- Icy traveis ln grtat splendor. 'As a ýýrms. Taiae thés preperty oethée rruttiau tate. but tb. -traveIling ça. ?.cpald fer b>' tue IEwperor hbia' Tecourt train% are eibared et tie s*nic rate au ordîntry sielaL trains. lMüs, thc jouneny ftram Berlin te Elbinro *earthe norticaut, frontIer;, eos-~h er osr,$1,500,And thie samitee Tbou.q.plq et f*rmiu n ~t4e mope, ppI~krltura01 jIq é riy.lrco -ttheir farm* inla a ap-] "azrd way but e1 -b,14*w ige ad,, acasuty ettof Toulc ¶'ct 0f Numlc, many peopie, especiaryIou ebale t frein meianobomLs. 1lt. bea on0 af their Olemn eneeda,Àldiss gloopi ana den>oadeney, kilis dbmice<ied feelings and givee new hope, new le andi aw Vigor. Lt s mciite put a greatrnu people ile proper hua. 1 ie.Us tplyte o t th a.4 eau7 ti II: cordIetf ià rsony, da*dor troni thée lifeé attem.odùsad nt~ buMde.« bcaem 1h. ot&; aah st Ia eharmaoy, eider, agdbesutpa616" fat* laIeanra tia4,$d ciaethe oobwebsOtnt ciMme lii tI>at thuy eutWbak bet« teetebn tow Generation Fast Outatripping Mau i*R 1h lu a littlê curious that thescienhlutsiu t i-.4 itoiDS 41 = .th est grde eoftlavorlag lpoltdrV tu -Awwi,: lad~ statisticians are net on band wlth you can maite trom tlve t, Lx* a i: Oolùa èeoords and explanationu of a atriking 457. APPIY 10 us toi' aimtlolsn. Ia IRet too; patent new te be gainuaid ori auttrn on tBOt e nored, namely, the increasing size ofI F U lll C l ;younger generation of womn. Evi- FARU'FOR SAL 1encesosf such increaue arc te be found rt'orywlire, a.nd, while th e, records re- In mn sd rund tii. Niaru ruit Grewlng ýrred to above are not yet nmade public District. Iimediat.. pcomauton. eaw tatis. ifere 15s tili testimeuy of au officiaial lisyment down, lpw lnteruL. Oort lu the atatennents of thec manufac- VW' have the tollowlng'cho" WIU'PM«isS ~sesand dealers in womcn'u clothee.! 0oir Idioeetateaxente thc youing woman (1) 1Weares, fine StO ehousea ad bsak uithle moment lu taller and of greater hu. Towrahiv of Bevelr mta roat, veight than she of a few years a-+O, and 7 mlles frein (kt. Price 04,000. gLe difference la sufficient. to have al--1402)cr40. Township ef Wât«roeloo, 9- bected te c1ating trade. nificeut land andi goed buUtuIný adjoln- "For years," saye the manager of a ing Town ut Prevton. Prion $7.000. Wrge shop on State strvet, "the longest()0 ce.Wa iabr;tn ultiu $klrt carried ini our stock --or, no far as good set!. part tLn>-. 7 mailes trm Ham- 1know, in any ln this cil v-mneasured Mion. Priue $5.000. ;orty-two inches. If longer were ueeded ~ ~~po ed onbpe ia Lbe suit hnad to be inadi' to order. NowV brook.. 14mlc from 1-Lamitlon Prie o carry readyv- npide ekirts of forty-four 31.000 iches anxd uc seli 'ein too.' () Bautful6 ares 3 ntluouth ef Ham- Incrcastd stture i.s, fturttunatplv, not I o u"fut ooibidaa re Ito only gain ixa(e bk*'vwonîian. Slip la $1.00<. iavier uand piln per in prûploitifl. IUn- 6 0acres. Tow-nshtp ot Neisea. nov bottse icrciol-iws irt. larger anti the iinai to be end0 neW hank bau. Ili acres clear. bal- been in soînu aop " Extra Siz' Uur- jsocqfirewood. Prkce 190. ta ren t s» 'vn da 'u t rîicî 1, (7) 2$ aerffl* Town:sbtp ot WiltoughbY. 12 LieLtTWthc-tins fnida to v. mtla ea csof Weltn, tbuilaigs, bi cases whive1111 exact large ,size cani- good eol Prie* $900. mot be fotr.d in stock it catiîowbcrmade '- tt short ntti'e ýnud s:llall e\tra enot. (8) 100 acrea3, Tasn-qh-tp of Trafalgar, 14 I~orcriytic ijîi Lu eh dcmnd iles frc>m Torto: good hth2lCngu, blak rornerl tie jppl to ;iih ademnd toam. orcilurd. Pron$6.(«.* or wUt! reL keedi to bc: "\,(! tntgo.t it.' %ith nOeait n msroqm k Jjis>gner(qaI growth has comr also a.n eWql Ca.1 1va n L IM opdtuty in r o bicrease il, ile szAof itgs, an-d losicry the above casai. We ofaîn tneari' ali li ds 15 fOW W i crnefreta.prni~~ :rger and niaiysiops cairy wliat are e w l ,. ro t, &O,, ~.id ntie nieveuî feet have peuj boepi tept plice Nvti heti change. Regardle3 of tie oid-fashioned ideas of feainine Apy to FARMIR & OOULD). à uch it de,IDaineo Nature Itaâ;decrecd 3 ae We otý IMloL r gat tic new ivomin shalh have suf fi- ~ ~ ~ eu antoOt dent of thee wherewvithal to st.and upon F "ï-F ..nd shoes are la rger. A fa-alouable deal- t etframé1ïe hua sx! ar. PrIte $M or says i-e carrned No. 9'a in Iiis regular h LcodWI.Hnii4 uaoa D #tecki tio% andi that V& and 8's are caUled r eonstauîtiy - The8e big . iew wornen are ail yoting, MISCELLANEOUS, 4ad if they mere seen oniy on the stage -N-Er-ELITZy.T ooGIRLS Ir in sintilar pinces whevre iL le a. case; W lâbou 20><t% t ege for pos.ùOas bf nelection the plienoîîîetnrî nighit, have tt ascoek or bhousamno.lu t&a givae.^nà y à e Importance, but tlîey arte seen every- ý1âpdwaS te brelabyle gs.W W»UL vrhere. 'nie current eroi) of eehoolgirleUO"iî¶t .M. Osetu. P lm. 41s.. emu larger ths year; the newer girls ATD WEET GRO the eopa anîd the girls who are ln Wprestood, CO'MPgeTN7t GORDlON Ie erfiast season cf long skirts are cording bo qualtftcauAous. RoM.. Dunes» itrger thau. those cf eider date. ýVhe - CaHamiton. leobsrve las beenl found to teatify. 1 Company adohrCnda ie.W r A& for the cause of the growth, &ilfxOPtlonaltY vei prepared to train Tonusgt tie eidenc le yt to e broght o n for r tai id oporaill<and to *upply lhe vidncein et o bebrogli fo- 1clompetent graduates. Ad.lrens Centr 1 Tsi- u.rd. Titere are suggetions of course, egrapli Sebool, 3 GIerrard street sadot, To- rut they are a&l cf aelf-interested kind. routo. W. H. Shaw. prsdent.. [,hue the physicien cuituriat smilles lu a ouperior %vay and says lucre can, of Souvenir Post bards bourse, be no doubt titat the increase 12tetr Ie' .5d for ne: m si$ -, p; m0, whiydue te woman'» appeurance l in . Ii dltteteut. Largeut and fineut etoozg wholl tuCanada; 5"0 Mtzed. $3; albumf,, aU prie*&. e~ gymlnairiuni anid oun te atitietic field. W. ïR. Adams, Torunto. Ont. fliat'u a pretty reanonable argument, jobut the lothing manufacturera and ANTED. MIEN FOR CÂTrLE STEÂm- l.designer* of womiens cicthens aay W ors. fiee pases aadretura from ea change la duie t a more healttiy Montréal t.<> urepean hport;. JD. J. Lyon. d rational style of dres,; Whieh p-r- 3&rj1~eL13 lOi tet ont-j ,te cf growvth and expansion. whijle the B"oipRtlculars dvocate of WOTDIU'8 riglit to work main- ' rieU. rse or&M er oyu $alnie stoutty that tise entrance of the .for prions. We bave ithe targest stock of Mxit il ilbrhtet îLe d 'tfruit tInsu te be tound tulu dAL We py, in fcid o! abo hiherl tii1dthe fr.igbLT. VisBravas. at »rowna' )lur- rymca lu sufficient to acceutît for the sores,_Ont. Iatoy. omth Amoeioen 1CU&Y OUre ahin<b pre-emlnec lu GMe vanbi o-umflne as the klduey mat~*rer'. n t rtO-48 The Kaiseires 150 Unitorma, Il. Kaiser ewns more uniformns than &ny otiier potentate.. In hua vardr.be are numereus Aust.rian, Huxggarian, Brit- i, Ruagian, Italian m.d othcr uniforina naval sud zmilitary. As ehiet ef every regimeut lu hie. a= b, bau thîe uniforin of every regimeat, aud not oly parade uniforma, but or- dlnary uniforuna. H.eIk, môoover, eo.. onmel of eacb cf his Guard reqbnix$s, and In thea corps ther. are 18 uniforma, ail ot which are In lte Kaisers ard- robe. .Altogether ho pesess1s50full Mli- tary and naval Uniformes, vih I athuîr appalia -svorda, stzape, halte, eau caps. Uat%, helieta and aliakos. *At, potsdanad BhrliÉ tà 'e artumir iii.- charge efthe xi"' Q yw engagea la k. pngthoes d a" imak. tu# repairiau d teratous,.Whiethe Kaier ordems a new unlt4rm ble neer - OfflUf.&tall ,but bu .la o4rPb*.' 4 l u tb* !, tul ivham atrte.a IbsPbotoqapî»sar - GtTOS4 bOi~7l~Y&ai or SoA-P iniur the surace. Sunlight, Soap, rini dry. -The- colors, an dm surface unit Camron soaps I oilcloths anç4 Linoeums. Sunlight Soap washes clodhe white withcu delicate fatrks, or to, the hand4, lor it contais wlKN NO? ?O CET. A ,1111Mrn cf Polaie r ti tti. bosys There are millions 01 littie boysad girls in the. world whb want te do Just the. rlght thing and the. very but thing But tliey do net always u ht the. rlght thing lu, and somatimes they cannot tell the very best thing f romt the very worut- thîng. Now 1 have ,often thought tuut tbere are litti. boys sand girls_ who cry, nov and thon, at the wrong time; and I have asked many of the eider people, but non. of thsm could teli me the best time Wo cry. But thi other day 1 met sa man chier and wiser than any of the -rest. Ho wau very *Id and very wise, and he told me: "It la bad luck to, cry on Mondsy. "To cry on Tuusday makes red ejes. "iCrying on Wednesday is bad for chil- dren'a heads and for the heads of older people. "It in said tbat if a cbuld begins te cry on Thursday he will fInd it hard Wo stop '&ît lu not beit for children teoey on Friday. It makes them inhappy. "Neyer cry on Saturday. It ln too buay a day. "Tears shed on Sunday are sait a.nd bitter. "Obudren should on no eccount cry at night. The nights are tor sleep. "They nîay cry whenever elso they ploase, but not nt Sfly of these times, unless it je for senething marlous,$# sayo Mary Elizabeth Stone ln St. Nicholas. i wrote down the rules just as the old man gave them to me. 0f course, they will be of no use to -boyq and girls who ara paut 6, for those- children do not Mr. The wige old man mneant tbem for the little ones-the Millions of littIe boys snd girls who want te do the right t.bing and the. very best thing.ý Minard'. Liniment for sale everywhere. Russa sStili Aggresstve. (Clevalamd Lndor.) ta &wYMi wer* being Wefteod in Matuis and kUt.hrcn.e wuahMbaSn by revolt X wau s.oeetly t=emLn.ng a tlrmaoe ip on parts of the Chinese empire. The tt h* Rui~ea han. a Une cf mtlK.ry poma &Ctti oe eth- eru part of the Chlw» emIre hbohm kqt MOMt rom tte world. It wa.s mreaffl by an ladUietMpubgoà toi, hMa Rumu Pr«evi4 lnewWPper. Ruma*db vurpem be- Y td » e <myixa U ç let. for doratcl nui Mc b. detmrrnned. Wbatvoe I1liiMa poveru inwntd in msk"knc Chi»-* tarr1toral gr ae4hyaffete KIDNEY EXPERIUMENT.-Thlere's ne oewed thM My am ar vkLm tt o e»ue ftnm oreaother or kidger klbm.Lay boUd .1 en. &IMt ut athuwh ave pSaued DR. AGNEWS ONM PILES-Itdtingt Bleeding andi BUMi Pule&. Omutto inh la esappliostion. It cures litres te sx ix ghhs. 1h cures an ekin diseues in, young andi oxL.A remedy b.yond compara, sud 1h neyer talla 35 Cents.-63. Thte Tmuh iOut at Last. ",Goeoalt" $au *0tà e" of é, e nu'o, 11I .hould 11k. te kno'svthlb ue story of the Chefly tfflo p!"oed "WOU, itsti"tis vy,' replied lte shade of General W ngton.: "Papa maid te me: 'Gr'oM~, di y ou out dowy I 4I cannait tek a lie. I diti net' Aid ;"er the lmIdent cleset. You t hé tv.. vus Dot a firus sern l, but a prumu eau. waya be uesd for dhl&lweu Lthlng. It mothu the ebild, mothm laboguuaOume vtud eelc and ta s .bu m eday- for Diar- lie district of BWhsmIn, «igm, w»i bu t. Unique distinction 01 pou- er me the bom a, mds or quarnlasof e dà all. iaeor cootJuk la BIIiaI la toumd . a quaty of houe muéh appres- bom idforeahuries, and are pannem sr1ngthe proiduote -t I Qi.. wliu~U p,~t i ln.rd'sLinient Os.WlImteà s010M l tome'f mln.. va oosutetemoi%~ À.,. et.tuoder*# QQaué4Ibmi*yz IL Wb ot etlte te06r m (-Atp44, " »bM 0!y tva, Jab"q, Fau, mid linoeums ýMth ~am 1wa:oe arid se an .MandpV wiI 1" prced rade ecolors a l=n. amd preserves e Lniury to the moe« Snothiag tat= "Woleo 10 or *Nono Are.$# AUl the friends of liberty ecfspeech, saya Harper'. Weekly, owe gratitude te Professor Lounabury, of Yale, for his de. tenue of the. use ef "none" s&$tth. subjeat of a plural vert. What Idiot precision- lut lt wa isthat starwthle movemeat to sehoolmaster that use of "nont» out ef exIstence we do net know, but hlm effort bas ha& a deplorable degre. of suces. Ân à wful exanipi. ought te b. made of ioule ofthéi grummarlans who tiry ta make language eonform to rules instead ot malng vules cont rm laguage Ih wilà take ys h ount ti.huqe of wortiiy people vWho have oompeld thomselves ho leara o saY- "none*a wheu tueir ouqgenital Impulse vas te fly "%one an." Minri'.Liniment lelleve. Neralgi. AU P"ainSaRg-ou Paper. MWw vee WU4 aelm eu&&s.à Ah4- tue nW7e flv 600 m b e be MM tj.i *» Phnupsdu.Mnd 2000 mm5am 1 be OM £m 1» PudM mutm69 Où 0" - q« but Wbs 600% Im e. b" s migbt bost b tLu40 e.tiOlorY*', v Pr*- mîaw au a*«sèmIole IOovom U4 abs.u 4» *»ee.e.s Our 2&00 vii watk Io poumam l astsow Cam. ~lsg ~ab d embom oramp$etehumilia- Um ha tbek <rail: Mht MWq vil O mtm uOJw&uBl4 8h11 M g»e«Ow fias >aavl«t a mmeIn . la ier Lu -enaa ffon eut en U» MM M W wq~ ub *ê,4*ë41 *NéMIlu¶ Met" aul à bmquet sw ten & eatx«t m*o Ka. a Il - 1 1 v %r spavia, curbe, spila, ringboue, sweeaq, etties, epraina, more asu aeahheh -eugis, etc Save $50 by use eoie bot. hie. Warraad hsl euot vondarful Bis mish curervknewn. Growlnt Monopoly Wa- Fuel. - Ot asPlevrp lah a eci rea the nitais la ev. *nng s t zu e StodmL m duomn by bubtng---aad St Sea- lau p& ftgemtla Mlet <bas a auli ' cTu 0=a a MW"= p Lhe obiom « io uieeded&My mt t at cis - . A CQIsvl OdF PA Maaler. 21 c.um iSte. used o au 1ivota.," ;10 Fsrmers mýD km- Wbm r« 0 -6 Toit PAls, Nsh1» I ou wili APIL 1.. 900 nus- Ca*aitéis ~ j Theos. -fi Port Acthur~, Qi~, Mu A~u~t lits et né ~t [Wondorful Inteflgonce »isplayuin.f Tii wolves now tound la îsaoou ceunty are in size betwa lthe coyote of the. western plains and the big- wôivfs foitnd ln thuýcOzark-region. -ln gen»rè appearanc. they bear a oesenbin4 te the scot.eh colle dog. They Uiv. i" l<1, frequented places, generally Iniii. $e,"aF ber or along the atreams, a.nd a faydqrlt abode à s lu caves or overhanglng t.4gw of atone. &ratchlng out a ehallow hélé In.titS ground, ti.y lUne it with maisl st4oks and dry leaves. Here the. mothor ýlf tal-ce car.etf er young while the . tler ls scourlng thi e anity for miles Iafpmd In search of food . -iluarelT6Y seeuby day, and 4hen ozaly for au imatant, fo lie soeme.te meit; awmy Uke a iât lato th e weed. or bzuali his tamWn bide maklng it easyfor hlm tc> disappear rom alght. It ta sald ths.t héohua an mpemIL Um n for mutton, -espeeia.lly young ab, whlch fali au eay proy te likn, and hbt bi lumost fcequently tound wiiek. uiep are numerous.. But b. will not Lr9m1 noue up at tender little ulgw, a.se'= he cannot find other thinga more t4oue à king h. wllI net ecruple te beconie a common obiiken thief. But bis aki n eluding hi& enmoies, .spoeialy huatan, la remarkable, and tUse bu on. of the. mnoat aggrava.tin« tlings about hLm. If-a hunter suoeeds ln<getý- tlng wfthIn gunebor, of him Ithe chaà ces are ton to one tuat no daznage 'vil be lafticted. Ui bide Is so tiik and tough anat la eoveod wlth aimh a h.avy coujt of fur tuat &n ordlnary dUiharge 'trom a sbotgun lbas littie or nlo effeot. With an ease that la ex"sperat.ing he simply lopes ont of danger a-nd lu soon list ini the brush.-Kansae City Star. EN«LISII SPA VIN LINIMIENT Removee B U lhrd, soft or ca4sie m- Putting the Blame on the Brltiub. <Caimua XouUo.> atà $ dis custom 01et le Khondt té . d ras psldsneyto ofer na bu<*ti o acrl- Dmu la sl&tuUain for LChe hunua vittn, but ta dotug se <bey malte long apologies Lu ts <talty. exphahig <bamt bey tbm- mIres veuld wWlagly acueIbo tts uouur mSfim 6" M"taiepffveutsl by 1h. likit Govu-amuit, cm vboea bmà Uxlyprsy tha UVmiyanul it the> r eotof 4i my be SunUght Soap deam Éeshi - - 'l ftwo 'OxmdTe- ..is..g tria (s 15-29.) Jesus ha& 01es heti narrow epra U' ýuhljd and the. broa.d vi W*ddeU hodeah; ie;hnov i at«eho ho the tala, guidesv 1.Bewa.e-Be on -yoU u u oi For alze Propiiets-vjo oels* you asud iead you ito ~ ."A talse prephet it flot m - A4D teacièr, but a 1yn oa'.rotending to au inspirlati lbea" oeut "~Ses$.,-Abbott. aitblbig-A symibol o! decepti-vl mei.9ýPuhting on the garb of piet tb.irputer covering they hide ht anol sd are readY te téar 16. Kuow tiezu-Their m~ll on appear, and thi déMeswill be delecîed. Tht »*"nierai t.enderacy et the4r 1 ad gà o.Tiie lest et al religli its praclicai remuit lu 1 * çeWhio receive it. "Do me th*IP»upe of a good life from hi etl1" t.eacliiug altd bad princ: 11' '». Good tree .... corrui TeOxuparison et men te hr luê#lY Occurs lu the Bible. As ei bi~ forth afteri ts-kind, se ei aCcoording te bis prevailing hlon.w,!Àstiiecorruption oethe bQ*Oft he evil fruit, s0 tic cc et tO-mmi'a uature lesbaclç of IdOliga. Corruption, depravity,, j DDIASj lsmne teaci, m'erely l t4e but lu the- nature back ci adactions usualy grow bdi4ÃŽature."ý-lhedon. lPigewn dewn-To - tus daj 8 ~resaevalued on1ly g0 fa] Pe le the symbol et uttý hio., As the. hree lu bumèd,>-so t9Mearsno fruit for Ged ldi 4i4,eh a soul cannot be reste éUiaion i. final. I e profeWslaï, mt suffit 21-3.) 2.Notev.ry one-ý-Chr18s laylug down tiie true test, 91 a Aulo the Kingdom of <lad. He- hI t h a narrow gate idval bv l"waUy, and now he intimw -/ »ay vil! seek ho, gain a4piitl et ron o mere profession, mSdh i.... Lord, Lord-True re us ore than a profession. W.- kuowledg. the authocrity et Ch lWe ih ie diviinîty and aepft h lige au truti,. and utîll ilieut ot Qed lu the heart vo shali bei et heaven. Kingdom et heaven spiritual kingdom viiere Chris lu the. hearts and lives et men. doeth-Christ's foleowet-s are" * tiie word and not hearers only" L. 22.) Sec Re'..-=xi.-4.Tii.e -That la, tico nê entera into 't ho eobcym th. gospel &su4-1 emandments o!f-Ced.Inathic have God's revpel'id will to ma ow 'duty te foLiow ite-prccptst Ys Fther--CrM dfdonot mfer't< a, atera mjne radT te condexan, loving fathier wko IIoready te 1 blp bis ebtdreai. Titis 'vas a%-h a. unknown. & Maîy-Xot 4t S oasuional -ene but the. nümb>è a at o u is il u g l y Is W ýo. la - t t d judgment daj. The daY- )ub .ahaalrccoh'o lu t déasi t. Acta xvii. 31; RcM.,div'ý10; IL C rPliese-sti bl gse propbecyp foretelllng lie vast tue human rà côo-darati, .jd« -l*ternlhy, jo every preacher leaa ifere thien are ?reaciers vtep uloltry aWvin lu that day.- 0 cumts 1 À000 1 Ã