Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Keystone, 22 Mar 1906, p. 3

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i'reveation u KISe ment( o! from 10 ag4.inat stanip- conferences in W.»~ Frwncie L. 1 Iittsburg'VS4 ýt1or At these uosidon of,theîi ra scal. was way'. Ilse ao wai ýdthe tend- ofx~ayOpera- Pé t e wa aa rgreýznent Pro- nt 'tý1ere re4.oxi- h. jetterfru L4ý&Jtates, 'ad- on to warrant ,cris i ma-I.nl nagreenient. thLii liecintraT awIestern *f ields .leir represen- SU 'ncy and n il pomp 'int4Ie cone.. rk-s end condi- >joip> thein in ünjt inoement the praetiesl idr lwhMeh w. dva»ntag. dur- Aed té tiis on mne to say (f rtsPonsi.biI. o dMraud t la Insrance 1bloçwing iup a inn6l &Md ecl. kPOhicY isàued o SÀGO DIS- d l0of Whichw re Skeletoxis, ci ~reat Anti- e -aiîy lv Mail (L ndorFrench- Saturday.. V01,witliîan it li depth. ildin igpassage a quarter of e isj %veII bit, Me-l4I tr'1eQS of rd bones ivere quýmtity of K- lýrnor iand t fýlntiqt.i!t'. i e tai-j liaica, re, bal àÀL ini ,krcw 'vered cs~in haýnm -oýne 1icted d er.s i11 y- sp o- -., ry, oni to ifilt Uny J eR] Il I blbk ai at aMd waVyj. ind bis0 ~M U ~~II:U E -brqai!' goed-hnmored tac« wa«redeenied tromabotute plainnose by a pair o! fine,e /I f se!it, dark-brown oym e .-e as la gen- 0E LNTE.Th uaiity is such that you citement,'ij madefauîtîessîY Thatter rer pf the. moment, ha d blac ila tanced ail others on sales a will neyer regret it. cIbeeks, tilI h. met Mona's eyes, viiene blvMsed furioualy. Lead packcts eaSy. 40c, Soc and 0c per lb. At ail grors. 8h eiao fe h a rse u N Y O E BEST-BLL BLCMIXE!) OR GiREEN. threshold, and ciosed the deer. standing ______________ Itait, infiitely Said, i the sirnplest mon'- _____________________________________Ing-dress of black ùilk sud cashmere able best te ho doue. Donlt you fancy that al ,l possessed, a lace scar! pinned round ber 1I would hold back because Yeui refusci! a ro ----- - ------- thrott wit~h an old-faihroued brooch, ber me. Whether you sa7 yes or ne, I would 44'T ---------bright hair turned loosely back sur- ask nothlng btter ta u te h of use te «J ù mounting hor fair, pale race 1k. au u but net being a rel4tion, it would -bave aureole. avon: dfo-" ý'doeà "I arn s» ruch, se very muréh obligod It would be impossible," interrupte-1Ione ta e8 frscg e" xi Imed r-Moia, iu a low Ione; thon pressing ter ti ing, startiug f orward te, take lier liaadcla.sped bande together tiglitly, ah. sii coul Wo n t is twlich ho aaL>ek erveusly and droppèd with noea SolOllllity-Since you believe jka lmmediately. 'Mena murmured soine- 1 could make you happy-'"" thing, h. did net. hear what, and 'st "You vilI ho niy. vite?" interrupted yo ----dowu boside the fire. Waig eaerly in 'hjs turn., "4j iienrh-rug An bs postion"Ilid.go<>d mr.Waring, and try ta b. a ------Warng resuxned nu!bispsen nh d oue." She guow verypale as the Mena gazed at the glowing coals, sand e "Do see hum, Mona; your feelings rnay Go, ask ber if able will be sble te sec me mehugla cof Lîsile's expressive Voiee and «Yen are a great deal tee good for me; So be touched wheji you find yourself iace aud Oakley to-xnorrew, thst we may'perfect. teaîy self -possession. Wariug: and as you do net care for any other tel Sb ta face ivith a mani who smncerely loves settle about it. It will be a something cudgeled bis brain for some quitabie low, penhaps yen Nnay end hy caring for ber you. And this maxi bas proved his sin- between you and vaut." phrase te open the dreaded yet longed-j me.» 4. erit«'I "i Wi go and! tell her,», said Mon,., for conversationl. The resuit was -rest- There vas au awkward pause, thon "Or h is determination to gTatif y bis hasteiiing away. "Will it be eneugh te îess chan-e et attitude, and thec words, Waring waiked over te the writing table îitt wvhim, cost what it rnay," added Mena. ae me frein the uecesfity o! marriyUig *Awul at weatht'r" jljs oie w;5 and took up a paper'kni!o with whichh "You Juive ne right to imptign bis Mo0-- any oee " she 'thought. st.rong and harsh. -1 hope you teokl, ne plaed nervoiIsiy. tii-es. Great as xny desire is ta soc you Sýir Robert Ererard put lus handla.,a- cold on your jouruey ta tovu." "ieear n rtw hns hud a lifted sale e.bove the bitter flood f! porbis pocketi?, and paced thc room, whiat- It was an unlucky allusion. l Ue ta tell you, if yen do net mini?" er erty, 1 îvould not urge you te a repujle ivalg aofty. f "Not a cold; I had a slight. chili," re- 'What eau ho b. glng te confesi T" mai-nage, "Poor old seul!1 won't last lèrn,. 1 dure und1ea who had «orne sense of! thought Mena. She,tlovever, only bout O "Forgwe tme, grannie. I arn i ngm a-sy. The girl will rnarry; no duubt e! humer. hxha i iec.te clous, seîiîsî. if I narry lir. War.ing, I that; she is deuced handsoeo-a weUl-- She raisci! her leres as she spoke. and j0" have net heeonas stoady ai eugbt will do it leerfully." bred eue tea. Would run smaoth sud meeting his, could. not restrain a kindly 1 te b.." resumed Waing, lcoking1 dovu rn She rose and brought the writing mu- eas in double harness. Fellows are smille, feeling no litie symipat.hy with sud growiug roi!.l"Yenuset, rny rother terîals. 'I wuil sec hin, but 1 de notetcoler sud more cautious thun they wero bis unossinees and evident sense of dit- and! mYsel! vere ro gt up hysa i proiB t acep hmuxless-" in my days, but there are plenty of rieh f icultv. bacheoer gaan.W. had ne women in cere, "Làet him piesd bis own cause," inter- ones who might indulge themselv.es un "You are amusad, 1 dure sayr." he cricd,. the heuse, aud that made us rathor rupted Mrs. Newburgb, stretchuing eut! a handseine, peniless wife." bis power of speech uniocke7d by the rmu g. Thon 1- huve lest a good bit ut wl ber band for pen and paper. "11c vil " 'ëy grndniother will b. glad te see malSic o! ber srniling eyci; "you Mulet be cilds and race..in a littie tee Tond Ixiduce yen te ta1k' a d ifferent view, I yo to-rnorrow at twelve," said Mou,' anîu8led, te heur ume blundening L*ke au jof play, but-now that yen arm 60 ver y. amn sure." With dii ficultY she traced a qpming back. do bu h to. w.hen my heart good as te promis. me yVour hani!, I have goi fcw~~~~~ idniotexcabogtheitbreity u th "A scre a U lneas, asnd asing hlm onte alight; just ait dovu while I write and n:ind are fillcd with hope sud four.' an objeet ta live tor, and! I viii scoe a ilnesandasinghi tacal ý aUne te aklley, asking him ta meet mue Tell me, lMiss JoscelYn. did Mrs. New- nover touch' a cmari! ainu, a"d se bit the follewlng day. wheu Miss Joscolyn here. We will have a consutation, theti burgh show you my lettert" neeri lay suything byonda peiy PO$ would receive hlm.-"You must address we- sec what lu bout te ho doue; O"h i. on a race, uni!, and l'il try to e h11o-ne It, dear. Helo des nôt kuow your hani!." ms e ewhatever rnouey Mi'u. New "Aud viii yen-wl1 you let m'e tell uuwerthy o! Yeu. 1 I wl indeed!. Nov, Rernof no cth e nitiug mar ana.ou!'burgh gets for the house from the cnws yen how aw1fully 1was .to.ken wih-t yeu i have I yeur permissiinte go ad!tell pi Remkîng thurt n uvel e s ado f the liquidators. Lady Mary wUflt8 the first trne 1Ilover saw yen at that ' SirRobert Everard? Hie is a good fol- Laeidirct u blpe h etdw er-both ef you-to corne down te the,, Richmn'od dînner Lady Mary Everard' 1ev. and! wc'll settie soething about bie "lIt is net nutural, Moita, ta le sa celd Chase. I --arn in te shoot in Res-shire; gave usat year-before you were present->ofs. Nwbuwa r She oght eeeu ta sudundffeent Ye Ihav no dcocti!Erelyn cornes with me. The other two ed, yeu kuow ý ! enawytrmanoaoc- anydikdiffng on v o 1rateornotho? cte, 1 . . for a montb with tiuoir aunt it Were you there ?" usked Mens, «Thank yon," returued Mensl, touehoi! axyli, J'y ude "te Biarritz; se0yen viii ho quite quiet. tixos.mily. by hlm eagerrieas to serve ber. "I am wl A change will do yeur graudmother a At tat. dinner sbh d first metLI.grtuleyoM.Wrg" surddergaue"No, ne:' interrupted Mous, qickly.i lot et goci!, and! net ber up again, beyT" Ho had net spoken te ber, but abe had (Ta ho ocntinned.I "Then, Mena, you will love youug "110.1k veu se uiuch; it veu!, indeed. even then felt a degreeo!atcin't- Waruig heu o i you hubaud" 1Iarn airs :i, vii11 ome time betore him vhich surprised. ber, and he bu lj A T tFLt "Oh! yem. I dare say 1 shaHl. Now, she mnu b. moei," returned Menu, Who remairked ber--or--soi! se.' I grannie, I amn oing te read yau thc pa- ' hruiik trom tbe idea. of visitiug the i "Oh, I iio't suppose Vau taw mc. 'Il I. per, try aud listex-it May mast your Chase agaiL f nover eau push. Yeouig Eu'erard and Lieu Thr<iugh thO Ittlàb 114 8(oo0d brain'a little." ' Y"on will ho all the btterfebeg some lother fellows were round yen a&U .wiliaflnu Pl ,ý è v 4.1 viii, Mena, I viii; because you have turne! eut te gr.xi'ss yourself, my dear.", the Uame. but 1 have thouglit o! yen givon me a little hope." ho resumed. kindly. "lt's bard linos for' lever »i.uee. De Yeu kuow, asot Bseason's alMae Theres etthedui, dearNovxnbr~ yong .big 1k o te hopluugcd halls were thc tirst I1ci-or vent, ta. I Common pilla p tur e ibovels. Dr. day Mious moved siowiy perhaps, but into suc troule Why, yeu are net as thought they' vereai ot lk tewilliams PnkHU m e aew rteh al firrnly, as if k-eeniy alive te the wark eh! as Evelyu. I suppose grandlnamrna'rcn set botter. 1 used ta go only for' bloo!. Purgtng pisa gaop tbrough- the hiad te de. But side by aide with ber' u. net iu the sweetest of tempr-a littlc tue chance of imeeting yenl-aud yen îthe bovols ý-Wring tàuetisanes, mi. - et d ,panel-had n emotbust now eh t" j oul! carcely lever <ance wit.b me. To Jtuting tue orgmi IM4va? nngthe a aleur perception ofduty and ' .1 b bOt sytinD. theiaaa' mk bility, vas axiother seus e!fcelmung pain "'Oh, 9ne, Sir Ro1.rt; shle lu an 1 1 e sure, 1 arn a stupii! beggar aotÏrbÎsytm."r and !sacrifice. Werc she aloue, vitholySeseemu tahave lest tuithi i nhreei acn, 'I oht prea i. byt ' tell te provide for, she coul! launch ber- Jte isnttotret iu8 uay as.tome 'ieo ulds self uon thie occan ot life-fcals& !,i thing; it breaks my lixta esec ler se "I t a lawaya gave solDe daucs" n illa, hopeless mBu usest net desert becr jptfl ete"ssid moe, ratier ut a losa -viat te re- ;,ir grandrnoierl au! if sellecoul! proî-îdc "Sic zunt ho hadly bit. I arn wfufyDoP>.aw _blood. haIa'oi O A'-or ber by "acoepting service"-so *soryfrhe-o ot !yu Jua Oyou vore al ways civfil!".cimd oy 'eu Ler*d t l-ler awn mind-with Mr..*ritîîat, my dear, vil your o4 a~ntku a littie. cUP froin i.wo~- Ww> W*rlag. If only-it was net ta be inar- a oaog n nu luey~ utlpee&id tmrmig t'on *d- ria~~ I ar goinç tedine vith Ri il àrind sif ,xaïnininlg tho pattera.' ot ~ b W 'h x.thé afternoon a card "îwrrema ieawhsa tt &iWsxo ~na ieam.eîsuand khliga .breug her.,"uti t John Liai.,,,' n ein Yen vero with us? R~i4 .w<et, or aiflub1 yonu btlefL o -i'Iis5im'She thonglit an instant, elt 'ngfîî Ilu 1- "soi penclda lins on it. "Se sorryt s ogwnlnt pndspenUoeve1B" ~itl pi! rv. net litaie Mrs. Nevburgli, an! ment 1iJtýâg but hie i. iànurs-LtlÎey are fi*r*jCbol~ieo'hv Iopukk W Mm. as u Wte.gs He a cretchety old sinner; selu teOU Ofbtfr~O 5 bUMl~e te any i.one's lbeuse. Lady Mr g~Nowburgii carnetegsiutd vas .im '!~o1dlii.to tl hlm taI ardrn wa o "Ytious;out ho id ne get. mugsd t Marot * iienvs cxtdiay hnseas u hu la "&.~ Io ~utei~ t~i~t Tib ïK>à er jwI ii nol thîuk amy more of~f'md, w~au ~w~ LdMy f oty, M m etmpt!blo oanoi u s Filougt te forg efsoitlogether. rttgr.donimea' prae hu* -u hast wqay te b. happy. AirMi.htig t eialatsbu ~i1FVeér b. happy agulnt'mi bi ta d: ar t n Ctal LIe>. Wasnet -tie ouiy for tw e vn0!havqe t@ OekI treet tbaI day. Lat. #Lthe uS> ir RobertErorard ya . to ba oghyoruin.ty coL alla evoirc unt ab coulie nnou se84b-mua, themured lare. ry< *uthMs- %% s, ins h o uw- ' M ~ ~ "'Mâ_ --ý t 1 <By Prof. W. Locbhead T e , pring is,.proaehing anfarmers W soon b. planting the àeed forthi o01 r1.WtImreco e a o< means odcrop,an:dd1 -Bémapo is why it has outdis- :cropa. a imprtat, oriefbro, t@ and satisfaction. ,a!Y wheu Lt in known that thes. pr*o catons will ave mucli inoney. JE RIBBON -TEA. w,*ml levery prevae t n * Provinceby this disease aloneamougtoý _________________ every year to two or three million- ai- rhon the. autiior binseif geta stuck- lurs. Smutty oats and wheat are e.used m of asterisks." by planting sed oats and whea;t thak 17his is ve7T interesting» I toid hMme, have amut spores attached to theni. ihall certauni>' remember what you Thêïe spotes are so, &rnl that it 18 -lm- Ssaid. But, look bere, sUPPOsrng One possible te sce then. on the seed, with the. rn't know how to begin, suppouiflg aakod oye. wisbes te relate a very delicate mat- Pernbaps the sinlest and meut effe-' and doesn't know -Where to start- tive rnethod that =a been devised for Id one lead offi with a row of aster- Kiling these attaehed spores is te aprin- t" kie th.e eed gramn with a dilute olii* Well," lie began doubtfully, "of course tion. ef formalin, made by pouring -haUt Lmight-" a pint of formalin îute ton or tweIve- In that case," I said, '1 cert-ainly gallons of water. The formalin m oea b LL procured at alrnost any dru a str a 0 0 a 9 0 025cents. Theaeed gr in àhould 'b. =u oe," said Lîltian, ",you wanted spreLd out on a ean f loor or wa.gon box.% etIngvery mrnucb- >9sad the formalin prin Mled over 'At b> 3he etopped and began to play with mealis of a aprinkhing can. The ,seod. rfan. should ho thoroughiy shoveled ovàor And suppose," she went on, '<emre- and mixed while' it -18 being' uprinideu .y offered it te you,» ..nd she gave a 80 that' everY -grain receives -smn; ef:tbe le sigh. solution. Ten gallons of solution wiU sut- I6 sbould take it." I said. It semed fiee for 20 or 25 busheis of grain., pretty easy problein, but there's genw When -the graim is dry, it ahould. b. lly a catch somewher. put ito e Oan>ge to pfrY<1lt thbý eé And suppose.vou refused it t ranco o!f fesh spores of amut,-wi 0 an ndtic sdaY5wayiloatiflgi tlIArYta e appsil ti.metiod in eat'fuly fou<çnci LooL-,ere, let's talce a cèncrote cùo,"ee mut headua o grain w2Li b. fou"d in said. I was ra4.er proud eof"con- the i . ete» utwhn etensa qit gnd Apple acali laano! ofthemetuos ite" ut dhe I"Ut*tesa quat.con- disesmes of the. appie. It cia be preroatod; agaat uics. Lo'. akea cn-by spraylng the. trees wîth odra - ete case," I repeated.mitx.Pu apicioshu&-b «Ail rlght, Dic; Dick, what do you n ixotm.Pfr a ju et tii-laboul &nt m eut in the worId 1» gi second. 1uust s th e forsu' A mter bicycle" 1otrpicd g lgte hrdate osotna ,(Borne fools gay the fylig s ourhtoortrswàmImeI lng ou%, but that'. bnle rot.) the ~ iawto. tl a! "A rnotor-bleycIe," LllItn ?pftod te grs.notha er oppliti a Juiy or )ftly te hersel!. "WeU, thonp, Dlup.ut Ti. fohrm' iai 'o lranx l o Dat Arthur ef!ered you a LotoT-bIAn tu'Z foras follow%- 111 ay.may e bve tat ver pin (opar aulphate (Mlue sIené) 41b4. > «I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rs atone e aethtO'O gSf, 5 *lime 4 lb. "SuposeArtur ! feed en moor- Water, 40 gallons. «Sup oseAxt ur ffeed ou Moor- Make a tok solution of blue tome icycle-"b> Alssolvi*g25 punds ia warM -atS "Look here, let's let tuat Idea ünk inlina barrot and ai water to make.Up t.i 1bit f îrst."1 25 gallons. Every gaL1161 et ',"I mtr I loed my oyes ad leaned baCk. tion in tMa barré! oatns oe ou Md of rhile Lillian fanned me vigorouel>. bin, atone. «No, ives ne good," I »adt lait. luto a aeend barrot put 25'i>ond.of «But. Die-, we're onty supposiflg.*" fr«h lime$u c, adv shirI~ -'oh, well-go @on."l 5j n uaUltI of twaer te slak. "And suppose you refusd t-" -P 'ruak* up _Ît. W~I «Great Scotty' I interrupttd, '"do 70you Insby U«vale. Eror> gaUon et bink I'i u absolute idWot" 1mitlime 6 la iL seodbar ea. -P'eople aesretr»Muid Lillian, ~tains oat Pouad o! lime., rery sadly. "I den't icaiow wiY." To 'preparo the. Bédeur., - mity fou -But-a-& motor-bicycle---" 8.j0oaï o!bluostone wim I o <o «Evon iti better things hthhUat spay %tank or barret , vblê alrode Weil, Dlck, suppose Arthur Offerod Lt SahOùI<iive 2S or e gallons -o, vatr la.i gaio, a"d you ro!ued it apaJ'" I; trl.muiolm boobyam 1 ut nMy bands ove. ni>-eu-&. - p ",toWrKallonsof it *oùgh thi "Prese, Lillian," I sa4,« sat ±S lato tIié ïpray barrolt s-o»a- tnd t. T he. more tiuutlaag1y tu eh*rI -ig heu a4id .* 4ratp o ina k liost soems as th ogi Ibad 1 l ut 0os 'I i*tihiegint ajour, wIiaê about, at1me T 0. &eua lbn r' bami .ttba44= ýor -bic yo .a zu4 eI êautthamflN

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