Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Keystone, 8 Mar 1906, p. 6

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~t i k -I of the country. Aeked to give bis expert- j inuToo Much'et a ]RUMr. ence witlî the great Canaffian K'dney ThI nlikasve ibsgv; Reme.dy, Mr. Bedyea eontinued: 1To n usmu atinM nov r me ove '11 had becs truubl'edwith ny kidiusye. mnevie moe a tiona on us. for a number of yeare. I -tnied sçveral eeixet Lt okmrce.O kinde o! plasters and other kinde a! the otherhade always expeet4 t te, medicine, b ut dîd n>t seom to gât any do ite boit.* In Àneeriea ve inegleet the lu.ting benefit. llearng Dodd'a Kldîery goveniment enàtirely fie191n Pilee bghyreoomnmended I deaideti ta ud sde1y kenk u te thnadthey rmade a complote cure Duomial.bebeuproml ry edemand sorne lmmel refr nit d- b. c e.Tti.two years eo, noîw, and uh btte ifwewoula d e meeo ae I said buors I h he d good hen.i theuai be-tut a e time ane'. ona eve sice .« Dý'd". ilny Plli."sinting on -a littI. e progrese day b yda Dodd's 1Kitney 1>111e cure once and for-adyrb> erobin urestat ail. There le no stage or f.orm'et Kid.- th e Englishma desblbuildrýig u ne>' Plseaeethat t.hey do not cure com-n.hrEpose "ysenaet, gonerninent uae pl.tely and prmanently. tieýpntb eped Ipnocalnlcl Weanîg o Ma's olla. *litions et gouljus to pull 'dcv a&B that. Weez o NWsCoUr. te lbed and rebuild al that ianoo -'aa (Boites. Kan.,.signa.) dy Seing a n.wwapet(but. last snd .511 thse a timas tbia pspe viliprtpt &II "e . uws 0 RGH8ofEM' iIIIU ell pokItkal psutleswuwlt aoins u ith oomng compeaig. It wM ItnSt aU pouitciaus DSCIPTI"lI RBE L MLSI hait#Il,4 lsf1y snd deoesLiy, Vpoi n sttisffor that ,,. ' a man 14 sot noec..nlly a bornebt e .-> et«00 rMMM&«Me * caus be l a repubilan. obump becaus. h. th» ub e 6ravsOss'r - -ué à* S hti <Se ademeeat or- crasy becaune ho $s #àpopu- IAWa to.a iWb7 CUlSPIO@e 414001)N" Net. Wbatever views 'the .6ltorbus il viiiI do t ooe' b4 ti «Ce nostbiSpausg.r41sesthofflreo- bbtios Ot tii. pai'tyils actions e i o y 0- 'te"ale Om et* itn t duper' b' 'Sét -or te actionse t soi' boss. Til. .4- db. viatm St SI'o e*ma- eSt éb àSa la paylng tus bis tecmas7to e'ksep élsevoe-41 Ibis abeet coing and h. viii sun 15 acoord- âns to bis lnMvfdusl idàs. >'.'WoleutZier ENOLISI SPA VIN-LINIIENT ::h"»w* e Ilamovu aIfR11u,. sofi ,or 0cuIIpu,8s b4 w~' 0tw lumps aid bleishes fr*i hersesblol Wsrmeî ~a&vin, oui')», aplinta,, rlnson., sweue "..4utht- PU lr th*. tl 5taO zfeé pr#4no, sersauail aolitu tirce-t, "-Whm! we~s ASiagular Corner"lu New ekCt' Dowu on the lowr ernýe Idaie, la the. Syrien quarter oet. l* tew Yrk, itreMarlou âldge, . B.,a7 #, 300 N& troops of black-haired, oleaium aehaa4oled Nl xf 1lender and kener*lly pýreýty mothersý gossp on tht door*a>'., tii, fruit, stalle, bakerles and grocerles a'.e .téeke&*Ith m'âiythinge untailllar t. the Ameutn oye a dpalae.. iers art boum. - meet pete dried, satd and. rmstea ustil crisp -ad deliclous; git shacha. etf grape vine louves8 whk<ha t1w~O' bus- the 'dopi andl j s t alpir te be saten ith wiateypte seteel« thon); ,plataelblo têts, balçla*1a,-4 #« of naètry,.and mmn îfwhttm" ato bias aloit the samne brêa14I tb egh( ci.dinary40 per cent. dynamite, that usel, lu miuing. lu addition te tAhis iL wilV do- away with. thée usual lid effects of emoke,,aud it offers the advantago of being beit exploded by a fuse or an lc trio spark,. thus m aking the use of sparks uunecessary. It la said that succeseful testsâ have aIse been maÉde with firearmns. Slang in the Animal Werld. "Hero's where I butt in," aaid the goat5 amkin~g for the, eblîdren. 11I'm gettiiig it in thé neok," grurb- led the bull, a& [Trans gave hîm ano ther twist. "lCorne off your percli," growLed tabby, making another spring at the cage. "You're a bird," raid the fox, as he gobbled up another bien.' "Don't try to sting me," said the rat- tler to the blacksnake, coiling himmeif into a plunbi:ig. "I1ts a lead pipe cincli," said the rat, gusw-ing his way thirough anotiier piece of pipe'. ,,1,ve got the drop on you." shrieked the hawk, as hc landcd on another chic- ken. "TIhing. are c<,ring' xny way," said the bear, dodging :înother bullet. "Quite your k1.idding," exelanied the fish, .4nsthe bait, dropped into the water. "Thiwie feIlov4 are niitty-," said the rn.bbit, o:tg to the squirre' family eating lunch:. diStuel(k agatin" eried the fly, alight- inf on the sti('y Paper.' il1 can sec niy finiish," rnurmured the Iamb ns blie ntered the slatugter pu.- Det.roit Tribune. RAB BEEN ALL RIUIIT EVER SINGE T. IH. Belyeag P. M., Proves That Dodd's% Kidney Pilis Cure Permanently. Borne Vears Since fl. Uned Theun Now an d He Han Had <iuod tiealtb Evor Sitic-Sttury nt WeiI-Known New Britoaidk MHe. Lower Windaor, Garlet.on Co., N. B., Feb. 21-(1e>"e-,Ihave goo<î health evcr since 1 usesi bodd's Kidney ills." The speaker was Mr. T. IL. Bel-i yea, Postrniter heré. and oie of t-ho motIiir*1:l)ilv reËlnect.cd men in this pont on the gîuig>"thygive us a êk.L9f are er m Iproud of themn -Younig trees are veutu8. Young 1 hlidren are vexations. Y -kziôw a, man whW sut n,his itudy the other afteruou Writing à. speech, when bls -lit!I. Son- called shirilly from the garden: a'a, papa.toot 1bwIoW <"Wbatinu1-aceebildreias. rep - bled 'the, -man..but mn.vex'éthe1es, h. pt, clown bits pen,rand with a litif afile lue advaned'l to the wltidow promp ly and stuck forth bis luead. "WýVell, whatî t ltV'ald h.. "Tne boy, from a group et of Sngsters, called out: 'Jimmy -Smith wouldn't belleve you had no hair onthe top.-cf your be"d Dear Mothe Fir bis oses us s cmta cmùcl col& Do y.. knwabtmt Gp6OII acum &0 i.LuqTOd, &Md whait hLu c&Wof«e sma" > IhUue1 Io in " rey a" eàâ*nsdyfora ad ab.lde" in . idplés* Postal Profit and Li,4. (Cinci*nnati Enq uirer.) According* to the intiirnational post bureau, taking ail the post-offices cf the world, the United States shows tuhea - est 1085 fromn the management Of postal affairs' and Gtreat Britain the.' largest profits., Nineteen bundred and I thréee;l thelest year for which- figur-i for comparieon are available, mu i Ã" that year we irau beind 84,329,00, whieý Great Britain showed a, net profit, of $22,O0,000, and Russia, Germauy 'aid Françe each about $14,000,000.. -Due to -the large and rapidld ncre*eof- rural»1 delivery since 1M03.on deficit bas grown to at~ least tbree times 'wlat It waa tben, and there are, other rran o'oi n favorable showing, AhlieplncIpt--i00W beingz the larger-Compensation w. '-pay eniployees and the ext'ensive aXreat *6 haveý tg cover which are thInly populated. j>. 0 -ia ny mag a uatîienary teC g Phlelpila 'wlbn- y ver plertir c >peranonsvg pltO Mid Mlsq Maboul$, 116 n a shlp Uerthwde o*rda sunetbatte biA mdbephlmsef" o£gl ras- Tb* r ,takiag the tea, tue pilot pro- hbcap"al -ewed a large snd til oeture mt rowsiy muer. Th* puot mal: noyday, i * aid the moikey abvenuI Ilgit le away ou tht peri As~~ abbMr té i.lat 'os ~ h5bi ta LIutu, pw au* 0( et tt m o p 'o=mu " e t et ame emE pou aontl show Drsa«3 tien. emTbu4 -oe ,ulou " c to n s . Tn 'l a Ma t a w o e t 4 o ' ummt Wn " Oatvspu-tu tah BAWY EU*Ol.-Dor .Aglàe uet - q A *su ii o ~Lv. i.a *~ u i.kk bab ate ori&Mg Eb ieawMt«b tru .aw'tm m t« %m' runae. 31.- e« deck again, muid, tallkint laisplace bea&de tht captak i n Utw .d l an qitU I, tU 'Ne mi «&d su 1120c Maymor eti.wark, N. J.Phu as kel-W tii.mucant0ofthat i cty not te adver-_ *LIQ tieoWuboodah i &Mbusrepetsted land-cwn enoi te permit the ueo<f<S) thaf prpry forUuns1g1tly ains Co=n- L plane idt huacewoul -peeba' enta t, lipon -the laau-ownin, but, nouote -mordants. They Udulg thM, pays, to other klnds thst -pay < botter. Fr eer auWesfu-Wee of- et puUoft Who"haî buiÃŽtu Ihusbuee wb aefouadel -thiïr <ortunea un At feseeteeodanaùuul Mset- ' 9u ettht sbar.holders or th* Bititi ù% ,Wededa, th,Mit in..,at the ed - fie, toronto, tht ïitatementa pmtet ahowred the total:icorne for -tube Year. frîm ailsueste have been *,2, 082.49, sn&ýthe toaixeîtr 810.91.1 Out ofthla d1l4ed-of 4per _ turtire aindT,8U dddt. tht te- cr serv t id.Thtf andeaI statemnet cetCo-il tiec' cornaYshovlng the àst sd ha bilitis at i closettt .r pea Detebabl t.lphouas il ufuture prob.bly p alaleviate tt e rrua etOf train #recks a aplanainbeliig -oa- gidiaw4 by the Né* York Cettral oui- tu ,les tU moui 4ita talie wftk thees. à-aw - owubp4à Do gfal SMON3 <nDe.asuth 0 h r baiik -boe,-15- aus c15r, bal- IL Poe $M.O robuf.~ W.Us li~, -- butikg, à aeopZNgt os ofa to - alm prio- 811 E~NAT1ONL L1csgo. ,.revealed to mnsu. Place: 1 uclea, six miles suio .,Macha ,'. 2. God 80 order, ~through natural ecausei Ji y ýwere. led et just the ri@ à N~aza.reth to Bethlehemn. ýe Lord alpeared too the ,gtip*you la boru"-unto, the kIi people; "a SaviOur".L-a àod.ise Christ"-the anointe aàhoui' Prophet, Priest x i, LoD"It-thrs child je Jehc ýThe Bhepherds hastencd ILand found the babe accord pl's words. Z ope: Man neeking tii l;~ehehem. Yise mien, rcorne fromn the East to >li' for the King of the . corne to worship him; lier 1;calls chief priets and*s ,ed 'where Christ -should bei * lu Bethelghem; Herod serie< n to Bethienien, asking thei Sstar, and find Jesus; .]eiu ped, and gif ta are presentcd A return to their own cou o.naulting llerod. IL Topie: The boy 'Jes ýyouth. Places: Nazaretli a i.Jesgrew aa"d became i ,' dildren. At -the age of nt wîth Bir, parents to t d>tssomver. Wheu they Stafi M trip.. the child is left beb the temple with the doctors duo, and answenng questioi ose;Bis parentse gent N~ e tells theni lie mus à,Yatheu's businam-"reti DM to*Nazareth.-, 'V' Topje: Christ's preparat *»ok. Place: lesus-was1 ifbrd of the Jordtin, cal Wai-John prcached in -the = tùëd in Jordin; preiched' frnt clavees camne to hi: st, reformation required o6! 4. the Messah. Jeans goC t lu Galilee, to the ýJoi olee of John. John shrink ptop; Jesus urgea itL is bu i ýeare opened; the Spi C*à Ïdove upon Him; a voies > «#Thou art My beloyed-Sk V,. 'iopie: A studY eOfOkrxu .-Placet Mo~unt Qual botdistanos northwest, in duthe wilderness; ~!5 sad nigta; terwari .ed; temter came ta hlmf Mretâ e 18 the-Som ,Wng-tomlite bread; Ji lm ;b yuoting Scripture; eke mlm to cattIÃŽinislftdoi îîacle; of the temple; au rbinised Jésuùs aUlàtheklngi %olif ne Hwoula bt dowe ~iM -Jeaseresisted -tatau, M)e. V I. Tpie: L -,sof -lice: 1iTar Capernauim, on -s.Jesu wï1king by [é èiiteied into Peterpsboa t h4mwhl t e tood 011 omnmandda Sion t.a " hé d0ep" fOi a draugbt; ýy haàd- toieil ail ndilt otlUng, bult holeobe'd-. GCh gnimtMuiltituirc( uit EfLsi~ liai<lotwas reikiîh-, R1. t 1~-~. ttluIy su lettalabu came to the eîoewax zfacingeaeh otber, witls,- "hIr peliwxremi ceauléeddr- ably ,entangled. Whll.the te.locor waeÃŽ debating lin hs mimd what vas the prprthing tù, se> or do uider the. ci'- cunetace, ti.préblâm was solved by h quick-wited lady*. who- 4met1yn- *Doctor.-,,f yen i rillb. goo1 enueg te rime and pick eut ý»our legs, I wMlltak. durinq tbe put

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