Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Keystone, 3 Aug 1905, p. 8

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4- Sreoa Absolut.ly Pure F'RESH GROt I-IELLEB< OHRRIS BUG Killis potato bugs ati eatinsg insecte, prever Ready for use. N Je Es WII Druggist -MPedicallHai Btock St. TND' ORE FINISH id ail leaf nts blight. 0 miriog. L113 Optician 'I Whltby. excursion wva 16rua 'ont ot Oshawa.O lu some way he Iot bu. balanCé aod éoit - 0Tb oamil, --Tlte boit, a stbpod, a idebuat Iowrered. bù t n trace of the ladMJ'Culd ,be, tsun4. Let the Con frac! for Heatlag court flouse. The property Comttée c!ý'. the County (rounelI met in tewO this week ro open tenders, for teeat. ing apparu u ~r the Count.Couvit Flouse. 11%, .tendere vere'put In, the higilebt'beitSîî $2400, t4e iw. est. wbieb wn s accepted, elia $1,- D.0. and aliowig t75 for'th»e OIG plant. mebors. Harrison & Robep1t' son, o! TForouito. are the sue.essful tendq rei. The regisjtry offlee viii also be beated by the plant, as, weil as the gaul. The rontract calis for an-entirei3 n'ew oàtftliL and bo to be Instalied by Pepteuiber 20. Mesure. Carnegie anîd 3uwbra.y are the mein- bers of a ropeciat committee whcbhav'e charge eofi c -natter. Band Concert. Following IN the progî'ammti Pro. mined for Satsiroay evening by the Band o! the 81U tc glnint- March - Walm,ýrc."' ...... ... ."0** - *" *»* Losey. March ...Officer o~f ite Day". Cake WaIk ... ... ..î~a .... ...... .;. . ...... C. Haines. I Sehottis ee trcoi1îj.g lu tie Moon. Ilight"............. B ye r. March and two Bletl) '1i311iy'. - --- ---- ---- arn p g . Mareh "Elks ef Anerici'.... .*....... County Town ... ...Pi OIe Examine Vour Mail. li1appeninfgs.i Aroent î'egu;ittîon bfued byth _ Poutal Dopartment je worth bear- ________ __àin_ mind by tbohaviog boxes. Tiw buckle fuctry now close# e no rp ÇXe, bBneirre- every gaturcay afternûc>u Clto xurspol oexamine Uîet the hua.'ut'-elbmcril'e for ti their mail before tcavlng the ofite. Keyslone, Our iistm are groNving. and tthouid they find a pleee net ad- dretised to tîîwu îWey mutit return The Parmerb' Co-operativ'e HRy!l'< at once. br be liable ta. a f ine of vesllsng Michine Co. have made f'so000,Thot it la tito fauli. of the hea'>' sh!tîîmc-ittbcf binders to th oeftma^ster niakets. nu difference. or no. Stylii eshlrtrin cinth fn(l lus- treR, Jast arrivei wili be on sale1 at haIt price iai. breijins store. 1 À gardon party %viibe heid n.the la wn el Mr. C. ttcphensofl, Kitrêalc, on A-iueut 17, utîdor the auspices of tie Methodluit chur-zlh of tilat place. Titis Whitby orehctra willi bcuthare. 1il kinda of L-raf t wore breulit into requisIt-loirs abt tunday te getj te the stranded teaî,tr Argyle. and a - i umber walked a~nd drove down shore. The -uilisig yacht "Aima" la at Whltby harbor, whs.roe he awaits an, omner. Site was deat.rted in a. storin lapt week at-e,cwe' Bay. and vas briuugàtt fo Whitby A staff o! men, bavec iicen busily engaged for the. Viiot week oit so tu picklng rueneçre tom peau irbicit farmera in tis asectiou are grow.. lng for a seed firm le Toronto.- Supt. Saxb; ha»s-a staff o! mon busiiy epgaged in ntafllng water. woriks ila-the :iunîi-o tuec- citizens, and eau hardiy kooji ap. wîth the demaxtd.Mayor Rowacns home la being conneoted witit the water mains. Thos. ConIIh4oeports the apple crop itn thiseetiou t. bettor than for a goosl mîuy yeo.r% autl le busy buiyîig ana Cetting roady for do.. Ing a targoupxurt traee. Orchards senera.ty are icaded wth a Prom.. r8aPld prouro. ]Berry picking partie have 'been sdoing à large trade the. put veci or' so Paît ai tejr alo!ttad lus.. clQOu* to i#boletbroug11t te t.owoin rom tue vood# every day- luIRCIli 4g a4y.o- and the l>uy do** for the oowtng vAnti. Mfr. Hamy, 1 M wards. e! BroCk ville. arrIved, bore fthi. wtk. and wil maki- arreI. la te u1g lit at ahop, *hee hovu i"eoa-.t.d yosr. lMr. ilwaArde lasolo oornlM in the 4lst baud u t IIrookviIse, am wii l ow 4018 forme vîti the cornet- section, of the 5th ilànd bar. For lothi and gen ie ' 1urniê. 1ns Omfi«t6 prile*. pr*ail at te Hogarth-W&Wtieid mamrage. The marriage took pluec ia.'t even. ing at 6 o'cluciiLoft Mr. G. H. Ho- garth, Principal of the Whltby col- legiate Inst'ltuq*.co aî.d Mises Marthla Whitfield. cf -%%hitby. The cere- mony witid perfourmncd by the Rev. r). 0. Ci-osslie-y. *îL th*. hom.oet the bride. Thie nurriage was a very quiet one. ool.y tht iîrnrdlo.te rela. tiva ocf the bride boing proient.U1r. and Mrs. Hogarsh toor. the eveuing train weut for Uugkuk!t. where they wvill oîîjoy the deighIS4"eo that coun- try for uevtii wekti. Chmes Ointmeâ aota a~ae I&bM"te for ea"i -mpntaI. lq the d441y proua **fd84ylmflnOlb ,yhatothlkotit. ?*Oumltams Pjt,~ onev back l i mSoteu.d Moa b= .at P umor Duxom.UBai'VQ C.,Tot& Dr. has'. lntmont Smart boy *anlted Lo 'ImmrDthe printlng. Âpbly to EdItur Key.. stone.p Ur. -Frt'd Darey us home f rom To.1 MisLiue Stewart Ià bôme, romý .r. and. Ur*s.- Mowstt ver. la, c». UA. r, ie, 'otue Dmno iut and XIa.ttis. wesh. Xmi. Mad'Brovu, oi Obbaýat le. 1f.Wabotifhe Domilon, Bauk. bas rstui'm94frcm liAsb aliyl Ufr.- and UMm.. atila&ad !t*IW, 0 Toronto.s, ir *ê u u UPWV.. IMa.Moor~e. rTerotOUoi,,le-v I - b' SALE j 0OF White .3 '3 Oods - .1 OONSISTING 0F Ladie'is White Sikirts Ladie'8 Niiht Qowns Ail will be sold Muslins at 207,,off Ladie's. Corset Cove uit 207. off our regular lîrices. Also fine range We have a few genuine Remnantin i Colored pieted ntela ré i~srea.diDgJunior teaOherýs g'oiiuar, papers. wi f.Wm. Miil. qif Chicago. Wh leérned hie trad, Ib the ,.:hronteiê offic 10i~di7 yearo ago, lu booklng up old Iriends. latown-, Rey. Fs.tler KLelîz. of! the -Order, _pf J{edempltii. -of Toronto. i"îs.. ite4 hie anut. Mrs. M. àA.'Baùdel, on Tbureday of Iaut weeh.retulning 14 the levening. Dr. XMacftaîu. 0!orw auw, wbo at one tite reprt4ented -Pe'terbdto in the Le.gislrute, died lait weeik c0 xkppendicltie. tI;r. MýeUohant wa. fatbor of ?Mrtl. J. M. I)yeà of this Mr. D. W. Meh.affin. of the Cpeen'q. hati retnrned a.!ter recuperating for two wveeke at XciMainazoo. Mieh. Hie eeporte a. spiendd *ime. and- ha.. re.. cuulieC. 50 Wuci)LiLi1hat bas again duniîed the Whit.by laerussâe Col si. Ã"n the Wing. E. Stephensoli. W n*&,by, hais ticket-. ed thli4 eek- Jlobt. Someritl te Jackisonli Pt. bit-b. Eiborne tu Belleville. Frank Eneil tu PurL Perry. J. W. Fraoer te Thorabull7 MrT. Frank iiogers tuiexan4,rja. Uia Pugh to Norfolk, Virginle. Rev. D. 0. ;iusd àMre. Crosjley to Mortimer's PoitL. buskoka. Mr. E. E. Starr tji ln*.,Un. Mien 3. Wilson te ,,lplstilng Jet. Miss Morarg 1.0 Loiligwood. 11ev. fi. H. Bingham te Burke?à Falls. Miss 'Neni to P1Cirburo. Mrs nd Mitis Bitw.churd te Bright. Miss Vida P,*rin te Syracuse, N. Mr. and Mr>~. Ci. H. Hogarth -te Royal MNuekoka. 80 othero to ToruîîL) ani eIAe. News of the Chureh es Ait Saint&" Chu rc b. Last Sunday the services at Ail Saints' churcb broughit mucb e pleas. ure te the rector awl meuibers or the. eongregation owIng te the tact t4at througb tbe-energy of the y, P. A.. and the liberal resPon 6e by the, chu rch inemberb. te edilice was béautilui llghted by ea.*trlc *lght, andI a.doub.4 f hrnbure was ai lord- ed ait by hnang in their rnidwztqonug more the Rev. JL $ Broujgballi XK. A £»dstaut Redtut 0f st. -steépheaýS church, Torunto, and forMtnry rýo tor e oi AdPaw tLî. n e- klndiy gve up a portion of liii weU earnea va.. cationi to eomei among bis former parîohleners. where *hoe "spent -one of the yur~o! hie iU&e" Hie ee.rnest dtsourt.cs at -'both oeré. wecos Wi~. teliivw Istemedl t'O ail pre.snt 1&hmutile retfeet. D. t gm»sIfIt, MS D. !ile" andthé ~ choir. The Tabenacle. The postor--o! Iltho Taberautoe, Rev. D. 0. Crosàey, has reoeived the consent ,o!t he*uti fIia oa~Bord,-Oo WIiI tak ýa tew wèek#wbolldaye in Muskokil - with bit beother., Rev. IL.' T. Crossboy. the eVangeII#t. The âa4 dresa of Ur. Crosil yul be Beau;. maris, X*iêOka, Ont., iwsi Guring ii .absence the . pipt vI le suppieG b Rev. .T. W.JoWfe, of Bowman., bu.t the ordiut&noe t. baptiaw wa* gdm1ultpi'o4 tpone w cadlgaL., rsand ofa14tr&a ikw-theLodtâ asuper .&-M O) Vold Fur SEI si At aâû I * * * * * * * * ******4 ~ ~ *-Anou Hou.' Wanited Hou»e wated to vent for Oct ober l et w4itI stable 'prfered nôt more thun 7 minutes freinP.O. Apply at KZvsON DO'TLOSE__THEI O)PPORTUN ITY U Enilsn me kaiw we glive i bout -SWnopaýpblo Aïd Bumleu a lnng.( on us for osfie* Jw4p '"[y. J. 1 . 1% w"rooio"d140 aÇ pplçuono. I go Mn euw t bo y ". , Oct otr f, h Iow Coofration Lite Bldg.4 Toronto. R. OD. NIMMO, Principal. - PAQUVETTE THE ROYAL; BARBER SH1OP &4joIutuà tt'keoyal Aotel, WbiiAay., 2tpieuee a tt éailg ei ty tu Ca#àda. "uj WM* 44 I s ~44,I Wei The Economical1 Mutual Fire tnsurance Co., 0F ]BERLIN* Tie Whiithy District Agrency lately held -by W. J. H i.ltchardsoup bas Ueefftranàferred H. B. ILLING Cieneral, Iniqutance, Agent of -Whitby, To whorait oamcalong .may,.be addressed.. DresB Goods and Prints which we will also clear at 207,, ff our, alrendyly ow price. Bala<nce of fine Straw Hats at hlf price. If intereste.d in any of these goods don't fail to see them. c Andrew M. RIo$s ý'f ý

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