Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Keystone, 3 Aug 1905, p. 7

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'o SE14L A S;ÃŽuci- for article ln rural ai offer. WIII s.dvsr- Box 44, Perth, Ont. ALE I KTYiORS. s Ebr»-power. AS- SUP44dY, 9« Hlamilton-. LUne [Milton amd Plot.. on and Toronto 7.30 ,d&ys and2 Ssturdays utreal and ittruxe- BOVNI LIri. IfREAL UNE AND lKINGSTON. m. daIly. excopt $u- y, Rochestor, TbouU Lawrence, MontreJ. * T84COaUS&C, 8guen&yw -0 to R. 1R. &tente or Western Pâas.itger orpiùnent. ,s mn the best Fo- Istoo p-shouldered the Phuiladeiplula "nd Utheok oit in (d, on the age aled StrongIy- to oulai, vue crossed ýwed a haif dime. ,ýhich iay in the berl'and. the old uny il yoUdget 1a1d pasise.Il nie by this niuch as al thougltt îan. God ble5s ELL SUCCUMB te natte Cure, becauiS ýt er tii. trouble and iT socoiiod cures but ,only, te have 14t re. -d violence. Not no >It etadicatetramn k.tifee or the disoaose 1Surf. çeptune himseif in cachmnent o! the emt air bath in a$whxumerat-ca-r- lnt upon vi'nd or g an« fîi!teen fil!- ne end a meehani- û- to scud buge St thse other, and ail the sensations i 'tiie assurance of i the tank is but 1 thse -surf may b. r"e-eof a 'W\im- i'trugglesn one o! Lb. attrac- iort, 'and xtý amali ors for admissiOn. -EXCURSIONS, guaýt anS Septomber Vutsrn Rtlw*y ilii t-tP exursion ttck- SAngles, l'ortiude ý kxmoiut1oýn). Seat- 'gi-or, ai- von- 10w LO&D IUre. from ail 41 ef irutes, boutor ItOP«ovoansd Mobral Ideu7 and fuit lnf or- froux B. H. Bennett, Itreet outtToronto. senti Sight. d lis f riencl, vit bm a wedding, b.. sti.te into -wiich Wedding fèta ud RL.QR -T C H ilLe, as .5*e- s ~ny muzfacg VIL. Joulb We hBoek « li, cbro& S: ,Ii Commentary-i-. The.Book e! tithe'Law discoved (vs.1-)1. BroUgbt eut tie money-It would seem tuaI the book of the lsw was found by the higb priest ~the treasury where the money vais P Found -This expression indieatea, tthe allusion 'is -te snorething ai- r.ady kniowui, not to anythUng that h4( orne te ligbt for the first-time -Ç.£l book o! the law--The Dame given toei. fiv. books o! Moe.-Todd. Tii.book of thie law cannot mean amythinq cIao, sîther grammatically .ozçe hlstorically, than the Mosaiec law, 'Lb. Pentateuci," so designated inOhronicles, £ra and Nebemlah. 16. Delivered the book -&ha. tam waa the private secretary of the L m ad bad charge of bis bocks and re* corda The boos.s tound w&s a parchment roi. Books wete few and precious. 16, 17. Brouight. .Wor-d back-Before Shaphan delivered Lb. new !ound bock Le the king b. reported Lo hlm cenceru- ing the business on whieh h. bcd been sent at firet. Rie told tb. king that tbey had faithfully performed Lb. work oom- mitted te thein, snd that themoney bad been properly p aid out. 18. A book - & hPhan had already read 1the bodk, or rtions cf iL (Rings xxii. 8), sand no 04ubt fully understood ita ebaracter, but be did flot tell the king tiat iL vas the book o! th. law i be spoke of iL as a book and allowed Lb. king to form bis own opinion as to iLs importance. Read t.herein <R. V.)-ThaL la Shaphan read portions of the book. "Of course be read at thie king's conmmand. Il, Tie effeet on thbe king (vs. 10-21). 19. King had heard-Thoee wbo hear Gods word seoften can scarccly eoiieeive the effect th. reading cf the law would have on this young king as h. liatened te i t fI(c - e f irat ime. Rent bis clthes- Broiught- face to face with the awful ffrso où!o God, pronounced nearly a tbou- sand years before on the nation, for the very suns which bad charact-erized Lb. reign cf hie father and grandfather, amn- azement took possession o! Mim. "The cf- fedt on the king was like that ýpro- duced on Luthier by bis finding an old Latin Bible in the library of the Augus- tine convent at Erfurt. The reformer hafl never secn the Seriptures, though he was not only a Christian, but a monk. There bcd been religion cnough, cf a kind, &round him al bis life-reigion profes- suig to be babed on lhe living word; buti the di! ferèee between thé conventional andi the truc rlashcd on bias oul with lightuing brightnesa when the. aacred boçvk it5eîf ivus consulted. III. HuIdn.Lh'-, fithfulinieseçe (va. 22- 28). 2. Iiîldah-AII w. know o! this e-elebrated woman is reeorded herc a-nd in the parallel history of Kings. But this oshort narrative ba.s inîrortalized ber siame. Probably the two pro heta, Jere-1 miah a.nd Zephaniali, were aMcnt f ro n the ctty. Buit God is not sêtraitened in Hua inâbrumi.-ntg. He can use a woxnan to spesk foîr hiru as welI as a man, an -hum- ble person as well as an exalted one. 23. Tell ye the inan-H-er answ.er to the dep- ptation Was fearlefSanBd Iseemingi abrupt. -In the fire&t part Huldah 1ms only the sub>ect.Matter in mmnd, Wjhile in verse 26, in thie jueter flow of ber wordâ, ah. t.akes notice o! Lbe atate of mind oftheb particular person who sent Le anake Lb. inguiiy."-Rawlinson. 24. kiring evii-The judgment. o!f(Jod. This Ç>lac -Jerusalein. Al th. curses--Seê eut. XXVii. 14-20î, XXVui. M-08. 25. Have forsaken me-"*This was the gist of their effance, the thlng -that mas unpardona.ble. Against tuis wve oaI thc chie! -wartkings ln tàhe law aud Ithe pro. rtp eLt. as net merely that they broke e..corninmaudMAmntsu t M tbey turned trVm AmflAf e ba.ttie ~t the te-rIbl1 = 0prIuef ore- tol c J~'ualéiiBot _s ltoetiti: uto death. A frieu' Ib ave been !eedn4,o ,ý,ýlü ýi maorning." .!Wb" I ?' shiaé ec for «lftead"I (Job, 10-97). *i?ïknw »tY*f>?- kectly theb. ri lu-i uSier, T Lknow la mye bel!, and mine =me '" ati e. meaua » t Xi"S -Is 1 -mad~e tfieA Iservie 4, short as coula becauseuMY' Isermon vaS OP Iouw." "But why;I - te-: 101used thse mn, '"(Gdt -yoilesf eiL u smre -of o!cuýr ovu atfif 7 Lhse ques- tin as net ,plit., 1 vspertient. 9 ~ t in ua service had U'belotb. omitted'than. Lhe Word of God. "]Re rent bhis clothea (v. 19). Thé. klrg let the. arrow of con*iction iet- the, heart. WMen, bebeard tbe truth b. se- eepted iL. Tit is thie va-y o!fsalvation for Lbe ainner,1hh, vay o! enligbteumt for the. saint. "'Inquir, o! tii. Lord for ine",(v*. 21I. As'you read' ask prayerfully, *ffowtan 1 apply tliite may file 1Amn 1 guilty o! tbis wrong 7T la tbls the prayer o! MY heart M "If thon-.. . .iftest uptLby voice foi- undertanding... then Sbai thon .... find thse knovledge of Ged" The author o! the word sioe eau Inter. pt-et iL. When by circunsýncem beyond -your coatrol.you cait onîy sua-toitla baud. fui o! manir&, iL will last ail day.» Abbie C. Morrow. JACI'S IIGHT TO BRAY. Court Tecide That Jacisasa May Aiways -Conversa. Topeka,. Kau., July 31.-IL vuas great day for jackases yeterday. ý it vas held by a court Le w b ie malen a.ble right o! every jack te bray wheu, and viiere and in viat k e o hose. Wbule a joyfui 1al -reeh wvent ur from n ny a mlsitotiMe, Ias Lb. i tepoiteffice oS Rkh1ln4, Kan. Inx Richlaid4h, postmnter ila apoat. nuaLress, and possesses thbe delicate au- ditory n-irves o! thie sex. Next -door tc Lbe posteffice stand the iivery prloirs o! ibetta & Hotz. Among the -Irest o! tii. possessons o! Mosan. Tilbetts & Retz are Ivo long-ea-red, pit brin h-tailed. leather-lunged. bras throated jeokx. Wiieu 'Tete" a.nd '¶DIll» let loee their sirens the clapboarde on sltable and peetoffioe quivered and ring, andi the.litt.le positmistrea »stoppoil ler ours wiLli a shfidr. Patrons of the office have found con- versationu difficuit, If -net impossible, wben "Bill"andi "Pote" vote lu thbe* sLalk. The grocet would aýppear ai the window and « ask: adAny mail for me to-a~,Ms- '<Haw-e-e-haw" vo t-car "Poe,-* nexV-dogr. '1Uô. 14tter-, IMP. PdIn s,»the post- m$st'rees voulti repiY, "but-" Iaw-c-o..e-kaw-e-e-e ,» vonlsi Ielloev "Bill," andtheii rest of., the transtien wc>uid b. oarried on in signa.- T-he postînistrwe girded en lber ar- mor a.nd sought the Iaw. She obtaineci a-n injunction' apoinst Lb. jacksand theiz owners, andi for a day muffled tests toId tha thLb animais' bouda ba. licou svn.tb.od in gunny meeks.j But yeosteid4y Jutge Dane. heard the arguments, ddedt -. ebraing vasaa hereitary rigiit o! the beasts, imd dib- solvedtei eljpnctlon. BÂSEl> ON;AN Cl Ã"> A»'POPIJLA >1'ev 'York, Juîy 31.-William StalI, a laborer, wbo Ilted is the Bironx, died 41et niîgbt at tb.e à.bauon ilospitaLI, voerrying because he could not scratch hlm rlght foot, asys the World. t'hue stra-age part o!flvas tiat lias rIglit foot and leg vetoe amputited a w.ek before a-ad- bad been duiy embalused andi burlesi in a. eeffietery. TIhe lirg bad beet,a rsb by a, lu-, e-- -&--- _àA ib&afl _omore-itan carn wbp Jtly IL--TIWo omre'l [,JUlÉ wbeat caused great lezcmeto ti.EcbIInge ber, this inoraing, tii. [prics at 0M 4rn toueblng, nineteen ensabove yesterdaj's lose snd Clos- 4u st 01-30, an advance 0f fourtee1l ceuts. It la believcd the. Cgilvies and the 'Van Dusen Harringtoù eoupany are thie mainsprlngs 1 f tho movement v4dch hbrls Icd whoat 20(,to 25 cents above tii.e- xpert prie.. 'Thé. corner bas »ti"led Robert )(uir & Go.1 zau mg ah injunction against the Clearing Houa. AssociaLieu te preveiit Lbem paying eut money.0r buying grain. TI%, corer as il now -standu s a apurej gable, and ofno ne nfit te .coun- try as a whole, as thé number cf the' fumers wiio bave wbeat te mail toe wards the. end of July laî uiways small. The. reault o e! . nunction wM be1 awalted with great mntcrest as the raies 0( thé erchange endeavor te pro- itibit the !orcing up o!, wbeat prices be- yond the. point at 'which thete is a mar- ket for it. The adoption o! ChîcagO ,taetics on the- Winnpý e ellange in not looked upon with favçr. Winnipeg. Juiy ,.-C P. Pt.l'mes Deapateh.)- The steamer Westmount and ber consort, the. Selkirk arrived at Fort Willam at noon wilh 90,000 'bushela o! wheat f rom Kingaton, te break the. JuIy corner. TORE OF"HR SCALP. PhUldeiphia MMI Workêr Eau N&rrw Escpo Yrem DoaMi Philadelphia, July 51.-fier hair b.- oominb entangled in the belting of the machinery alongaîde of which aie was, at work, M4ra. Pearl Laurillard, 23 yeats old, o! No. 104 Turner street, wau wbirl- ed about a big belt' whe.1 ini loan'a miii, ut Howard and Palmer st.reets, jes- terday s.fternoon. When maie finally feUl te tbe floor aftr, having ben WhÃŽrled about the. entire- course ol the. belt four times.he entire scalp yus tom off, and vile su. lay unconseouis on tee floor ber long tresses were stili being carrled about on Lthe belting. The womau's sereme attracted a num- ber o! Lh. employeea Le ber aide, and the. machin.ry wu satopped a son as possible. She was tenderly placed in a ptrl taan d taken ta St. Mar9 Uospitu4, w . e t was founid tls.t thé woniâll'a right thumb lid been eut off by being caugttin a cg -whe. as abe tel o e ifloor.. sud ' ~tber, le! t ar was almoiat completely sevoed. A burried consultation v as hold, and Dmu (YDoiuiell and Westphsl, of the hospital staff, decided te try te save tho woman's scalp by replacîug iL uùpon the. ba4 and allowing IL tohaà u is t original place. Tii. Inside o! tIiý scaP Wasl fitat ecare!ulIy* wasbed with ,anti- septies aud thon fitt.d lu paoI4eO erfil ttitcbes bein~ takea te lI~d it ffr- 1yý,in position.. M.L4?ul4&d M $Iîng oo«k auy inuiis etiier than tiiosete the *ialp -theefruger and thse, est.The. phzs stdoi . » are coïifident tisai the oscalp -miii grei-lido place again, .a1lbough - iucb oprtons are extrermely 'rare. fitvi b. a couple of days bdefte UiCOes or the opraton eau be determnined, but in order te aid' tii. healîvg proocus bot water, bth..are beig «-P plied-to h bensebtanLIy te immuse the 1mIm. Mn. aunilard ivas inarrledabut i tvo year ago and - .ber 1su~ii4 VIW1etwhite........ ... 4s W.tQ W Do ckweatDis t- o B Do.# 06lmto *0 ~5Iu i# ~ u y frggvw o..aev0.. in>oto 0o ~L C K M X E > R ~ I J a ~ s O n . tr w . ... ...... î oc ,to le m eDo.. ,àélver:8mx_01V CGt. S NATURAL. ,ýGREEN JPositively Rt Sb tttuese D- #ý dho;;;iz W.. . 0 tÃŽfonEsT AWffRD ST. Louis,1904. baî4 o S ~~onçlten0* 11 _______ Imm.u.... ....O CAUS 0FMUScI WYWIUNtwm: wt 0 OU> C*ýj4os.g... tg* 0.*l Mt dom à 00 S #t Gran (iundls afled Together to Give -It Some ....01 OC .. ..aw.. ......84 <S ReconsifkertIon. .....01 .0islb .014 t 04i Buffalo, July 3.-The and Qitncil tô, sk for a vipeclal session of the Su.Cavptb......S o 5 or the Royal Arcanurn, coMPrisiiig the Preme Vr>uii nin uit support or modi-j TomoP Fit Markot, 133 uncils of the- order in >iew Yorkufh pooodtue fIa ,~ market to dabolS s e K- Stattbureenfalld tomeetailÈ . _espta veo ût noui tooq ai7 for th*. Stat, bs ben alld t met u Bu- ree represeta4ven from this- State daao.Pries sow littiS oibang& fal0 at 10 o'clock on'the morning of have petitioned for such a meeting of Jrl e. akt ..$085 to fi ai, Tuesda atACity8%Convention the supreme body, although that action 1laspbevle..........o*- t. ont Hfal Borne ime ago a dispa±ch wuo their part doen »oL neSssarlly mesu Red eurrats. Sik t....0* 0 7SI set u for ewYokthat all o! tiem favor a change in the- Black ourants, basket. 075 t 0.90 t snou r NwYr stating uit ew sciiedule." CoséMr4...O ?t 0I to 12 CailfornIa peabsees...136 to -10 suvch a meeting would be held bers on New Brunswick1 N. J., July 28.-Thi. m.......1-79 46 15à Auk. 1, but no sucli meeting bad been recent jumps, in the rates of the 1%16yai P"w . ... S 410 41. caLe The. present announcement i,, r UMwnl7corne up fr Wbûy eliapueln . . . 133, f diseussieu ut a "pcal 505onf of the Do.taQ"et . ,..0 %..-o 0. howeer, ffic&l ad lamadeon ~lieGrand Council of New Jersey -in Comum- wàtewiinùïeons . 1.....* t 05 statelment Of J. Y. Bicknell, of Buffalo, bia Hanl, tus cîty, on Friday, August ESfael55.buuOI........, 5to- 23eO-t the. Grand Secretary. 1.Dotredete. 00et.6.. , 360 so, t 040 ioa. craie ... .. .-. 8t o SUc "The. Grand Council villi Meet aI City Amember wbo fi proi'iinent la the' Oraânte , t.........r, 4 75 10 5sa Convention Hall on the maornlng o! &ýug affaire o! the organization 6%dd. "What- VOaio. 8 t 10 o'clock," said 14r. Biekueil this ever may b. the mathemnatical facta o! TomaoD s or et...... iesttS Do.basketi.... .. .... .. m te' lis morming. "Notices to this effect *mer the discussion ad 40 rtes, it 1 04e0l Ccnrbskt.....8 .O~ sent ont by me day before yestoeda3.. reognlse that the. tank and file of thé eot........... 150 f0 ý " 75i1 The session has been asked for by thice ebership, lnu'New Jersey, -.xt least, Me. 1eS to .0 members Who Iôok with disfavor on, the aite opposed tei InMatssdin thée ft«# g .-ual. amner...........: ô:: new îinsurance sechedule and who want at auy rate, sW drastia au iAu çrese a .bg h....... -4 0U to have it aménded by the Supteme that pîrojetdê' ~>~ .a 6 *6 et 6*so Council before iL is 'put in effect Oct. ."Tbu, toe, tbýr* in the. aW1me*t that Walpgoptions, 1. Our constitution providés .that 4yse- the lucrease -in, 'rates viii d&W o ut c 001p.~ja niaî sion of the GrandCoDuncil must berWal. >Lb. order everyl -nsuin bo eau gesI in,'p.s:ju1yNo. 8eéeIà1%7~5 cd on the petition of 25 of!- Lb. subord ii-muait..el.eie a utlg ii i.juy NM. 4 «tui, TrlOs, 5UJ nate couneila and the. réquired number mmne rates, leav ~bebind .pnly the. poor.Cles.G 7t. PrIdB have united in thi e«1.11" est riaka, to4boff bold on to thé. aldet - "& "' Secretâry Bicknell, who, sustains 4h. because there ltano oter esou= V iV Cshwéi-Ç.ë . neW ritte, said hoe did tôtt sea»Y odahié. 1 fi In tàtIl th@ teutirnett 'ffdSU.lu~',t y tW 1-t e tiiet. or alling the Grand Conell te- of the -ub 6 ria o u CO ls la 5c OTItl7 ~ ~ u p 5 -The sessin will cost $16,0001» iaid Council Wili cdan -.uinistable rre- Fyt4ay UIC im ver S,'o. 5WhS. 6a supreme repweutatives, 13 iun unibor, tiff 1 n clu ii Stbe 034e. I ___________________________________Toronto LM. ItO&k A WGMAN'S ORDEAL ive i. crkau DREDSDOTO'8QUESTIOM$R hu-hvb s iii, tuter ior&! 4rectery Th0WD4EnIt.bO1iSIIulID, 4ds.»d procee' &on- is MUs.,~~ ad.as VAdwim yos té utl bardwood !ly kbbouIsl oen4.o~l ~4 lt ouiIxioaiasa Then ~ ~ Mmle osab.is mmtwiba daI Y e CdUlng- -lU thtt-it- $1 a jean. as o! boy by bar fa piomakr v $ lake1 ain .Or great1 FL T

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