Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Keystone, 3 Aug 1905, p. 6

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I VYARDE bi»z.tiy bi, ýiserlotis cru" k cm a i n don8Sotland ,yeqj& tbrow8 orer the. metropovIa a-atrong but lurlab- kuw that sart.The a m*cb * t=PW i, Il!. et' frornwhieh only the very I Ay fth prt vlput t;,*e t. ý ob or t4 . try clever criinnial ean escap, au'uuo eai e. e. ~sdos When you consider -that the. Londoni kiiow toe -, ee-and -the whole 'w ur 1l 'I s polled until the'uter bombé AIb«I mid rW5 ovýer which Scotland Yard bas pow«r bas AkesUihe- e asti d, ïhe atsa thhir Pro- à radius o1f fifteeu miles from CharinÏg epr or4er., Crois you will understand 'the wonder- ouIy 'a email part of 'cheîdsigu la wotkeff fut nature of the police 'organiZatiôiiý Witbn a fe hors f the diaÇovory 'ôf I !rbeithat portion linptampeà a oin, on- tst, a ensatlonal crime, the autbor of wbiClhJwlh abreéb sobrscret Pro""'a bas eosexpedthe 6,000,000 people lu ton- t mrm te.atée rSM t <f l..untchét nas dlon are more or lois under surveillance border ta thu scompleted or a batti maie te Ixmagine a terrible murder such a. go sCroms the -whoie face or ba&c of tho Uiat at Deptford a few dayo agc. The ate,"'b s of the eolorea notées thrèe or bxloc n olice immedxAtely commumcated four tina are usad, and, ýensraiIy you iDli With geotlana yard, giîving the faet- that l hmA lutn. It défiés th*'eam«flý utating, fer exainple, that three peoplý h ifrnlr ae ~~put on wlth dlfere'lt have een urdeed a huse udptaTtes;and euch mia»a separate prlntlng. bave een urdeed i a hose ad tht' T e eult.la tbat if you hold one of the Dotes a' fuir-haired man cf 40, W'earing a long up to the lIght e vlfini thet the.linos ot gryovercoat, had been seen to beave the dIfferent colora rua loto and through one Uts ous. Prm Sotlad yrd ter.anotiier,,. maklng tI flIssblete tg%* & Per- hous. FomScolan yad tereperfect copy, e"en -if the carnera coum! Catch radiate -to the twenty-one metropolitan tea»Il, wuuch it vain noS. police divisions, from the "'A" or White- No forger osa set the traCery doue by baud. ILLA L (~T rlA becanse Do .ngrser ooul1d do it,and ha, Can UHdisu8ltrc to mine x or Hihîgate dis- not geêttiie machine. If lhe bad the machIneé trict such facte as the authorities in it wZuld take years to work outt h. secret tho great cqntra1 building on the em- comblnstion of f igurea. wbih make &Dy par- ba.nmentthln iLnecesaryîboud ~ ticular design. There ame ouly tbree or tour' bankenttlùk i necssay aoul beof these machines in t.he voeud. Then for bits known.- design, In the shape of portraitisud archi.- It 1. then only a mater cf a few tecture andý acenry and letteriu'. be vould heurs before the policemen in the streets s'ant a combination of four or more engrav- wera cf talgb abillty and bai ebaracter, whlcl are keeping their eve8 open for a fair- w-oud ho as bard te corne by as te. mahin. haired man cf 40, wveâring a long gray It eau oct b. dons. *verccat. But this i. only the begin- BuStlt Engliahaut o la protectedI by Dou@ aing of the work. One of thle chief de- deig cnb. ccpled quit.e sily by the tectives of Sctland yard in on the icone camera sud a gond plate reproiuced oin of the crimue as quickly an it in pos- for printlug. li eau be pbotograpa« on stoe ad te rininglaroady at once Il he sible for him to get there and possibty forger cau get paper or tii. right sort thie assistant eommissioner himseif 4 rushes down on his miotor car. The Tbe rTy aU« tMe (,rcen, ehlefg, %with theïr assistant, mnake a1 tJorough examinatiou of the place and onouPal]Mail Gazette.) (hake photographe. The gray streeta ci London a»e grayer than A pièce of glass bearing thetMarks of rTh oe f LnoweeIm two fingers-is sent off at once to Scot- walk My loue, la.nd yard. It has been decided that the The gray' city p4vemmntsanai bard to treai, eriminal is a cagnai laborer, and there Jotas! ts r cln o b rs la a detective quietly watchiug every gru ceumou bodgipg bouse within a radius ofFo down the ,rlndtug boreea the prais le miles. M eanwhile one cf the seui<,rîdete.- , softAn atlik. U'os mat'tb.,yard, witb a m emory utored 'The. vindinla aeet as ihoner, th. boise vdth the namnes cf each of the dapera.te whte as muil; Gryd sad grayer bousses berean habituai crinals who .migbtMn 1kely skies like bransa te commit such a crime, bas m4t Sn foot The larli la .IngIug, soutns oer tb, Irtah a search- for each of these men, whose grs moôvemênt will, unknown to, themmelveS, Th gray stlteto ndon trsteh oSt a b. traced for days back. ttionsandmile. That business looking commercial 'ci,,.0 O 4far7 walI5and windows. and neyer a veler wbo ounges round the bookaor U "D o r albmn. ttis u ud ryp ier 'th. booking office ho aise probably DI. pais 0, man fromn tue7yard. The methodo' vary T ¶a ol lgrass. = aalm ,aih according to circumstauces, but ini every Ik diWetion there are the atrong, unseenGosi mt thepee atm t~sadbiesa ineshes- cf tbe police net. Up at Scot- Bt~he fertile pla>, land yard the finger prints on the piece go tl pai. ylRdnO of glass -are being carcfully compared O .brovu s any ambor, snd ,tIer s uy with qpme cf the f inger prints of known glana Th atream muy bout bears caltag trom erlnfuls.Foryears finger prints have the triab gpaie. bcen stored s"d lucre are now -on regua- Tho gra streets 01f Lohdoa tbey Sitire ter îniethan 60,000 sets. pae. vthgola 1: LFrisonors have hail to ink their flng- nrdatubr bais theecoveUpa 1h51two cal ers elightty alf around' on a prepsrod ' haut, conui ha: slab and then place the n o a piece of, " ý7 oo hefoiauf! spcially preparcd paper, t.uruing thero 1Wor ,the de« tbm% gm~y, aus 1v oi 'o, th sl(owl>' rou*d, brthe dlfiro cf au of- 'l51. 's rningn'as been'left ýf i the ÏrË *i t ru et h ieamýw Pe. inl' the.sets cf finger arsen Matrei ÃŽU4 -ad'oorè a" nti wirs The ouefc'a callas ouwly eIng la ndea~4 su eterd awy unt wa.te41 ireâsani,ai, i, - for o#l~parisou cither with' fluget piaI. Cone home, Cote bore esuboequently takenu or iith accidenAI latrs. marks nade 'by escnping crlnîinals, îuch ier '"oufDtlnec»t~ asthopoIeft, on the piteo o «%aus ha 1>raethe li"ngèr nmarks. oilthe glass rutr lc ..> os.I oncd ih thcsc o! a criminal wrhc st 4laat b ietne bas nôt béd i Me Ïlr&rtfJlo'rany T Supplies Adl&al Heal, Buils Up usjcl s * RPal# ü 11.Kes. Frefessl.Orsc tetlcm tatl epi thît %he banana lea noMas 80 msuyfuts iea ftivor &"u othIngmore, but 4a ffn d midurce et reai nualtrlmet. . i 104 1 >tonce 'stsu d defllousa.- It net euly gratifi e c.Pahte, but suppliés znat.l.i for combustion suc th. znatuntenanet . ,nmiht, WhIle la aise buds up 'the muscles and repatiu the voeu sud Ibresibare uel'vex I Tht four made ftmLIl gla I ied uI Ila equal lu 'nutritive, value ote%; an sd bey lnvigorating as ud- eutnng rlet la bas beeu 4emontrtd te ef>St aclevnenLta of the àvaene Dred and-iptukt.d vtth augar, a fvrm l lahiu 154b oe remuity lntroduced mb t tiseCouutry, 'ch. upitait ban- ana la, veiglit for welghLtmaas utitieu.s an the venerable fi. Dut it la in the &frsa tte. elai la 15. Primu- - rose tunie-the atrlpplng off et'wbh tsa l itaell a fasolnatlng opraumleatt h. bans- na obkily appeala te us.Its rtazny succu- leucs and delleus cicr are lin s d 155 pleasant saper ta&a prelude te good digestion. Depent as tit a 5 la on au ethorea body vblcb te coal-tat Iivestigatorshave net yet bees altete IitIs hi an>'ehemica emence, ltI a asubtie stimalOtà t Usubae- quent allnmun yprocessus. And lima 15la tht te banana la -Un einetlr digestible food. Neosensbofo oppression or drowslnts folleva a mneai of lt ,and a mes] ef t 1 jbe Dodd's Kidaey Plill Renioved lhe Ama nov Rteubes Draper la WelualM Stiong aller bis Long Sutfueri Bristol, Que., Jul>' 2-(Speeia) - &wub-- Draper, W *dlt kmaowresdont he, keepsar 1.pmrot lght with him thut Dodds Kiêney Piila-Win Suwl~ cure lte zuiclidreaded Gra"t eL hproof consista et' two' atone., Ã"» the ai"eof a. uaU beau and the oth,«eur .ai g iÇ.idey Pl or a àh«rt tinte. cure, as .tri"d twt o ctcrswitbeout getlag el, ii 'f*get g -Weak sudl dependent i"èn un5.Dqs' other Itm elil- 4a,iuS o# DcddSw mi4u n i wa ek -hé ape thé- la*de atonma Our da slale 'tu eu"liè cafl g o êt b. -puavoidable ft seù onrm mmna tettiti 'byeemh m ar alêto reneui I.bwt hatoocp li le 181 U,- ù 1 lý"A. a 'UIL.esz dIÀte tO, esu.o jnotIiag lbut. h1â ahirI, am * wU gl on lietl~ of -the meuger, ilptome op< » aeiot tOdisturb 'M= 1 t me -agau t lit Ïýder wlie J W*~*asdtebnt.er1vwagl <up to bas kues. - Whonpibz fie e O f the 0shark drove l.tahe itot I nocik . me eUlme Plungi* f- wa_' ttrÃŽe. miutes, thon Mr. léhark wau Ia the ordiawr>' n of £nelcaI*mut a pester n*mber than 'thiabave tieited cases of Ch"os1êdyso«WAa-ad-havo tied taenur --but Dr. Vo- tan'. Pineapplo Tabînta (60~ ~ a àk£ ie a 8- ets eoat),bave.mdC the. cure,& Mlng roerefsaueue d«Y.Ths kUe "spDelalsta" haéve potn their mi THINOS JAPANESE. Our Little Brovu Allies Are Ifm of A 8let! flouting dock,- 412 feet lon aud 85 foot vide, hut b>'lthe Mitau BiaiiDockyard aid Engine Werke, waa launebW at lNganki en May 4. Iho dock has a- liiting _power of 7,000 tons, aid Will scouinodtct te IrgeSVtte anerchant v«ieàlâ e in - luJapan. The day of "1"'11 thins" for Jupan> lu put.. iaoeei nov te e rI t i te, re-, gular ohurse ot studyinu e ýGeian for- ougu laagage sooola, partieularl>' the Oriental Somai>' ln Berlin. It la te h. a teatUre cf Lb. eduction of Germai Gens.Kurokdi ad Oku aue members of -lb. - PrbUri,.mCh, b~Vice-A#.n1_a Uu eaPxeshytelaneder, Gos. Sar- forcesl lthe var vititChini, vas, up te lte timb cf bisdeatit, ?résd ofe tb. Tokie YOxou-eushlIa e cialleiL Iï bau b-'P"e litaI bot rmid;Marsbal, .Qysanmagd Ademi te entire Japaxurlri yts vi b. brought laute, ticoseonuetien Wit lb. ~ suit tbrotgh ia xwurlana ilboutaroada, Wen, e M)le, s l~co smb ov a l, Un stes Cnu hs mak lte journ*oy trous LpndoptgTe-' fa formu frpase s~ta~ ýtbe; *1v8vu à TldSu m a ti se is oken ktoIàv. m abu teaklngofa lrle'. AU xserêeémare m spefaos teé cubs o lite nîbe at au igat.qspreedtiare are inumerable ci s udita e to froan lite but'&utg ci dth arge hoks ou bi eu la brokedn m abnd aeulmg itesirofaar in ept c- An experendantwe oer roducem hin cubet, s tn a unr of le speoskda aoumtons ush.! aedreadlethedrap m- peria letea tMgovd beaten ad Invovingr ator steroutaf ep co- iln-h l suptactaid u te rits ande eUit.to tôsta thue ot erfecmadspres. Wict i abunduil er oe h.eIl NEigt, YOaRKpI t ELuk~P s dizn a tos aveppold u instae ra ni-e toxalres la uin ai ail. spnso Pu otke 4rSeoune ieoeil t .Supepar- Bige. The b *ts p lite profia aide empetition Swrte tiermawnmadero- dustek laîunoesle. ûins ýhu; .'og and etenaboe eietue direc rourte L -ebîVhe Yoar,;Pad. F h. a IJ3rndau Tht Léigit oaUtipliailirse sa tins la N»M 'f e kut,.nee10aà" dhovtforwn nerdailBurAnra teamer doks, aasigpnsengora er Eb ur.5 Jg suenxp he n"'r1sfThoeurTin lia I aodt MIch ouvrKlphlitemprfac atr >' wlth q a crap e e, ia ercet d,Robi, aesnre te Au 1merIN.- .t Mye frEîd,-OaURe olivres0TlION tuse artila la II ni or atcel ua içat offoer. iTlI vr mr.DBox «4,Peth, Ont FOR, $-AJ..E Tm WOiDL'f RC OTORU.> Direa ernI,1% sud a horse-poer. Ad- ires Box 10, TIMS OMFIO, HamMitoon- Montreai U ne L",»s lamIltoelU12ocs sud Toronto 7-U fer nay d Qit â# )LoarÃŽal:ad Iarme- ~l"TU perte MME NT<MoeITIAL LêME STRIIAXRS TORONTO AND KINGSTON. LesTs Torolito at 38p. M.daily. ezeeuu- daja. rrom JuIty 1iay, Rechuster, Thou- i4ni Talends Rapide, St. L.awr»qace, KoutrelM Queheo ad Kurray Bar, Tadouae auea7« N For iutormatlou apply te PL IL agents or write M. roster Chaifes. Western Paseener Ageut Toronto- A BeggurlyCompUMlmnt A WoC== who mores l tht boitseo-' cial cirçlese aw anold, stoop-shouldered womau hegging', ays the,-.Philadeiphia Telegrapb. The heat and the> look cf distresa, rosI or -asaumedt, on the a"&s m]enldieuantý face, appealed 8trongIy- to Ithe more- fortunate wtomau,,who eroaed ýtie atredt aid- betowe.e-e haîf dime. Glancing at the coin- which &aY inlthe, deeply linedpalm ofl ehobaud, the. old woman Mid.. "(Qod bleu ycu.Maq yuge n prettior *o 1man bas pa*ae& me by titis day without, giving go much-aa a thougbt tea poor èc&d *ctlt4t& ýGod bleu REUXATISM WILL SUCCUXE tes South -h AMeic,a8htunat -Cure, -bseena It gees rIglit te lb.Mseat cf he froibl* mi Èem!ovep- tIi. egosoý, Mquyas».çUed c=ur %t deadsàn pain, teÈmpo r iyoh!', baye iv r- t~r agIu'wib o«bIe« 'vjolqnce.Net 50 W"i tàls, grÈéaS-r6kàdy.i tadat. rn theS 8eten i te last Tee* tt f iedime an4 M scures-are pmue.7 Not aven Patter -euehimself la fre. tre he neroient o4>1 theL imltlorlnd au oeuDi- bah nl ~fho po "elartln.-r ahltri - 1MiutiehoUrteIi ihmraro- Soeor Nev York Cal exrioosidf 141hsud ugul lt, espct.two itusdret ft long sMd tufet f -m Lous N~s a 086uYug. INt5 d te tefet.iiid. At ou sud amecit"l s.ute, wIlq Uy * UrD onItllis mlt de la employai otend ud nge 'wae!%bh a'éttl her, and, ________ -lte vMiâmer én samtns"tions - Josish snd the B fCeimeéntary. discvered (vs. the mème-It of the law was ..jmthe -treaurý pt. ound - 7id knoiln, .l tome te liglit -biok f the lai i,. bookà of- 01f the l--aw cam eiter gramnua Oô.-designatet. pLan was theï ,'king and jhad a -tordsT)e Jec -oU. Books Wei 16, 17. Broi 8be.piau -dei iîig the ýbusie jent at firet. iE bad faitbluily mitted te.thé been-properly, -.~,~aùphahd à ~'~out-fuly uni bock o! litell bocnsd allii - ovuopinion aw theroin (Pt. Vý rortionis cf the -tlteking'a c I.The effec 19. ng bad --Go'&aword- se g ,the>fect theL toit for _etfix Brouglit, face clurse âf Goa$, saud.years bof ver>' sins viii relgrrofhhls:fe foot on the k tino convo.t £1 ] Latin Bible in nover'teen lte Det only a Guhr had -been reli arcuri hlma] ýi t e .bae lu motion Ça crlunluuVv lice may~sta bydaF'ln~ la drapai I Ji -t f j r ut

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