30. U05. moi uand for &rtie la rural p1a1 offer. Wifl iver- iper. aun44. PWth1 004 SALE sud5 ous.-owr.Ad- -Hamilton- Pr'MostreoI l, iIsRmlltoU Mdioles 1 nooa and TorontoLUS rhurada7ys sad sturdos Smontresi s.d ttuoeII5 le' ,IIOV Lgi SON TREAL LINE 5NTO AND) KINGSTON. 3sm.daodly. ezcpt SUD- St.Lw ronce. Mantreal. ýpply to a. P. agentsu or tswestern P&MOenpr ot à Bachelor. ,recat dLnger when a '-Z him kInew 'she is ra womain to b6 toc osnit silow aà too fat ý,r înnkr -lve to a girl ,tit kinds of wayè she s looking nt the q neer ýat id kelit un ber head -. for her to thiak b. le lustre of ber eves. tbepil marrie'i seven ivt ýc11ildro1n a ivoînan ST EXCURSIONS. r.Âugust sud Septamiier rtb western Ralway wlIl od trip excursion tick- ., Los Angeles, Portland. laite ExposItton). Seat- .aiicouver. t very 1ev ly cheap tares train RU 'boice of routes. boat of bIe xtopovere, tand libérai tfo1der'. nud tu11 infor- ýned train 13. il.,Ienntt. ln# street esUt. Toronto, iii k- ho so &trongly bifhtCon,te of potagh mn rudbcd linte gieasy ,),Is fçormç~d. Det only tu a shnmpoo, but the ,retîîAe tx>the hitnton- ise with soap eiitirely. ter i* aid te ptnseosa oA, but no effort has 2_ up a trîîde. tht, ex. being four (lCflijohUS ELP.-A pain Iu thé Skidn6ys for holp. Soutb -ce is the ocly cure that aten agnnst t ln case' Clabemtes, Inflammnation of and otber kldney ali- 1 the apparently ina gui-- is Powerfu1l iquid spe. im Biard Luck. -y for Frank Reid dur- P. lie Outy Ihad two etold.; hc h-ad sold bit P porter, was -weariug 0iirts, and Jerry, the ARLOR AÀ,TOcl c E e ô 0- 1e Uv.- bi, letters, dmawing ti? bis decrees, uman- lthe aoculed Indian. Theue itnesasi4M1Mr.LO te ' Ib"Of bqe #glng bi. finances; 1 he scribes became nttat ti sud Zus tWu .a body cof men whose d#ty it waà te, tbought Lbe statemeutse, ft lb.other&agoenal stteuunt 0t the worl '~hat old ecord sudput l g~ itnuset would b. suffleuttto ms eudt> > apiain ne 1. bqt 4d bet-n handed dlovn crelly; thén prisn for triaL e la », ae te qprmsrve thîL e c-d bocks, thie lava, I_________ * W4 nary SeP hyinus.pro;îiecies cf Lb, Pas iie .Ir' -thé e n» e le et lite= u> mot t ebouge--Tiae fi nt, ert vas tic cl-r NÀTIVB =PU o 071Ç5m& I£J9OOOpSffl *5 difb1 RW&y théelimpedimaenta and purge out l.F taheaosbm.~hêILu evils iluat had gathcr in lansd about Czil inéIou la D111Arn>7 for Salm_ s ho propcs.4 Othoe oré .. u the hhoufe of thie Lord. But al Ibis ïlaof<Mtmta . m h ývWmt of litile aval! witliout repatrLug bth etqI two4bw4sof lt4 a rdm* - le, and renewiu%,the -serie, of OeiLSlmk 4Jtly 24.-An innovation wl" nété.k&*wam.w. IIà rue peoplemsî e t à haad trained bas .kietd some lésiony luw xntary own weo b o10Md te 1 lunI-eliglon, or tbey vo son go te idotatry. Toc ti off oubvard si»» If un ommissntéeti 0 but the bellinnuim1of a retcrm to,-rti na-omui» oxtives-of Thieeial 'kristà * forming a »W W,213cl Mw- - heart mand dbarater and lii. uI&tvtilg im>*ame lth e plew f bi a new and bitter,,Ilt.&Nlat dit up Qtii<.d et Pomt .la ltu weeda,-but iL h o so si edfront vhIch 1uaÉb »a@ÃŽ1mw. omoblèe.to the good crop le toe oma. st . bA[15 Motehua*&m 0hl V ire1- kt the tmemýIsii.t &Waby ,Dl.j1174SIs4. *W et11d» PAêM Jaf ittesm &MW i -whor. *bà .weaul peste loi lisAU t" our. w tg <thorabar. sud Isuailot thé pZu..,o(1iR9iIIn5 boislriow Ala od jc*,o'm yses oonlllil$W. tho& lio uxWlP- a ave Cadet Cope. ils e ma been dius neU sand isro Wl..i.Thé e ed thé Onuaa00et thé %amm.gar mcuoy*as lu b r. b4ie thIpoti~s* Lmse, ep overseers u h. al4 It th* - oila- -' fria .wq.- - bo il. Tef 1qor tb. bonuse.-r?. ntk.> t bams for tbe houss~l,.ly5b 18 lu Ibils ver" W*ear t tM WimîPfV 8IIIU W o** ft lut L.vltes tib re *ésoIbassud m i pt ~TMUs, s"d porters-" «I.t s m have osm e leg êlblmgtbi lmttat.ed-buC the qslty >11 ontly ln I.ad, »Oo., 40o1, S'Oc, Oc per ~HTNNGWbRIKS PWDER I1OUSE M'en ]Blown to Plece by the Terrifie]Ex- 1 Jukh not ouuAj « tjill, . ". uneut bapbau te rp*Jr the bous.eou iuurpeu), son of à Am 0"mdJe R dml(da) T u be.ou w» marid t h o tùle tof Wto or la .a8. T .a blut so Zsbuû IL D......e t--H ; otiersb wrk ida eatrnatmthn t to a noble 1f, in à dt o th wrebi . 1 &Weté labor * 0ee Z»Ufi7out f'uences of an immoral and I~" eênmo o e Cép oRu st' eourt sud the exemple of an 1<oltrous OpIO nantohelp petopi.Oofi fathS.1" Lot us 1oarz4 1. Tht -è erea dlbttrba of.lm W 'sDeaad - S e a tectiv oder~ly. - Tt t lapormi1l l.0ay1< "Ptrn o awtrlds tw. 4 * r cf shaftesbury usra.df'e wu ad~~u ze God w he wo Ps ta p ie Whouxlie pùrchased& ran'ad- beginatu erve Gôd*4vlyà @WI , e le . - e ruh m4hr4thezf,17tb fssi to bcom ~inoeaî, .n4~ ~ the 4Iay Lt a Umiia Uuru 1g lt" A Iodoa oe; . '1>.O eruxebt *5 Wâiys of Dvd-YlLe t e o4d ébr<'tt*, tepoor imen thtqafh ' at d &in t e l t ii etus of C mous aet I ,wa& the stan<Iazd bY which the al,-red 1 td' lih.a aedon fu ed t Turnedbot s"ade (ReV.)- Thia phrýa.e d a apeclal recekonlnt with Uaoe.. AIl pul , , Jo 'yneeanundeviating obedisuce tuc auila *: $m- ad bl7 isBbota il favo)r of the. ameadmient and 16 agalat Six tà e commandmeut&set God." LWS 50 f.ItbOm I n ot itel. tenstemextm9et Iollowed the 131 Il. Idolatrous images destroyed (vs. s, Y~j.uà ametnounsm.ut cf th. vote. The Libevuli IiL-iL)u3ohuie'* dd he ftherýýU - ud Irisb members stoed for somo i 3.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~bd Kgtiyu-1h e v4beÃ#,itud keep ft on t!# etter tfli years old. IBgao o ee 11ý t uite "le baà èk.'"y«, ,father," .I'5d the.' eahelg udmcut ifflg Mdil Dlioni wonderipl tb see this young a= n luthelittie.. .fellow. When haif an heur pased iWusuel mtion to m ur e-dti Morni, maà dst of the t.ezptatious ef au "ÃiÃŽiitt, and h* , fatlier did not corne b*Aç JobauleUiL oin1 der l* 1I~mm and corrupt court begin, at the fist g1t'W fird. Another haif heur >*êeleercteLilsakitwr dawmnn fb* m.bo,10 retebut Johuzule Leld bravely on. 1F ather had' Uman, thelae fthiieas akd ol Lod uî. al bi heart. Thôs. dwelIiug hiddeft hlm, Sud he woud do whsft 4her htW.»YI fh êa, h e ie under uonfavorable influencoes obould take 'wiahed; bt , h ow tired he vas, mai erument Ladl aiy statement to make. A tg courage. Beru to purge-Th.e ocn4itlon iitw 451k- lb gas getth7! Whoere vas Sir> Hmnry wu Ieudly eiisere&d.at of Ul in Jluuduji ani Jeru*14m g t epape?- Re Lad s e eo ffwitb tag Ma r mbidoter IBalfour replied ta oi tixce cf iceah'is conversion vas Àà ost de&» Who hlima 'ed upon hum, £orgetUng ~jLU a npsibet ik uiaatmn jcoi Fl>al.1or near1 y e,vu7 7 eîr'e agl *bou$t t>lIfUtle Wbot l a Ii tbout sud dyD atxy ~ Ale kdraieexceq>t durîng the few aa ll b efol isa ather came beLand 1 jJh lemn, md Iis Lm.iw, J'vUr3 of lu1abeoluter îIle, Amon in Joblue sod &ailtlt1lne hoidwdg tbe r8taiude4 Ut. Difur tbAt IDO laid t n Mgs short reigii Lad again f ully estab- letter asu L ad been t --TInS wus ptedly declared that Le vould rean liahod idolatry. Ixmorality wu. raju- fithtulnes. ItleI.Olten in being fedtb 11h. vere défeated lu the bouse. le pant. "Jeruuliem ;vu fllthy aud pollut- fulinl little thtffs that we beit show Raid that il 1Mr. Balfour dlsregarded ed.l Crimes of violIence, deeiin of oppres- Our devbtion and self-sacrifice. Beingtu vote of Want cf confience t sion, and shamelul vioes abounded every- Cartul W Make thMtot do Weil tihe a= would be eontrary te a&U preceent Mr.Th viiere. tcf, a !li egadduties ut hei.'CO Rot ti.e. mond aaked if b. ere g oixig 10iTho lu th wl it b. fbi e ,adfort And liappines f tthe çatlre fanaliy.' svailow this humiliation aU he lied the. twentietà year of hi. ae' Jociah set W. Lelp inlifting'heavy burdens by swalloç%ed every other dnring the lest ARE. out in earunoîet L destroy the idolatrt of doiÛR Ilitie thina. The power ci atm- ton years. Rie deelared t)iIf. the hie ingdom. In Il. ng xxii. 3 the [Pis often does more tilan many words. Giovernineut elung to offiée, deepite tJi.SusM date given is the eighteen hyw of is A hly liII tends to inspire othèe ste vote, lb vould be the duty et1tthe Oppo- effl reign. It, is probable tUhat thé work * as live riXht. 'net M1e lh heipful whose sition te use'every menus W prevent Rail begun ini the twalf t. year sud completed iuflueé"é leads te the rlgbt. such an outrage. in te eibteenth year. * Abbi* C. MorToW. Baour Waa CooL. Tho 4. Thc*y9 -brae dowu, etc.-The temple vas cleanoed cf idole, the molten un eustomeErd ia. f or B lfour, san id ta bisr.e- hdiii ages, idol altar.suad Atherim ver. LOU LBENN SLE l iIU L csoe cieu adta r id e g-und te powder and t.Ielr dusti iprin- mucd grisbi agltated hlmaif about & jbis Co ed on te graves of ttieir vorahiprwrs . mutter vhielz ould ho settied ln du. ilM1u Ini the kinga' presece. 5. Burut lb oDes &LLEGED SLAYER 0? E!TSY JACOES tiuio.BtlS -This w"s predicted cf Joniah more than oxuE> This statement cmused .aà uproar. I105 thi-ce buudTed years bere tbis Laine Oontintahag, Mi. Baifoiur said lai VUSe i (L Kifge xiii. 1, 2). Tieboes of theI unconseicus of any humiliation. !(nee ien Idolatrous priesta, wdth gtbe oou.-excetion, PléAd.4 Net Guilty, Dt Rad Nothbg to the uproar vas reneved WithaRdded Mmt, ol thie prophet etf Bethel (tee I. KÀgs Sa7--avlà Dav i o6Gt % - h 0m ethtet xiii. 1, 30; Il. Rings Xiii. 15-18), were DtDîve or-in the Cam G e ge vig> Ti ciu htherotobd disentobed and burned upon t.heir own ItCtY or aui rcé iye b.ueigned supprort cft be Bratfod, uly21.--Joe Bennett, the >orty ofthîe fouse, but It vould Dot WhPea 0. lu the cilles, etc.-The northeru Indi&aecuse ofthe u er f et ty continue la offloS UnkeS)t ould do »se klngdom vas nov- under thé AssyrI Jacobs, received haddefiiay ern Goverument, but the reninant of Jmelusurlinnrymwihdlzy pr i ceOgeunefes ad, a ce zuaintained close relations with Judîuh o Sur eié etedyateia es t4eion a&vote OU the .stim J1lhg W and looked to them as thelir ntural pro.- 1 and vas sent for trial st thé f&U -as- ates. ft mnt st ider- wheth.r t» ie . tection. Joaiah uscd hia influence and' - what power hé badin removing the Idole en vdnc 1sbrub nt ouatobiveo.a f. eit nder *4 las pi froin the land of Isael. Thé &»,yrians ex6--pting th"t cf David Daeâ, thO star obI40Mlab ieadélianva un probably did not trouble themeelvs' witUest, Who found the le3ter anis- fbin.- n'a Od te ocasu t Thelags go &bout bis religîous proceedingu. overed the, body. Davis swoe *tIat b. Monday, whu, by a ocncdoe, lb.'.PW*k 111. Thé temple repa.ircd (vs. 8-13). IL 1 eul e.srdtétah f ol .a potuiypole o Mi géateei. hijea-w b theLevas rnty-.( h1 th* bqrasboots at " iobs houié5 aM ddedling. vh.thn- lb. GorMet 'u-Jn the, great work begun six y cars bfor.e pompared tbem vitLlthe é rsc1kss t th. Joyed lbe ooniidence 11et MaitYet?' vi as f ull ycarrlcd out. Purged Tii. ->Martin*U »-H is where Beanett vas seen the House.- cuinftle temple )îad PrebablY been'on bthe nigbt cf the Mme. Thése tr&acks2 This ws a refereff ottéfa laI~3 the firt.work. Froin urging Le p oeed- aécording to Davit, vere thé saine. No lh. Govem=mut Ldalt. o ed tu repairs; anîd ttuee bad evîdýntly Peréon wvs.pr-eent for the pritoure'.for a vote Of censure PriO1g15y p= 1 bee» cs.riîed ou f or oome., cousiderale defence, and h. pleaded "net gilty." lRe ThéeusOe r«oe t 12.40 'elýkOcaul4 timé before this partieular occasion.-<tock the agreatest Int.emet ini the Pro. Ioud OpposIttk n O f 'lleSiglI".pou Cook. Sliaphanu-t'a1cd scribe in Xi.. (cedina, but Lad nothlug at aIl 10 B7.mye4uo4'sUO#.I ii Kingia xxii. 3. The scribe or segeretary lb is undersetood tht the. Creva 0dfi. The.Bou» w» l-of ;. I bav0 vason aneqali ywih i oe nr; lais wil!!haire tome ad4itional enrideare ply wbea Mr. ItudMoiad mid AM .W mut ýe îuay thiu of the te LriII nt tatthetria.tl, whiâh wil ion t~i - iviwb11au the e aotueflinai __e-euuMUu M.Ln l.peieto b wsandsof Womon1 w.? Ofydia . PuhiaVqpiaM m'oued Resta Ilpe b.Fse 1btil ly im cet suolaWmm W.1l inana pe touad tCaa à by Lydia IL Plua@=eta. bSotThai lettonà saareo it M& uM" a es. md po,. bhl aUmt t b çt a d Rot à mmr er*aowlug IModeela Ibe anssuu as gréaI médiee.,si .mrd It &Ul otihormodtcia i"rqti for vomen a"Veepu*ts& y lias Lydia& Piakbm%V Componud aoomUe" Its '. a ot or torsqttre tut-y? wkfSa d«c î$ey sud aum-ey boumaio,!tg*ater. venub. Thé easmm » otler$Mid- lm enpcljebs l.a Five of those reported dead ure: John Woe Wîli Latîlmr, Walter Evant, Zý»k Leuris sud Kevell. The <iesd men Led gone linoe .peu- der bouse ic secure their daily supply of dynamite to h. used li the mine. They. had net been h ias shuobdtnmort Iba minute or Ivo vhen îthe structure vas atruek hy llghnlng lguttgt« the ir. suppiy cfdynamite aai bovn Ina aid men Ilkrallyto ploe. "t1er report. ae vmt i e eWb$Ini. jured, »a nely tbLeina-the builing vee ùu11d. AOCIALIST APPFAL CIPAL DaXEsSOs NOW. New YOrk, July 24.n-ejureyne PékeW aidneentée nérnatiomin uion et AnTerica la nov senng sasp. p..! to aul baker.' unionsla Amerlea aUW lllg ou tien> to.aMs.stdai tA>.etabi munt ot municipal bakosbom îinsU*Iblels of lb. Unit.d ilateo Cana d s M=_s hoa IL. meeal, iL. rte dui ds tuy wiliibe tmeentla l boouameh ebýIjeeo f manielpoal ecatrol tort 11>.bou- fit cf thé e Oji.._I o* pouhI. te putle the 01ra he iraliroado' stréel railwayis, lbo'p»o f fath be oerapha, the q!patture eU tobaeoi ti. tram. potbm.the =l tli# plata unmdI eVe eb aig hi.tllp Uo4a utbe banda et th. staboï or munlelpallti,A 14thé a m4 pkat&rtwm i u t tues »s.th Vsitl eau vu . runm nwVfl E7 UU*_e- . _' ibM.tosreMepUs b* 1 5t.Ptosrusdbo)ut 3Otcso. 'Ir Irissd lNel Poultuy--?ýrud.la quiet -Mdwiceu obsags. WIe- eto84 Do. aprlu se....... rso tet». os et o'is te s esp'............604*1 te "0- lity$ No i. ttmoîby et#.1es ts l»iin Do eve. inxd .. .. ...sa$ te S.m Sr......... ... .* 1 »Wtw 01 D&te....a... ..-... .....Q* - to i6 -3. llngo c1. 0 té 6,0 ehîhea.......05te Fal'~si .. 014UI0 e4oI_ IUIkys...............ois t.o q _ Crl - lag....... Ioe 000 Pureler. Gs...... 90 3 (1I0 0te bas se se '10 te OIS se 0 » W, lose. LftuOOr. doss e se.e.....%, 0eôm Rs4bes I dSkQ.. ........020 i0e I. ..........6 teOU lDRO.. tourtex0........O 0(oi, 014 te 01 la orto ist -rui 0ane Thé mmio gsUmïd 080 ito 107 wejire aola ail lin «»i1t0i. demasi *W* rrqsbab. ..,. 5te 0i . ai4 bu 'Ilste 8'fo 1 go7 te -100 Dit4,6 e.t ,è v te -1 ob oCsntuys ost.. ...... 0 0 -e ose ns.ese,, bLi... s08*21e000.5 Do., itbutse se0 9te 03 qa aeu4crs..........sate *e. rcut~ritt .cmte f ý 30 1J 1 1 e inés, Iowa, July 24.-Au expie-. là XePrted te have taken-plae "i ing at Lthe West Rinersde COUIne imallest otf the City, F~~rsix sare ald te bave benLa e ;eleplione amuese trom Ume mine 9 that lîghtning struek th. povder 1shortly <fter 6 o'lcc kt WMbll. rntamned a onaideruble quantity ef 1wU.5 terrie- ObethaSi theae s 'Oport#d duad, I , "wedtia b ie a umber tventy.