- v NOW 1H DEBlMANO AT ROSS BROS. When you bear of something new and particu- larly nice in wash fabries, corne right here and w-e w-i show you the goods. This season bas been prolifie of novelties in ligbt weigbts and liglit colors. There are many of these goods you will not k-now about unless you corne ini and see tbem-artd when you see them you wil recognize a need for some of them, and 110W you are perfectly safe in buying some of this light, cool, gauzy goods, as the bot wea- ther is here to stay for some time. fering the following for July. We are of- Festivities-white India, Silk Blouses, in sizes 22, 34, 36, 29, at $'2.00 each. White lawn Blouses, sizes 2:2 to 40Y ail this season's goods, quality unqicestioned $ 1.00 eacb. Ladies' black India Silk Blouses, sizes 32,34., 36, 38, at $3.00 each. Ladies' colored India Silk Blouses, in navy blue, receda, green, ligbt brown anid cream, in sizes 34, 36, 38, at $3.50 each. In ail the above goods we offer the widest range for choice. Algo a complote Ladies' Ready-to-wear Shit Waist $2.50, $3.00,P $3.50, and White Pi que $1.00Y $1.25Y $1.50 oach. rangeof Suts8 Skirts at Your size is bere in the style you like. Econorny p oints to this store, and satisfaction awaits you always at Ross ,Bros. Cash Store Fomnisi 1792 liroIiae 1794" 'rInsu rance capito Ot NOrli OutriOosty"fthe Koyton. Couay ty!thse 'nSE KTSI'ola t"?een"et u in ia a VMl advocate wha& ftbsUem . e l h bgW teint of the. cmrnuulty. 'Phe Snb.crîptae. Prka la one hundreticemts tor Ify*two bus, *hmn pudi d u d e-4t.15wbet he vmuIs a ffl .sa»re»aonabi. andi w l bu Futlon. If ycs wish t. o be r', ttthagutr;'dveraenetXÉabould roamst us <f- lice Dot ater tisas Tuesday soon, totnum laser. tion lu tise curreit fsue. Amenta Want.d in aU parts of thse Countr. C. A. (IOODFELLOW9 Editor andi Manaffr. HBÛRN ýmx correct _ýtake thse' iëiwr boveertha Ifa Minls'ter r cpea hoeshould fot.10 emee sioa indernnity. 4*nd thait I th.e leader of thepoiinrcivd.slr i indemnity. ahoUtd -ise ~.cle. believe also tha.t il a OxmmiUII19* h ldOCCupy the pe4qio of, le&der of thseopposjtion bis saary as sucti ahOuld take thse pjacýo e~ina eIliero à ami*tndeminty as',me"n~ ber. Wh&lber eitiser et these positions ie whlat wiIl prevail, we dg not Lnow. -but wiit eud4avor to "MMer tain if Possible. Spoiled <ranollthic Pavements. Thse atternpt of tise Town Council to cheapen thse cost of taying granO- sithic pavements by day labor bas not proven an unqualified scces. Hitherto tise contract bas beesal Jet to the Guelphs Paving Co., a conceru which apparentl-y werc experts in tise art. This year thse CounciL determine.) to secure tise services of au expert, 'and to emptoy, day labor under this expert'ri supervision Iu tise laying of thse sidewalks, t» be coustructed this year. Their L et- forts to secure tise expert were un- ouccessful. and, thse Street commit- tee. desiring to procced witb cer- tain crossinge, decided to trust- thse work to tise supervision of a youug man w-ho ciainaed to know it all. Aid. ColwilI isad a êwalk placed on his premises tô test tise plan. Tise walk wa.s fairly good. ÀA crossing on' Brock atreet opposite Mr. Jack- Son's store was next' attempte.).an.) tisis, too, was passable. Tisen a Ic rossing of Colborne Street ýou Green1 Street, andi a short Étrip in f ton t o! Mr. Pringle's new house was thot next bit. There has. ,een no fault [und wittf thia,, eitier. These smail Jobs eneouraged thse streets commit- tee to entruet to thxe saine work- men thse construction of a walk on Gilbert street in front of tir. Dowt- uey's residence. and one ton Col-- borne istreet Ifrom Byron to Centre ftreet. tThe !-its were doue ian- snediately lollowix>g one another. It >vas flot titI tisecernent was thoroughly dlry that these walks were disCovere.) to be anytblng but a good job. There la a wide dif-' terence betweeu chew n xd.the walks constructedti y tise Guelpis Paving Go. -Tise neiv waUks are crumbly andi irpârleçt. Tisere appears toz have beena- dcliceeey of cernent in> their ponstrucLîoii. Tise -builderq aver sot.i But it '&, clainiadb y thoze Whso ougist te kuow tisat Dot. near"ly enougis cement was used. and certaîni'tie paveanemat presentwthat Thse reauit o! ail tisis là that tise towas in pla.ed Il>a avery awkward position. It wîll be dIfficalt t compel a ratelxay*.r to pajy blp ahage ol tif s. t, and it wil S diflicult t 1* ut tise valo to tïiet- clama condition. This. Je tise hbrn of the dileauna upon visicis thse Coul- cil nov hancs. In tise meantime tise constructIon a suddosn stop. Tise Young smas vio. ha.) thse work la bad aaÎ_ou of l o f fort to okeslim tis oe. fiad of U*Ytou carrne.)t hot effort te tise extroano. ?hk-7,bave ruin0à i their OoM- h ore I oJttbst wOit. è1kn e K *r ane Ploea ltuse t@-wn lot a haep-of1l'troubWe .Ithîs '2expte»..do«u> rw tisaIt>i o wI*e«ià t 0 bUinEu paeetg. 1 moi 4s, ail té p*ý 5treet,. sellers ýD*nir orals uttiw ah. uub nt OCanada. Ra ter ef foet. Th9 reaxour peiople dread oinautPpox no rnuch (at least the type or smallpox wrhIclI bas exi. Lsted in Ontario of latc Veari>l)el -owing to the isolation penalty. In> very few cabses hme the dîsease proven fata.,'and in scaroely any case han it been cvere enough to render the 1!ikt.ent incapable of working. $maltpo.x is doubtless very con- tagions, and every precaution shouid be takten to prevent it6 spread ; but Ibis can be done-il the authorities keep their heads-by quarantiuing in the bconie. intastM of ading to the <iecomforti, of the vietim by Iso- lation in a lonely. drexiry spot, under unfavorable conditions. ]Balance fine ittra.w hatq to clear &t. hait price. A. N. IRoss. A Plague of Câterpillais. An exehange says: 'tNParer andi neainer cornes the Tuusock moth. A Buffalo paper statea that in> sosie ,iections or that city chestnuttree bav'e e strippe dto -the twigs. The caterpillars have ou tesa &way every Teptige ctf greens a, cou>- pletel.y as if the tree bad bèen swept bY fire the gaîunt, naked branchie furnlsbing striklaig examples of both theý nunber of tise. worrns and their r&venous appeste", To, make !matters worse.- the caterpillare are jttackisg the foliage of the eh»à . hnl inapies, as well a## the chestnut Onty a Iew years ago and Central Ontario,-wat4 scourgeti by-these-peets. Foresou ,orcharilu, tSolîtary>te~ shrubs, every greens bat was the. Prey of these deZ1LÎuCtive t.hingg. For two or three jearia thèy ravag4d the country. and then sUx14ezlY and completely diebitaréd. -It-'la 'reg- porzed that inu-liemiton theevt 18 a: -work thîs butiner. It la te be hovedt that ît wil lDot agai,1 hm- ornme such a, scourge. as it wais u fewv jy&o eago. Kot only did.tho cs4sr. pîilar destroy thse oig, but they becaxne a Pebt in the bouse, o»n tse- tencuoh n 11Lhede wpaka, wlre peotriaue criid thoin undei foot; when one ca-ight a 1ate to opea i ,a e ko a oth,*nd would' touch a worrw;ý It ouepasse.) sndor a. týru., ton t<> eue bue wVuw iôo,)o o1r -m,e WFWs. ou lias mclhes,%'0 terwn.r Ii n tactnt liimb1i.ime a Whet,........ .... 4 '" .. t........ .. ga e ......e.......... Pa. N............. Alse, N. i....... l'l N o. ....... .... 3..... FLOUE ANtD FEED. F4eur, per çwt.......... .02 toP a-"09 Chopped Feed, cwt..... 040 W 1-25 Com,>real.........2-W010 256 Brnper ton ............ O' 30t6 2&0 0< Shorts, per ton ......... 20004o2500 MEAT, POULTRY AKND apEOdUC.- 0 85-t 0O'f Ol Soto 986 0"40 te0,40 i100, te1i - 00 te~ 070to -to72 300 toe0 4 -te $6 06" te 4< l 00 30>te ".000, 45 O<tho 1007- 00teo' 00 Beef, by quarter per cwt Cattie, live weight, bet. Mutton, per......... Lamb%,eah Hbgs, live eg . Iloge, Iight fat .... Ile, eavy fat*.... Hoge, dressd p 1 OOba Chickens ,petrb.1 Ducks, îpet lb....... Geese, diressed per b.. Turkeysa dreaaed, per lb Butter, roll.. ... fl rd........... Fetatu, pet bag....ý.. Apples. per barrel. Oosper bs lay. per ton... .. Straw, per Joad..... Rides, er ct..... 'netels ............ Deaieons ............. Tallew, rendered, pet.lb W0I1 unwashed.......... LamnbSkim ........ Pelta ............... $6 25 ýtô $750 5 00 te 550 3 00 to 400- 0OôOto 6,00 OOOrtc 515'1 0 cetç* 67 l 0 00itc 8-00 O10 ',tO ô-", L2 ô lito 12 0 '0 te01< 0 12 tips O » 0 16Wté Q l 0 00 &0 it1 0 12 te 0 -14 100W 1 i 25 >00 te2ot SOUte ,,9,0do 200o 3-00 $800 te $900, 1 00 to 1- 5 0 25 W 0,0 0-" to, 0 '-" 0 00 to0û0 0 25W ô o50 sihings of tihîPèfs WmTar D.- QoXexo ie loJOk, J. ùrFet, 2,MnreIL 2 MayJ~noJilys 8p*.#,ot4 -10* a.101Fe 3) marc),3t Apnil May4,Jnii, Jy I, ept 7,Oet 5, I~ov. 8 DeP.1, Jani. -10 1905. slr axi 14 r , an. ,My u~1 -toie Puay -il.W. Duriani Port Penny Ole 8,Jn. March&&M~y JUlY 14 st-87 I1, X . .anlm An -Expensive, Cruel Farce. Thée Oshawa rindicator bas made numnerons comniebà ts upon thse treat- I ment accotded to mrz. Churcis.-thse viWtim O f smiailpux in> that town. lu Iast lveek's issue it said: -The wbole procesor isolation for contagion as practiced upon .4ames Churcu oZ thîs towIln ust stri7II ý. po.. Pie as bdng about aa cruet. exjiea. sive and riuiculous an escapade as ever took P14.ce hert. Thse hoie thtng eShowe tO Nb unnew>$sary antl-OUtrn.geous fimitte texrrified o>'- f icialb cau carry Iaw. Tise town f ree vaccination carnival. the bar, barous. penalty imposed upon tise unfoi'tunate individual whoie 111 uck mnade him thée 'ictim of a scar,-pedt. and tise whole proocedings bripgt our mind thse tories tot !te'or1> gies hetd by the Ind" m nedicai men Who i.nvoked ail sortt3.-olt mati f reaks to corne to ttsr aid. WVhile Mr. Cisurcis ut subjectedte to extra. vrdinary and weamrssoie quaranLine we woukidnt for a momnentc wondeir that thse other mexubers of bis fauj,- ily are going throu1çh tise stages of thse saine disease ut home. Law iu 8. pecuxiar ttsîng, but tthe Heaiti Act Je a specioue lroak lu tise iawVlarce Lrac. It rushes intoiatneeis uver smalpox, bgt -Liu fact fis that asall- pox je not hall so fatal, Dur. hait s0 îikety to spreai.ljus is3liîpistierla or niatignant scarlet fever. Âpart fromi thse marks ILteaç es a&@c- eutteucy when properly ire> Led se not as bad as diptitaeria. whicus nvà riably leaves disiastrous etfect8 ont sonie of 'the organs. Neither 'smaipo:É nor diphtheria. 15 ae Fatl ads ,coup sumpi ion. anud, et thooa art - ict»qI wxîfimtne ttésr matudy circQulatq through the trmwnunLt-V at. uwli. Tuat sucis a circus shuld. be -made over a case which hati reactsed- iLs crouvaiesceut tges» befoxre beÎ4sgd(.. Lected# may meet thse fantatie deb- ian'îls of thse Uats cbu4i t l awfnlly bard un Conason sen£Thieý prhysicrau froua Toronto svho de>' clareci Mr. Church's case to--beemait. pox, ýalso reporte.) lusuas being in> tise convaicacent stage.1 AU .thse .danger posible to the cà se b.d been iscsarrec Dcto'-ethse mu.uer .bqcarno publie, and COMOrnrnon1sdus' should tIave -,dictated ) that 'to quar&aM the- wble ,>Churcbi> 'té 71la;, %4â" hiomo woutd be suffiüiënt. There la a gooo dexti Of, tuth1 luîI what tse I indicator a"YB. 4.Boaue -yearir ago Miand)bad ivery' bai srnatlpoax seare. la J'une tho ev la tise Fe:Prtbb.oIofecoà traotod tise disep*. On. -ajtrnoon 5,*414i not retUrn te work. ,, mi1êt*IOýA. Ing bi. "pisysùancalled, and'ItOrm4 e.) usa t Our YoqUg wimad gui Il- pox. ,ThseMisiltoa4 »40!t.h- 1)0" scOure.) a. tent -£uid plaCe.) It a-mi!. aasay' rom thie'town us 1ie dreary- s pot, wl*er itthe th U1 to spond "i8 axas iauka . ta.tlon. fils- fater à hie.) wlt1 isWrnlau .h« tout. As.ts l# 151150 thse vizrah1eia~t tu** beIre licts.Ovez for a wsecftbOt¶WfflIg4 th*e papen dis iu otii reek, M the t W**1 Asses J Why takel -uiy e > £à aboci1 zttit 'r m Stock l a ship- [Utely tes e e but itvt others ho. 115i At p-. dse of miies resuutL Thse tiollav or' or'aîc. -.et cov3rs, rrs o.t 20 >ii5 A. rn rst symp- irritating- le listiese due to a ItAs a Nothirsg tickly and. If you ùle for a rc is onty It 18 4ê handy- toiles up, )-Our old ýdrugglSt -