jr' 'o t e nI% pire. 1mjdrtntDdinds et the ZýmsvoCongr5 BeId ' . at Moscow Yesterday. *a( becam bridelc)ChrleShg ad j Parliamentary Government. King. The otIVal wasaIt th e Çhinee restaurant, 190 York Street mnd uni il early tbis morning there vat. more ut pètehi Haà les. cxcitemhnt around the -place. Baron Komura, Japanese Ped r hegrs rHas ougad od Ilookincg, but unlhke most .blushingbridei Arrived at Seattle, ah"0hnedntaeiayqetbt îWah. t-Y hnerdne .t fe auzque but Alondon ea.be: Tne Paris corj-es- stantil lreport cf an atteenpt on AilthMe ctyc reporer,'tho îî4 he ponet cf thue Tinuci oebles to-niglul 0 *oft«Constantine Petrovitchliedo y eyc vien be extended ii eura seti, OldelProcurator of ic HRoIy .îS aîe Lollors:uod, la current la St.Jetesbu# to- Charhie ing, une etftic bashful i om "X Witte, whe -arrives lu Pariseon uiglt, but the Àssocatff proselà 8 - in la ahappy sort cftelloir, but ho lhan te lrday? mil salI frein Cherbourg by the :able te obtamn confirmation of 11 The do viet h. la bld'alrf'%dy.Hef as Gera»n liner on Wedsesday sext. -liii authonltesand etwa tthe police etahe willig to. loèsen up a littf. regarding whleh peceedbys»me intcresting wer teatemt I poid ' u cmfl a in g ebdbe -a rom- L Pterbug, ne f eenmad. dislaîm auknowled cige y bu alte wdhmakes the. important stutenuent , ay uc happening. . AcSrlOtdI t reporttu16 pbi _pretty litti. Chhmnae baby, whieh thue tht ii Rssanç~enipotemtlary net.et.' ex-of eeetti10a uSpoliceman moud lad six fingers, mlii i nzo thit th Russia- nost*it.n.lconversatioeno thidmohes , es tanfidesces pected to make lig )t of certain difcu-, nthe train rom Tmi-skoc-Selo, ý.where moe cu of. H uedt lîe n ties, even that et a iar indemnity, if. h fà residlng durna<,the summser, ta t h he eetonttdtoi-v hi tait unly arranuge an alliance wlth plattorin, a mas mu 28 ycas oldchtn Japan, the theory being that alpeaco ruahcd up wtii a revolver lIda heMNneosCliae ee s er whicb would imply an alliance coud net but he mas seised b a i*-ito late the romance, but their replies re- be regarded as ignis weuld paege fr b o e ouM soot, and wa setsbled the sound ot- gravel dropping "Allied %vith Japon, Rust-s ad tili tlurnsd oi.r ti thepolime tti ierftpidl.- intoa aLdeepeli. The lady with bol be ow inthef&reûà ad beo- cf tho axs&uiqmino o!Grd Dukle Sou,- the> baby tlkea figîht. Clarlie Lee was sides, this Ides., broac!îed by Nt. Witte, gius inu Mescw, Febk. flth last, It vas er. H kow hte !taig bas so-dellgbtcd the (iovernment that Ireportod that among those eendemned to about if anybody understande hlm, but he is ore on the ppr becauise,-LIiCy the question cf o1ffeing Japon an in- drat.h by the. terroriste mas the Chie! - nlyriir p per i soiena demnity lu ne loÈger considered insur- procuurtor of the. lioly Synod, M.Po- ter nIwhiseorto ed lm o s rein u moumilblo. The po*aibiityof Jeter rom- bledonostaeffo WhoIreV"sebarged *wsth i tn- hc meatohv be f.rn log to termi with Emuglaad la regardcd fluencing the. Emperor to mdopt a renie-interst in lhe Chinese quarter, andi as feaible andi logicai. ftionarv policy. ho didn't want the meddinel neticed. From Words te Action. L<ou<on, Muy 1.-"Personal frienda eof Ose of the brides plaisnly expreseti Lodncbe: h.Moco M. Witte assure me," aays the Moacoir ler iuuwllingness-to have anything said AWLondonetabth: Ternes, "thCO- M. of the joyous eventri, andi what %she rempondent. of the 'Times aires to- iight 1 crreponde'nt of te Ti es, eg-Isadsete i. InUcaprmet regarding tihe meeting of the RtSian . tiat ions will net lest more than thre. ftle back eftbe restaurant tîc.re wns Zomatvo tîee "To-day's coligross veks, and ft heif U IL Tpnes demannda a gathering composeti monllilvof chi- mark ti strtig pont f anewprnve Incmpatible M. %Vitte expects to I wo ere qUuietVy elebratîni', fle moveunent away tram the throne- and, cu Jmdaey7 evc ftelehoîtCuc lie to deede. The texnpcr cf the assenbly TTrOff'U Ba msnder.tehpyculr wras'revealedl in a speech by Ivtuu Pet- A London omble:. On. of the. topica of DU.CKKD, THEN PLOOGI>.- runtavllci, vho saiti that aIl hope of re- conversation atlthe Zemstvos cungress volution was inevitable, aid it wv" to-day," maya the Moà eoow eorqspondent 1 Rasex Uan the Victim 0f a Gant cf tluoer duty te preVent, If ,..ssîie, usje of the Times, "iras tho allegad 1s vr j - White Caps& aceompaninient of bloodsiied ci a military plot against the. present f "«These- acids acre greeted wlith a occupant ot tie tirone. After the. blus- A Chiatharn, ont., report. Last niglut storin et cheering. The congress hati der et lnterdicting and advertislng the near Wiihe.tley theIelouà c of Lýhvas aI the previeus night's sitting dor.lii- cogre uto Zemstvos and Dumas, tisDlaeva sdel à ked ~ ~b7r md a Wish ho boycott %vliat ha facetiotis- 1(lovernmeul porpetrmted tisie afterneouu Iy et7led the Bouligane constitution. An aun additional blunder by detailing a few eleven muked mnen, wvho.. more iiluCk organizing comrittee lînil propw~d t plchofcato F"epreeig. luihasat ias ns. vrtm the congresas thould take part Mi tue Tiei. oleemen good-hu-.oredly tu-led tirece. They dragged hisn fro.-n bis bed élections under- fthe Coî-ornuîuont's ! execute tlueir or ers, and after waih- and pinior hsnwith roe, andi. - oceene, but the matter ans compromins- , ng eonaîideral»e lime over the. incident, slite bis vigoraus protesas.dragged-%ius the congreas 'l'esumed its deliberaflen toa a earl.uvwell.flbre &long, stout ed on the understanding that the que,;A aq if nothisg lad 'napp ed. Tii. Gevern- rope wu.s tieti a-round hi, andi ho vas tien should be left -open izitil titi' B n ien anmh . u-r moiio.D-lvrt at okt o o m ufa gin tehe n .8beu c rouenatpite theïr arbitrary discretionary pmv. lour. The unfortuinateiniais w'as sM- mien he co -as ~uWbcreon er s,thue polie cansot oevs preveut a' t-ÎmiCa inner"d ifor hait a miunute at a ed by telq egrl. atheni ofefiizns. imue, thon bis bead iroulti ho releaeed te z ,Drxaft 'Constitution. 17ble~e -oenugn and iLs ai-enai ot permit breahluing, undi ttis en wvsa ow. UTo>day the commi*ttec introduceti *Ls -dees-es amid etreularane longer eomma nd ered andeep4te ils lcries tas- mercy. own @nAft conbtitution, tthejcXt of cbz4lonceexeeph miien hiketi by bay- l)uring tic m bole thme bis bodly WM in misielb won publshed in The. lZumkiya cttt-5. *the- -ater, andi wheu she was finally r*Ws 'Viedoozusi, by hie #Ignificant ea>*a ' Vl Geurral Ti-epofi, wlio inatigated cd lue vos alumost n4lL-ib andi hait tion of the EBîglish Pas'Iiameîiturv rrâe.,tiîsalatest donu4itratîon of ficia iin- drownell. lice. Tise drift %vas paseed oni th.-ut'irst crbanoe, ventute ta reaort to force? IL! I;ot contenit uith Ibis, tbe uahisekers reading, lte congre>tî retol ing ,hst itlie believed tise tempttiffou 1* vindicto thon dragged is t-o apet soMe tfty should ho -aubmittec.t te thse ditlcu;ioll the GOvcrnuent'a ,preti-ý Mmy, prove yads uvy, and hhrosh&-.d lm mitit a cof l thc Zelelqtors an(i Pumas lorg too slrong. but f -violent nueasureo areborMe whip* vileli bore Ila shirt ta ,thse second reading at the nencxt con-! taken mattons w1lI onl3' beecne varie. t hr.ds& u- â ut eruolly ist te s.fbh. " j The.revomit .pensecutiomu brouglit al- Iisen ho ias ftaalIvreeathe "Princes -Paul and Peter Diëlge roukof f Most doublé the numb*emxpetd toWthua physician Whl e examit:zfhlm clainud i. Introduceti a respolutien b y viiels the atteMnoný'rpreotngs, ,sad li violent mas Isai dead withà pain andi expeume cungrese defiuiiteiy comm it*-t"îf te ai meesUresg!ay tmtlst.vie. ue leednsnetueatoc. actve propagamida ensong the. p ofpie, ete Z tvoi asud Damas ta ýfight *M alDuirn a * In slutiha hbit of !b.th hlgh lanti le-w-. Anotiier = le! tw ubâr o is omi c nidg uivIy.and thon .tmlkiig andi bisudecucei icouraesprstat t-dy t7edth ratreoltlnazrebln &_ il,-udil1u sit ts f p e.thig a patwt. > 7,n e,?7Z et T. o amed thé rnilitia a"L t a* Loan aid-Àf"uerta. SavngeQ>muny I ithé. Provilncesof Skatoheimwandm cf ~ . EePeýetlig tii. .Inspietion cf yt~ derwod yp.rlt.- many. Rspectlng the Supoendent of In- tuà u.n h'a «U49 ingtieIn m. uuce &Bd tiOi.DréÎtýor-04neral of Fnb- coprto f Uv. soa krecord asso- lic Healh. 7 faios Respectbzg à fas representatlons to Respecting the Farinera, Banxk of Oaa-, 1IduSce orideter .,Imiigiatlon. ada. In, aaM endïinntoLt theerlà inal code, Uespecting the Ontario, Hjudson Bay 192 &Western Ttailway Company, f Teo mmcm the criminal code, 1802, Respeetlng the. Interproviliw ~ 1wt respect to appeals from certain James Bay Rallway Company.,- summnary convictions. ' 4 Respecting thie Edmoutan, Yukon I"p tiol;the onate and Hous. of Resplctiug vthéG'tN'y. hrnRal To anend the . -Suprême and lu- way of Caaa cheuiuer Courts act. Respocting the. Vancouver à Coasi- To amcnd tbe customus tariff, 1897. >-Kootenay Railway Copay.To amend' tl. *et rcspecting -the Respectlng the Kaslo & Lardo-Duatrè Judges cf Provincial cou rts. eau Rail'way Comipany. ltespectUng annulties for certain PlV' To ineorporate the. Ilesenden îr ounclos Telerapl <ifCanaa. JRespocting the South Shore ialway Reseotng icOttiraEletre Om-Comniy and the. Quebec Soutiers Rai- Pmeigthe Ottawa Me&tre Yomk Pa'wayCpany. 1PoWer Company, Lirnttd. Reepecting. the Northweiit Goal& For grauting. te bis Majesty certain Coke Railway Comnpany, and. te changemo of môney for the publie service ange acal yeara endlng respeo«tiv.ý Its naine to the G(reat Wcst Ralway 'f the (1 c us,195 ndti.St Company.]YthS"o ue N adte0h To a.mend thé! set respocting the. Royai et June, 19M0 For thé relief of Philîp Vibert. For the relief of George Fearion. The, Trick of Tire Montres! Burgia Rospecting the inspection and sale cf Wa S ccefuul. Montreal, July 2.Cirfribus To ineorporate the N~orthwest Toe- bendegraed te the rtank of a burg- phone 4 Telètgrapi Gornpany. h r'- ey jl in ticity, aid thé To incorporate La Compagnie du Jpie are Icqking for ti e n aw-h< ueed. chemin de Fer IMeetrique de 1Troist'tl while rlflig ti.leeléping ahâartà i TivieretS t. Mauricee, Magkinoffe et for!mm e.3 labrache'e resideueQu Chaplain. fCity Hall avenue early yestwirday morn- To incorporate the Titie and Trust, "0' About 3. 00100k hiis. Labrancbes rempa»y.daugluter Aunie, aýVoke, id, luearlng a COm)85i~ A. fônuiin tIati Ral-noise in IJie house, Wsled out to ask Respetig te )OIiiol Alan',Ral'who waa movwg about. A hami iWasl lnstantIy pacèd oVer lber imouth a"i a- Reupe th~e M itoulin North bandkercbief, sturated mih chier. Shr a1yCompany. t oma, was held over bier fuse until the Respeeting the Algoma Conta! & became, unconsclous. Hudson Bay Raflwav Company. Tbe intruders also chloroforzned Mrs& Rssodig te ortandpiotae d.-Labranehe'. young son, whô vasa siesI tRest i gth or ndploag i e n hamsnwnoek Mru. Labrench ir *a trictof Qubec. leeping h in nthe ronand dId, »t Respecting cereain patentsý of the bear the robbers until thejy wera <boit Idéal1 Manufacturing Comnpany. ta dépar~t. She rnied an eIarmn,4 RespectiDg Gîica sBrea., Linîitedi tiit>, s edla ina*"Y, To aniond t hoe('oernînont railir"î of the onse %wiu mede Imnediately. The, To ineoz-porate tbue Monardli Bank ot of Que li*t&vldeft i e .ed y mwn Canada-. found t1iat they hu4 £éoured $45 Md a-' To invorprate thc Sterling 1flah eof.o4d ira-lba. wtll-osa« ue~ber et arti- Canada. oiesut mliner vlue. 1Tii. y0ung Wos To amend tRie a9t 0t1899 respoclog sud Yung ms oon reboverod. the CityeofOttaira. To amé'nd the acts reipeeting natueTID Q.LitIK fra4ion and allons. l1eotîtng thc Grand Tru=k I'aqtlo14iÂtitiLiee Iiear nailway Com~pany. fSreSeen. RSpeetingltheJ"M'es Bay 1lawi"<y pîttsburYly2.Aia eriki conupaiiY. the -Àlleg. anarthist, Who att.mpted To aMend tbe mot. -ropeetlu( tAokil IL. O'Vrick, the silllioire iteo -Yukon Westemrx ?îlw«ay Company. ,nazuufaotnrcrdurlng -thé great -Mm- To .neu tii oe~us id tat s tea, i .iu.lu, 18, , areleased fhem Iles.ctig crtai paent.et a. the wWestern Penltentlarr t<o.da75aciI 'nom.. ven e jMadily earresteê *gala it,-&acO=, Eempdluga crtai paInt f ti, 1~i1tientte leIgbany. Çèunty Work., Uosp.viu'g to Canaa. C tli«~O ïI hu nt, sr We, wdeyer o a tagn* Kum sCity' 4uIy 4.-- derAvadlu- the Circuit s Jalge (lever 'r..tto-day Ltefere mlth meds pockete kuna th, Had =Le te bai aIl lu Judge ýEls J iGx SUX M O no; Wft i euksot E &M Eh aSon G.t JLountlJuly 24A"M. A. Lytie, ow build1ngaog~t.lrni Mo0néreali to.d.y and relà e the deqper- até expelenohe nd bis son underwcnt yêssteit&Y at t.he-an&e. tIt.alin igh. wayment wbo a&ttenapted to mýb- tue pay- jacks ofSlUOOl n euh. Re eaid: "My son and I wmÎ drlvlng along the ýcon- struction, ro&d betweun âgebr n Windsr Mile. Ouïaquiet «Streteli be- twim' t" eluzip-'of buebeaos WO - w eoinqaor ,wenà fa 1audden liwo »»« t4AlU .juw%4ed fr&Wt>le buMb, oie on eitlier ai" . À"akh"a a sht- gui, a ~Mac onteda ttu and demand- ed thé rnoney. ZOne sembnd to boas the job, and shouted -:o tiie -other te shoot the hom, wbich he immediately dîd. - ei hs.dropped.-dI., It suddenl.y strück m ùth4Luw there wâa oily *n.<man with a pue, And hoe off ie. guard for a mnomet I sèlzed <the- gflp, Wth the. Money .znmped out aid nt ovatrds the. e snjump.d tii otiier wiLy Smz eteacho umq4 y ie âw iItaian pointing hMe gun et lus, and at onoe dr<oppod Itio lii buabOIes the eharge guing averus bead.- Both Iai- achen~a*Ih~tbe-bg ~no e«eg atorted firlnC, aIme. iBut the gg wa wà éecn u . ,â andguv"mi a noe an4 tke &rt .hot iront over =y head- 1 kopt.rwuui*ng zigzg o U tWkeop them busy. Then the, other 1used, aM thei buckobot struck -the. woné o aitfa- ly flddling it, and uwinglnig It s.rôund 60 lid it Ioweked mue -dois, uhile I toit severl ahot sbi inMy a&m. -l'u not inuclehrt £nDd jmed Up and iraà -os. Iwumebyantlian Orply ma naméd i1dsaxo, bo grau bb4Ue sat- .h1 and lelped me ta .caUlx. #1" twc M ;à ame kept nfrnseralme ahots, a"d 1 got -ibrersi buckshot la lç Mn4 @mo n nlê~k hI tiaik ot elppered *iii one log, Mtor 9 minut4 or two bowerthey ev"4etly got marsed aa4vm n ta tiiebush. 1- o W * t o o k a p r e t t y l o n g d n e i p . l n g b"j b t i e -o t a l i a au d " n e t waate hi camge kIling tii.hors. ail w.e could have done wouâd have beezi to w. vesi un.rined.» lfe h b. ootzg w». oew M é,a dffl tiô Rë. idj i hý' Dr. of Ibuo t ut t aii. Uz. pon ie trls er, hbcWw met M i. station bY lit wif. and son, tslud prorntly driien t'a -a hosp itôl I'.Jlevethat thé. h;g1zw&yÉne.i wVe -acquaiutem wath the. CirCuni.t"ciof tMr. Iqtle's4 trp, anid - £1 r. .' 1- "WMI And you, to KNOI Ât the long Li the asimple Vernc e4 up, ezoepting a.aqtrustie, e s e i ace WU" JeannE sturn ci assertion. OnIy pLue 'as lie .hel that MoMent ab look whieh lwe ward, a gIa»oe etînfiiJg ;a gla ~uderetand then mentons after-tI mistaken signifi Shîedid not 1 when, witk-the ped the wedding ger. Ii W*S a trifU 4iredi and Maud W à alittie ber hand and Yi, - to the m4ght fiMI or 80 1n the tran Belleand the r almoatinaudiblë *Then, with hi arme, Jeaiixe ret vestry. Vestries large eïnougb* foi wit'houit iniminez animà gi, and Bèll @Scely fuske Ir the littie =crwi BUt-- when be- d lie sta.mierý,; niainider; of h'is. and. kizsed it. Joanne blusie puttingbMe arm XeSt of! the=,, n -lace were cQflsidl ý 1's rtç w T