Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Keystone, 27 Jul 1905, p. 1

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e ~ '-4-' Vol III* JuIy 'Clearing Sale. Sensatiô nal inducements to shoppers. Parlor Sets ]Jining Room Se4k.>r Bed Room Sets Fancy Chairs and Rockers Ladies' Secretarios, Morris and wire back easy Chairs, Spring Beds and Mattra8ses, Screons, Carpet Swoepers, Window Shades.t AT SENSATIONAL PRICIES A cail soliited. WM, TILL & SONO RAILWAY TIME TABLE~. WHITBY JUtYcirIOlN. cloing Wet 5.29 a.m* (bing Litut S32 a' M. 84 4 . 28 ar. ..17 pi. 4 di 2.05 Pi. 629 p.in 4 6 8.05 p.rn. Sunday 10.05 p.1 The 5.29 a.ni. train doses not go wcst mondai, Mornlng. WHITBY STATION. Ooing North .07d a.m. Going South 8.08 a-m. 4 4. 4.15 p. ut il .. 12.40 p-ru s 44 6.40 p.in. 44.0& STAGES. Leav, NN-iuthy for Oqh.awa at 10. a.m. andi 4 p.m. Hotilden, prnpriet*>r. Leavçeu for Broughamn at 10 a.m. J. A. Hoyt pro- prietor. MAILS ARRIVE. Prom W. and E, 6.45 amn. F-oi West 3.45 a. n 44 Wetit, - 9.80 a.m. .4 ait 9.30 a. w Froin Brougham.6.30 p.ni, MAILS CLOSE. For North M43arn. For Oshawa 8«" p.m Fast 880 a.M. W.anidE. 6Y pm. Wet 1216pW. Wet, 9UO0p m PROFESSIONAL C ARDS. MIEDICL ___ Dr. Uoldrum ~ PHYSICI4N, SURGEON. AND lE UR. d Mt nvriy Tietand Licentiate College of Physiciaus, Elnburgh. z TFERRÀè,E,» ByIIONS. . "'."w~)o,~*42. f,ýîit, fo theWesernBank NoaryPublic, Whltby, Ont. Dow & MlolIliIvray Barristor.s oliciton~. et-c. biloey t-o Loin. Office opposite Puât <Office, Wlitby, Ont. J. B. DOW, B.A. T. A. MCGILLIVRAY, LL Bl. James Rutledge Barrister, Et-c. Money to Loan on eazy Terme.. Office Imrneiately ont-h of Royal Hotel, Wbitby. Ont. John E. Farewll, K. C., Berrister, County Crown Atterney, a.nd ýCouty Solicitgr. Office-South wing ef Court flouse, ýVhtbv. DENTAL Wo. Adams Detit. offie. over J. PFrrguona. Tunlu et. -uteno-No. 4, Tihe Terme., Byrn St.,Whty open satnrdy ovenlin. D«ot .oraduat. of Royal Coflnog f Dental = i.n, Toronto, Bonor gisAda. Toi-ote Uni- voity7grauate of chicag0, 'cux of Denta Bigeous. Officemi-v-Wu.i. .8 hardw.ae strComner Brook a"d Du"im t&t CIIURCH -DIRECTORYO Ps sbytu4aa Ohur.be pÂBTÃ"I-aRv. joHfN ABRAX". PAbbath àu'ei-l .. AMd 7-P. uM. SUMUI sobool sud lBie Cam M8 m.m iaw M..tam en Tburadai evenis t 8u So BEY. V.m.. Md07 > mAWOMM- Ivoau Sicu-êG .ad .u.O CI Ordainod fb. tie Gospel Mr s f iagham, pister ofl»e 8411sf Churcb, .10w a tuli- fledged ClergYman. Stprayer by Ré?. R ~ lnel * ltufie. they ail ai'd theti "i1 upon the bead of thé caudidatgI. aéè when the prajyer ended and 'r on Tuesay oetIbis wSk- ordin- -Bingham arobe. ho wae a propeIV ai t on services were hid in lhe ordaîned mininter et the BùPt1et. Bpk.church iithis town by cburch. vi lch the pastor 'of te çhâurcîî, Rev Mr. Tighe, et Oshaa* 130'w MNr. 1-.. H. Binghaui, B.A., na gra&luute extended thé haind ot fellérw iiP'> of MIcMater University, Toronto, Mr. Bingham. welcoimiai-um - was ordained unto the Gospel Minis-! the dutiés. thé joya and sorreW5ý_ try, andi the preuix 6"1ev." attachetitégea epnsbltesaj h to his naine. ilitherto it ha, 9net!t ellowship* of the Baptist miniÃŽtry. been correct to sèay "R2ev. Mi.. Bing-1 The oisingrfg of a well-knOwii hY lili. ham," alt hougb aimoe't every day andi thé b6nedictî0fl b> Rev. B. H. he- ha"rece;v<iIletters e0 atidress- Bingitaro eoclnded oeeof the Most ed; butherea1trr it 'viii be in order iiitere«tiilg anid enjoyable ser.vicéSi to so atidre&s thet gentieman. ere etii1th atitcirhe Thf% day se4nittot fur this very Whitby. important évent in the lite et the 1-Thé choir of lte churllh lea the1 young muan1bter and in tbîe exper- Ringing at the evening service. tilt ience of the congregation, provedit esang two fine ara Uenis with niu0h be a MUst idtaà bstimeres day. and swetuegs andi volume. soi a goodiy numrber et de4gn»te4 i elegates wbo rereainedinj town were rable te atteand. over. night were the guîstts of niéf3-' The ladies o! the chu ccii ad berbF of the congregatieli. as toi- p.-ovided a ver>' inviing dLAnner bInewsvo the tShoot roow of the rlmrch, te gev. Thes. anld lire Binigham wvhich ail who Imd arriveti bedor.L with Mr. andi Mrs. L. T. Ba.robliY. olie i.rn. sat doWvn. l'asters 'tighe andt McEwe,» Witli As thée cremun>' of ordination unay Mr. anti rMs. It. Ricbardon not bc faroiliar te a great nanyi 1l.tor Bis ndeli with Mr. atid MZ's. m-ho 'viii be interést«d ini this event. 1W. B. Watsonl. a sornewlîat detatied report of the Méers. Sis and Andersoil .witb proceedingtt is itére given.î Mr. E. W. Evaum- Thé- routine te hé toiiowed is that Ré'.. R. G Welch, Prof. HR. B. Top- thr- chu rel wbose pafltor is te be zteott andi Mr. L. J. Biegitamowt ordained ishall issue a eautiet a c. A. andi Mrs. GotfeUOSV. connii for ltat purpese. Uisualli Thé ordination whae.h toek pa ail the Baptist chuiiî-clw in the As- here on 'rueeda>' le at least thé fif~ socation are invited te send "e-é thptt bas been heid in thîs ebureli gmtes. andl as rany otherm as naay Rêe. Sycamyoré. Barker, McAlii hi be esireti. Thib routine had been and Lehigh having been imad<te?' foliowed in thiîs case. and at three' prends" whilé paWttrb of VJib 0*Clock, é.fter opening the pro chureh. i'cedlngs with dev.otionul i-lercl se th#- cierk of the Whitby churclu was, n.sked to reail the riue ef the Reception to Rev. D. O. CrossleYý church u hich Lurt1îorized thé calling o! the couincil. The clerk reported that the foiloirag dî-legates %veré, On Wednésd&y evening of last wetk irn a*ttendance f roui the churches a uniber of the imembels et thé here namWd: t Tabernacle met in the scheel room Oshawa - liéV. Mr. Tighe and 1Vo extenti w, publie reception auq Deacon SUis. we-lc'eme te 'tteir new pastoe.lt. Brooklin - Dme-cons Hubbeil. Hol-ý 1). O. Crossiéy. The school roorA rom ant Doiittli 'as welilfilléti 'vith anu-audign1ýé Whiéeý-a1e - Deacou and Mr.. two-thirds of whonî wcî-C wutne>iO Humphrey. ir. H. W .wilcox occupieti thecat Ciarleint-Rev. H. B. TapLIscet.t1 andi a-fter the formi opcning hytùii and Deacon Coats. 1 andi pra.yer niaeé - short gpeeCY-. Ubridge-Rev. J. . McEweu and andi carried eut Lhie pregram in un Mr- Andersonî. J1e-bic ranner. The choir oet. the k -hvil-Rv.ii G. Blundeil. church sang a Sine anthetn.- Ai Port Perry-llev. T. Hiagnu ,mandrixed, que-net té-thé Misses Powell Deacens Trennuan andi Turner. and Mesces.-Ayres and1 Wlsori-gaVO' Lindsn.V-Rev. R. G . Welch. an excellent nunibér; a male (jiarfe Reaboro-Pàastor Cauteron. t(tte->iesars. Ayretit Wileon, Steptiý-1 Burk'e Fals-Rev. Thos. Bing- ensen sud Devey-satig Miss Ifoidp*n! haro. ,'alKi Mr. Biu'gham '-euchisatt.iif s-Il Caiiuiegtop-PtqL.or Siceol;a ajdandi )£&il Hylaxid gave àrcie,,ýa Me. J. W. -8amis. Il - )r. George DrydÇ> ti mode,-affel Qh isnderlu»I->ootor Miler. welconie te tWe --new tpi4t or# ,al Aurra-Paistel È. J. Bingiar. -reati a pooro writtersbbM. Thos. Whitby - Bretitrén Watson. Bar- Wray fer the occae-iont. IetrzsbL- clay. R3ateman, Evans and Good- ments et ace urtai and Cake were leilow. serveti dnrirg the evenieg. Mr. Cross- Rev. Mr. Worden. et Eqffl Coun- ley matie an excellent -repi>' te thé t>', who was ireewnt, was iravitudi heurty weicoiue extértded 'te hua. to a ment on the couîacii. Hé hopéd the %warxneewt feelings 11ev. G. IR. Welèb. ol Lindsay, wast would always oxisi. beto enq pasto aplulcd modertttor et thée Couni- andi people, and tiîat he wouId have Thé[. neci ha'the lcée poper>' co-oim-tuieii of al ite The ounit hang eenproprlyeonregti luinthe work of the coustituteti, on- motion il was de-. church. f cinrietiacoéptanle tu thé Whitby Te ioin l h peà'yr chu rch. -Th filwig e Wrpay:byMr Mc. ingham was the as tke tu . ry givo a statemeet et bis conversion. ÀA FEW 0F ANN OLD iiWS MUS!NGiS his cati te thé miniâtry. asid a staté- INH18 4uSlET OUJIS ment of Chriutaîo q'iotrine. uwhilh ho dîd te the entire aatistfaction etf-Thé0 a tous ohutrches t of tl*UY 'the Cou oil. Uuring the urale.al hé 2M y itfer igrésIl> i the. W&Y watt piieti with innumezIble quif- 0f h r~iIt~tigu.,- tions, maxi>'ofttheni on -_keotty soeé ay a htelueg ,ulxiifhti', and ietiatabis points, but the eau. ln their vieW&for.tho 0.be#t wCaM be,' dida-te acquittéti himmlt credatably. Te benettSi~tOi Whpn lte eé.amînai1ou wat con-' à to~ltsdxit Itsrats, chi(ddthe couii sdjourned tu t aI w eoIW s41mttb i tou adjoanîng rooro, and conmidered thel ThtoOu lgt# que.tion et aceting Bro. Bugilamo change; - L întio the milar>'. IL wasunanel..-Iletact. va t#lnk il. bettse' anousl>'andi ver>' heartil>' votud Iru Altbouch .mtm .'stq tot ordlu huahi, u ragmnamti O.--~~rwn artt not tôt> mach for mpm li àueh reàiponsil>le pusitiesé bol ou tho Supreme Cburt et'. CAiý ciglt and seven tbeuand dolt yea.r 8-r« not extravagantg uces for the. nSmtbers 4f the Court iof Ontariot, ad er,0> toc. muoh M*r a 'working ,C - WETB-Y' * ttaboIle grab at 4-W re ase iterétiu' pet.pl -these t*imes. Itý OeeMe loike robbery ,te geix a on an, cutt1n's up iv thu tMimbe IV' ,Parleuint. Oim towld that, eachf Wan Iv the miîwbers is to gît twi ity- 1fOIve linndred dollars Lier epiudid' A few MUêUt1Js in wa.n ivthe puirtlest l'buildixi's in Canady, au' fer Makin' an Occasional epnhe.ou some'quis'. tien that nobody, cares nethin', about. Thpee fetiers beyv un gîttin? fitteen hundeed a year. an" xiow tiy, are to- git more. Jiast thinký IvÏt, -twity-teiVe huixdred dollar%.aie., thin hevlu' hait the year or ,,Iore te coin more - roney. Gee 1 what' dOù thesûý fellers do wid ail their roOne'y? 'Nwwurkin' min loike melfoes weil iv we earne wan tfty a-day, or $450 a year. Som« Iv uis hes tii kape a u i tîe an" bi1g family on wanu tfity, an' out i;V tuat we 1~ littie iv .we bey g-ood luck. tm.Io wie could eav'e if wie e-vengot $82 day! Wnoy, twinty-foive huudredi dollars! g3hure ite a fortuneetsoit is, an' fer only a littie.toidn' w7id nothin' much ýo do. Bcdad lots iv Ibecijil pays rooney to go te Otty %a to see the purty buililin's an' thinge, an' here are theiw- min secinl' ait thesé tbingfe ivery day an' getitin' a fortuine be- Boâe e/!'Jabers itt;neslt as -Woutd loike til sind a few inçnthi, ini Ottywa on the sanie ternpi. se Mhure but Mintther Chritité'ý lias Jdropped istil -a soit enap. Think lv 1hio gittin'ral -that rooney an' froe roides on -the cars besoides. Oî ex.. piceshé niver- mdc su ruch rooney in the semé tôime befere. Itsi loike- [yh'lbe givin' -the extry thons- and tii the South ý(;tar1ô Agrieul. titrai Society., . Here'e a chanttfer Mliather ixtirbanks,,til i gltà ter hio andi make hîm she» ont. Ite; jist a- pick-up, e t, la 1. Think tv q,.in uînbi 'IV Par lIn1 drawin' tina..thonusanti dollarw feir bplndin' a f«w inonthe 4-ach year, In tobig cîty fer, fur years ! Besoides héb hes I eez'tw!-Y honora. é' fI xed. tih lie chuirman at gardeut .parties an' tay ma.Un% s xiýIi hngt ; :ie hes thc chanette git, f0i Jobs ifer bis friudii V se ,be ligea outhe &tîansi tif, perhape lm good un" grad -iite intî1Il o abnetan, Conte out, ,wid a good fat pinsbuon fer loîte. 1Ite gittin' -te bewan iv the té i i#»ethore is. thi8 gittin' utXI*ar lemint. Biture iv Oetlied a dfI son 01 ~4ytai thuuu lait er iere an"' fer Ica4ers iv, the, Qppy- ILe , Oi beliete, 01,1 I raln fer: Judiclil Sàalrese «"eckly Sun : To the, new À&1eO galaries fLxed fer the, Judiclary- there *111 b. nO-e stiont ObJtl>f -prviddd- the salarieQ aé fiXe4are ,th ,ulufliitu l slowo - n ;%e îsê thast thé. 1n0fr-e etlpentis are acoowpanied bi a de- crosse *'tLe h.numùbet of.judge«ýTan- * fi-?- A:... iU n à uelrkl mUie t a i 1* s&Y a 1 w sT bwl loi* wbihaI !té~ Sshuo«la-antb as rli 0. . - oeeoL e ffort au ene tb 90di tb7 U» *M& i*,-0t mo.tasgthe *W04éet pwsoi Ad o* t r N the üITBYi, ONTAMU JTULY ffnnssy la siatIones. r Farmes Y. - t - i Duriug July and Auïgust, oui. toire wlll rmal -open on Tuesnday and j' 'e - Ifyou caunot -ýe-In the time, corne o.he vnlg. Hitlghest Bui me g, Phone 47. k1 I f tr in, 4Mmakôthûé ltimte sund-v-ery ada& a rous1 min i rIuand, m

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