Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette, 7 Mar 1912, p. 7

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i ' , 'titi 0uYiauJIIM-6 VOltant aezigaç in 5k- 2» glthe short Vin, excursion *nd wamderng, foui haIt an. heur *Mut th'Iroeiiy p&tlxwaysand teep. tur- S$Ic!tii- uie hen he te 1ls tl how the Abbe die&, and shows bthe he otlté W'ct o heDauêwee n e tt 0 ;-Wal î[ tam. fandsh oid w ith pthe trid n,7 nhEd jh e rrMpr yo t ayst t . clio,. iead.a"and e . aor eîio gs bck othe arber wbieh th t oumt befre *W. .'g 80 tihey mafe the 'a Kote DaU- eney 'leading, in his 'oapacity ot guide, -thougli b. waquit. breatb- lois' hé. they reee htp- Edtb fello'wéd b'Mm, an4 te ber alaimper«eved hh ow e as.purr pte i t 'face., Ré tr;ed te emle, And, ln4%te .4_ A geature that he. *Ouwiecovér in a, minute. Mean- FairbOlme vas- thé nexti np. -had 1 hàiidly set'teknti.:o0 e brouien thecroofed- ýdith, turW~ round quieiily. "What oDn ýeartb isthe matterf1" 7i re. -"Wyare ycuusing 8 f1 ïiii-Anguage 1 Mr. Dan-l eney onl buiid a littie toc fastL *F4aii4olrne droppqd bisvoioe'to 8a X"Look," 'he said, iùdicating vitii hie .eyes a distant corner. Z dith foflo'wed hie glance, and lin- * 4antIl' eomptehended the cause cf bais tartled exclamation. For in timat qu-iet spoýt, far remhoved* froni ytohfnl- pocr inq#isitive Èotel- I, N~ervant, odfour mn bgashe iJean, - Husftin-u1.-Mulk, and lbe other two Turks, although, cf couùrse, until tuis,,moment.eh. I1ad neyer previônsly so- 0e5' on tbem> 8h. instantly nderstoo& that- tbey mast, con.tinuie te talk*àauJ aIc inthe. gUise cf ordW&ary :touri$ts.. In tbis respect the presence cf'D4a- A eney;wvas invaluable, for Le natuirî- aly %oould -not gucsesthe. eommunity J fo interept be1fveen hie aristocratie- f riezids àhd tLe zmotely group in the As oeonas. Le regainod Lis breàthi Edlth andi hé cemmenceti-a Ii4ely oqcçverss-tîon. -5i'r H"Ubert joih-d 'théti, and ilu the course of their a] alsroli-round the. lover VLey passeed close te the ,Frençhiùn.iaud his companiens, ýatating a casual g -npfrcm. lie - former, vho -in-' stàntly selt Lem dovn as ,English people Lonnd., fer, thé Elet, çknd whiling ava.y 4a tev heurs in Mar- peilles prioer te hie departureocf *eir ~emr. nni.awtd Ïh-" alil stairease'led te thé tp ci, lb,' t rret, vich, asalPeitiy de- âirbed, oM 4 park cf tueagl When -1Zdith and tw- strolled past tihe ôôrtii.>'gIan"e is-id .aes t'i"êa lm- 'by-ie'oking 1 re*ba Wbo h4d' paued bai*s-y. e wa]y ,id 4 ~thuough s-n mbus-ar.dIoabk *5] mpjJeP- ct»ýo ours. 'WTt4 sd. But don't Ogaanlytbing;hoj iséd nt avewaredDau- MOOY aù to any"reýAmrk*h. migbt: ewoeçmen't ain rendered ,hum pee 1chlesas. "It i&msey, h hiip.red, s epsecret.. W. wVilI e1i en OHAPTER. Xviii. cI ~ ulmelyneoUins fti. 'iem2 t ragiug in thc4i',brouts, JSir Hnibrt 'Fitziaxne eolà«etun derïtand-khy hhey oaci audal n swe)red b n'ue rie.d ma fner wben h. ýdilatod upc» the. beauf ies otf the-bs-y. Finally b. tu ruad to Edith with au air -t'-of ehen Sicn., "I téber"e said, "that ycnr e-xpediticir of last night L as upset ye.. 'Have yen a beadacho 1" Thon s he conld contain her noe ne longer. Drawsiasg ui tlos te the ranipaLrt; ar4 bending dewn 50 as te apparehtly take a dep inter-i est. in thei. làugbing excursio>ntets beneàtbi, ae..murmurd- "Listen ta' me carefuIlyý, uncle. Don't loek s&round. HEase e ,unon- ticed the party cf Turke and a Frenchrnabi gronped tegether in th1e opposite Corner?1" 4ie»b-said. "Yen de net mean ,te ;teil ý me that they are the ,pe ople wham-'Mr. .Bret met *tuis morning s-t the sain1 "Yés, 'Unqigeationabl they are. But t] ho most mazr#ellon-s ,thing re- mains. You kkuôw the turret close te which they amestanding M> "lWell,_4ni the staircase leading' te t4e hand leaning eut hhroigia widw rying it e hor wttLy are 1eaying, is Jck't" "#What i n oxtraordinary-thing," sid tue major-geeral, who was rell ery annoyed that such a ;,eetiîng ehould bave -takenr place under L is very nose and -its signi- ficance romain hidden. from hbu. "Can wc de anytbing?" b. ad- deci. fiNething save te, remain ber. a utile ' loger and b. most caroful not to appear te have -the * east knowledge of: their identity." - Tbey - vere joined by flaubeney. and FaiÎholme, and -Editir knew' by a. sinïgle glane' at tho' expressive eipansoo 'btrera - ce-hat ehould lSe bé s.giin':btàuïht. ifitô Close proximiýzty té .e b'! Turke and hý 'brother îi, vas 'qite possxb e uteet i, 0k o! interèsted amaze- lm nt jihièh munstiàénvitably appe*t. upeai bis boiest èiis ousiten.- "Bobby," she said st o.," Jiàt ýyen and Mr. 'Danbeneyteg deva ,:te tii. lanneh. W. vil! soin. yo in'. a 1ev minutes." JC.rtaiziiyz" .1 thueFreplï., tor. Ë&IrhIýe Uew taim-ome metixe l.: butter long 4n om fine hée final - ~~~~~~~e eting wilhoaret »aty - *ieved 4y dri nkin& tapofi - 1 1ý > ý. . 1.ý I i glass fcf old i-Whor iearnthâ s4 c rpetsax in elentng ts t"] -É5ï when h'leaû htiNý Cuti, n doe& o s nthé He wenàý strai'dthe mmîmCelery -Balad.-Onc- cres whivh' are waeh4with it. Vh him txat, ntr 6 ,quartier- buncli - "sj, oýe large Paneakes made with eream- adti expeot*tions,_ the Turks 'wer4 è4tCing bnicoi.elr , onhaIf 'up ere ihbt,,-n ua n -in complete accord with n eo-F'rech dressin'g. Oiethe-e-eonqatroradihocn-Wh seie~ ftbr. hi ntua! ~tuein cold-water: Cut the celpry mon, make & eiinsluceo zled 'the commsay caddainto, two-inch ý- lengths daudct six digh.LI and -thé àffii, became eti1- a "an r oreight half-inbh lite in botb enids To 'slip lhouse plants,- . eut slips car wejaattache. from'the l ri, of eich Strip. Th"lVrow the. eeler-y from a Young green shoot,- making 'Embàssy called a littie latierand, into ood vateï and lot itrenmaixi h u t slaiting. -Put' in a(roban urgei ti. olie t ~ il 1 thir a1 u- -uti heege cul up-:.filled' with sand,, wbich must ab, ut' power to diseover',the wherJ.b3,s uts a- sa m àail the ces, & bi a yxge When- frying. Mhut ae ay~ (>f usgh ê-ü l My s r .6 o o n o n ,- lin o *ý_ ith c r'b é v i, b . k e p t'ô n h e te v ; lo prnsh ithbit 0fnut an. oop-dipthe cakès in this,'wliilb stili botâhe1 "lsontehlsf-hTrkpdpine. Pour .the Éràuch~ frein the. fat. The dwk es are' re 1 - >Onrt 1. d The camne a confidential mesenge f derinôoeral4ut efr 5çx, derd more digestible. tài. British- Embassy, req ez* ing. ' lateti dtefl, ad, qes* ~. Oncold wii days, 'placé clothes ô , '-OecP inse in e an ahd heatý in avena. May. admitte a nuhnén& h tb J2 ra GcHOtO1t e e ;,me ýi the Qnàwàrd, Miss TJ'lbto, Ihad suipected th1e existence of -the n e- gotiaticms, which your br4thers sImart pièce of work ti i rin bas nsmd. Whulet they were ta1kingÎ, Fair- holme took Daùbeneaen one 110ad and with Brett's .perm4*8siol'.gave hiin a detailed acoJut of theýwhoIe affair. The Honorable James Dai4beneýy waî, de4ihted to'hé mixed ,up in this international -imbroýglio. H e told -the earl that the B1ué Bell was at his disposâ1 at any.mtm'entv of the day *or niglit she mniglit b *equired, and it. :was evidez4 that Daubeney,- if -not)ing else, *as a mian of action, azrI his yacht. ight become Very useful. He -had hardly quitted the' hotel When a vaiter announeed e~it a eueFeaneais wiBhed to se Mr,. 'how him up,'ý. aid the barris- ter,. and a mon9ýt I:ter Taibot eh- tered. ..s-tUT&lear the4'door twiddling his hat in hie hand- uptji the waiter had gZone. Then h. told' $bemâ -what Uhad iappented- singe he' t _É'h iii quarters at the iHotel des -Jolies Femmes. 1'When I reached there,"l he Mead, "I was under the impression that Gros Jean and the Turks were in- bed. I hired my roc!»; sent mý tin box there, and -then settled znyuelf in the cale to smoke cigarettes! and read these vile - karseilIes àéwis- papées until lunch time. Yoxi my judge .-my, surprise when I sawI tii.e three TùTks- and Gros jean dome, out into the street and tek the 4ay to the post-oMce. (To be continued.) *Whalebono esfot boné, but a ind of brsi wt wih ti ot~ cetan wak ae unihe àa t~ermyth mlfi7 r I bal plt çstes; lip, season wii Sait and pepper and moisten- eflh catsup. Put-'ths -mixture in 4Wh ramekins-8andJ-cover -viti a l6yer 'ocf rice, bruéh wit14 meitedbuttèr usxd place -lu* a4- quick viený lé bro'in. Gainiieh villa sbite!f parsiey cr cross aud serve very bat. Gree» Peppera Btuffed - with Met.-Four gr~een sweet peppeçrs,ý lalt cîup thick vbte -sauce, -tire- thirds eùp ehieken (ground), -one- third cnp pork tenderloin '(ground),- hait teaspoon onion juice.'- Use the. -mains - o! pork henderloin ànd chieken previously eooked for din- uer,. Cnt tbe« item end off the green pepra', 'eiove the sonda. and par- bel -the pôd. Mix tLe meat,. seff- soning and vhute sauce, filWtho pop- pers with ttus mixture, coverinà viii crumbs, brush vithjbutter andi Place in a' baking dish in a'moder- aie oven and bake a bal! bour. II Celery Cheese Stick.--Twvo sticks oerisp ceiery, two ounces pimente cream cheese. Ont- celejry -to 14-incli lengtLs, fil l ticav*ity vithl cheese. These sticks are used in placé cf vafers. I * OUSEHOLD HINTS. lbrovn cookies in broiler vii.» uuing the even. . ColId potato makes a. good pae in --au esergeuey. FUI a bottle vith van vwaterb.- fore yen try te remove thI l.. Xetdau will mend yonr glas. pieces d lhemark viii net showý. . lubeane u in turnaee, birovn- ing% emie -last. bal! heur i l the Olti ds-mask curtainà dye jrrtty ehade vwiii make gond piano and ouci --cevenrs. Â nicely. covered bede siat vill mak&a ïood b oard'tcrirorniagsi ~Wien nmig-te ven ptalj if t viii Jioldmeuta, potaloes, ajýi-: mo ve onajoli fro ibpae a Wd àcl aacake Yack. - <Ir the.ove» in toc kit.aaà" Yeny -a.brovwnW-too fait put -a pOée fmna mcryriS Olbair vithW bie, b teïc vil .keip- w;arm *111 deotiez are If yu liv0 in a houser' where there 'is a fragrance- aivays keep a veessel o! vater on îLhe register, and yeu wili alvays. have,* hot. water. -Frezen pIantas hould bc placed li' a darfr place,, thon spriuTkled vwih cold vater. ' Géranium, -fuchias, and simffar plants may dien b. saveDd if - care is glven li hbawing them .'Out. Dontt throw away , dairy -I>uIler that is 'toc etrong foreating or vuLkinLg. Fut-.L1t c twe rair potatoes eue-Lait pouzide until potatiDes a] strain through a salI if needed. ' collent for frying MeerscLaum ms derives ifs nainefi h iýSoMetianes l lie Black Se&. thse- worid vre are kint ~ma.ns r's signed-toi use should - -FRE O G R )r Le Lesý t a in us. n- xit h fs t eai BeautifuiFPreeh dressed doll,1 .a -te.,J requtiies Q0 aeglockét and chain, or-solifsgo] n1*~wie>~~o~ de&it~ ru to alifr gir. Send uë ? ao1$4."hn br*ý,éIy in 'th.6 face; ýnd-we wilsepx4-y'ou, thirty se"*s 4ý On y dSQ Ois t ae we tUu] Eaner aiid Other pont-card >vqrcdïme them and cast them ai ten cenits a; set (six, card.e -o ehall "o Le content te driti Wlmien saiS, sad us -tise M-onoyý r tlOut stri-uing te rise àbove ~pis o >V7 of those iLôdo net ca-re? roueSé lSetnso racee saîa< IUior' o,n Iiiidks. pÂx,, cbaitges. Â AdSress -ne me la tbe wbdle Wix"N: Co., !DoDI. 1in,T= Who can imake Or mar 1t.*We e siened Cf coçurse by good L Our Lf e ile eca? ecnmakie h an ifndll à ,U 1shable n mssfemater- ial 'r lle masterpieceofo a Miche! Angele.! Whicb shah vochoose? rOU0]iNG T.HO8ETUNIoeLS. There -whiah M veller to France à the, st.1 The firEtI are *threse fs-meus 'tunnels ake il posile for tii. tra- roach Switzerland'tbrougi nùd Italy-the Mont ýCenie, lothard, a"d îlc Simple». of the.se vas begun in 1857, idt s fsor cmi "* &S.ca JfnO he eove 'wtf tf abuter.aned tf sbonierueBand PR..FITAB-LE POWER BOND$ lr cooked,' then q C4f auada's i rcvidest and bcst informechinvestorshavfx boight Western, damp cloth. Add Canada oer Co. Bonds. At their present price o! r9g thee pay ovàet rhen oold lu s ex- The pl. is l ocated .41 miles frem the. growing- cities of Vancouver and Ilev or cake baking. Wetier, . sudn&lias secuet pçipetual vater rights- from gevemmcnt. C»dev*lop 100,00iLP.as,,demand increaies aud shou d arn,,tus jear three * limes o~id inereat naer in charge, P. F. HayrwardsÉuccessfully constructedj MéxianLight Heat & oyer Co. In addition te high rate cf interoat bande sould 4peciate'conside.aby la ni ya..Dretraeinld - Max ans sea-fean, and .Ai*en;iC. H. Caban ; A. R. Deble, Secretary Bank of Montreal; Jne. 11endlry; rom tho tact that. 'Wýi. M jeilVanconver; .Mr. Campbcll Sweeney, Manager Bank of Menties], onund ficating in aica e.Tuais an exceptions] investmient opportunity from standpdlnt of belLscjxity sud laterest Write us frfulparticuLars. ROQY AL t TOIRONTO, IEEAS TELUG8 arns.,LONDON (KNG.> Il- 30*&UIag 'i i ~w $mw Sws~ ~ i lu L ouvre.-' n disappeared -tong tei e siren o et L 1i'& aIe 4i uay' ,bout to make I 1' -7-_ kin 1 nviv i 1 1

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