t~i ant Wb# Oaorat.t ,and4the British lie ueea Royal ta'- lut.. T4 MUSgaad :Qu.ei Ver roo.fed in state b>' Goberail'ir Ibn, s;RamiItou, comm""Èezin.l ohiét of the, Kediterraneasi dffit- ment; Cii. Justice Sir J. Car- bonse, iembers of the. Legisiative Couixcil, 4»d a crowd o! nobles. A dr â..tIrugh troop-lined streets to Goverument Housie wss followed by a reception, at which Most of the. Maltoe. fficiais and noblemen, 110 aereoedesilice' Englnd. oudethé Brit idMh eraeafleet wbliéh vii »U ofh!4 wu*b* p», ndier thé cosm~1~ ! dmrulBeo"ede f6g peyrere, join.d in uhemgeet.iugt1iiis marking the. existing friendahip be. t-weeil Great 1gitain aod Pa The City of Valetta .15 thronge with British and French visitotra, vii. have corne e5peci&lly to particpté in the feativities. THE YEÀR'S LÂBOR ULINPIIK D0partr nt Returns Showiag, Logs o'-'f Tine' and Sottiement Ueaohed A deupatch from Ottawa aye: Etatisties issued by the. Labor De.- Partment show -that a.pproximately 2,013,740 wcring day" were lost by employeca in Canada through trade disputes during the. pbtear, a& comparbd* with th&-- fous ô? ap- p rotiwaately 718,746 days in 1910. There we.re appruxirnatey 28,218 employées invýolved, directly and îndir.ctly, in trade disputes last' year, compared with 19,594 durg the. precoding twelve mnonths. . T inoreane in te figures for lait year was due Iargely té the. coal miner.! strike in Alberta and British Co- lumbia, involving 7,000 men for nearly eight months. The. only other large strikes were the. coul minera' strike at Springhlll N. S.* Üii&strike of tii buildini trsdesi Vanocuver dâuriûg 3u,~ nc Iiý of the. uinety-eight Istrikes throughout the. Dominion, wièhicit- curred last -year. forty-two'took place in tiieProvine o tOntario anud nineteec n i*the. Proineo a Q.pDecmnis for 1bïuler ýwàgSb ile the. quetion, <iq^wàgs im re,-, alcenteWed uao twenti-tit.ot1zer TW '.00oyers voà n luthuiýty thre etM atim ïoad omplIF.veo lu, t*eaty-tIre., Qvin hinute casesa eompromfiMe viareuiie' k1h the. oUioerCAM e s ett.btà VaWS indeftnt. er not repôrted,ý,. During thie pat te. eats, out of a ttl pfo 1,079 .trade dsputes inud~b eninloerM vo 303 ses ao&.. ý'IiII OaS-r l N.IOni Uo tfo1i o~ti I43140, Bandof If*.: 41& 42 tel *4h14c. onissk .'oonth. 4to>,4,4, »ud Xe. i fte", 46 1 46 4 136E porto... Earley-4 Ibo. quoteé ai 95 i. 95CV - oui- Corn-tio. 3 America n rellow. 710.To rouotig. r5IIo f6 ayem-98c b $1. outalde. -hjùpt ~u-~~tOsa". itr i 4W r1Z. foi barrel. àhusd i n (d sedm se»*mnr-85l lois of band-Piced. (*oetery uear Eranttord, thO -Cil o $&48 *or busbel. hiia4g nupluecto koep hum pro Unsgey-ttmtd, in tins, Il tW tuc0" pely. lb. $M ibaLSO 1095.WA la" d bs-I<o. , t ,81»ai 115 1 T,< o etdW Yrl f Cobalt 'w tr»ok. sud No. 2at i 94t te Ut- Wy-fell00wrtl a R $41prion, of 0 titi. poalhtOkki514 to 16c. pirlb;foiTroops wiiliidtôB 1I; 1reyt, Mte. ic. aye 137 altuni atiOiu i'té l@owut iàali the bove. Theb te no4rn lftba - omui'wbt rl ZOI & ZOO. OBE. venue for -tbê ur how ru Ottawa Pcb. 7th and 8th. The. thirLe"nth Annual Meeting and Convention of the Canadian Forestry AaeSo4o, under patronage of H.R.H. thIe Gouernor. Generul, for lii. reedîng a <iscusïîon of paper., thé recepti of reporte, election of ofioesMaMd Railwpay Cormiitte Room, ~aa BuldigsOttavi, on è~ iay a*i Thu b' , Eeth mi ix 8mt, lo1is d oialfdds! foxest conservation are invited. Thle " i ito mak.th" the moi ,pratcal douvèMi« y4 held, s»d te tlius ed the..onteeu .who vill read papers and mû. sddreuls wiii direct tlxsir attention té tub- jects novw pressig. for îmmediate solution irn Casa. WIJVJ4L N itiro lut a. -%kO" 1or i Till4 tii. poor e"d by M=W» tghkj deatà uet!ncet. -1 TuiBSCÂII fthe Geri A 4.sptoh "liaUer!. sc Thurdy's pooud inlltbe D"g Rekho1I*! to veil ovr onebs dred. The -8ocialtio,, Dr. Ueb uehcaptiirodthe c.ote~d " 'z.-