Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette, 14 Dec 1911, p. 3

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a holy day. DZIfl~)I f,, - 14.,' T e <rà awrUenx.T8èirges î11 ra are varion ' passages In, t.toi. Yen-e9ýr1d !Aon5 M. Ezra eathostIiO l&wg Tabernaeiés, but thie .one ~itia- l11A £Fow Poitel , ý -uxe" O.Ëono.ï. ý"of to Gei. . .xený toi,, ly refforred tolier. isLu 14W28 2lad" ~~ 'a~~~~here the oniy mention is m~ade5O tms.~& hi V" ' 7% p*par-gbothL Thie Ieutt, k Enderbh bhoimed an Overea populir n.tWlI 8a .ý'lc nteffeiih Ï'h>.eveýnthâ {Cub. UIodass~'~ 8S n Vec¶e 1. The broadplace-This menti, and1 vas Vhe great oee of ,. Balunon Â-rm is aeeking incorpora- tiod;Of n Vas a popular 'eneeti place, be tli.t month. It was -the final bar- ion s a city. *tWOGf the, temple,-a lthe. water vest home cf the Year, thO mëerys,,O=j la Vo have a. home for gate, so calle.dbecaiyse the )water- but simple, celebration ofthell onaecnts. iitob Cjtjue Y, IvDýr ecarrieris' pathý leadingq froni the gatherinig of Vthe fruit Of tue ft41d Tii. aupply cf potatoes le short foir hb slle v OMltl'-P1'%'- aprlng of (ibon, the. Vrgin spring, î.Ti on-h entire hili on Vancouver Island. monoo,.£5. !j tg 1 . outy oJuaand especie.lly Four cases cf imalîpox wfrom leb-sin vas at the eut end cf Vue City. th .Meunt cf olives on Vthe other found in Edmonton 'recently. Vere rt i andrbliable*4%5lo 15e They spake unto Ezra-It was a side of the. Kedron. The average prie. of potatoes a t l mst&Ue -hartili4 uetiblisbofs request cf aIl the people. it was an 16. lTpon he roof-The roofs cf Armstrong la $17 a ton. 09 thî is esro Ét.sav unusual step. Tii. people were »n retlleue eefa. Tiie A new bridg, la being bit ornsli onlos*th shânc e ilÂtaohi'15 apired witii a fresh sense of a coin ours were formned by the bouses Vhe Siocan river et Siotan City. toac 5 edr pact life, and a new hoe, flow thtbeig built in the fotm chtcutf a quad- Cache robbin g ie becoming epide- the work cf Nehmiah was coin- rangle. mie in the PortLand, Cen., district. n .wsO. »leted. Now, alter more than a' 17. Jeçhîîa,-Joshua. It J8 noV Ripe strawberris were pick.d on The. relativeou1t.1TIt6& dozen yes.rB of indifference to their meant that the feast had neyer ;n Oct. 26 at Oyarna, in the. Okanagan ana"dfêS Sat~&1 r5 sacrod law, they were rea.dy we fail ail that timo been celebrated, but S9akatooniVuehlargat1Vown.c la with Ezras measures, by which neyer so, with such gladness and Saskotchewan, hes 12,W02 populo- tapl[n thé Ud ndo'&'M 4 refor ex.n, h. sougbt to make Judah a sep- ceremony. tien. ownoeca teàWOalthlie arate nation on the basis of their In___ t he Okanagan, B. C., Valley kn- O.osanfif~ d S 1thed relgiua 11e.-44 $750 per acre accrus is Vhe average of ho1Éd deaiere' Offer[nu £5 15 md he ook hie lw fMoeBAARDER TRAN TUIE ROCK. prie. vrtsementaen in "eIlNue wfth. sTuy he ok fec o the law oe- Duriiig October 107 carloads f out seelng any railuU bonds' offeréd for 1n 1m okc eieiaw dis- More Diffielut to Tsar Dowu COU- luruber were e3hipped f rom Vhe saw- sale. In Sat >-o 1iIt»trary. therj cover elements of everY part ofthecrete Than te Build. miiiat o-sWnn. : syselig n tnd iret n15*. aftVoue ricose pentateuchi. The entire syse u f Concrete buildings are Permnntotto ec eetyseln n netrs ÂdL ter allos 1 mretVictoria for $1.75 Per sack of 100 mortgage bondse MO Y*utmei prie3itjy and eacriftcîal regulatilis, oaexetnvrbferalzdpus.ods withtho auyenacinets cnceu ~ o Di cient ove befro eahied ound. b nda uCanada. tnvewbos oftex have clc te ain oei nentsciira -by arclîîtocts O(ffce-buidings have An increase in alrmauic inclei- opportUufties to iDYIit i '&irod equtp. rug iadu up ti ndcm n it asthe a hfe f twenty, thrty, forty yeara, uity te $î,2o0 per annum la pro- m n od ,.u s a'l é ee ar madek pfisr uct inte Tor a, tho as the. case May b., and taon, pif d at.Vancouver. fa mreagrt ak nde b t sa ii.i1*m u5 e lse ar boovef nst.' oD h Trhtethey are builti of brick Or aVonS l Vanouver shipping me ao erytken 0 Lu iarg' m*unlt ite. 2l .vezra the pisit.i alo rtrr-ot. te ai into thle the vity s taking over f Vhs floating whre, and s &0 at.1 cn&o0gv pren ad crbe a in verso wrccker's han<Is, and are renloved ry ock echeme. o thoao ee 1g h osUfllut*iaoee ! 9ohps and scswhrib ~e ndte wo' wtlittie difficulty but xnuch duit, A. B. Ferguson, o aos n etn hlte eeV . eat ad apellationrisle rine tly in- V e te udgetrbidngs Of the best kriown pionees of tii. îbey mue ai l uwefl do"nl ako foag e ll c a ttod.ba*k t e.on in &-za toe tin ther and ea b il . Kamloops District, is dea.d. iatie popuarlty,, comiâg atter Indus. 7.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i I iirsos ot E reuet &B ith orete bilinssas Recently at one day at Tete Jeunetriis, nd eo-rù roai estats, mortgags 7. 15 Iis r8pýnse x) he equet! on ews thecas isCache $900 in firles were collected and investmenit stock, 5,ot l[n eeurity. cf the4 populace is no lbss romark- the ConstructionNW h ae1 frein whiskey psd<flers. of course. but onlY Ila »POPulaifty. abh ýt1in tho request J t ml-f ~ dfeet T nuetecnr A grizzly bear weighing àn o, esooae e litcub erwîhîrder- te release jUs hold on the re-enforc- 1And ta. as we ar treatiiig these se.is In a pcuus wa recnti hetat Rmaeycurles l s.ordâge ,W$h Iex ea stadig- copal)n wittî Neh - ing rods of steel ia no easy matter. A byaute o Vacuver. 10 i TlllOt ltat(hid s~The steel rods are wouud in and Cîaybslately opened a tv outilal st.erigt hi weÀasmo atiwcwnwee i-~ utofthje mass, cros.sîug and re- "bunk bouse' te meet the. wants 'cf ritv eisiv o uwtal-thos wiel as Tme andw ouiii fo rîe tin - r sn .n ping over ecdioth- Vthe tired ad stranded individuel. of luduttal bonds* 2 4 xtt1 od let ninmds, the reli ion rfIzracl 151 er îintil thoroughly tangled, liii. South Vancouver rosideuts are are bond.s oeured by nzortgttge 01 sous to lie vular and il ric tho hairs in îny ladys coiffure, snd agitatiug for a vigorous enforce- maeufasturleg. mrcat:hoî islceflaus. 4n rt a rcnVs,4cventh'mucli harder to seps.rato. meut there of the federal Lords onse ompaey or a private character. The rnonth-This gives us our line upon It is infinitely moe trouble te Day A ct.coudatocfnids*I bda a tii y .ar also. The wa]l was cern- tear down a. bouse of re-enforced Mr. Masterinan, of Blaek Moun- investment from the Point Of vlew o! ple~d n te 2t1îdayof he ixt cocre-e hanit t bild crie, aud t ain, near Pincher Creek, reporte ss.iety invoives a more tborough Investi- mnth Tliat was in the ycar B. C.: although lcss ékili is rsquired, it havin kiled 45 oytstsyr. giothn15o!aMunicpl h 444, anîd [bore can lbc ne doubt the will be fouud that the 008t willFluIfy six juches of snow fellinlu..*eîy depeeda. of cOurft. on the sucese9 wrlcrnîaii t env)y v~ iprs ~no h fr dffret.The renie th Cwiciian Valley, B.C., durig of thesecurity on whlch the mortgsge abi that the readang of the law o f a amali concrete building lu ty to weirembucer. i sadngOlgtin.Bu hfbagl fo]bowed ixnmedîatly ftcr. It wan New Yrk reSntly cost Vwety-two t eFo e xrty docors w feosuc e ulalu a b e. oea 1e a u t ! terie. «n an ceýtcilly appropriiit-etile, for thosad five hundred dollars. rtiti eet xainnBritihfol euba-ler eerieo-gysawitrbn on thîis day the people had gather The. useof the modemn re-euforeed pTetfours n riti.8 ls C olumi--th ' e eane t odefiut of ae. 11v.e ed in b, ol convocation" Wte lo !concrete for building- construction IThanfoubr tua a ellat B, fow when eternnd"mT rte nI brate the YF a t f TrunipeUs (L v. i oesback iia dîy twenty years s d an d 5 A i00W bje ar e î îng a y io su b . e ra ie s dfe hy*!ap li 2 .12 5. m1ary orin u ti m d, ar e tyew ili ng ar e Inyear The sciioi trurtees' conlention et inumelcent fron he point of v w of Phy 3. Frwhin ethy orhot autm cocu vdtyetatae e YO Vancouver has gone On record as sti al tuatien may us satis!at«y mwbeu tho ht autmn n o'l<I. For this reason knowledgecf atrongly favcring cqmnpulsorY et.- consîdered a as1.e q*utI Of a 'wOrking, W o tid com pel a. cess~atio ni f the t he lasting qu âliVies of cornent c n- ted ane. c o t au achtve u 10 s.7.b . 'goo510ud' reading, wou]d be neveu hours, and from wlxat is known it is believed 8. A. Corley abot a mouItain il'oa ciebuiu.WiOi hn1 of courbe the jrocess wculd not bc that the. ordina.ry bouse of brick or goat lest montb Vbat wfeighed 4W0 sot t,. reokoue& as & ptr tl ecurft7 ,f9i corî«'ctitiNo. K cirs we re stading a tone inaet the. peak cf its efficieacy cpunda Vhite huuting in the Skeen5 morùue.Mass aree f sut và1ne by w relieve the eat scribe, a tdhei.moment it je completed. Prom district. to»a«1he bondsa=nIll le20wlbt*fl interruptions woulci occur for ex- net mesaid te b. cemplete, but Tire we.k* go egg rr sl go d-wu t** 5155 ail£5a&Margtinal s.erW, Pol~i.that tixue it begins to deteriorate. 70 cents er dozen in Vî tària, B. OmhJVP~#U"Ub 010, .A u'to od-The ftrst Ti .k fefceyla tece lu Comox b utter lied drojýý, of effi tbe me menio~nP 019tpupitThis erectiot cf a, concA&te bouse Ob" gls Sme.excltemeiit VOS c&used?0e-" ndol ofa temporary ireoden plaVform etebmdne. As&, f . ,. or 1,th 'ace of the eveut. Ezra coufd in older, it becomes hardei à r ad oe IVY i g<non iien T h£&'. P -a * t W45à4On ç gives au indicationour",cf thhs lin b-: 7,_- tbis ra ' ho ccu by aIl in thevast drhe htw c orS fVi $8k ihg rziWhdbe 5 M*18swthma4 y -Pois> Qi ciOm assemb Iy. ~~~cenorete la prcPerly made- ~ ~ 3 ~i1tD uub he.s~u*PIOT1 ~sagu b Y. ec.#g . bu wthé as peIn l omt Beside iim-The high priest and Tbo use h av nte819 fe f wreckiand s . ,,uhï O Y;v4u hi% party are not mentioncd in this buehveINt. l iuE ft PLAGE 61P HA)DSIUX1.M .l rpeatS 5 odmcior u list of tose who supported Ezmr o eoee Ti d~a. Onr, i-it ts bu#ste« l05L1wib go-Il The rCason is obvicus. Tii.,. tiilr-.the drllan dnaitemttb.teU , £Wbsies enn.U, couf*dse. Von eu n uwere lymeu and Levites, 1 sed- ag . .k m" t gegue. -bu omobbo',ti " 6. Amen, amen-Tii. ropons. of! n.1y MOULDED LAW. o * bfl ý uwâut the people'te tthe prayar of Ezra, ratifying his sentiment. L "* < ~ by ».atb et Qaa4 d- the handa iras an exprefflono offd a ltie Aaihb. MI. . bÀ i » »d týi aire Vo receive and te embrace h 4À$m -Vi *tiemio.l' w,*flb divine blesmi, the hindis b.ing w <' e wa &grndcf of L old <fl -e ,o gêetb t4 open anud the Pahnis tumned upwaird wssb ot . a remild !the *' 1*Btoê*i as if Vo aoeept. Uowing *lVII faces', lUSOSI,41s4recaocd VS. Mtebute * q"bsIdMWA t1 Vo the. ground irasau attitude of l4>sh wich1I.II,teaum d4*. ý lb"aq.Iàý lowly worship- tions. Peter ThclluaOulWhIo ë-I44*-J xuup i& 'And Vthe Levites-Btter, omitt .. in the *1. uddls et the ebwi. the a.nd," or translate 'oven. e;gaàthub entuvOâ4 as eub The. hrase defines the function etad d the t%îrteen men just mentioncd. Aletooe oM trl 01 tIIes, four are ,nentioned &Aasrce htter# ti fa Levites in Neii. G. 5, snd tiie sae oryabua ë tour, WU btiire 0t thi.ePt.herare 4boaÈj caiIed Lentes hil<h. î10014. u tivr 0 Î h Io tdi49 &R-Lprb b4Y rpres.at.sties f1 l»s, ud in' ta"~ Csu..4 h fle onnuderstaud d ý,o toe ýootla w .-Q43Ve popular espoaitins of wbatgo lovMlI *Is w.u6o» C4 E'& e,f interru *,tg at fIe-tiessi 4bt, ASb -quent Intervasi. Ths5 wrof in- the WA>êýI%;î Stmuction la Vth e nit" Ica lw W" &bout 1l ltiuinted'tote ieist &lqoe, ut as e r f 00 y 8. Tbo e d-Pora r tie . er. 5eusc eof84 4 gups of people, eti ivt.e i e 4 mli 0 M were re"oxflo teM Aett 0>8e Pl0d en IContentmdWLlt? "Rioh People don't get baif 3a nmuch fun ut cf 11f e àas sae of Us porfoika," exclaimed littie Phy- lunal1, e ah,& sat darning ber boyà' stockings, wuee.rocked thé brade, with ,iVte "Babbie"l "1Just imagine having ail the tbings in lie tliat one could wish ,for; neyer having the fun cf s.aving, up for a treat, or to know the . triumïph cf making .your own- gowfl8 1" she laughed, as ehe bit off' -a piece of thread with ber gleânm- ing white teeth.- "Don't you ever envy the women you know who have ail the luxuries cf life and never have a wish un- "N 1 agree with Ruskin, when lie saici it is happier to livo i'& anial houe an have Warwick satie Vo wonder at, than to live in Warwick cp>stle and have nothing to be astonished at. "IV's rially fun to b. poor if ycu look at it f romn the, rght angle. "iYou See, dear, that is wha.t most women are unible or deoline to do." Aüd reaching t. the basket at bler aide, she took up anothêr pair of stockingà tihat were nea.rly, ail holes. <'Women," sh. continu- Sed, (gare more a .pt to notice the dis- advantages of 1Hfe, and brood over them until they become so bigthi TUE MeNAMMAIAS BER IND BARS FOR I<EEPS Vue bhide ail the littie advantages ODn the right is James B. McN arnara, the. less prorninent cf the "A housekeepèr who can -afford two brothera, John J., the. Preside nt cf the Structural Iron Workeris' but on. servant beinoans the faot Union, being à large figure i the labor world. that ;h. inut icpnd part of the -morning in th ktvhen, and starts - t o think how lovely it would be to saw the huge ellovels plunged into have a whole staff of servante and the barrel. Then I roared again a housekeeper to innanaje them. FIRMA'SAWOL OROR .nd yelled like a m&hmnf. In "Straightway ishe begins to pity e<3 fists against the ironwork of the heurs in social pleasures, ae coe bei SNATCHED FBON DEATUR AT gro.ting, Brnashing mny knuckles into more fortunate neighhors. TUE LAST MOMENT. a pulp. "About this irne ail theodiry TUE BAZINOFUEL ittie worries and a.nnoyanoes s- Te corne INGavaL ceumeto huge proportions, and, she-ý began grcm n vlnhe no ows f ussy, ill.ternpered* and says Prisoner Behind Furauce Gratig the furnaoe, emitting fiery aparks f. is not worth living if it must Wheu Pires Were and stifling fumes. dsb-svnt in drudgery. With a wild cry of depertin "te«ifo is alwaya Worth living. Started. rerae ontedaghpassge "Even if it ie noV ire. froni sor- The incident-I amn about Vo relate te tthe next gratin-g. lIn a few min- row and d is&Îpointmenit it e a. too lae jat eve yers ~outes 1 heard the newly-fired furnace glorious gft - we will ?et it. be when f£was O ese ity workng bgnV raad Vi bot air seei- flooded with the rosy hues of cler- 1 i'te llrtJSerseyWrk a ed te strike m'Oe*as îV rushed through fulnes sad love. furnace eleae the wrtr assage, and away Vo the. great "It i. a great mistake Vo compare 1Loridon Answers. ik88C. ou r existenoe with morne ot4ier *xiee There were four furnaces in the The -stokers passed Vo tihe seconci whola ri.hé4r thaun w.. 111 wexUst ifurnace-house wher. I was at work. furYTi8. - Once more 1 made a compare, then let- it b. with ' Ïbme sThe furnaces were construetéd on desperate 'efort to -nake myseif one whose life, le bUr<Ined #t mucrth mane ricip. a Vh y reheard, but my voice, was Iioa.r5s, gorroW, los and ufthapi'oPs* in an yth smoe rncil swô they rsad my etrength wa* feilinù 'p.. "Bailshi, u l, se - 8liÇI wer~uil of ric, sd wee lur ho second furnace was filled in tes. thoug hat spima ip like weè4s yars i .phon l igtADd utoitn minutes, and roared sa i and brieak up ,our ee1fmb dsont' 2 about our fept boeInd. h began Vo 'draught. The atznosphere aïd tmake room for the beautim aot fou e eoZoa.frac-a ~ithe air-passage Dow becaineun- ftowe0 o!tii. $OUI to flouriah. Atte'u& jýÇah fur«e a»anbe4rabie. I wa.s lte=aUY being -, "Noer say 'I-cunnot ê iron grâting and behind Vthe grat-roseolv.-tné;I i t*y2aêle' ing a "draught> passage, a couple prtonws unigtlnted tC yOO3,0I1 Irf0 f..t wide and three iD h.ight. In The p.rprto a unn 9ngt oi oý1îaQ1C *the -centre'of the. passage Wa 's the off me in-ereai% ne, d 1,lied 1g".at ment "d.ml'aké&l'tbê best o ' deep cWrularbase eft, te furma..dfiutGnbrah».otaoeda~r4yi luet okWê hou. hni .Tii. furnace* wre . gat ýn )th.,1ici bL "drug td" by t rs f bot 1 VOs much to i o4ý e 1 ar ik tokplace direCtly theyea 91. ~4>10a" b~egk44 ~ ~

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