Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette, 12 Oct 1911, p. 8

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wita ut.. ri o;w uruag thsuetas - 'Sydey 1Bryant i Sin Pg at the tomofI Mg. B.. Relt. Mr. it. p. u d lainily, gpent the week enid wltb M. M. Booble. Mal. Foi, -ot 4rorostq, $Peut '-the. *oekk eud wltb Mnè a. iSWllis. lits. B. Sleop, Port Pcrry, wua remet visitor atAtii home ut Mr. R. sieup. 1< Mrs. Jas. Braith ,spent, Sunday witLb relative.silaScanboro. Rom -U heti dates of, the openlng et Lii, neu bail, Suuday sud Monday, October 82nd and 23rd. The. neur hall whiob lias. been in pro- green for souis timin neAi ing cer- pistion. Tii. openlng urIli b. beld on Suqday and Monday, October. O22nd and 23rd. Ou Sunday speclal services .urlil be beld in the utternoon and ev- *nlng. Rev. Mn. (lare, of Newcastle, wïlil taul charge of tihe services. On Méondsy a chickeri pie social wiU b. heid, ai ter wblcb a good Prograîn will bu rsndered, In whlcb the tollowing ulil talu part :-Miss Hazel ueal, elocutionlît, and Miss Kathleen Lowe, sulolat, O.L.C., Prof. Beal, of Ennis- kilien., violinisi.. The Myrtie choir uili provîde excellent music boti Sunday and Monday. Mr. Walter Rogers wus An Sarnia *luit week attendlng the [uneral et bis nepbew, who urus killed on tie rail- road. Miss Eva Rodd bas returned f roin Hlamilton where she bas been visît- for the puet two weeks. Misses Laure, and Violet .Sadler are under ths doctor's cane ut present. Sobuhol wrus cosed on Wednesday, thec tsacher att.ending a wedding. Tie apple plckers have about finish- ed their wonk n this section. Mr. Prank Mowbray-has returned from Hanfflioa, having f ully recover- ed from bis rmuet ilnes. Miss Cors Lawrrence returued le Toronto,, alter a menttî'a visit wltb friends bers. MYRTLE. 1ev. F. andl Uns. Johîston are at- tmondins b. Ecumenical conference ln Toronto thîs urecl. Mn. and Mlra. Brecta lot t for their neur home li Battieford, Sa.k., on. Tuýe@uy.- Mr., B. H. Beaeoek sttenJIed Mdank* bain-Fait laut wsek. Um Bessie Laugiord ia, visiting ber parents bers. Mn. Roy Bright bus returned front bis, patents, BML,. AuVMXsl T i mrl bits. u.Goêy t T4Outo, ba" Owii t e rat . Inlvensry rvka in UtLica, ou>uSs 1 erila eîf- lasgumtingiacus led lutii Preubyterian cliurcb--ere. Mr. s&W Mus. J. Disney motoreut W_ Kinsl. on Sunday. f luins. (Rcv.) i.Jobastoia attouded 1 Mr. and lira. Tennyson, of Oshuiua,- spent Sunday witii Mr. andI Mrs. Os: car Dourney.1. You are Dot expetimentlug on your-1 Cougli remedy fer a coid as that preparatilon bus uwon ts jýTeat repu- tation and extensive sale by its te- mnankabie cures of solds, spd eauial- ursys be depended upon. 11$las equaliy valuable for -adults snd childreu sud may be gi von to young ch»ldreu with implicit confidence, as t c<ntalna ne harmful drug. Solut by ail dealers.-19 TOWN LINE. Our oid Grange là revived. A very good at.1endance was present Thurs- day evening. They arrangeut for an open meeting un Uic 19. iGood pro- grain i provided. Everyl4ody core. The. bridge un the front iroud -near the Town Lie will sooà be cern- plet.ed. We know semne thÀt wof't be uorry-the motorists. Severai [romounr neighbqýrhoodtook An'Mankiani Fait in. spite ef the A- cieniency oftbte ureathen., lira. Macolmi,ot Woodstorok,. l via- ltAng relatives here. i Miss M. Rodd iîtenda tslking a trip out. West n the near futuiÏe, Master Lloyd Morcombe lapent satour dsys visA ting f rienuts at Oshawa laut week. -Miss Edith Aiby spept Sunday witb Miss Gertrude Keznp; Qut. a feur etfAionsi'a peupleý aspent s social evenlng witbi tii. Whutr' by people to geV iitter îeqUainte« with ont neur mliiter and fa.mily. Don't trigle with a colut la, goui d- vice for prudent nies sud uronie. -I may bu vital in caseof et, ÏTI1.¶be is nothlng botter titan Ç alnlir' Cough Remedy for cougb4 s dsit.ý An euidrnTtI is Siteint sore. -Pa; sale by ail dealers.-19. MYRTLE .STAIl (Too lato for ;laut, Tii. Harvc$t Home oeet la the MIethôLllsL chrlh h ION. uret.-) ý>I rae à u ~~V W FIP~Ils: f~1id eo "~Y bautieiy"ou' - W mmut v The mer"hwt u Iipo~ tII Cft( I60.Z'imTea t& toua Met A n Liie couneil Ohambet -o0 t d l Tuesday muxnlug $0 Sm isrit t»Ver YM>$bt Akent M"cDonald, and te tYý certin complainte befure bhlm1 nota-1 M~~ bly; tii.jopr t reiglit service glvesiby the- Grand Trunk Ry., and aiso thi. *~KSUI4Iffht. fr11. delay in piaoing'cars. Mr. MacDonald ïud lTinigs, who urss wlth hlm, orcfised to laivetiigate and have the aMter put riglit. Acccvmpanied bY Abs l»yor aud C. lider, tbey le- sppete the new frelght yards and Wie;M. MacD>onald stated that ut- raugements wouid be made for a crosslug south of the proposed road- W&Y w-bîchla 15 $0be 'made wtt fDr. Uh*U UeSDevtt's grounds. Yeu W connu m Mr. L.A.W. Tole donated a drink- £..uss~.. , ing fouatuln to the town of Bourman- ville, which lu to be placed In front of post office. day and dMunuàay, btpteuhuer 24 it j Sergt, K.C.' Muirsan, R.N.W.b.P., ;6ui W" loàeitubI. sucbbiul t" Calgary, was In town on Monday Ov£ea Inteu'"> itr. %v last and too& L.R. Robbins back to uýe * t b. AR tmafuie Ch u WCIAbeLoe. AtAV.Calgary for tfial ef thef t. Siahy k... A t'wu a u tuC aguL tlAi Eutà£L L. Gailey, ONE. Gazetyte. mou W91 zz LWu LLAU- w aite ulAt cuiL c- Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Tamblyn an- beiv 011atàfab luêLi ~AiOLalIL hOtung0 ngunce the engagement of their daugh- MretV gut .rtuncuL LIACU WuingtoutlA-ter, Mary liestrice, te Dr. Edgar ure muîe.Uuh&udayevann I/ICLyon Gransby, of Toronto, the mat- uCiurcu wab crowoeu N4A u SALr SUPpI riLage to take place uqt St. John's nad been Serveu a asptuaiu progit$1u 'burch, <ctober l4th.. LAcigfiCI...--eas.u iie... LCZC U miss ibturcy, eiuuaiuflislt, olut iir'- Liai", was suiuen apj>teeacd uy ait. his. Hiouston, I oruto, was given àa Ilearty WecuCLDu, and rentiertu tWu solos n a molt pleaàîng mninetr. ?rfýj. lecb, vlinnisi..,1 et uylmavlie reutdered suci.muusic aas neyver belort was lsteùiie te around Myrte. ite eet&Way mastered tue viuhu. T#C ssieaiig by daflereul. mintisters ajsu was eeient. ioceeda tt5UJ ,,!everal item m lit anded flie Maribane lait un 1'nIday. *nr. John Bîrnie spent a feu days lai Whitevaie and marabham last uroO Wedning bouis are ringlug. Missa Eva Graham liasgoeste To ronte,,urbere ae bas accueil a fpe* lion. Tii. best plaoter. A plece etlaniel; danwpflnd: uitb Chamnbenlai'a L 'inA- âuntaàd bounil on over Lb. Affeçted cSuaoday Oeeth as U ci. 1 saeby'l dalr.-9 li.Chs ody- -su xpeçtedl boile. 1teaýa. -Sautjoues sud wS. D.w- SOUÏ, vAited Toroutio'u Suuday, lai ,Oh lyou Jolly bacb.ioti! lir. Wià. Main, 1Toronlto, visAted- Sat=urda" su SuudYuitbiw PAS- enta. lut. sut -MrE. mautin. 3f DavAd Martiu, urss humaeon m das y. Glu' *0 'repot ts M.Tixoter lu lmproi wAtt soonbe I - A Bad Back- IS A WARNINO TI-TAT THE KID- .NEYS AIRE SICK. A bad back tures every twenty-!our heurs into one dull round et palnr-and misery-yon are lamne ln lte morning, nsggod ail day by a duit -Lbrobbing backacbe, can't rest in -the ev'eing pr sleep wudt ut unigbt. It butte tbend ovet, chslr, or litev- wgh. A a y tur'Ar, er ,uk- -u - - .- if Luinge Ôf pain tbrotigii- the ueak Booti's -Kiduey 'Pi 11W>reacit lie web ptl.kdeand. qulcliy Testeakodney .beailth sud eoroort. Tbey are gueaatesut. ýIl dealers ,aud druggists. flOt, or _postpaid ftem Lbe R~. T, Boùth Ce.,bLtd., Por t- en, Ont.- Seuil'torIre box urih wMt bu giatyset on application. fui saiè ýàt yrtie. IM imlch Co"r~ averagei one: bundreil snd ten 4olasi opet hous. Pices25j 5sd5e Mr .A.ndlsou was called to bis bü» W la 0rhlu at week owlngj tkt tbdath'ôt bis futher. Iheatss eveloPment, of th. lire ýtat dstoyed tihe Toronto Bank sud ýP;tltig office building, Cuiborne, laa. sunim. wore brougbt forth- on Mon d a y . W h i le th e d e s w a s b e in g ikltnof a full grown man was see ound. How thé. skeeton got ther. i a mystery, and It lu thought the afllrebug wu Is one way caught inbi SEOURED' BY-ÉAIIISIAN 'SAGE- doe In order tg iid your scalp oft illtIi- eu ii dandrufl you muet kOli the sm.?r lidIn Sage will aselat yOu to d é 'tuf , for ittg 1 guarantéed hy A -. H. Mllu to eradicate dandruti, stop ES41 hlair, splittlng bair, and, scalp 1tehi lan two weekrs or money back. -1C s If you have dandruf!, get a large U a«.se cent bottie to-iiay and rld yourselt 0 and wc it. Remember that if dandrufi germs a en will surely tait out and baldneswillt ha follow. ea Sold by druggists and dealers every- andId where. folks a (KILASUIIU?'S 8ALL 0F LAND FOI? TAXES BVvirtus of a wparrant ander the baud of te .Warden sud th e seof te.Corporation of te.Ceunty ef Ontario, daîed the iu ey of e September, 1911. comindins Mtn » ta levy upon.tbe lande mentioned la te. followlng lie for muorr ftazes tbere@n -&d çosaos berein net fortb~is bereby give notice tise unie»s& scb arrearsand cone or «touer paid, 1I&aoli, ln comp<lnce witb the Assemsient Act, preceed te oeil by Pu b S iuttton, the said landse orsa mucb Ihereof om may b. necessîry for th. taxes, et th 0ourt Houa., la the Î 1an of Whitby, un THIJRSDAY, DECEMBER 28TE1, 1913 intlbhe ur of twe e'ciock la lb. ofeernoSu Part W Pt Pt Pt Lot 3 24 18 14 14 Part s wc 8 K W)4 et E> Pat Lot Village of Greenbank Pt 13 Villagerof Prince Albert Bk 1Pt 1ot 19Pt 17 Part swvi' Part s w Part s E c Part w>' Part -1 s E ptetof Nx Tresrées Ôfllc, Coi. I.. Lot 2.3 TOWNSHIP 0F RAMA Con. Acres Taxes Cesta FR 25 $32 54 $3 07 FR 2 64 2 50 F 50 11 26 2 54 G 100 16 33 -z66 G 50 15 73 2 65 N 40- 3 36 2 50 TOWNSH-IP 0F MARA Con. Acres Taxes Costs 10 ý 2 99 2 50 10 2 5 80 2 50 12 50 24 53 2 87. TOWNSHIP 0F REACH- Con. Acres Taxes Costs 'e 9 66 2 50 5 26-100 TOWNSHIP 01 Con. Acres 3 1 TOWNSHIP Lot Con. Acres 18 8 50 TOWNSHIP4 Lot Con. Acres TOWNSIP0 Lot Con. Acres 7 9 TOWNSmIP Lt Con. Acres 29 f1 50on 2-5 PICKERING. Taxes Geous 3 09 2 50 0 F BROCK. Taxes Coss 7 38 2 50 0F THORAH. Taxes Cos 7 64 2 50 OF UXBRIDGE Taxes Costu 2 12 2 50 0F WHITBY. TaxesCosts 9g8_2 50 D ,. Total $35 61 4 14 13 80 18 99 18 38 5 86 Total 5 49 8 30 27 40 Pat or Unpat Pat Pat Unpat Pat Unpat Unpat Pat or Unpat Pat Pat Pat Total Pat or Unpat 12 16 Pat 7 50 Total 5 59 Total 9 ý88 Total 10 14 Pat or Unpat Pat Pst or Unput Pat Pat or Unpat Pat Total Pst or Umpat 4 62 Put Total Pst or Uupat 8 48 pal MÎcKAYe CaW itumre. The. 4Iffweadeï btw4.- iarey of b"avybach bmdadogI lmoe aa ooagdoy eol usntIyon*pâ.atmn Dot te ail sut pation Thre edles 1 store- lini, Di 'b.y, ère n. Phamêt th >rk go .saily uaL *sV <U7 blhy Loie up l. uoost [mi for Lbtuns -19M 4 g ~1 and dste U persesi.W. esur oblgbly rmiooemed , tbeW -14 ferora fr00511 i 0' si, ita anisdant or, you.c"a ola i.af aùn- la tbis coomuuty ouly at &V -the Rexzal Store. A. H. AI- rugglst, Wlty. BROOKLIN. Remember the. auctim s ai tMr». Putts, tu be held tels altercom a*a, o'ciock. Wm. Maw, auctlowlerï The Brooklin girls wrli baie besa nomînateut An the.Gazett.CbOuAcI ,piano coutest, shoulil get bumy aud secure te piano and -on.e i te otiier Lame back lasoni.eofthe a.mt lcoin- mon forma ut musculat bualm A le 'w applications 01 Chbalelain'Ls Liniment url gve relief,. For saiby ail deales.-IP. Farmer's sont make the bM4at u meni when properly tralned. Qet par- ticulars- et our busine S ourse tu E. W. EVANS- ne a pro" t sva liam e. wnl i hm Md s8u Gel UPPU US O leunr o iw vr~ 0 uu tifage l (h I~R~WAt~, I Ca s * f i (f fi 'i fr h

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