Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette, 12 Oct 1911, p. 4

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Tou Gaet te Viie It requires no argument to prove that the range you can use every part of, ýat the saine time, is the range that wîlI gîve YOU the fuil return for the fuel you burri. Oni the -Rneyou Caos use tise oven and-the top efthtie stove at thse sanie re.Whlle lronlag you cati hav a batch of biscuits in tbce ove'd, and Wisen baking yen cas prepare dinner wthout cooling the oves. This 1, tise only way to kce dove fuel bis and tise oxi!y truc range economy. Tise Patent Damper regulates tise heat $0 that it cas bc used.«e any par tftise range or on ail thse range. Evetywbere tise happy Thought, by its many labor-saving de*- iceq, s ightesing thse werk of bouseo-keepers. f t. elficiency îâ thse 5est o! tise car. taken te construct it andsiti ampi> justifies ans,- thang sud in lis aver by these who have used it. More tsait a quar-ter of a illon "IHa.ppy Thoughto" armnd&ly use in Oanada. CIO",m. i, E, - tWhitby Ageant The Wiliom Stuck Stove Co. LImitsd, M Srautford, ont. A upecla mt.ing of the Board of Ed=âetion was hed on Monday aven- -- iig for general business In Council Tii. ni.mbers, present wer<P"t Chairman, lMr. Jas. RutIedge », m liesrs. ýFarewell#, Ferguson, Harper Mggard, McCleflu, A.--M. -Rome, T. 0. Wbltfi.1d ami John Draper. The aphool reports were -read, alm o à communicatîon f rom mer. Elvli qe Uslagc for au SxIcem eof ealry to a100 syoàtt Alo a coeim ati on front W. H. Elvtdge te caretaklng The.comuulicatloit from Mlr. F.-1 vldge were refcrred to' thý ScbOol Management 0tommittee. Mr. Hugga.rd moved, seco ded by Mr. Harper, that the, ba1ane<ý of lit potter1gs alary be pid hw.ý in lit., Carrled. -Mr. Faireweill rpOrted tiat: r Spotten ' 44.d bcen ii town tà t 4ay, aud af~ i wsversi "tes, de- clared aàtrongly inta fayW'<f cry.St. Sebool, site, att4ugh al~C it Uic HewIs site. H, had gonc4over the plans tor .ueW .IiIgh School 'building ttfettmr dtbht>P148 DS VOt 4 ~ ~ ~ 'LM - Z V-JU U I , I n 1 t #l", ph ildi was igafAsaclory I 'duty thro h-Ilbsèga of lseis ter and- SMiss',Meldrunt had mcix appoint- P«-ub titute MS MineMtChée'e ab-, ~fi~report o! thse 1inaiSlc Commit-, tée wus reàad ia Iproved, and- ë couitta ordered - to'be pald. -eetifng -à îtie. BAD, COUL I1N.-REST. 'Il amthappy to-tell eOU±bat used Dr.,Cluis Syrup o! Llneeed a i Turpentiùe, andivas -promptly cured oif a- Véry bag*cold -la thé' chet," writo, --Miss - Jüsphlne .Qauthier, Dover Sentbs,-Ont. You- eau depend- on Dr. C5haae' Syrnp of Llnseêd and Turpestine to relleve, and cure al Inflammations and irritations of the throat andi bronchial tube%. SALE REGIS'. -R. LP trza UML L'1971011A* __Lui i . sale o! bouseholsi furniture, tise prop- erty of lits. R. B. Potts, Brooklin. Sale at 1 o'clock. Ternis cash. Win. Mia, auctioneer. Wednesday, Oct. 18, 1911.- Auction sale e! 100 acre laras and farnistocis implements, etc, the property o!flMr. Tlmotisy O'Leary, lot 4, con 4, Pick- ering. Sale at 1 o'ciock. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. Wedxesday, Oct. 25.-Auction sale o! f arm stock andsi mpiements, the property of Eli Wickett, lot 7, cou. 2 Pickering. Maw and Powell, auction- eers. Tuesday, October 17, 191-Auctlon sale et farm stock and amplemnts, tise properl.y ol Rowland Balil lot 5, con1. Si Tp. o. bxbridge, near Cisaik Lakte. Sale at eue o'clovk, sharp. Wm. Maw, auctéloneer. Tisa higis wlnd sterms cf last Wed- .aday andi Friday were bard on any fruit hat wus still on tise treet. Ap- pies andi late pears were blown> down las busisels. __Tbey were Iortunaý,4who had tiseir fruit picked betore t#e gales. SKCIN SOFT' AS A CHILD'. 4 1 was a great sufferer froeetý>ra insi sait riseunt feryears," wriesMÈ John W. Maus, Lunburtg, N&$. 51 .years ago tisree bosee et Dr. Chý s Ointment cured me suad tise t1od tiÔubiè- neyeÉreturucd. My ekin la sot as aà child's now, a Dd Ishall al- wayssaya gosiword tChis Oint- meutSA.a' od fi coisdfitl of the stomgchý. ChambOt:- iulws rablets are eeeentlàlalli t0-~ acb inedie ngrInaded OspOciaiLW -Io 5U5t deM AIU"ti air, cohcbàinr laont O tie sxet hall at I-Mp. bfoetiesooWï Hear It and - you wlfl le dellglsted. Mr. Donad'I~nso andifniî,o Greenbank. have movesi toolwis and streng -thon -lt toue md Invigotate ltf are occupylng their home formnerly oc- tc xiegulate !tii- Ilver aad1 te lianisi> CUpled 'by Mr. Elvldge . lide billousfesa posltively aad effactually. bas mevesi te the nortis half o!ofiMr Foýr 'sale by al4aer.1.PIrtl's ouse. ýConstruction -abuliegun On a $0,DIED. 000) addition to, the Ontario Ladies' DAVIDSON-At Carman, Maxn., on Collage. Tuesday, Octoeer ltis, 1911, Agne _______________Mitchell, w1fe of Geo. Davldson, in The County 0.11 Girls' Associationl ber 4th year. iunerai notice inter. 1cosed tiseir ecries of motor teas on- Saturday last, when, a largely attend- AUCTION SALE. ast atternoon tea was held at thle A actIon sale of [arm stock, impie- hume o! -the secrot.ary, Mis. Barolay. mionts, etc. The imdersigned bas re- The atternoon was euloyed by flaiy ceivesi instructions [rom it. T. O'- trierais o! thse Association who calod Leary, Lot 4, Con. 4, Pickering, to tu have a chat ansd list.n te delight- sel! by public auction on -Wednesday, fui muàle reudered by talsintesi O.. L. Oçtober 18, the following valuable C. pupils. Mis. Chas. McaillLvray, property, viz.: convenbr ot omotet tea serie, le 1. HORSES-Pait geldings, 2 yrs. old; be congratulatesi upoti thse success cf bay mare, aged ; spring colt. lier efforts, which have netted the ils- CATTLE--Red cow, 5 yrs. old, due sociati on somiething over &W,00. 'I le Dec. 15 ; cow, 4 yrs. old, due Jan. Old Girls' tbank their nmany f riends 10'; ciew, 4 yrs. old, due Nov. 18 ; for their kid support. I1>. Statr, cow, 6 yrs. olsi, due Dec. 20 ; cow, Press Con. farrow ; resu belferi, due Jan. -5 ; red steer, 2 yrs. old ; red beiter, 2 yrs. Dr. Jobnston'brHÇouncs that ail 2-yearling iselfers, 2 yearling steers. accounts owing bum arc to bc sz.ttied SHEEP-7 Cetswold .ewes, 5 ewe before tise 20th P! October. lamlis, 2 ram ilambe. PIGS-Broed sow, due Oct. lst; Sce Collins' window for new de 10 store piga, 125 ilis. signa in boots andsi soes. Tbey, Cire IM'LEMENTS - Massey-Harris the lat.est andi made by thse iest imax- binder, MeCormlck mower, Masscy- ufacturers ln Canada. Hiarda sesi drill, Massey--larris herse Mrs. C. -A. 1axton, who bas heen rake, set iron isarrows, set wooden iii athe~r grandrnather's fiere ila im- harrows, relier, single plew, gang proving i healtis . plow, scufler, geesi wagon, olsi wag- Mr. Seweil, who was se badiy burt 0"ac sehay ihs a ck, i o, tc ovet ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rak a wekag braeckpooncfaChatham fanîxlng miii, ove a eekagoby he xplsio ofa wheelharrow, top buggy, gosi cutter notro-glycerlne cap, la get.tirsg alonggrain cradle, cuttlng box, pulper, as well as can be exp ctcd . By tie.lretb etbx,2dw ri accident Mr. Sewell lest two faxgers îarge , m ..fse box 2 ndoze grn and artof is humbon is ettarticles tee numerous te mention. band and thexendatiof a hanger on the P ODDRR-i5 ton tmoh bay, 10 rlght band, as Vell as sivere Injury to> tons straw. acre of ccli cern. bis eye. Mir. Seweil will not lacose he HARNESS-.Set double barnes9ïr.set Thse pork andi bean social heisi la' tae scisool reem et Ail Saints' ciurci> on lrlday evening iast, was fairity welattendied,,Conaidering tlse very wet, eveuixsg. Mxx u4,rs.(be I.Coètran, %,and, party, of, Les Angeles, Cal, watc înf, tox ti eek atV toi ieuseof lits, la lirs. T. A5Pwe1 of Oalrnla. Miss M.,W P hlilas, retsuesi froxu -Cobourg, Brochyilhe,,Tweed andi otheui points, where she bai been ht teùllln Fait Faite,. as (.overimeit Openg IoUn f Gran981 Pl ai eq ti ni AT AILMONDS 'Ahvrt.De'y, ; O ,c'0tot.e 1 M4dress-hyT.- A'>. IBens o~ n -Winur'EeLg ?roc$cts, The Uind Toy0la ire e Wys eoàlt adwhlèh b eea la -use for ov3r 30; yea*x ju -bo ùdxetii.signatr slo i Iïï*1-â 1nc islnfancy. .A.llow »oe eto decelýveoun nthIs. AilCoutefeiSImitationSs ad si eust.aâsgoM 11 are but Ep Crîmnt5 hetieltlx endaflgethe-health of infants and _hId-9ZOil aaintI Expeiixelt. What, 1Us-,QSTORIA ~ atora l aharleasuitfUt orCastor Oni, Pare- - rie, Dropesud Soothiflg skrrUps. it la plessit. ht cuotains uelther OPIUM i, ] MOril6 nor other Narcotie su bstunee. lts age la its guaratxteo.lit destroys Worms aud allays Feveriahuiel. For more than thlrty years 't bs bec» ln constant use for Che relief o1 Constipation, flatulesscy, Wiud Colle, ail Tetthlng Troublesq and L .arrhoea. lit reguiate the Stomaeh aud Bowelop -assilillittes the Food, glvIng healtIhy and natur8l 01S: Tihe Chlldru'b Panaea--The 1 other's Frlend. QENUINE CASTOR lA ALWAYS #14BaSn the Signature Of ___ The Kind You liave Always -Bougt ln Us For Over 30 Years il e CtmiU COPANT. T" uSCTuTw* v . 55 FiW "Rit m". Iow barness, set single harness. Sale at eue o'ciock, sharp. '1'ERMS :-Hay, straw, pige, cern, Lnd ail i ma of $10 and under cash; ver that amount credit will be givexi I Octeber Jet, 1912, te parties fur- iisbing approveil joint notes. 4 pet eut. pet axinum off for cash. Wm. 4aw, auctinet. Aise at tise same time the tarm e! (0:acres, ,wlll be offeresi fer sale. rarme 'made ,lcxiown on day o! salIe. weica 'I traiei rfi7e Girl wanted fer book-folcllng anrd- bluiding. Cleaxi, lgit work. ApplY at -Gazette offce. WITBY JUNCTION. ling WIA... .15*'lOlgaat:. f 1::217 P.rn ... 6 iqg .r *8,34 P. lu..... 9. j0 p. in Sunday traIns leave for Toronto 4 -52 &.m.rn.d 8 .84 p.m. From %cr- ;;n.otms sop at Wbltby Juncttin il mSsd 9;55 &.m., snd 8.30 p.sn. UP-TOWN STATION. Gola Netb 8.3eai1 j Seig SOuth..7.58 - 4.15 p. 1f 1. 15 P-ni.- ..6.4o Ptu. I ...30 p M. Louves Wh tfor Oshawa st 10 1.rnt.a ani4P.m. JOB. Holden, proF- 'jr1etor. Louvesfor Brouiiamant ut 0a.m. facnm.4 jitt rl' 'j I. i h il 'j, p

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