Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette, 5 Oct 1911, p. 7

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'5 i '*1 I ei5t~mersr~ .atdisa~ ~a SPLJibOD RESULITS O0,F U Thse FeLI of ApliIed 'Stinee lia :I J4eited Grently by thse 01ev- c rilm sof Mnsi.' * Rave vo rçacbod the liuit0 hituasea cisevement 1.s, a guestie luan oee iay l1asi, iiowtisaix rnany things have beeosi nvented and t vili bc asavered eniy by th *fitdre. 'it is not a strange qucE tels to asi, for ini mally lines ' enidoavoîr iventors Besoolav *reaclied the senle 'of alilofonet ,ires. Il wvo onsidor for a mornesi the type of locomotive thislali us to-eiay on te big raiiroads of th countlry ire foi sure indeed tii it cannot bc eimproved tapon. ueemA te cetain everything rï quired for aqtremgi hand speed cor *sistent ivitis eeeuorny and safet3 yet uudoibteiy 510w parts viii b addod dven this year that *viii tex" tie. Osen fuytier inecease its effih ency.1 Eiotrieity seems to have bec aaxceeesfuiiy harsi.ssed to ssii us( for whieh it appeats at this time1 have bersa adapted, for, bie it beisag utilizéd te further asvantai every. day, 3yetitliiss alongthe Barr linos which wo bave becu followir for. orne time, and if vo have bi ta* iasl discovered that street cà cneauhorix by the aid of stora batteries and vithouti the iecessil ot wires, yt vo bave boeen usir Ioth electrie stret cas ansd stp age batteries for other puriposos fi a long tme. We have lighted oi railvay coaches, leeperg and di rs witls lectricity,; ire have instt led electrie fang su these cars, b 'vo hsd btb thse ights aud the fa yesrs ago. We have not juveut, something sew, but ire have foui a nov uise 'for eomething we're ai possessed, end we have amprosv 1OUR FORMER METHOPS. In other lises onsr progres as.al been very ivoderul. 'W6 have, iaavier-than-air fiyiug machis ansd man issa fi vu againsis' thei curreuts, asnd it, is undoubtediy0 yagrd tise serepiasse, the uaooi asd sucis ethos' air crafix thatt venld is nov being dirocted.) desire ito maire sur EonquestOfet air mtaoOsuxre asdto improvec mctois oelf fying, and aheve ail mlaiee t safe, or a.saeir sate aî may h. Lt lus consider fora momenti other thioga that '-e have hsd. sorne time,' and are enjoYiug at t very moment. *We bave 'ef cour the motor car, vish its euorum pover',ud its high speed; thse mei rail 'the turbine steamship, 'a Iesa teiegrapisan ,d ýireiea5 tE phones; teephetograpby for trausmiàs.sn et pictureBs ad PhII grapha by vire, and even. itib wire; televisiosi, which onabJei te se a Perfedt rflectien o! parDon 'atis vhom ho is conversai the .telogcaph typewriisor5 ai ciiables 11s8te vrite ipon.ILa tY irriter frsai aey reasonable tace ie have hottied 'sungh dlivereel ovtry rnorniflg atIs daoqtise same as the isoitied Jas Vie cau boly music by tise siteser ga or vater. if you dos't care tise muele box yeut cao have a Pha graph, and if yeu dont carte teO tise opecaor 1il7011 cassis af t, yeu coit six homo sud write ters while Caruso or Constant Bings fr yens amusement as as songe as yen estre for sud as oe s 3you case, if you ca't play piano yen crisit oonasiooi venr your fot ou a Vlane hD andl have canned mni ty the y£ or as masy yards cff perfOri 1paper munie as yen eau psy le Trranspecisaioiifailities boti landl and ses have imprOVo8d dérfseliy: Witla tho aubmarine1 bas iruvaded tise deptissoet tise' inkuiIg, rsiq, or traveliflg ini desired i drecision-., SÇuroiy hid beiow tise surface, the oprate tise aubmaricaeoks flite hig pe cepe and oiservesaai that la gc on arouaselhum aboeo water il ,adins of severai miles. Wei cler photography snd vo motion pitiireB, and, botter a vo have coired motion pietu anssd a siili fisciher stop ilu 'direction vo have taikicag picks PERPETUAL MOTION yet romains te ho diseOvorod tise cloentt tling tisaisvo have1 in L, timiepiece dovlaed by tise E orablo Rl. J. Strutis, tise ses Lord lRayleigh of Loundon. li sata of twee eo l ainusi j. sutety eevico'for 'thte protectiioni o! itavÏ3lars on thoerasirosde'This 15 to e luacsxmpish'ed y cy'mes1, 'a. eeviee imilar in'.Pinclipale te lise sos-opane or .automsatie c Yites marineo'aigusil. Issuse on 'é1ocOffàh- tive h illutell 'thie; engisoalt vith uniailiînis cenisintu'of tise approacli of sesîher iocordoise ronynu'b- strueision ounlui tracic for asdistance o! Ivo miea. Wirloss 'telegrapis ou trains 'going ais the rate et 60 'rfil'o-as]ur'belias bopu parlialiu' aesierd'on tise flyers o! the s'omis runixiig' belýveen Newoirkei anal Chicago, A device for tise prevesa- lion o! train colliins isas beis suc- oessfoliu' tosteel on tisetracseiofe isie. brie RLails-oacibeismeesu Noirtlr andl Nutleu', N. J. Th e devite is an eleatrie on. andie a ltendeçi te HIEAD-ON -COLLISIONS. Vison the, fast appneaciing' trains equippeel vitis tise nov device geis vithixi s hait mile etf oîch other tise air Scaices arc set sutomaticalY, 'net mitis the usuai i anedenses 'lis an emergonc', ibut i vtisa gradually u - creasiný forces',tiesasme as as aicil- tul esigaueeon mula Putt, thea i On. Tise trains steppeelfr tantm arh oither tas> avoiel iisaps, and el l this bappesseal ithout tbe enginisor mev' ng s haxialtevard tise tirotisî', lev- er or air braies, tise dovire venir- ixsg autermahicaîtlu'. Tise Inventiez la operatea bu' a tiird rsil, thieh troas theso lcenD'tis'e teueilg tisa rail ael reaeivin g pver tisrou'gh il *batisoteioporatiexs s! tise orner- goncu' braire anci aise ton atae-o phoné. .The prisssiple is simiiss' te ihat oft tisebieck u'tom, tise tralck bçSing eivideel luteceones. :Tisé 0p- enration smsu'bhograiateel 80eiba rtisetrainua may bho lIru' toppoil. r It appeana troinstisa prO9resý made lu ultelesa '*kIaphossu' tisatil se hutaisasquestion Of.a ahurt is ta tv*lieu vo msapeak toitencciluothle aina tise varionusec"Gtions o! tIs eil; ior oven in elijsat places. Duiin I1 teonl expenimneita rsuvetrsision have héhu iei.i 'elmeaipensonu 1 overlnînsat aisdltance.s rsnging froc oee tonis umiles. Berne e! tise wir ehsips e iegrossis peveti isave aI cesl'ee lcunversations Nvilsti * lanel even 100sies avsu'. j, * develsismoasi of tise -virelaIs 'pisou tisatis laprsled l ise'.etransamis t sien o! melode from tise Oora )- bouse direct ilts tiseiome. Ti a"l isoebe accomplishieel Su'ai. arg " 'irelestransm itter liuis gdirect1: a lover ties tage, vuhiahvli l lias Ou ýo the inusieaiiy chxrgocI eieelrias- h ir pulse thais is te ho ougisis up ast 5O 'euuniasted tiscougis su recoivr lus it stalîrd lu the iouse. o ANOTRER WONDER r tthe uirelesàis 'stise tansssissos.n 18 eiectricai oxetgy Ot powr. Exps, ei:Menhirs daclare tisaistise iime' 16 not tanr distant vison the motol 0- suppiuing, tisepropuisive tance t -tise soeo a fseopiaxios ii recel' e- tiseir pouer istouis tise air fro e satious ltat . sasy 1points in tiso coul o- Inu. W. aitoadu' have tise sohma ati le terpedo tisa is lacntroileil fro: W sisoreh y vireles, ils course heui e1 ditecteel itiar anal 700 ais tise v g ; o! tiseasainlutise landa station vil ,h ahsinte sconracu'. Ve have Plein e- ai n nu'yO! tise greashebrons th lised vnsismaine mines tisaisça bo beexplocel roushsiore at vii, an tbe appri et Ofa hostile fooët, k. llae ligeeleatrie maguets thais pi( "Q up issidreels oet isooaxida et toua Ot steel as thoughi lwemre Sutisbla 0- pay. Tisese are lnasaiied ia ail tl go get sblpysral o! tise vontd. M d have Lie K-naiadtise Moextig ýt lireythat piere our Vbodies and ou [le or illsuxislaouithe isecesaltu' O! sy surface incision,. en5 Tiso ciisceveruofe!teicpstiogrsp ho tise tr&iussalio! picisuros bu' vi id tas a distanre, ubicis vasfirasmm ýr practical las 11100 y Proieaaen Kol id, ot funürioh, feresiseaod th di ed tant possihillisu' etan aven Me màarvlous diacovey-tbaisCEt tel on vision, o .r soeing ais a distaxice. îws seemneila'dnegm uban firsissuggeý ais ci tislusinsaitaneena rep)rôu m, lien upen a distant sareou o! t 13' mioving feaisunëeaofta living tace en tise gosiit'e-s, eXpneasioiss ansd' at of tudeseof!a pereon tan sway, ais t] 's- vory momenttisat ho mas mii ns ihea.But-cen this tiream b i* hean resiiaeti. Eruesis uharý iv Benin, a isventdt 'aireadu' vw ie icueulicfr is risariable venr hi telepisessu' sd vmnlea teiegrapl s, lias Made h.liraisapparat-uas vi ka acluailu' olves tise proliorof BERINQ AT A DISTANCE. stTise finsis machine coxsist et a acre id conoped o!f2sec tions, bSoisisiea as-0 uwhich are placedexceMiw5î7 a ofuai piles are se sensitive tisaS tl )n elletit»te s igitesis tvariation [on tise ligisis hiclu sîriies iheai C ar-etftisese serencis pisOes at s o! aoiseiig station, sud eacis seelî In, et oescsreen s cOo5ected elecra îealiy vils isheo orrespoactinse & e tien efthtie otisan. l ie or ach variation infc1; fu axid ahuLdoir miicis strikir's Rç ending srn-hélice everu' dol is- as ie itr pnojevtod ue saî ?ftraissatemo dbu-tse aesiui i e- lag taisun tme tcuae saut th a hesd&s bout thUs >eiSe&. IItle aaetxseorteixl JTbey asre tob. loft as malbel. JIf a maislaaimble te gove-rn hlm- avas', weli imawing isiat ail sispl e--Itesputhse greuait aginat isba. jThe SltaiSO! 01tise "a La due to elsf i pt au a t e inveet ias a re vatre o tpravant tisaprao- Witlh oeafot in the graveliatiesof acide andal aikail4a scialzn' sniisj ineatat e!aais ro esud- martiage ceuu an ssi ullet ttiIlA. In tuis partirlar case doesn't take amniu og t t ie aissxh oxtated byl 55< it lob- tihe aiip bacillefisBueoos AYres itue lme».vitis botlafoo, eLsa tir iIrn ii Whoso ba ai fnletl!lhllll nflhiIIlI( heurs'wh isa adistresseel vemnan PROGRESS lx PAILEsTII< I~îmItui$tflfl-iCompare P.aaim 1 a~nd 1ev. '22-.COM M E S RflMIL fercel ier' vay sp Iça tise captains H S DA C UR S D 2. The lest as as iýo hesrn-bridge. 'Whist argsumentss s'aist . evsi 'SaisrlonfetJa il'Is.Bt a, imue. But, w1ihthe07 odly an, ptifl)- -islniaentsq, or visat force siso Iitis Western Ilaîsiflity. * *INTERRTI0S ~ bas a eren.ilf re.ilisse5s s e NYoi3ILIN}CLASSFR031 hm] useel to reaclistisai t d 1. lonvclnesorfnddu * aE.NTO» .L SO, tis adfrogsaof ftiseyessr c ai- S 1OMNC. I05551t, ty, but tise csptain an Nosîes colotes e viis ie sIen OOFOBER S. . mt bliglis ii, lotrlis driva strLss of DIS0F * oto tissu a latie sstenishsed at fliralagcatsfo, hope anad promise etisirssa3iftom . intrusilon ef a petisiceut. Tise w-lion of inicrotiitalrefai opý Go Qd. *Moreover, is is for isealiug. D** *minu wa.ted ntime iii isegissniieg ied hy tishses1ýinu<i anri 1)ctrli Lesson Il. Th iselfe-gh1rgstreàin Tise syimpaiby of tise godly imas.s luAdrarturèf Cenaiplainciloet lias'oleo lier epsaiin;tise matser wasîMeut Compsany Vtilatise ssistanice Ezi.'7 eaa a potaion etfialiug fer the Yilsudu -Iilsaad slipped as a quite simple sud croîsldl)eiie and <of tise National Fond, %mmcli ens axazBeroa e4t7. 1-129. Glotali wih isecataioa lilp. ploysm'nsy Je%%islislabcircrs'. Li-4. bixt, e. 22. 17. Neither shah ' the frit ;thereef * Gaas. ' ise1ud, is oppeareelpackcd s lope çi tisai isîeso isiseter, viii lie- fail.-,Tisere 18s ilseasouabie fruitý- * *f rock Fshe vas paa'tieslarly. sxisus en sleoda clusoby asud Chapior 47-This cisapter. bc- fuluosa, as wel Won uylg rss-~eare, a sesfaring natsion1, ansd t.vu tsIigsiw1 tiblai nby- longs te tlisethîrd and lais gros sis sabout tise gond mari'- utc. yet ve have alloiedtise romnaiveoftise Ifroid, sud tise isggage' oicer W'rkhba aise begun pivlparluli socxos t is lttr ai e tse Xhen e tsegoti<isu lta9 'this es ate disaipear bit b3' bit <intil heelrefuseel to allow lber te hava isei'thse lsnd tfor tise Co-.pe1rsta5cifY isool-cisspter.s 40-ls--uhih seis, parpose, is fruit.. TiseIresiansa.vo idelouteelves ais tisebegannusg l paniil tise folloing day. et Dr. Opspenhesimer , vnich wtias forth a vasion et tise final glory sd ad hab aeayomf i !a !tseiucniilîces r smuutlde- leleiccaptaîi giva lier per- eme trihi. A lrenat Lpoace et tise reder3ed pooplo ! is.Buistisaetree musts over rcaci s situiseo!tishe roçauisic figures itisais missions te have liaé trunir brouigisiber c ew es olive tra ce :piusel Is iTise preceding cisapiers tfht e seeariug et fruit, as et tsesaiss iers 'aui appiet up immaselcyl <lis year iu thse lircel Forests, tise section gave auasacceunit of th'o vil alirsys tnder tisa ouricismenis ailer da, 'rie Rlsalesitiket Tise capisain vas pouls haisbutfirm.sys tise Iaccabixcan. TheAgis-, temple binldings, and of tise urdin- o!ftisa divine lite. Heatea in tisa London Standard.. Tise wenusld l asve lier box is clatis Netaim obtialud ils chartser~ ance. of ftisetemple. Tise ismoclou- ____ -Truc, wvo macleshortmewrle ot tise felov'ing aflernoon, huis not ha- fItem le Turnklis Guverumeat an in hatr, nlidn telss!,pirates wviscu voscaugisistheas, and lfoe. The wmrnuce.axeel: tise cap- lu cntinuing tlu rver nw landi iugI ciuptehe lsiivig ti lsonSTIAN'GE SIBERIAII " . sung thoeaiup aist fiseyardarm for tain vmas lsrlcmsuis. Tishe isiuinwitl ail kinls et plaintes. Tisas more cei rotstse ltemgpveg thri-5al isbahenrd teseco. Tisosure ru. gee: tise captain vmas mute. sud mure o<ifcueanal I'alestiiia daries et tise hoiy landl, and tisa dis- 0ne Mtera by a Helsu la lise ileefbravoe days, wvison Blaire. vas chas- F!nally tise umais kualis ounisbasoit is being reclaimard-te sets lite.ý poiinoth rbs ng tisese getinen' aJeiestarCre ok ubrtu eieir , cen-anJevisisimmigration ie otise ct- poitot o tsetrbe.and Climisa Boirwn ee. uo ie gssasPudole mretesee tsasti luha tourms, conî iietPleiuaimans ue v-ý Verse 1. Bruighit me hacir - Ho Teeaemn id fqerbravoetisys,tLou vison Captain li0tsebox. cos cliyJv ussas hbe ete Lod.Tire Terarmyirso!uer iCdanelbis tatterdeaioxirhsanai.rsscocissraa s-ldini. 5 al eselurde nom-' hboe if tisa Louter'coretse bouses in thevorlet, but fot difflvul voehiiiugtisein blaut:i dag lu de- on tieua îeriaferers cmpeo a-ru, is 15 traetis isnsoaieln i levere sccustomed îte vorsisip. ly' et ingresani egresa tise buts o!fiaet msu sudoned.ists a tt nd reswr n es Li reta o l.o s ov' hie s cenducteel istetise tiss- sroibna u snes rryis Btts iae u ieK s n off. ie fr tise tcies te bte m fînd theso pssibiliticu in Paî- ýle prper aain. Eekiel I>elbg- bynaine Lake he- plmý Btsstrépirdtsstndthe :Knlle apenuof, Th esisise misicised ebcye anticiîy a atecltd, ui isy n a dstae te se lm.' 3men bave slice-gene te tiseir isst 'tutistebx ibisdesird assd jires s auy o et is. mIsare mere 'ou' îng te tise piotly ca, vas mi- samb toc tiseulp i aebu nuitelu' fasiliar wuts evetiiisg tisat h ave. tiseappearance of 'huge tuas- dBe' 553 1> OSiSSicnsieu dBie ot aperlaineelW tesetemple,'ase an oeuss ing otnt fa suovsauk Tie viais t Fatslier Nepisune? .itlis mule eus Isabel, tlissiduli p mis carile. ti ehre is sîreuag, srced ie ld' amssia fpai hu erax-i crater-iiicotpoethtie bouse, besicles rB hstne h eianc. i quîirlaeio ri ous cSe bruein lfering a roef, ile useel as s gen- seisaiflisaisbiistoelussarisg in t is limgeqlb re aisaindero~und aig varices actilitie sud tbey set m qine, shows, Iais st at a fr cosasudailtisegeénral asickiass o!fIas ttsepseuesir atîsoeflrotîiiserpe e- - - l so ra laefrfodadal*e sectise excitemeul and, au tise Tsese Jews mise ihave beau used mid fe zta lei tili so rils.Ti lpqdw other muarciansd hoebidesfait boxtinlecird tise bssbaud suddesly te s iife of cofr nliEurople, bava the landof egliiaie n iostdemu-e-e"'shrtly te te deposeel satogtisat lcis ido s ptio vsi ùithodoward te an aperture in thse cenute,$For rny paris 1 amnnet a lovesr of appesred,andl made ow ium hum joisedBaune of tise <Id setilesîruand - erba l prtutaiviio. serves as s smoico hele, venti- piaciical joices si ch a itiius tsc ats. R s rdiaeiterori-se ou reysaa r jatta msuba sc 5 Waters ilsecd sut-Tîuis fi'gurc bis cauriandssd oua diistissguish tise slto ra. itis efon hoelieaas k evideniiy ]had ts basis in the fr Anmoro esbrsgdl is ouadiele.iv det er ierce imprecaisiOnS, shJaffanglsc fer 1tisaisthgnia exiset a founitaias, i cie sup prtsteuaiky lor r efu. ue r iîsn mndns f i suec i'proas insvitemis tier morloasascela-Abs. Thsis toute, buili ILînecinlishis tis pe îil supprk oftertoftielredetrihcemer ~tisais misicis fleur- ix'ia'sia g guoete tise rapîss souri- un filea Amisican style, inasmsicla et tise trieflitisetlruer ese o! lesed ilastise elys vissasMerty Eag- e 'Bie epiei usgreat shoir auil sirasis out as if by iagie trmuncslieuteowhvdl ieiisresta on a secaondary pile, o! landel as Mrry Engiaed. Tarle e sson tii e isslpnpuî itiionee year ol tise seailoflse tise valley oasit fise city sud 50 timbcrs fermiasg tise usl of tise liv- etuss'orisvig busssmpiteiasg ell e ptuiselywaseaiscr ciu!aiItl stajetoiits thewhtiseouseea. quard tonilrnatynse~pot~5inýyrdxe too far out ifor im Nve trcsleerPsl tim, sppleda bautfii fgur, t Pte tise relectistBofMifltn l yeea outcmpn htte pui éshi akadhn h tet i> ihtes vr o Y tise prepisots (compare Isa. 8. 6). of anov, clati ee las 's-usfrorcu euijeyecl tiose rites. ruay u'te justica. Crali, t us fittccl upithsaterpie an 9 Tise Orsentals eularged iiosutis e isrsi ae lils ami aag Tiseste> improead nautclîrusmna w emaas.hiroomis, ncb risy are bsiit is s 'a isesoisxgs brougisisthiom by oucis abottnfootbriti tiaestaCO chants, wvo are graduaily dacreLi stse ipacilioma. .el Orientalsylsorrooil' 'sirearnse!ftuatan. Thisspassagesiso ro Tise'mospeanlar feture oî '3tLoi.,g tiseranis ef gana. is, ld-eyisd Ilslneevat ts at it cby s gardeai t fise asis o! Rat. f2. i-2. ' busacodn t ohNuleismait biegsirise îai un tise iosely sioaay insviose carcan I lak iinatsmhngowie bue codntuFrN gleshuore wlîspaing auli multerneg te 'tise eleset lutarest. He is te io si i oesssga iii Migt Ide o! fiiciouie -Thisfle meains et entrance. 'Th's ~~ hsmouaunsiapusigmri-te ether atouu'sayswhiais Raffles snd tise Jemsinl Palastsine arajusily uould b heso 'utis. Tise stresas compLiishelbu' scalisg.sa.riir ainsn inisoafuteisgpu-A ne Lpnanis toBillSica-inpox l ise Areisu aud the Euro- A. pursuod ils course eastisard, Pies-spiit log, isavi uises eut li for saut,-seul s bos's creus'teuanring Otetsr mrds, ha is an antisis. pesasCisitiaaso mena astesisisaclai angdtise i t o tise opnonisadts otsu saesmsc s tieshe castairsys aboard. "siali 1A I soeou an sisurdily te desnibe tisa ramarjeable aciivemnet oetftice O aelcmistrs se ieOPx coaf nom tiseroof t asu angîs of sii'"'-tise cry of tbeîe unfotsua- as astsîîsvaYose mie oas o ext n hi nv agnie 'tise rl&it ne o! tise oter coasi smesi 90 degnees. Geting i' te s-cioiluee sart for days ibeard la tisefulglane oet cIigll AJt emi na ieits faffiChrsi- 110 ronlIbnieouýAs Iothla fat lhichnon, bt të epeOiitl tter neadiug isioin tale c!isonrors iss tise peushy avomeelintenion sof asa ela oamd ,Lk ene 'tisee cutiencsudlmorewiisisir holid1ay malles lu Tai Abus. l' rise Eee 0e ai omei.' lesahialiecausa Il mas nois lie friesad las s mystetioss iab't Tise gesofut lis sustunisare Lit l polse iEed 4,4andl 46), the pro- Theise terior is resciseel y ivn te verlyou opsaî ieoîn rvelling su aasy siip stse cosed on a Btîrdaysu e 'vcistisae y u vay of tise nfrthgtisa i.nrout dses u uissrpredolin sventive gess'us outhliaisuemies of ! te's,'smuayameets. Out frincd ax- entraats'of e! vahiciciaitheagis lIe d asrtisgale reu 0re e îog l rratie isue'rig ftise Bisu Familu' Robinson, nor presses hiidsappeinisment, addissg malilu' yof ts lshabitansiare niai tise eutsie, es s t, teaore, o oaixe ad tis ip" cA isi f ot iers eqoally fenisunaise Î- autisissisce hoie hon board ha vijii religlous. Sut the JewisisSabbats tseoutîxele théopen.ut t:s stm re whi t e A ur tip5cd bnealciag rupou au ishane baarug iLaice tisa oporlunîty o! iooiig uver au acceptad by ahi au a bely day uh bieof jte tise050 i esuite p efr aany viuliu iit ào see-astrikiig 'reseashiance teitihe tise siip. Stango Le say, sasdeep tout. Tise atmuspsexre au Tel-Alit aide e! tse pi, i or. or inaepsiso u ruilu iIay elSteres I 15 lis lteresl lisat hoe failst s ta bét aturalhy cntirelyoý_Jevisl, and 3.- Tie man-HeJé ixvah otbtje hoau r- 0ingut apo s <fboelé lay e And o! ahi Ibtis vasis cempsny of tise varning belles, ser doas tise lise ebrets anguaigeus ts bhau- qtis aile el ih Jboi, ybal oishe an w lm- oiiiug aIbtise base. - ses-telle the stomav.sy sioso ssas stnisaxccy, "dAy mure for tise tisil Oriental accent isaiseard os ý gnit Seiti ng, a Heymstcf tri e-ise uho areniof e asa higus srviveel. To hitansd te hlm onyhor, eyi ur. hnleeeyad bue fGod. Hissu igt' ie tri.fotsu apen frntu thilage'u can wvookeifor romance sud fluallu appoars on dack, il, is tsofuel Ou tise main sîreol, tise Herzl Lubrasa (Erele. i. 7), sud 0p0in5g veasci for coiing seaulassd'blubisen pootru'..Yet is mueis netis h tggit tisa ciland eutof sight, sud tise sip sîreel. lisaisjeui te the ses, mas va itis anhoritY (Pce. 40. 3-4)i Tise ss1 jioite Useelfor metinssoir that time Sas passeelbinau by vilisout geiug ais fulllaeoc. huit tise Gymnasia Ibnili (tise Me- In o nii bu af ix u are tise ciief isonsisoldl uteusils.Ilaga ludodstrions coat of peinis Ho reports himaoif te tise captsiu, breu bigl achciofe Jaffa, a fiua n- vas used for measoring greaisor dis Tise diet lg limiled. aimosis elusniive- 0ovefi fseaftists. Tise ateirsy o! sud enlistaiba yenatisy o! bas fel- bilîding .su Orientai stylo. A cr- 'tances, as theo reed vas:useel for lu' te ra un axul af-côonieciseal sud io-elislavastly difféentut iotise liewpassangera lay resoluteiy mar- nanstene vas recenisly laid lu tise ns alorter. Wish is ho procodeel a vraileah, vilh Russian bniktes SteW&ay, et,'yeaterdsy. Ais tiseing tise beat o essfeolis mistaie, samne suburi ion a large synagogue, isistonsanel riitsB(abou.t a t hrd of a sud Amenacan te bacce as as; exetra mention of. a iatousvau' tiers tiesutiltou' yare moveeltute ied him viich is mu e ovn ed hy tise Jewishl Smile) from tise pint visere tise inxury.V te oneas manseoye tise vision of a clothes sud silascssanis 3ragcmuiy !Jia.TlAu a mater enaetged f rs'aathe gate. At Before euteng onue -ofi thesefrigbléred vnite-faceel ittléI lad ho- bis shorts as'on bosard lie maires built'tsneughistiseassistance o! suie o! tise boginning tise steam .harely Arichie isouehisda is lacnstomary igaed iaynadécivils 5one et himiefsetogessorahu' agreeablO tisaisNational Fîxnd, wviieigraîcel ai anfItricileel forth" (miUrgiss toeroef or tiseviite isiler or tradier teme.asbciioi îulIrie njanfrhsproe itba eoea venied od aiead prier tu bis ast (This, et ail clients s ise picsr bsbisiandel vison ho loaves thea quarter of a million e!f'asat. deep. - rivai. Ou teaciig tisebouase lie tisaisadorneel tise ovrorfni sbS- sip aItiseé exl pont, il is te tise Se cepsiel vitbuntoresis xincsai- cie 4-5.-Tise 'aster -rspidly deeapeus vili nsuslly finel ssemisîel on ltxe lovoal Song of uursecy eay8, entilleel'tusse etf-'Fer Ses a jollu' god tel- menste. e t iil, a niile frea tise temple, is noof avsiting himiste bosis snd ail 'Pixe Litiie 'Hemo.) . oirever il;sma on":oleul vu afrtisenibA imilan aubthe h oftheNto engl labas ieceme:.doop euough.te rescis a bis falieielaigdgs ouh, tlaé tact romaines tlaat a sioir- slip travelling in is dinelsSlt ii is epo ieNtoa ,ho is'i ntvisu rplyau important part in thîir amayisuxhrncuaiu Ievsi osastisemImeissey, Fuasdin cloe opreximitu' te Tel- ff thoiàanid cubits, il iscemeas as ira-primitive relilgiosi,antiar-e thosglt sonr bhao. Fraeosstlu'lhe findeansuaithus hy slow degrées rascisesA bb. Jeruisaloxa, tue, bas a tes è passablie'river,, one tiatu a ma i oai- te hca spotentaeney ton rcepîssg is routage désert bite vison tise bis destination. aew Joviîh suburba arounltise nef nt pasa -tisougis unies ho avwinI. ausu'evil spirits ad ringing goil vessai puisa teuea151 a gale, sud has WithuIli myu'rat I vs Sinagoce l ndtownbuilts mainlu' iy -Jemisi e GdsSosig numoesdlcrh ieiuitao n sml nergai trom isu Iidisg Place te lucir, andtmau'lha iive long tu Sd an tesohena ton 'isela peruonaltiase wuth ancre abeuuding as they flow os For tisrossothe toffleetfermre o ntresistheskoaipper teutu Lim exaîspie sudau honor te tisoso P55x tise halp et tise "ilaveneluns o frem lite tolfe. This l iseéftrq1 as ceg îa sieys iepitidaggiag rom asoe. Ries hiavien, yiail not- nileiu ilialas aon tetiesostxiivei- Qrman'. ,Ill: Maiffa Ahs Iotsa et t act' about the river oft lite-ilsî full- tise rooftep of tise souses. rcmse i u iaso n-ie~vvy en cure yJv o iie de us. IL is 'l& aiciure o! tise newm 1 . 1,Lord Ulhn's daugiter.' ing parposea aroune tise'site<of tise Id ru oft reateeri ope sud telicîtu'in 22,47,S WERE IL "-lilface ithe raging o! tise term5, Jairisi Techiuirl lasaitute sud a Ixtlsaci. Quel is eititoned listbuba e nu aîe"s~. VEESE . uaris utise çplans or Tel Ablh ha lsaepe ete aesa1rpe-caiosrfl cidftIsisheroie asasel. o S I. prajeatedl'tisane. ipre geteple, s lang water s arpri- Ferfai enality 'From . Saakea ýI onca e lise goed fonrtsne te 4 le- geulee Watevoug fesitise saueu- Amonnt Naivesri'i-diii. ~sil un a linon aummaudel Su' aSymiateuss by Whie-iî Abuse 0h Sigisi .1ileONCIUCU LO . It re Wseo' atinvaý lhilliig talea o! - Can Be Detooied. -. ,t- jou'ed in tise btter dayvilli hotrEm Arcondixag te e tatopsosl pub- stvavaa llel w eenagsii x c- edou thisn 'a lî l oa tel- thise ttl b'tieQo&'mrt !f ,deilgil. Be la'quise sccoustoesusclte Chie! arnng ihe su'mptems o! eye 3ale by Viliîgi'r as Ceronalila a- ho n tico dies ie ias'dlilsen-ts ltiume'etpnostleet sleays vise complain sf tlis train are vatering e! tise e3', a fichail ,.... thisis t ho esirei.5 milanimais 'in î110iras 2,400, fondiAsldbeeonceçeloaiboard agluiug toethrof uttisa cyeislon0 Tise aisrcla dock decicated on ~l. 7. n tse xieaideaxi ontis cspate mthPi416lu 90- Han- seirsau'ivlie thnoaisened te irriteaaataaxg as tise motuasis, Isasa- Suxslay ai. Wettcn lta'ese, a i- ho otSo-Tise river iowed ,doua ealing ligens veemore aggrcuaivL Lute sacompaxtu' u tisesubjecs, roin- arisa, tiso positieon sud cisaracelr of sblire village aar hMarlborought, ing -thrûougis a gorge, or valhey, sud, as lunithe Saxdarbans pertionsof tisepanag tise fonid unfsurablu' ultîs mirchary mthsisarîs inclutidusi. is ilaughanas a acoronatisu.inueasenll as vas nfuai, tlaere vero tirees oas ei- Kiaisa district,ansistibactSartia isas !other Uein b iici h ad nay ba nauaalgic on ilmasubctadeep- jeprubahly viisiou asuaquai inlIse, o! tiser sie. Thiss ugoss'c nestributeel Wthtisediminsutlinetftiseir steel amau'. Nom, tutomavay ly sestel, as masthua rase vitis Wsg autr eai aituttiss. oPrdeonsiusitn spply eving ta tis e isa punisisabie offexiae, sud is net, tiéseiaciens, vise uas cr- ut mai made bu' s villagar nameel lu tise firas.page o! Scipissre, as veilI downing <of largo aumbera et déean uaxertainlu' have uliowu asicet pliniso reostasishu'of "the sarrau Spratt, uais e ainugchut local, tu', as tisaI on tise lIspage, isseltceeo is e sisdm usire vhls4saccompaut- spiri it a heouva.looiraclthe flairs o!fsi h ~iss ofla teplrmi ps %vaa iutii! sfore teétise ici on lie baniaça! tise living troami. ed tise cu'cIone.f 1909. luthe Coi5. in tise ceciig, seai ile tisihiecap-' Tishaahei fnrpae f sudareitionusfailtet ertsethe-ý Tise'rigisteisas mais is lieo s iree trai Proivinces sud Borar, tigers tain, on iis part, bcd>oucrloiced ai bu'anijfismat ano!tseeidcaisesnterllu areae planlesi by tise river, Tisera o i isdestrou'Od l67viatis.,as cceaao'0it' itgsltiofortsig satapaiei u mi udiealu' iOt r ouide scsstsneeuale vuth perpotuiitlu' aouriahel. The palm vihs 2is o h ie Precedîug Yeat. puraisase ot atickct. But me lita sona w aise ucehae a ittl oncsa- tise beavier munr anci tise sasatu' entree e! tise'Essst tins ils fulpet- Six icaoms maa-eatiflg tigecs andir in an usgrsafsai vonle, andel 't jaxitivitis vill a afeeling o! tensasin mtai ansd etier matérial acre sap- si, cti n onlaya it Il la luteel hy tbo tire psssîirs ver killeal during tise mule lhe vîaafiinte lIokletassteir- or bIus suin h se y icneS asu' 1,lac eihou. an-' water. u'ar lu tisae provtinles. Tis ah- ava'afor a qualitu' ustieahly' iece alreupain ut a cluli aehiug AIlmauxier ut uate riai-iaseliasis Sn . I tis rbi-hs .tonra abro thésa ue 1ta ahienislu the apossausors o! tato cisaracter. tis ecycialis Seiulg venu'aa-bi stenomlnmero et pants cf aid ibicycles, persasssal bey dépreoun of tise Iead Boa, anti vIltipig un lio n EaBternia engaitJcabine and aloaon tiraits,, tender on pressure. rrep n oving, 'jasdhel rc- in southuard as fatrasuithe glf uf and lAssa-IS-was net ma 1-Pen itpei s its tanitu' iîst aksl omtimsru nemevepigean )sne Airabai, e distante et 105 mies. taineel. tiougla 50 personaivoire vis- gratitude ahi aise muers prerueus 1s$icleCSsa, vitis dyspepsia, palpation,uas istougissteuSprats, wvIsoe rot-' tise u issis ountu', esids ise o5t- 'ums e ticue isuxsais irn d. sud i ventte te tiinirlandi éveil dl&aaltu'usin teatiig.ttge resembleel aa âcnap.lcn stoea.

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