Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette, 5 Oct 1911, p. 4

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TheLe,< It isn'i good policy and it's migh'tY - POOr econoifly to struggle along withi an unsat- isfactàry-range, workingr youtself ta death, and wasting good food and high priced fuel, when you cÇan obtain a HAPYT,.H and possess a range that ahIlaiways gise yOU romplete saiisfstr- tion. 1 isaeificiency la baseti on -a 5505eesple en tor-bail a "' cenitury. Is impracementS are tisose tisat has entsrtgt te5teti anti lour.ntit be o resUval ue b a range. le is mateienaterial tat wll' give asng, service, tise parts * sbjet a tse reres sraa and sear are eepeciaily reintorceti sud i asarpuain ta live up ta tat obiges tite osaiers ta see sis aLt every range turned out oi tiseir fartnry is periert. IL laiawàys gond pnicy ta be titoraughlîr intormeti about- any article befre buyirg. *' We wil be pleasedtto exPiais tise Happy -risougise Range la ysu andi ties ises ynu hav e, exanitiedth ie otiser stoves in tihe *mare.-wç %ill be ready ta do business.wiiis ynu. More fian a quarter of a million "Happy TPhougt" are in daily use lin<Jmnada. erlires, elec. Tise siglt watchts gese ssey' se titwlibwlisay $10 'atdeti> anti ., $oartIl ircesfit, luel, igit and wa , er, andtihis Cohçol n taxes, would be a good slary for si wait 'b tise occupant ni1tihe pusitilis. 'loe oit drapiL Constabtle ecoiyctdi uigit ibegivete iarge',sang te reosafiiisg 0400ofItise 050 nos Leadlssg paidtLutihe ocvupant #)f tslat oi -paddy' gre tins wîici, sogsîcntd ~' ~ eneraid,1 of es for poléce wnrk, would imate a gond saisry lorttat poeitins ie. Th1e l This arrangefleent.aitould. secure W Msm. Shi tae town twn gondý me, andi workvey ut nut inst etisiaetonrlly. 'Thte agges- dispiayn * tion s a el wNortisyr ai enasldertatltlsadsiet * iy te Aplctnn osite. ieasi v ear ai aiades oi H>OW to. Live Long' oueih Withbheaitisy kidaey s le lhans agoo d we notice ,citanre ta ive lontg, but weaki eitsinybisa i i aflsiit' olsi age wtls great tilconinerts.bickw The 5..b i h..reesent naed a,, jet iucke eew strengtis quit reli wreakened kidiney»s.Tltey hanit ibac ache anti rheurtStaLc Pain, reguiete il ilatider andt urine. unsjàthisa ljdaeëy Pilla are tnta kidnrya ainI014or yoong, 'and a hýiàýnd rieosI Il < u -j g artantre eO y ithe r opr ie Il he iWmn ucz 50v. e. I i Bratfordi, Oua.' Ont. 'Soitieverywbere5 aise The iiluntBuçllstlveCo. iMicà,Free trial sntt on reqt'eet - - ' ' ' Millinery OPeninî 1Jê4ta proposal, and sothiilg bas be Coma ent. eard snce. Acrditsg 1tise' agre- ' THE MISSES pOWEL mnent entered into 'aitis e 1550 andi We a re so'wlng saluse very Tise Seyounr electric poweer han ratifled biy tise ratepayisa,' titf' cois- nd efective modtela ta ladues aready reaciset nur ister tban ci pany s tn]lasve power hem ity: Jan.- toc dreas oCeasisa, ail tisei Ohwanti isi use titere. "Iqutr:Yluery, 1912. poplar ubatlea ieitg fpe nsbewa, thrAssong otPema, a iisoso eicits tise informflationtia tieal e s a sste snd, tieco ia lpla nniii sng oad iecoP gnose rnwa matieniwtee tieg arrangements lot te sstroduc- A suggetion ban item madie iy one çhiile tise brtio niilacktselv tieneof Trenton polver into Vlisity.ei tise Aldermseni siicit say prose faney soa0 ropieted a vert ~g Sosse tinte sic repretroiativsc o thee alutions nitise diffirulty attend- bt -qW ,tecoospassy approacitedth ie WititY ing tisa separating nitishe olice al , A becomiig tiree toque, jhi Water anti LigitCommsosinOers ansd constabe anti' raretalter. Titere ilet tanleugre e t rs, 'eim msade. osertures as to. prcitaiing tise seigisI or opinioS 'in te Cuaritbat' qiunt ol sneutrai satdeu. 'stiitisy plant. 031 course tise Cois-1tise positiotnasaiouiti bd epa ttted, -' Tise two taise Heiet 14o aisinner coutil noetenertain snlcb cause osemn icase hardilyattend ta promiîsei ogreat'favor, lte LU its o.L. Any oin4L&éyp' legant Fou.r Enter Your Naine Today. 'Wal G;et Votes Allowed on Ail Subscrilptiofl RULES 0F THEE CONTEST 1. This conteat is open to any young lady, married nr - sîngle residing in Whitby or vicinity. 2. Çandadatea may nominate thematelves or be nominated by thear friends. 3.,Nominations stay be made by letter or on the regular S nomination blank. 4. The name of a person making a nomination will not be revealed. 5. Nominations5 may be made at any time during the contest. 6. Sîbcriptionts may be secured anywhere. 7Votes wll be allowed on ail subscriptin payments, new and renewal alike. 8 Votes will be allowed on ail subscriptiosi paymnente to the Cassadian Home journal. 9. Cash mist accomfpafly ail subscriptionfl. 1îo.AUl vote certificates wiIl be issued in duplicate, the S oiginalî bein.g given to the candidate and the dupli- cates retained to b. connted by the ju.dges. 11. Ail questions arising during the conteat shall be de- cided b), the editor. 12. No relative of anyone connected with this paper snay enter thte contesi. S13. Vhe editor reserves the right to reject any nomin- ationi uithoilt givng reasossa. 14. The~ editor reserves the. right o change the conditions of the conteaL - 15. Cand<idates eiterang the. contest imply acceptance of these miles. 15 IfYou Wanl Wiu 4Big Prize. ffle Journal., VOTE SGUErnJJJE pirst eriod-nding 5tn0dv, otes tl Two ycars ..........2 00 Fouryears .......... 00 Si .s........... 6.0 Ten years ........... 1000 3000 ' 8pooo 2000 ' 1000 1 54o0 14000 4 Second ~grIo4-endùig Saturday, Dec. gîh. 400 'votes On. eal..........$ 1.00 300 i 1200 TOeyear .......... 200 Four yean .......... 400 Six years ............. Ten years ...... ý.... 10.00 FES of W hitby, am Winr the piano 2400 Oe 2400 <d 64oo di 1800 12000 entest dlvIded into Two Verlodea pirt tverIod Votes coulit the Most. Coati hNowý *TO LET. inoriablc bouses n Centre rCourt House. APPIY tw roung Ladies bc Gazette-Chseoltlc Plana Ly win a piano or golti watcie ismas. Lauence bas seturneti ron, siuswltis ber tiaugiters 'iends aI t Osawa. UCT1ON SAL... ; cz, 4 V, 6yrs. 'os; roain r, 2 yre'. Opnto

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