Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette, 27 Jul 1911, p. 4

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Tun«qinclIpousive vlaStltd sud1ail ÀUG. st FrOm Ai lme . orth et1 but PMI la.luIdLRg -mUOsi11l..,TOIO*I0 te, Sot"Tunnel via Stnattiord se and iscludini the lino rum Torotito te Nort Bay snd West ln Ontano. RUO #6ta-FPreesToronto and station RaMl 10 Oularo, almoEautoh Orilila sud Sui Jomct in 00"0trl. AUG. i$rd.Fgom asil stations Toronto, 1'tortt Bay and West la Ontario. AUG. s5th-From a&l stations Toronto# and Euot of orila sud Scotia Jet. lu Canada, ptllg periculatU rotm ny Grand Trimai Agent o niCtes A M.u1101Dia ttiiau Agent. Tmoget.u.nt.Tickets. Rme. trous Whltby, Ont. CIVIC HOLIDAY E AXÇeUR5ION 'ý$Lift àLock"& Rice Lake. An Eacqsou will bu rua under thc aus- pieu <6h Bownanviile Lavai Bowling Cluab on Clvic HiolidaY, MONDAY# AUGUST 71h Stto RAIN SERVICE ae Whitby Jt. 6.30 a. M. $.0 Oshwa et, 6.50 1 .05 Dadlington 7.05 1 .05 Bowmu~i1e 7.5 " 1.05 Arrivlng at Peterborough at 9. y 5 a mfl. Children over 5 and under 12 years hall Tickctgood goiuug speotai only ,valid returûisg sme date, except' Wbitby, k O*àasd Brighton, valId returning Rittndng apcta¶' train leaves Peter. boro at 8-3o P.ul. to connect with mainà Une train cnst, Lawpi Bowlinjg Touuament, open Io tic Dominion, on greens of thec Pctmnborough Club, at whîch valuable prttwl be -awaded. Op"Itl Arrangemntss tHave bbom made wfth Str. <'$toney- e "ofth~e Stoney Lake Navtigat:on Co- excuraioniisTaul0i te. IlLift Lock"O âud down the lamous Otoinabce River te Jubile Point, a lovcly summer «sort on Rite Lake. '4 Bnlng alog your basket, takeatp th he larguai Lift Lock in thc vorld and dine la coolneaa and comfort st Jubils Point, the junchion of te Oî0onabee River and Rice Lake. - BOAT TICKMT 1Adults soc. Chlldrem agç n Returoing boat arrives a: Peterboro at p. m. gfvlng cacunsionista s é houri g ýlu ist the. Sheffield of Canada. Tbrougoh Tourlst t Pullman Sleepersô -TO- WINNIPEG and EDMO(Nj on fron Toronto s i p. m., j)Uly ilt-sud it, Augusta8, via Chicago# St. Pol;., >~ Minneapolis. Very Low Rates, .WINNIPEG EXHIBITION< I&TZS July 12th tO 2204i The Popular Rout* TO,. M USICOKA, LAKE OF BATS, TEX*. AGAMIl,ALGONQU!N 'PA'RK.GROR. GIAN BAY, KAWARTRALACS MAGANEI'AWAN RIV$trENCI LowlRoundTrVI Toura Rates. Literature end fi' Information hou Loy Grand Trwnt Agent, o drsA. i. Dcl, Oitrc usme gn,~ omm o fO w t,.k Tk an Ttws Agen SOOWt A=p. ?st udf c, - PORT Wmlr»yà Um . otUer and MWu PW S-olm . lt lettou- Yniday toto& trip ta th Coast. Miss Lia"t.Galebo!of ororitt, Was wlth trimndsat lPart Whftby !or lbhe week snd. Mri. HunW. ,Toronito, ipeat su- dIr Wtth xMrs. Rooke. Mima Hazul Butt, ef Cobourg, sud Miss Verna Barr, of Toronto.' spent th. week end wlthh imaon ox.. Masters Walter Woodbouse midi Robert Woodhousc, or Niagara Valis, are spending B week with relatives sI Port JVMhy.r Miss Daluy Stone, of Toronto, te visitlng witb Mr. Wn. BIQue. Miss Doaneiley in spending two weeks wIth teitivs in Torotoo Misses Brown, of Toronto,, are hout- daylng Bt '<Undarest."1 Mr. and Mrs. Win. Clatworthy, St. Catharines, are vlsltiug .'ith hie fatber. Reserve Tbursday, August lOth for Kinsals Garden Party, Sem bille for particulars. KINSALE. Mr. Thos. Richardson ia atil re- Pairlntg bis houses and store. Alter buildinig a new verandah, bo la now paintig thee ame. Business, he BYs, la So4 uc.ad steadily ncreasing. Mr. byranik Harrison luiiiainities, and au wouder, ilta in«ril No. a. Messra. Fred sMd Utorge l4arhron are busily eagaged rernodelling thoir barnan sdstables.. Mr, Samuel Stephenson la golnig to ,ketlre fnom farrnu-uhi alil, and willl resume his OUd profession, that of painter. Borna ew weddlugu looked for in the nar *future inuout iidl. Thbe boys have been doing duty for Borne oouudenable lime. Coutractor Harbrona"sudmauare very Iiusy this sasoa. Prepairatton aru under way for the mretion of otar ev han, Mark sud Mia. BrWiguai âsted Audley relatives lut Sabbatb. Remember the. gardies party aI C. J. Stevensoa'& Ou Auguat lti. Au excellent prograM IU ibe give-a sd àa good lime provided for ail. Whithy, Orchestra sud Miss Newport sud Myrtie male Quartette vii re tder u excellent ltceat t lail Who au corne. la response 10 represetaltoma mae by Poalmaiter Tarnbiym, thse (overa- meut la about to put up 8si utel6l- ter boxes in- Oshawa, the coltUm s of viioliMau ilîi mnalourey of about lue mlles. The work oh pulhlug up the boxes vfii begla la a toeudays.. ST. JOHN'S R. C. LAWN SOCIAL The anudallava parly 01t tbtlasW ost. Joh"& R. C c4k wîlU h bdet* the up-lovai ,pWhtlw, on Thunsly, Ruguat mr. As silast progrèm o ajisqebsa a sse luI be providel. Abe. doubI boder bue »lI match, starhlsg a a$: »d4ý o CIOc*. 841h RegmtoX" a at. balanc. T«rar vem roli ô to s o'clock. lresimt bootb monb grouls. drnusAi "aCitse . vas W. --o -WRhIl,-9hort- ob LomuC41M - e 1 à chao tte 15hami lié pl4de gulfty i us above tmcrded.- 1.0.. F.Instailation at The smi-annualinstallation 01 the NO. . s. go F, o! taux vbUa, tomt placeon the eveulng o! July 12. Other attractions preveutedl a nuancer. o! tAisannbers from being prosont,l but a faInly goud atendauc geee D.D.U.M. HabIetsud $tnI ugrandi omcsrs.' The cSremony vas peoro-1 .4 lu a manuer seldom if even oquai- led lu Plorence Nlgtlngale losige roorn. The team m.na& muet stsii- wàg appearance lu full dress suits. T'i'er lo or ont vunew andi beau- tifuUY oxecuteti. The lectures vere »Ili readsred. EVerything contribut- .4Ie rnake lie viole vorai very ina- pressing as velias seiong. The IntaüiIg officers vere: Di*trict Depulîy Grand. Master, W. J. Hailett. Gramàt Mrhai,G.I. Wilson. Grand Warden, John Noble. grand Roc. Sect.. Richard Huer. Grand Finance %;mt., E, R. IBor. Grand Trias., Geo. A. whltelaw. Grand chap., Ueo. movît. Grand Iâtaie Sentinel, .Wrn. oar. 'Grand Oulitdo Smlimel, S.11. Mur- dock. Plantâit, W. C. Ruttan. Tiê ew Mev tiel ! loronce Night- ingale Iodge arec: N. G., Bru. F. C. Vanstone. V. Q., lOro. Dr. Win. Tenant. p.S. ro. J. J. Maison. O.S. ro. F. Burden. 'rnis.., o. Wm. Edger. WÏarden, Oro. W. I. Von. Cou.,Bru. A. Nichoils. I.- G.,.Bro. Declute. 0. G-, -Oro. J, Jjob ton. MtU n ths ce eom~nef reshnels worm sved, lie nev N. G. acttg ai" boit. Ailprmeut tb.orougily -ntoyed the occasin Manaa milearty voté otak, -tendereal the ID.G.M. sud stlan Sm. G. Vasial' or Iii. saý terlaannet, brougitIbismoil pie-1 sut evsung lu a close. "Happy tho mam, bory -ho part, h5appy lu mt gl. 4iw ouuiun urm t ia you, e eS. 4noIruceôi& Wonk wîil commel-ce uat weeuk Tué, ne# fiatory le a hlitim'leansi Ité pto"p ne.u i 111 horeWeted wit srixise by the mosi enthdiaul '-Tl'4igin lua stralght 11m0 ,evi, cer 10. fot-j lugh .y 0 oo in w'ldth, t- twOtle hlgh 1for lr qu&ttàet<t!hée*&-y, sudonu ilorey lor -the balance. Or lu othur words 1!bilit lu as sitraiglit lpie il voulsi have-a (routage trom the Queen's Ho- tel4 û eb Public Llbrary corber, 80 fel in width. Somne'racteot, eh? The plant Viii conslet 0f B store toosu depart*nent, 310 ;teeb by 78, whlch inoNudes thie offl&e. A. ewitéb will run aloug lu front o! thîs. The departirnt 10 be occupled 6~y the proeut Tudhope-Knc>x Co. will bo for umufacturlug iron wheels, 95 by 80# a mlhl,-Uô by 144, s power houme with a battery of four boliers, aud Iwo dry kilns, 55 by 20. The plow worka viii occupy the southhal al, 290 by 80, two abories, besidles wings contalning a louadry 160 by ,80,1 to1 ani6pattern rooms, 80 by 4o, enitîh, &hop 130 by 80. The wlugs are all bo the rear of th1e mata building sud coanecbed witn 11. Another switch cornes la vwesl ol the Worid Furniture Co. ho 1the rear of the fnctory. Messrs,- Webb snd Sou arc the oentractors, aud expeot to have the piow works end of th1e buildiqg resdy for occupancy ln îhree montais, as the company nust be turning out ploiva, dise harrowa, etc., by December. AI- though li lauanimmnense uudertaklag, th1e whole building wiii be Ilnised be- fore the end o!f1the year, aud Messrs. Webb are now advertisiug for brick- layers, 60 ur 80 of which tleî' nced. Mr. Webb made a record in Canada for Conaîructtion when hoe built the preseut Tutihope Carrnage fact.ory. The whole building wiii be Êtrongly buttresed, salues the Tusihope Car- riage factoty,--id 1the matenial le low burnlng construction. It wii lake about Ivo, million brick. 10 huils iti. Ils .will take seveu tliousand cubic yards of concrete for th1e ioundationis. WI l estlmatod 14tla itill iicoal over , two hundred -Ihousansidollars. Wheu Iho whole .p.lant, le çoxpleted itindreds0f men wil l Ue mployed. Have you tue iznzenaity of litai forewgolngwel eouked lun? Weil, 11eý New-8-loer bau s bes im!ormed -Ihal, nextyear uhis plant wlU!Ibe duplicat- esi. -Tho Tudiope-Andurson Compasy la capï4hled -ai &hre nillons, amd à» the ý tesuîî o! a merger ut tbe Perrne Whitby Lodge 1 ... Ou Tsdaywnii, July l8th;-DWs tnict Deptly Grand Master, Wv- J. aiwiet, oftbalssio Distict sud s»P «04bowd hQe .Wlo,»Iê Marchait; Jéhu Nahlej 'D.FIG. War- dua; wichad ln, .D.P.G. Recoird 19g seoetàry E. . Hrs.D...i PlOW and Stov1o Company df Smith'e Fails, - the Tudhope-E.nox -Company of trillÀ, ;the Tudhope-Anderson Com- pany, o! Winnipeg. 'The West Lorne Wagon Company 18 alo -asorbed in Ibis merger.,The headquarters of the Cornpany- will be le Oillia, and Mr. P. R. Oliver, who la the chie! share- holder of the Perrin PIow and-Sttuve Company, will bc the maànager. The plow section of the Perrin Company wlll be Iransferred to the 0aâllia lac- tory, and the wh ole o! the Smillas F'alls plant will be utllzed for stove manufacturing. ORILLIA AdYLUM 18 OVEIWý CR0 WDED. the annual report o! Mr. - .l. P Downey, Superintendeut of the .;jIi a Agylum for the Peeble Minded, lu>. just been i85Ued in an Ontario Ovv- ernment blue book. The report ccv- ers the year ending, October 31, 1910, and la as !ollows : IlWith a normal capaclty of 732, there bas been a daily average popu- lation during' the year 1910 of 787. Apart !rom the discoinlort which 1h18 congestion causes, the contin4îed over-pressure bars the door to any systematic attempt at classification. Within the lmits of our açcommoda- tion, however, everything poseible lu bing donc to surround the laigla- grade patients with the associationR agud initUfleces thal will aid in thti imaprovement. Thea necessi Vies of the, situation here and throughout th1e Province must soon demand n.ddtional se- commodaion for the reatment snd, custodial care of the feeble mnlnded. thu obooks of Ibis institution at th1e present blanc Ihere are 232 ap- t$i1catione, for admission, msny o! charactur, but It la impossible for uis 1afford more relie! than le nov ho- lug 'oftered., DISTRICT DOINGS. Thlrty teet of!'Bennett Brou. barn at Broulgham was torn ofÈ durlng a récent Storm. 3etween tweWe o'ciock sand dsylig$t onk Snay morning last thieves broke -ieo tije bar it the Arlington botel UXbridge, sudsecured -$11 lu ecash su vie-l as Borne oMer goode. * çt 1 Mtte to d btis. Get our' IThe Kind ou- * Alys Bù UI-Bears the N4OT NAKCOTIC. Aperfeet emedy for Constipa- tion. Sout Stoxnach.Diarrhoea' Wormu.Convusionsrevoi.gh- m*W]anLoss or SEP. tac Simil Signature of gi XACT COWUVg WRAPFEB.' Of * Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA, e Midswninier sale of the most modIern and up-to-dato Boots an'd Shoes now going on at-ReeI's. We have many lines, perfect goods, which we wish to c1par out, and these wiII be soId a'way down Iow in price. Corne early d secure first choice.l A. paper Î14 as good as a letter. Send, the Chrôni»eli intead owriug I v w i z v v w w w 'G, y v v v v v w v v 'ô, 'v 'v 'ô, J w v v v v w v v i v v z I w il w v v i v w Il 1~ p TO ITS. 'uses"' rI loéi k b, '4 191 k HOT 2w The nthp~ in a id a G ood Goid Ffll ýese areE ANN UAL ?UY ýASS, V. c, libe t( m. Wzs ulng. àxry I sicir.

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