Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette, 16 Sep 1875, p. 3

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f To% Y" -I-~- 'STEWi witili vont. d,5"E fikrht anal dite béliers iley btavé al42n. adi Cbathy luightlit avé liti an -saliC T fi ret er topmi rt n op itihrAide, jali o iadantle ;njbaia l iotar Chin a;.n tèsp.piCinaer carvatura, I5 bia no tCIh'¶e braire balwea te dores pessn &4ta iebroaatbote. -It iatimmevt 41abie fer tae purpaae ai protaoliag larget 1- art.erieR anti veine belougiag t* te airma leCtàon % eIitidi thlee Cit eek. In ocas 'Cewia dita cep ii iaarit,..waiiiolu±ti t the fl~lelifp taa i atat ilwi 9la q j.,.ov ____ " 'ipt irh gtalii 4~, net. aami i Ing urature.- li a1e unittai el lest and ethe e rgan, baîtimaW tisaed. le Cilai ciat uoctraevett, but tn enli restir. la latalo b. api le azlrad quitetp ot i oi 4)f Ille orgma. itîaretaa eaul ieltaiiiie 4,f ia IIng ectit'lt lobttrions pareti, ar an- iSfavorable ozpaauoree, litaliy, tiii,étnaelia ta thgildea ~alt , t0 1 lin It g ( 4;'li ii ' o th a l a .criaS&ett tid a th me i m of~ an n iaxahe 1mýýdreet e T y tigtdoi aci!& tit laInaI mon Cia nt a i. . ii déf Ait mon o tavyr tliaiiaaa in.lida liatta ri - ;ýow il J t- lICa, i ment waald fe leita a~tTl i ty of 0",aî litaa. iitysit a a, r nthingtr WliaaC. . . 0ti Ci . . . . . . Y:.: . an AS a îiI.. . . C UïL WMt.. . . . . il' Cii75 de ______________ Arthe_________qu r .! Ua4 ...... ....If O M oi~R :». ...... . . Oc adt i . .. .............. i. tis ..........i . ................... tiy CM ........ .. 1 , . % ....... 7 t a m D4atii Witlaty. C)aia iiC~ itat- c~ 5p$paubaa, 3818. - Eawaaa Mojeta, Aiiaaauu. tt ~m~~mt' HOOVER, ~1 - jssu~, tcf -friarniage Lieeuse, FoIREST 1ILLS PICKERING. in ilae matter of YAMES C. Me- PHIiRSON, A aqaat m ledi b5eIin thé.CcaIF 4ai Ocisata ma TOWIN dtat W Witap, LACHINE CANAL -EINLARGEMEIET NÔTipr., 1,oCONTIIACTOÉS. LiaLattit ltaiaietlsaitt axteltea tau 5IXTLE'TH tikenof 5ePSMiIEila.l aaaveidibly pott'r t'a th" ita l iitteg dAta:- -lfl t > aattiC WNEBDÂY th 9hdey f eITEft... -rTeoPln pinet.i trttaate g 01 beaady fa? itt te.-' 1utond DJY l(,TVrta } F. PAli 5tîaiô terat! at at tif I .t'tiaa trtilttt tti aQtaititafri tlta. dMta of titý, tbIe. t1'titea CiAÙ1ÉL oifafte Ttaof Whiti, fieit1l ICOICEIIT CAMP11L. CI Mi o Q -- j, 1 adaEL itpittaitit in- - -jg ' .NEiXT WTNTE'S 8T1QCEl, 1 ,trÇb. aCtanta t&dt01ai agiaitaer adEta JeHN BLeW. TO RENT. Witby. Aagaat SC, . . d 200 .A.0R0E8, DUadUN4~i~a¶~.5tmi tl 1-ta Tsawnsbipcf Pickrering, HENR5Y EOWELIt e Tr. sOeur, wIatby Land, Commission & Geatirsl Agené, AGENT FOsRTU SConfederaticu tub Ass3ociation ' locks Pôaîcd';à oin..ts made est meattalatatatiafabtai EOAN TED.ii wu,, $ro oftm;, 4e 1- Auction & CommîseiRôomu* T poed B*awle on44 - oa h A tW»A. O1 Boom juil 6nbw Mr. ar-t aUItbe attention cf the pub- an thoir custôoersin. partic ir, JFhey bave now ,rccived a'rst of Qoods, suitable for ail classes -at ,bý,pices. Owing ina great inca- a pteaed state ,of the El urope.ai d40coln bcbogt at lew prices and 3 otemake or, pùrcbiasei on h~~rs and intend te vive Ouir, eýf1 7ofif ther articles. 3] NGý DEPARTMENTi, se, well ,odsubtantial 'articles, is new ne- t ns.1 unsErm hfrgs ,fôl wich anueeUllt 5eection' ,"s àt ambraces the iatest articles 'de we ba-vi tried, to got varied and' regards the mater1il style, finis, ýly reqojiro te hc se oon ebe desired, rlUXiOns tb'at Our custemers sblould rore they arc ahl dispoaod cf, a4d get richest articles ever brought inte Iteapetfully yours, LAING,&STEWART., COLLEGE1 Re-ope4Tig lst -T4rm ty1J e Tuesd.ay, Sept 7th, 1875.-1j Nov. l6th to Feb. 7tlai. Feb. 8tlvtoÂp i2Obmt April 21st to Juýne 9të A complote Staff cf Teachens. Mr. Terringteu cuntitues in char~ge of Music J)epartmnt. Reasonahie'ùelisgeà for Board anti Edècation. IuAidings andi Grounds. unoquahled. For CRlendarsf'addrosa OrEv J.e SA J.ERN .SfAE, Brae.84 frcat .jVhtby, July 1LU, 1875. 137i TEI LATEST IMPROVEMBe1. TINTED, CRYSTAL SPECTA CLES F'ORlSALE uX TrAYLOR Î'& iBARNýAR (iLoak l in nlbr clumoexpititngte idvmtag#m of thon.) TAYLOR &BANR have on bani ud ueof the larges; anti inot aasortmellts cf Fans ever brougYht inte the Towu ,Withy te hoe SOLD CHEAP FOR CAS8Z. They bave alite en baud a gond su 1 c Watehes, Clochaý Jewellory, Siver-ware and ]?aucy ds, Steeepes a und iorws, Telescopeaa Mitoscpos. andCunanetoopes, aiways oD Allrepirsnealy nd-prouaptly - ttended to. ondemu nostl: Whithy, 3Julie3, 1875. GROGERY _STORE, -Thé undersigne4l begs to announce' toMie inhabitant, of Wbitby anti suxrounding district, that ho bas opened ent in the 000 FELLOWS' -NEW BUILDINGS,. 'l 1 BROC'W RT. WUIT'Y. Çab.Cash!1 Cash 1 A new (3rocery and Provision Store, Tos mil3a P~C ~ -Wlere he iriteudiitotekeep everytb-lin u te n. Whe, PaS,<ii , Rysi 10 Ckw-e SeedWooe Ilade# He hopes from past experience ini sidnir' #0 tb' rad, nd y trict fatten±aou te business, te menut a »hane ie.5amefaai àe> Cash paid for Buitter sud ?amien' 1rduce. Teua DRY GiOQDS, GRQCEB.JES, speity , AeSI iseapetflly scitt. î & los ur deBnoo& St., Wit pt.1*til 14, 1874. RtJ$SELL SMITE & ".IJRE GRAPE 4eib-bnre.ds cf Congregations 'for ýaisoexocellent for weekly. 'IEYAIRDS -Fýiield Plain,]1 is justly celobrato& Wine lexumado froir Ulintôn aniothor.vaities cf inoteé this Cotintxy.- Its hava ONIO AND $TRENG'rHENIN re unisîrpassod by auy other Native 'V !ceocf tho égrape producodi undeor tbeirs ~its purity an&. gonuineuess are guart ÎId may partRhe cf its gepèro us quai valia .may me'it teadvantd:ge. It is -the age(lddeèblitatëd.- À WVinete ha rëlied on. -Invalida use re Grapo. Vine. Wealdy'petsons fin 59,aCma8r 503H. àoeI, (hauf WIIIby,.30.DSle 518175. Ont. D . c ,de cf the best 5PERIEs ing. the.puro >al lýupervis. I'h yugest tbo wonkest Lry beneficial 3mith e. Co's, ýt by its -use.' ,agent for whiby. Ifl WIL14 PWY te subsoribe foryor Msga4es and Nowa- pers at Roberts§on's, .for théü y 'viii reoéivtG jhèrn 'Mith ~omptness anid, aspatoh. IIT WILL PAYte ordor yoUr I*Seianeouf; 1ot4 News. ejers, music, &.,aWRobertsoV becauso yout order will ha PUcntY attendoa te. IT WILL PAY, te patroniz oRbertson for Bibles, Testa-ý mérds, ifymo .aud. rayer Boo !lo bas this <loy reoaved s ne*. stock in ail. theso iînos. 'ITr WLL FAY the.ladu to inspect Robertsons stock c fancy and initial, note pape ,becanse he hag somotbihg new, noat and pretty to o.how th IT. WILL PAY busin' oamen to buy their: Blank Bokd, Mote and Letter Paipers, aelopos and other Office gtation.ory fromî Robertson; becsnus hé bas a largo andi good stock of the sinem, aind sela at.city ces. This wook ho bas openeci twô frelsh cssases ofstat'One IT 'WILL -PAY ItS, olTrustées,, Teachors aid ttplls to jpuchsoSe oo 3o at Robertson's. Ho hs s~fuTtockc of ýLgh and Coninoù o1 text books. IT WILL PAY o,' reading publie to vigit Roberts'Bs; gvQ inration hairn t any bock published. fo g'tr ato hobs inay e1g nwhate ierr' a; xd i IN ]3RIrF, IT P'AY yen au, to eau. ançl aÈ6eot fo 4 cursel-vos. Tat pudding for yourself; the procfis in 0 eoating cf it. nçoluflsrJ.55S. * R01ERTSOX-T,5 Svery man jsbOwn Painter 1 We ha"e received an> assct*nent cùf iixe' Paints, beautifu Icolor:s, (impowted.) W. bavjj'diffexeùt colora te which wo in- wie have :reëeiyeda Uassoeit cf Wludow Cornices,which orbeauty cf dign, eouple4 lith priG& *- defy competitioni. F3IJT 1 FEJ.V t 'LT 1 orareswon-amiad motl4rocf .AIso pe serves thie &qt froua wearing. We havi lscfl for omg'~l f Hfouses, being a non-ccnductor nals -tmmucli 'arger in Icpd weatJjer asia cgle ju sumn. $à,- eôTestimonilste For ks, R 8nats, rc,, s *.vSu Isoos, twxnpýn fild. W N &,éalop' ,greeive l ALsnencau 40fippkes,jiist the.tbiag, cal 81.25 ekýl 4Iaouge-buI1ditsg and home aný&c Nu bils, Qernune Eng1is* Wbit. Lead, éihs -A few Amerieaa Bahy Carnageoloft, e '-fflTUO BUQS.-ÊU orPreO" MIESSRS. TOMS & Z-oo Bega te annomice that they have on band a fsàe1can Stock cf TOP AND OPEN BUGGIES.', FOILiSALE AT ItESOrNKBLI£ UýS w A T .0 H Sdays Chlains, Eor-Dropâ, Lkýl rmngs and. Elé,ètro.platoi A &few. Gigs a Ire LIwk4by, May G1~AN$,ORG &A Gon ÀSOBMËtýOP ÇLpO5HK.-The place te bu c < 11glatrs indicating hcth. Mon .5.OO ;cthar kintis chesp-eJi tacheti,.,the .ieatest and, most oom sheui&bo vitbeut ene, enly $3, cash. .Rep~ira u its bràiduo 29-years oxkenence and warrinUt BOOT ýA ND 8110 ]ROCK STREE 'OH N sA ýlaargâst 8took, ..1lizes inP LadieWi, Misss' andi 1*punetually altei oEns 'Auiene -V ýTCi'ILS. ~1 etvarity ýJwellery, GoId 0a Spectacles, Weddiug, ilmuch beIow lat yemr'u anmbu1ators left' Es JOHNSTQN, Se 0RGÂNS 1 I iUOAN 94Qn i e Alr ýàt1thnui nwuo Ladoy L b a P ii m ma.d W. t itt T w f 1<tlWàLL1 E kSeaaaok test Vaaristy, lie ald doarse LUnes, nded to, Bepaùrs neatly doue., 0~leanin 1ok 1 t hy forniatii8 - *~ f~ k tir s tho u u4.ands froua w Oek t Q ,* @Ok t' TeI~gthe' ctüri O4ftio " - a.ndistened l- tick And exe Idl î.wt esaVe his place, Va ldpart wth'evér7 stick. 'Thêw cften foa hh ore tee Hast thon 1ooke crth on nie> Wbëan sftthrig tinsmy'olbow chair, Tatwas a #b MY veuing ineal, B3a. mote dolighaetdo1fe, 81*ice 1 have d"at at Wood&U'5a *cThrs iaowht1i~Shen thon 1,'oin11 Thjswarnigs bard fxom~, aGem Mar'~iI'I rsylok alife, _ Andl lot un havowm, o« Anod-* gw h wsela en p nga enez beau iketha up, N<xaolike tb8C s1 stneet~WuIy DOfi NION FLOWi For thre Cheaparat anti boit- Astmi funther noductidu is Flou.t, Corn, Chop-1 Peas, Oatru I;àr GATS, wiý)ftaTe a»no ëewap for ci s59uar store> »uadus 'ptisanl.E% b@ edlStore, OàTs478M. - N il ýýy may 27,1875. -Imd "eý' 1 done tvüh-neabkýss awd'd"hz&À.

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