Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette, 16 Oct 1873, p. 2

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Id of y sa 'a n,, ýOk M 1 ý .1 1 i 1 - . ý 1 1 - ý ý . 1 - __ýý%_ ý 1 - _< .- ý- _- - ý 1 - .. . ý --1 ý --- - --- -- ý .. -- _- -,--- . 1 - ý , 1 1 _ - - - - _- - ------ ýý, @mm - - - 1- -âmmml.m* _____ - - __ '. - ___ ý ý *Wb"M - - ý- - ___ --- -- __ _ _., _ __ ý - ý - - -- -- ----.-,-.-- - àý___ ---ý-ý- __ ---------- - -,--. .- , ------ - ___ ý . ý - -ý-ýýý,ý- 1 _ __ ý A l)lýIJNIS'PlLïTOliSI'Noli 1101110-MR& Clieose, 2011)-î-Ist Mrs 1 ýBiInCI1 grapes; Ist D Browil, 2IIII To THE PUBLIC. . . ý 1NDEPENDENCE, -Ili Igi ; W., G. I)Qtl,'(-, EýiI.,t . , ýý - ý "Il Il SPOIICOP, special; 2iià Mrs A 'W L Stottg. 1 ý ý ý 1 Il - ý i W111110, ' ýCrab apfles; Ilit j Zý0ard, 2ýudýGëo, .411 Debim dite gi 09jea dIi Ille fflh WC ObePtVë the MOIIIIICRI ,9I,ý,', a ý WiliLby., ý ý ý ý 1 - ý . ý ý 1 - -1 ýý,-ýý_, . 1 0Ib.ý Factory ellecse-lst nir,1111 1 ý ý riRsTc1ý-%ggs lui". l'Ive Cultive. ý.1 ý ý ý ý ý- - 1 ý The creflitors of illit-Obe sltrllj Illekingbottoin. > ,of Aloie, 1878, villet bc liaitllo the whicli tliotigli -iIOùýùIafiy ilidependont is ' M, ý ý .... e> 1__ . ý1, 1 - Browlij 1 ý . ý 1 < iririt'pg-ize-- In ]Lent]], i 'ý , ; ý ý ý , - ý ý ý ,ý _ ý Ille 'roIý'Ilsliil) ofIllIitby. iu>tl 7 Recorninriuled-m-Collectioili of peni ; ý iinderoigie(l. M ý ý , reully piibli8lida ni the inteli or Ille ý .1 ,. 1 ý 1 1 _iý1 ' ý gain, wllimv, IVIJO alita dit - ý ýý ý - ý1 ý 1 - ý< 1 . ' ý Slet)ill (le, ,IIioItial Lyrolti 1 1 1 ý 1 1 ý Il . ,ý î ýý 1 O nt ý . ý ý . - V 'Dit bas 14LUIY boa', ýat il, offl . . ý 1 1 . foiirtli day or sel)lelllbor last V 1 ý IIISÇE LLAN P,,CiÜS" 1 W Stotts. ý, , ý : . ý ý ýý 1 ý 1 ,ý ý ý CHARL-5 TIYýFOR. Go crimit ' - ý Tilira ý (10. 'I'l'orgins Lytide, ý 1 ý ý tý 1 1 4, 1 ý ý ý ý ý Upper ltýatliûr-llit ParrisIi & pot- 1 plulus ; Jet C. J 'Wilson, 2nd D _ _ - - toctics of Q11(loitvoiiring ICI convint, , its je buf(iro Vie gi da! 1 ý - __ _ _ ý O . ý 1 ý . 1 . ý 1 ( ý i y of t(,i-.îôii, Uxbrigi ; 2ii(l , Charles RaiIIIC1ý * làawsi>n, 8ra N'Bolitley. ý 1 ý 1 1 ý ý rendors that thé tire «h (Je. Früd Iiiellareýsiiiii 1 . 1 ý 1 1 ý 1.1ýý - 1 ý ý ý D., 1874I to qond ý l'Y cist, lIre-1 ý 1 ý 1 . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . le of Caulada's apprell. ý 1 1ý - . Aex-ý-ý-, ý 1 ý1 . 1 . . in tbü fi clagg vivre the ý 1 ýý qr1ý Z ,gg, ,ý . ý LI il vv, i i i FIL r O % v o 1 1 i o r Si ê' ý. P O I y 1 i markbain, . 1 ý 1 ý 1 1 - ý , 1 1 ticerliiii is past, and thitt Flic would 1,,,t ý The Jiiddes a ý ý il ;1, 1 - Il ý . in the Gala cëiiuiy, Solliciter . Ilarness lenflier ý Ist Parrisli & Put. i FINE ARTS. ý Sigla, of the Mamillotla Chair.-Till &_ Cousait Ille into * -cl sa luell' rails Of ait concorgneil by Boule as lilloise in "le second ý : ýý . 1 : ' . 11, .. ý . ý Jolinston. ýý ý ý i , 1 . '.., 1 1 ý 2nd Charles Ra . ý1CL.1,SS 1 Farley Haldomniid JýeiICy .terson, UxbËitlg, ý .. , iý.ý t'l'O", ý SPeuirheii of pentnImship ; let Miss . 1 . ý 1 ' ý 1 1 - ý Calvin Hal]; Adrnfiiistýatojjs>of Markliani 1 ,ý, Nuiice.-P. Mi. & P. Il. Ral1w Casting, off lier Il lending i3iiiligs - ait ourel SECONI, iIuïq,-Folir entriels. ":r il ý _) ý ý 1>-T Siriclilari 2iiii. Mitis-'il Stiiolilatitl. ý RY. and erocting 'a tu!w ýan,1 iiidepentiulat untý Pirst Prizo. 1VfIIýaIIi Ilooptir, . .,ý,_" . , ____ý__ý estate Hua affectai rlghfsý and a Calf bizin-lst ,Parrish & Patterson ; ' lVAter-doloretl painting ; lst Miss M Ad Infitistrators N otke.-,I. E' . ý . Said PIIRnE Alli-ý-DkI-14Lt. >tlffli Farewell', fantility où this Mille' of il)@ AtlantiaI Second (Io. Jüllo 1,00. 1 1 1ý ý __ ý_ ---,_ý ý__ - and gur-nalgri adtIrÉEses sud 2ild, C Ilaniiýerl- ,. . ý Stricliantl,.,2na Miss'M 1,1 Lyiide, Bia 11olicitoir. 1 .1 We regret thât ÜDY FRPOr, %vlRtoyer Ils : Thiril do. 11,tlIýK 13cii ýý , 1 _ý __ -, - 5 - -1- the full liartieulars of tlicir'cin ... - __ Si Teain harness-Ist Mr 'Morris, ý Miss N Stl.fc]iland. É - 1 ý - . eifer'Strayed.--l-,. Stoplionson. lenuin.-s,.sliould bc farina advocatin ýý_ý - ý tý ý_ý ý - ý ý - - in 1 1 ,onirth d , 'IliOIIJRýl ýlay- ý 1 ý1'i 1 - - - - ý - - -, - eut of their liebcititits afid lit g fille r - .- - ' , - .z - - _-:ý ý__ ý ,,ý. ý l, Pair terni couaýrEý.-lAt Mtý Morris, i - Cil colored painting; lait ,Miss S Chickens for Sale.-M Matthows. coiirkri. Not.that WC le :l lige ilbove Class ware the . - ý ý';'ý 1 _ý - __ __ - the sotairities (if Ittiy) liai lLOCI lining Iskil1j recoinnueladed, ; - Strayei McCroh . ý . 1 RYPur, Contempor.* , The indt-es ý l ý_ . - ,_ . ý - -, ý 1 ,a by ý Strickland, 2iid À Barrett, ara, Miss ary will Ètiécoed in his object. of ehI saine as t1les, in the first.elass nien. ý - - -Ili , - - , __ý -1 ý initne4iatelý,aflël'tliesni(l èIý 1üll, vec.omineil(Icid, ý . i Ly»qJë. 1 ý Milk 1 Milli I-Davia lirown. eýý -,- ý__ - 1 ý- , 1 1, -_ _. 1 ý Jallunry, lits asrvtm of the c gAC111 1 NE$ AND FARM, lIrPLMIENTS Crystal. P[Lilitiiig; lot Mis.q M strick- . WC Juive DO anticiPation. But siieh a Jioo EXTIJA-CLASS jNII'Ný-8iX enIrieg- ýý_ - - - ý Il . __ 1 ... - Gaia lýllShç Slieba 1-Ihili, will b ,,, ci :5zý .. 17----- làrk ta ,eue in. First Pli lIobel't jý,llgt'El, ýz - ,-,---- 1- ailiong the viiii enti leâthe lan n a S trickland. faction is caleillateil té f " 4, ý2 a Mis ý Sixtli Animal Sale of Thoratisti 0 . *Otber rosir i ý1__ 11ý - -- Puinp, ist George Gerow, jury in Cets. IL Aeyves ta k,,P Socorýti il,). George Minty- ýýf refèrelice Offly ta thé elaingÉ ai 1 - 1 ý%'Itsliin- machine, lst Wni'ilatthew. ' Crayon, agi ; ist Mili litrici stock, the property of Jci Miller, Tliiýqtle alive a iiiisellievous feeling, algreadyr fur lie. l1oli liziteiiff. t___- -ý,ýý 1 1 _ 1ý 1 ý y ý . __ - 7 -eýý 1 ý, soli; 211(l , land, .2nd Misa M L falle, Brd Miss N ,Ra', Brougham, on Thfi gday, ,23e 'toc, Third - -_ ý1ý ; l tice.4iali linve-boen furnislied rhois Gibbons, -Il Octo evalent Olt il allier sida Of the hnil, Pourth do. 'Vil(,Ulns BlaigtliIlin. -_ - ,ý 1 . Il ministrators, as aliove',Zeqilil uricxm Pr - - --,, ý 1 ý ' S' na. 'r Pigne Plank ; lot Stelillen Po . bar, 173-L. Fuh-I)anks,,:Jr., Auctioncer. Haine ,-, - - ý ý il 0 ý 1 Il snid Àdininistrütcre, ce .eitl Palinel Door ; lot Stoplien 1, ,i ý Exteffrupive Credit salé of Sliort-Ilorn scrupulons politicians and senanti' ýi FANCY DEPARTMENT. 1 ý alla ta stratigtliiii the bands of celi Ille, The Jadji in tilis chi %%'ueû Ille ý ýý_ iiiý ý, i ,ý ý ýý, , l l) ' ?If ý sliall net bel Illible for flic Hg ý 1 as those, in sucolli, , mal), __ 1, ýý - ri,, ,ý l ý 1 1 va]-t'tliet-eof, tri Huy pergoni)f '%Vindow sasli ; Jet Stephen Powell Qlailteil Quilt ; lst 'Miss N Strickland oui' -ý- ýi ii ),-T,ýF Vi ý . ý ;ýý - 1 ý .li 1 ' Cýr ,,, à ; 1 ', 1 ,ý ci filialLuoit, liavâ beau rocei '1ýý'în(loýv blinds ; Jet Steplien, Powell, ;. (special,) 2nd Mrs A 1-1 Fonnol, 8rd cattles COILIVWold ellacP, ý&C-, the PrOPortY newspaper mou, who arc always 01, the tIffli 111.0gV eLAISS. -ý 1 ý 1 1 ý1ý ý, 1 ý ý Il ,., , 1 of mestirs. Birrell Gala Johnrton, Green- qui vive te cateli the faintest noie ai dis. ýJ 1 ýý1ý,ý ý 1 - , 11, Is T W Loinoreux, ' . Miss ligt Strickland, 4th Mrs Thompson. First prizo Johu Locke. Il 1 1 ý 1 , ,,ý , : ý ýý "Il , y ý or th Ir ânill Solicitor. nt the Il . Strîcklai 1*00d, on Iriday, October 24tli, '71J.-L. satisfaction, and ta proclainut fur aud wid, T. G. Iii Il ýý Il ý ý lion. Floo ng galadinoulding Second du. ,\ ,, ý- , , 1 , l, ri - ;ý lot Steplien ý Picec work ; lot Miss. Ilil ý , , 1 ,4 ,"",, ,,ý, 1 A hidebteil ta the Owen, i 2 Fairbanks, Jgi Auctioiieorý that morgarebial. Power on this continent Thini do. JÏtiward Luui l ,ý ý , , ,,, 1 ', ý1f, 1 1,ý ý -Il, 1 ', 1 * W e ý1,1> 1 1 il foigillatio IL -ange tiie p ùd Miss B 1-Iubbard, Brd Mrii 0 Noie- ,ý ý ý, ', -. . ý .. , 1 tire ëqtiired ta Lui , .', , st John waaer. Auction Sale of Farm Stock, lui lis topplilig, and lits Can \ 1ý -, 1 ý ý ý. i EXTIZAýL'I-%I'S lioYS--l'itSt Pr'Zo John 1 ý, ýý - 1 ý, 8pocilnen of Elivotrogri li ans About illa :"ý, _ý -2ý., ' ý ý :-ýý , ý ', ý ,ý , ý 1 1 1VViLl ,ý r ,'- - , I' 1 ý;'/ 1, eitlleË with Ille sali, . , ý\ 1 ý 1_ ,ý 1-1 ý1 rarfor, l RIi lied enver; lot Mliss lit Strick. ments, &a., the property of JIII.. Willia th W themselves into thé ornas ci - the Stocks. ,,, l ý 1 , ' , ý , ýýik,,, 1 'Il Fali Wi -Or the ORIII Àdf4inis Plongli of ali kind ; Ist Daniel For- j land, 2nd Mris W Millier, Srd Miss M BInfachard, on lot 12, Brai Front, pick- Great ]Republic." It disco 1 - ýý: ;_ "; -ý " , laragee 'i'nd 1 Dovniiý FTr.itc)iv.-Plrst prize, James ,\ ý11 ý ",,ý", , ', 4e Dittod Nt Whitby, Stil Oct., ýý , . ýý, ', 1 ý , '1ý ý _ 1 1 ï 1, 11, syth, 2ild Gli Wilkinson ý Li alcools the reluits of our truc friends ' ' 1 - 1 ý : -, - , ", ý , , ý ', ring, On Monday, OctI 20, '7.*4.-L,,vi WC l'a do. jameil Ný'alliii-. ý ', ý_,ý'-ýý ý ý 1 ' -:1, ý .'," ý, - ý- ýM_ ',,,;ý' 4 1 JOHN Ei PAÉ , , , , ý Gang Plough ; lot T 0 Roasini, 1 White sprend , lst Miss J somerville, C -col- , 1 1 ý , ý -- ý , 1 1,1lý<,ýý',,ý Britain, and of course invigorattes .ait a i'-'ý 1 JeuRý11:ý"";,di",ý: ý ý ýý "-ý" ý,_1 _ ý ý , ,-ý,k'1 Iron harrows; Jet N B Allin, 2ud J i 2na Miss M Lyni Fairbanks, Jgi Anctioneer. ý, clect fur tho enýiiiiig 3 _,ýý__, ý 1 , ,:,ý, ', ý "ýý;1ý1, , ý 49-5in Solicitor for the Adj . . 1 , ,,ý"; 1 creases those of their oppoutrits in a ror- 1 ' , : ý 1 ',', IV Virtue, 1 Log cabiii quilt; lst Mise A John- Credit Sale of Farin Stcck, Implements, , are as Il ýI -James 8tochs, Prei ; 1 1 1 1 ý , ýý - - ,ý, il(IspoildiDg degrce. 1 - 1 l , ', Faiiiiiii- mill; Ist A & W'M'ilson 1 ston, gnd Miss S Strickland, $rd Miss &a., on lot 89, 6th concession of Il 11ILI , 1 John 11IýIviIel), Secretary ; John Sniitli, 1 , Ill'.PBY & P. P. ËAM ý 21id D Forsyth, 1 1 'Mary Somer-.ille. two miles froin Brooklin, et Tiieslý%,i,, Oeil. Canada lins are now suffereil frcm these Treasurer; All;n Sinith, Ilichard 1laii G. 'IV. ýlcMULIt!4, W . Double Tugi Drill ; Ist James 1 ebtleman's shirt ; lot C J Ferrier, 28th, '73, the property of ili Charles illusions. The object of the Amati in joli, ý C J B Burk g, ý 1 n 1%111ClzIuzie, Peter N Ii .101111 - __ -..-- _ - ý . - __ - ý . - ___ - -, - .ý ýý - __ ý ý - ýý - ý -101i Cla repealiug the Reciprocity Treuty, i ié Weil ___ .#011, 2.ý . Stevanson.ýL, Fairbanks. Jr., Aucl 13111i Huit gjeorge Iloberts, I)irecLor8ý ý . ý1 ý ý 1 Ilorse-shoes, caiiik-oa; ist A mar- Flincy IÇnittiiig , 1 st Miss S Strick- . known, was not alerte a pettisli tt'sire ta EAST IV.RlTBY COUNCirI ritocEti)z WHITBY MARKET. ... - __ gach, 2nd Kénipthord. & Judi . land. 2nd C J Ferrier, 8rd Miss M 1 .txtenslt,ç Crédit Sale of Paella Eltock, revouge the syngillathy ovinced for the Cou- - _ INGS. . 1 - Soinerville. "Y &O., the Property of mes. Costes, on lot 1, federney in soma quarterg, but ahi Ille ilýlLýlillil lilil('ý(IS, 1),13. - ' IOWKI.Ll ' - TIIROTJOH LINE FROM Ilorse-slioes, uncaulked ; lot ý& Mar a i Reporied wbekly fdr the atsnTr,,by Illn. Hii . * gacIi, I.Ynd. Keniptliorn & Judd, Crochet work; lot MiS8 M strick- in the 4th eoncessio; ICI of l'ickering, on Fll' liape that sueli a coursý igigbt bc inâtru- - COLUMIIIIS, OCtI liai, 1872. ; 1 Illa Stravv clatter ; lot A Fleury, 2jail J lui 2nd Miss S. do. 8rd Mis, N. do. day. l7th October, '78.-L. Fairbanks, Jr., mental in forcing us inta àiàue,ýtationI 0 This ,gtliitl( man, m'ho lulI 9;1ini Tlie Cotiiicil met this i morutiers ail ý whittly, oct. 0, l873. POST PERRY, Watson, Aver, . . Enibroidery ; lst Miss 1.1 Strickland, Auctiontier. VII . P ý Priebantin. 'Phe foilowing arc the laiest quota. , ý trust the illusion is ditipelleil by this time, soins siii;ill -notorii Ilý his effusions Pressait, except the Ileuve. Thé Deputy f li LINDSA11, lniniber waggon; lst Pringle ti Moi 2iid Miss N Strisklaiid, Dra C J Ferrier, ý _ _ ____ and that Brother Jonathan bas leurtieil in the Coliiiiiii, of the - mail - ilows- liteve in tlla eliair. 1 Fait Whosi . . . . . . . . . . . IP1.25 L. $1.3f) . Il BOBC&YGEOM til' Communications recclived front tlie 111-04 " Il i %t'haat .... I . , Il . ý . .g, j$l.lb te $1.10 ý Il- jaii, 2nil Sp iglit & Sons, Fancy Notting ; Jet Illise N Strick- that in endiravourim; ta alla a blovv at us palier, g;m, Il lucture ai the .MV(!Ililllics, .gi . . . . 1 ý Il Il 4 .. ...$1,20 to $1.20 ANI) FEMEL (Ille" Buggy ; Jet Henry &_ 'geafcs, 2ild Miss M Stricklailà, Brd Miss S tTl 1 1 p a, lu renlityi recoileil upon ,,[Il,, IIlýjIiIbv. off Ille i of Fri- , vincial Scuretaýy'ti officir, and front tite ý pet.t. ::::.,. . ý .. ll . .. . .. .......1a CL. 211(i Joseph Wilson, « 1) p Il-1pih il o flptt Il his effort lia . adising file, 1131ack Eyeoi du ......... I. 7lie to 80(i . Stiiclirart(I' . 0 ý I:.. .Ibo to 310 Top buggy ; lst, Henil, & Wa es - .- - ___ bituself. Biiteit bâicves u2, nevertlielefis, dity lai elititle'l "Jý,xp(,ricliele f . . , , Ir :ËE gteamer Il ONTAIÎTC, 1 1 ' - --- - ppointiný.iIt of W. E. Yarl)o!d - - ... ý Port Perry êter l, il lIaised berlin work ; let miss M M Si s il ý Il - - 1__ ý - ý t __ . - ý 1 ___ , and P-rida Y Xorua net less cii ta guard, against the 1 P. L. ,13., ý 't' Leuper ; lst BroWn & Patterso - , 1URSDAY, OC slireadof any sintiments, whicli, Ili BolieiiiiIiii." A pi 'fi of tl'.'Iltll)lltl- Lui survey 1 ýlt No, 12 in *13. P. Con T 3" nt Il o'ulo( Movving, machine ; Ist Brown & Pat- 2ud Mrs Thompson, 8rd Mrs Il TI T. 16th, 1871 . ciri arouil t il, Olt motion of 'Ilir. Lick, Mrs. Ilîtit](ýtt 1ýEW ADVEli-TIBle-,%LENTS. the arriý,aI of the inoining ter-,on, , Flat berlin work ; lot àliss B Thomp- -------------- titionfaiseillifiressions, clin olily lie Pire. bill, libi * I il ow ý Whiliby, whiéli connecta did, not avolist? Very gri tjxll(-ý,tigtio addresised flic Couticill respi obstrue- - -- - . - -- wit] Cutter ; lot Joseph NVilson ; gud 6 lui of evil ta ail concerried. Il was Il T ain frorn the Eakt, and 1 1 011. (spi gnd IgIrs L Mackie, Srd . W. & P. P. R-lILWAY. -'à within il,. Iliic being tl'o iiiiiiil. ; - ý - Lot No. 14, il) thc 1JA11LES MATTIIEWS, JRý willes, p , the prevalgence of Calai idoas as the Stiii : I,,ý, ý Lions on Gw rosi across c ffoni Toronto, an the Grand Ttiriiip Slicer; lst J W Virtue, 2nd Ili Deverell, 4tli Mrs À waddle. - course would tester, thaï, in ail ptobtLbility tellilits (loul ýi Iluir olitt') Ili vvit J 81,1'li ,,fort. Vvay, arriving in Lilillavy lit 81 John watson, Ornemental noedle work ; ist Miss lN BR C)U O HAM . 130beaygeon, ait a Ji. in. î Foule We are Pleasea te finl that the p- ,Iuifirn,ý,l Llio Fvliîaii O'Neill in Ilis rose. lapon it tl I,1lý;ic ont, fancy. Ii 1 ý , lovcd 1 % MÉ. Luka, soç.onlcl 1,Y ýil.- Miss M Strickland, W. lit P. P. Railway havll already given Intion te malle Canaja the ý 1 ý ii that the Clork bu inýtni(-,tal Il ,lis on ]land a quantily 8ewing machines ; Jet Janies'iom.' N Strieldand, 2nd scelle of Iiis foa, Fi se,ýftil,ý, , ý 0, . f laEt years elifýli. 7, p..in. Id lit(, il.11 (,ceýIIiL,(I IYI, tl) lirtily r (If IligliýN'ýIV for . OR, ct)lýsistiiig ef Braillons, liglit; Par- Ill'TtliINiNg.-Leavc.,q Irentl liii.,on,211(1 IL 1-lanoy, Brd Miss S Strickland. notice of application ta ibe Legislation lavviesi in 18ew. And IL wau oilly by audience, lli,,,t (Il, mlloni ;:11 cart, fil Il,,! 0versce . Uidge Cochins durk ; colocil Ilontla TiVsday, Tlluii alla soit lý'xtra.q-recommended-Diiil cultiva- Artificial Flowers ; lot Miss J Bcon, of Ontario for powers il, extend, theïr the livoë of some of the bravest sous Kilo Division .',ý;, ilint lie f.i-tiIýitli reinovo ail ulud I)oi-iiiiigi;, 01 lits parera, breedm, whinG tue, J.IW. Vir tue ; Parlait lieu, J. D. rat- elui )I-iý\ "I-eure idi ali to eh a. lit., arriving at Lodsay lit k ton, Markliara. 2ril Mria J B Bark, 8rd Mm A JI Feii- mail in three different (i.i-ectioiis, viz.: convinced the desperadoes and t1icir . tho i I)bstl-lieliý,11 ll«jln the rond ceross liot Il, lit, offers fer sale chenpý Hl Port Perry in tires ta Colin . . subject of ili'. I(ýcIIIre. soli, vve hourd i in il" 8(l, (',,,,,,"i",. Cllii-iI-.1. 'Brougham, Ort. 15th '73. 50 Train connecting vi the 6 - tben, that the attaclimel t (If, . ,, recommended.-Belt SawIng ucl- 'Io Lai Simeoe, at or i.l-ar Bcaverton, "YmPathisor% Highly lier peoldo te the land and the institutio 18, siiriiiisiii,-,, lillir - J14,11(,Illillllî ', loi Mr. 'iýlotll(,ISill gave tl(,tict! Voit lie Wollid ---- __ ___ -------- - ----- __ - Rail way mixed goirig tïeàit, in Machine, J. W. ýlaegt-egor; Spring Wag- (ase stuffed biras ; ist F Green. and thence te Georgiaii 13iiv. Ta Ux- n 'Il T RAYEL) Olt STOLEN, Express goilig East. goiz, Pringle & Germain, Markliain. bridge ta Lindsay .ad 'thence to u der wbieli they have flI)IIrislied, is qlliié,' the ilillighitliiii, of 1;"Ilfilriit; otlivrs 1 at lit. lit \t meeting, of Ille Coliiiiiýil ii 'S Froin Toyonto ta Bobuaygêi DOMESTIC MXN UFACTURES. 1 Fincy basket ; Ist Ili Thompson, as strong novii as wlien the ni follovvea were Colitf ni %. il!, ,0IIIt-ý,,iIIg t1ilt. tlieý. 1 t1ýuce a li.,,-1,tw to itrr-itige ilie ToI%ý1iýiiil, - 1. fi, Lindsay ......... 1712ivil Plaiiiiel ; lot Edwin Cliff; Qnt? Miss N Stricidand. Fenelon Falls. . . Broch up Quoeiiston Heiglits in 181,2. Etail net Ille I'Li.gIItuýt ill'a (if ilit, lui - - ýý (i"ILu FeýlI""I P. citions. Alla 01, Iliotion flic Stri or Ii fi-oui the pileniisi of W.hilby tôý. tiridRn.) ... ..... > ... [ Ili content to ý elli Nva, ,!irertod Il, l'lit tlio leciIr,,,,,,. Ille .,tilj.,ti-ilti-, lot 9, Broken FitI;,I, Pick. ];"),O.Iygef 2jid )Irs Il Il Spencer, Polir mat ; lot Miss E Botts, 2nd We have no doulit I,ýýt that manuel- Mi should il, bc othervvie in fact, ai,' ing 01 tlj, I(ýI 111. ujIý O liotio,,ý in the, Vindicafô). and Re.f(?rglir . r erIng, a T%% o-year Old Ileifer, liglit rotin, Miýs J Parker. Il palities througli wliioli i1ise extensions why shotill %va wisli ta lie iiidepeildentý? aWR1 tIIL' 111-1,111-I'S qlatiation. All 1 . Tliroligli 'rîcIIets can lie Toit yards full-cloth, lionie-inade ; Jet ý lit jui NN'itii black. T. AIl Turouto. Mi-4 fsi Palmer, 2ntl Mrs T Bonnet, Fancy picture frame ; lst Miss Bette, May pass will affaira libral aid by way Would thatimprove car situation ? Are , ll(i%%IslIilg'lý. . 1 COIýieCtIar(- vlo set lit I-eýt 1) 1 ý on Illutilli of Illir. Lick, ýVr .T. i , suel, infoi Brd Charles Lynde. of bonus ta an enterprist . wiliell, mi we at present dergied, excetit through otik 1 Y the Il ). Aity peii givint, -million as Lý' Througli Fi-eiglitA ni Teu yards full-eloth, factory-matle ; 2ntl Itre Thompson. . pengrallec o! ýliIIIIIeI, mllo, wellpili, ou ý was applirted te salivii will leild tu lici, recovery will lie ôuitably Fur terme, &o., HP ý fdy tu, the g l'IL Edwili Cliff, Fait woolen licol. ; 1 si Mrs J Z Card. its proscrit; sniall propli-tions, bas own ingstrunientality, any pli well ý ,tiil,;ll golf l,, i ilit tige ,.(ýijjjjini tù%li Any information tan lie obti To'n yards Satinett, factory-made ; Case artificial wax fruit or flowers ; already donc wonders iii openiiIg al) 1 regulateil liberty clin deLnaud ? would the I)Ittti«.,I-iýi. il lated IL l 1 lu- of the ru;'d, und ta fill in, if lit et ssili-,y, a i 50-2in B, B. RIMBALL, JAS. E lst Ltlwin Cliff, lst (' J Ferrier, 2nd Mrs C N litie-5 taxes lie lighter ne a dependency Of ipnrgoboafbeloiI i,ý , - t l 1 ., i , i i , c (, i. , , i , i ,, t 1 1"DýION'l) STLP1JEXý,0N. laying ta eiswander. the northern townships. le ordi j tll")gerot" g)-avel pit il) the Eltsteiu Towil- P clorring, Oct. i.5tlI, 173. sup'l. Irf(l ý Ille Mother Land ? m-iffi ail Dur diPlOnilitie ,ý_1,-s lit loi, o ellcjý. iloJ tileil j Hri ,,1,1),-.5ite Lot 1, in th, :',i-1 i - _ - _ - --- -_ --- - - - Ton virils ofttinett, home-made ; Jet FiLriri wreath ; Ist Mrs A Cole, giving ait' to il road Sac]' j"' th's Dow Il Our ý ]JE Port IIi agi Port Perry Rnil- Septelliber 9, 1878. Cloiji I-ý.Viitle, scrvice rendered us frec as a sopirate PrOcûcfl(-,l il, -plitili Ille titl". i'f Ili, ý Olt Ili, tioll, ille following lic "Int, Ilfllü r 'l'en yftrils tweed, home-made ; Ist 2nd J Train. is-with a Company ai i(I hack whieh 1 gaationality %vith a wlicile ariny of furCigý lecture. 1 Orduli tu il, liaid : --Of (i,ýl.. Thol I il Ili Ivay Conipiii %;ill Li tu tho Logis- - - ý __ - ---- - __ Titttitig ; lst Miss N Strickland ; 2nd for financial strength is >itrpitsse(l ý 1 -riIN'elliti" ,lit the %voti ,s2ý) .ý),-, ; 'f Il. litture of oliti lit its next 4ý.,Filil, loir ('li:ii-les'Lytý-ýle, l'Y ý attibassadors, plenipotentaries and iLinis- This lit i I%.Ls t1i', winil, giv( il I)N , nit Act iiiiiiý?j(iiii- Toit vari White Flannel, Ist Chas Mis., E L Bütts. liolle in the colintli 'lire to gel a 1 lors e£traor(liuaily ta support? ý \Villiltlllý,,tl>1- I-cli,!f(,fl. 11jiNi.ý. ilillii ' 1 Iý it the Pi l'f iralit-v to Ille gl'illl," , -.gl ; (IL Inid L'l"ti;,ýtily, patIscli in Ille tiiiitvfirrt Lyll'h., 21111 Thoinas Cliiiiii, ,ý P. lLri,-ýr, gravellii <,il lllIll,, .1ý:;ý3- 1 . Eair wreath; Ist Miss T J Britain, sftfü and speedy returu Iý,r their ont- ! cheaper ta liave our marine offectually pro, Flannel ; 1 'N'IL i ;Jlý,II( Ill'It collnir ' yellr ,;d lier Mai Roign, Poil tige Tou vards colored, oir Plaid 2ntl -Vris A Cole. Iliy ivilliolit ilicurrilig IL., danger of ý Laetoli, and our country restinI, in seci 1 Ly 0 Wali V wi'll , 'If Ji. A. fi. lýii-Niiig, iur iiýiii.;. fw , 1,.; .,; Milvel 1 Acts iiiiiending the soute, IIIIAIIi in und ' 1% in. liill,, puttin,> op a J, isco (,fi fîîéiicüe Ille tliiýty.st-e,»Iýitliii-iý,-tl-)il.ýi, filit ty-fofirth (1jarles Lynde, 2nd Thornas Chilon, Olioliiau ; Ist Mrs James Russell. (Inlay, litigation and eXIl,?lýv whiell i-3 1 raider the prestige 01 Ille wol-Ili's grfla, st no de!iiiiý,. gýi. ýt il, ,,il ,,IlIi ,ý,qIe ' ý ý . 1 1 11AVM NI'oi carpet, home-iliatle; ist Mys or ta )lave it ý,ul,.ittcted tu l'Il lie in Ligne vol, ul 1, itl'Ill;l,,i tu tliý,,e illen i sireIýt, s'tl 75. alui tllit-%.Iilili yenre of Iler .,%11,jsty's C Wilsoil, Fiiiiey ivorh-box ; Ist Miss N Strick- alwayG more or less'ille loij of new coin- ý navy, Eag carpet ; lst Ili H H Batts, 2nd 1 panies. petty humiliation, and fût-bly illainoi cd- m'l'O PîLî!- 1 a I'ncýIli(,Ii livill', l)ýv ý The ('laieil dieu nl.il.111,ýll to Il(,Ilýl:tý . . .... Iý1,o, I'v i the n'one 0 ý f LI" (!"Iýn. 1 . - illiv. nuit 1,Iý%iviii et pttssel in Ille Llorty. land. 2nd, NIrs A Morgan. by the sci povvers a struggling pel pIeý writiilg flj, Ilc lu-li mul il, %Nli(IIII, 'ý 3i'd d;iý- la 'ý0VCIIIlL.r, i fil ou'It ai tVII 'i l',lir oftlie Aq sections jiiaubi two . A CONTRAS Il of four miliii could, wiLli a great ý,,î1 , ý l. f . o Or.-Z. fI.:IIý 1 ý,c, rit yvar of 11(t ÀN[ujIsiy»r Jýl-îgn ail.] i Mi Il. Millie, 3rd Mrs Il (jould. Zi Flowergi ; Ist Miss Mai - . 1 l- Pour Mali ; litit Mrs E Bari ; ' ý . front tli,,ý 3il1;.;ýII_ <":,l.c.llliltll'l,2 1U. ý rIIfLIlI,ýe.I Si',ii-,, algi gI'(!Iil'I'q foigirlbered 1 rotIND % Fancy table igaat; Lit Mrs L Mackie. almost hostile rival as a iieiglilotii-, bill ý of li fil, 1 1: 1'l'ui ____ -_ . 2iul CLgirILIi Lyncle, l3ril Mrs. 0. 1ýeis- , türin wai jltýýýilli:IIlý IIlll'iý- ("ll., tuu. i .I-1 17-il, .1 il,. A'Il t'.l-,.<] il il udgi 2nù 0 ý Ferrier. - straws show v-hlcýh way the lvind ta bear for ils defence. And even (Leu cable. fir-flielit 'l liiist, - Il . ýi J. B. r t'.11llis ai il. J.Ii (;:l11,ý*ý'. iigI;ýefIirl p.ar of l'Pr 11I1it.iùýi 1 pair lionie-uioÀle blankets; Ibt Chas Child's dress ; Ist Mrs J Z Card, 2ud blows.', ý the dreaut were tenFll)lo. coula i4 last ? 'l * J;iý,,llilin, foi 81 pu, dozil, a., Ill, ii- ,I,1.I LI, i-I, l'illi ClIlilt,,i-l-ll filly-six, l'y 'ýeivilig li.iv ý United Iiti dûsire CanrIgla. liat , ele,ý,ilntl.%- (,\Il.es,ý,,] il, val-i'd tlivir to ll-ave Lrnl -, 1,1 N,,,ý.Il,],l,1 Il' 't ý L' 'l ,,IN. pl',% ('je Lu ixt.ýIIgI their [t;Iil%, il%, j Lýýiid(,. Miss E Barcley. So says thé Mail, Iiiid so we Gay, and VI . - -11 Il fýi,,,,I-,Ib:o.ol'l""I:!Iitý' t'; "I f ilu 't ,,,, l, l , - - ni, - Il("L%,L .t.,T), ouýI ý Il il P, ý no JOVIIIIZi 1 IIIIIIIiS, alul lit )tý,l fit L'Ii11lýl1'«. sillivo'.. lit ol lu .l Cci liglit ; lot Chas Lyndc, torio S. whether agiell a ivisli S W , lýllin-. ,fý,v'-1I ùIld fIi,!,-Iý. 1 L. I., y t ', 1, 1 1 1 1, 1 a 1 ý Vit il ci I to U N 1, rid -P, it nd il 1, rit il v 1 I , f2iitl Joseph Greig, 8rd 31rs. W. Hub- Lagi morning dress ; Ist Mrs E are very lunch confirilictl in that (yliii- or net concelus lis nul. The faut, 111 wev , 111111w Llivia i plori, ind iiiore Ille 'l'lit IN lit niuliiii Pil fogilll Il I fiýI ý'I pi. Il 1 Tllornton, 2nd Miss E L Betts. ion by consiglering the folloWiiig:-A U - . il iiýilI Port Pl rry lu liidjiy, amI t1worc Il, , 1 ý1, lit Itl.,- ,1.! ;,ýfi,'ý],.lv,,ij,,Iiý,ý.ý),% týl'il.éý('il, F l il(, oil ].,,i11N. w iflI l'il oxt"ljýýioil or ti'.., 1 baril. is undisplitell. Front %vliat vve have ce !,ill'it-,ý of the Ili Wl1*1lt. Attl'r Ii,ý,,.Il, fi'l. tili ', - ;,ý .. 'l"I. Ladies' bonnet ; 18t Mm E Thorn- short tirricago we fiii IL t lie manager of t liait of lier actioliI ,Vit eau judge she Ivoulil ý Uý 1119 tl",'-s filr, .IiiýI;11(,] iIJ'I'Lýý,I.lýýl Il, ,I1,,ýý- I tio (."Itllll(ýý,eI.lll(,IIt loid VOII)jll,,ti,,,i ('ovù-rIiIsý licavy ; lst Joseph G reig, i 1. . . viô- All,,i ... , ,, ,;, 1 il il il,, s ,,,, ,, tIf. IV li 1, 1- %V (tr ta la ke n'l'lit luttai la ilils fyinè, lier am ] ýi- ha. , llone -., i,,,'i ilium , for t lie ri (S Il t ', tý:,, r, fi -a, il I ý - - (ili1ý,ýi li]-ll'li ill, :'f 2ind (')lits 1,ý-nde, srd Jas Richardson. i ton- wonderfully respectable Journal travel- bc very scruptilouI il] satis 1 ' lii),],;t%, F, i)l-1,;n Falls alla (IxiriIl,,,,, ' I)L,ýULe Sleigli robe ; ist Chas Ramier. ; Fancy leather work ; Jet Miss Mary lilig the country lit connection willi a tien. Let us groi lits Caliatiii wou [il fil,. lecture Nois IL i of Ii alui ', l'ý-il-gggII,- i,ýI l4l pli. -- il. 'l r 1'to Iý11 1)1101'd's Plaill ; lqt Chas T'Yri , Strioldand, 2nd J Z Card. race horse ; a siliall straw mi Iloints (10, Lis wc beliIýN'e tlIcY wOIIld de, il, I ý %I'liý,. Il. 'l'% 1 r. tl1-otllý..t i C',l,,,Ii-I"%, Inliv ho ëi t . 1 Chatham said : & 1 aii3 tliiiic but bulles i -;iI-iiine anecdot" %%-ILicit coguliloily - t 0,1.>l,,tl Il li ("ý!,ilTl,111,,d Iiý, l ii,- jl.."% , I(!"f,. llýI("Int.,Vfl.il 1 l"111 IjgýIe),ý-1 l'air wooleil stochiligs .. lst Miss J 1 cloligs. j ý ,,.,,l i lie audience. ait(] vvure, froiji thoir __ - ----- l Braiding ; lst Miss M Strickland, ont the frateriiity to whicli lie 1) 111 ý IlNa 1, , IýI.I lr.;I"litti.--fýl.ýt ('I-,Iývi.1,lll."t t', Ille (1,ý(,rginti Iiay, fitottIt . 211(i Mrs Alex ilorgitil. i . poil ere O, t y' Our parts o vI i fil) Woolen soclis ; Ist Miss Dently, 2nd 1 21la Miss N. do. Agaili, we sec in tiol Globe a 1()Ijg ,ta- bilities,*' rtiil the riglit trutil would ài Il 'l"Ilire, iiiiiiitelligible to pi Ill'i ', f- ý k M r. 1) r i;ý . 1 1 il ý p il Ili 1 S y., 'MiSI Neiswalider. i Sofa Pillow ; lst, mrs J Z Card, 2nd vertisernent of un illiportalit sillit of that they ' lire furty lugi alla WC b IL .', Illailiteil Witli Ille daties of ii(,%%,- dent ,d flic \ll, , .,i l',Iýgi-lýl, (.jji i ývI>1,, ,villi l'o'I t I. Io si'fil (")rllpally tu I)IIII'i ' Cotton socks ; lst IlIrs Alex Morgan. l Miss B Annis. Short-horils, the prolierty of the Lion. four. ;ýýill(Ir vlitors. The vecitation of il ýýIi-.N Iini ',iýi-,.ýýitil(,A,,fllf-ý-,,ýt'.1 ý ;%%,,,,ot' mure IlrAi frolil sonne point of ' ý Noit le net iaidepende,,Pe thât Cali F Itild .ýIý. .1. .\. FI-a.,, l , ý ,tll:iii .% J.,I. Il ou Cotton stock-iiigs ; Ist Miss M M 1 Ladies' luiglit dress ; ist Miss E L George Browil, iuainii of that papier, desire, Ail tlicy Jeui is te be quiet y -111 descriptive of tlte 11-4,11illes as,ýi, ýý . ,,>iIts Il- Culgilogny's 1,,lil%%-ItywitlIiti ý ý 1':Llllolýl IýI1ouI V- 111l'J'Illn, .M l','I'jI'IlliýlýI ' 'lie ("'1.1,l.1.ltti,,Ii Ili the Town Of Ili lit 1 L.rivie, 2i Mrs H Il Bette. 13etts, 2nd Miss M Lynde. whicil is ali a stralv of no s'jailli IIIF19- allowed ta %vork Out lit. (lui LI), ý ý ý, ,J et cotintry ellilor frouglit lit,, , 'li,,iý>,]lI and ', lýj;i,,ý ('l f1w '1',,I,,grtjlI lýr Illai 1'l'.ý(IlitliI-1-1.ý- t,,,IiIitillýRtIsliritotli. 1- ' CAN GET M'oolLýil rrrits ; ilit liijiss Neiswander, Braided Tilly ; Jet Mrs L lýlackie, latitude sud points Ont the posâtimi beliève IL la theirs tu aullieve, Ligie Illestil ý ,.Iltt-]-Igtiuineiit ', tO 41 i 1 c Illlogi ill ýIlill ClIVII II-fi allai, the %vni ý 2iid M rs 1-1 )Il Thom as. 1 ollilI;Ilýý, el) Il.] i. li Ih, blintin, ( .ýl,,-,!i- ofL»k,ý 4)rilIIi-il,,nlil .lit tu rfiKh lý'ý-tti, ; ý 2iid Mrs E J Thortaton. whicil lie h,)1(18 in the coiniiiiiiiitv. mirrored in their bruita and noble lake ý '1ýilct ý%IloIe affair is tii Ileili ! il, 2 skeins yarli, (faci lot Edwin , ý 1 joli IvIlil-Il tJ,ý i -t OIi ,11 gligt ,- : ,ýýitli 1 ,,iIl-r tu Iii alliiii,)tiiil litu(lgl(, ùu: ' clifr. BWded skirt ; lst Miss E 'Wilson. Honest render consider for yourself th, destiny tliat il; iui by their vil IL ,iiiciýin, an(I hall the 1,i 1,ý,ýIl 1 cil Ili, (»Vl-n 1 11ili v( . g, il Ii tlfy ,N"llt ,-ýt')ýt il[ lvecoty ocres, nt or neai, such varil, (horne-nni lst Mrs Bead worli ; lsý Miss N Siricklaild, wilici, is the ingost (1,sirable mou for internai resources ; the tliýstiLiy tliat il .1 d ,ül. - 11111AEP l,,, of Ille class Wlio regillai-l', iii\;[ýi" to Nurth N'i,.t,,ý I, , ,oui J'a y fil).. gillnt 1'l'l'n'ýlie,ý Ii 1.7 givii il ILailway Ili 1- Il M Thoin * uIl ý 2nil Miss Detts. ý Collutli agit, the Illost deIývrviog of ni Lut Lime, iliusclectand energy , il tovvils durili', ille vvijIglýI- )11"11tli,. .1, 1 lui ow lýlIlýe, '. t 1, litillirvi ld dIý,tIu!t 2ild C'lias lýVilde. tlgis Iýý ],,I"'ý 1,11y llr Itriv parts of li r;tiilv,,,, ; 8u 's, Ii ; lait, Nlrs B Mihir, ni ail accouillislg(-(l 1. . Alla 8IÀouIdý, . ý ,,ý"'Tirl-tl-,l vviLli Ili. ("(,:Iri)jIny's liii?,vnç, Il io. ork ; lot Misti E Aunis, 2gad your supp' ý IV, ý,ýlloIilui have passe-1 Iiiiii Ir- %\il li'.1it II,ýitI, (if ,)Iiiid, ,, i.,ýýtlýlilýll 1.3, c;ttll,,ýel ni f.ýr 1-w, r lu flic ýl,,,.-,],,Alir,,l tofix IýN 211Il Illiss J solll£rVÛIL" 3rd Mzabli 1 Eulstic W )rt und Confidence. a change ni oui relations conte, Ive tru4 Il r Li 1.-,.Iii%%, il'e Ili,111li, fln"lif-icititn Cou] (Il 1 -- -_ , , i ive. As, however, Ili', 'Ili, -Il., t".ý"'-']'(;ldl""'N'"'\\"-"l'l'ýýýl'ý' Broivil. i Missi Strickland. PIÇ]iEIII.NG HARBOU11- that su lar front drifting lis away A wie I)-ýî vvere font"[ pleigi l'illu liït%-itlg ' tii ,lflit-c,(-ttrm, and for etlier I)tii-l)u4e'ýI', - 1 Cone bracket ; Jet Miss Doon. ý 1 , -alire Ili il Io,,ý Elllerberry wine : lot ',%frq Alexandei only ilerve ta bina Atill lui cle6ely thé . L.'s second appeiti 1- Il hi! I,ýd by Illu, Ji ývl)ile I)Rrti-ilIgt Dell"Il fil \\']-itlY, - ý ý - Illit - loi,' . _50 wiTU TIIR Robertson, 2iiil Mrs Deverell. « ý Ladies' bat ; Ist Mrs E Thoruton. We are glad te, lie aille te luminance links in flic Chaut of L Igloo, whicIl Il -le, we think it ont .ý' il> offil, I,,,d titu-lis ,ivoire tu be mot for t1il- i . thi., 9th of 0(-t,,I,ýr, 1.473. 6in Grape wille ; Lit Mrs Win Major, 1 Braided pillow case ; lot Miss E J that there lis fi itiov(ý-iiient in progress. , alroady boa?, Productive of ýo rli goo . littie ti(ivice. Tile fu'u,115 alni vIl - ___ -- --- -- - 2iffl Mrs IL Seek-er. ý\],,ý,,,. 'I',,%vi2sctill and LIvigl l' il -LIIý'i ' t a ý ILU 11EIFEII. , Rasplierry Wine ; lst Un Mary T ! Thornton liaving for itl, Object the plarchase of alla which will leud te 6roattýr rii i 1 ,11, llltel-Cd by the J'ond Ili .. PIIIII.-Il, ' maubl v Ili brook ti-,ýlit, w, ighii front tvo loi-, 2jid W . Abbot. 1 Faucy Quflting; lot Miss N Strick- the above Ilirbotll. from its preseint the years ta conne. IIIIiiiisterial paliei , persons about tO IllaIT . V , 10(ýl)ls Lit ul Il, 1,-ur polluas là 11, the Ili lit the ' Thurii is a Stray Ileifer nt Dennia Me- Ci , i 11illiaril ('aille- better change their Loi soleil Fi tell tu oui. fi il lui, J. B. Il I'IýaI,,, Ieuiling frý lu aud tu thili Iaký bc- ' i pasillio, i dark rod with BEýT AND CIJEAP. _,cri-li, IIIii 1,t Miss ETIgomr- land.. . proprietor- 1 lon. Joliii J, - c iliailly adap ' soli, 211(i Mrs lililliiii. . 1 n shirt ; lot Mrs A Morgan. ron. Mr. Callieroil mill bc nt Pliffin . S issues will net divert fioul ottawn tli4g, ,p, , lui flic largest on lit ii Iliat luive white ï-tai lu fui Wit-il white tailler Carrant wine ; Lit Mrs J GOllId, 211(1 Woole sterii ont] mirelonting cye of Public o i .i IIa., l, Doii't !" alid N-1-el-at il. 1 e, (r b". si cauglit Iý f'li-,, l'y tIgiq iv'rty in lit,, Chio, und IlILS OLe Or tIYO White lügA Mr., PI Miller. 1 Toile set : igit Miss Bette, 2iid Miss Creek on Tiie.4(lIiy lire, 5llst int., in that à Ut present fixed dicte. , ý initel 1,,,riggý'q' 1).13. (1, o lilioli Ii1ý(l ail ailli'tal 1 alul uhau toit. . . floisliburrv Vinnar; ist Miss M Lynde, lý E L Bette. order to receive propoliition for ics hale, - ý ý lolow %vliat those initial, iii,ý-,iil. aiil t'vol, c , ours, MI. %Vllliitil lita Lige glua ' ,ii per».,in owiiing Ille Fgèrno proving ý - 1 ' - ý pr'q', rly und 1,,qyiflg for pastur. and ail- 211(l Ilrs MI' Abbot. 1 Embroii nu nett ; lst Miss Mary and otlIerNviv. (liseti.,, its present siti UNION CII OF t;, le (I('ý_iI l'as àrgýgli ..i lýl"""' 1 fortgouý Il, encouni 1 ' nir %valves' wliiý-li, GROCE RIES, piclibeil Pli ; list .Dira J B Burk, .StrieMand, 2nd 'Illigis S. du. tien. EAST AND Ni N\111'1'IjY. > If ,lvo instantly tlirllsll('-l hil'], t'IV il). Il tIg(ý ready Ose ,,f i-iýý 11allartl Ville lý*('I'P, \Ii Oct. l5tli '73 Iiii-UI, 2mI 31r, IL Fuller. Pair slippers ; 1 glit, C J F, errier ; 2ud - ý ('iltsul) ; ist:,%Irs W Forrester , - ý .Iitllfiel, dieu, about to lecture, vil lir.iij,].% dý..ýpat(-IIý,, 'I'lle býuiity, ci i - ___ - - __ i 2nd - _ýýn annouil- The allove match calliffl off ou Tiie-,,Iay'- ý , - 1)(),,,t Il, Spare lus, J. B. froio ing to ý24, im te 1 l 1, id by .NIr. S. S. Verli, ILK ! INIILK il .J Farine. 1 M, rs JI Z Card. ý Ces in other coltinais that bc lm 110W 1 ý . , 'Ni - -in of .'ýlr. Joint ý;, triul Of listelliii, to aliv maire of iZ.ýüve 'A, Ilitult Il 1. John liariiulil, tire . rel, ; jst Mrs W Major. I Crochet Tidy-lst Miss J. Somer j preparei O the l5th iiist., nt the fat ý 4,0. 211(i C .1 Ful'ini ille ; gnd Miss Nfary Soignerville. 1 t FIIIPPJY Ille Pii Of Ille Camplin, Lot 19, 50) Cou., 1% ;othy, -111. Confoniuled. t,%Vtl(l(lle. 'J'ilki Our _lýiý1e 4u l (liliptillym Il1(ý silccesi;ful sports- Pýeem me-nded-Ladien I)reso-blrg. 1 Town of Wliitl).N, with any quantity of ! The weathar loing fille, il largo nuluil , , '31. i Ig,,,ý. I. of beauti. MR. HIRAM BRO W N, ý li suzar, lst M'in .ýfajor, 1 V - _. . - ý . ý ý - ý . ý ,.\ 10(ý, L,41 back te vour (Ieili, aloi th( l 1 ý 1 1 1.1 . - ý .1 1 .1 . -ý.---- - -_ :ý.,,-I:..ý-Iý. -r Il.- i lice am.1111ted tu *ALE 1,,tANnfm-ls, Ifeveraborm gets 100se. ý tînes With bi$ LOMP. Ilis bùwe 5 protruded, , jutlgpg.-J. Wfir, Scarborongh . J- Y- ýL never look uPOn Ilis IlLe 8 0L il. IILNI FOIZ s )CIL Ofmj- 1 rý kind., (7, ofeach, thi»Z lî4akillg eTtsyoue on the farm grow pritish f(,r thr alxaiiec,- ýiG7-- ai, jý ý-ase in 1 yt'iu*s of 1 sfi F TI al-il W V Richardson. it r«malns %0 Until tiled dnwu'-the whole i and in a few Minutes W died in great: ,If , East 'Výhitby; Donald iM17. %vhiký Iiý, ýý-ojbpr in 4ý72 Icad ri., 0 e," A good firmt-elass Farm U-ony- Brock. sud disorder Dy Cýott e, lý ith ft qiiai-ter of Uri a L erc - , of Scien-e hâVe bfeu di ýýg*3i"g (-'o- 1 2icd Min -a aud Sour terbpered; the cam swPrý 1 INehavýý 1 atta rh tIý -îtiaf,ýd mi Lot -No. 7, Society MEN, OPEN T,, Fý.8qT Aýý; ici its mlatio 1 (->,,y, es, ion of Th-r gr, The BrîtLqh and Foreign Eihle M'Me In the mode of riging 150 AC H ES ing and the outmg Rem*jnb n i that qussti(la in tlli,4 volmtm glid 1 'Ic borse «M quite emfidïl)g uni_ ha- issaed Irm their éc-j-,t in Queen WEST WJiITBVý 1 's, Rn ers the aLd e paýt uuouth 44,- First Prie. David IÎIýAtil- llave, b-nrný-d Cw, tjjý argUmf--ut ai ioc:alitv ;",Sseg, of offcnces il m W am mais. int m t ah "d vîCiew is a Victoria Street during th muady dots tI;ý 1 'n it ougijt 0 ha 0 ecn 1 Well ýifIatPd on the Týingeton fou, ! stable, go-d woll -Ilowed todog thomhome, Md 710 Bibles, 44.7f)4 Teatexuerite, 5416 T liales west of 11,e Town of Wiijtl,%-ý and a CiFtern n the pr.ýwis C' Wi159nýs esta- i SecoLd do- pryàný Fram an C ia, c['ýCuEIent ýjigt iý,-IIsd iLe reg' il 71 s reti fruit trees of all dclwriptinns. Li' àog away &" hm immil tàu". Show. ments sud Fsalos, aud portions, Tliirti do. M. Young. a n w L stotù. 2IId j ît appears t1lai !-t Yý.%v there Wm ut larg(j tah-s no 1) tbe PrivRt n et es% Tliere is Home an man making a total of 121,ffl copies, Dot in. J7eýurfJ% dCý J. Barns. outýbuiIjin,,,, to matell. Fer farther porticulars apply in Lonsism 1,6.s3 h-nýwm tLieves. Thûre Li W L SÉ,fts, were LýfIIq r- civueg eý)lamittefî F, l PýLit-lýllan Mr'j'i'r Kt " Office. ?nd he -1ýý ry ýmGon fillow you the »Mwlrtem, eluding the and cà%,Wated yiý0I doý J. MItz1ýýI C eome er t 0., SAMCEL SNI 'Md ILM ufIiýeIý > '111-1, - e V4 Lab", Out. e. '7ýI. 41Q-4e " tif s?, ru liural, au,

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