Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Gazette, 23 Apr 1868, p. 4

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j' "~ IN THIE Dr. tTc 3r ecitii andiS cd with .ibla8,pu go i~thie RL W. th auns Y p ina- AJ Au<On (hi En ,« baumEl-m te.*lit ome g r.eR-i-thO a kll aid mots. ba-meverti botms dio hed fut 1i tbibard on hifrdkat ~~~s :otb hi mkii Mme uv' the k-ap .t tupray,hbut Moti iv tembhave tho îtik at îwcarîg- the vatir i trwe tWith pou aid kittici -soyeral cook uoted iwim '"ore ith B titeiraStovesa lu thoir teoth-tiy bava tw ,êaw- off the k lat o stop the Stoe '- . Kookuuion-min ire _,,, ilongtcc bnt ii ,,111> tiuianill îperiov daid bco ai 4d celo -Laiàd Playi",A Lifecoon the Oihun Vvc." Ajali trimenjout appliwioc tho tortia fis andthe ha jnceî duerisesingle, île. Lord Cecili at 0OUawA 'l~oi ~Xaaa curîquod t i.Ott.woa Wrate p (lclIwa --"Lord Cecii 'i. O praeug borc a ; ~revivnilt, iiid drawilg orôàdia on Mondcay igitti. is a Vry nougman, or a )iàglc lir viustemper- aon acedic~liffiiûa feliiO; rikic 1)y an intçrprta(tinofif iipwhihi looke te àipaeeOOiBumIaâtlii of the pre- .sont aute of thiaE nga, bd iseaesîticii «Ovesua afai't%40 ~for DOQ, eOeîîticitisý ofainalnîr, if suai tire lie. This yiig »ýonltqi, wth a t*ow leuindid ficdi vorlie vitli uî(irioag- evo 1il ét mter ltobo Ilitl'one t iaathlé parties rIIIi jiai04of i0rtion. The commune èi(ir j Ditùbl*ovr-zoal, aiT over Éliidesa OfSPiO*Pb 1[t je a iaiili to uepptlit at u- iarpt1ionprioe of awuiprl b g aieae (ie tlaete&PP La b.gt lai White papier for ootieg.' 1 t in a Mitaki tappse tht h je prietd vithoit cost. it Jea iiake< o spoe 8 CnMtla e livie body by fait. attins Itl 0 ho esuppose ibid aSppeur je neut cortl buyieg *Lich 0htoig'aU VW C a eknow aid bliave ilriidY-s. b Itià,&lie istake to "Pmau inioey due for a apier was agond te PU'liiayir beneMIt jeHcw- Itin & asltake tue bolsaveat pitubuta. ,Us couid et be tbà,J f ihlIM ke do thein for îîbeciptin. WLy le p. mLes laeaaituow froula * hdY pOGOO Whou sua etrice jeu m<reeubYa actitevg of sei~-8 ira uâm e Igo the bait;j in'ttrsOf Pruleite, lut tbaeqhta e tJ]fusb-Lt rt? oa~gila bars ohigbu«T te ud aithe meIO<ie Wbeekla plant like abeçg ?--WIp id begla e fft, Ad Wouiit l aimêa 1 ?.Wb« tbqOs nto "L at tOaEf;et i0fUtheand Ld aa&Mtilay ptup 1a pagao-nhooticg- aýtlt(ie. E tin, IYise., Fricui, * Xrq Tath!y, caanseivi.alof (lai Germn Tiailgntlemeniand *& Tho f1birt ehçtvu nbirtei *ho bmight avti3BiLt55Lb!lsumeesîly. Mr. team imemod Seretry if the Bd1[goi supod "lli*ett Butait macli bfrdthrela) won the **pri.os Tlutcasgacdforslu BaUl Tlurmvwsu eutdt tliclBoutonu omata NeIsa evdays aga,aàTltie muicali guument, wchi temnea a virle ilr in dupe is aMu mbu,, ia .e a leauifal ird iibpr body i 6th e f-i siu. lauselis .Deit hop Ldbatr ti!.cnad *0 ow d& m Tue bsuuiiul , a *bd hu ow iEtuaiuid lion vrobeap w] IL SI'LEb Isistun. Ceila'5 lalalor. t., tsar- ais mitu to1y'5 a mfg Onlo. 19 i-yr. NoTlorouglefr!" Si Beet Quality 01 Howe's WC We u 'the ightl wi5i Lte 3Fl Valouv '-4 zlnd ¶tals t Lette: 10--.6r Ujio w.,ette 9 cm$ihei«- Tho HOWU MAC] ifi watt &'à, O!khi I()"OtDSte, Tadnos-,g T OR WHAR-S" W ANZf Wtb qut@ rsuig àaiL witiutlfortNema wiihzlwtrd iT.1tul le0àn haidt, TUE DEZ Wie BUILDýý -- fou o- &ndj«jt ut flit dmyouiiic ea àac blineIola .loTOIOUGIIPARB 'O 0-TLeal.l. Dotlihu Jahnielpia, il dimtaa- I fer ,Ilu, -.à f iitui ha triai (0 wsnij dar al hebrat io Ferncciom canilduthc MALOT'II oM rfr i Aid akie iihc.iiah MIttt____ iatad far end wtde fine pDry lieu. Tornoa.Dri. ilih. bt.186D.7A-W The. DecJker & (lompanY IVORY ACRAFFE BAR PIANO FORTES! dcuagUhed for Ibila tbiob.l'NlV QU7iqT&J FIRST PREUIVNS AWAIDES 9 4tithe Now York StâtiPair la lots,Mad ahsmerSb id chnivr eociliti. I The Deuter aid Cimozy Piaiiimos Wr alwaps reuuid the Piriipmn s, wimt ani'audini "bey baveicimpôed îtb ia the seltsaw mahoct lanibiuuumlny. Th* IVORLY AGRAFFE BAR lb d'fa i aiai, i ba a(aiî.tii i tiiiri l aici i ei ifu la tlh* ON COMPACTÂcReAVr r 12 VII!EDTzbl Iltc itisiuemapen ihe tose laatergidernIl imelumer iiiidraad mr*iaisarly bheait4.bgle tasl oOesnuuei ihai Sharp, asitet uaiy. hial- dgatu thteieateimmalori eitîm bato, Tha eeitieu rc of ttp if tt atelatad T &, i thbe ainsi roll"ta rrU4 " oatThe Daubai à coapani tnsy Amuis tir Paus Forobtji alaiuauriemycIud palt Bo i piiano-fii àN e. iu1iî2 isite SQ4coi. or li& S~ URGEON _ A li tl ls CURANsi P" - l 10 "j a De u 12,r~i ENDON'S CHIlNE OFFifE,- BOUSE BLOCK, WEST, TOIROWTO. ept. Prices from $15 ýto $150. SUJPPLIED- évned Sewing Machinéë AX 031AN GIBSONS-lA AT OLD '~q1 Laiug's Corner.o WhiLby, Marah 12, 1868. . 22 ]DUNJJAS S¶[RPIET, WHI¶E'y, Nearly opposite the nelv store of Messrs, Lowes - o~ wllere every tilîng in Ille Une, stiob as rgeea>narthe ae Oesriion ofent 01o Carrnages, Bug gies, Waggons, Cutters, jI.ACIBIENESaAre kept coîistantly on hand, anîd made to ordor. £ 4 Repairiug.;Ioue oni the Shorteèit Notide. Ruaeaner ho AND AT LOW PRICESÉ. W(LK , Ree e hplace' S. ýW I Y Whitby, MRay, 1867 S hue aoi~g asiini Lie i ~ ox! THE SINCER r efor orne, mîuogBoôt andi Ehoe Fitliage, antiadWN M OfTS wheadie li'eioftiidiewrl matt he retiicd whel__________PRIZ E ACO. Il e Içacoplets. and prfeit la, titi corîti. iore awsdedflthe iPiniumtlbitheiWind'a Falk WHOIS$THE LIAR NOW? l 1.,tPtplies t suite Fairs lu the Uniled Statua. EXTRAORD1NARY ETFECTS uta Iclbratti ttINOitRVi. WANZabtc AligOAgent ate the WiirbrntedMaicin.W. airciectheircc bilai uoicatan, t 0 aid Duriliti', perfeiioe of ()Ortien aid stiîptatl0 te iaataboidOnoo ter in pu itc Ma.1 aete if yodk, itemwon (ho nibe oiinoff ciu os id e intccy.i tPauu traii-.'The M.Icrs. Kitgour nt AIA HINS Iy THE MARK-ET. "YhW d..an, ncltdfnarîgthd ONE PILI. IN A DOSE. îitctSpn= iou bc.noa pPuaI tn the utSatlee, Bubiî,una idiiprings, OiT.t a .IlMaicoîineeib ilai Aiouiai)bchpaiys- uhe fal td ieu.y rarir ithe 01106. estoaf tuteurgivt'Ota "Yorisuligachinesiurenet brhonghitaon iai t ri lag tssala tflsihiai. (lamnma"se t s ui tter le îaî ONE PILIL IN A DOSE. ccgpuîlulith thiig Mc.hc i onal ingtcirsd cd irahar of maobitiitsiij.14-ami Puy tr.aina winb 51h(offau CII icr cI.igrvice Aitit l Ja oL1c Eibitioni, iraraiai Paeuiagafaitislid.trylabiBfJl~teiaiidONE PIIL IN 'A DOSE. -Ixicarsoieffoioty, 3t». C. 3gmlzDG»C>Ir, IM. A. COOLEY, iai. W.&n. AS. fio. 3, RSo laouse, glng Btoot ba caur -î il Lttea ad&7,997fin Pa*WîtA y-" ý Wu e r iite uini t,.and tate aut uer tbe habitiabet ý-e 1bi ontshtO e. oudprl»at, i riiifind.' k iON gen for Whitby.Dr liw uriRbrg mofs cou. Bruneau, par S. ieutin, aiuir - "0 ..a dom for me inli tiemPilb~~~la coVeita Vrie tli uceta ta the labo aait I se. oif îar ilta araii. *glc.ga,' JAo ltsas ie cia ai My aSu, Nu. a ________________________________ Tha,,,J=»ta. My bsadaih biotite Ru iei . Toronto. rad iet te kbai la pt,"b.hei t.n..w@eawr tei Aftu itae.dgtortuerfri il dltaebbe a iiitY' We un aardth i of yicnpilla ami mua, aid haîeaie rtreoarcftheo1piiaietatt i ailiair." alitlyicçiei, prîei Weiir vRMe ta i Waterloo, THE ONTARIO 4)Lt e i eiid maiflait ni I astre iai &&hba. epissvrn a-de sutoy fieilihad btut ubi.itvraibncuable Yi.r t.M a, îanittme. I rits» - aipeat ucmot lit la aiihi lo, ad lup husle ith ociinfiaut uvaatea Ct. ui Peal KRini, - 1 b D apoLte àaifflic pis.einmea c w dliiedetsnhtieic a buts ô. hadaaa t%1YY utatintyiih- 0 & SHO E T O R E mmWioîforatea>cdhInilaihaay riioni WLJ di'î jui i gso aifife i i pur pîb s aticicyb hor lae isiiné» bave sRlu hid iCtu sa g- avis h. 0 or Pillewbgiotayiwgo&nWOU ohorrgb a tr adgt ot asadliialte ait. J iÀlll(IyWatti ua& mok eaurirhnc a n h y dtavIlueiforaat aj.tbiS Il ltarlli srrlai.niaiIia * NORRIS BLACIK, 94 i es vîbou i ynir pilla. )AgenlIfor tbe statr.d Wua TresaiiuBeae listas sbr.mi a or sttaiv gd pila iituhbgr, 1 ingaSNteet Bai, Tiralt*, byW irlTrmn, Jan. 8, 'Sa.il O 1.r au Dta.f tb Kidelsa lLo>a î 'to gei your Boot8 and -'hoes! t 1-dmaOiwt.ia ~ M V44For Female Disease>!. oùhand and is £eIling theni very NreecieaPrearaot eneap. Arrivais V AT CR06 BY'S And buy your ÎLquors, etc RAIINS, ALMONDS, NUTS, &o., stiVrPricea thm ntai uy Sorein e own. Torkeyu, Geese, Poultry, and al kinde of Farnaîng produce taen 1in ai Casli Prices. H. lH. ao8ay. anSnd if piti- oÈiingraih.oTestaurnittf insi Msgglol pa l iib.c aad i etetiinoalodY ~iuttA'hbA ReD.Thy ara iB&sl']PIS a& SalY ,, ul ible i.the t c mAsislra lullvamiuneifautare, aid a mm SHSO U F r9rdiaeauus f the T1insa, Loi-gs, I ,Dcl.it«s- BRe*b* isoufeele Tsuei.ve 10» i gi a "iiuyA.ailii iscai h tai gigl iaa Dom.. seia pi nuiesim -a, Rasidl»ats -o - = 'i1gimaispiitialbe int i, au atdIy 00 (INTERPOI is B'Sf- Y uM aggirte na i tathliu aroaiviotdy bat& NgiBR tJ Suc, ltha tilîpauhlt toia li lb,1MQotr Lc Wh«t waz the- eec airh a oaci urhia netb is abava aime cf 3 J d. î ihitl"thepu iiifw liai ibmeof ilrig- mi b J. mial, X. D. Tht ga i aalum. ont w c=vmCoapuSlo h t. a terS .. Oh. li ainresidi ciiibabli pccdir V.Iiiluita'f Eseiesew.uOnmàCua1cttmi that tit i b atti.shhie du iirlio orlt Amine, mu, lof iae Ontiaio. f ,Y. ip- iMdla *cl <brleîpiUallàMe un thit of Jibu ut thgi ehîoied « iuandCamacls a ut iLivn ctuti, ibiaairli.Wbs imt. saudd arei. if Li 26 OTI& A BOX ()IR PO:T. huaitucab tiSu ir,Uaatibtr yeasoini te of uliîeah aniiOid iiouuitt' is"Fe AiiclesimzWSaiddnuauitu J.Jaydkki3. f %«ec cueibht he . lisiidbsad Wà FPi 11 lsc Etaet,-9cYo rkYcn. po"l'.11ait(ha.Di>'si- enaid 0 tiu a Piitieauii te fraiiy about ihéil e opWD44 o, f n tah..stitii c h. fîA aid reple awi te roaraid br hey ihiiu inlg uis, 510 U-Uh rif ME) Y and FII.LctMd #04 Ja"»" lu. 18.Pries of th* bed.y inLa .rPinta, 01 -- NrislFc" iy ia u iagris aid l>mlaunlamil TuisITffEJINT ON TM INClUSE .ubr-sÎcor miaiutUl anad AND Witclu NiittkLyuut, Mi- BauWs Rati3uraot Io b. Colmpareld unQfh te R u in ' I! RO A A MIN81U A WI CLARK'S GALLERY! 1 lut ~e5iOP FOR PHOTOGRAPHS. t mabaE.uu iaiaieh mmodet. 1.Arit . <a Idgig e *.i, . Lii -iPtuuaT m'aii WhIthySt.,t , ueo. . -ic rrood itssortmnlt of Ii ALL -n WOTUR ggics conistatîîtl11Ilon bpnd a ilio Best Material. Wr, RýNTI_1 D Jar attention paid to rep)airing. COMME RCIALA UNON ASSURANCE 'COMfPANY!1 CHIE F OFFICE, 19 CORN IIILL, LONDlON, E.C. Capital$12,500,OOO. Invested oVer $700OOO! of hi Coay t3e antrMcino oûue ntmon hrs Jpacportiaito te i c ria aed,diteac if beLie bo ud by ii n ou liM g ad iy q 7c h c-m aîi d=iaiapa aut1rîd by ,iirCmanriy, 800 P iPCIatisald cilreir-ý8 i r e usî mneuait diiudrag p.p ati 'îllold.q iaii- i a meniaat gaacanilud by7 oi* non ibi eaad 0f Asaiof ni-ag .,,Mesos. iLANL>, WATSON &_ Co., . Maîgie Dircuhiaid (lteat Agenta for the Dlieli o! 2IaaF, D COL rt s oi'r.q., T.Ç4. LiViNutiTOt, P.,L. .,Iapeiati ad(loglerai ioitiiti the Comaniy 11r the DO- .Prmesi iuai Iîlibav litae l t&gtomont if ilenne. Ail bau, îdjustid cithout aoi.g te Egiaad. AetMOnta*io..L)OVI P4111 BAN!KS. Jddti Office-Lietof the pJtOVINCIAL TELIKG, RA1>I1 OFICE, Wbîtby. ;No.i IS1 THE ýPLACB To buy your Cbritsmas &New Year's .GROCERIEi £~,IX&Cil Ra FIRANqCIB'Zp 9iHam laid ini a large andI genuine stock of everylîing re- qulred for fatnlly use. CaI.i and see bis Stock and note Frices jOSS 1UEOU"iNQ ELF3EWOUU Fresh, Oysters, Lobsters & Sardines Ra. PRANOIS, No. 1ion the Corner. Tihe unders1gnetl is now opüning tie Iargest aud mobtcu plete stock onf Frtsli FIA ILYGROCERJESà And ail otber aticles MIKB)ting te ithe Trade, at theo OId i ei4,«oei#»ie4y Mr. L. Il. 8&oield,tune door lirili eofBHamiltoen mabelygpmi e umk irMaodî wlL A , a iopldnid l ebtiuui of siCOOCtfY AND CHINA, GLASSWARE, &c. Diriee fretthDliaufnaaMe»,And bmeeted i b i'nWef swhiat intUe CtrY, juat t6earticAC& 0 suit the iuquireuenaofthecdia UnuetHia dsekere nd wtedchl le inaleid (e miii ai 8rieafat below the »Wa cobargeu. trr aël cmoburawill fmnd Ihgwsual biaduceuwtcuts £ CALL AMD LOOK @.VKRO R I j LUTs~, CaâhpaidW ay uatityofGd arBut, l l1 »khis of(Poduce taken L h iang fr Goods. T. I1AWLER. wI LItfj. out.1, 1 S7. Quai Dg.rli tk QI IiauïtmîCo Iwi ici là te4 t'Ti 1",

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